What is that?
Get out! Get out!
Don't let go!
- Move! - Come on! Go!
No, Johnny!
Guys? What are you doing?
Ben! Lift it higher!
I'll try.
Stay back, before you get somebody killed.
Oh, my God.
For more infomation >> Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 2 | CoolestClips 4K - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
🎮 Crazy Twins Baby House - Take Care of Naughty Baby - Fun Games Care & Play - Duration: 12:05.
🎮 Crazy Twins Baby House - Take Care of Naughty Baby - Fun Games Care & Play
3 Women Say TripAdvisor Blocked Their Posts About The Dangers Of Mexican Resorts | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 12:45.
2017 Primelink DAY 1 - Duration: 2:12.
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Kissing || Top 10 Reasons To Kiss - Duration: 3:33.
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Kissing || Top 10 Reasons To Kiss
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 3 | CoolestClips 4K - Duration: 2:59.
- Johnny. - This is Dolce.
Flame on!
Man, he's fast.
That is cool.
- Hey, taxi! - Oh, man!
Time to end this.
Can we talk?
Okay, you win.
Flame on! Come on!
Flame on!
Cocky Muslims Forcing Nasty Act On White Women 5 Mths After Somali Cop Gets Away With Killing One - Duration: 4:33.
Minnesota is rapidly becoming a Sharia Swamp thanks to the liberal politicians who keep
allowing Somali Muslims to invade the city at an alarming rate.
Muslim migrants in this city have attempted to set up Sharia zones in the past, and once
thriving American neighborhoods have now been completely transformed into cesspools of crime,
where white women are constantly threatened with rape and violence.
Ever since Justine Damond was gunned down in cold blood, the local Somali Muslim community
have grown excessively cocky, realizing that they can pretty much do whatever the hell
they want.
A favorite location for Muslims to torment the local populace as of late has become the
Mall of America.
Several weeks ago, Muslim psychopath Mahad Abdirahman went on a stabbing spree where
he tried knife two shoppers to death inside a Macy's dressing room.
Now another horrifying story is coming out of the very same mall, leaving many locals
wondering if this is now the new normal in the city that they used to be proud to call
Inside the Mall of America is a small theme park where people can take a break from shopping
and ride the Nickelodeon Universe attraction.
Amin Mohamed works as a ride attendant for the attraction, where his job is to ensure
that passengers are securely fastened to their seats for safety purposes.
Proving yet again that these people have zero intentions of assimilating into Western society,
Mohamed seized the opportunity to prey upon females several days ago who wanted to take
a ride on the roller coaster by sexually molesting them while they were confined to their seats.
According to Creeping Sharia:
A ride attendant at the Mall of America is accused of touching a woman between the legs
over the weekend as she was strapping into her seat.
Eighteen-year-old Amin Mohamed, of Minneapolis, is charged with fifth-degree criminal sexual
conduct, documents filed in Hennepin County show.
According to a criminal complaint, the victim told police that she was getting onto a Nickelodeon
Universe ride with her son when Mohamed touched her.
She said that he reached his hand between her legs, with the palm up and middle finger
In the complaint, investigators noted that the buckle on the seat is by the rider's
hip, "nowhere near" the groin area.
Police arrested Mohamed and booked him into jail.
If convicted of the criminal sexual conduct charge, he faces a maximum penalty of one
year behind bars and/or a fine of $3,000.
The Sharia Swamp that Minneapolis has been transformed into falls directly on the shoulders
of the city's Muslim-loving mayor, Betsy Hodges.
Following the death of white woman Justice Damond, who was killed by the very same Muslim
police officer that Hodges fast-tracked through the police academy, the Islam-pandering woman
has been on a war path against the local community.
She recently set up an anti-blasphemy hotline in her city so the Somali migrants could call
and report on anyone who "harassed" them or spoke negatively about Islam.
What's equally disturbing is that Minneapolis is becoming a hotbed for human trafficking.
Hundreds of women and children are disappearing off the streets at an alarming rate, with
74 abduction cases just this year, leaving the FBI and local authorities completely frazzled.
One man's eerie warning about the human trafficking epidemic went insanely viral last
month, garnering over 17 million views, after his wife and daughter were nearly abducted
at a local Minneapolis Target parking lot.
Nahar Ali says he frequently sees vehicles mysteriously parked at the back of dark parking
lots, where this pack of human traffickers go around town scouting for people to abduct.
"So I'm sitting here at the Target on Michigan avenue and Beck road and I think
it's important to do a little live video on it and bit of awareness because my wife
was here shopping the other day with my youngest daughter…. this human trafficking thing
has become very common for women and children shopping at grocery stores, department stores,
anything of that matter."
It's absolutely sickening what's going on right underneath our noses as liberals
keep advocating to bring more of these third world country savages in, as the startling
love affair between the left and radical Islam continues.
Muslim migrants continue to prove to us that they have no intentions of assimilating into
western society, and with these anti-American morons flooding cities at an unprecedented
rate, attacks on "infidels" will sadly become the new normal in places like Minneapolis.
Dr. Simpson Demonstrates What To Do When Someone Has A Heart Attack | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:17.
3 Tips to Better Manage Your Time | Watch to see how I use these 3 quick Time Management Tips - Duration: 2:19.
Hi Nick wood here and today I've got three quick tips to help you improve
your productivity and indeed your efficiency so tip 1 declutter
your desk just have the one thing that you're working on in front of you when
you're when you want to do your work there's nothing will make you more
easily distracted than having something else on your desk that you know or
there's part of you that thinks oh I really must just do that as well
declutter and to be honest switch your computer off don't get any distractions
from emails or Facebook that's we have a bonus tip there tip to user to-do list
most successful people I know used to do lists I live by to-do list and you know
you write down I don't care that it's 6:10 I've heard lots of different
versions but just write down the things that you need to do that day and order
them in their priority so give them an importance and the other great tip for
that is it's always better to do it the night before as opposed to during the
day or on the morning because you won't get distracted and the night before and
also you'll be in still in the work flow you'll still have it in your mind I
suppose the first thing in the morning you've got to get yourself back into
that into that frame of mind and you're going to get easily distracted and
finally tip 3 is be creative be creative with your time I still have hours in a
commute either on a train or in a car and that was dead time and I still have
to go to London quite Ricky so I still you know have to have that dead time but
I use it so I can either read a book or actually I tend to these days I normally
have an audible book or a podcast but I will listen to quite happily on a train
or even in a car journey and it just uses that time hey even if you don't
like audible books or podcasts you can stick a youtube video on you won't see
it but you can still teach yourself because you'll still hear it anyway I
hope that helps you and how you benefit from it and I'll go back with some more
tips later on in the week
Russia Investigation: What Will General Michael Flynn Be Able To Tell The Special Counsel? | TODAY - Duration: 3:16.
Meghan Markle Shows off "RING" in First Appearance With Fiancee Prince Harry | Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:28.
Men Markel shows offering in first appearance with harry
Megan Markel showed off her sparkling engagement ring as she posed alongside
Prince harry in their first public appearance since they announced their big news
The couple's engagement was announced earlier this morning by the Clarence house
The 33 year old royal and the US actress looked absolutely delighted as they posed for the cameras outside
Kensington Palace today Harry and Megan walked out of the palace together holding hands
Her husband-to-be on the other hand looked smart and sophisticated in a simple blue suit
The 36 year old said she was so very happy
Thank you to being gauged to the fifth in line to the throne and Harry said he was thrilled over
The moon adding very glad it's not raining as well
When asked how their proposal megan replied save that with harry adding that will come later?
And then when harry was asked when did he know she was the one he added the very first time we met
The newly engaged couple shared a cute laugh and smiled from ear to ear in front of the cameras as they walked out together
Harry designed the engagement ring which was made by cleveland company port jewelers and medalists to Her Majesty the Queen
Megan's dazzling ring features two outside stones which are diamonds from the personal collection belonging to Harry's late mom
Princess Diana
the bandless gold and the center is a diamond from Botswana a
Country that holds special significance for Harry who has visited many times since he was a child
Meanwhile the couple had been dating since last year and their engagement had been imminent for months and the much-anticipated
Engagement news was confirmed by the Prince of Wales in a brief statement issued by clearance house earlier this morning
The statement read His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry two M's
Megan Markel the wedding will take place in spring 2018
Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course
the couple will live in Nottingham, Khadija, Kensington Palace
Sleep: Zen Music For Deep Sleeping - Relaxation Music - Duration: 4:11:08.
Sleep: Zen Music For Deep Sleeping - Relaxation Music
Uma Thurman Breaks Her Silence And Speaks Out On Harvey Weinstein, 'Me Too' Movement | TODAY - Duration: 2:52.
Thousands celebrate biggest Burlington tree lighting ever - Duration: 1:02.
Middlebury Primelink Preview - Duration: 1:24.
Memoization - Duration: 3:38.
Hello again... after a long time. I'm Feregrino and I'll tell you about memoization.
Yes, memoization, not memorization.
Memoization is an optimization technique used in programming,
that basically consists in storing the results of previously executed functions
in order to not having to execute them again when we need them
in other words, let's say it is caching the results.
For example, take the Fibonacci sequence calculation
as we have seen in a previous video it is defined like this:
We have that Fibonacci of 0 and Fibonacci of 1 is equal to 1
While Fibonacci of n is defined as Fibonacci of n - 1
plus Fibonacci of n - 2
As you can see, for Fibonacci of 5
we reach a moment when we start
calculating values that we already have
And seeing in this way, we are calculating
only five different values
of all the 13 operations that in reality we are doing
So, what happens if after calculating a new value
for the first time, we store it in an array of some kind of memory
so that the next time we have to execute the function we check
if we already have that value calculated and avoid the execution, and all that comes with it
such as calls to other functions, maybe recursive or of other kind.
This works pretty well when the cost of executing a function is very high, and
this function has to be executed several times, therefore we would be
wasting computational resources when we could avoid doing it.
The memoization reduces the execution time of an algorithm at the expense of
the storing capacity; It means that there has to be a balance
and depending on what you're after and the environment where your algorithm is being executed,
you'll have to decide.
Memoization is beneficial when we talk about problems whose sub-solutions
are being constantly executed
For example the Fibonacci sequence, or other recursive algoritms.
Since with this we only have to calculate some values only a few times
because after calculation a new value we would be storing it.
When talking about implementation, there are some languages that enable you
to implement natively memoization. Whether it be using attributes or decorators or some other way
However, there are some others where
we have to implement it ourselves.
Take as an example the following code written in Python
it calculates the Fibonacci sequence
This first version is not using memoization
As you can see, it uses recurrences and gets executed several times
You can see how much it takes to run...
On the other hand, we can use the concept of memoization
in Python using a dictionary
For example, this code where
first we store the solutions for our
base case in a dictionary
then, in the function we check if the value already exists
and if it exist we simply return it.
And if it does not, we calculate it and store it.
So that for the subsequent calls we only need to check if we already have it on memory
and return it instead of calculating it again.
Moreover, memoization plays a major rol in the programming technique known
as dynamic programming. I'll be telling you about it in a future video.
So... have you used memoization before?
There are several problems where it can be used.
do you know some other problem where you can apply it?
If you do, leave it in the comments. I think it is interesting to know your point of view.
I hope this video was useful for you, and if it was
give it a Like and share it with someone else who could find it useful
Subscribe if you haven't already and I see you next time.
Homescapes Level 164 - How to complete Level 164 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:59.
Homescapes Level 164 - How to complete Level 164 on Homescapes
How to complete Level 164 on Homescapes
Homescapes Level 164
Homescapes how to complete level 164
Homescapes beat level 164
Vermont Hoop Home Opener - Duration: 2:20.
Bombshell Scandal Erupts On House Democrats — Taxpayer Money Discovered To Be Used To Pay For… - Duration: 4:17.
The Democrat house of cards continues to collapse in a very public way, with a curiously ironic
parallel to what has been happening to former House of Cards actor, Keven Spacey.
With many women and men finally opening up and coming forward with accusations, it appears
that no one is safe from the accusatory finger.
And they shouldn't be safe.
Creeps like Spacey, Weinstein, and others need to pay for their crimes.
And now there's another politician who owes the American people a solid explanation.
After several dust-ups earlier this year where Representative John Conyers made a public
spectacle of skipping Trump's inauguration, suing the president for foreign payments to
his campaign, and introducing legislation that would disallow the president from using
a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, Trump was called insensitive and disrespectful
to the "civil rights icon" and many Left-leaning papers demanded his apology.
Now, that same "civil rights icon" is being investigated for multiple ethics violations
by using taxpayer money to not only silence women he has sexually harassed, but to also
pay for flights for all of his girlfriends!
The Daily Wire:
A powerful Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee allegedly paid off a former female
staffer with taxpayer money after she claimed that he fired her for rejecting his sexual
The report from Buzzfeed News details numerous sexual allegations against Rep. John Conyers
(D-MI), who is the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives, including
allegations that he had staffers transport women they believed he was having affairs
with and used congressional resources to fly the women around.
BuzzFeed News reports:
Documents from the complaint obtained by BuzzFeed News include four signed affidavits, three
of which are notarized, from former staff members who allege that Conyers, the ranking
Democrat on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, repeatedly made sexual advances to female
staff that included requests for sexual favors, contacting and transporting other women with
whom they believed Conyers was having affairs, caressing their hands sexually, and rubbing
their legs and backs in public.
Four people involved with the case verified the documents are authentic.
And the documents also reveal the secret mechanism by which Congress has kept an unknown number
of sexual harassment allegations secret: A grinding, closely held process that left the
alleged victim feeling, she told BuzzFeed News, that she had no option other than to
stay quiet and accept a settlement offered to her.
In this case, one of Conyers' former employees was offered a settlement, in exchange for
her silence, that would be paid out of Conyers' taxpayer-funded office budget.
His office would "rehire" the woman as a "temporary employee" despite her being
directed not to come into the office or do any actual work, according to the document.
The complainant would receive a total payment of $27,111.75 over the three months, after
which point she would be removed from the payroll, according to the document.
Two staffers alleged in their signed affidavits that Conyers used congressional resources
to fly in women they believed he was having affairs with.
Another said she was tasked with driving women to and from Conyers' apartment and hotel
One of Conyers' former staffers said this story would not "do shit to him," adding
that the congressman is "untouchable."
Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed in a statement to BuzzFeed News that she did
not know anything regarding Conyers' sexual misconduct.
The sheer number of allegations that could come out of this story are jaw-dropping and
it's possible that we may see another member of Congress' career end on a very sour note.
I wonder how many Democrats and Leftists will now be calling for everyone to leave Conyers
alone, that his "distinguished" career as a "civil rights icon" should not be
sullied by these baseless allegations.
I wonder how many Democrats will soon be back to calling Trump disgusting and lacking in
propriety while Conyers possibly skates on acts that, if true, were misogynistic and
demeaning, to say the very least.
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