Look out! It's all of your favorite Nick Junior villains
♪ Watch out for the villainous crew ♪
♪ Girls, guys, puppies and a dragon too ♪
♪ They plot and sneak And they laugh and shriek ♪
♪ But Nick Junior villains Are so fun to love♪
♪ Zeta starts troubles with magic spells Bobgoblin socks have a horrible smell ♪
♪ Humdinger's kittens are out of control ♪
♪ Sweetie's gotta steal Anything that's gold ♪
♪ And Crusher will do Anything he can to win ♪
♪ But Nick Junior villains Are so fun to love ♪
♪ Just when it seems As if the villains will get away ♪
♪ The heroes come flying in Just in time to save the day ♪
You smell nice, boss.
♪ So watch out for the villain's crew Wherever they go it's a hullabaloo ♪
♪ They plot and sneak And they laugh and shriek ♪
♪ But Nick Junior villains Are so fun to love♪
You can find more music videos in the free Nick Junior app.
For more infomation >> 'Nick Jr. Villains' 🎩🎶 Music Mash-Up w/ PAW Patrol, Shimmer and Shine, Blaze, Bubble Guppies & More! - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Seasonably warm start to the week - Duration: 0:46.
How to install LED Strip Lights by cut connect and splice - Duration: 9:15.
just gonna simply cut right where that black line is and we're gonna make sure
we insert that right in there so there's corners that you can do which
is the L shape and you can also do the T shapes connected three different corners
together which we've done in plenty of places right here L shape T shape now I
don't know if you ladies are like me but I am inspired I feel like cutting all up
and putting them everywhere what do you think is a great idea
welcome to the home automation X Channel today we're going to show you exactly
how to install LED lighting and how to control it from your smart home I'm here
with Sheila and Cindy how are you guys today
wonderful wonderful now a great thing about this video is that we are going to
actually be following a long suit a similar one but it's different so what
we have done in a previous video is that we had soldered two wires together and I
have shown you how to do that now this is a take-off on that now as always if
you want to see previous content or be alerted of future content you're gonna
want to subscribe and how you do that is click on that bell icon up there and
make sure that you are alerted for future content so you can get the latest
and the greatest in this video we're going to cut the LED lighting and splice
around the corners and show you how to fit them under the cabinet so these
lights here were sent to us from lighting ever the features that includes
is it's working voltage as 12v are adaptable to just 100 to 240 there's 300
LED lights that come with it and it's also waterproof ip65 it's five meters
long and it comes with RGB color the life expectancy is 50,000 hours and it's
only 24 dollars these beautiful LED lights can be found on Amazon using a
link below as well as other connectors now speaking of connectors and speaking
of where to find them let's get started shall we we have them right here and I
want to show you what they look like so let's open the box without further adue
because I know you're excited to go in here I sure have okay so we got our dad
up there we go connectors we got our power we got the doohickey this is the
one that actually controls the color-changing aspect and here they are
pair this okay so these ones were brought locally now as you can see this
one is every four inches you have the cut lines and we're gonna zoom in just
to show you now that is every four inches this one is every six inches
again so it's a little longer and you know some people prefer more length let
me tell you size does matter this is every two inches it gets more precise
precise because if you're doing this under your cupboard your cabinet
anything you want to make sure that you don't have all of that excess hanging
off you want to be as precise and close to the point as you possibly can
that's why the two inch job is where it's at
alright so now we're gonna do a comparison of the different variations
in length this one here is our four inch as you can notice with the cut lines
every four inches this one here greater length every six inches and then for our
newbie on the block it's every two inches so as you can see here every two
inches and that is going to allow for an even more precise cut so now we have the
cutting ceremony this will allow us to move on to the connections so what we're
gonna do is we're just gonna cut along the cut lines here and voila not easy
here we are next stage so now we're going to be cutting in between the
letters and this light right over here I'm using an exacto knife you can also
use a box knife I can even use a steak knife here and just going to simply cut
right where that black line is
so now that we put a little slit in there we're gonna just peel it right off
so we have that there so we're grabbing our connectors which
I've already opened up we're gonna slide it right in here you'll see it fits
perfectly all right so then we snap that into place and now we can put in our L
shape here just for our corners slide that into place snap that in there so
now we got our second connector right here we're gonna slide that one and fit
it right in easy as that so what you want to make sure you do is there's the
letters written right here and it says plus twelve so you want to make sure the
plus twelve is running only on the top not at the bottom and we're gonna make
sure we insert that right in there there we go snap those two into place and
there we have it all right I'm excited I mean after all of our hard work let's
see if these are actually working what do you think of course and really it
wasn't that hard at all you know you can change it to red oh now I don't know if
you ladies are like me but I am inspired I feel like cutting all up and putting
them everywhere what do you think lovely great idea I'm getting a little super
happy it's amazing what scissors and sesterce
can do when they're very inspired and Iike what did we create here well
normally we wouldn't create a pattern like this but we're just having a little
bit of fun we just wanted to show you guys that there's different options that
you can do here so there's the corners that you can do which is the L shape and
you can also do the T shapes connect three different corners together which
we've done in plenty of places right here L shape T shape T shape you can see
it looks beautiful so those corner ones are also referred
to as the 90-degree angles which is pretty neat and as you can see it seems
like somebody's having a lot of fun so we can get creative with the routine and
we can even call on our friends to help us establish this with the z-wave and
connection to our phone or anything else let's see this in action shall we you
want to take it away Alexa turn off the strip lights okay Wow
so now let's turn the back on Alexa turn the strip's lights on okay now yet
another way to turn on and off our fabulous LED lights is through the
smartphone so we've actually configured it to the my home setting which you can
peruse on our links below we do have access to our previous videos where
we've shown you how to set that up and what you're gonna do is you're gonna
press on the off switch and that will actually turn off your device and now
I'm gonna turn it on just to show you how easy it is we have a set in the
garage which brightens everything up we also have an outdoor set under the
gazebo it's perfect to brighten up the area and to change the color depending
on our mood an inexpensive way to lighten up the party now you can
actually check out the description below on information on where to find these
thank you for watching this video be sure to LIKE subscribe and click
links below to get your very own LED lights and to shop around you want to
get these before Christmas is that right yes yes all right take care
Что делать, если потерял iPhone или не iPhone - Duration: 4:32.
Building Interplanetary Internet with 'Disruption Tolerant Networking' - Duration: 0:45.
Future interplanetary internet will extend our interconnected network into the solar system and beyond.
Spacecraft must communicate over great distances and do not always have a link available.
NASA leads the development of a technology, Disruption Tolerant Networking, to overcome these challenges.
No end-to-end connection necessary.
So, how does it work? Computers talk to each other via IP addresses.
If the connection is interrupted the data is lost and must be resent from the original source.
Disruption Tolerant Networking allows for interruption.
By storing data until the connection to the next hop is established.
This technology will benefit missions in Earth orbit and those traveling farther into space.
Learn more at nasa.gov/content/dtn
Mark Greenwood - dealing with criticism - Duration: 1:58.
This Drink Will Help You Lose 4kg and 16cm Waist in Just 4 Days, Don't Consume It More Than 4 Days! - Duration: 2:17.
This Drink Will Help You Lose 4kg and 16cm Waist in Just 4 Days
This Drink Will Help You Lose 4kg and 16cm Waist in Just 4 Days
This Drink Will Help You Lose 4kg and 16cm Waist in Just 4 Days
This Drink Will Help You Lose 4kg and 16cm Waist in Just 4 Days
Marvel's Runaways 1x04 Promo "Fifteen" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.
Cum se înlocuiesc rulmentul butucului roții din spate pe MERCEDES-BENZ C W204 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 34:28.
Use a socket №32
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use round-nose pliers
Use a socket №E10
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
VT sees more healthy Christmas trees despite New England drought - Duration: 1:21.
Who is Meghan Markle? Everything You Need to Know About Prince Harry's Fiancee | Breaking News Today - Duration: 4:38.
Who is megan marco?
Everything you need to know, about prince ares fiance
Megan marco will marry prince harry in a royal wedding in spring 2018 but, who was she
Miss marcal best known, for her role in the hit us tv series suits is an american actress
Humanitarian campaigner and former lifestyle blogger she
Rose to fame playing law student rachel, zane in the popular legal drama after ports in csi, miami
Sci-fi show fringe and movies such as remember, me and horrible bosses
Described in the press is sassy smart and vivacious the 36 year old californian is a star with a
social contents as
Well as being a global ambassador for world vision canada
She is committed to gender equality and empowering women through her work as a women's advocate for the un
Markel opened up about everything
From her charity work in rwanda and the importance of focusing less on glass slippers and more on pushing through glass ceilings to rear celebrity
Hairdresser in favorite body lotions in her own words she's an actress a writer the editor-in-chief of my
Lifestyle brand - teague a pretty good cook and a firm believer in handwritten notes in
What was seen as a son of marco getting ready to marry into the royals she brought an abrupt end to her blog in april
She removed all posts and closed the site posting a
Message that began after close to three beautiful years on this adventure with, you it's time to say
Goodbye to the teapot gave no explanation as to why she had made her decision
sharing her typical message of positivity
She urged her followers keep finding
Those cheek moments of discovery, keep laughing and taking risks, and keep being the change you wish to see in the world
Rachel megan marco, was born on august 4th
1981 to clinical therapist mother dory
Who, she describes his free-spirited and tv lighting director thomas who she calls the most hard-working father you can, imagine she
Grew up in los angeles and studied at. A, girl's roman catholic
Her parents divorced when she was six?
She, also worked at the us embassy in argentina and was a briefcase girl one of the models who hold the suitcases full of cash
On the us version of deal or no?
Deal marco first hit the screens in america when she featured in an episode of the medical drama general hospital in
2002 before moving on to roles in csi
90210 without a trace castle and as an fbi agent in this series fringe
She has already been married once before
In september 2011 she went film producer trevor engleson, after dating him for six
Years, but the pair divorced amicably less than two years later she
Starred in three major hollywood films get him to the greek remember, me and horrible bosses before landing
A, major role in the legal series suits in 2011 relocating your home to toronto canada, where the show. Is filmed she?
Also, worked at the us embassy in argentina and was a brief case girl one of the models who hold the suitcases full of cash
On the us version of deal or no?
Deal marco first hit the screens in america when she featured in an episode of the medical drama general hospital in
2002 before moving on to roles in csi
90210 without a trace castle and as an fbi agent in the series fringe
she has already been married once before in
September 2011 she went film producer trevor engleson, after dating him for six
Years, but the pair divorced amicably in less than two years later she
Starred in three major hollywood films get him to the greek remember, me and horrible bosses for landing a
Major, role in the legal series suits in 2011 relocating your home to toronto canada, where the show. Is filmed
She carried out charity work in rwanda for the clean water campaign in march 2016
She, also, went to afghanistan on a morale-boosting trip to show. Support for us troops ahead of the christmas holidays in 2014 in
2015 the then un secretary general ban ki-moon joined a standing ovation for marco after she made a speech on
International women's day as un women's advocate for women's leadership in political participation
Silver Surfer vs Galactus | Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007) CLIP 1 - Duration: 2:59.
You've gotta go.
Treasure each moment with her.
And tell her she was right.
We do have a choice.
Thought you could use a hand.
Oh, my God.
Why isn't it working?
We were too late.
I will no longer serve.
This is the end for us both.
Times Movie Props Were Actually REAL - Duration: 10:04.
Set design is an important aspect of filmmaking and for the most part, many of the props you
see on screen in your favorite movies are just that: props.
Things made in a warehouse somewhere by an underpaid intern.
Every now and again, though, sometimes filmmakers decide to just use the real thing.
Here are 10 of the most amusing examples.
The skeletons in Poltergeist
Towards the end of Poltergeist there's a scene where a lady falls into a muddy pool,
and is suddenly accosted by a bunch of spooky skeletons.
The scene is consistently rated as one of the scariest and most shocking in cinema,
in part, because of how realistic the decaying remnants of a human beings bobbing around
like Colgate-white apples, in the worst apple bobbing tank ever, look.
As it turns out, the skeletons you see in that scene are 100% real and were sourced
from, depending on who you ask, a nearby by medical college or some guy with a great hookup
on skeletons.
Oh, and the actress who fell into the pool had no idea.
Hilariously, the only reason the producers decided to use actual, real human skeletons
for that scene wasn't because they wanted it to look realistic but because the price
they were quoted by prop-makers to make some fake, rubber skeletons was too high.
Yes, it was cheaper for the producers to buy actual human remains than it was to pay someone,
somewhere to make some fake ones.
The horse's head from The Godfather
In the original treatment for the now iconic scene in The Godfather where a guy gets perhaps
the worst wake-up call ever courtesy of a decaying stallion's head nuzzling against
his chest, the horse's head was supposed to be fake.
In fact, the design team went as far as securing a prop horse head only to have director Francis
Ford Coppola tell them he didn't want to film the scene with it because he didn't
think it looked realistic enough.
Unsure of where the hell they could even get a slightly more realistic looking fake dead
horse's head, the production crew instead decided to just get a real one from a nearby
dog food factory.
As with the skeletons from Poltergeist, nobody bothered to tell the actor that the horse's
head was real so his reaction to seeing it for the first time is said to be 100% genuine.
The door from The Shining
Few moments in film are more iconic than the one in The Shining where Jack Nicholson shows
a door who's boss with an axe before sticking his head through it to terrify his wife with
a Johnny Carson reference.
That scene famously took several dozen tries to get right because the notoriously fickle
Stanley Kubrick wanted to get it just right.
One of the problems early in recording was that Jack Nicholson was simply too diesel,
and was able to cut through the prop door they had too quickly, removing all the tension
from the scene.
As it turns out, Nicholson had once briefly trained as a fire marshal and was all too
familiar with how to ruin a door's day with a fire axe.
As a result, Kubrick told his crew to use a real door to try and slow Nicholson down.
Even with a solid wooden door between him and his fictional wife, Nicholson's training
still saw him tearing through the door in seconds, forcing them to do even more takes
until he was suitably fatigued enough to get a take Kubrick was happy with.
The deer Tywin Lannister guts in Game of Thrones
Charles Dance is a terrifying man.
So terrifying, in fact, that it's rumored that the collective cast of Game of Thrones
refused to divulge spoilers in interviews purely because he frowned upon doing so.
For anyone who's currently sitting there thinking "Charles Dance isn't that scary,"
just remember that in addition to being 6-foot-3 inches tall, he also knows how to gut and
skin a living creature convincingly.
To explain, in the first season of Game of Thrones there's a scene in which Tywin Lannister
(played by Dance as if you didn't already know) is shown deftly gutting and skinning
a deer while casually chatting with another character.
That deer and the knife Dance was using were totally real and what's more, Dance only
had about an hour of training from a butcher on the day of filming before shooting the
In other words, Charles Dance learned how to skin an animal for an episode of Game of
Thrones in about the same length of time it takes to actually watch an episode of Game
of Thrones.
A bunch of guns in Lord of War
Lord of War is an almost painfully average Nic Cage vehicle in which the Ghost Rider
plays a charismatic arms dealer.
Filmed mostly in the Czech Republic, the nature of the film required production to somehow
come up with about 3,000 guns for one scene, as well as a few tanks.
According to director Andrew Niccol, it was actually cheaper to buy real Kalashnikovs
for the movie than it was to pay a prop-maker to make some fake ones.
Due to the film's budget, Niccol admitted that he then had to sell most of the guns
back to the original seller at a loss, rather than destroy them as he'd intended.
In his own words, "I wouldn't make a very good arms dealer."
As for the tanks seen in the film, they too were the real thing and were actually borrowed
from the same source, but could only be used for a few scenes because the seller wanted
to sell them to Libya.
A statue in Team America: World Police
There's a famous story about the production of Team America: World Police that goes something
like this: the film's opening scene, which shows a crudely made puppet being used by
another puppet, was included specifically to make Paramount executives think the directing
duo behind it had wasted all of their money when they first saw it.
According to some sources, as the duo predicted, upon seeing it for the first time a Paramount
executive stood up and screamed "Oh god, they f**ked us!"
Although the veracity of this story is debatable, we do know that Matt Stone and Trey Parker
wasted tremendous amounts of Paramount's money seemingly just because the could.
To this end they went out of their way to make some scenes look as intentionally crappy
as possible and included life-sized props in some scenes to throw off the sense of scale,
like that scene with a "panther" played by a small kitten.
Perhaps one of the most well-hidden examples of this occurs during the scene in which the
late Kim Jong-Il sings about how ronery he is, and he walks past a large statue of himself.
If you look very closely you'll see that the statue isn't a prop at all, but a person
painted with gold paint to look like a statue (you can see them blink in the brief moment
they're on screen).
The fire-shooting guitar in Mad Max: Fury Road
According to the director of the hit film Happy Feet, George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road
was about "90% practical effects."
Basically almost every cool thing you see happen on screen happened for real, mostly
as a result of Miller's dislike of CGI and love of practical effects.
Arguably the most radical example of this is the fire-spitting guitar played by the
Doof Warrior, which worked as both a guitar and a flame-thrower.
Hilariously, the Doof Warrior's axe initially didn't work as a guitar because the design
team figured the sound of it would be added in post production.
It wasn't until George Miller saw it and asked someone to plug it in that they realized
the director wanted it to work for real.
Guitar parts were quickly added to the prop and it was even wired up to the speakers on
the Doof Wagon (which also worked), allowing the man in the Doof Warrior suit, a musician
named iOTA, to play it while they shot his scenes.
A guitar in The Hateful Eight
Kurt Russell is the kind of actor who's built up so much goodwill over the years he
could pretty much get away with anything.
Which probably explains how he got away with destroying a priceless antique guitar on the
set of The Hateful Eight with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
For anyone who hasn't seen the film and is currently scratching their head, in the
film there's a scene where Russell's character destroys a guitar like the rockstar he is.
The script called for Russell to destroy a fake guitar because the guitar being played
in that scene was an antique Martin from the 1870s.
Russell apparently had no idea the guitar he grabbed was the real thing on loan from
a museum and smashed that up instead (watch Jennifer Jason Leigh's reaction; it's
100% real, because she knew how insanely valuable the guitar was).
As if that wasn't bad enough, the guitar wasn't properly insured and was so badly
damaged it couldn't be repaired.
Although the museum has since said they will no longer lend items to filmmakers, the fact
they can now display an antique guitar destroyed by Kurt Russell is probably a pretty good
consolation prize.
The wolves in The Grey
The Grey was a film advertised to us, the public, as 120 minutes of Brian Mills from
Taken punching some wolves to death, and ended up being a tense survival thriller.
We're not saying that the film is bad, per se, just that it's a little disappointing
that it's not the action-packed wolf-punching extravaganza we were promised by the trailer.
Fun fact: the director did film a scene where Liam Neeson fist-fights a wolf and never included
it on the DVD because he claimed audiences wouldn't want to see it.
Moving on, which is hard when what you're moving on from is Liam Neeson elbow dropping
a wolf, the film caused a minor controversy when Neeson admitted in an interview that
the film used several real wolf carcasses.
According to the director these carcasses were used in lieu of prop wolf bodies and
were sourced from a local trapper.
Neeson also revealed that he and the rest of the cast had some wolf stew made from one
of the carcasses to help them get into the right frame of mind.
Neeson would later say that most of the cast disliked the taste while he, being Irish and
thus used to stew, ended up going back for seconds.
Young Frankenstein used actual props from the original 1931 Frankenstein
This entry is a little different from the rest so you'll have to bear with us for
a moment.
Now, the film Young Frankenstein is a parody of the classic 1931 Frankenstein film and
follows the adventures of Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, the nephew of the original Dr. Victor Frankenstein.
Wanting to make his parody film look as close to the original as possible, director Mel
Brooks decided to try and track down Kenneth Strickfaden, the guy who'd made the props
for the 1931 movie, to see if he still had any of them lying around.
When Brooks found Strickfaden he revealed that he still had virtually the entire original
set from Frankenstein just sitting in his garage, not doing very much at all.
After a brief back and forth Strickfaden agreed to lend the props to Brooks, who in turn had
Fox cut Strickfaden a very generous check for his troubles.
So to sum up, the film Young Frankenstein – an homage to classic horror films and
a parody of the 1931 film Frankenstein – used the same exact set and props as the very movie
it was parodying.
If we'd written this article a week after the film Inception came out, this
is where we'd make a "prop-ception" joke.
Cartoon - Your Stories (Lyrics / Lyric video) (feat. Koit Toome) - Duration: 3:12.
Cartoon - Your Stories (feat. Koit Toome)
My head is heavy, let me lay it down
Into your lap, I will love to drown
I need the story I used to hear
To run on into and disappear
I won't lie down
And I won't oh -on't
I won't lie down
And I can't do this without you
I won't lie down
And I won't oh -on't
I won't lie down
And I can't do this without you
Your stories
They come from the heart
Glue me together
And tear me apart
Your stories
They come from the heart
Glue me together
And tear me apart
I won't lie down
And I won't oh -on't
I won't lie down
And I can't do this without you
I won't lie down
And I won't oh -on't
I won't lie down
And I can't do this without you
Your stories
They come from the heart
Glue me together
And tear me apart
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Learn the color with the MISCHIEVOUS HORSE - colorful candy - Duration: 3:52.
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JEEP Wrangler Review + my MODs preview with Madoka (TURN ON SUBS) - Duration: 13:02.
One of the best models
Выглядит круто!
This is articulation
Stop, that's not the end
5-seats sallon
What is this?
That's surf board
Hello, it's me Egor You are on my youtube channel LEGO Garage
Today we have a special guest
Привет, я Мадока
LEGO Technic designer from far Japan
Who design one the best LEGO Technic cars
And all his models have free building instructions
Link to his channel int he top right angle or in video desription below
Today, Madoka arrived to Russia, to annual LEGO Technic 4x4 competition held by LTR LUG
To take part in Moscow event and meet other builders and fans
We have a little time to make review of his newest model - JEEP Wrangler JK presented in 2017
Let's try to make it short, if possible)
Model is unique
This is JEEP, Iconic JEEP Wrangler. Famous as Land Cruiser, but with own charisma
And Madoka's version is one of the best made in LEGO
Unique design is recreated with minimum non-technic parts.
Original grille mesh, front lights and bonnet are well designed and instantly recognizable
Front top is removable
Openable rear door
Spare wheel on the door
Trunk have no floor, so it is useless in this version, but you can upgrade model
Openable doors, and they are also removable like in real life
This is unique detail of real Jeep Wrangler
This is light tubular doors, that are popular among real-life Jeep-fans, who use it for rock crawling
Such doors help drivers to control surface conditions on hard obstacles
But I prefer original version with doors
Openable bonnet with empty space under it
Model is equipped with front LED Lights
Suspension of LEGO model is not realistic, but unique
There is no spring shock absorbers here, but car have very wide axle articulation
More that models with 6,5 shocks
I will show suspension later
Madoka did some design variations
In instruction you can see different front bumpers
Now model is standing on 68 mm wheels instead 62 (like in instruction)
This wheel are rare and was used only шт 2 sets in far 90's
Now these 68 mm wheels are rare and expensive
Madoka designed model with 62 mm wheels
To say the truth, they are too small here, looks like bone stock
So, we added larger tires and did some modifications
So, Madoka, tell us about it
Это модификация моего Jeep Wrangler
Я поставил жти редкие колеса 68 мм вместо 62 мм
Кузов был поднят над рамой на 1 студ
Чтобы предотвратить касание колесами арок
Я также изменил шасси для большей стабильности
Теперь модель менее охотно заваливается на бок как раньше
сохраняя при этом хорошую артикуляцию мостов
Since Madoka deisgned it without 3 pin wheel holders
We can try to use this model with 3rd party tires
Madoka was glad with result, look yourself
This wheels are for RC models, cheap from chinese online shop
size is about 75 mm
To use this wheels, I increased central hole and glued small 12 teeth gear inside nut hole
You can see the result
Что ты думаешь Мадока?
Выглядит круто, особенно эти зубастые грунтозацепы
Короче нам обоим понравилось то что мы натворили
Американский стиль: чем больше колеса - тем круче)
And now Madoka will help me to remove the body and show chassis
To see suspension without shock absorbers
Помоги снять кузов с рамы пожалуйста
Battery block is right inside the cabin
And only one seat here
Model is short based, and place is very limited. So it is better to put battery closer to front, than in the back
That's for better weight distribution
And I don't recommend to do models with heavy back
This is unique chassis
With chinese wheels
no shock absorbers here
Axles can move only in opposite sides in relation to each other
this linkage system makes impossible to tilt both axles to one side
If one wheel goes up, another wheel on the same side goes down
Minus is that we cant compress both axle suspensions
That's kind of rotating axles, not suspended.
Such hard type suspension you can find on front loaders and other heavy construction tansport
For slow trial models it is not a big problem, even differentials in the axles
Thanks to wide articluation of axles: wheels can touch surface in even hardest situations
Since we have large wheels, we have to limit suspension travel using pins with balls here
Steering is based on linkage system, that is driven by small linear actuatro and M motor
M motor is connected to LA with gear up system using cluth gear
No auto centering system of course
I love that chassis is well weight balanced
For propulsion chassis have two L motors with 8:24 and 20:28 transmission gears
That's very strong! High torque transmission.
Differentials are good thing to keep transmission safe with such heavy torque
We lose some crawling perfromance
but increase maneuverability and safety
And we also have good suspension travel, as I said before
Drive wisely!
Итак, это все, верно?
Пока, пока
Don't move! Stay where you are!
Hello Zakhar!
What do you want to tell us?
About this car
This is JEEP Wrangler Unlimited with long wheelbase
What is the difference with Madoka's red?
It have strong front bumper with roll cage
Spare wheel cage holder
New cool wheels (again from RC)
LED lights on the roof
And also snorkel
Model also have tent, that can be used on picnic
Roof rack on the rood
With this thing!
what is this?
That's a surfboard
And hijack lift
There is also a can, with oil?
no, that's not BMW or VAG, this is gasoline.
Check this Madoks
Look at this Madoka, can you imagine shovel as jerry can handle?!
Suspension travel is not good as in red Jeep
Because the chassis is completely other!
It is the same as in Toyota Hilux
It is more realistic for me, with spring shocks
I use 6,5 soft shocks
I have 5 seats here, all doors removable
Rear seat is transformable
Steering system with servo motor
But I can't tell you all in thi video, may be later....
That's all for today, let's go to practice
Good bye, bye bye!
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