The Sun pumps out energy in all directions 24/7,
and Earth soaks in it every day.
Some of that energy gets absorbed--
by the oceans, the land, the atmosphere--
and some gets reflected back out into space.
How much stays and how much goes is a function of Earth's Energy Budget.
Almost all of Earth's energy comes from the Sun.
As sunlight heats the planet, the planet changes.
The most obvious transformations are with water.
Oceans soak up heat, warming the planet.
But warming water evaporates, which forms clouds.
Those clouds, in turn, reflect sunlight back into space, which cools the planet.
When the clouds dissipate, sunlight once again warms the water below....
...and the cycle continues.
Other areas of the world have similar cycles.
Polar ice caps, for example, reflect sunlight....
...while dark land surfaces soak it up.
Overall, the amount of energy leaving the planet is equal to the amount coming in,
and Earth's energy budget stays roughly in balance....
...and it's a delicate balance.
That's why NASA has missions designed to keep track of how much energy The Sun is putting out,
as well as missions designed to keep track of forces on Earth
that might alter how much heat the planet traps.
That energy balance isn't simply a scientific measurement,
but a description of one of the most fundamental conditions
for making our planet conducive for sustaining life.
For more infomation >> Earth's Energy Budget - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Chance 2x10 Promo "Especially If You Run Away" Season Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.
Noon Pet Of The Week: Raymond - Duration: 2:02.
Esta Perra Me Mordió 🐩😡🐶 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 15:15.
Çocuklar için eğlenceli eğitici çizgi animasyon videolar kinder surprıse for kids çizgi film izle - Duration: 4:05.
Can We Protect Astronauts From Radiation? Building An Artificial Magnetosphere - Duration: 12:53.
Space is our future, but space is also a deadly place, with poisonous radiation and an increased
risk of cancer.
We're protected here on Earth thanks to our planet's magnetosphere, but is there
a way to create an artificial magnetosphere and shield astronauts?
With over half a century of experience sending humans into space, we've learned quite a
bit about what it does to the human body.
The microgravity weakens the bones, reduces muscles and puts stress on the organs, but
this can be partly compensated by exercise.
Time spent in isolation or in close quarters with other astronauts can push people to the
breaking point.
But this isn't the first time we've learned to work in isolated and dangerous environments
with other people.
Being in space, away from the support of modern society requires that astronauts have the
skills, training and communication with Earth to deal with medical emergencies, hardware
failures, and the inevitable hostile xenomorphs, whether it's a stand up fight or another
bug hunt.
But there's one risk that's going to always be there when humans travel out into the Solar
System: radiation.
Powerful solar storms can kill astronauts in days, but even the ongoing background radiation
of the Universe is going to be increasing their risk of getting cancer, through their
entire lives.
We're protected here on Earth by our planet's magnetosphere; the magnetic shell that surrounds
our world, redirecting high-energy particles so they can't reach the surface.
Earth is protected, and so is Jupiter.
But good luck living down on the cloud tops of that gas giant.
Unfortunately, the outer space places where we'd really like to live: the Moon, Mars,
or rotating space stations in the Lagrange points, have no such protection.
This leads our imaginations to wonder, could we generate an artificial magnetosphere to
protect astronauts and space colonists?
Magnets keep photos and shopping lists stuck to my refrigerator.
How hard could it be?
There are three kinds of radiation that space travelers will need to be concerned about.
The first is galactic cosmic radiation, or GCR.
These are clouds of high-energy particles thought to come from supernovae.
They've been traveling for millions or even billions of years for the opportunity to smash
up your DNA.
Although the amount of this radiation is fairly low, the individual particles have incredibly
high energy, and can punch through existing spacecraft shielding.
And they can come from any direction in the sky.
When astronauts close their eyes, they see flashes of light; cosmic rays zapping through
their retinas.
The second kind is known as trapped radiation.
These are particles which have been trapped in a magnetic field, like the Earth's Van
Allen Belts, or Jupiter's magnetosphere.
Although this is a big problem when you're in the region, they don't extend far.
The third kind is energetic particles released by the Sun during solar storms.
These particles are lower energy, and spacecraft can provide shielding to protect astronauts.
You've probably heard the term "rads" for radiation exposure, but scientists now
use a term known as Sieverts, or milliSieverts for a thousandth of a Sievert.
In the short term, if you get half a Sievert of exposure, or 500 milliSieverts, then you'll
experience the symptoms of acute radiation poisoning.
We're talking fatigue, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and eventually… death.
Get a few Sieverts in one dose and death is the likely outcome.
But the radiation can also harm you over your lifetime.
For every additional Sievert you experience, you face a 5% increase in the risk of developing
cancer in the future.
NASA's policy is that an astronaut can't get more than a 3% increased risk of cancer,
as part of their career.
Any mission that would give an astronaut that kind of risk won't be approved.
Astronauts in low Earth orbit accumulate 10x the amount of radiation you get down on the
And astronauts beyond the Earth will experience 10x the radiation of a LEO mission.
During its flight to Mars, NASA's Curiosity Rover measured the amount of radiation dosage
it was experiencing through the trip.
According to the Radiation Assessment Detector instrument on board Curiosity, it experienced
an average of 1.8 milliSieverts of radiation per day during its voyage.
The majority were galactic cosmic rays, high energy particles from other stars in the Universe,
while only 5% of that came from the Sun, thanks to the lower activity of our star during this
According to NASA, it's like getting a full CT scan every five or six days.
But the bottom line is that for a human trip to Mars, lasting as much as a thousand days,
the risk of cancer goes beyond NASA's policies.
And for humans living on Mars and in space, a human will experience much worse, not to
mention lethal doses during powerful solar storms.
During the Apollo Era, NASA just sent astronauts quickly through the magnetosphere to minimize
their radiation dose from the trapped radiation surrounding the planet.
And they'll use the same technique for future missions out into deep space.
Beyond that, NASA looks at physically shielding astronauts.
The Orion Crew Capsule, for example, will be equipped with an instrument called the
Hybrid Electronic Radiation Assessor, or HERA.
It will give the astronauts a warning when there's an increase of solar radiation,
so they can protect themselves.
They'll have about an hour to create a temporary shield made from storage bags and supplies
on board Orion, and they could need to stay inside their homemade fort for up to 24 hours,
until the storm passes.
I'm sure you're thinking, let's just surround the spacecraft with an artificial
There we go, problem solved.
Of course, NASA has thought of this, and they've been struggling to implement this idea for
over 40 years.
Werner Von Braun designed a hypothetical spaceship containing a solenoid that would direct an
electric field to generate an artificial magnetosphere.
You've probably done this experiment in your school science class.
If you run electricity through a wire, it generates a magnetic field.
The more electricity you pump through the wire, the stronger the field - this is called
an electric dipole.
The problem is that the strength of a magnetic field produced by an electric dipole drops
by the inverse of the cube of the distance.
In other words, the bigger the field, the more energy you need.
And that gets expensive fast.
But in the last few decades, amazing new materials called superconductors have been developed,
providing a way that electricity can move through a material with almost no energy loss.
They work best at cold temperatures, and space is generally pretty cold.
In theory, using a superconducting wire, it should be possible to generate a powerful
enough magnetic field using only a few dozen kilowatts of power.
That's a lot, but within the energy budget of a spacecraft.
Back in 2011, NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts group awarded a contract to Advanced
Magnet Lab for the development of an artificial magnetosphere.
They proposed surrounding a spacecraft with expandable superconducting coils.
Once charged up, the magnetic coils would expand around the spacecraft, protecting it
from the various forms of radiation.
In the end, the team concluded that although this technology is feasible, it's not ready.
The state of the art in superconducting materials weren't light enough to provide better protection
over passive shielding.
In other words, it's still better to just go with surrounding yourselves with your own
food, water and other supplies than to try and generate an artificial magnetic field.
The European Space Agency thinks it's on track to develop an artificial magnetosphere
thanks to a collaboration with CERN.
If anyone knows how to direct charged particles, it'll be the folks operating the Large Hadron
They worked on the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield project, also known
as SR2S.
It used a superconducting wire made of magnesium diboride coiled up.
By running electricity through the coil, it should be capable of producing a magnetic
field 3,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, providing a bubble of magnetic
safety 10-metres across.
This would allow the astronauts to be inside the spaceship or even perform spacewalks outside,
within the protective bubble, all the while protected from space radiation.
We last heard a flurry of announcements about this technology in 2015.
I reached out to the director of the project, Dr. Roberto Battiston, who is also the director
of the Italian Space Agency.
According to Dr. Battiston, the experiments went well, and the next step is investigate
higher temperature superconductors.
But nothing that's ready to protect astronauts.
Instead of just protecting a single spaceship, though, what if you could protect an entire
At the recent Planetary Science Division meeting, held in Washington DC, a team of researchers
proposed a pretty clever way to protect Mars from solar radiation.
Instead of trying to surround the planet in some kind of artificial magnetosphere, they
suggested that you could get the same effect by positioning a smaller shield at the Sun-Mars
L1 Lagrange point.
This is a point in between the Sun and Mars where very little fuel is needed to keep a
spacecraft in place.
With the right electric charge on the shielding spacecraft, it would generate an artificial
magnetosphere that blocks the radiation that would reach Mars.
Imagine a rock in a river with a calm trail behind it.
It gets even better, this trail would block the solar wind from reaching Mars, which blasted
away its atmosphere into space over billions of years.
With this shield in place, volcanic outgassing would naturally thicken the density of the
atmosphere, and increase temperatures on Mars by an average of 4-degrees Celsius.
This would be enough to melt the carbon dioxide polar caps, contributing to a greenhouse effect,
warming the planet even more.
Future Mars colonists would enjoy the decreased solar radiation and the steadily thickening
atmosphere on the Red Planet.
Unfortunately, this technology would only protect against solar radiation, it wouldn't
help against the galactic cosmic radiation.
In a moment, I'm going to talk about a cool proposal that would create an artificial magnetosphere
on the surface of Mars, but first I'd like to thank:
Jordan Barnes Sindre Svendby
Ammon Carlson
And the rest of our 813 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to
Although the L1 shield will protect Lunar or Martian colonists from solar radiation,
it doesn't help with the galactic cosmic radiation.
In order to protect against that threat, a researcher from Italy named Marco Peroni has
developed a solution: planting a huge wire donut into the ground and running electricity
through it.
He proposes building a huge solenoid, or "doughnut" that would be embedded in the bedrock of the
Moon or Mars.
Although the full solenoid would be up to a kilometer below the surface, part of the
ring would pass above ground, providing a protected area for the colony.
The solenoid would consist of huge cables that would pass an electrical current, and
by doing so, generate a powerful magnetic field that protects the colony from both cosmic
and solar radiation.
The cables would also provide the structure for the roof of the colony for a micrometeorite
shield, which would block a view straight up, but would be open to space on the sides.
Below this protective shield, the actual colony would be housed in smaller domes, fully protected
from the radiation coming from space.
It would be an enormous undertaking, but once completed, would give colonists a safe place
to live and work on the surface of another world.
Although it sounds like an easy enough idea, the task of creating an artificial magnetic
field is actually quite challenging.
It requires advances in harnessing superconducting materials.
It could still be a long time before anyone cracks this, so that a future astronaut commander
can just say "shields up" when a solar storm is passing by.
How do you feel about the risks.
Would you be willing to increase your chances of getting cancer if it meant being one of
the first humans to go to Mars?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Time for a playlist, all about space radiation and how we can protect ourselves from it when
we journey beyond Earth.
Marco Durante talks about the dangers of space radiation and what can be done about it.
Curious Droid talks about Deep Space Travel and space radiation.
Dr. Ian O'Neill talks about a space shield.
A longer lecture from NASA about space habitats and radiation protection.
Finally Bill Nye and Mike Massimo talk about space radiation and electromagnetic shields.
Letter School handwriting LowerCase D'Nealian a b c d e f g h i letters Orange gameplay apps 4kids - Duration: 4:30.
Letter School handwriting LowerCase D'Nealian a b c d e f g h i letters Orange gameplay apps 4kids
Independent News 30 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 14:55.
Independent News 30 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
New Indominus Rex vs Hybrid Indominus Rex and T Rex In Catch The Fox Goliath Games Unboxing Review - Duration: 9:27.
Oh guys keep watching and both indominus rex is in the t-rex play the new quiet
New Goliath Games Indominus Rex vs Hybrid Indominus Rex and T Rex In Catch The Fox Unboxing Review #WDToysForPeace
gingka pitched the fox saved the flock and stuffed the fox who says roll the
die to see how many chickens do steal place the chickens in his pocket press
his head once watch out the Fox may lose his pants at any moment when he loses
his pants it's time to rescue the chicken Court them quickly and fill up
your chicken coop do it Wow let's go ahead and see what was in here awesome
Fox bunch of little chickens to put together and like some boring pieces
also going okay guys let's get started no
cheating me I would never cheat okay
it's the first thing we gotta do get mr. box here pull his pants out and put them
on okay and whatever one of us makes the best hockey noises okay now we need
names I am mighty mighty Tyr a hybrid so the objective is to roll the dice of how
many chickens you could put into the Foxes pocket every time you take a turn
you push his head and when his bigots fall down all the chickens come out you
put them into the chicken coops whoever fills up their coop first is the winner
yay let's go forth okay Rex go
Rexie data - so put two chickens into the pockets
then push the fox's head Oh
next mr. hybrid
Rexie his next go for at Rexy okay Rexy got chicken Rexy now it's your turn
Rex got
one tricky push the fox's head
Piper it you're next okay here go time bread every got a one
so one chicken into the pocket oh okay and dominus you are next
Dominus got one chicken
okay mr. Rex your turn win it I'm gonna win
oh he got to he's gonna push the fox's head Oh
Dominus your turn goes nothing one chickens in the pocket quick grab
the chickens
okay let's see did anybody win mr. hybrids go three dumbness s2o Rex is the
winner the winner no you don't call me a cheater quick let's see Trixie
oh no they're eating Rexy oh this is terrible Flo they ate Rexy who's awesome
let's see what happens when all the chickens are in the pocket
master chickens everywhere who kidding guys before the dinosaurs play catch the
Fox Goliath the game sent me this huge box full of awesome games we're gonna go
ahead and take a look at each one of these after the dinosaurs play pitch to
block okay so we're gonna take a look at catch the Fox and then they sent me fish
food beat the fish to get rid of food cards and they sent me the brand new
doggy Doo game they sent me shark bite snack the fish and people finally they
sent me their original mister fucking cool so we'll take a look at all these
games once the dinos are done playing wow guys
that was awesome did you enjoy the indominus rex is in
the t-rex playing catch the Fox did go ahead and tell me in the comment section
down below also let me know what other games or toys you want to see reviewed
because I do take suggestions guys and they are a lot of fun so stay tuned for
the end of this video for a possum playlist with a lot more fun video you
guys are totally awesome and I will see you
click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell
button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a
lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the
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avengers infinity war story in hindi अवेंजर्स इंफिनिटी वॉर की कहानी 2017 2018 - Duration: 0:53.
avengers infinity war story in hindi अवेंजर्स इंफिनिटी वॉर की कहानी 2017 2018
메이웨더 맥그리거 중계 재산|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:13.
BREAKING: Top Democrats Sued For Fraud, It's Bad - Duration: 3:49.
Two Democrats have been accused of swindling investors out of their money.
According to Politico, Chinese investors contend that two Democrats swindled them out of their
money as part of an immigration scam.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D), and Hillary Clinton's brother, Anthony Rodham,
are being sued for the more than $17 million.
The lawsuit was filed by 32 Chinese citizens who claim Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodham defrauded
them out of $560,000 each and for advancing falsehoods that have put these 32 individuals
in hot water with the Department of Homeland Security.
Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodham are strong advocates for the manufacturing of electric cars in
the US and are tied to many different ventures geared toward this goal.
Supposedly they convinced these 32 Chinese citizens to invest their money in a company
called Greentech.
A program exists in the United States called EB-5 that permits green card applicants to
be streamlined through the residency process if their investments create a certain number
of US jobs.
The two Democrats assured the Chinese nationals that their investment of $560,000 a piece
would create more than enough jobs with Greentech that would permit them residency.
Instead, the Department of Homeland Security determined that the investments didn't generate
enough jobs and none of the 32 citizens would qualify for green cards through the program.
Now, these individuals are facing deportation and Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodham seemed to
have profited from their false promises.
Arguing that Greentech is a politically connected company, given Mr. Rodham's involvement,
the lawsuit filed by the Chinese citizens states: "Defendants milked these connections
in marketing materials.
Defendants exploited those relationships to assure investors of both the success of the
company and their ability to obtain U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ("USCIS") approval
of the visa applications."
Crystal Carson, a spokeswoman for Mr. McAuliffe, rejected the allegations and claimed it was
nothing more than a political stunt by conservatives: "We strongly reject this baseless suit which
has no merit whatsoever.
The claims, which regurgitate old political attacks regarding a company that Governor
McAuliffe left five years ago, were brought by a lawyer with conservative ties.
We are confident it will be dismissed."
Mr. McAuliffe used the formation of Greentech as leverage to kickstart his run for Governor
of Virginia.
Almost immediately after the factory opened for production in 2012 it ran into significant
Delayed production and a peak hiring of 143 employees, significantly fewer than the 350
that were promised by advocates like Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodham, caused the company to fail.
Also suspicious was that shortly after launching the company Mr. McAuliffe stepped down as
chairman and sold all of his shares.
Two years later he was sworn in as Governor of Virginia while Greentech was still struggling,
it closed down January of this year.
In addition to this latest scandal, Mr. McAuliffe stated that he was under investigation by
the FBI last year for various business dealings with foreign nationals.
Whether Greentech was a part of that investigation is unknown.
It is also unknown whether the investigations into his dealings are still ongoing.
The fate of these 32 Chinse citizens is unknown, given the failure of their investments through
Greentech it's more than likely that they will be deported.
Whether they will see justice for the misrepresentation by Mr. Rodham and Mr. McAuliffe that cost
them more than $17 million remains to be seen.
BREAKING: Nightmare North Korea Scenario Confirmed, It's Happening - Duration: 3:57.
Tensions with North Korea have ramped up since President Trump made it clear he would not
accept their nuclear activities or threats against the United States.
Months have gone by with plenty of threats from North Korea, but no missile activity
— until Monday.
In a television broadcast, North Korea's state media announced that the country had
successfully launched their most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
into Japanese waters.
As CNN reported, the missile has the capability to hit anywhere on US mainland.
The launch was directly ordered by Kim Jong-un, ending the nation's two-month missile testing
The missile was reportedly topped with a "super-large heavy warhead" and deemed the "Hwasong-15"
The Hwasong-15 achieved the highest altitude of any North Korean missile, and was described
as the country's "most powerful ICBM."
The missile achieved a height of 4,000-4,500 kilometers and traveled a distance of 950
It spent 53 minutes in the air before landing 210 kilometers west of Aomori Prefecture in
Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone.
It was followed by a threat to the United States.
"Before we can engage in diplomacy with the Trump administration, we want to send
a clear message that the DPRK has a reliable defensive and offensive capability to counter
any aggression from the United States," the North Korean official said.
President Trump told reporters at the White House, "We will take care of it."
Defense Secretary James Mattis spoke from the Roosevelt Room in the White House, where
he said the missile traveled "higher, frankly, than any previous shot they have taken"
and displays North Korea's capability to strike "everywhere in the world basically."
Mr. Mattis added, "The bottom line is, it's a continued effort to build a threat — a
ballistic missile threat that endangers world peace, regional peace and certainly the United
The missile traveled in an arc but had it traveled on a standard trajectory, it could
have achieved a distance of 13,000 kilometers — 8,100 miles.
Scientists concur that the missile could reach anywhere in the continental United States.
Adam Mount, of the Federation of American Scientists, stated: "Today's test proves
that Pyongyang still feels able to test at will."
He added that US actions have not deterred North Korean missile tests, and warned that
the Trump administration "has to get serious about deterring an atmospheric nuclear test."
An official White House press release this morning noted that President Trump made a
call to Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding North Korea's missile launch.
The statement read: "President Trump underscored the determination of the United States to
defend ourselves and our allies from the growing threat posed by the North Korean regime.
President Trump emphasized the need for China to use all available levers to convince North
Korea to end its provocations and return to the path of denuclearization."
Another press release noted another call between President Trump and South Korean President,
Moon Jae-in.
"Both leaders underscored the grave threat that North Korea's latest provocation poses
not only to the United States and the Republic of Korea, but to the entire world.
President Trump and President Moon reaffirmed their strong condemnation of North Korea's
reckless campaign to advance its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, noting that these
weapons only serve to undermine North Korea's security and deepen its diplomatic and economic
Hopefully, US relations with China and South Korea can put some pressure on North Korea.
North Korea's missile launch, coupled with repeated threats against the US, show that
they have no intention of a peaceful relationship with the US.
Tensions can only build for so long before it escalates into something dangerous.
storytime: prank gone wrong! - Duration: 10:25.
So today guys
I'm going to be telling you the story you've been waiting for since the Halloween tag and that is the best
Worst prank I ever did and a prank that went terribly terribly wrong
So I'm gonna give you guys some background details at first about the area where we were yada, yada
And then we'll jump right into the story
So there's this place in Missouri called Lost Valley Lake it's like a small little country
resort where you can choose to stay in a tent a trailer a
Condo or a villa and they have a whole bunch of different cool things there like they have a link that you can
Fish and boat on they have a Sports Arena
They have horseback riding Yatta Yatta
Whole bunch of little fun stuff and this has always been like a to go vacation
Spot for my family for years now in fact
we're members of lost money lake so we have like a membership pass where we can go for discounted prices all the time and we
Can get special little things oh that jazz
So my mom decided that this trip to Las BioLite was going to be like a best friend's getaway weekend
Where each of us my sisters and I could bring a best friend up there and?
My cousin and one of his friends were gonna be there for the first night also
So naturally because there's boys and girls and we were much younger
I don't even know if I was in high school yet in fact
I'm pretty sure I was in middle school, but so one trailer was for the boys
And then my cousin's mom and the other trailer was for my mom all of us daughters
And then all of our friends
But the boys had to leave after one night
because there was some church thing going on and so my mom my best friend and I decided to move to the boys trailer and
My best friend and I will call her Bailey in this video. We moved there for a reason
I had told my sisters that you know oh
We're moving because you guys were loud the other night whenever we were trying to sleep
but in reality
We moved because we wanted to pull a prank on my sisters and their friends so that night when sisters and their best friends were
Like playing games around the kitchen table having a good laugh yada-yada while Bailey and I were sitting at our kitchen table
literally making
blueprints of his pray we were gonna pull we decided we wanted to do like a
Murderer is coming to get you or an intruder is gonna get in your trailer
Type of prank vibe which is so terrible looking back on it, so we decided that like every five or 10 minutes
We would go up to their trailer jiggle doorknobs hit the siding do whatever we could to creep out
My sisters and their friends into thinking
that there was someone trying to get them so during our first couple attempts where Bailey and I went up there and mess with the
Trailer I could hear my sister's saying like oh, it's just Bailey and Morgan like it's not that big of a deal
They're just trying to play a prank as you know I've done in the past so this went on for about 30 minutes
And my sisters and their friends still weren't falling for it so Bailey and I were like okay
We need to make a big bang. We need to make a last final attempt
That is gonna scare them out of their mind
Okay, okay, so we go back to our trailer my mom is now asleep
And she said it was okay to do the prank, but you know not to be too crazy or whatever which
Messed that one up story mom so Bailey and I were like okay this time what we're gonna
Do is we're gonna try to like actually get into the doors that were locked we're gonna hit the siding of the trailer really really
Hard and then I was gonna hit the window if you guys think about the Titanic. There's that scene where Jack and Rose are
Having a good time and one of the cars and then like the hand hits the window
And it goes down well that happens in horror movies too like a hand will hit the window and then like fall down or whatever
You know it's a scary thing that can happen. I could kind of start. Also you and so
Billy and I are ready to go we were super excited. We're like okay
Now is the time so we run up to the trailer we start hitting things jiggling door knobs
But like actually like pushing against the door hitting the siding super hard
And then it was time for the big finale of me hitting the window while Bailey is still like hitting the siding and then
The moment I hit my hand the glass it
everywhere the moment that it shatters you literally see everyone in the trailer drop down to the floor and
It was so scary. I didn't know that I have that strength. I didn't know that that was going to happen so
Naturally the girls inside the trailer were spooked but also Bailey
And I were kind of freaked out like we didn't know what to do
I had never had this happen before I had never broken anything like this before and so instead of shouting to the girls
It's just a prank sorry Bailey, and I run away in fact
I'm pretty sure Bailey even peed her pants because she was still scared
I'm not exactly sure but I faintly remember that and as Bailey and I ran away
There was an apple thrown at me like what is the girl's arm inside the trailer threw an apple at me
And I'm just like what the hell so anyway we went into our trailer and for 10 minutes Bailey
And I were trying to wake up my mom and explain what happened
But at the same time the girls in the other trailer. Don't know that this is just a prank
They still think that there are someone trying to get them
They have to protect themselves
So in a daze my mom finally starts to realize
What we were telling her and how we shattered a window, and how the girls are so scared
But we also were like yeah, we didn't tell him was a prank yet, and she was like what don't tell them
It's a prank, but they're probably scared to death and so Billy and I were like
Yikes yikes yikes yikes
so in the shame the
worst walk of shame
I've ever done Bailey and I walk up to the other girl's trailer
And we knock at first nobody
Answers because of course they probably thought it was still someone trying to get in but luckily my mom had like the other key
So we had locked the door and we walked in and all of the girls were still under the table
I felt so bad
And then I say so I'm editing this voiceover in because I realized and forgot an important detail and that is
Whenever Bailey and I first walked in we asked the girls. Oh my gosh
Did you guys hear that?
Bailey and I were pretending like there was still someone trying to break in and that we weren't the ones pranking them
So of course they answered and were like yeah our window was shattered someone was trying to get us, and that's whenever I said
That was me
delvis Bailey
And I and it was a prank gone terribly wrong
And I'm so sorry, and I just saw like their faces
just fill up with disappointment I
Could tell they were like
And then my youngest sister Emma her best friend was like well
Thank God you guys told us because Emma almost called 9-1-1
And I was like
What she wants call me up
Now lost my like itself has its own security there
But the problem is is that it's a country resort
Meaning country as in no self service so apparently my sister tried to call security look 10 to 12 times
Over and over and over and over and over again, but of course the calls never went through so my sister was like well
Why don't I call 911? I read the text that she had sent me explaining what had happened, okay?
So this is a text that I'm reading from my sister from her side of the story
She's the one that would did my makeup the blind makeovers and also reacted to my old videos. That's Emma
She's great anyway
So she said I was the one who threw the Apple (update, it was actually Shana, my other sister's best friend) because I thought you were an intruder
That was going to hurt us
I was the one who called security multiple times and at the time my best friend was also with us
And I typed in 91 and she took the phone from me and said Emma
What if it's not what we think it is so my youngest sister?
Her best friend who is also one of the youngest in the group was the one who is smart enough and like
Rationalized that maybe this isn't an intruder you know what I mean, so thank God for my sister's best friend
Then my sister said the entire time I thought I was gonna die because I was the one right next to the window and it
shattered in my ear
So naturally I flipped out Oh God
My other sister texted I was thinking I was gonna get taken advantage of because I'm beautiful
Whitney that's my older sister. She's hilarious
so anyway, yeah
My sister tried to call 9-1-1
luckily her best friend was like what if it's not what we think don't do that and then we just
Happened to walk in just the right time where we were like hey. This is a prank don't hate us
Oh, and now looking back on it. It's funny
It's hilarious like the girls who were the ones that were trapped in the trailer were like you know
Spooked it first, but now we can all laugh at ourselves and be like yeah, we were kids
What a dumb prank also one of the funniest things was that we were laughing about it the next day so I decided
I wanted to take his souvenir home, so I took one of the pieces of glass from the window
And I still have it to this day
I don't have it here at college with me because I didn't want to bring my gigantic jewelry box
But I'll have to like show you guys one day in the future
Maybe one of my vlogs like if I go home I might blog that trip
and then I can show you the little
Shard of glass that is still in my jewelry box
From the time that I shattered a window with my hand and scared my sisters and their friends to death
But anyway that is it for this video. I really hope you guys enjoyed it
It's one of the more crazier memories that I have of my family and it's super hilarious
But that is it so don't forget to leave a like on this video
And I comment down below because I always respond to comments don't forget to
This video and subscribe to my channel and hit the little bill notification thingy if you want, but that is it it
I will see you guys soon. Bye
BREAKING: MASSIVE Gun Confiscation Underway In THIS State After Sneaky Loophole Libs Found - Duration: 4:06.
Police in Hawaii have sent medical marijuana users a letter ordering them to "voluntarily
surrender" their firearms and ammunition.
Yeah, let that sink in.
The letters, signed by Honolulu Police Chief Susan Ballard, inform patients that they have
30 days upon receipt of the letter to transfer ownership or turn in their firearms and ammunition
to the Honolulu Police, Leafly reported.
What in the hell is going on?
Pretty clever way to disarm Americans, eh?
Freaking liberal assholes.
According to federal law, patients who use medical marijuana are not allowed to own a
Federal law applies even in states that allow the medicinal or recreational use of the drug,
TheBlaze reports.
The existence of the notices, first reported early today by Russ Belville at The Marijuana
Agenda podcast, was confirmed to Leafly News this afternoon by the Honolulu Police Department.
The startling order comes just three months after the state's first medical marijuana
dispensary opened in Hawaii's capital city.
In 2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued an open letter to federal
firearm licensees stating there are no exceptions to gun laws whether a particular state passes
cannabis legalization laws or not.
According to the ATF letter:
Any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her State has
passed legislation authorizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes, is an unlawful user
of or addicted to a controlled substance, and is prohibited by Federal law from possessing
firearms and ammunition.
Curiously, HRS 134-7(a) makes no specific mention of a person's medical marijuana
It's a blanket statement about federal law:
134-7(a) No person who is a fugitive from justice or is a person prohibited from possessing
firearms or ammunition under federal law shall own, possess, or control any firearm or ammunition
So in reality this is all a bunch of LIBERAL SHIT!
Twenty-nine states have passed laws making it legal to use cannabis for medical or recreational
California was the first to allow lawful use for medicinal purposes in 1996.
In 2012, Washington and Colorado were the first to pass laws approving it for recreational
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals upheld the federal law last year.
"It may be argued that medical marijuana users are less likely to commit violent crimes,
as they often suffer from debilitating illnesses, for which marijuana may be an effective palliative,"
the federal ruling stated.
"But those hypotheses are not sufficient to overcome Congress's reasonable conclusion
that the use of such drugs raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with
which gun use should not be associated."
Hawaii opened its first marijuana dispensary in August, and it may be the first state to
issue a notice to users regarding the surrendering of firearms, according to Leafly.
How did police know who uses medicinal cannabis?
Hawaii maintains a database of firearm purchasers, who must complete both the federal ATF and
a state permit application, and a database of medical marijuana patients.
The Honolulu Police compiled its list using the combined databases, Leafly reported.
In case it's unclear to the applicant, the ATF includes this warning in bold type:
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless
of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in
the state where you reside.
The Honolulu Police Department cites state law, not federal law, as the basis for the
"Under the provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 134-7(a), you are disqualified
from firearms ownership," says the letter.
12 Things we learned about Matt Lauer when he joined Faceboo - Duration: 4:01.
12 things we learned about Matt Lauer when he joined Facebook
He'd love to win a Heisman Trophy, thinks tough subjects make easier interviews and
is definitely not immune to on-air giggling fits.
Here are some of the things we learned about Matt Lauer during his first online chat Tuesday,
which took place shortly after he (finally!)created a Facebook page.
Matt Lauer answers your questions on Facebook
1. That Tom Cruise interview was as awkward as it looked
Question. Samantha Piette: What is the most awkward interview you've had in your career?
A. Matt Lauer: A bit awkward with Tom Cruise a while back!!!! It was one of those unforgettable
moments that became a part of pop culture. Important to note: he and I have a great relationship
2. He doesn't shy away from a good debate.
Question. Christy O'Quinn Howard: How do you handle interviewing people that have a
totally different view than you do on whatever the topic is?
Answer. Matt Lauer: Actually, that makes an interview better. A difference of opinion
adds energy to any interview.
3. His favorite career moment took place recently, in NYC.
Question. Alice DeNino: 20 years is a long time what's your favorite moment of all time?
Answer. Matt Lauer: Being on top of One World Trade Center as they attached the spire.
It was such an emotional moments, symbolizing a return after 9/11.
4. I.M. Pei can keep his day job.
Question. Lynn Ettien Ives: If you could do any other job, what would you like to do?
A. Matt Lauer: I would be an architect; however, I have no talent for it and have
no engineering skills, so everything I would build would fall right down.
5. He's inspired by people's second acts.
Question. Gina Fiore LeStrange: Hi Matt, you are the reason I watch The TODAY Show
please stay 20 more years! Who was your most inspiring interview with?
Answer. Matt Lauer: THANK YOU for the nice note. I loved interviewing Adam Greenberg,
the baseball player who got a second chance in the pros. I learned a lot about life from
6. Matt should keep his day job.
Jen Romanosky: What is on your bucket list? Matt Lauer: To win the Heisman trophy!
7. The Halloween special takes a (drunk) village.
Traci Jones: Who comes up with your Halloween themes? And do you always agree?
Matt Lauer: Some of our producers go to a bar, and after several drinks, start firing
off ideas. Isn't that obvious!
8. His favorite "Where in the World" location? Afar-flung spot.
Question. Olivia Solomon: What is your favorite "Where in the World is Matt Lauer" destination?
Is there a place you still really want to go?
Answer. Matt Lauer: There are dozens of places I'd still like to go. My favorite location
to date has been Easter Island.
9. You remember the moment Matt lost it on air, and so does Matt.
Question. Carrie Jaworski: It looks like all of you have so much fun. Have you ever
laughed while having a serious interview? Answer. Matt Lauer: Yes. I was doing a consumer
pricing segment with Jean Chatzky and something she said struck me as very funny. Google it!
10. He's a whiffle ball champ.
Question. Debbie Cannada: What is your favorite thing to do with your kids during your down
time? Answer. Matt Lauer: We have epic whiffle
ball games at my house!
11. He's a man of simple tastes.
Question. Bill Glesner: Matt what do you like on your pizza.
Answer. Matt Lauer: Good one. A day without pepperoni is a day without sunshine.
12. He loves it when interview subjects let down their guard.
Question. Daniel Williams: Hey Matt Welcome to Facebook! ! What was the most surprising
answer you received in an interview and with who and what was the question?
Answer. Matt Lauer I was asking President Obama about the Gulf oil spill one time, and
why he was holding so many meetings as opposed to spending more time in the Gulf and he told
me (paraphrasing), I hold those meetings so I know "whose ass to kick
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