🎮 Hannah's Fashion City - High School Love Story - Fun Games Care & Play
For more infomation >> 🎮 Hannah's Fashion City - High School Love Story - Fun Games Care & Play - Duration: 11:30.-------------------------------------------
Mel B & Busy Philipps Decorate Front Doors for the Holidays! | Michaels - Duration: 4:20.
It's Mel B everybody!
Mel, would you like to join me
in a holiday crafting competition?
Oh my god, this is what I've been
waiting for all my life.
Let's do it!
This is the make-off!
Today, Mel and I will be holiday door decorating!
We each have thirty minutes to decorate our front doors.
Mel, are you ready for this?
I'm so excited, yeah.
Ready… Set… Make!
Oh my gosh!
Do you kind of know what vibe you're gonna go for?
No, and the thing is Mel, I just like make it up as I go along.
There's just so much stuff, like everywhere, to choose from!
Do you go crazy for the holidays?
Are you one of those people that just like, decorates
every inch available?
Oh I do, because you know, I've got three girls
so it's like a big Christmas funhouse. It has to be!
Have you gotten yours up already?
Well, Mel, this is not my first door.
Actually it is, I've never done this before.
But didn't you like decorate your bedroom and stuff?
Actually I had your picture up.
You did?
I did. I was a big fan of your band.
I mean, I would ask what my name would be if
I were a Spice Girl but obviously it would be
Busy Spice.
Well It would be Busy Spice, but
you're also very sassy I think.
Ooohhhh, Sassy Spice.
Oh my gosh!
No it's the curveball, it's a curveball.
What's a curveball?
I'm not ready for the curveball!
Ok, our daughters are here.
We have to be blindfolded.
They're going to hand us an ornament
and we have to put it on Mel.
Are you ready? Let's do it.
I'm ready, I'm ready.
Direct me to the door.
Where's the, what am I doing Angel?
How many steps?
Ok, oh wait, I feel the door.
I think you're doing this on purpose, Angel.
Where do you want me to put it?
Ugh! My gosh!
Did it!
Ok, so now our girls can help us decorate our doors Mel.
We can take the blindfolds off?
Yeah, take your blindfold off.
Ok, we have less than five minutes left.
Oh my gosh!
Angel, quick!
What else are some favorite things that
I need to remember to put on the door?
Whiskers on kittens.
Here we go.
Where do you want it?
Brown copper kettles.
There's never too much glitter.
What are you doing?!
We have a two minute warning!
Two minutes!
Mommy, don't scream!
Pour it all on, just pour it on!
Quick quick quick!
Oh my gosh, Birdie what is happening over here?
It's snow!
Oh my gosh!!
Hands up, hands up!
My heart is beating so fast, are you ok Angel?
Well, that was certainly a lot of fun and a lot of energy expended.
Our special guest judge today is Santa's head elf.
Hi, welcome!
Thank you, I'm so excited to be here!
Oh, we're so excited to have you!
Why don't you take a look and tell us what you think?
Mel, I just love the abstract coloring.
I mean it really brings a nice soft feel to Christmas.
The yin and the yang.
I really love it.
Oh Busy.
Ugh, I'm specifically drawn to candy canes.
I do love kitty cats as well.
Oh, this is such a tough decision!
Who wins the Maker Cup?
The Maker Cup goes to…
I'm going home!
Well your girl made the nice list!
Yours too.
I think our door was the true winner,
I think it was so good.
Ours was just like...
Hey Bird, do you feel like I would have won without your help?
What do you feel like you brought to the table?
You should have done the top bit
with red and the bottom bit with silver.
Now you tell me.
Conservative activist plans Middlebury event - Duration: 0:59.
유일식품 동의훈제란 조심!!|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:34.
Trump's Shocking Note About What He's About To Do To Kim Jong-un Accidentally Caught In Photo Op - Duration: 4:31.
Although Trump is notoriously outspoken, his most serious plans have been kept under wraps
on this issue until it accidentally got out when a camera caught the shocking note on
his desk written in all caps with a big black marker.
This definitely indicates the end of our nemesis in North Korea.
After months of threats and tests, North Korea's despot dictator, Kim Jong-un, flexed his muscles
and launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) this week, then followed it
up with an announcement that he wasn't done.
Hours after the launch, it was revealed that the little "Rocket Man" is actually capable
of hitting the Washington, D.C. and much of the east coast as proven by the outcome of
this latest missile test.
There's nothing he would love more than to what he's been working up to for years,
regardless of the ramifications which he's about to experience with the full wrath of
President Donald Trump who isn't messing around.
Kim Jong has taken the taunting too far and messed with the wrong leader who isn't dancing
around this dictator like Barack Obama would have.
Not since the Cuban missile crisis of the early 60s, when John F. Kennedy was president
and we were in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, have we been so close
total global annihilation.
US Secretary of Defence James Mattis in a statement earlier today confirmed that the
fetus looking Dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un has now fired its highest-ever intercontinental
ballistic missile and it poses a dire worldwide threat.
Later the Pentagon confirmed that the missile had flown for about 1,000km (620 miles) before
falling into the Sea of Japan.
Trump was quick to address the issue to reporters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House a
few hours after the missile streaked across Korean and Japanese skies when a photographer
unintentionally caught what he's been keeping secret.
The Daily Mail reports:
President Donald Trump had handwritten notes in black marker and all capital letters in
front of him on Tuesday when he revealed news of North Korea's latest missile launch.
The piece of paper was spotted on the table in front of Trump as he addressed reporters
in the Roosevelt Room of the White House a few hours after the missile streaked across
Korean and Japanese skies.
Not straying far from his notes, Trump then told reporters: "A missile was launched
a little while ago from North Korea.
I will only tell you that we will take care of it.
It is a situation that we will handle."
These are never words we would have heard from Trump's predecessor on the matter since
he had eight years of missile tests from North Korea to do something about it and didn't.
That exceptionally lame duck style leadership is long over and things are about to get really
serious since Trump will not allow this silly little dictator to make a fool of him or America.
After yesterday's missile launch from North Korea the stakes couldn't be higher, especially
now that tensions are growing over new information that the missile was the largest and most
powerful to date.
According to a CNBC report, the latest missile has the capability of hitting the eastern
seaboard including Washington D.C. and needs to be taken seriously.
President Trump didn't mince word during his speech on Tuesday where he had just spoken
with General Mattis and that "they were going to handle the situation in North Korea."
Nobody can blame Trump for taking action now as he has exhausted all efforts to steer North
Korea away from its nuclear ambitions by applying the strictest possible sanctions against Kim
Jung Un's evil empire.
He has also had China and Russia apply pressure as well, but Kim Jung-un continues unfazed.
The only thing that has changed in North Korea is that their people are suffering.
With no electricity and very little food, the N.Korean people can only hope that something
changes soon.
According to President Trump, the time for restraint seems to be over, and this isn't
a president that messes around.
As Syria saw earlier this year when Trump rained cruise missiles down on an airstrip
where chemical weapons were launched from.
The world is watching, we all know for certain Trump won't stand by and hope Kim Jung Un
doesn't launch a nuclear warhead, as Obama and other leaders have done in the past.
As President Trump finished his speech yesterday with a smile on his face and general Mattis
at his side, it was as if he had just said – "hold my beer."
Gardenscapes Level 170 - How to complete Level 170 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 3:12.
Gardenscapes Level 170 - How to complete Level 170 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 170 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 170
Gardenscapes how to complete level 170
Gardenscapes beat level 170
[House] - Uplink & Alex Skrindo - Me & You (feat. Axol) [NCS Release] - Duration: 3:20.
Summer days burn me out
Love just brings me down
Cold inside like when she leaves us
Slowly lived the ground
Hey you, come back
I wanna give you a chance
Love me like you used to
So we can learn again
The excuse is getting around, baby
Drink your night away maybe
We will not regret
You will not regret me
Lying down under the sun
Burning love 'cause we are young
No one tells us what's done wrong
'Cause it's just me and you
Yeah, it's just me and you
Yeah, it's just me and you
Hold you on the ground, make your eyes roll out
Kiss me all around baby, do you know the sound
I'm not wasting love
Wasting love
I'm not wasting love
Hold you on the ground, make your eyes roll out
Kiss me all around baby, do you know the sound
I'm not wasting love
Wasting love
I'm not wasting love
It's just me and you
Yeah, it's just me and you
Cook's Corner: Leftover turkey soup - Duration: 3:12.
ALERT: Trump Issues Urgent Warning, Senior Citizens Most Affected - Duration: 3:51.
Senior citizens could be negatively affected by Democrats in the Senate refusing to do
their job and work with the president.
According to The Washington Times, two top Democrats boycotted a meeting with President
Trump stating he was a "destructive force" and wouldn't negotiate with them on upcoming
legislation after a tweet he sent out.
President Trump fired back, calling them "petty" and saying they need to focus on what's
important — avoiding a government shutdown.
Congress has been embroiled in debate and finger pointing as Republicans and Democrats
try to come to terms with the US budget while wrangling political agendas through, such
as immigration reform, tax reform, funding for the military, and a number of other concerns.
A meeting was scheduled with President Trump and top Democrats, Senate Minority Leader
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), along with Republican
Citing Democrats' stiff resistance to many other issues and inability to compromise,
President Trump made a prediction about the meeting on Twitter.
In a tweet on Tuesday, he said: "Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into
our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes.
I don't see a deal!"
Mr. Schumer and Mrs. Pelosi apparently took offense to the tweet and refused to show up
to the meeting.
They claimed the tweet showed President Trump was a "destructive force" and it was impossible
to negotiate with him.
Some Republicans believe the move was an attempt by Democrats to cause infighting between Republicans
and President Trump.
Rather than turn on the President, the GOP called out Democrats for their political stunt.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), said he would have never boycotted a meeting
with President Obama and that Democrats have a "lack of seriousness."
While speaking with reporters, he said, "You'll have to ask them why they think it's appropriate
to refuse to meet with the president of the United States over something as significant
as how we're going to fund the troops and all the other needs."
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says President Trump is still willing to work with
Democrats, but they need to be mature about it.
"The President's invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them
to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work.
These issues are too important," she said.
According to Fox News, President Trump decided to proceed with the meeting anyway, speaking
with Republican leaders in Congress.
After the meeting, he sat between the two empty seats meant for the Democrat leaders
and told reporters Democrats have been "all talk" and "no action."
He continued, pointing out that their behavior has worsened: "And now, it's even worse.
Now it's not even talk.
So they're not showing up for the meeting."
In a joint statement, Mr. McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), criticized
Democrats: "We have important work to do, and Democratic leaders have continually found
new excuses not to meet with the administration to discuss these issues."
They stated that if Democrats want to reach a bipartisan consensus on important issues,
"they will be there."
Democrats' boycott of the meeting seemed to be nothing more than grandstanding to impress
their constituents and send a message that they do not see President Trump as a legitimately
appointed leader.
Instead of giving Republicans an excuse to turn on each other or criticize the President,
they have seemingly united the GOP in recognizing Democrats are the ones causing problems.
If a government shutdown occurs, it won't be because of Republican infighting; it will
be because Democrats turned up their nose to a duly elected president in an attempt
to score political points.
10 Chilling Unsolved Pirate Mysteries That Will Shiver Your Timbers - Duration: 12:21.
10 The Ghost Ship Of Topsail Island A famous strategy used by many pirate crews
centered around Topsail Island was to wait for a ship to pass on the horizon and then
chase it down and take the loot.
This method proved to be extremely successful, as there was a lot of traffic passing the
island in the early 1700s.
The most infamous pirate to use the method was Edward Teach, alternatively known as Blackbeard,
a 183-centimeter man known to be a master of physical and psychological warfare.
Blackbeard was said to sometimes tie cannon fuses or sulfur matches into his beard as
he fought in order to unnerve his opponents and show that he had no fear.
While there is rumor of treasure buried on the island, the most unsettling mystery is
how Blackbeard's ship is reported to eerily appear every so often.
Some say that if you're sailing with a radar, as you pass Rich's Inlet, you can sometimes
notice a blip on the screen, sitting inside the cove.
When the area is scanned, nothing is there, but as you cruise by, the blip is said to
slowly move toward the location of your ship, gaining rapidly in speed as it goes, just
as Blackbeard's ship did hundreds of years ago.
9 The Treasure Of Oak Island
A small island lies off the shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
This place is known as Oak Island, and it is home to an age-old pirate mystery.
In 1795, Daniel McGinnis discovered a large, unnatural depression in the ground while crossing
the island.
When the area was dug into, a layer of oak planks was found every 3 meters below the
Below a certain number of planked layers lay a stone with symbols carved into it.
These carvings are said to tell of a great treasure buried deep beneath the ground.
The planks buried deeper down collapsed when reached, leading to the pit filling with water.
This find has lead generations of excavators to attempt to access whatever is at the bottom
of the pit, but nearly every attempt has ended in disaster.
So far, seven have died while endeavoring to uncover the mystery, leading some to believe
that the area is cursed.What lies at the bottom of this traitorous pit is still unknown and
possibly always will be.
However, a great number believe that it is the treasure of Captain Kidd, a pirate known
to have been operating in the area at the time, who famously stated that his fortune
was buried "where none but Satan and myself can find it."
It is still a mystery as to how anyone could have secured the contents so well, leaving
even 21st-century excavators clueless about how to uncover whatever is down there.
8 Murder At Sea
In 2014, a video was released of four unidentified men, believed by some to have been pirates
and by others to have been fishermen, clinging to the wreck of an overturned boat.
They appear to be holding their arms in surrender, but the crew of the ship is shown to be shooting
at them while a voice on a speaker shouts "Shoot!
The crew appears to be laughing as they pick off the men one by one, and after the death
of the final victim, they pose for pictures on the deck.
The identities of these men are still unknown, but what makes this even stranger is how the
footage was found on a mobile phone left in a taxi.
Despite there being a large amount of witnesses, no one has come forward, and the murder of
these men still remains a mystery.
However, it shows how easy it is for murder at sea to go unnoticed.
7 The Kraken
To most, the prospect of a giant squid capable of destroying ships and living at incredible
depths would seem like nonsense.
However, there may be more to the pirate legend than initially considered.
Paleontologist Mark McMenamin thinks that he has found signs of a large squid-like creature
by investigating the bones of a 14-meter ichthyosaur.
The bones are said to have been organized in the same way as octopus species will sometimes
arrange bones, and they are also thought to have been under high pressure, indicating
that the creature responsible dwelt in an extremely deep part of the ocean.
McMenamin has also discovered a more compelling piece of evidence, which comes in the form
of a fossilized segment of a giant octopus's beak.
Though the legend of the kraken is a very entertaining one and was almost certainly
based on some form of encounter with a large sea creature, there is no real evidence that
it ever existed.
Whether it be a product of a drunken sailor's imagination or a tale passed down over generations
and distorted into something else entirely, the origin of the mystical behemoth remains
a mystery.
6 The Cryptogram Of Olivier Levasseur
In the late 18th century, pirate captain Olivier Levasseur, also known as La Buse, was one
of the last great pirates roaming the Indian Ocean.
He was known to have stolen many items of value and was thought to have a huge haul
of treasure.
However, he was captured and sentenced to death by hanging.
Allegedly, he spoke his final words, "Find my treasure, the one who may understand it,"
and threw a cryptogram into the crowd.
To this day, people are still trying to decipher the instructions, with many having given up
long ago, believing that the cryptic message was just a joke to lead people on a wild goose
However, in the mid–20th century, a breakthrough was made by an Englishman named Reginald Herbert
He had been actively searching for the treasure for years, certain that it was buried on the
small island of Mahe and was worth around £100 million.
A number of years earlier, Cruise-Wilkins had unearthed a number of pirate statues that
were buried beneath the ground, but he was adamant that they weren't just statues but
rather a map to where the real treasure was located.
Reginald finally found the exact location he thought to be the treasure cave and began
exploring, although it required very complex engineering work to ensure that the cave did
not get flooded by the ocean water above.
While in the cave, he was nearly killed by a rockslide, but he did manage to get away
with a flintlock pistol, carved figurines, a 17th-century wine jug, and a few coins.
This was enough evidence to suggest that it was in fact, the location of the treasure.
However, no one was willing to further fund his project, leaving the treasure's existence
a mystery.
5 Pirate Utopia Legend tells of a pirate utopia named Libertalia
on a small island off Madagascar.
This haven was a pirate republic/anarchist colony founded in the late 17th century by
pirate captain James Misson.
Other founders included the famous pirates Henry Avery and Thomas Tew, the latter being
the admiral of Libertalia's fleet of ships.The politics of the haven were generally socialist,
with all food and resources being shared as well as all viewpoints being listened to and
laws being created by the people.
The pirates went off the motto "for God and liberty" and flew a white flag in protest
to the Jolly Roger, which typically supports violence.
They also were strongly against slavery and freed any slaves they came across, treating
them as equals and allowing them to join the enclave.
The pirate territory was said to have a fort, a market, and housing covering the island.
It was also said that the community thrived on the lands, building a full range of buildings,
including great halls, places of worship, and taverns.
Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates claims that the pirates, renouncing
their nationalities, named themselves "Liberi" and created a new language.
Johnson also said that Avery decided on the area of settlement as soon as he saw the bay,
for it was an area with fertile soil, fresh water, and friendly natives.
The utopia was said to have fallen when Tew became stranded, leaving the haven effectively
defenseless and leading to it being attacked.
Misson and 45 other men were said to have escaped, but they never returned to Libertalia.
4 The Green Flash
For hundreds of years, men of the sea, most notably pirates, have repeatedly reported
a strange phenomenon that has come to be known as the green flash.
It is said that when the sky and the horizon are both completely clear, a sudden flare
of emerald-green light can flash across the sky as the Sun sets.
Reports of the flash go all the way back to the 1600s, with pirates being the ones who
reported it most, as they would have had the longest sea voyages.
While this phenomenon has a completely rational explanation, pirates claimed that anyone who
saw the flash would gain the ability to read the souls of others.
3 The Ghost In The Cave
While on holiday in Cornwall, England, in 2015, businessman John Dyer accidentally captured
something peculiar on his camera.
The man had been taking pictures of darkened caves, and when he reviewed the images, he
spotted a shadowy figure standing toward the back in one picture.
The supposed "ghost" is said to be that of notorious pirate William Wilcox, who operated
around that area.
It was thought that Wilcox was on the run and decided to hide in one of the nearby caves,
but he became trapped by the rising tide and was consequently drowned.
While most believe the picture contains nothing more than an oddly set out rock formation
slightly resembling a man, a number of locals are confident that it is indeed the ghost
of Wilcox, the subject of many stories they were told as children.
2 Pirate Tunnels
Beneath the city of Savannah, Georgia, lies a network of underground tunnels believed
to have been used by pirates to smuggle stolen loot and captured sailors.
There is said to be a secret tunnel somewhere in the labyrinth leading directly to the location
where the ships would have been waiting.
Allegedly, there is a passage from a building in town known as the Pirates' House that
leads straight to the river, where small rowing boats would have been waiting, but it is now
inaccessible from the house due to a rock collapse.
There are also theories that the Sons of Liberty used to meet in a secret underground cavern
that can be reached by the tunnels.
Whether these tunnels were used by secret societies or pirates smuggling stolen goods,
there is no denying that they are indeed rather strange.
1 Lake Of Bones
Long Island's Lake Ronkonkoma is well-known for the mysteries and legends that surround
One of the most famous mysteries is that of the pirates' victims.
Some say that the lake was once connected to the sea through an inlet, allowing pirates
to enter the area, hide their treasure, and execute prisoners.
Stories say that the bottom of the lake has many caves that hold a large amount of hidden
treasure that pirates left there long ago.It is also told that the lake contains many skeletons
of the pirates' victims, some of which have allegedly been found and pulled from the water,
although there is no proof to support this.
If the lake really does contain the skeletons of hundreds of pirate prisoners, however,
it may be a pointer to the location of treasure hidden in there.
Although many pirate mysteries lack proof and evidence, they are extremely interesting
to speculate about, as very little knowledge exists for a number of them.
However, someday, maybe one of us will guess lucky and uncover something truly amazing
from the ancient world of pirates.
Breaking News: Justin Bieber Loves Selena Gomez but He Is Willing To Give Her Room to Do Her Thing - Duration: 2:28.
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Justin Bieber loved Selena Gomez buddy is willing to give her room to do her thing Esposito
Remix singer Justin Bieber is in love with Selena Gomez and even wants to marry her but right now
she needs to have some space and he is respectful of that the latest rumors claimed that the lovers were not together for the
Thanksgiving weekend because the Canadian star decided to step away
And let's go mez be with her family it has also been reported that Gomez's family and close friends are not fans of Bieber
Gomez is loved one see him as a troublemaker and heartbreaker and they firmly believe he will dump her in a few months a
Person close to Bieber told the well-known publication justin is doing
Everything to prove to Selena that this time around. He is the real deal
He respected her wishes around Thanksgiving not to spend it with her family
and he is
Respecting that she wants to slow things down to make sure
everything is working out to her liking and he is giving her the space she
The Chatty Powell went on to say he doesn't want to seem like he is smothering her and is happy that things are going well
And he will see her soon
He is just making sure he is doing all the right things to make it all work out
And he is passing with flying colors The Insider continued
There is a good amount of Selena's family that don't like Justin and are trying to figure everything out on their reconciliation
Justin decided to not ruffle any feathers and had Selena visit her family without him
Because he can see her a lot more than they do and he also didn't want to be the reason that people
Had a bag holiday
It's all about baby steps with Justin this time around
Some are already concerned about the new romance between
Gomez and Bieber they view the fact that they are not ready to spend the holidays together as a sign that they are not real
To commit to each other wholeheartedly and fear they will split again
Some supporters still hope that the pair was spend Christmas together
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Bangla Khobor 30 November 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
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Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Islamic Videos In Urdu - جب ایک بیوی سے بہت بڑی غلطی ہو گئی Quran
Bigg Boss 11 Shilpa Shinde & Vikas Gupta Getting MARRIED On The Salman Khan's Show Confirmed - SM - Duration: 2:10.
Bigg Boss 11 Shilpa Shinde & Vikas Gupta Getting MARRIED On The Salman Khan's Show Confirmed - SM
Salman, Khan's Big Boss 11 is going to witness the union often
And it is noon other than enemies turned friends because Gupta and shellfish India
Yes, you heard it right the two will be team exchanging the wedding vows
Confused that's not for real, but will be a task Big Boss has brought in this twisted
but fun task of having a mock wedding in the house between the COS and
Shilpa the rest of the Council mates will be divided into two groups
One team will pretend to be recast family while the other team will be from Shilpa side
What do you think in comment section below and subscribe for more cool videos?
I doubt about
Take it easy take it
Take it easy
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