Indian TV Celebrities And Their Real Life Kids | You Never Seen Before
For more infomation >> Indian TV Celebrities And Their Real Life Kids | You Never Seen Before - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
Harry Potter and the Goblet of MEMES! - Duration: 10:36.
Hello Lions, Eagles, Badgers and Snakes! How are you beauties doing today? You
major babes are tuning in week after week, so today I thought I would get meme-alicious
on you! I love Harry Potter... I love a good meme and I thought we
would explore Harry Potter and his chamber of super dankmemes... oh yeah we
meme Lords....we meme lords!
Just before we launch into the video, I just want to remind you that you can hit
that thumbs up button at the end of the video if you like this also if you're
not yet a subscriber please do subscribe to me. I do Harry Potter content every
week and I've got something special coming up over Christmas so stay tuned
for that! Ok, let's get into this Chamber! Okay
We've got book Dumbledore vs. movie... Dumbledore Harry did you put your name
in the Goblet of Fire versus, as we all know, Dumbledore was supposed to ask
calmly! I love this; okay so it's the Beast and Emma Watson Hermione and then
we've got what she turns into when she takes the Polyjuice.... pretty accurate! I
never thought about that... this is maybe what the Beast and Belle's child would look
like. You're a blizzard Harry...... Oh just going to the Chamber of Secrets
BRB look how cute these cats are I love that they're off to the Chamber of
Secrets! Also I strongly feel like all cats are Slytherin's. Oh I know I
shouldn't laugh but I like this one.... after all this time...ALWAYS.
ultrathin for your comfort! come at me bro ... come at me! I like it ! Scared Potter?
Daniel boring cliff ....Daniel RAD - cliff TOTALLY RAD DUDE! I like
Radcliffe's like super sunglasses and his fun fun hat and the truck because
nothing is rad without all monster truck... am I right?
Did anyone notice how in Harry Potter the soul-eating Dementors never went for that because you gingers don't have souls? Interesting I get it so it's a
Dumbledore ....Dumbledore.
Before Effie Trinket here ...calling Harry Potter's name
and Katniss Everdeen is like "he doesn't even go here"
This is so what I would write if
this was my mathematics exam ...we've got a question ...what is the dotted line called
and some very astute Potter fan has said the Elder Wand!
You have your mother's
eyes says Snape and then we zoom in to see that she's kind of looking like this...
and it's not actually a compliment we thought it was but just got drunk eyes
all the time I like this this is like a Game of Hogwarts brilliant!
The owl post is here that a raven? Ned even as I write these words I fear for
my life I've discovered a way for secret about
the Kings lineage I mustn't disclose anything here but I know now that the
seed is strong.....
What was that? Oh, just junk mail!
Elsewhere: it's Ned Stark: "what
in the seven hells is Hogwarts"
I love Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fusion!
Yes! This would so be me! So the IT clown's like "I've got your Hogwarts
letter!" and the kid's just straight up in the drain like give it to me give it to
me bro!
Started from the bottom now we're here ....started from the bottom now the
whole room here and they all LOVE me because I'm Neville Longbottom and
I've got really really hot! Shout out Matthew Lewis some serious
I like this snake!
"Excuse me do you have
the time to talk about our Lord and Savior Lord Voldemort"... we can even
recreate this! "Excuse me, do you have the time to talk about our Lord and Savior,
Lord Voldemort? " it's a slytherin snake on a mission!
it's Wednesday, you fools! Apparently nobody knows how to follow instructions!
I love it because obviously on Wednesday Voldemort wears pink! See! Umbridge got
the memo!
Coldemort, Oldermort, Moldemort, Holdemort, Foldemort, Holdemort,
... Which is my favorite? I think
FoldeMort is my favorite!
Welcome to Hogwarts where everything's made up and
the points don't matter! I mean I think we all know that that's true! it's an
injustice that Slytherin didn't win the house cup in the first year and we all
know it!
That's so Ravenclaw! That's SO Ravenclaw! l
Look how smug Cho Chang is!
She's just like oh ....! We've got another Game of Hogwarts here... JK
Rowling sitting here saying it's hard to kill off so many characters and then
George RR Martin is like "you're so adorable" and I guess what the stickers
mark the deaths... he's a killer! THEY see me Rowling...they're Hatin'
yes Queen JK Rowling! I love a Gryffindor Queen!
Here we have Harry and Hermione....
"first let's take a selfie... hashtag going back to Hogwarts to destroy Voldemort."
This is so what would happen if they had phones in Harry Potter land ...and also why
don't they! Because the floo network is no replacement for FaceTime!
I love it! SIMBA! Baby weird creepy voldemort! Can you imagine Peter
Pettigrew yielding creepy baby Voldemort over like, I don't know, the Crypt and
showing him to all the Death Eaters like ....look what we've got !
This speaks to me...
My lord, regrettably I forgot the snacks! Oh I can only imagine that Voldemort is
gonna turn around and be like raaaar!
yo Snape your mama's so fat mother's dead...Let me finish! yo mama's so fat her Boggart is gym membership! I
love that that's really funny ...your mama's so fat her boggarts gym
membership ....that is very very very inventive!
I love this! Snapes on a plane
slithering into a theater near you! I've had it with these monday-friday Snape's
on this monday to friday PLANE!
The sorting cone.... you're a hazard Harry!
Good one. Ha ha ha! Spam from Hogwarts... these cute owls! I'm all about a cute owl
I love a good owl ! Okay could we just get a quick hallelujah for this one! Student
safety is my top priority... repeatedly hires unstable and
dangerous professors. I mean Dumbledore I love you but come on bro!
oh we've got
some Notebook humor here! I wrote you 365 letters, I wrote you
every day for a year.... Uncle Vernon's like no post on Sundays!
Joke's on you uncle Vern! Yes! This is so true! Voldemort is like a teen girl; he
has a diary, a tiara, a special cup, a pet he adores and an obsession with a
famous teenage boy. Right!
I bet he's got like a big picture of Harry
on his wall!!
The face you made when you sit on a public toilet and the seat is
still warm! Good face Ron ! It's like yeah... it's like
you know.... I really don't want other people's bum warmth!
I'm personally not okay with it and neither
is Ron!
YES! Cut Hogwarts in to pieces
this is Lord Voldemort.... suffocation no breathing I'm gonna send Nigini on you
banana da da da da da da da da da da da
da! I love voldemort as Papa Roach ...Papa voldy!
oh we've got some classic wordplay here! Knock knock, who's there? You know! You
know who ?
Argh, this is me! My entire life going on YouTube just to
watch a 5-minute music video ...five hours later watching a tutorial on how to talk
to giraffes ! I don't like SNICKERS! Oh he doesn't ...he just
doesn't like Snickers....fair enough! I mean this is a classic isn't it ..
Everyday I'm Slytherin!
When your smile... the whole world stops and stares for a
while cuz you're Voldy... just the way you are!
My body's ready! It's like me before a night of heavy drinking!
He is saying asparagus! Assssparagus!
yes Snape and his hair! He's so fabulous! Hey
there we go.... the gifs that keep on
giving! That's the end of our memes...oh my goodness that was memelicious and it
went very very quickly I feel like I want to do even more ! So, if you like this
video make sure you show me by giving it a good thumbs up and sharing it around
and then write "more" in the comments ! Also, if you have any good Harry Potter memes
and you want them to be featured in the next chamber of dank memes
secret bonanza then tweet me at Rebecca Felgate and show me that because I
could meme out and geek out about Harry Potter all day every day! Which was your
favorite meme... Let me know in the comments! I need to know! I feel like I
really enjoyed the Chamber of Secrets one with the cats going down! Okay guys do
make sure you stay tuned over the next few weeks because I do have some very
exciting stuff coming over Christmas and I'm just gonna be like spending the rest
of my day searching for more dank memes to add to my chamber ! Thank you all you
Lions, Badgers, Snakes and Eagles for joining me and I will see you meme Lords
in the next video!
Star Wars Lore Episode CXCVII – Commander Faie (Legends) - Duration: 4:04.
Sacramento Celebrates Small Business Saturday - Duration: 3:02.
Democrats Should Give Up Identity Politics… It Isn't Working for Them - Duration: 3:37.
Cash Inc. business tycoon idle game - Become a successful business owner! - Android idle game 2017 - Duration: 15:05.
hello friends this is DragoNate and welcome to game called cash Inc now this
was requested for me to play through my favorite page which you can find it a
link to in the description below so the this is Android game and it is an idle
game what you're supposed to do is basically get as much money as you
possibly can I don't know 100% everything about it I
did not watch the trailer because I don't like ruining the the spoilers
I don't like ruining what the game is before I have a chance to play it for
myself I would just get my mic situated here miss lady person here I'm gonna
call you miss secretary says what's with the frown boss Oh today's newspaper huh
no worries someday we can be like that first let's start a business alrighty so
I guess I click the comic store woohoo we started a first business tap to open
your business let's earn some cash okay so we opened this sorry for my dancing
constantly I kind of like the music the music is nice and catchy I'm gonna it's
gonna be kind of quiet for you guys just in case of you know copyright stuff ok
tap to open let's do that thing oh is that oh is that all we have to do buy
happiness to him for buy happiness yes happiness can be bought apparently
now by business to improve our revenue ok so I assume that's kind of something
like ads or things like that so there we go now we can find more business and now
we basically just have to get as much money as we possibly can so this is yeah
very interesting how much of money do we have ok so we've got quite a bit there
let's just buy a bunch of businesses there mm-hmm I don't know how much there
is to this game I don't know if it's gonna take a very long time to do or if
it'll be something very very quick well milestone reach it can multiply our
revenue substantially whew so we can buy more of your business to unlock
milestones ok so what does that mean so achieve these milestones get profit
bonus oh and if it's aa comics or profit speed times it ooh okay
ah yes let's just get a ton of monies here I
checked with the media HQ right now that that was like a Twitter ish like thing
the comic store has one little dot there I don't know what those little dots out
of five mean I wonder if that means I'm supposed to buy a certain amount of it
or something along them lines I also forgot to turn the light on here so you
can actually see my face and so that the green-screen here works properly fingers
cramping let's look for partners to help you okay VIPs a great business burns to
help to collect more money even when you're away sweets let's partner with
them in exchange for various benefits apps to pollute Li Wow holy crap look
how much money he's flipping collecting me collecting for me I should say oh my
goodness gracious okay well let's go up to this one okay
and then we'll just start upgrading that upgrading the clock out of this thing
and let's go back to here is so much flipping money's coming in right now
let's just dance some more so once I think it gets to level 100 it
should be up much much higher here we are okay so I should only need one more
for this thing gets to 100 there we go now the profit speed is times two for it
ooh oh isn't that absolutely lovely media HQ
something-or-other house oh cool okay so let's go to here oh geez the next person
manager thing person 15,000 yes please give me give me you ha ha ha ha all
right so I I can actually go up here and start buying these ones as well there's
the da Vinci DD Vincey studio sorry my bet I make a mistake I I kind of like
these idle games because I don't know why you know idle games give you some
kind of sense of accomplishment for some reason even though you're just kind of
watching random numbers get larger and larger and they do nothing for you but
for some reason that they're still just so much fun I guess oh wait what's this
thing here this energy thing I didn't even see this Christmas can buy what
money can boost sirs for example how many crystals did you just give me you
gave me a hundred credit why make you richer faster try one say for yourself
but I don't want to do that get a day worth of revenue
I don't I don't want to do that though one more for this thing here alrighty
there we go now that one speed is times 2 this one here need to get to oh my
gosh look how flippin high these can go 10,000 yeah ah how much flippin money
you're gonna get for the yeah hello to you too you can see I'm getting tons
more monies let's go to kics cop here oh what's that oh oh sure sure could oh
wait um sorry never never mind oh really okay well click clicking on
the button even if you don't act or share it apparently it gets you
something well that that's nice to know alright now I wonder since I do have
that no that that's that's not what I want I only use crystals there this one
since I do have the the 150 there I wonder if I should get this only gives
it a day worth of revenue where's this one gets seven days worth of revenue hmm
maybe I will wait a little bit for that before I actually go and get it but I do
want to get that and and just kind of see how profitable that is for us oh oh
look at this I didn't realize this mister cameo level - he can get comic
store profits times three I did not realize that before okay well let's get
that we might as well get Ed moi for me THQ profits times three as well
considering you know this is an idol games at the point is to get as much
money as fast as you can now oh hell chef that's hilarious Gordon Ramsay haha
madam Lisa level one let's get madam Lisa level one there we go okay oh oh oh
you look so dashing there okay well then ah just a one more second hahaha
now profit speed is times two there we go now we have the comic store going
like extremely fast and this guy's just like holy clock so we need for the next
store the majorkey music when you 1.2 million and for this one down here if
he'll chef level - we just need 1 million for the sushi bar I want to see
here so we're at 22,000 right there yeah now if we get this one
that makes it 81 thoughtfully crap okay well I I'm gonna just wait and I'm gonna
get the majorkey music thing here okay let's do that
aha there we go storage permission allowed to enable video bonuses from
multiplayer and offline era but it wasn't me no thank you
no thanks well what's this holy crap oh did you see that there's a little money
paper airplane thing flying around you click that thing and all of a sudden it
gets you well it gave me six million oh my goodness
remember I was texting me you guys can see that popping up on the screen that's
cool okay well I don't know what I should actually upgrade with that here's
what I can do is I can get this guy so that he automatically gets money for
that yeah for for for the majorkey music thing here
the next thing there's gonna take 14 million well basically 15 million there
oh my okay well you can see these games these games get really really hectic
quite quickly don't they alright we just got the kicks cop to
level 2 there and so now the profit speed there is a little bit higher a
little bit faster I still want to get through Oh what are you gonna do holy
crud oh my goodness gracious what what is with these things flying around in my
face like that giving me random bonus just something a holy well they're just
kind of cool isn't it well I just want to get the oh my don't put that hat on
again there sir please you're terrifying me and get a little bit confused here
businesses go all the way up to Galactic station twenty five point seven ninety
nine billion holy crud and a flying cow holic ready Metcalf over foe
yes I would definitely do that but um I will do that later okay thank you
oh my goodness welcome I oh okay well we got another flying cow here oh I don't
want that I just want one of these there you go now a comic store profits as
times to their okay now if we get but by a hunt holy moley
oh wait no JIT just max just max there you go I know I can get two of this
already yeah well why not might as well right
what can I do with this thing oh shoot I can't I can't do nothing here
wait there's this thing Fame increases your revenue it's easier to be rich if
you happy well before fortune begets fame and Fame baguettes fortune more
money means more famous sell your successful business to claim the
Feynman's start over from zero use fame to boost profits and unlock profitable
upgrades fame came to $0.03 oh so it's one of those games where you have to
actually like reset the game kind of thing and then play again
mmm well I don't really have time for that right now so I'm not going to do
that at least not right now give me that the higher you go with the
businesses the longer it takes to get the profits from those businesses yes
all right let's upgrade this thing so that that can increase its speed too -
oh another flying cow give me the flying cow thank you well they're there just
give me tons of those of those things there though those flying saucers and
things like that see another cow thing there oh my why are that why are you
giving me so many of these things like I can't handle it I'll go to golden pig oh
my very very quickly or we could just go sixty three million just like that mmm
that that works and hopefully as well and there's our first profits for the
pineapple store which gave us 129 million holy cow monkeys oh yeah let's
grab that as well what's this starter pack I'm busy okay well at this point I
might as well just wait and get that as Stephanie Stephanie and Co person thing
there I could also get Macintosh yeah so that he automatically collects the
profits there give me the airplane thank you
there we go let's grab that and hey you guys for intercept place pretty done
quickly oh wait wait a second oh look at that if
we get to 300 then we get the profit speed times two again
okay so let's focus on getting comic store up to 300 maybe because I
feel like I should be pretty quick ish to do that it shouldn't take that long
especially if we're keeping more of those things I'm kind of debating here
whether I should actually use this seven days of glory thing because I kind of
want to see what what it does and how much money it's gonna give me because
with the amount of money oh yeah there's a golden pig money I am gaining per
second here I feel like I'm gonna get you know a couple billion or something
or so I don't know okay I think the goal this is Soak at the comic store up to
level 300 okay you know what for science that's used to seven days of glory okay
spend hundreds of Caruso's earn five point five seven eight trillion
I just got a crap-ton there well let's let's upgrade both of those oh my god
okay well I I know now like that there's no way I'm gonna be able to to make that
money back yeah you know but um let's let's go and make this plus two more
there we go so now that like halves the speed I'm gonna upgrade this twice let's
go and get this before I do that though there's one of these guys here so that
what you're feeling oh nice I'll make that I will get this
this cost fifty billion this cost a hundred billion 250 be like a holic all
business profits times three oh my gosh okay now twenty trillion there we go so
let's multiply that by two I should probably be able to get this thing up to
oh I cannot get that up to a hundred really now okay well up to three hundred
now that can multiply by two the speed I'm just trying about what else I want
to do now there you go now that just multiplied by two you you you give me
you thank you and there what are you doing up there why are you up there give
me that okay multiply it by two again there we go
done tied out now that's only gonna take ten minutes at the top and all there's
only gonna take two hours as well this one here look at that Fame gained wit
with with reset is only gonna be thirty one
so you need a crap-ton you know what I mean to get that up to 100 so that
multiplies by two seven Quinton holy do you think I can actually get to seven
quintillion on this game okay actually what I'm thinking to do right now is
just like click the reset thing Oh claim without reset I could have done that too
well whatever that's let's reset it oh we got the contract so cool okay so then
we got a new building keep up a good work so we can find a better place sweet
look how fingers are now we can trade our fame for various benefits Oh
alrighty so when you when you do that the like sensation 10% off uh-huh but I
don't want to do that I don't want to pay my my stuff there to do that I'm not
gonna play for too much longer I just kind of want to see what happens when
you reset it but this game this game could quite literally go on pretty much
forever alright so obviously when you do reset the game wit and you get you bonus
here you get like a total current fame bonus is like 64 percent for me because
I got the 32 of the of the fames and and stuff there so it gives you an extra
bonus for the next time you play around for the next time around that you play
which is kind of nice so your profits are now like plus 64 percent for for me
anyway which means that now if I would have used the plus 7 days thing it would
have been even even much better mm-hmm yes but anyway that we're just going to
ignore that because I can't play this game forever but if you want to play it
of course there's a link in the description down below again this game
is a Android thing it's for Android and iOS I forgot about that there is an iOS
link as well so you can play it on your phone but I do think that this is where
I'm going to end it so thank you everyone so much watching I thank you to
the personal fiber who notified me of this game and place your order I
appreciate it and yeah that's kind of it so I will see you all again very soon
have a wonderful day and Godbless
Nightcore - Is Your Love Enough (Switching Vocals) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:53.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
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Alexandra Daddario Lifestyle, Cars, House, Income, Networth, Family & Boyfriends - Duration: 2:37.
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সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট সংবাদ ২৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Independent Tv News Today - Duration: 16:23.
bangladesh news 24
BREAKING: FBI Caught In Massive Scandal, They Went Too Far - Duration: 3:34.
Ever since James Comey announced the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use
of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State in 2016, Donald Trump has
suggested that the FBI did not properly handle its criminal investigation.
Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released 79-pages of documents created by
the Justice Department that seem to show that several FBI agents had a "conflict of interest"
over the Clinton investigation.
The biggest story involves FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and his wife, who was hired
by then-Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam — as a member of his senate race
Northam has a working relationship with Hillary Clinton.
Mrs. Clinton recently campaigned for Northam during his ultimately successful senate race
in Virginia.
According to Judicial Watch, five days after the story broke about Clinton's private
email server, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe met with McCabe and his wife.
McCabe and his wife later received $700,000 in donations from Clinton-McAuliffe groups.
This constituted a full 40-percent of known campaign funds at that time.
In one of the emails released by Judicial Watch, McCabe sent an email to the Public
Affairs division of the FBI in response to the Wall Street Journal article about Jill
McCabe's connections to the Clinton family.
In a response to McCabe's email, then-FBI Director James Comey "had no issue" with
the McCabe family's political activities.
Because of these issues, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the US Special Counsel have
opened investigations into whether or not McCabe violated the Hatch Act, a piece of
legislation that requires FBI officials to disclose "conflicts of interest" in the
form of an ethics report.
The Republican-controlled Senate believes that McCabe may not have fully disclosed his
wife's political activity to his superiors, even after the FBI began investigating Clinton.
The Justice Department's Inspector General is also investigating why McCabe did not recuse
himself from the Clinton investigation.
James Comey himself, during his 2017 Senate testimony, all but admitted that the Obama
administration did try to suppress the FBI's investigation of Clinton by suggesting that
"criminal investigation" be replaced by the word "matter" in conversations.
Comey said that this suggestion came from Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
It appears that Lynch and the Obama administration wanted the FBI to limit its investigation
so as to protect Clinton's presidential campaign.
Judicial Watch has publicly claimed that it is fully committed to investigating the true
extent of McCabe's employment history.
The group has sent out new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in order to see if McCabe
had previously worked on other Clinton-related cases.
If Judicial Watch does indeed find that McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton
investigation, based on not only his wife's political campaign, but also his own employment
history, then the Trump administration has a strong case against McCabe, Comey, and the
Justice Department.
If President Trump pursues such a case, former Obama administration officials could be forced
to testify before the Senate.
Such a display could disrupt the media and Democrat-driven narrative that the Trump administration
is uniquely corrupt, and did not face any intrigue from outgoing Obama officials.
Selena Gomez Spent Thanksgiving With Her Family |Justin Bieber Was Not With Her - Duration: 2:08.
Selena Gomez Spent Thanksgiving With Her Family |Justin Bieber Was Not With Her
Selena Gomez Spent Thanksgiving With Her Family |Justin Bieber Was Not With Her
Mariah Carey Postpones Christmas Tour She Cancels Even More Show Due To Upper Respiratory Infection - Duration: 2:35.
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
Mariah Carey postpones Christmas Tour as she cancels even more shows due to upper respiratory infection
3. Vasile Mardare - O gură de folk - Duration: 3:03.
Des preuves de la VIE après la MORT ? / CSO #42 - Duration: 1:32.
Drinks to lose weight in a week | Lost 22 Pounds Lemon Diet in Just a Week | weight loss adviser - Duration: 2:19.
Drinks to lose weight in a week.
How I Lost 22 Pounds With This Weird Lemon Diet in Just a Week.
Lose Weight FAST with this Bed Time Fat Cutting Drink.
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