Top 10 Richest Bollywood Actresses in 2017/ 2018
For more infomation >> Top 10 Richest Bollywood Actresses in 2017/ 2018 - Duration: 8:58.-------------------------------------------
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New Dino Super Charge Para Zord Zoid / Huge Box Power Ranger Toys Unboxing Surprise Top 10 - Duration: 14:02.
saw limited-edition spinal sword we have the limited-edition yellow t-rex Zord
the limited-edition green t-rex Zord we've got this huge Megazord that has
all the Rangers inside in their stations which is from the new Power Rangers
movie that comes out in March 2017 it has sound and lights and it is
awesome we have the new t-rex of battlezord which is also from the new
Power Rangers movie that comes out in March 2017 we have two more firs we have
the green para Zord
New Dino Super Charge Para Zord Zoid / Huge Box Power Ranger Toys Unboxing Surprise Top 10
we've got the Titanic sword we've got the action lights and songs the
limited-edition Tara charge Zord we've got the Tara charge Megazord we've got
the new barber from the new Power Rangers 2017 losses we've got the black
t-rex Zord we've got the regular spinosaurus deluxe Zord the bread t-rex
we've got the battle station from the ninja steel series we've got the tight a
no armored suit which power ranger could fit right inside you've got the Red
Ranger battle suit we've got the war from pop Dino soldier we've got the
pakis Ord limited edition we've got a couple of their motorized stop bikes
which also become arms and dual cannons for the Megazords we've got the limited
edition Deinosuchus Zord and the regular edition
Deinosuchus we've got the pleasee Oh charge Megazord
we've got our Kalon zeorge by the way all these swords could be used in the
Megazord so there's a lot of different combinations which if you watch my
videos you'll see a lot of them we've got the ammonite Zord here
you've got the regular ankylozord the limited-edition in kilos or the regular
khakis or black and pink Triceratops Zords the Oviraptor Zord and then we
have a bunch of the villain swords
do you know all of them there is quite a few odd these are most in the Dino super
charge ones and then two big bags of Dino super charge cartridges I actually
go through the and buy videos I go ahead and add all of these to the app and
listen to the different sounds so it's really cool
and then to Megazords from the new Dino steel series which I'll be reviewing the
rest of the Megazords and figures from that as soon as they come out with
charger looks totally awesome the Dino super charge Power Rangers it comes with
the cartridge it comes with the para Zord we're gonna first of all go ahead
and take this guy out of the package take a look at him we're gonna listen to
his cartridge with two more firs I've got then we're gonna go ahead and add it
to the Dino super charge app and then we're gonna have probably an awesome
Megazord battle cool check out the back of this shows his act action sequence
there it looks almost like some type of odd God looks like his tail like flips
open to reveal like some type of a cannon or something
okay let's open this guy up and have some fun okay and this is what he looks
like in the package before I actually take him out he's got like a really cool
mountain bat scenery and everything so let's go ahead and have some fun okay so
let's go ahead and take a look at this guy first he does look really cool they
did like the almost like the lime green and yellow coloring really like how they
did silver red eyes his mouth does open all the way up so the cartridge could
fit in there but he does look more normal with it up and then his arms and
legs also move and this is where you're going to see the action sequence once we
go ahead and put in the cartridge which let's go ahead and do that so once we
put in the cartridge here BAM pops open you got a cannon inside so
that's pretty cool looks like the cannon pops out awesome if you push the
cartridge so that's kind of cool and then bottom
to reset it and let's see that again
okay alright let's go ahead and take a look at the cartridge so here's a good
look at the cartridge does have four images you can flip through so this
would be like the dine dinosaur-like supercharging here if you do it fast
it's almost like a little animation and then here on the back it says para there
are sub floor ads let's go ahead and listen to that in the Morpher okay I've
got two different morphers I'm gonna use one is the deluxe t-rex
so para charger engage okay so this is the newer one and then the slightly
older one here is I actually think I like this one more though it does have
more features so go ahead and push the cartridge in there close that then you
to energize it you guys spin there
okay so the cool thing is this one actually says which Power Ranger it
belongs to another cool thing I like if you have two of the morphers these two
they actually join together here so you almost got like like a almost like a
rifle with two triggers so it's really cool
okay here we're I'm gonna go ahead and add it to the app so if you just go on
the App Store and put in a Dino super charge should be the first one to pop up
this is my toy collection here you click on the QR code here and you got a QR
code on each one of these Dino Chargers so then you're gonna go ahead and scan
that in once you scan it in it adds it to your collection so it's really cool
you have all of these in one area in your collection so here we've got a pair
of settlers
so it says para charger and then here like I said you have all your cartridges
in one area some of the cartridges have extra pictures but you could flip
between them just like you do if you're pushing the button on the cartridge so
you can flip between the different images and all your cartridges are in
one area I mean that is super cool I mean I've got about probably about forty
some forty to fifty cartridges here in this app so even if you lose the
cartridge you still have it in the app
okay let's go ahead and morph this guy into a Megazord
and here is a good look at him as
and there are the two Megazords they are ready for battle let's get this going
these guys made I wouldn't want to price up face off against them no supercharged
Megazords and Zords and had some awesome battles with them also and I will also
I'm plan on reviewing all of the new movie Zords and Megazords and figures
from the Power Rangers 2017 and also all of the Dino ninja steel off bigger
series so stay tuned guys and let me know which one of the ones you've seen
is your favor and thanks for viewing click the subscribe button below for a
lot more fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make
a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to
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(loud cheering and applause)
(Bob McFarland speaking)
Internationally-renowned activist, Dr. Shiva's a philosopher,
environmental activist, and eco-feminist. Born in India, she is one of the world's
most elegant and passionate voices on the environment, women's rights and
sustainable agriculture. She's the author of numerous books including "Soil Not Oil"
and "Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis," "Stolen Harvest" and "The
Hijacking of the Global Food Supply." Vandana Shiva has supported grassroots
organizations in India and around the world in their struggles against the
clear cutting of forests, large-scale dams, the industrialization of
agriculture, and the invasion of multinational agribusiness. Central to
Dr. Shiva's work is the idea of seed freedom, or the rejection of corporate
patents on seeds.
Time Magazine has identified Dr. Shiva is the Environmental Hero of 2003, and
Asia Week has called her one of the five most powerful communicators in Asia.
And we can't thank enough for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for being here tonight.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an American radio host, environmental activist, author, and
attorney specializing in environmental law. Mr. Kennedy is currently partnering
with the California Guild to ask Governor Brown to ban the use of
glyphosates on all public property in California.
Time magazine is called Mr. Kennedy The Hero of the Planet.
As we have this workshop tonight,
there's going to be a clipboard being passed around to you,
David over here is passing it, we're asking you to sign a petition to go to
Governor Brown to ban the use of glyphosate in California.
So, here's how this will work tonight, each of our panelists will take five minutes, or
so, to tell you what they're working on as far as glyphosate goes, and after all
three panelists have spoken, we will have a question and answer period. Who's on
the end? Dr. Shiva, would you like to begin?
Five minutes? Five to seven.
Well, you know I prefer to use the
word Roundup, not only because it is what is marketed, but it has even more lethal
toxins than the glyphosate as the active one. and Dr. Eric Seralini's work has
shown this. Interestingly, he was hounded by Monsanto, but now with the Monsanto
papers that are out in the court case on the issue of glyphosate being a probable
carcinogen, it's now been shown that the people who
attacked him are hired. The journal, the editors of the journal, who replaced the
original editors, were Monsanto people asking for what should be the language
to say his paper was revoked.
Eric Seralini has done a really good book
with a chef on the great health scam on Roundup and Glyphosate. I think the
glyphosate issue is the latest in the story of toxins Rachel Carson told us so
beautifully. It's probably now becoming the most well known. And I think it's
becoming the most well known, because becoming so widely spread and it's spread
has been facilitated by GMOs and Roundup resistant,
genetically engineered crops. The technology is so crude, and so bad. As I
mentioned earlier, they're super weeds emerging and every time one aspect of the
technology fails, they think just add a second failed aspect and somehow you
have a success. I'm remembering Einstein saying the clear sign of insanity is
doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. In India, the Bt
cotton failed and Monsanto is illegally trying to introduce a Bt cotton with
Roundup resistance traits. So we have a big campaign on that. Our campaign on Roundup
started because we found Monsanto trying to push Roundup in two very illegal ways.
The first is as a desiccant, to tell people to just dry their crops by
spraying Roundup at the time of harvest. And that means your wheat, your soil is
coming loaded with glyphosate residues. In addition to that, the way they promote
Roundup in India is making it look like it's, this toxin is a liberator of women.
So they add to their posters a woman's hands tied up with greens saying, "Liberate
yourself, use Roundup" as if working with life is slavery, and slavery to Monsanto
is liberation. There were studies done in Sri Lanka after an epidemic of kidney
failures, 40,000 dead, 200,000 impacted. The government of Sri Lanka, that little
island south of India, decided to ban
Right now in France, France is
blocking the vote for the renewal of Roundup in Europe. Their last environment minister,
dear friend, had anyway banned it in many applications of public
spaces the kind of call that's being made here. There was also a ban in a Central
American country but I found a new fraud study that's come out to say "No, no,
no, no, people aren't dying of kidney failure because of the use of Roundup.
They are dying because of climate change."
(Crowd exclaims, "Oh!!!)
Temperatures increased, it's a little more hot so they're copping in the fields." And the
distortion of science to me is one of the most important issues in what is
happening. At the end of the panel, with your permission Bob, I'll request all of
us to release a new report we've done, our colleagues in Europe, "The Toxic
Story of Roundup." And also, you know every fortnight, beginning with Gandhi's birth
anniversary, which is second of October, we celebrate it as a day of action, for
non-violence to stop violence. It's known now in the UN as the day of
non-violence, and let us this year look out on the seed freedom website, both for
this report, that you will find by tomorrow, as well as the days of action
beginning 2nd October, because this year we really want to start a call for
freedom from the Poison Cartel, the gang of three. The Gang of Three.
(applause continues through following)
Monsanto merging with Bayer, Dow merging with Dupont, Syngenta merging with Chem China.
Independently, they have ruined our regulations. Independently, they have
attacked every scientist who would let us know the harm these toxins do.
Individually, they have destroyed our seeds and our biodiversity.
Collectively, the Cartel of Three, can you imagine the destructive power, the monopoly
of power, the power to deregulate, the power to not let others
have the knowledge, the freedom for safety. That's why the call for the ban
on Roundup in public spaces is so important. But let's take it to the next
step, which we hope by second of October and Bobby, I really hope your voice will
add to this, is, the ultimate ban is in our hands.
The day we decide we will not eat food loaded with Roundup and other pesticides,
the day as growers we decide we are not going to do chemical farming, we have
already put a ban on Roundup and the other poisons that the poison cartel brings up.
Thank you, Vandana.
I am clear that I'm here as representation of the phenomena of the
love of mothers and parents everywhere. (applause)
I want to really acknowledge all of the women and the mothers who have
repeatedly said that Monsanto's and the big chemical company's products are
harming them, and we have not been listened to. And I really would like to
acknowledge Robert Kennedy for acknowledging that when 6,000 women
contacted him in six hours and said that their children were vaccine damaged,
which I'll get to how this is connected in a minute, and people didn't listen to
them, that that was not only unwise, it was misogynistic. And what's going on in
this movement, I believe, is thousands of women who are speaking up and are not
being heard. And that's why it is so important that we continue and, and use
our dollars, use our vote, right, to not buy organic and to tell them, well, you're
not buying it, therefore you can't sell it to us. So we spoke up and on a panel I
saw a woman on the pro-gmo side saying "well, you know our biggest problem are
these mom bloggers who are saying that their children are getting better when
they eat organic, you know, and avoid GMOs, and they have no evidence, they're
perpetrating a fraud on the American people."
So, I thought, well, we've gotta get some evidence, right, so I bugged a farmer, a
dear friend of all of ours, to please find a way to do glyphosate testing.
And he bugged a friend of his who happened to own a lab, and we were then able to
initiate glyphosate testing here in America, in tap water and urine and
breast milk, beginning a cycle of glyphosate testing. And my thinking on
this, it's not just about glyphosate, I agree, it's that we have to get rid of
the entire toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails.
(applause, cheers)
All of them have got to go.
However, 80% of GMOs are engineered to
withstand Roundup and glyphosate, right, so this is a great way to just knock them
off at the knees. And we need to make sure that this chemical is banned, that
this toxic chemical farming is not going to work, at all. And I believe we're
making huge headway. So what we're working on is, number one, educating the
mothers, because even if it's, even if it WAS labeled, I mean look at high-fructose
corn syrup. It's labeled. People still buy it, because
they don't know how harmful it is. So number one is to educate, especially the
mothers, because they buy 85 to 90 percent of the food. We need to educate
each other, and we need all of you to share, and be the media. The media is not
posting our articles the way they used to, so we really need you to like us on
Facebook, comment, share, get notifications, all of that social media. We need you to
do that. And, so number one education. Number two, we're testing, we're finding
that evidence. And the Prop 65 listing of glyphosate for California was huge
because, within one year of being put on that list, companies that do not put that
warning label that this product contains the chemical
that is known to cause cancer and be an endocrine disruptor, can be fined. And a
citizen can report them, and they'll be fined, I don't know if it's 2,500 or 6,500
dollars a day, per violation. So, within a year, which was July 7th. Now, of course
their levels in their food has to be above the "no significant risk" level,
which is what they're debating, and I'm sure they'll try to make it so high,
you know, that the food companies won't have to label. But that's still up for
debate right now. So we are trying to test as many different foods as we can
so that we have the evidence that these different food companies must label. And
so we appreciate support and being able to get that testing done. And what we're
looking at, it's not just having one company stop using glyphosate, we're
going after entire industries, okay, an entire category of different types of
foods. So we hope to be releasing more information on that soon. The next thing
I want to mention is that when I read the ingredients of vaccines,
I was very dismayed to see GMOs in them. And if there's GMOs there, considering
that 80% of GMOs are engineered to withstand glyphosate, I thought there
must be glyphosate in there, too. So a supporter gave us five childhood
vaccines. We sent them out. Every single one of them tested positive. And the MMR
vaccine tested five, sorry, 25 times higher than the rest of the vaccines.
And that is the one that was pinpointed by a CDC whistleblower to increase
autism, and, especially in African-American boys. And, and then a
independent scientist tested 14 more vaccines and confirmed our findings and
released that information. So I did a Freedom of Information Act on the FDA
and the CDC to ask them for any paperwork on glyphosate testing: what,
how, did they mention it, are they going to do it, did they do it, all of that,
right, because I informed them. And, of course, the response was vaccines are
safe. Now before I get into their response, I want to mention that the
reason why this is really important, and how it gets in there we believe is
because the animals are eating grain sprayed with high levels, like 400 parts
per million of glyphosate. The animal parts are used to make gelatin, which is
used as a stabilizer in vaccines. And the reason why it's a huge problem that it's
in there, not only because it's a weed killer, but because glyphosate breaks
down the blood-brain barrier and allows the toxins into the brain. So the toxins
like mercury, which Robert Kennedy's working so hard on, and aluminum, and all
these other toxins can have a greater impact of vaccine damage. So, and the spike in
autism happened at the same time as GMOs and glyphosate were put on the scene, right.
So the response back from the FDA was 56 pages, 50% of them were like this,
completely redacted. And they're saying because they don't have to show us their
deliberative process. They don't have to show us what they were talking about
amongst each other, and whether or not they're going to respond, what they're
gonna say, redacted, 56, over 50%. So, I'm outraged about this, that our Freedom of
Information Act is not free, and as a mother, I will not stand for this
anymore, and I ask every single person...
I ask every single person to become an activist, to share with everybody, to do
whatever you can, and to be very vocal about it. But, be nice. Because people who
don't believe you right away are not going to believe you if you are nasty to
them. So please, be nice about it, and, and share the information in different (ways),
in fact, Thursday night I have a talk about how to talk to your family about
GMOs and toxins. So please come to that. And share movies, like for instance
tomorrow, tomorrow at 5:30 Jeffrey Smith has a movie about secret ingredients
here. So please share information as much as you possibly can, and there's a lot
more, a lot more to say,
but I want you to hear from Robert Kennedy.
I'm very honored be up here with two of my heroes. And Vandana mentioned Rachel
Carson. And I had the privilege, I was a little boy, of meeting Rachel Carson who
came to my house at Hickory Hill to give a seminar to my parents.
At the time, Rachel Carson was under attack.
(Her book) was on, it was on the bestseller list longer than
any other book in history at that time.
And she came under attack not just by the industry, but by American scientists
and Monsanto, which printed 5,000 brochures called, uh, they made a
parody of "Silent Spring" called "The Desolate Year" and it was, it was
disclosing,.. it, it was a parody that was kind of making fun of what the
world would be like if we got rid of chemicals, because there would be all
this famine and destruction and misery. And they mounted a year-long campaign
against her and you know, Zen said this was misogynistic, this movement, the
chemical movement is misogynistic. And one of the things that they did at that
time, Rachel Carson was dying of cancer. She never defended herself.
She, and she was derided by a series of euphemisms that were meant to
imply, like the word "seamstress" which was a contemporary euphemism
for lesbianism. And those are the
kind of things that Monsanto did.
It was the first big campaign, before the tobacco campaign,
it became the template for all these other
campaigns. My uncle,.. and, and the USDA took the side of Monsanto and the
chemical industry against Rachel Carson. My uncle, President Kennedy, opposed his
own USDA and appointed an independent panel of scientists who went through "Silent
Spring" and vindicated Rachel Carson on every major assertion in the book.
One of the things that I learned during 33
years as an environmental advocate is that whenever you see large scale
environmental injury, you also see the subversion of democracy.
You see the capture of the
public agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution.
You'll see the corruption of public officials. You'll see the compromise of the press,
and the other institutions that democracy puts in the way of corporate control.
All those institutions are swept aside.
And, you know, when I was a little boy, I was training hawks.
And I was, I had a falconry license, I had a raptor propagation license,
and I had a banding license.
For almost 50 years, I've climbed up a ridge every autumn, September and
October, and I've banded the hawks as they come by on their migration. I will see in some
cases, 20,000 hawks in a day, maybe banded 70 or 80 of them.
One of the things I love about watching that migration down the eastern seaboard is
that we see a steady line of Monarch butterflies come down with the hawks
migration. They follow the same migration routes because they look for updrafts.
They know the, where the updrafts are along the ridgeways. And about 20 years ago
I saw the monarchs were diminishing, and every year after that they
got smaller and smaller until two years went by, I literally did not see any.
And by that time, we knew that it was Monsanto who was killing the milkweed
that was destroying the monarch butterflies and many other species. Monsanto
has acknowledged there's 13 species that will probably go extinct in North America,
because of its pesticides. Those are just "sacrifices for all of our greater good."
But, at the same time, I was involved a 30-year lawsuit against General Electric
Company for dumping PCBs into the Hudson. Of course, all of those PCPs, a hundred percent of
them were manufactured by Monsanto. And Monsanto knew that they caused cancer and
they knew that they were, very, very early on, that they caused IQ loss and
ultimately that they were endocrine disruptors. A single molecule in a
fish can diminish the IQ of a child, and it can change the sexual behavior of the child.
As a result of that, I represented the fisherman of the Hudson River.
We had about 2,000 fishing families, a 350 year industry. Vandana talked
about what this has done to the family farmer in India. And I watched personally
my friends and clients be put out of work. Because in 1973, the Department of
Environmental Conservation in New York State made it illegal to sell Hudson River fish.
And this industry, the oldest fishing community
in North America, three and a half centuries,
using the same fishing methods that were taught by the Algonquin Indians,
to the original Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam catching shad,
sturgeon, and herring, and alewives,
striped bass, tomcod, and all these other fishes,
blue crab, and suddenly
all these men and women were out of work.
And most of these people were people who wanted their
children to fish the Hudson.
Today, those children are hanging sheetrock,
pouring asphalt,
because nobody works on the river anymore, and the Constitution of the
State of New York says that the people of the State of New York own the fish
in the Hudson River,
and we own the water in the Hudson River. It's called the Public Trust Doctrine. It's a
2000 year-old law. It goes back to the Code of Justinian. It's in the Magna Carta. It's
in the Constitution of every state. That the people in the state own the fish
in that state, and the wandering animals. Today, legally we own the fish, but we
don't know own them any more. Monsanto now owns every fish in the Hudson River. It
privatized a public resource.
It turned them into profit for itself,
and it took them away from us,
so we can't use them anymore.
And that's an act of theft.
And all these things that, that
Vandana and Zen are talking about
are, are crimes!
This is a, put glyphosate... and by the way, what Vandana said about, we
shouldn't be talking about glyphosate, we should be talking about Roundup.
If you read all of these documents that we've gotten on Monsanto,
and see of all the sneaky stuff they do, one of the most fearful things to them
is that somebody's is going to do testing on Roundup. Because even in their most
private emails to each other, they're talking about "nobody's ever tested this
and we know that the formulation is much, much more toxic than the glyphosate."
Cause the formulation has all these surfactants in it, and adjuvants in it
that are intended to allow the glyphosate to slip through the bark of the plant and
through the coating of the plant, and they allow all those same chemicals to also
enable that molecule to penetrate the blood brain barrier and get in
the human system and they're toxic themselves. And the synergistic toxicity is
something they've been able to keep the regulatory agencies from ever looking at
that. The only thing they ever test is pure glyphosate. Nobody ever gets to test
Roundup. And of course, Roundup has many different formulations, but they're all much more
toxic than glyphosate. So. You know, I watched the, and by the way, you know
this is chemical, what Zen is talking about, that's chemical trespass. I never
gave,.. I have glyphosate in my body, so does everybody in this room. We never
gave that company permission to put that in our bodies.
(applause, cheering) And,...
they stole, they stole, oh, and,
and, this is a company, that I've watched,
you know why, this whole vaccine
controversy, well, the woman who has orchestrated the cover up
of, you know, mercury and aluminum and all these other issues that Zen talked about
vaccine safety, this woman called Colleen Boyle, at CDC, and you know how she got her start at CDC,
how she made her bones and got her promotion, by orchestrating the cover-up
of Monsanto's Agent Orange for 15 years till she was exposed by Congress. And
instead of being fired in 1984 when they finally figured out what she had been
doing for the last ten years, she was promoted to run the vaccine division.
(crowd exclaims "Oh!")
Oh, you know, we watched it, the control. And if you look at the documents that we've
gotten in these lawsuits, the control that they have of these agencies is
extraordinary, of CDC and of EPA and of FDA. They are running those. These
agencies are no longer independent agencies. They're sock puppets for this
huge chemical company. And it allows the chemical company to subvert the
marketplace, to externalize its cause and subvert the laws and democracy. If you
talk to a prosecutor and say, "Why aren't you prosecuting Monsanto?" They'll say, "Well,
it's just an environmental crime not a real crime."
An environmental crime IS real crime.
And if somebody...
(thunderous applause, cheers)
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