Renewable energy.
Looked to as the future, as it brings both environmental and economic benefits.
South Korea is also jumping on board, with Seoul declaring itself a future solar city.
For our news features tonight...
Lee Jeong-yeon dives into what that industry might look like for the country in the future.
Here's something not many people in Seoul have seen.
Mini solar panels hanging outside apartment balconies.
This residential area is a new energy-powered village with around 200 households producing
solar energy.
(Korean) "I paid around 90 U.S. dollars, one-sixth
of the cost.
The rest was funded by the government.
I've always been interested in renewable energy so I'm glad to take part."
This one mini solar panel can produce around 300 watts of electricity, which is enough
to run a refrigerator.
It can cut electricity bills by between five and eight U.S. dollars a month.
This area shows what the city government is trying to achieve with its "Solar City Seoul"
So what prompted such a project?
(Korean)- "Fossil fuels are causing huge climate change.
So we're turning to renewable energy.
Seoul's initiative is projected to produce one gigawatt of power by 2022, the equivalent
of one nuclear power plant."
The city's goal is to get 1-million households to install mini solar panels and to increase
the city's solar energy reliance to 3-percent.15-billion won, or 14-million U.S. dollars will be invested
into solar energy over the next five years, and public facilities such as streetlights
will be solar powered.
If this goal is accomplished, it will slash greenhouse gas emissions by about 540-thousand
tons, the equivalent of planting 8-thousand pine trees.
But on top of environmental effects, there are also economic benefits.
(Korean) "Expanding the solar energy industry will
create more jobs.
Also, the city will rely less on outside sources for energy, and keep the money flowing within
the region."
Because Seoul is a land-locked region that limits the use of other types of renewable
energy, solar energy is its best option.
And there's a part of Seoul that's been using it for the last five years.
(stand-up) Here in Gangdong-gu district is a village
that's already making active use of solar energy.
Most households here produce and consume their own electricity.
Sipjaseong Village is a model energy-powered village in Seoul.
It was established in 1974 by Vietnam War veterans.
A total of around 50 households in the village use solar panels, producing 45-percent of
the village's total energy demand.
(Korean) "When the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened
it made us more aware of the need for renewable energy, so we have taken part in this solar
energy project since 2012."
But not all residents were open to the idea from the start.
(Korean) "I actually didn't want to participate because
I didn't know much about it.
But now that we are involved, it's amazing.
I don't know why the government didn't do this earlier."
The most obvious benefit: lower electricity bills.
2190 , . 8-9 4000 "It usually costs around two dollars a month,
four dollars at the most when I use air-conditioning in summer."
Renewable energy is relatively new to Korea, but there are some places around the world
that are already exploring its full potential.
The Danish island of Samso has been producing more energy than it consumes for the past
(English ) "We are more than 100-percent self-supplied
and we have reduced the CO2 emission.
We are carbon negative.
We actually have an emission of -3.7 tons per capita, which seen from a global perspective
is very good."
One way to boost production is to increase citizen involvement.
(Korean) "60% of Seoul residents live in apartments.
So citizens can form co-operatives to invest in solar panels and share the earnings."
But at the heart of citizen participation is awareness, and that's what some say is
a priority.
(English ) "From being interested to actually investing
money into a project is a long way to go because it takes a lot of convincing for people to
invest their savings into new technology they don't know about.
So information and education is really key to the process of change."
(Korean) "The most effective way is to increase tax
on electricity, which will make people more aware of how much they're using."
In reality, South Koreans only pay the standard value-added tax amount of 10-percent for electricity.
This is in stark contrast to Denmark with 59-percent tax, and Germany with 51 percent.
As the Korean saying goes, "we only see as much as we know."...
So many experts say the most important task is to educate the public and get them involved.
And after that, everything else will follow suit.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
For more infomation >> 'Solar City Seoul,' the future of solar energy in S. Korea - Duration: 5:14.-------------------------------------------
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(Episode 7)
How unreliable is that woman?
She could've just told me
she didn't want to take the class with me.
But she took off and hasn't even called.
So will I.
He looked just like Changsu
standing there in front of the classroom.
Oh, my goodness. What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with me?
What am I saying?
- Goodbye. / - Have a good one.
Come again.
Ow, my back. Ow.
Were you hit by lightning on the way over?
Why do you look like that?
Don't get me started. I've come to hide.
What's this?
Model application?
Model for what?
Genius Cosmetics is hosting a makeup show.
All the ladies were tugging at me,
wanting to be models.
It was crazy.
There will be a riot if they don't get to model.
There are that many applicants?
Not everyone's fit to model.
Why bother? It's too much effort.
They're offering amazing prizes.
Like what?
One set of Genius' latest products,
one set of men's cosmetics,
and a small amount of cash.
How much?
At least $50 as it's a big company.
- That's it? / - What do you mean?
A box set alone is valued at hundreds of dollars.
I should ask my son later when I get home.
Is your son omniscient?
How would he know about someone else's company?
You don't know anything.
He's doing work for Genius these days.
He is?
I wonder how they'll pick the models.
How about drawing straws?
I'm not good at that. I'm unlucky.
Running. I'd come in first place.
This isn't the Olympics.
What's the point of us talking about it?
Won't the company decide?
I was actually planning to go and ask.
The ladies will murder me if I don't.
I'll come with you.
You said you couldn't be bothered.
Can't I just go inquire?
Ms. Jeong Inu, does the work here suit you?
What do you mean?
Your style's too outdated for a beauty manger.
How will you style other people?
How will clients trust you?
You know your customer rating is very low, right?
You should be amiable if you lack the talent.
But you're neither friendly
nor do you help your colleagues.
I will have to reconsider if you keep this up
throughout your three-month internship.
Take that to heart, intern staffer Ms. Jeong Inu.
I guess you're busy.
How may I help you?
He's here to see me.
This way.
How do you do? I'm...
Just come.
That bear of a girl is scary when she gets mad.
Interpersonal relationships are important
for those in the service industry.
I don't want your lecture.
Why are you here?
I was in the neighborhood.
I thought it'd look nice on you.
Some wear dresses where one sleeve costs thousands.
This isn't anything like that.
Who asked you for a dress?
You can get a refund if you don't like it.
The receipt and store business card are inside.
I'm not completely shameless.
I've turned to you for help a lot.
I have a conscience.
I'll get going.
Get back to work.
Just stop asking me for help then.
I didn't ask for a dress.
Why does he walk like that?
Of course he's a germaphobe.
- Ma'am, blood sausage, please. / - Okay.
- Lots of offal, please. / - Okay.
Looks yummy.
Not your kind of food?
I'm not hungry.
You don't eat this out of hunger.
You must have expensive taste.
He's blatantly lusting after me.
He obviously knows I'm hot.
How may I help you?
I called earlier.
I'm vice president of the Merchants' Association.
Director Gu will be here shortly.
Please take a seat.
Would you like tea?
We're fine. Don't mind us.
Very well then.
Wow, it's nice here.
It's a great world these days if you're rich.
My eldest is a manager here, a beauty manager.
This is the place?
It sure is.
The youngest is at the main office.
I'm their employees' family,
so shouldn't they let me model?
That's not fair.
That's favoritism and corruption.
Good grief. What a thing to call corruption.
You're from the Merchants' Association?
Yes. I have many questions about the makeup show.
Everyone has applied to be a model.
It'll get ugly if this isn't done fairly.
Did you over-promote the show?
I only did what the president asked me to.
The president's a henpecked husband,
and you're his henpecking wife.
Then we should draw straws.
I told you that wouldn't work.
Many people have bad luck, including me.
Let's do a race.
Here you go again. This isn't for the Olympics.
Then let's do the ladder lottery.
That's the most fair.
How is that different from drawing straws?
I've no luck with such things.
Then how about first-come-first-serve?
That's not fair.
I learned about it later.
And how can you trust that?
Then what do we do?
Did you take bribes?
How can you say that?
Then let's do this.
We'll have an audition.
A very fair one.
An audition?
Who will be the judges?
Our company reps of course.
We'll set a convenient date, so please wait.
For a cosmetics model,
won't they look at how pretty and fit you are?
Lucky Dong.
But we're talking about middle-aged ladies.
Individuality reigns supreme these days.
That's true.
The ladies will throw a fit if this is looks-based.
No. Forget a pretty face or a nice body.
We'll do a talent show.
That's the final decision.
Hey, let's marry Mom off to Mr. Gu.
Still dreaming?
Wake up.
Then I'll do it.
Do what?
If not Mom,
I'll marry Mr. Gu instead.
You've finally gone mad.
That will drive Witch Gu up the wall.
It's exhilarating just to think about.
You'll sacrifice yourself
to drive Witch Gu crazy?
She said my style was outdated.
Does she think I don't know that?
I know how to shop for designer brands too.
The problem is you don't have money.
What about my style?
My style is my own.
And this is how I was born.
I'll live and die like this.
Who is she to judge me?
Here she goes again.
She'll fire me after three months?
Life can change overnight.
Who knows what I'll make of myself?
You sound just like you-know-who.
Turning your life around overnight?
Being disrespectful again.
Fine. I'm our dad's daughter.
So what?
I knew the peace wouldn't last.
What is it now?
I'm going to be your daughter.
How random.
Can't you just let me vent,
you brat?
It stresses me out when I hear you vent.
So what if it does?
Why do you want
to stress someone else out too?
You're so selfish.
Be quiet.
Zip it, zip it, zip it.
Are you entering a singing contest?
Ask your sister.
Don't you know?
Your center's hosting a makeup show.
What does that have to do with you?
You're going to do it?
What for? It's embarrassing.
That's right.
They pay you and give you free cosmetics,
and I can promote my salon.
And we know each other,
so why would it be embarrassing?
That's true. Free advertising.
That'd be good.
But why are you looking at a songbook?
The market ladies have applied in droves,
so there will be an audition.
What do I sing to get the judges' attention?
Do you want to be selected?
In any competition, winning is best.
Wow. You sure have a lot of beauty products.
Cut to the chase.
I get my fair share of
beating around the bush from Ms. Kim.
You saw right through me.
Can I have a facial sheet mask?
Are you going on a date?
It's for Ms. Kim, not me.
Ms. Kim's going on a date?
She needs a facial sheet mask.
Why does Ms. Kim need it?
Hang on.
She's not at the office
or the cafe these days.
Is she really going on a date?
Is she seeing someone?
Is she not allowed to date?
Ms. Kim! Ms. Kim!
What are you doing?
I'm going to ask.
Genius Beauty Center is holding an audition
to pick models for a makeup show.
Why did you get this?
I applied on Ms. Kim's behalf.
Why? Because she'd never apply herself.
So what if you applied for her?
She'll never do it.
Just watch. I'll make her.
Go for it then.
Thank you.
Oh. Why did you get so worked up
over Ms. Kim's dating life?
No, I didn't!
See, see? Your voice.
Hang on. 1, 2, 3.
It went up about three keys.
What about you? You'd be fine with it?
See? You can't answer me.
You're no different.
I'll be fine if it's a nice guy.
Do you really mean that?
It's Ms. Kim's life.
What right do I have to stop her?
"Nonsense. Why would I do that?"
That's what Ms. Kim will say about the audition.
What's this nonsense you're spewing?
Why in the world would I do that?
But it's free.
I wouldn't do it even if they paid me.
You can't do it just because you want to.
They'll pick from a pool of applicants.
That's great.
Then let those who want to do it do it.
But I need cosmetics.
Men don't use cosmetics.
All the men these days do.
They give a men's cosmetics set if you model.
You'll also get paid of course.
- Really? / - Yes.
But still...
I'll buy you yours.
What about mine?
You only use expensive cosmetics.
No. That doesn't mean I'll buy you cheap stuff.
Genius will do just fine for me.
It's free.
There's nothing to think about.
Don't think and just do it for my sake.
What if she fails the audition?
Stop your nonsense and go to bed.
You're home early for once,
so you turn in too.
♪ Green pine of Ilsongjeong ♪
Have the pine trees all died?
Are you out to ruin the mood?
Then this.
♪ Deep in the night in Seongbulsa ♪
Out. It's getting worse.
Is there something novel and attention-grabbing?
♪ The waters of the East Sea and Baekdusan ♪
I only know these three songs.
Give it up. It won't work.
Mom, do this.
You'll come in first place if you do this.
- What is it? / - What?
You expect Mom to do this?
Why not if she practices?
I'll teach her the moves if she learns the song.
Don't you know Mom can't sing or dance?
All the better.
They're not looking for good singers.
♪ Heartthrob ♪
It's a fun song.
Isn't it?
Do you think you can do it?
I'll do it if you guys tell me to.
This is the joy of having daughters.
My daughters are finally earning their keep.
That devious woman.
She said she couldn't be bothered,
but she's working on a secret weapon?
Mom, where are the potatoes?
You said you were going to Inu's for potatoes.
Who cares about potatoes right now?
Download a song for me.
I downloaded everything you told me to.
There's something else.
What song?
It goes "heartthrob."
Is that the title?
No, I'm not sure.
- I can look it up. / - Okay.
I have a son,
a lawyer son.
It's getting way out of hand.
The ladies were so insistent that I had to cave.
Things could go haywire even before the makeup show.
I was worried no one would apply.
Middle-aged ladies these days are remarkable.
At the cabaret too, they...
Yes, since you're an expert on them,
you're in charge of the audition.
Just thinking about them drives me mad.
This means it's going better than expected,
so don't be mad.
You heard about the audition?
What do you think Mr. Lee's job is?
But where should we hold the audition?
A big hall at the community center?
There's a hall at the main office.
It's way too big there.
What about the cafe?
The cafe next to the Center?
Yes, that'd work.
They even have a stage.
Why there?
Will they readily rent it to us?
I have an inkling they will.
Let's go seal the deal.
You're going out again?
I'm busy these days.
You're busier than when you used to go clubbing.
Making money isn't the same as spending it.
I'm very busy because I'm trying to make money.
That's very desirable,
but you sure embellish.
How dare you!
I've gone too easy on you.
Wait. Let go. Wait.
Let go and talk. Wait.
Don't get fresh with me.
You're still my baby brother, okay?
Let go and we'll talk.
I don't want to.
Hey, promise me.
You'll always take my side from now on.
I warned you.
- What? Come on. / - Why, you...
What a cheap blow!
That tickles!
She has nothing on me.
Are you going out penniless?
Should I have asked Eunjo for her lipstick?
That would be perfect.
Forget it. Forget it.
Kim Haengja has never worn makeup.
What's this?
Oh, wow. That Eunjo.
Oh, wow. She can be so silly.
♪ You like me and like me ♪
♪ We like each other ♪
Huh? What?
You seem to be scoffing at me.
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?
Why would I?
♪ Heartthrob ♪
♪ You like me ♪
♪ And I like you. You... ♪
Why is it so complicated?
Oh, my. Welcome.
Are you going somewhere nice?
You're dressed to the nines.
Oh, please.
This is more than 20 years old.
I thought I'd just dress up a bit for work.
Sorry, sorry.
Something urgent came up,
so I couldn't register.
I'll do it this week.
Hang on.
♪ You like me ♪
♪ And you like me ♪
♪ We like each other ♪
Who do you like so much?
It's a song.
My boss has been liking
someone all morning.
It's a song.
What song?
Just a song.
Oh, here.
It's the book about Scrooge.
Oh, right. Thanks.
Yes, I'll register this week.
So let's go together next week.
♪ You like me ♪
♪ I like you... ♪ Man, it's hard.
Good grief. Why don't you come clean?
About what?
You're practicing for the audition, right?
You caught on?
But of course.
You said you couldn't be bothered.
I'm not doing this for me.
I decided to sacrifice myself to advertise
our salon.
But of course.
But you'll never ask me to audition with you.
So what will you do?
No pressure. I'm just curious.
N-N-Next week. Next week.
I promise I'll come next week.
♪ Jja jjara jjara jjara jjan jjan jjan ♪
♪ My love for you ♪
♪ Is unconditionally unconditional ♪
♪ My love for you ♪
♪ Is premium-grade love ♪
Stop the music.
What's with the suit?
Isn't it to die for?
Yes, it will certainly kill me.
Can I hear the music?
Please resume.
It's trot music befitting the mood of the market.
Cut the music!
♪ Jjara jjara jja jja jja ♪
♪ Jjara jjara jja jja jja ♪
♪ Unconditionally unconditional ♪
♪ Jja jjara jjara jjara jjan jjan jjan ♪
What is this?
I'm struggling due to the lack of students.
No wonder no one's signing up.
Temper yourself and come home early.
Isn't the music amazing?
All music's just about the same.
Oh, come on. I saw you feeling the groove earlier.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
Isn't he that playboy?
What a terrible dresser.
How dated is his suit?
Must be around 20 years old.
Is there something you want to say?
I teach a class here.
I'm Dr. Jeong Geunseop, a sociologist.
Oh, I see.
Let me give you mine.
Oh, no.
I changed earlier and left my business cards
in my other suit.
That's okay.
What? That's from when Jeongsuk ripped the collar.
I'll see you around.
She gave him my suit?
Are they already that serious?
I must verify before chewing her out.
How dare a mother of two grown daughters do this?
What is it?
I need to check something.
Have you lost your mind?
It's definitely mine.
It's got my name in it.
There's a lot more data to work with than I expected.
I think the makeup show will be a great success.
Do we get a bonus if it's a success?
What is this?
Why does it feel like I'm talking to myself?
Hey, Mr. Hong Seok.
Mr. Hong Dol.
Must be nice to be a woman
as you have a permanent ally.
Look at the surveys.
"Mother" and "daughter" are listed most frequently.
That depends on the mother.
Who says a mother's always your ally?
Why are you so touchy?
I was just talking about regular moms and daughters.
I know Ms. Kim Haengja isn't an ordinary mom.
Excuse me?
Did you do a background check on me?
You're a client of the Beauty Center.
I saw you on the client list.
You did?
The gamecock of Geumdong Market
is certainly no ordinary mother.
You didn't know?
Nevertheless, you can't call your mother that.
Mind what you say if you don't know anything.
It's offensive.
I should go.
- Seo-eun, are you okay? / - Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Thank you.
Let me see.
You know something?
You're high-maintenance.
You're the opposite
of my ideal type.
Do you feel better now?
What do you mean?
Don't be so hard on your mother.
What did I do?
You say what you don't mean
and then regret it.
What do you know about me?
You're mistaken if you think your mom
will always be by your side.
So be good to her while she's here?
Why don't you?
Do you think being negative makes you look tough?
You're more pained by the pain you inflict.
What's it to you if I'm pained or not?
Who are you to lecture me?
And she's not my mom.
My mom died before I had a chance to be good
because of a money-grubber.
I'll text you my bank account number,
so wire me my pay.
And let's not associate with each other again.
Who am I to tell her to be good to her mom?
So if I sign this,
they'll leave in two months, right?
Here. Thank you.
This is...
I've always paid by the case.
Nothing's free in this world.
Very well then.
Okay then.
Take your time with the tea.
I have a lot to do.
Eunjo just went out.
You should've come sooner.
It's not like that.
Come again.
Can I ask you something?
What does Eunjo like?
You said it wasn't like that.
Forget it if you don't know.
Eunjo likes lots of things.
Clothes, shoes, purses, accessories...
Only designer label.
Not stuff like that. For instance,
what's one thing Eunjo considers most important?
Just one?
Oh. What she most cherishes?
Yes. What she most cherishes.
You're right.
I want to win her over.
Please help me.
I like your honesty.
What Eunjo most cherishes is...
Why? Is something wrong?
Why are you crying? You're breaking my heart.
You've been crying a lot these days.
I must be going through puberty again.
I miss Mom.
What was Mom like?
She was always sick,
was frail,
and always spoke softly
as she lacked the strength.
She was the polar opposite of Ms. Kim.
Eunjo, stop crying.
She's crying?
I'd like to see Mom just once more.
I want to talk to her and touch her
like other people do.
Don't you want to too?
I am Mom's son after all.
Of course.
They say raising a child makes you the parent,
but blood is indeed thicker than water.
It's natural for them to miss their birth mother.
But Eunjo, I...
I know.
You're merely curious about Mom, right?
How can you feel attached to her?
Truth be told, I don't.
To you, Ms. Kim is your mom, right?
You don't have to look so guilty.
You can't force these things,
so I'll try to understand.
Since we're on the subject,
you're working on Ms. Kim's physical, right?
He's my only source of money right now.
And I doubt Ms. Kim will reactivate these soon.
(Hong Dol)
I should've held out for a day.
Why did I have to lose my temper?
Mr. Introvert or Hong Seok is a bit of a nut.
I should try seducing him.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing?
Wait. Can we talk?
Your pay will be wired before noon.
It's not that.
About our business.
Business? What business?
I didn't know you worked here.
You can't tell my family.
Then have dinner with me.
Cut to the chase.
What a showoff.
She's no better than me.
Excuse me?
What are you singing?
Was "Heartthrob" this depressing?
Emergency measure for a bad singer.
Although life can turn around overnight,
I got fired,
disrespected by my daughter...
Dr. Jeong.
It's so nice to see you here.
Mr. Hong's working late at the Center.
How did you know I'd be here?
I have my sources.
He's quite sexy.
I almost jumped him.
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