I know you work for Romero, the Colombian.
Give him this message.
Tell him he'll make a lot of money with Salvador Acero.
Mr. Highball says you're best in the business,
yet you don't know anything about it.
That means you lied to Mr. Highball.
Can you imagine the dude's face
when he realizes I'm his supplier?
The same guy who'll end the Acero dynasty.
The two dynasties meet again.
I wanted to inform you
I've been awarded full custody of Nicolas.
We've just got to convince them that's us in those passports.
Then it's "Welcome to America."
Let's just pray my nerves don't get the best of me.
You've got the wrong idea.
I only said I'm not a weapons expert,
but I know this business like the back of my hand.
Ask me anything about cartridges, calibers or scopes.
In the meantime,
I'll tell you all the places where you can cross the border.
Every inch of the desert, every tunnel, every rut,
every obstacle that you and your people will come across
if you go alone.
You can load a gun with your eyes closed.
Well, my sister, the Woman of Steel
can cross the Rio Grande with her eyes closed.
Let's not play coy.
You say this FN SCAR is a work of art.
To my family, crossing the border
and laundering money are also art forms.
Why else would Highball pick me?
He's smart.
You think he'd trust some idiot?
Do you think I'm stupid?
We either came here to waste our time or to do business.
You've got -----, kid. I dig it.
Help! Help!
-This man wants to rape me! -Honey!
-Help! -I came to save you.
If you don't leave right now, I'll kill you!
Alright, Tuti!
Hurry up and tell us what's going on.
I've called this meeting
to make an announcement to the family.
That's you, Roberta, Felipa, Lorenza, you three,
and you too.
I know I ordered you like a week ago,
but you're also family now.
We need to sell the house and leave in a jiffy.
In a jiffy? What's that?
She means in a hurry. We need to move out.
You see? He speaks my language.
If he weren't so ugly, I'd say, "Congrats, handsome."
You know what?
The day I become someone important,
you and I will work together at the UN.
You'll be my translator.
Why do we have to move? Does Doriga know?
I can't move.
My daughter's here.
Plus Marcelo left.
He said it'd be dangerous if he stayed.
I'm not asking you. I can handle Doriga.
I'll tell him where we'll be. Don't worry about that.
I'm about to start an important business venture
and we're about to make more money
than my late hubby left me.
It's not easy for me to feed all of you,
especially since you all love stuffing your faces.
You guys eat more than a fat boy on Christmas.
It's very hard to feed all of you and the employees.
Plus, I have other expenses.
Besides, my boy's future is at risk.
Think about that.
So it's final. We're moving to Tamaulipas!
And if you say no, you'll have to deal with me!
----! I broke my nail.
Look, Roberta!
The tip!
I can't just grow it out, silly.
We'll give you the weapons.
You'll deliver them to our partners in the US.
You'll receive the cash.
We'll use our businesses to launder the money over here.
Hotels, cars, horses, and the like.
30% of the money stays there.
The rest is ours.
We get our commission from there, right?
No way.
25. At the least.
No one earns more than 10% in commissions,
not even partners we trust.
Listen, Jet Li. We're not like everyone else.
I'm not Chinese. I'm South Korean.
Look, Mr...
Mr. Park, we came here for a partnership.
You don't look down on partners. They're equals.
25% or we walk.
Just think about it.
With Chucho Casares dead, there's no one to protect you.
I'm guessing this stash won't last three months.
You'll be in trouble. What then?
What if the Feds get suspicious?
You need protection... and allies.
What do you say?
20%. That's as high as I'll go.
Mr. Park, I'm happy to say that you're officially in business
with the Acero-Quintanilla Cartel.
Let's hope it's for the best.
Well done. I mean that.
Get over here.
We're going to be rich!
US-Mexico Border
Hey, listen to me.
I need you on top of things.
If Indio gets suspicious, it'll be worse than last time.
He won't show your son mercy.
I'm fine.
Here. Put this on.
We'll be able to stay in touch.
Don't worry about Mendoza. We can trust him.
His people are the PGE's top agents.
I'd only trust him or Sanchez with this.
Are you ready?
Just remember that this will only work
if you do the right thing.
Alright, Phillips. I'm the one risking everything.
Then concentrate and wipe those tears.
Your issues with your ex can be dealt with later.
Right now, he's the priority.
We're going to save him.
Thanks. I mean it.
Don't thank me until he's back in your arms.
Stop crying. You're strong.
Is everything ready?
The shipment's ready.
How's Cardenas? Can she do this?
She's got no choice.
Gentlemen, please stand up.
Be on alert for any instructions from Mendoza or me.
We're about to dance with the Devil,
but this is a dance we're gonna lead!
-Yes, sir. -The hell?
Yes, sir!
Let's go!
I've got my eye on you, Pepita.
Don't screw up or I'll ---- you up the way you like it.
- ---- you! -Enough, Jose Angel.
Too bad a real woman has to stand up for you.
Come on! Back to work!
Hurry up or I'll be eating all of you for dinner!
Come on! Hurry up!
Is the kid ready?
What's going on?
We're about to go to war and I need you at your best.
Salvador Acero's been released.
I know. It made the news.
The idiot president held a press conference.
Are we supposed to throw him a welcome party?
The Acero-Quintanillas left the state.
Stay informed, man.
I don't have time to think about those people now.
I've hated that family
since before Sara cut off these two fingers.
When you've hated someone that long,
you learn to be patient.
Right now, we need to cross the Colombian's merch.
We're not trying to resurrect a cartel, here.
We need to show the Colombian
that he ain't got nothing Teca Martinez didn't.
I don't care.
I want to beat that bastard up before we do anything else.
He's on my list.
Calm down, Owl. What's the rush?
Right now we need to cross the Colombian's merch.
We need to throw him a bone so he'll leave us alone.
Are you crossing?
Yeah, some by land and others underground.
We'll use the tunnels
Teca Martinez left all over the border.
They're still good. Just a bit dusty.
You hear that?
Some of you will be mules and others will be moles.
One of you might even be a mare,
but that's a story for another time.
Right now, I've got an ICE agent to hunt.
Bring the kid.
I'm sure he's dying to see mommy dearest.
Boss, everything went according to plan.
The six tons of merch are at Trion,
real close to Matamoros.
Why isn't it at the Los Indios Bridge?
No idea.
It took them all night to get there,
but they left the merch in Juarez.
-I can check with Indio Amaro. -No.
Let him be.
Amaro thinks he's smarter than me.
He's playing with fire. Let him get burned.
I'll lose six tons of coke, but he'll lose everything.
Keep me informed.
Yes, sir.
Brownsville-Matamoros Border
Chayo, calm down. You aren't helping.
You haven't smuggled people across the border in a while...
Didn't I bring a busload of people into Chihuahuita?
I guess...
Exactly. I was born for this.
Just calm down.
Who the ---- knows I'm here?
Relax, boss.
I asked my American buddies to look into something.
Efficient, right?
Express mail and door-to-door delivery.
Look what I have for you.
The life and trials of Daniel Phillips.
You wanted this, didn't you?
That's great.
Mrs. Victoria! Felipe, sweetie!
-What is it, Mom? -Have you seen Mrs. Victoria?
-No. -She's not in her room.
Honey, have the guards review the security footage.
We need to find her. I think she ran away.
Oh, my God! What do I do now?
This can't be.
Did anyone follow you?
-Well? -No.
This is the antidote for the scopolamine
your daughter was given.
I also compiled a list of labs
where Mario doesn't know anyone.
Let me know once you have the antidote.
I'll make sure Andrea gets it.
How do I know this isn't one of Mario's plans?
You have no other choice.
You either trust me or you're ------.
I'm risking my neck to help you...
And Andrea, too.
She doesn't deserve this.
Find the antidote. I'll do the rest.
You should know that once I rescue Andrea,
I'm also going to take Elizabeth.
If that bastard's doing this to his unborn child,
I can't begin to imagine what he'd to Elizabeth.
It's true Andrea's pregnant,
but there's something you don't know.
What's that mean?
Mario's not the father.
For more infomation >> Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 19 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:09.-------------------------------------------
Lo Asesine, Pero Ya Cumplí Mi Condena 🔫😩⚰ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:23.
Chicken Malai Tikka Recipe On Stove Without Oven Or BBQ Grill By Shaz Kitchen - Duration: 3:52.
Bismi llāhi r raḥmāni r raḥīm Aslam o Alikum
today's recipe is chicken malai tikka
to make chicken malai tikka
salt to taste
all spices powder 1/2 tsp
white pepper 1/2 tsp
lemon juice 2 tbsp
ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
green chili paste 1 tbsp
greek yogurt 2 tbsp
fresh cream 2 tbsp
oil 1 tbsp
mix all ingredients
all ingredients have mixed well
chicken leg piece 350 grams apx.
make deep cuts on it
app marination on it
cover and keep in fridge for 2 hours to marinate
2 hours has gone
add oil 1 tbsp in grill pan
spread with brush
add rest marinade
cover with a foil paper
cook 1 hour on low flame
1 hour has passed
let's check
turn off flame
place a foil paper piece
put a burning coal
add 1-2 drops oil
cover for 2-3 minutes
remove coal
malai tikka without oven is ready
dish it out
chicken malai tikka is now ready to serve
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