Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here, and today I'm breaking down the first full
official Avengers: Infinity War trailer for easter eggs and other interesting details
you might have missed.
If you're new to my channel, I do regular comic-book movie videos, and to celebrate
the Infinity War trailer finally dropping, I'm kicking off a new superhero giveaway for
all my subscribers.
I've got full details on that plus the winners of my Justice League giveaway later in this
I'm gonna kick off with Bruce Banner because, not only does his first shot in the trailer
give us a very cool easter egg, but also because since Mark Ruffalo joined the MCU in the first
Avengers movie, he's given us the awesome big-screen Banner and Hulk I've always wanted.
In the Infinity War trailer, we see Bruce Banner back on Earth where it looks like he's
crashed through the ceiling of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum as the Hulk and smashed
through the floor.
It reminds me of Banner's crash-landing in the Avengers movie when he met Harry Dean
Stanton's security guard.
This scene is a very cool nod to the first issue of the Infinity Gauntlet comics in which
Silver Surfer crashes through the roof of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum to warn
of Thanos's impending arrival.
This is very likely also Banner arriving back on Earth to warn the Avengers about Thanos
because, if you recall at the end of Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk was with Thor when Thanos's
Sanctuary ship arrived to intercept the God of Thunder's ship.
Also notice in this shot that Tony Stark is holding a little phone and it looks like it
could be the same one that Cap had FedExed to him at the end of Civil War.
Talking of Bruce Banner, we have an intriguing shot later in the trailer of him in Wakanda
standing next to a huge Hulkbuster arm.
Later again we see the Hulkbuster, which looks different than last time we saw it, and it's
in action in Wakanda; and it feels like there's a hint here that we may see Bruce Banner getting
into the Hulkbuster for Infinity War rather than Tony Stark.
There are other possibilities too, though, and I wonder if it could be T'Challa's sister
Shuri in the suit?
We already know that Shuri is an engineering and robotics expert with skills that are on
a par with Tony Stark.
Also, in that huge Wakandan battle, Hulk is already there without any suit and I can't
see Shuri in that line-up.
And, on top of that, we've already seen an important Wakandan character suit up in Black
Panther-style Hulkbuster armour in the comics.
Also, look a bit more closely at this amazing line-up because Cap has some interesting arm
I think those could be some cool Wakandan tech that's been designed for him.
And, of course, after Cap abandoned his shield at the end of Civil War, I just loved Black
Panther's line, "get this man a shield", so I wonder if that smart Wakandan tech could
make a shield materialise in a similar way to how Black Panther's suit appears here.
Also, notice how Captain America no longer has his star on his costume, which is understandable
given that, after the events of Civil War, he's now a fugitive on the run.
That, plus Steve Roger's beard, symbolise his changed role in the MCU and are a nod
to the comics where he took on a new identity as Nomad when he took off his Captain America
costume after becoming disillusioned due to the corruption of the US government.
As for his beard, that seems like a hat-tip to Captain America's Castaway in Dimension
Z storyline in the comics.
There's also a very quick shot in the trailer of Steve Rogers catching a spear from one
of Thanos's Black Order.
That figure, which we only get a glimpse of here, is Proxima Midnight, who in the comics
was sent by Thanos to retrieve an infinity gem.
And in the trailer, it looks like we see Proxima, plus one of her Black Order comrades, Corvus
Glaive, attacking Vision's Mind Stone.
Like Cap, Black Widow is also sporting a new look in Infinity War.
Her change from red hair to blonde is likely because, like Cap, she's had to go underground
to lie low from the authorities.
When we last saw Natasha in Civil War, she switched sides from Team Iron Man to help
Cap escape at Berlin airport, and Tony Stark later warned her that the government would
be coming for her.
Now, I think we can all agree the Battle in Wakanda looks pretty epic and is a huge hint
that Thanos is after something there, most probably the Soul Stone.
And, if you're wondering what those four-armed creatures are, well, they're Outriders.
In the comics, Outriders are genetically-engineered beings used by Corvus Glaive and Thanos to
scout out worlds for tributes for the Mad Titan.
The Outriders lack their own free will and are essentially cannon fodder for their masters.
The trailer also reveals a battle in New York with a huge portal-like ship or generator
appearing over New York.
And this is where we get an awesome shot of Spider-Man, who's now wearing the Iron Spider
suit he turned down at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Spidey seems to fail at stopping whatever is going on here and gets a beating from Thanos,
but I wonder whether the next shot of Thor in another huge circular object could be the
God of Thunder inside the heart of whatever is driving this generator?
OK, let's look at Vision and Scarlet Witch now.
We know already that Vision gets attacked for his Mind Stone, but earlier we get to
see him together with Wanda and what's curious is that we're seeing him for the first time
with a human face, although it looks like he's still got the yellow Mind Stone in his
I wonder if he has the ability to switch between android and human form?
Also notice that Vision appears to be sharing a room with Wanda, a big hint that we're seeing
their relationship progress from just cooking Paprikash together to something a lot more
serious, another nod to how the couple also got together in the comics.
By the way, a small thing I noticed is that we never actually see Corvus Glaive extract
the Mind Stone from Vision, so I wonder whether there's a chance the Black Order here could
be manipulating the Stone leaving it in Vision and placing him under their control.
So, what about the other two stones we see in Thanos's infinity gauntlet in the trailer?
Well, the blue stone will be the Space Stone which we see Loki offering up to Thanos.
This scene very likely happens on board the ship that Loki and Thor are on at the end
of Thor: Ragnarok and is strong confirmation that Loki stole the Tesseract from Odin's
treasure room on Asgard at the end of that movie.
You can see the carnage that Thanos has inflicted on board the ship because these body markings
match those from Asgardians in the last Thor film.
Although Loki is probably trying to save his own skin here, I wonder whether there's a
chance he's offering up the stone to save the remaining Asgardians as well?
And the purple stone that Thanos already has will be the Power Stone which was given to
the Nova Corps for safekeeping by the Guardians of the Galaxy.
There's a shot in the trailer of Thor looking out over a planet which seems to be burning.
I think it could actually be Xandar, home of the Nova Corps and therefore show the aftermath
of Thanos's attack.
So, in the trailer we have an idea of how Thanos has got hold of three of the six Infinity
Stones he's after, but there's obviously three more he has to get: the Reality Stone, the
Soul Stone and the Time Stone, and I may do a video with details on where we can expect
to see those.
By the way, another cool detail you might have missed is that the words spoken by Nick
Fury and the other Avengers at the start of the trailer were actually originally spoken
by Nick Fury in the first Avengers movie.
"There was an idea, Stark knows this..."
"The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become
something more.
To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that
we never could."
"There was an idea..."
"To bring together a group of remarkable people..."
"To see if we could become something more..."
"So when they needed us..."
"We could fight the battles..."
"That they never could."
And Marvel also sneakily includes those words in their written form in the current Marvel
Studios intro.
So, did the Infinity War trailer live up to your expectations?
And were there any other cool easter eggs or details you spotted?
Make sure you leave a comment below about the trailer and subscribe for a chance to
win a cool superhero Funko Pop.
The winners from my Justice League giveaway are on screen right now and if that's you,
make sure you send me a private message with your details so I can get the prize out to
If you enjoyed this don't forget to hit that like button, turn on notifications for all
my new videos, and check out some more of my Marvel and other superhero videos right
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
For more infomation >> AVENGERS INFINITY WAR Trailer Easter Eggs, Infinity Stones & Things You Missed - Duration: 8:10.-------------------------------------------
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Rehearsal 360° Starring Tank | Soul Train Awards - Duration: 7:14.
[indistinct chatter]
[drums playing]
Performing live is spiritual.
[music playing]
♪ I like it when you lose ♪
♪ I like it when you go ♪
♪ I could be aggressive ♪
♪ I could be a savage ♪
♪ I just need your blessing ♪
♪ Say that I can have it yeah ♪
Offsite rehearsal is kinda just to fine tune the individual elements
before it all comes together.
Working with Adam Blackstone is incredible.
He's a guy who speaks the same language I speak.
You know what I mean? We all just church kids.
You know what I mean? Out here doing a little R&B
every now and then.
But, you know, he's a professional...
Through and through.
[piano playing]
We didn't have to go back and forth at all
about the arrangement.
Soon as he sent me the arrangement that he and the band made,
I was like "Cool, I'll see you Saturday."
[music playing]
♪ When I take off my clothes ♪
♪ When I take off my, take off my ♪
[music playing]
♪ I like it when you go there ♪
♪ I like it when you ♪
♪ I like that you don't play fair ♪
[music playing]
You know, this song has kinda taken on a life of its own
in terms of the dance community.
So, you know, I reached out to a young lady by the name of Aliyah,
whose video just went completely viral
and sent this song spiraling in an entirely different direction
and I said I wanna use your choreography
for Soul Train like "Let's get it!"
When I choreograph to music, I listen to the lyrics, number one,
'cause I need the movement to make sense with the lyrics.
I also listen to how he's singing it, like where would I put myself,
where would I really be playing this song in real life?
[music playing]
♪ I could be aggressive ♪
♪ I could be a savage ♪
♪ I just need your blessing ♪
♪ Say that I can have it yeah ♪
[music playing]
The really important thing about this show is, you know,
it's all camera angles.
You know what I mean?
It's the swooping crane, it's the steady cam,
It's the still camera, you know, when they're back...
And so, you know, ultimately you have to put yourself
and your performance in the best position
for those cameras to allow you to shine the right way.
So your performance comes off, you know, the right way.
We would start in a diagonal for this really great affect,
just for staging purposes and then we'll just be in the middle.
You know, everything is all my idea.
You know, that's normally how this works.
See, Soul Train steals a lot from me, you know,
the directors and the principles who are in charge of this,
you know, I just kinda run off the top of my head, you know,
red piano and then Jessie's like "Oh my God, we should get a red piano!"
I was like "I just said that." But it's fine, they can take my credit.
It's all good, happens all the time.
But no, Jessie's dope, he said "There's a red piano,
I'm telling you right now, it's around and it'll be dope for you to perform on."
And, you know, we just kinda went back and forth
about the staging and putting it together
but ultimately what happens is once you get here and get on the stage,
you know, that's when you can kinda totally figure out
what the magic is gonna be.
[music playing]
Now that I've completed my second rehearsal on stage,
I can go back to the room, watch some football
and just relax and enjoy the night
before it all gets crazy tomorrow.
Ladies, keep your legs closed together...
'Cause this Tank will blow your bunker to bits.
[crowd cheering]
Ladies and Gentlemen, Tank!
♪ Please don't go ♪
♪ Please ♪
♪ When we ♪
♪ When we ♪
♪ When we ♪
Soul Train Awards, can I get comfortable?
[music playing]
♪ I like it when you lose ♪
♪ I like it when you go there ♪
♪ I like the way you use ♪
♪ I like that you don't play fair ♪
I said we gon' get comfortable!
[music playing]
♪ Face down, act up ♪
♪ Back, back, back it up ♪
♪ Lemme get both of them legs yeah ♪
♪ And put 'em both behind your head ♪
♪ Things is getting deep, deep Up in there ♪
♪ I feel your legs Gettin' weak up in there ♪
♪ Face full of that ♪
♪ I'm close baby don't push me This is how it always should be when ♪
♪ When we ♪
Your energy is like incredible.
Seemed like the crowd loved it.
They responded to the things that we wanted them to respond to.
And we wanted to make it again but we're so grateful.
Crazy, crazy, it was crazy.
I was trying to keep it sexy and it just went to a whole other...
I started growling like we was in church, the Lord wouldn't be pleased if we...
You give it all you got, you leave it out there, you walk away.
And that's why} I gave it everything I had.
[crowd cheering]
[music playing]
Liposuction-Is Liposuction Painful-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:08.
Hi, this is dr. Hourglass and welcome to another video in our channel Stars bodies.
Today we're going to discuss: "Is liposuction painful?".
In this channel we discuss everything you need to know to get the start body that you want.
Welcome back!
Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the US
and around the world.
The surgery is an effective body contour treatment that involves the surgical removal of stubborn fat pockets
from localized areas of the body.
There many people who wonder whether they will experience pain during and after liposuction.
Liposuction is a fairly straightforward procedure than other plastic surgery procedures.
The pain patient may experience during and after the procedure is also relatively minor.
However some patients still may experience pain after the procedure.
The procedure involves the use of a hollow cannula which is inserted into the target areas
through tiny incisions while like suction involves incision it is not as invasive as other procedures
like the tummy tuck and breast augmentation.
However some patient need IV sedation as well if you want to remain completely asleep
throughout the surgery general anesthesia may be used.
After administering your anesthesia, the plastic surgeon will introduce a tumescent solution into the target area.
This will constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding during the surgery.
Also it will make the surgery painless and comfortable for the patient.
The surgery will then place an incision in the target area and introduce the cannula into the area.
The cannula which is connected to a suction pump for a special syringe will then be used to remove
the excess fat from the area.
The patient may expect to experience some degree of pain and discomfort for the first 24 hours
after the intervention.
The severity of the pain depends on your pain tolerance level and the scope of the procedure.
The pain is normally manageable with oral pain killers.
Be sure to take your pain relief medication on time.
The area of the body that has been liposuction also determines the intensity of the pain after the procedure.
For instant if the procedure is performed on your leg, you make the experience more pain
than when it is performed on your abdomen.
It is important for patients to avoid sleeping or to rest on the liposuction site during the recovery period.
This will help make the recovery period painless.
In this video we discuss: "Is liposuction painful?".
In the next video we will discuss: "3 Unwritten rules of liposuction".
Remember to comment below share this video like this video and subscribe to our channel for more information
here the Stars Bodies channel, only on YouTube.
Also you can log in to our website
for more information about your procedures and to see amazing surgical results.
Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.
On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.
Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.
Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.
Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.
Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.
And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.
And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.
All these and more in the Hourglass TV!
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Using a Countdown Customizer in Google AdWords - Duration: 6:12.
Hey there!
I'm Benjamin from Loves Data.
In this video you're going to learn how to use Countdown Customizers in Google AdWords.
Using a countdown customizer in your text ads allows you to include dynamic details
about when an event is going to take place.
For example, we can use a countdown customizer to highlight when a sale is ending, when a
product is launching or anything other event.
The countdown will automatically update depending on when someone sees our ad.
So let's take a look at countdown customizers...
Let's get started!
// Here are two examples of ads that include a countdown customizer...
We can see that the ad on the left says that sale ends in 3 days and the ad on the right
tells us that there's a free webinar in 3 days time.
And here's what happens if we saw these ads the next day...
We can see that now the ads says 2 days instead of 3...
And in the hours leading up to our specified date and time the ads will look like this...
We can see that they now say 4 hours.
As we can see, using the countdown customizers can make our ads more dynamic and more engaging
as people see our ads.
So let's head to Google AdWords to see how e add a countdown customizer to our ads...
The first thing we need to do is create a new ad, so let's select a campaign...
Then an ad group...
And select 'ads and extensions'...
Now we can create a new ad...
We need to create a text ad.
We can add the customizer to the headings or the description of our ad.
So let's start by adding in a description...
And then let's add an opening curly bracket to our description.
We can see that we can select from different types of ad customizers.
We can choose from 'keyword insertion', 'countdown' or 'if function'.
Let's select 'countdown'.
We can now set the date and time that our countdown ends and when we want the countdown
to start.
Your ad will only start showing during this period, so if you leave the default of '5
days', then the ad will only be shown for those 5 days leading up to your event.
Your ad will also automatically stop showing once the event's date and time has been reached.
You can also choose if you would like the countdown to be based on the timezone of your
AdWords account or the timezone of the person viewing the ad.
If you're running a sale or promotion that hasn't been scheduled at different times around
the world, then you will probably want to use the timezone of your account, so that
people only see the ad when the promotion is available.
Then when you're happy you can click apply.
The ad now includes the countdown customizer.
You can also use this function without needing to use the visual editor in AdWords, but as
we've seen, it does make it easy to get your ads up and running quickly.
So that's how you can add a simple countdown to your text ads in Google AdWords.
You can also use a countdown customizer for recurring events.
This is useful if you have a series of events or promotions that you have planned.
This requires a little bit more work, but let's take a look...
First you'll need to map out all of the events and dates you want to include in your ad.
We need to create a spreadsheet that includes these details.
In this example we can see we have a series of promotions we are going to run during the
We have a column for the promotion and a column for the date the promotion ends.
It's important that the date is in the right format.
It needs to be year, followed by month, then day and then time in 24 hour format.
This file is actually a different type of customization.
This is an example of an 'ad customizer' and now that we've created our spreadsheet we
need to head back into Google AdWords...
And we need to upload this into the 'business data' section of AdWords...
You'll find this under 'setup' on the right of the tools and settings menu.
We need to name the ad customizer data source.
Now we can preview the ad customizer data...
And we can see that looks correct, so let's apply this.
Now let's head back to our ad group and create another ad...
And let's add an opening curly bracket to the ad...
We can now see there is an additional option that let's us pull in our ad customizer which
we just uploaded.
So let's select this option...
And select the data source...
And we can now choose the name of the promotion.
Let's add 'ends in' and now let's add opening curly bracket, equals, countdown, open bracket,
promotions, dot, date.
This will allow us to countdown to the date and time.
We can then add comma, the language in quotes, comma, and the number of days before the date
that we want the ad to start displaying.
That's it!
You can even enter additional promotions and dates to the business data.
You have the option of adding new rows manually or uploading another file.
// So that's how you can use a countdown customizer to make your ads more dynamic and engaging.
And as we've seen you can even use the countdown customizer for recurring events and promotions.
Just remember that your ads will only show for the days before the event that you've
specified and will automatically stop showing when the event date and time is reached.
So just make sure you're ready with other ads when your customized ads aren't running.
Are you using countdown customizers with your ads?
Have a countdown idea you'd like to share?
I'd love to know!
Let me know in the comments below!
And if you found this video helpful, then please like it, so I know to make more videos
like this.
See you next time!
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