Jan Zizka (aka Jan Žižka z Trocnova a Kalicha) is regarded as one of the single finest military
minds in world history.
He also had his skin turned into a drum.
Before we get to his death, though, we want to discuss Zizka's life, because well, frankly
it was remarkable.
For starters, Zizka, born in 1360, is generally considered to have never lost a battle.
What makes this feat even more impressive is that, whereas the few other generals in
history who've done this had powerful armies at their command, Zizka was in command of
only peasants and rebels.
Zizka was a general during something known as the "Hussite Wars" which, in a nutshell,
was an uprising by protestant dissenters against the Catholic Church.
The Hussites, who were mostly Czechs, followed the teachings of Jan Hus, a Czech priest who
was burned at the stake for heresy in 1415.
You can read an eyewitness account of Hus' death, here, if you're interested in that
sort of thing.
But we're getting a little head of ourselves, prior to becoming a general for the Hussites,
Zizka was actually a mercenary fighting for whomever paid him the highest wage.
It was during his time as a mercenary, during the First Battle of Tannenberg (aka, the Battle
of Grunwald) in 1410, that Zizka lost one of his eyes.
After getting his eye stabbed out of his face, Zizka was still instrumental in helping claim
victory that day for the Polish.
Around four years after Hus had been executed, in 1419, the Hussites following his teachings
took the first few steps towards a full scale revolt against the Catholic church by storming
the town hall in Prague.
Led by Zizka and a priest called, Jan Želivský, a group of Hussite protesters threw 7 (though
some sources say 11) city councilors from a window.
Supposedly, the protesters never set out with the intention of violence; originally they
were just there to petition for the release of a group of unfairly imprisoned fellow Hussites.
However, the crowd began baying for blood when an unknown person from within the town
hall threw a stone at them.
The protest and subsequent riot is known as The First Defenestration of Prague.
The First Defenestration of Prague is widely accepted as the event that kick-started the
Hussite Wars which lasted all the way until 1434.
Luckily for the Hussites, under the leadership of Zizka, they won victory after victory,
despite generally being vastly outnumbered.
Zizka's prowess on the battlefield was linked to a combination of his ability to effectively
use the terrain of the battlefield to his advantage and his amazing ability to innovate,
including being among the first to effectively incorporate small gun powder weapons in battle
and developing what were essentially tanks.
We're not using hyperbole here by the way, Zizka personally oversaw the construction
of "war wagons"- heavily armoured wagons, from which his men could safely pepper the
enemy to death with crossbow bolts and hand cannon balls.
These war wagons were instrumental in many of Zizka's victories and helped him and
his men overcome almost impossible odds.
For example, during the Battle of Sudomer, Zizka and a force just 400 lightly equipped
men managed to fight off over 2000 well trained soldiers.
Though his war wagons were indeed formidable, Zizka himself didn't hide behind them, generally
preferring to fight the enemy head on.
His skill and ferocity on the battlefield quickly earned him the respect of his men,
and his enemies.
In fact, Zizka was so determined to lead his soldiers regardless of the odds, that he even
did so after he lost his other eye during a battle in 1421.
Zizka even once managed to lead an ambush against a group of men who'd tried to ambush
him while he was completely blind in both eyes.
Zizka continued leading his men until 1424, when he finally died, not from running into
battle blind, but from the plague.
Before his death though, Zizka requested that his skin be flayed from his body and used
to make a drum.
We're guessing that when you read the title of this piece you assumed that Zizka's skin
was ripped off by an enemy looking to make an example of him or something like that,
But no, Zizka's skin was ripped off at the personally bequest of Zizka himself.
So that his men could beat the drum as they marched into battle; so that even in death,
he could lead them on!
For more infomation >> Badass Week: The General Who Had His Skin Turned Into a Drum - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
S08E06 "The King, The Widow, and Rick" - The Most Ridiculous Things From The Walking Dead - Duration: 5:47.
- [Reviewer] Badadadada badadadada baaah.
Rick grabs a fresh road note, hot from the oven
because there's nothing Ricky G. Loves more
than reading and walking at the same time.
This is actually really impressive.
Rick figured out a way
to give his rambling motivational update speeches
from miles away.
He writes it on paper, then you do the rambling for him
inside your head.
That's peak Grimes efficiency.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled long ass Rick speech
about what we've done and the way things are now
to bring you naked arts and crafts at the junkyard.
All right, very cool.
Maggie and Gregory scold Jesus
for feeding the unwanted prisoners,
not realizing he's basically torturing these poor guys
by making them eat warm rotten turnips.
Jerry has a fresh ax and a spiffy new jacket,
but he's slacking a bit on his duties as security guard.
He's not really securing or guarding.
Just kinda standing there bummed out
like a dude who valets cars at Medievel Times
and realized 12 minutes ago he's never going
to do anything meaningful with his life.
Oh my God, I forgot how annoying it is
to hear these people talk, it is the worst.
At what point in the zombie apocalypse
did they decide this is their thing?
It is such a bad thing.
I'm guessing they landed on the talking thing
some time after they agreed
on the naked arts and crafts thing.
It feels like it's easier to get a group on board
with anything involving nudity.
Then they'll agree to whatever else they have to
to keep it going.
And why is Rick even there
after they stabbed him in the back?
Sorry, grazed him in the side.
Rick shows them he means business
by pulling out a tiny stack of blurry photos
and yelling an everyone in the back to examine them closely.
If you look at the fourth picture, the one with the sunset,
I think you'll really appreciate the composition.
I worked very hard on these.
But, Rick's vacation of murder slideshow
is not enough to make these smelly traitors trust him.
- Talks too much.
- [Reviewer] And she's right.
That stack of photos was worth 6000 words.
This gritty reboot of Drop Dead Fred sucks.
It lacks all the fun of the 1991 original.
Plus, I don't think that guy's imaginary
and his name's not even Fred, hard pass.
Gregory calling Maggie Margaret was delightful.
Like he was trying to mansplain her own name to her.
I also love Gregory telling Maggie to listen to her gut
when she's already got an occupant in there.
Stop trying to occupy her gut real estate Greg,
that seats taken.
Then, Gregory solidifies his place
in the White People Hall of Fame
with this kick-like maneuver, woof.
We finally get an adventure
that's just two gals on the road.
It's the story of female empowerment
we've been waiting all season for.
So, what are these two independent women up to?
Looks like one of them has a headache
and now they're going to check out the opera.
Really groundbreaking stuff.
Carl creeps up on this bootleg American Beauty kid
with a shitty lunch and even shittier hat
and the worst fucking haircut of all time.
He nails the lunch toss
with that signature Carl performance we've come to expect.
That dumb kid, the one Carol specifically told
not to follow her, decided to follow her, why?
Because kids are dumb and a lot
of compelling evidence in the scientific community
suggests they're also stupid as hell.
This child appears to be unfamiliar with Carol's score
for keeping his peers alive.
She's roughly 0 for 37.
All right little buddy, here's a loaded gun.
You might as well use it as a toothbrush because
this hero's journey is not going to end well for you.
Maggie mercifully marches her prisoners
towards their new home.
When she gets the great idea to add one more.
Awesome idea Mags.
See how I made your name shorter instead of longer?
That's what real friends do.
Wow, Gregory, I'm not sure if you're aware,
but you are currently crying like a biiiiiiitch right now.
And, that's biiiiiiitch spelled with seven Is.
Please double check the captions on this video
to make sure they spelled biiiiiiitch right, with seven Is,
then let me know in the comments if they spelled it right.
Because this series is only as good as the viewers
who feel the need to constantly fucking correct me.
Why does this guy insist on provoking everyone?
Specifically, enemies with guns.
The exact group of people you never wanna provoke.
It's almost like this asshole wants to die.
Don't do it, you've got so much to live for
like locking down the Worst Haircut on TV Emmy
as soon as Carl bites it.
Carl and his new pal Siddiq are
on their way to a Mensa meeting when they decide
to ambush some peaceful zombies
in honor of Siddiq's mom or whatever.
I'm sorry, what?
Excuse me, just why?
This is so dumb and unnecessary.
This zombie, who escaped from one of Siddiq's traps,
really drives that point home.
I don't usually say this,
but I am fully team zombie in this altercation.
Carl's really taking the whole adolescent rebellion thing
to a new level.
Adopting a guy his dad almost killed.
Just throw a house party when he's out of town
or steal the family car and drive to Zombie McDonald's
like a normal kid.
Wow, very nice work Rosita.
Let's see that again.
You know what, I'm gonna need to see that one more time.
Okay, now I need to see it four more times at the same time.
That's good television.
I get wanting to use a rocket launcher
on the first thing you see as soon as you pick it up.
I've played multiple resident evil games.
I fucking get it, but maybe Rosita
should've used the rocket launcher on that car
they were trying to stop.
I mean, now that car is on its way to the Saviors
and there's nothing anybody can do to,
boom, Daryl out of nowhere.
I know what you're thinking.
Where did he come from?
How did he know to hit the car?
What the actual fuck is going on right now?
Well, questions are for nerds
and if you keep talking like that,
someone's gonna shove you in a locker.
Jerry somehow got worse at his security guard job.
This time, giving a crazy woman with a shotgun
a heads up that the door is unlocked.
Ezekiel dropped the accent
and is now sitting on the floor of the stage,
holding a chain and delivering a self-loathing monologue.
It's like he traded one
bad community theater project for another.
Carol tells Ezekiel to stop being such a Mr. Mopeypants
and to start acting like everything is normal.
And, even though the lack of a tiger
should help Ezekiel pretend like things are normal,
Zeke confesses he is currently unable
to stop being such a Mr. Mopeypants.
Aaron delivers a beautiful and touching speech
about how much he misses T-Dog
and how difficult life has been since T-Dog left us.
Maggie agrees and says she also knows the pain
of waking up every day trying
to fill a T-Dog sized hole in your heart.
Then, she promises to kill a bunch of men
while gently holding her training baby.
Tune in next week.
Will Carl and Siddiq make it home?
Unfortunately, yes.
Who will die next?
It looks like Aaron and Enid were the last names pulled
from the Writers Room Hat of Unlikely Buddy Pairs.
My money's on the young lady.
What will happen to Rick and the garbage people?
Rick's laying low until arts and crafts time.
He's already got his uniform on.
None of this and more next time on The Walking Dead.
Ecological Relationships - Duration: 6:50.
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I really did not like sandboxes as a kid.
It's not that I have a problem with sand or sand on the beach for sand castles.
Just sand boxes.
See, as a little kid, I'd play with something, then I'd kind of forget about it--- and
then rediscover it and it'd be all new again.
This is what happened with my sandbox.
Except when I rediscovered my sandbox, the sand had all these tiny holes.
My dad was with me and exclaimed, "Why look at that, your sandbox is full of antlions!"
Perhaps my dad should not have assumed that I knew what antlions were.
I eventually figured out what they were, later on, and it makes sense now because my father
really loves insects.
Antlions are insects.
In their adult form they sort of look—in my personal opinion---like a less cool version
of a dragonfly- they are not a dragonfly.
But in their larvae stage- they look---well like not many things I can compare it to.
They have these mandibles and they make these sand pit traps.
And then they wait with their mandibles just showing above the surface.
When an ant or other small insect walks over their sand pit, they drag it in.
They pull the ant underground, biting it and injecting it with enzymes to digest it, in
order to consume the ant's juices.
I also have learned, by watching them, that they toss sand at their ant victim too if
they need help subduing it before they drag them under.
Thankfully, antlions are small.
In fact, 'doodlebug' is evidently another name for these things---I'm not exactly
sure how you go from antlion to doodlebug---but okay.
It's all relative; they're bad news for an ant.
Because the antlion is a predator of the ant.
The ant is their prey.
That's an ecological relationship right there.
And that's what we're going to talk about---ecological relationships.
Typically if we were to graph the predator and prey populations in our example---when
the population of ants in this confined area increase, it is likely that the antlions---which
are the predators---also will increase over time because they have more food to eat.
However, if the antlions increase too much, there won't be enough ants---which are the
prey----to feed on.
So the antlions will decrease.
You can see that relationship in this predator and prey graph.
In most ecosystems, predator and prey graphs go up and down frequently---it cycles.
Also, just because this antlion is a predator doesn't mean that this is the only role
it plays.
An antlion can get eaten by a bird.
Now the antlion has just become the bird's prey.
Competition is also another relationship to consider.
Antlions are consumers which means that they have to eat other things- they can't make
their own food.
They have to compete with other antlions for this food too, this food being their prey:
the ants.
This example shows competition for a limiting biotic factor.
And they're not just competing with other antlions for this biotic factor--- they may
have to compete with completely different species in the area that are also predators
of ants too.
For example, jumping spiders like ants.
You know…it's not just consumers that compete!
Producers, like this plant, make their own food---but that does not mean they don't
have to deal with competition.
For example, this plant here is competing for this limiting abiotic factor: light.
Symbiotic relationships are specific types of relationships where different species live
Parasitism is an example of a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other
is harmed.
An example?
Well, you know, I love dogs- Petunia is the cat person.
When my family took in our rescue dog---she was 4 months old at the time--- we learned
from the vet that she would need to be treated for fleas and hookworms.
We were able to give her medicine to treat these parasites---a good thing---because these
parasites can hurt the dog by feeding on their blood.
A parasite is an organism that gets its nutrients from another organism and causes harm to its
They can live inside or on their host.
Mutualism is an example of a symbiotic relationship where both organisms involved benefit.
You really need to look up a video about acacia ants and acacia trees because this is a fascinating
See, some species of acacia trees form these hollow thorns which provide housing to acacia
Some species even provide a nectar for food for these ants.
So with a great home and potentially free food, what does the tree get in return?
I'd hate to be a type of consumer that eats acacia trees because if it has acacia ants,
the ants will come out of the thorns and attack the consumer.
They'll even destroy plants that try to try to grow close to the acacia tree so the
ants can eliminate the tree's competition.
Nice mutual relationship between the acacia tree and the ant.
The last symbiotic relationship we'll mention is commensalism.
This one is interesting, because in this relationship, one organism benefits and the other is neither
helped nor harmed: it has a neutral effect.
Some species of barnacles and whales are a great example.
Many barnacle species can attach themselves to moving things, like a boat…or a whale.
On a free whale ride, the barnacles get a lot of access to food since they are filter
feeders, and the whale may travel to nutrient rich waters.
In this particular example, the barnacles benefit but neither help nor harm the whale
so this would be commensalism.
But I do like to remind my students that sometimes there is more to the story with a relationship
labeled as commensalism and sometimes what we thought was a completely neutral effect-
may not always be in every case.
So why do all these relationships matter anyway?
Well, ONE reason is that these interactions can make significant impacts on populations
of different species living together.
That means if the population of a certain species is threatened by human activity for
example, it can affect more than just that one species.
Scientists continue to learn about new ecological relationships all the time.
Well that's it for the Amoeba Sisters and we remind you to stay curious.
Residents, community leaders debate FC Cincinnati stadium proposal - Duration: 1:51.
Patient Isolation and Transportation - ISO-POD Update: AirBoss Defense Advantage - Duration: 4:10.
In this video we will highlight the updates that have been made to the
current generation of the ISO-POD
Safe transportation remains one of the most important components in caring for
patients with highly infectious diseases. An ISO-POD is one device that can provide
a safe environment during that time. Since recording our previous videos on
the ISO-POD there have been some significant updates to its design.
Although the basics of the unit remain unchanged. The first thing to note is
that the ISO-POD is now manufactured by AirBoss Defense who acquired the previous
manufacturer in 2015. There are several models of the ISO-POD, in this video we
will be using the Airboss Defense Advantage. To learn about the basic setup
of the ISO-POD you should refer to the ISO-POD basics video on the HEROES
website there is one for the Immediate Response Technologies version and
another for the model made by TVI. The two major updates included on the
current Airboss Defense ISO-POD are a pocket for a spine board and handles on
each side of the device. First let's take a look at the spine board pocket the
pocket is located on the bottom of the device with the pocket opening at the head
end of the device. To place the spine board in the ISO-POD open the velcro flap
and slide your spine board into the pocket. Once the spine board is in place,
velcro the flap back into place. The use of the spine board allows for better
control during patient transfers. The other update to the ISO-POD is the
addition of handles along the sides of the device. Three handles have been added
on each side of the ISO-POD to allow for better control during patient transfers.
Each handle is made from the same material as motor-vehicle seat-belts, and
is wrapped in a plastic tube to provide additional comfort while being held.
With the addition of the new features let's take a moment to consider the
safety issues that you may encounter while operating the device. It is
important to remember that a patient should not be placed on the long spine
board for a long period of time.
Prolonged time on the long spine board can initially cause discomfort for the
patient and can eventually lead to skin breakdown. If a long spine board is not
needed for immobilization purposes, the spine board can be removed during
transfer to another facility. The handles should be used for controlling movement
of the ISO-POD when transferring from gurneys to beds. It is not recommended
that the handles be used for lifting and carrying the ISO-POD for extended periods
if a patient is in the device. If the ISO-POD must be carried while the patient
is inside, it is essential that a long spine board provides support at the base
of the device, and that each handle is operated by a separate person.
This will provide the highest level of safety for the patient within the device and the
environment through which it is being transported. An ISO-POD is a helpful tool
when transferring a patient with a highly infectious disease it is not something
we use often so it is important to practice with your ISO-POD to maintain
Bangla News 28 november 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News Bd News all Bangla - Duration: 36:09.
Bangla News 28 november 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News Bd News all Bangla
아이유 동생 수지 동생 애틋한 우애|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:45.
The Ray Allen Catfish Story Takes Another Weird AF Turn - Duration: 2:04.
Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
//// Last week reports started surfacing about former NBA player Ray Allen being in the midst
of a crazy catfish scandal.
To catch you guys up, TMZ Sports had obtained legal documents describing the details of
how Allen met a man online posing to be different women across different online forums.
The documents revealed that Allen had filed a restraining order against the man, who was
eventually identified as Bryant Coleman.
Allen also denied a series of claims made against him by Coleman, one of which suggesting
that Allen was the one stalking.
Coleman also filed for a restraining order against the NBA star.
And now, let's complicated the fuck out of this situation.
Coleman responded to TMZ Sports, shooting down Allen's original catfish accusations
and said that he had been involved in a romantic relationship with Allen for several years.
He also accused Allen of making violent threats against him and even believes that Allen might
be out to kill him.
In the documents Coleman says that on September 9th, after their 3 year relationship had ended,
Allen called him saying he wanted to ensure that he went away and never opened his mouth
He said he wanted me to get what I deserved.
[Allen has] repeatedly spied on me by sending his associates to follow me in my community.
Coleman noted one incident that allegedly took place on October 10th.
He says he was approached by a man and was told to watch his back.
He also claims that he received a phone call from someone threatening to strange him.
Coleman believes the caller was Allen.
TMZ spoke to Allen's attorney David Markus who said,
As with everything else related to Briant or Bryant Coleman, his petition for a restraining
order was filled with lies, falsehoods and fantasies.
He is a seriously deranged individual who Ray Allen has never met, never spoken with
directly or threatened in any way.
Coleman is the stalker here who is obsessed with Ray.
Accusations alone are enough to damn a reputation, and Allen already has a documented history
of not making smart decisions online.
Hopefully both parties will come to a SANE resolution.
////That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Amphiprion Tomato, Completion of the Clowns Series | Marine Fish - Duration: 4:21.
The Tomato Complex is undoubtedly some of the most
durable, able to withstand sub-optimal water quality, inadequate nutrition and
careless handling (which is said, it is certainly not advisable to subject them to conditions
of precarious life).
Due to their powerful bodies and their belligerent temperament, they are suitable for
a community of larger and more aggressive species.
As such, the members of this complex are undoubtedly the best choice of clown fish
for hobbyists (novices and advanced) who have a fondness for extremely attractive fish
and moody.
The clownfish Tomato and his relatives are best known to aquarists for their
rugged, fearless, and pugnacious character.
Both are revered and reviled by these traits.
Most of the time, they are simply considered as acquired - used
as cheap and corpulent "starter fish" that are inevitably disposed of
who begin to overcome and dominate the inhabitants of the "community" tank.
It seems the only thing that can kill a clown fish is another clown fish.
Members of the Tomato Complex are relatively easy to breed in captivity; it is not
unusual for different species of the complex to cross.
Young people adopt food and can tolerate the quality of degraded water.
In fact, the biggest challenge here is not to provide adequate nutrition and living conditions,
but to reduce the aggressive behavior between the growing stock or even between the
reproductive pairs.
Tomato Clownfish Amphiprion frenatus was described by Brevoort in 1856.
They are found in the Western Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest
from the Palau, then north to the southern tip of Japan and south to Java, Indonesia.
They have not yet been assessed by the IUCN Red List for endangered species
of extinction.
Other common names of this species are known as Red Clownfish, Anemonefish Tomato, Red
Tomato Clown, Fire Clown, Red Clown, Onebar Anemonefish, Bridled Anemonefish and Blackback
These names are descriptive of the color or physical characteristics in their bodies.
Tomato Clownfish belongs to a group of six anemonefish described known as
"Tomato Complex".
In addition to Tomato Clown, four other long-time members of this complex are the Red Saddleback
or Fire Clownfish Amphiprion ephippium, McCulloch or Whitesnout Clownfish Amphiprion mccullochi,
the Cinnamon or the Red and Black Clownfish Amphiprion melanopus and the Australian or Ruby Clownfish
Amphiprion rubrocinctus.
There is also a newly identified species, originating in Fiji.
They have already been considered as an aberrant red color form of the cinnamon clown
A. melanopus, but now have the recently validated scientific name of Amphiprion Barberi,
with the common names of Fiji Barberi Clownfish, Barberi Clownfish and Fiji Clownfish.
All mature members of the Tomato Complex have a single band behind the eye area,
with the exception of Red Saddleback or Fire Clownfish, which does not have this track.
All members are large, with an oval shape, deep body and strong construction.
These fish are the most aggressive of the clown complexes.
Tomato Clownfish prefers lagoon reefs and recesses along the shores that form
bays or boats.
They are found from depths of 3.3 to 39 feet (1-12 m), although more commonly
to 7 feet or 2 m.
They feed on filamentous algae, planktonic copepods and benthic crustaceans that
small prawns, planktonic fish eggs and crustacean larvae.
Box Office for Justice League Thanksgiving, Coco, Call Me By Your Name - Duration: 12:42.
Hello and welcome to this week's Movie Math
Buatkan kue | Lagu Anak | kartun anak | lagu anak terpopuler | taman kanak-kanak | Little Treehouse - Duration: 27:08.
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and prick it
and mark it with B
And there will be plenty for baby and me
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it up, Roll it up,
throw it in a pan,
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and prick it
and mark it with B
And there will be plenty for baby and me
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it up, Roll it up,
throw it in a pan,
Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man
채시라 실물 김태욱 동생 아들 집 사진.|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 10:20.
Sleep Vocabulary | Prepare for IELTS, TOEFL & TOEIC Test | Learning English Online - Duration: 5:43.
Test English, test English, it's time for test English! we are talking about sleep,
the brain, cognitive functions! more specifically today, how sleep contributes
to brain power! brain power! I don't know if you knew, but this video and all my
videos are possible thanks to awesome patrons like you! I just published a new
personal video today, so you can check that out and join me for a quick bite. if
you guys want to get some of these extra videos and also help other people learn
English, then become a patron. click here. and I hope you know to click down here,
the three dots. 1 2 3 I'm ready to go– are you ready to go? alright let's do it.
Scientific American, can napping make us smarter? Kimberley Cote at Brock
University in Ontario answers, daytime napping in healthy adults does indeed
lead to benefits in terms of alertness, mood and cognitive functioning. adults do
not require shut-eye in the middle of the day,
unlike infants and toddlers. but many grown-ups nap just the same. a 2008
National Sleep Foundation poll found that 460 out of 1,000 respondents had
napped at least twice during the previous month. you know how we do, let's
do a little review. indeed is used to emphasize. to add emphasis to something
that we were just talking about, to really add confirmation. to confirm what
was said. so adults do indeed, means yeah definitely! they really do! just some good
emphasis here. shut-eye is a great informal way of just saying
sleep. it's almost always to get shut-eye or to get some shut-eye. adults don't
require sleep as infants do in the middle of the day, however they do it
just the same. think of this as nonetheless, anyways or
regardless. a poll is a type of survey. you ask people questions and everybody
responds and gives you their ...responses. and just in case you didn't know, a nap
is not sleep. it's much shorter. different people have different ideas
about a nap, but technically for a nap you should not enter the stages of sleep.
no rapid eye movement, or REM. a very very short nap is a catnap.
I love cat naps. must be why I was so smart huh? yeah! all right let's go on–
people cite a variety of reasons for indulging in daytime siestas. some take
so-called replacement naps to make up for poor sleep the night before. shift
workers may take prophylactic naps in anticipation of needing to stay awake
overnight. many others, regardless of age and culture, habitually take appetitive
naps, they sleep simply because it feels good.
it does! Intuitively, most of us think that a nap will refresh us and make us
better able to take on the challenges of the day. in fact, research shows that
healthy adults who take naps enjoy brighter moods, faster reaction times, and
better performance on tasks involving logical reasoning, attention and memory.
first of all, that I forget to define cognitive? cognitive is the adjective of
cognition. cognition is just the process of knowing, understanding, comprehension.
basically just the brain working! sorry about that.
let's get back to our review of this part of the article. I don't know if you
guys can hear it, but I just ate way too much lunch and my belly, my belly belly is
very loud right now. okay to cite someone or something just means to quote.
excellent language to remember. if you're in school you probably have to cite
research. if you're making a presentation you have to cite some statistics. or if
you heard someone say something, you can cite what they said or you can quote. so
in writing, a citation is mentioning the research that you used to make your
claim, your evidence. Whoo, to indulge in something, like I just did. I just
indulged in a big lunch. that means to really enjoy something, pos–
possibly too much. a siesta, a Spanish word. I think most Americans think that
Spaniards, people from Spain, take siestas, and here in the US we nap. although
they're basically the same exact thing, I don't think both terms are understood
as being the same, however. the author says that intuitively many people think
naps will make them feel better, put them in a better mood. if something is
intuitive, it doesn't take any hard work to understand it. it's very natural
simple and easily understood. an intuitive design is something that is
designed very well, and has a very good user interface. simple to use, doesn't
require any work or effort. if you are in a bright mood, you are in a great mood,
you're bubbly and you're happy. it's a good day. a reaction time is how quickly
you respond to something. some people have slow reaction times, other people,
especially me after a nap, have a fast reaction time. your reasoning is your
problem-solving. how you approach something, or how you solve something or
perceive or view something . we're gonna stop it there.
some good vocabulary for today. if you want to experiment with it, definitely
put it in the comments. there's also a Patreon poll today to decide which part
of the website I will develop next. and that means of course what video I should
make to go with it. so get on Patreon and vote! send me all of your questions,
comments or suggestions! that's it for now, amigos. don't eat or nap
too much, okay? all right bye!
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