Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
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update will be applied. Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy,
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ভাষা নয় এই Body language বা অঙ্গভঙ্গি গুলোই বলে দিচ্ছে আপনি মানুষ কেমন - Duration: 9:17.
Body language or gesture means knowing how to understand the man
This is the language of the world, more or less around 6
It means so much to anyone in the world can not comprehend language
In addition to language, but on the face of the people to understand that there is a way
Depending on the time, place, and does not in any language
And it is the gesture or body language
This sariri the language of the people is much more to him than words
You'll be surprised to know, 55 percent of people use body language to express himself
38 percent and 7 percent use language to say the word spin
So now, I will tell you about those 10 gesture
From which you can understand what your body is saying about you to others
However, before you enter into a body as a symbol of your love for us to utilize lyanguyejake
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Let the
Eye contact, or comkhera language
Eyes read the mind
The world is really hard to find people who do not understand the language comkhera
It absolutely shows the boyfriend girlfriends
It is expressed in the language of comkhera
When the message is understood that a man just to see how much confidence comkha
In addition, it highlights the question of loyalty and interest in others
Contract Eye is a very important case and pesadiratbera
During the job interview
If you have an interview just the way it is sometimes if I can not menateina Contract negative impact on the interview
However, keep in mind that you do not cut it too
A healthy eye Contract 7 to 10 seconds could be like
leg posture
The main job of the foot from one place to another place
But you know will be surprised, but this may reveal to others about your personality
The two legs of the men who sat in the money he would prefer to katrrta
On the other hand, left foot, right foot that people in real life is very sincere, he was held up by the cross
And just the opposite of those who, on the right foot, left foot lifted arthyata met with little space
If he is quite confident and tarkaprabana
posture of hands
From childhood we all know that the person who keeps his money in his hand, suggests that this may well cross
He is probably in trouble
But the cold, but the warmth of human hands searching for the body of the cross
And when your hands behind your head with the head reclining, he now suggests its meaning is rilakse
Duhatake indicates the bond by adding handfuls of good things you expect
However, when the time to talk to anyone, rub the palms of her hands
The primary symptom of our social context, it is considered as the flatteries
Fake smile or fake laughter
Laughter is an important means of socialization
Fake smile is just limited to words
But a true taste of laughter reached the human comkha
When people laugh from the heart, wrinkled around his comkhera
There are some lines that are
But the fake smile is just nothing else expanded thotai
So from now on, if anyone gives you a smile, then look at his comkhera
If you do not understand the fold, he was just a smile formalities
Eyebrow to be raised
Some of our feelings very well eyebrows respond comkhera
Eyebrows were raised to the sentiments of the people comkhera
They are being surprise, fear, and being concerned about
finger drumming
Pull the finger in a gesture very common
Or maybe you're very excited to be revealed through the Frustrated
For some moments, when the count is the gesture itself
The body itself does not know what it is to be
In addition, even though doing so may be angry with anyone
proper posture
Have you ever?
You're sitting in the office was understood by anyone else to enter the office of the man's boss
It has been possible to see the man's physical location
While sitting on the amount of walking that takes place in our body
It shows our ability to
Book citiye standing straight, the power and influence of people
And just the opposite, refers to the balance is tilted to the weak personality
body language copying
When you talk to anyone, did it?
Abraham is sitting in front of you so you're doing
For example, did you cross your feet, so it seemed that the man
The balance is tilted toward him, she saw what at jhukechena
This is called mirroring, or motions to simulate badilyanguyeja
It is simply a matter of the natural mind that we do not unwittingly
We think it is only when the person in front of me with a positive bond is created
It is very important to professionalism
You can see the people sitting in front of you agree with much of
clenching of jaw
When no one came to talk to you do not agree with your thoughts on trends from the stress may inadvertently rub jaw
In addition, the neck veins and swollen lips and raised eyebrows raised to indicate the same
angle of the body
When we speak, gesture and bow our heart works
It can be understood without seeing the book, where the point where your interest is?
If a meeting is to be understood that if the body is tilted outward man is not happy with this meeting
He is unable to agree on any matter, or
There are also chat with friends while talking to a friend
The others are the body's balance is tilted towards
This means that everyone is focused on the speaker and listen to
However, keep in mind that people on very complex an animal
At issue was a specific gesture and very difficult to be understood
So people have to pay attention to recognize the motions, as well as at his word
If you have any questions and comments to us is the opportunity to supplementary
আন্তর্জাতিক খবর ২৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ - মিশরে মসজিদে হামলার পিছনে আইএস এর হাত রয়েছে। insan khan। - Duration: 16:22.
International news - IS has been behind the Egyptian mosque attack.
Hoe een achterwiellager vervangen op een MERCEDES-BENZ C W204 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 34:28.
Use a socket №32
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use round-nose pliers
Use a socket №E10
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
How to Stop Your Dog Barking! Commands and Training to Help Stop Your Dog Barking! - Duration: 3:54.
Hey guys! It's Stephen and Ellie the Chihuahua here, we upload new videos every
Sunday on the relax my dog YouTube channel and in this video we're going to
be talking about ways you can get your dog to stop barking, so if you want to learn more keep on watching
before we discuss the topic of this video I just
wanted to apologize because I am feeling really unwell this week and full of cold
Ellie is also smack bang in the middle of heat, hence why she's lying down and
does not want to know anyone today but we are still going to discuss how you
can prevent your dog from excessive barking so let's get to it
I think it's important to identify and understand why your dog is barking, you need to see the
motivation, in Ellie's case a lot of the reason she barks when she's at home is
because she can see someone outside when she is looking out the window or she can
see another dog so one way to prevent that from happening is obviously to
close your blinds, close your curtains and don't allow your dog to look out and
get themselves worked up and get into a barking frenzy, so yeah identify why your
dog is barking and remove that stimulus, once you've removed the stimulus if your
dog is still barking, the most important thing I've learned to do is to ignore
your dog and that might seem a little bit strange because you know you want to
tell them to be quiet you don't want to just allow it to happen but if you start
showering back of your dog, the dog can perceive that as you barking with them
and it can actually be quite counterproductive, so the best way to
stop them from barking or make them realize they shouldn't be barking is
just to completely ignore them make them realize they're not gonna get any
attention from barking so it's in their interest to stop, once your dog does stop
barking you need to praise them, obviously, make them realize it is a good
thing not to bark, you can do that by giving them a treat, giving them a
big cuddle, whatever your dog enjoys or sees as a reward, make sure you do that
as soon as they stop barking and they will quickly realize that being
quiet is the best thing to be! For me personally the most effective way to
keep Ellie from barking at least is to make sure she is well stimulated
throughout the day, has a long walk and it's pretty much tired, if your dog is
trapped inside the house all day and doesn't get much exercise then they
may actually bark because they're bored so for me that is the most effective way
to stop my dog from barking, Ellie is thoroughly tired today so she's been
very very quiet, point proven! Now there are other ways
that you can teach your dog to be quiet, I'm not a qualified dog trainer so I
don't want to give out the wrong advice but I know for a fact the Speak and
Quiet command is very effective, a lot of people do this by saying speak a few
times, two, three times at your dog until it does eventually bark back then praise
your dog with a treat and eventually it will learn the speak
command and will be able to bark on cue, that's when you teach them the
quiet command, so you would tell them to speak let them bark and once they've barked a
few times then say quiet as soon as your dog stops barking give them the treat and
they will soon learn to associate that command with being very quiet
If you enjoyed this video please give us a like, make sure you hit that subscribe button
and hit that notification bell so you know when we're going to be uploading our
next video, please let me know in the comments down below if you have any more
effective ways to get your dog to stop barking, we upload new videos every
Sunday on the relax my dog YouTube channel and we will see you next week!
say bye Ellie!
We'll just let her sleep! Bye!
Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 ● Invincible | HD - Duration: 4:34.
Tournament 4: TNemesis Yell Atomic VS DDeathscyther Gravity Orbit - Duration: 4:31.
If someone watched yesterdays episode with wrong parts I might sound like a broken record
but here we saw a battle of two very similar beys
There were endless of rounds where the bey that was launched second won
but only one burst and that settled it for me
This time it might have been down to luck
but that's how things sometimes are
these beys were just too even
Next time we have rons jail jormugand heavy atomic
against infernobladers god Valkyrie four meteor iron
it will be out in day or two. comment who do you think will win
next up is a little showcase of firefire wbo's youtube channel
Wie MERCEDES-BENZ C W204 Radlager hinten wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 34:28.
Use a socket №32
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use round-nose pliers
Use a socket №E10
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
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How to change Facebook Username | Facebook Profile Custom URL🇧🇩 - Duration: 3:19.
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