It's Steve and Maggie.
Wow English TV
Silly Steve.
Oh hello boys and girls.
I'm playing with my monster trucks.
This is the best thing in the world.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is Maggie.
No, I can make it much better.
Oh Maggie.
What have you done?
I'm really small.
But that is really big.
Look at this huge monster truck.
It's amazing.
I'd love to drive this monster truck.
Maggie, Maggie.
Can I drive the monster truck please.
Get ready Steve.
Let's go.
Oh Maggie.
Be careful.
Thanks Maggie.
Hey this is gonna be fantastic.
Let's go.
Hello boys and girls.
I'm in monster truck number one.
And what color is monster truck number one?
It's blue.
Say it with me.
Come on.
It's a blue monster truck.
It's a blue monster truck.
It's a blue monster truck.
Come on.
Let's enjoy this drive.
My monster truck is big and blue, big and blue, big and blue.
My monster truck is big and blue, my monster truck.
That was fun.
Let's do it again.
Maggie please.
Can I do that again?
Please Maggie Please.
Okay Steve.
Look boys and girls.
What number is this monster truck?
It's number two and what color is it?
It's green.
Say with me.
It's a green monster truck.
It's a green monster truck.
It's a green monster truck.
Well done.
Come on and let's go faster.
My monster truck is big and green, big and green, big and green.
My monster truck is big and green, my monster truck.
Again, again, again.
Can I drive another monster truck, please.
Here we go again.
Hey let's go.
Look boys and girls.
So what number is this monster truck?
It's number three and what color is it?
It's green.
It isn't green.
Then what color is it?
It's yellow, you're right.
Say with me.
It's a yellow monster truck.
It's a yellow monster truck.
It's a yellow monster truck.
So let's drive even faster.
My monster truck is big and yellow, big and yellow, big and yellow.
My monster truck is big and yellow, my monster truck.
That was amazing.
But hey the red monster truck looks really fast.
Can I drive the red monster truck now?
Oh please.
But it's really fast.
Okay then what number is this monster truck?
It's number four and what color is monster truck number four?
You're right, it's red yay.
Say with me, come on.
It's a red monster truck.
It's a red monster truck.
It's a red monster truck.
So let's go really fast.
My monster truck is big and red, big and red, big and red.
My monster truck is big and red, my monster truck.
Cor blimey!
That was fast.
The black monster truck can't be any faster.
Can it?
Please please please.
Can I drive the black monster truck?
Okay, last one.
Let's go.
Okay then what number is this monster truck?
It's number five, this is my favorite monster truck.
What color is it?
Yeah, it's black.
Come on.
Say with me.
It's a black monster truck.
It's a black monster truck.
It's a black monster truck.
Come on and let's go super fast.
My monster truck is big and black, big and black, big and black.
My monster truck is big and black, my monster truck.
That was just crazy.
I need a lie down.
Bye bye boys and girls.
See you next time.
Oh sorry, I forgot.
Hey, if you like it, like it.
If you love it, subscribe!
Click here.
Thank you!
For more infomation >> Monster Trucks for Children from Steve and Maggie | Learning Speaking Stories with Wow English TV - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Ishita Dutta And Vatsal Seth Wedding 2017 - Duration: 5:14.
Ishita Dutta And Vatsal Seth Wedding 2017
STOP KILLING TIME (Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins & Les Brown) Motivation video - Duration: 12:24.
Why not now this is a good time as the 20th century starts to wind down few
more years as we get ready for century 21 what a good time to set your goals
work on yourself work on your skills what a good time to get it together what
a good time to start this process personal development growing changing
developing having a good plan for your money and for your life and for your
future why not now
what's now up no opportunities wasted
listen to me carefully guys there's still me very carefully you got to hear
what I'm saying this is important there are 86,400 seconds in a day and if
you maximize each and every one of them you will live like you want to live you
will have what you want to have and you'll be what you want to be you can
have more than you've got because you can become more than you are if you just
remain how you are you'll always have what you've got but if you're willing to
make changes the next five years of your life can be totally different than the
last one if you don't change chances are excellent the next five will be like the
last four things to change you've got to change for things to get
better it's not what happens that determines your future it's what you do
about what happens direction determines destination all you got to do is make a
little change in direction to arrive at a brand new destination in two years
three years five years you either have to change your life that is you kind of
say you know what my body isn't there I'm gonna go work out my relationship is
in there I'm gonna change it you know I'm not making one I gotta make I'm
gonna retool I'm gonna get a new skill I'm gonna go back to school I'm gonna
start a business I'm gonna do something you have to do something to change your
life or in order for you to be happy you can't change your life you're gonna have
to change your blueprint usually a life of a car is a little bit of each
does that make sense and if you change your take change your life and change
your blueprint you can have an extraordinary life because all of us are
gonna have times in our life when what we want or think life should be like
isn't gonna match how life really is those moments if we blame our life goes
into pain if we change we can change our life and match our blueprint the fact
that you're not happy has nothing to do with what you have or don't have the
fact that you're not happy is that your life doesn't match the way you think it
should be you have some idea of how you think it should be
listen to me there are those of you of what you're doing is that there are 10
opportunities in a day and you're taking advantage of seven of them you think
you're doing something yup you got to hear me you got to hear me you only have
24 hours in a day and you've heard me say this time and time again the way you
spend your 24 hours determines how you live if you want the future to change
for you you've got to change if you don't change the next six years of your
life is going to be just like the last six you'll still be behind on your bills
you'll still be behind on your promises no opportunity wasted again no
opportunity wasted if one of us can do it hey we all can do it now here's my
last question why not now
what is it that gives your life a sense of meaning and purpose because once you
find that it puts you in your power please see if you know what your life
work is I encourage you to start working on it if you can't do it all at one time
do just a little bit of it and if you don't know what it is that you showed up
to do if you don't know why you're here I encourage you to find out what your
purpose is here what is the meaning of your life what will be different if you
have asked yourself that question I've done that I I remember coming from a
friends of my funeral and I was reflecting on how much time I had left
and I went for a walk in a park thinking about this guy whose life was so
promising and I mean he wasn't an old guy he was quite young in fact and I
thought about all of the things that he said he was going to do and he never got
a chance to do those things and I start thinking about my own life and how much
time I had left to do the things that I would like to do and at that time I
wasn't sure what my life purpose was what my life's work was I wasn't sure
about it at that time and I thought about it quite a lot I had some idea but
I wasn't convinced that I don't think I felt worthy I didn't believe that it
could be me to do this kind of work that I'm doing right now
and I say to you that if you begin to take a conscious effort to find out what
it is that you're supposed to do I say that it can literally save your
life I said that it can literally save your life 85% of the American public
according to recent studies are going to jobs that they hate working on jobs that
do not challenge them they get sick thinking about going because see when
you go to a job and you already know how far you can go you can already see that
proverbial glass ceiling see when you're going someplace and you already know how
much you're going to make you already know how far you can go you're in a
dead-end position it erodes your self-esteem it lowers your sense of
yourself it creates an inner turmoil
it creates an emptiness in you so I say that your life is worth finding what it
is that you're supposed to do and I'm not saying quit your job I'm saying find
it and do just a little bit of just not working at it just a little bit but do
find out what your work is and hold on to it and don't let your dream go don't
let it go see and here's something else I want you to begin to look at why is it
that most people don't pursue their dreams so don't do better than what
they're doing if they're capable of doing it I think that many of us don't
go the next step because we don't know what to do yet and I say that that the
reason that we don't even explore the possibility of what to do is because
subconsciously we don't believe that it can happen for us and we don't believe
that we deserve it so here's what I'm suggesting how much
time do you spend working on you how much time do you spend every day working
on your dream and the last 90 days how many books have you read
in the last year what new skill or knowledge have you acquired what kind of
investment have you made in you so I'm saying that as you begin to look at
where you want to go if you want to make it today and things are changing so fast
you have to literally run to standstill I'm saying that you've got to make some
conscious effort to begin to work to develop you here's something else most
people are not living their dreams because of fear ladies and gentlemen
fear limited vision and lack of self esteem is what keep most people doing
things they don't want to do the same reason that people stay in relationships
where they're abused are they're unhappy what's unfulfilled they can't see
themselves beyond that relationship they can't see themselves enjoying life
without that person they think that this is all that they can do the same reason
that people get stuck at a certain level in life they can't see things being
better for them and they think that this is in and this is all they deserve this
is all they've ever seen has been passed on to them and they think that this is
it for them oh no looking what dr. Blanton Smalley
Blanton who is a colleague of dr. norman vincent peale what he said about
theories that fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases
ladies and gentlemen fear kills dreams fear kills hope fear put people in the
hospital fear can age you fear ladies and gentlemen can hold you back from
doing something that you know within yourself that you're capable of doing
but it will paralyze you and it seem like you're in a hypnotic spell and I
ask you a question what is the benefit what's the benefit of allowing fear to
hold you back what's the benefit of giving up on yourself of not stepping
out on life and taking life on what is
the benefit for you what's the plus in that
it's one of the things I had to ask myself so I didn't want to make any
mistakes I wanted everybody to like me I wanted
to be perfect the first time I did something it's not going to happen
you're going to make some mistakes you're gonna hurt some folks feelings
you're gonna create some enemies whenever you decide that you want to
begin to take life on you've got to ask yourself how long am I going to allow
this to hold me back I like what Zig Ziglar says he said fear is false
evidence appearing real that it's an illusion that we create in our mind it
is a state of mind that can be changed so let's look at how we can begin to
take some steps to restructure that fear to begin to expand our visions of
ourselves to begin to increase our self-esteem Webster said that
self-esteem means confidence and satisfaction in oneself look at your
life right now whatever you've done up to this point in time your life is
working whatever you have produced it came out of you as a result of the kind
of person that you have become it's a result of your choices it's a result of
your consciousness now you have to ask yourself are you satisfied with what you
hit produce is this what you want would you like for things to be better than
this do you believe that you deserve better than this are you content this is
it you don't have to do everything anything else but you are ready to
resign yourself enlightened so well I'm happy I'm not starving like the people
in Calcutta are you allowing yourself to get off the
hook like that or do you believe somewhere in the back of your mind or in
your heart but there's some other great work for you to do there's something
else that life has for you and that's why you're here how do we handle this
fear factor how do we increase our self-esteem you have to begin to fortify
yourself how do we do that I believe that you have to begin to consciously
monitor your inner conversation and start talking to yourself start building
yourself up sometimes the only good things you will hear about you are the
things that you say to you so I'm saying learn to be your own
booster start building yourself up start encouraging yourself
Off the Ice with Braden Holtby - GEICO - Duration: 0:41.
On the ice, NHL all-star goalie Braden Holtby is incredible at making saves.
Order up!
Off the ice,
Okay Braden, time for your lunch break.
Leave the savings to GEICO. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
I'm Braden Holtby from the Washington Capitals
And if you want to see more funny GEICO commercials or behind the scenes action from this shoot, click here.
Bài thuốc dân gian - Bài thuốc có một không hai cứu phổi người nghiện thuốc lá ✔ - Duration: 11:57.
iPhone X Review | Should you skip the iPhone 8 Plus? - Duration: 6:36.
in this video, we will review the iPhone 10,
and see if it's really worth skipping the iPhone 8.
So, the latest and greatest iPhone is finally on our hands,
and as usual let's open the box,
and check the contents.
As you can see nothing out of the ordinary.
A charger, a lightning cable, the Earpods and the adapter.
Apple has kept the same design
from the iPhone 6, all the way to the iPhone 8.
Finally, iPhone X is satisfyingly different.
It has glass on the front, glass on the back,
and the stainless steel frame.
Button arrangement and ports are as always,
volume rockers and the mute toggle on the left,
lightning port on the bottom,
nothing on the top, not even the headphone jack.
And the slightly bigger power button
and the sim tray on the right.
Camera apparatus is now vertical
nd larger than before,
and it has a metallic ring around it.
The iconic home button is nowhere to be found,
but, there is a notch on the top of the screen.
Comparing this phone with the iPhone 8 Plus,
we see a lot of differences on the outside.
Except the obvious size difference
and the camera orientation,
the screen is bigger and there is no home button.
Because of the lack of buttons,
even the way you turn off the device has changed.
power button anymore now you press the volume and the power button at the same
time because the power button is now is Siri button spec wha is this tool not so
different they have the same chipset same amount of RAM same internals only
the display is now bigger and better since it's now Samsung's AMOLED panel
with 89 ratio and higher resolution than before the batter is slightly bigger and
the camera is a bit upgraded in my opinion this phone has the perfect size
is between the iPhone 8 which is too small and the iPhone 8 Plus which is too
big and that gorgeous screen is a sweet spot between 5.5 inch on the iPhone 8
plus and the 6.3 inch on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 it really looks great it's
a shame that you lose a lot of screen real estate in many applications for
example YouTube you cannot zoom in like with regular videos and fill out the
whole screen instead you get these big black bezels on the sides with the
Galaxy Note 8 you can pinch to zoom livin in YouTube so the king of the
screens is still the Galaxy Note 8 and what about it not I am NOT bad about an
arch on the top hopefully devs will update to accommodate it I even like the
knowledge because it hides the new sensors and cameras for the face ID
which is easy to set up any pleasure to use
inna locks your phone quickly the day and night
we don't weed out glasses even when the phone is on the table I don't have to
lean over it to unlock it it works pretty well but I hate the fact that you
have to swipe op after you unlock it used to just press the home button /
fingerprint scanner and you're in or even better with other phones just a
touch on the scanner unlocks it since these phone lags buttons you'll have to
learn some new gestures like for the recent apps a single or a double button
press is not working anymore now let's talk an emoji
it seemed nice and fun feature but I don't see many people older than 10
using it more than once as I said it's kinda cool and fun but not something to
brag about at the keynote like Apple II
don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button
after that monkey business let me just mention one feature that really is
useful wireless charging which Apple finally decided to add to their phones
and that's great the dual camera setup can shoot 4k videos at 60fps and 1080p
slow-motion videos at 240fps all the usual modes are there but still no pro
mode sadly for the portrait lighting effects are present even on the front
camera now which is a plus but it doesn't always work as well
Farren photos videophone 8 plus we can clearly see that - town has less than
nine photos but less noisy - the iPhone 8 plus did a better job than the tan in
this situation at both are pretty similar it was easier to get a selfie
portrait with a bad camera from 10 because it's less zoom in to one crop
your hat the photos is sharper and brighter to the point of blowing out
highlights more often ID iphone 8 plus otherwise what does look nice and moving
polite performance improved a flash and the screen flash with fine the video is
smooth 60fps and even the second lens is now stabilized but more on the camera in
Samarra video and now let's just conclude that this really is the best
iPhone ever and if it had a headphone port and a fingerprint scanner it could
have been the best smartphone ever is it worth the price well that's up to you
thanks for watching and see you soon
Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt XRC Foot Pegs (2007-2018 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 3:02.
This Smittybilt XRC Foot Pegs are for those of you that have a 2007 and up JK that are
looking for a foot peg.
Give you an extra spot to rest your foot when you're cruising on the road without your doors
These are going to be an option that is going to bolt into that lower hinge.
So, this is probably gonna be more for those of you that are going door-less more often
than not.
If you are somebody who just wants something that's gonna pop in and out a little easier,
there are some that don't quite bolt into place or a little bit more quick disconnect
option for you.
But these are gonna bolt in.
They're gonna be very, very sturdy and they're gonna work very well for you as well as, in
my opinion, looking pretty good.
Some of the other ones can look a little bit chintzy.
These are gonna look like they're pretty substantial and pretty well-built.
These are going to bolt onto that lower hinge which is a very simple installation process.
Definitely, one out of three wrenches.
Probably, won't take you more than 10 minutes to get a pair of these installed on your Jeep.
And again, just a bolt on process so no major modifications necessary to your vehicle.
Now, because these are a little bit more substantial, they may be a couple of dollars more than
some of the other options out there.
However, I do think they're worth it for the build quality.
As for construction, this is going to be 1/8 inch CNC cut steel covered in a textured black
powder coat finish that a lot of the other Smittybilt aftermarket parts also have.
That's going to look good.
It's gonna hold up really well over time.
Most importantly, this is going to be a really solid foot peg.
So, it's not gonna rattle around when you're not using it, when you get your foot on, it's
not gonna flex, bend, move around on you.
So, very solid, very well built.
So, like I said, a one out of three wrench bolt on installation here in less than 10
minutes to get this bolted on.
The first step is removing your doors.
To go through that process, unplugging any of the electronics, disconnecting the limiting
strap, if you have the nuts on the bottom of your hinges still, you'll remove those,
lift the doors off and set them aside in a nice safe place.
After that, you will take your new foot peg, there's a small rubber bumper that you're
going to attach to it so that as your foot is on the foot peg, it doesn't grind into
the paint of your Fender.
So, you'll attach that rubber piece on there, put the foot peg over that lower door hinge,
and drop the included bolt into place.
It also comes with a nut on the bottom to keep it from moving around and rattling.
Like I said, very easy install.
Have a socket set on hand and you can do this in under 10 minutes.
So, these foot pegs are gonna run you right around $45 which is a couple of dollars more
than some of the other ones out there.
Some of the others are going to be more quick disconnect option.
Maybe a little bit less substantial as I mentioned before.
I personally really like the look of this ones.
So if you have a higher budget, these are gonna be nice choice.
So, if you're looking for a foot peg to make it a little bit more comfortable for you to
have that leg hanging out of the Jeep while you're cruising without your doors on, I definitely
recommend this option from Smittybilt and you can find it right here at
New Nail Art 2017 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 75 - Duration: 10:31.
Thank you for watching!
Hope you have a great time!
Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!
Topical Honey for Canker Sores - Duration: 7:09.
Kim Jong Un: Our Weapons Can Strike Anywhere In The US | TODAY - Duration: 2:54.
Install Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt GEAR Overhead Console (2007-2018 JK) - Duration: 2:05.
This is a flathead, 3-inch ratchet, 3-inch extension, T25 Torx bit, and 2 supplied Allen
Instructor: Carefully remove the top center windshield interior trim piece.
Note, pull carefully or use some type of panel puller.
Remove center footman loop.
On some models, it can be unbolted using a T25 Torx.
On others, you will need to drill out the rivets.
Drill the hole out using a quarter inch drill bit.
If your footman loop was bolted on, attach the front adapter bracket to the same holes
using the factory bolts you previously removed.
Do not tighten completely at this time.
Install the main plate now by first setting the back portion on top of your center support
Then attach the front portion, previously installed to the windshield adapter bracket,
with included 10mm hardware.
Do not tighten completely at this time.
Install the two sport bar clamp rings on the rear section.
Do so by sliding them around the sports bar.
Line them up with the notch in the plate.
Do not fully tighten at this time.
Tighten the front windshield adapter bracket to the windshield completely.
Now, reinstall the front windshield trim piece you removed in step one.
Make sure the main plate is centered, and then proceed to tighten the front bolt and
rear sports bar clamp rings completely.
Now, place the cover over your frame, and secure by fastening the top Velcro straps.
The pouches can be installed in a variety of places by sliding the pouch strap through
the webbing on the overhead, and then secure by fastening the snaps.
Installation is now complete.
Prince Harry expecting "BABY" with Meghan Markle NEXT YEAR | Breaking News Today - Duration: 2:39.
prynt Harry expecting baby with Megan Markel next year Prince Harry and Meg
and Marco could be starting to expect their first child in 2018 according to
experts speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online the couple who only
announced their engagement on Monday November 27th - are set to Wed and May
at Windsor Castle in their first major interview following the news they were
asked by BBC presenter Missal Hussein whether they had thought about having
children not currently no Harry responded no of course you know I think
one step at a time hopefully we will start a family in the near future but
according to renowned bonny language expert Tracy Brown that may come far
sooner than expected and Tracy believes that after the wedding that happy couple
will immediately start trying for a baby speaking to Daily Star Online she said
they are 100% on the fast track for kids their comments match their body language
there's no hesitation and they're on the same page as her husband-to-be answers
the question Megan bursts out in laughter before stroking her hair and
this action is very telling claimed Blancas calm CEO of truth blazer and lie
detection expert Megan looked at Prince Harry when he answered for them she told
Daily Star Online when Harry said currently no Megan touched the front of
the Heron gave a rapid series of eye blinks both of these behaviors suggest
that she felt anxious when you rub a part of your body this is called a self
soothing gesture normally you rub your arm and/or hair you do this to come any
anxiety or discomfort that you are feeling at that moment while official
news on a pregnant megan may be some way off Daily Star Online has previously
revealed exactly what their baby would look like the pair's relationship was
made official by Kensington Palace last November
this week's engagement news was preceded by months of gossip and speculation as
the eyes of the world waited with bated breath for Harry to pop the question
bookmakers bet fair offer on American announcing her pre Gansey in 2018 at
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$11M apartment complex proposed for Des Moines' Market District - Duration: 0:28.
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shape Of You-Best Music Remix 2018
FAUCETHIT || How To Earn FREE Bitcoin || Min Withdraw 0.01 BTC - Duration: 10:12.
Matt Lauer Dismissed From NBC News After Complaint From Colleague | TODAY - Duration: 3:48.
2018 new BMW motorbike project leaks | BMW motorrad 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:26.
Sniper kız' 350 metreden kapalı hedefi böyle vurdu! - Duration: 2:20.
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