Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la la la la!
'Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol,
Fa la la la la la la la!
See the blazing yule before us,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Strike the harp and join the chorus,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Follow me in merry measure,
Fa la la la la la la la!
While I tell of Yuletide treasure,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Fast away the old year passes,
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses!
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
Sing we joyous all together,
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
Heedless of the wind and weather,
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
"Merry Christmas everyone!"
For more infomation >> Deck The Halls | Cartoons Videos For Babies | Xmas Songs | Santa Claus | Christmas With Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:59.-------------------------------------------
TRUTH Prince Harry's ex Cressida Bonas Cryptic Message Hours After Royal engagement | Breaking News - Duration: 1:44.
prynt Harry's ex Cressida vanna's cryptic message hours after royal
engagement Prince Harry's ex-girlfriend des posted a cryptic message just hours
after he announced his engagement to Megan Markel the actress and dancer 28
was in a relationship with the ginger royal for two years after being
introduced by his cousin Princess Eugenie and then the couple was believed
to be the real deal with Harry 33 widely expected to pop the question to the
free-spirited blonde but it never came to be indiv duo split in April 2014
saying they remained the best of friends yesterday just 24 hours after Harry
announced he had proposed to Megan Cressida sent out a cryptic message on
Instagram the prince dropped down on the one knee when the couple was having a
quiet night in cooking roast chicken at Nottingham cottage
Megan revealed she could hardly let him get the words out saying I could barely
let you finish proposing I said can I say yes now Harry added she didn't even
let me finish she said can I say yes and then there were hugs I had the ring in
my finger and that was like can I can I give you the ring she goes oh yes the
ring so no it was a really nice moment it was just the two of us and I think I
managed to catch her by surprise as well
To us, Kim Joohyuck was a friend and a brother. [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.12] - Duration: 13:10.
(To us...)
(For some reason...)
You were all in on this, weren't you?
- You were. / - No way.
- Why would we be? / - I knew it!
(To us, Kim Joohyuck was)
(a friend and a brother.)
Comfortable, adorable and sweet.
You'll find him funny too.
That's what I want the viewers to see.
See who he is inside.
He's also very considerate.
He puts others first.
Putting others first is actually a flaw of his.
(The oldest but odd brother)
(who'd be the rock but never demand authority.)
(June 15th, 2014, Backpacking Special)
Are they coming?
Where are the others?
They're coming.
(He's looking out for those fallen behind.)
Watch your step.
Be careful.
Watch your step coming up.
It's very steep.
(The afternoon hike)
It's getting better.
(is coming to an end.)
It's pretty high.
(They are drained of energy.)
We're not done yet.
There's another corner.
Over there.
This must be it.
(The last stop before reaching the top)
(A mysterious tarp is blocking their way.)
What is it?
You'll come under the tarp over there
for an individual interview.
Joohyuck, you're first.
(Joohyuck's first to have the talk.)
Whatever it is, be nice to us.
- You got it. / - Sure.
Can't I sit somewhere less awkward?
(His own slapstick comedy)
There's a good 30 minutes left.
- Until we reach the top? / - Yes.
Please take a look at the sign.
The path we've been on was the easy one.
The other one is relatively harder.
It's known as the Gasping Hill.
- It must be tricky. / - Exactly.
It gets steeper at the last minute.
What you need to do
is think of what you'll discard.
What I'll discard?
Tents were made to share anyway,
so you can always share someone else's.
(It may be cramped, but you can share.)
Is there something we can eat?
- Should I take a look? / - Sure.
(It's snack time again.)
I think you'll have something.
Why do I have all the ham?
- Is it okay to eat this? / - Sure.
I think it's a game to empty our bags.
- I think you're right. / - What?
(His interview is over.)
You won't believe how heavy it is.
Why didn't you discard anything?
What's the point when we're almost there?
There's nothing I want to discard.
- Are you sure? / - Yes.
The other's might discard their things,
so I should keep mine.
Is it because you don't trust them?
No, I can't discard mine and use theirs.
I'd rather they use mine instead.
That's why I should keep mine.
There's no other way.
(June 14th, 2015, More More More Special)
(What will we be like in 10 years?)
"Junho will"
"organize the International Comedy Festival"
"in Pyeongyang."
You wrote some really nice things.
"Defconn will"
"take on rappers from North Korea"
"in an intense rap battle."
(He's moved by that.)
Let me freestyle.
"It'll be too rough to air"
"in both North and South Korea."
(Banned in both countries)
- "Jongmin." / - Yes?
"How's your cart bar doing?"
(Out of the blue)
Why do I own a cart bar?
"I'm always in tears just thinking of you."
"Was it 2017?"
"If it had not been for that incident..."
What incident?
"You'd still be on Two Days and One Night."
What on earth did I do?
"The toy hammer turned out to be made of steel,"
"and that made you a complete moron."
(A single blow made him a moron.)
So I became a moron?
Let's not lose hope.
Now let's hear what Joohyuck wrote.
"We just met for drinks yesterday,"
"so it's awkward to read this letter we wrote"
"10 years ago. You all have aged."
"Taehyun, congratulations on your son"
"getting into Seoul University."
(Affectionate predictions)
"Junho, I wish you'd stop"
"starting your own business."
"It's already your fifth attempt."
He's being sincere.
"I hope it works out this time anyhow."
"Defconn, stop worrying and do what you want."
"Joonyoung, now that you're older,"
"live a more normal life."
He's like a father.
My gosh.
"My second child started school this year."
- Really? / - After 10 years?
"My wife is also pregnant with my third child."
That means he's seeing someone now.
"I should make big bucks for my family,"
"so I'm lucky to be cast in a Brad Pitt movie."
"After its success, I'll treat you to a meal."
Only his life has turned out great.
- I know. / - Tell me about it!
(July 12th, 2015, To Your House)
we're heading to Jongmin's house.
- What? / - What?
(They'll be staying there for the night.)
Are we sleeping at Jongmin's?
At my house?
(Even Jongmin didn't know.)
What will we do all day?
- Are we sleeping there? / - The place we're going now
is where he spent his childhood.
So not his house?
I remember this smell.
- I missed this smell. / - I understand.
There is a mountain behind the village.
- Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Hello.
Jongmin is here.
- Hello. / - You look adorable.
- Hello. / - Jongmin.
- Is she your aunt? / - Yes.
- She's his aunt. / - Don't we look alike?
They do look alike.
I take after my mom.
Does Jongmin visit here often?
Not very often. Only when he visits his dad's grave.
I see. It must be because he's busy.
As you know, Jongmin's father passed away.
Even so,
- he is really... / - He's become a good man.
Exactly. I really appreciate him.
Gosh, it's dark.
When I was young, walking here at night
was so terrifying.
I'd sing while walking by because I was so scared.
(Meanwhile, the members are...)
Where is Jongmin?
- Is he outside? / - No.
Jongmin is taking his aunt to her house.
Do we have a morning mission tomorrow?
- A morning mission? / - Yes.
Yes, we do.
Since Jongmin's father's grave is here...
- He said it's near here. / - Yes.
Are you saying you want to visit his grave
instead of doing the morning mission?
You were thinking of another morning mission?
Yes, there is one.
Can we visit the grave after the morning mission?
I don't think you can do both.
Then how about...
(It's the second day of the trip.)
(Is everyone awake yet?)
(Today, they all got up early to get ready.)
(Under the lead of Joohyuck,)
(the members get ready for a grave visit.)
Let's go.
I've never gone to his grave with anyone else
- other than my family. / - Really?
It was really nice to talk about this idea.
- Was it? / - Yes.
Joohyuck came up with this idea.
- Is it here? / - It's over there.
(They are here to visit Jongmin's father.)
- Is it here? / - Are we there?
The left one is my grandfather's grave.
And the right one is your father's?
Hello, Jongmin's father and grandfather.
- Hello. / - My paternal grandfather.
- This is my father's. / - Hello.
It looks very well-trimmed.
He said his mother was here yesterday.
She must have thought Jongmin would come.
That must be why she cut all the weeds.
The sickle is sharp. I was told to be careful.
Is this how you do it?
Yes, that's how you get rid of the weeds.
I'm not sure if this is the correct way.
I can't step on it.
- Is this enough? / - That's enough.
Joonyoung, here.
(They carefully cut the weeds.)
- Isn't it cold? / - Shall we start?
- Okay. / - Let's begin.
Should we put them here?
Yes. We need to peel the fruits.
- Peel the top part only. / - Very good.
- And... / - Peel the opposite side.
- What about rice cake? / - Rice cake...
Let's put a piece of rice cake over there.
The rice cake is sent by Junho's mother.
It's from my mother.
There must be sikhye too.
We should serve him a cup of sikhye too.
What else do we need?
Chopsticks. Chopsticks.
Do we have chopsticks?
- Fill it up, please. / - Did he like alcohol?
- Yes, he did. / - Let me fill it too.
(They fill the glass with alcohol he used to like.)
Jongmin, you can bow alone first.
Let me start, then.
(Jongmin bows to his father first.)
Pour it on the grave.
(Followed by him,)
Let me fill it up so he can drink a lot.
(Joohyuck fills up the glass.)
Let me do it too.
I think it's enough.
He shouldn't drink too much.
He had a bad drinking habit.
Have you seen it?
I've seen it a lot.
(He makes a silly joke.)
That's enough.
If you've seen it a lot, what can I say?
Sir, Jongmin will do just fine.
We are
members of Two Days and One Night.
Jongmin is the most senior member among us.
I learn a lot from him.
We feel comfortable here all thanks to him.
Please don't worry about him and rest in peace.
We will have a good time here during the stay.
Don't worry.
Jongmin is doing well these days.
Don't worry about him.
- I'll tidy up the rest. / - All right, okay.
I'll visit you again someday. Take care.
- Take care. / - Take care.
(He's embarrassed to show appreciation,)
(so he just let them leave first.)
(Left alone, he stays there for quite a while.)
(Goodbye, Father.)
(Joohyuck's heartwarming comment made him)
(miss his dad even more on this summer day.)
Give me the water.
BRUDER TOYS tractor CANDY transport! - Duration: 11:43.
Candy transport | Bruder toys
Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 17 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:29.
Let's meet at the White Flag headquarters in Tamaulipas.
Don't let me down, Romero.
I'll be there.
Sweetie, it's me. Marcelo, your father.
I'm here to rescue you.
Don't touch me! I don't know you.
-We need to get out of here. -Don't touch me!
You're in danger!
Put the gun down.
Strip, you ------- cop.
Julian Romero, at your service.
Phillips to you.
I don't trust that Colombian.
He thinks he's Mr. Perfect, Mr. Educated,
but I don't buy it.
Make one move and I'll kill this ------- rapist.
You didn't hesitate to kill Teca
or Montero, the Colombian.
Today I begin to avenge your death, Mom.
Today, everyone will begin to pay
for Briseida Montero's death.
Eye for an eye, relative for a relative...
until we're all blind.
If Salvador Acero thinks he's suffered,
he'd better think again.
I'm going to show him what real pain is, you hear?
For every second
that my mother spent
crushed in that tunnel,
dying like a rat...
that son of a bitch will suffer a thousand fold.
You know what? Hold all my calls.
I'm celebrating today.
Yes, sir.
One thing, though.
As soon as you're through with those two hits,
-bring up the aguardiente. -Yes, sir.
-Good luck. -I got this.
<i> Watch it, punk,</i>
<i> or you'll blow us all up,</i> <i> starting with yourself.</i>
<i> Take it easy.</i>
<i> Easy.</i>
<i> Your kid is terrible</i> <i> at chemistry.</i>
<i> A little more, and I'd</i> <i> send him back in an urn.</i>
<i> You can change that,</i> <i> though.</i>
<i> Get me the 40 men</i> <i> I need.</i>
<i> I hope </i> <i> your kid survives.</i>
<i> Hurry the ---- up...</i>
<i> before it's too late.</i>
<i> I'll watch him for you</i> <i> 'till then.</i>
<i> Let's go!</i>
Will you please explain what they brainwashed you with
when you were locked up?
Are you really asking me to talk to Indira Cardenas?
That's the problem.
You have no idea what I went through in there,
and I'm not about to give you a summary now.
Sanchez is your friend
and if one of my friends were in his place,
I'd move heaven and earth to find them.
Didn't you do that for me?
I was in trouble and you went into the lion's den...
Alright, fine!
-I get it. -Alright?
Know what your problem is?
You're always right.
That's your problem.
What do you want now?
<i> Indira, do you know</i> <i> where Sanchez is?</i>
I have an emergency and I really need to talk to him,
but he won't answer his phone.
Hey, hey.
What's going on? What's wrong?
<i> Did something happen</i> <i> to Sanchez?</i>
It's my son Nicolas. They kidnapped him.
What happened?
Come, I'll help you.
I'm okay.
It's not the first time this happens.
Oh, blondie, you'd have to live to 80
to go through what I've been through.
Without weekends off.
Thank you for what you did and for trying to save me.
Anyone would've done it.
Not really.
You're the first person who ever has.
Let me clean up those cuts.
It's okay. I'm used to it.
No, Jose Angel.
You're not like these rapist bastards.
What are you doing?
Why are you doing this to me?
No, Carmen. I'm not a good man.
I'll bring you something to eat.
That son of a bitch will pay for this with blood!
Sir, please!
Ma'am, would you like anything?
I shot at him.
I shot him.
You were very brave.
You saved Bernarda and me from that man.
Did you know who the thief was?
Andrea thought my dad was a thief.
I'm your only dad.
Your only father is named Mario Casas.
Go to your room right now.
Look at her.
I need you to give her one of these every eight hours...
or we're going to lose her, and I'll lose my son.
I can't bear another loss like that.
Yes, sir. I will.
Thank you.
Please, Marcelo.
I can't take it anymore.
We're going to die.
I already gave you Mario's address.
What else do you want? Don't leave me here.
What did that bastard do to my daughter?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm not able to make it.
I don't feel well. I'm nauseous.
No, that's not necessary.
I just need to rest.
You're a great actress, honey.
All we have to do now is see the nanny out.
I need to punish you.
Let's go.
Come on, sweetie.
What the ---- did Mario do to Andrea?
She didn't know who I was.
We're going to die.
Listen to me.
My daughter is pregnant
and he's giving her who knows what kind of drugs.
Tell me.
Is Mario capable of killing his own child?
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
You have ten seconds to do the right thing!
What did Mario do to my daughter?
Answer me!
He's drugging her.
With what?
He leaves her like a zombie. She doesn't recognize anyone.
That's the same ---- he gave Aracely.
Marcelo, I can help you.
I can get close to her, but don't leave me here.
Why should I believe you?
I'm your only option.
Are you?
I don't want to die, damn it.
It's fake, dumbass.
Does it look good there? Check it out.
Like this or higher?
What's wrong with Mrs. Victoria?
She's been like this all day.
Remember what Daniel said.
The poor thing isn't well in the head,
and with all these changes,
she's probably really confused.
Let's see.
I can't...
Are you okay, Mrs. Victoria?
They're holding me captive and I don't know anyone.
I don't know these kids
and they keep calling me Grandma.
When are you coming back?
Who are you?
And what is this prison? They never feed me.
Take it easy.
It's not a prison, ma'am.
We're safe here.
You're with your family.
That's not true.
My family was murdered.
My husband was shot and then they killed the rest of us.
I was the last one who died.
We need some cameras.
I'm going to go buy some. Do you need anything?
More cameras?
Where are you getting the money to buy all this stuff?
Tell me the truth.
You're Erick's right-hand man.
Where are you getting the cash?
I need to go out.
Unless you need anything, excuse me.
I can't take it anymore.
I can't take it...
So you got started without me.
You're not leaving me out of this dance.
Yanisey, scoot over.
I told you I don't like girl on girl.
You were cool with it a minute ago.
Yeah, but now the Colombian is here
and you're still grabbing my boobs.
So you're international?
That's how I like my sex.
Open like the sea.
I just talked a bunch of trash about your president.
I hope you'll forgive me.
If it bothered me to hear people badmouth
that son of a bitch,
I never would've come to Mexico.
There you go.
What are we going to do today?
I'm celebrating and up for anything.
I don't know what you mean by anything,
but this right here sure is something.
Let me see.
Check it out.
Long live Colombia!
What do you mean they took Nicolas?
I don't know.
I don't know, but they took him.
My son doesn't deserve this.
Was it a kidnapping?
Has anyone asked for ransom money?
Look... don't worry.
I'll go to El Paso tonight and help you.
Just to be clear, I'm not doing this for you.
I'm doing it for your son. Your problems aren't his fault.
Thank you so much.
Hold on a sec.
Don't work for free.
If she's going to help you,
then she should drop all the charges against you.
-Seriously? -Yeah, tell her.
Look, don't thank me.
This is a favor you're paying back with another favor.
Whatever you want, Phillips.
I want you to drop all the charges against me.
You got it.
I'm going to call off your arrest.
Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso 2 | Capítulo Final | Telemundo - Duration: 15:00.
This program contains violence, sex, and inappropriate
or provocative dialogue.
It is intended for mature audiences.
Viewer discretion advised.
The characters and situations in this program are fictitious.
Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events is purely coincidental.
Here's five grand.
You'll get the other half once I have the baby.
will this pose any risks for my wife?
No, none at all.
She's just having an embryo implanted in her uterus.
There's no risk in that.
What about the semen, though? May we ask whose it is?
No, you can't ask. That was part of our agreement.
Where will I give birth?
In my house.
You'll receive better care there than you would at a hospital.
The judges will be: Felipe Neira, Isabella Londoño,
and Cristian Mercado.
-Do you know them? -Yeah.
I know Isabella Londoño.
Her show comes on after the news.
She's a fashion journalist.
-The skinny one? -She's ruthless.
Who cares who the judges are?
You need to show up there and knock 'em dead.
You're smarter than they are.
Don't give the same responses the other girls do.
-What are you looking at me for? -No!
Right, don't give the same responses I did at your age.
I didn't mean it!
You know what I'm worried about?
People have always bought crowns...
and we know how Daniela is.
She'll probably try buying her way to the top.
It's possible.
Money makes the world go 'round, and she's got a lot of it.
If that happens, there's nothing we can do about it.
We can't stoop to her level.
Good, sweetie.
Remember to walk with your chin up, back straight...
You're doing great, Dani!
-Am I, Mom? -She's perfect.
No doubt she'll win the pageant.
She'd better. That's why I'm paying you.
Excuse me.
He understands he has to work with us.
Did he take the money?
Without hesitation.
Did you record it?
Of course, ma'am.
The boss said I couldn't hand over the money otherwise.
Dr. Cristian Mercado?
That's me.
Nice to meet you.
Lucho the makeup artist sent me.
-Anything to drink? -No, thanks.
I'm fine.
Very well.
I brought a package for you.
You'll find the name and photo of the girl who's to win inside.
Her name's Daniela Barrera.
If you manage to convince another judge,
you'll get twice as much.
You know what, though?
I... I don't know.
I just got here.
I don't really know the other judges.
Give it a shot, sir.
I know you can do it.
And... what happens if I don't?
Well, that could be a problem.
We know you bought your medical degree in Brazil.
It'd be a shame if the rest of the world were to find out.
Here's the recording.
Well done.
He's in our hands, then.
What have you done, Santi?
Oh, Cata.
I'd die before I let you go.
Look straight ahead. Keep your balance.
Pretend you're wearing that crown.
Great job!
Make sure you're nice to the press.
Winning over these journalists is key,
<i> because they influence</i> <i> public opinion.</i>
<i> Make sure you smile.</i>
<i> I don't need</i> <i> to win anyone over!</i>
<i> I've bought them all off</i> <i> already!</i>
I practically am queen!
All done. You look great!
Can you pass me a mirror?
The fathers of philosophy.
Think platonic...
-Plato! -Good!
That's too long!
It accentuates your breasts.
I can walk in this one!
Too big.
This is it, Gladys! It's perfect!
I'm so nervous!
Wish me luck!
You won't need it, babe. You're going to win.
Can I ask you guys for a favor?
Can you tell our neighbors about the pageant?
Maybe they can come cheer me on.
You asked and we delivered!
What's this?
Our girl!
Our queen!
Catalina, she's the one!
How about a picture?
Oh, you guys!
Stay here. We're going to need you.
Yes, ma'am.
I've been ordered by the boss to keep anyone from backing out.
I'm all yours.
Sounds good.
If you'll excuse me.
We're here for the pageant.
You've picked a lovely place for your unmasking, sis.
Make way!
Beauty queen coming through!
We're here to register the future Miss Risaralda,
Catalina Marin Santana.
She's our girl! She's our girl!
Pics, guys!
Catalina! Catalina!
She's the next Miss Risaralda!
¡ENTREVISTAS, REUNIONES...! <i> Interviews, exclusives...</i>
She thinks she's queen already.
Catalina ain't there for the crown, though.
She just wants Daniela to lose.
That's it.
And she may well get away with it, too.
She's quite the competition.
Between us, I saw Catalina training hard at the gym.
She's definitely prepared,
and even though I can't stand her...
I can't deny she's pretty.
And not only that.
She's talented.
She's a woman of principles, righteous, and has morals.
Are you stoned?
Nope, just cracking up.
Based off that little speech, it sounds like you want her too!
What am I going to do with you? You want them all!
No, that's not true.
The only woman I really want...
is Catalina Santana.
Welcome, journalists and reporters from all mediums.
Let's start the press conference.
Please raise your hand before proceeding with your question.
Yes, sir?
Name and medium, please.
Hello, everyone.
I'm Daniel Ceron,
proprietor and editor in chief of<i> El Despertar.</i>
My question is for Miss Pereira.
Miss Pereira, will being the daughter of a dangerous,
fugitive drug trafficker hurt your odds
of winning the pageant?
Thanks for your question, Mr. Journalist.
As journalist, surely you're aware that children
should not be punished for their parents' actions.
I know that.
I have no idea if my mother is truly a drug trafficker...
but if she were, I would never use her influence to get here.
I've worked hard to get here.
My beauty and intelligence have brought me this far.
Thank you.
Might I remind you that you were named Miss Pereira
by a decree your late stepfather issued
while he was mayor of the city?
He too was murdered under suspicious circumstances.
May he rest in peace.
He's right.
I was named Miss Pereira by decree.
Why don't we aim a few questions at Miss Dosquebradas?
Perhaps she had something to do with it
since she was with a drug lord at the time.
He probably had him killed out of envy.
Excuse me.
I'd like to address these grave accusations.
Go ahead, Miss Marin.
I can attest to the fact that she isn't a real candidate
and she doesn't deserve to be called queen.
She's a criminal.
I'm sorry, but this...
Ladies, behave! This is unacceptable!
Hello, everyone!
It's great to have you here
for this marvelous press conference.
Daniel, what would become of beauty pageants
if they didn't have some spice to them?
I've got an important announcement to make.
We're hereby entering an... investigative recess!
In about 30 minutes,
you'll find out whether these two candidates will continue...
Just a moment.
Or whether they'll be disqualified.
Let's continue with the press conference.
Excuse you?
I'm the owner of this pageant...
Sit down.
Sit! Down!
You know I yell with love.
I have two important announcements to make.
First off, tonight's swimsuits have been designed
by none other than Tomás Tomás.
Secondly, you're cordially invited to feast on ceviche
and fruit salad.
Please enjoy yourselves.
The press conference will continue shortly.
Don't miss the judges' panel!
Girls, please.
I won't keep quiet!
-That's not how things work. -The truth must be known!
I know, but please understand.
We can't walk right into the lion's den.
I must, Lucia.
I can't keep quiet about this.
Yes, I understand.
Hey! Hi, Mom!
Jota, Vane.
Hey, sis.
What happened? There's a commotion outside!
Tell her what happened!
I called out Daniela for being a drug trafficker and a killer.
Sounds great!
-You think so? -How can you say that?
That's what she's here to do. She's here to unmask Daniela.
You need to tone it down just a bit, though.
The TEA will be present at the pageant
in an attempt to capture Yesica Beltran.
Are you sure she's here?
We aren't, but if Daniela's competing,
Yesica will want to be here.
She wouldn't be absent at a time like this.
I need your help.
Anything could happen, so I need you to stay alert.
Alright, I'll contain myself.
I hate that journalist with all my might!
He's always on Catalina's side!
Calm down, Daniela.
I know exactly who he is... and he's going to pay for this.
Please get rid of him. Kill him!
I'm not going to kill him.
Get this through your head, Daniela.
The dead can't suffer.
I'm going to hit him where it hurts.
I like the sound of that, Mom.
We must cover all four corners.
She's bound to show up where we least expect her.
Around here, perhaps?
Maybe. We can't underestimate her.
Good afternoon.
-Catalina. -Hey, boss.
-How's everything? -Very good.
Meet Amparo. She's on tonight's team.
She works for the police.
Detective Amparo, pleased to meet you.
Catalina Santana. The pleasure's mine.
-Welcome to the team. -Thanks.
We were talking about covering all areas of the hotel.
An agent at every door.
I'm going to be on the pageant floor rooting for my sister.
Hello everyone, today I will show you how to make Squishy Homemade Star Donut Rainbow from Creamy Candy.
This time I use Fabric Paint.
First prepare the star pattern, then drawing above the foam. follow the pattern line using cutter or scissors, after that then shape it.
When finished, paint with white paint first so that the rainbow color more clearer.
Cover several times, then paint with yellow paint.
On the back, give the donut effect using light brown
After that color with pink, yellow and blue paint.
Once dry, give gradation orange, green and purple then dry.
For packing, prepare a pink plastic bag recyled, clear plastic, double-sided tape, permanent color marker.
Cut the top of the star pattern image in the middle and then scissors.
Put the clear plastic using double tape.
Paint the pink plastic with a permanent marker.
Ok dont forget to Subscribe this channel because there are still many ideas and videos that we will upload
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