Hey, ass-wipe.
What do you think? You see the game?
- Leave him alone, Pete. - What are you, his girlfriend?
I wanna hear what he has to say.
Come on...
My son was there.
He was in the bus.
- He saw what Clark did. - I know he did.
- I'm sure what he thought he saw was... - Was an act of God, Jonathan.
This was providence.
I think you're blowing it out of proportion.
No, I'm not. Lana saw it too.
And the Fordham boy.
This isn't the first time...
...Clark's done something like this.
For more infomation >> Clark Saves the School Bus | Man of Steel (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
This Invention can save your life! - Duration: 5:38.
"You Are My Son" / The Pod Scene | Man of Steel (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:44.
I just wanted to help.
I know you did, but we talked about this.
Right? We talked about this. You have...
Clark, you have to keep this side of yourself a secret.
What was I supposed to do? Just let them die?
There's more at stake here than just our lives, Clark, or the lives of those around us.
When the world...
When the world finds out what you can do it's gonna change everything. Our...
Our beliefs, our notions of...
...what it means to be human. Everything.
You saw how Pete's mom reacted, right?
She was scared, Clark.
People are afraid of what they don't understand.
Is she right?
Did God do this to me?
Tell me.
We found you in this.
We were sure the government was gonna show up on our doorstep...
...but no one ever came.
This was in that chamber with you.
I took it to a metallurgist...
...at Kansas State.
He said whatever it was made from didn't even...
Didn't even exist on the periodic table.
That's another way of saying...
...that it's not from this world, Clark.
And neither are you.
You're the answer, son.
You're the answer to "Are we alone in the universe?"
I don't wanna be.
And I don't blame you, son.
It'd be a huge burden for anyone to bear.
But you're not just anyone, Clark, and I have to believe that you were...
That you were sent here for a reason.
All these changes that you're going through, one day...
One day you're gonna think of them as a blessing. When that day comes...
...you have to make a choice.
A choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not.
Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?
You are my son.
But somewhere out there you've...
You have another father too, who gave you another name.
And he sent you here...
...for a reason, Clark.
And even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself...
...to find out what that reason is.
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BREAKING NEWS Out Of The WHITE HOUSE… Trump Is PISSED OFF | Global News Today - Duration: 5:07.
The witchhunt for Russian collusion into the 2016 presidential election conducted by the
former head of the FBI and current special counsel Robert Mueller has taken an unexpected
turn for the Trump administration.
Attorneys for former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn have recently
informed President Donald Trump's legal team they are no longer willing or able to
continue discussing Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian activities during the 2016 election
It is a move that is likely to frustrate or even anger the Trump's legal team, though
the move does indicate cooperation with Mueller's investigations or an ongoing negotiation to
do so.
Large-scale criminal investigations usually have cooperation and communications between
both sides' counsel, however, it can be considered unethical in circumstances where
such communication is being used as leverage in an effort to negotiate a deal with the
An attorney on Flynn's legal team communicated the information to the Trump legal team just
last week.
Flynn was forced to resign as national security advisor in February after being illegally
unmasked by members of the Obama administration.
There has also been speculation that Flynn's unmasking was done in retaliation due to Flynn
testifying against former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe in a sexual harassment
trial though official channels maintain Flynn misled White House Officials about the nature
of his contacts during the transition period between former president Obama and current
president Trump.
Flynn was interviewed by the FBI regarding his communications back and more forth between
Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
Former deputy attorney general and leftist hero for her defiance against President Trump
and her refusal to do her job, playing politics instead.
Yates previously advised the White House that public assertions made regarding Flynn sanctions
and were incorrect.
She claims this put Flynn in a compromise position.
The Department of Justice began their investigations into Flynn long before Mueller was appointed
as Special Counsel and has inherited this investigation as a result of his appointment.
Much controversy has surrounded Flynn particularly as it comes to former FBI director James Comey,
where Comey previously testified under oath that President Trump requested that Comey
drop the charges being levied against Flynn in the now infamous meeting in February 2017,
in the Oval Office.
According to Fox News –
In addition to scrutinizing Flynn's contacts with Russia during the transition and campaign,
Mueller has been investigating the retired U.S. Army lieutenant general's role in $530,000
worth of lobbying work his now-defunct firm performed for a Turkish businessman during
the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign.
The lobbying campaign sought to gather derogatory information on Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish
cleric and green-card holder living in Pennsylvania.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Gulen of being behind a botched coup
and has sought his extradition.
Gulen has denied the allegations, and U.S. officials have rebuffed Turkey's extradition
demands, citing a lack of evidence.
Flynn and his firm, Flynn Intel Group, carried out the lobbying and research work for several
months, meeting with officials from the U.S. and Turkish governments.
Flynn also published an op-ed on Election Day in The Hill newspaper, parroting many
of the Turkish government's talking points about Gulen.
At the time, neither Flynn nor his company was registered with the Justice Department
to represent Turkish interests.
Soon after the publication of the op-ed, the Justice Department began investigating Flynn's
lobbying work, and in March, he registered with the department as a foreign agent.
In federal filings, Flynn acknowledged the work could have benefited the government of
Since then, FBI agents working for Mueller have been investigating whether the Turkish
government was directing the lobbying work and not a private company owned by a Turkish
businessman, Ekim Alptekin, as Flynn's firm has contended.
FBI agents have also been asking about Flynn's business partner, Bijan Kian, who served on
Trump's presidential transition, and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who worked for his
father as part of the lobbying campaign.
Flynn Jr. also was a near constant presence around his father during the Trump campaign
and presidential transition period.
Mueller announced his first charges in the investigation last month, including the guilty
plea of a foreign-policy adviser to the campaign, George Papadopoulos, and the indictments of
former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and business associate Rick Gates.
Texas woman sent Obama, Abbott homemade bombs: prosecutors. | Global News Today - Duration: 2:20.
Texas woman sent Obama, Abbott homemade bombs: prosecutors.
A Texas woman built at least three bombs using a cellphone, a cigarette box and a salad dressing
cap, and sent them to former President Barack Obama and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, prosecutors
Julia Poff, 46, mailed the improvised explosives in October 2016 to Obama and Abbott, and a
third one to the Social Security Administration offices in Washington, D.C.
Of the three packages, only Abbott opened his.
It did not detonate because "he did not open it as designed," court documents said.
A grand jury indicted the woman this month on six counts, including mailing injurious
articles and transporting explosives with the intent to kill and injure, according to
documents filed this week in a district court in Houston.
At a Nov. 17 detention hearing, a federal agent testified that Poff sent Obama the bomb
because she just didn't like the former president.
The agent also said that Poff was angry with Abbot because she did not receive support
from her ex-husband when Abbott served as Texas Attorney General, before he was elected
governor in 2014.
Poff's application for social security benefits was denied.
According to court documents, investigators traced the package sent to Obama back to Poff
because of a cat hair found under an address label.
In addition, the cigarette box used in the device sent to Abbott bore a Texas tobacco
stamp that helped identify the store where the cigarettes were sold.
Two incendiary powders in the box matched materials found in Poff's home, investigators
Poff is being held at the Houston federal detention center.
Katie Hill, a spokeswoman with the former president's private office, declined to comment
A call by The Associated Press to Abbott's public affairs office in Austin was not immediately
A criminal background check shows Poff has a misdemeanor conviction for theft.
She was also convicted for state felony fraud.
In both cases, she was given probation.
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