There was an idea...
- bring together a group of remarkable people... see if we could become something more... when they needed us we could fight the battles...
-...that they never could.
- In time you'll know what it's like to lose.
To feel so desperately that you're right, that to fail all the same.
Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives.
- Evacuate the city.
Engage all defences and get this man a shield.
- Fun isn't something one considers the balance in the universe
But this does put a smile on my face.
- Who the hell are you guys?
For more infomation >> [ULTRA HD 60FPS] LOS VENGADORES 3: INFINITY WAR | Trailer OFICIAL en Español - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Why Can't You Put Pineapple in Jello? - Duration: 6:29.
Unless you've managed to make it this far in life without setting foot in a store, you're
probably aware that jello, popularly known as jelly by my British compatriots, is a genericization
of the brand Jell-O which itself was derived from the word "gelatin".
(See: The Jiggly History of Jell-O) Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen via a process
called hydrolysis, which breaks apart the bonds of this protein with water.
While hydrolysis may sound complicated, it's simply a matter of boiling collagen rich animal
byproducts, usually bones, connective tissue and skin, in water for many hours to break
it down.
The resulting broth is then carefully strained before the water is evaporated, leaving behind
gelatin which can either be pressed into sheets or sold as a powder.
Given that it is made from animal byproducts, gelatin and products containing it aren't
considered to be vegetarian and as a result, there are several plant-based alternatives
such as Agar (derived from algae) and carrageenan (derived from seaweed) available on the market.
(See: Why Seaweed is Sometimes Used in the Making of Ice Cream)
Though commonly thought of as being modern, gelatin based foodstuffs have existed since
at least around the 15th or 16th centuries.
Notably, in the late 17th century a Frenchman called Denis Papin invented a device he dubbed,
"The Digester of Bones" (marketing genius that one).
Papin's original intention was to create a device not too dissimilar from a modern
pressure cooker which utilized steam to boil down bones either for thickening gravies or
creating a paste that could be readily consumed by the poor.
Despite his noble intentions for the less affluent among us, the device ended up being
too expensive for all but the wealthiest individuals to afford.
In the end, the French (and eventually English) elite became enthralled with the jellies it
produced, with one English observer noting: "The hardest bones of beef and mutton were
made as soft as cheese, producing an incredible quantity of gravy and for close of all, a
jelly made from the bones of beef, which makes a good relish, the most delicious I have ever
The English are also credited with creating one of the earliest known recipes containing
gelatin – a dish called "calf's foot jelly" – which was, unsurprisingly, made
from calf's feet, though the feet of deer, sheep or another similar animal could be substituted
if necessary.
The exact recipe states: "Take two calf's feet, and add to them one gallon of water;
boil down to one quart; strain, and when cold, skim off the fat; add to this the white of
six or eight eggs well beaten, a pint of wine, half a pound of loaf sugar, and the juice
of four lemons, and let them be well mixed.
Boil the whole for a few minutes, stirring constantly, and then strain through a flannel.
This forms a very nutritious article of diet for the sick, and for those recovering from
The wine may be omitted or added according to choice."
Originally designated as a food for "invalids", like many other gelatin-based foods, the dish
became something of a delicacy amongst the upper classes.
Later, its supposed high nutritional value saw various gelatin-based foods become popular
with soldiers during the Napoleonic wars.
So where do pineapples come into this and why can't you put them in jello?
Well, to begin with, it's not true you can't put any pineapples in jello.
You just shouldn't put unprocessed pineapples in it, unless you like the jello to stay in
its liquid form.
You see, since gelatin is a protein, it is very susceptible to breaking down into its
amino acid building blocks when it encounters enzymes known as proteases.
As a result of this break down, the proteins are unable to tangle together to create a
partially solid structure.
Bottom line, without this linking, the jello never sets up.
In regards to pineapples, they contain bromelain which itself contains sulfhydryl protease
As such, gelatin with unprocessed pineapple added to it will not set.
However, since heating typically renders the protease enzymes in bromelain inactive, canned
pineapple can be added to jello, as it is heated sufficiently as part of the canning
You might be wondering at this point if there are any other common foodstuffs that similarly
prevent jello from setting?
Well, the short answer is yes- anything containing protease enzymes is a no-no in your jello.
This includes several fruits such as papaya, mango, guava, pawpaw and kiwi as well as figs
and ginger root.
In addition to this, protease enzymes are also found in broccoli, mushrooms, spinach,
wheat and soy beans, none of which you're likely to add to jello, but hey, at least
now you know.
Finally, meat tenderizer, which is usually made from either the aforementioned bromelain
or papain (derived from papayas) will, of course, stop jello from setting.
As with the pineapple, however, if the food items in question are first heated sufficiently
to inactivate the offending enzymes (in the case of bromelain, heated to above 70°C or
158°F), they will then be fine to use in your latest jello creation.
J-E-L-L-O, it's alivvvve!
Well, actually, technically, jello is alive – at least according to a 1974 experiment
performed by Dr. Adrian Upton.
Dr. Upton attached an EEG, electroencephalogram, machine to a dome of lime green jello.
The jello produced alpha waves in much the same way an awake and alive human would produce.
This experiment set the science world aflutter.
But what Dr. Upton was really trying to prove is that an EEG should not be the only method
used to determine if a human is alive or not.
Since chemicals like bromelain break down protein, they're remarkably effective at
tenderizing meat and there's "some" evidence to support the idea that eating them
can aid in the digestion of protein.
Whether there is actually any positive effect or not, pineapple and similar protease rich
fruits have become popular with bodybuilders for
this reason.
🎮 Toca Kitchen 2 - Kitchen Cooking Games For Baby and Toddlers - Fun Games Care & Play - Duration: 16:14.
🎮 Toca Kitchen 2 - Kitchen Cooking Games For Baby and Toddlers - Fun Games Care & Play
New Bourbon Street construction timeline - Duration: 1:41.
Obama's People Blew Whistle on Clinton Emails, Learned Who Was Really in Charge - Duration: 4:20.
There is little question that members of the former Obama administration covered up and
played down reports of wrongdoing regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's
use of a private email server to conduct official government business.
Yet, even as they acted as a Praetorian guard to protect her from the legal consequences
of her actions, at least some of them knew she was in the wrong — but they were incapable
of doing anything about it.
Such was the narrative that emerged from an exclusive interview between Charles McCullough
III, former Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, and Fox News top reporter Catherine
Once word got out that McCullough was looking into Clinton's email arrangement, "There
was personal blowback.
Personal blowback to me, to my family, to my office," he revealed.
The blowback really kicked in following McCullough's notification to Senate Republican leadership
that classified "Top Secret" documents had been trafficked through Clinton's unsecured
personal email server, a major violation that would send almost anyone else to prison.
"All of a sudden I became a shill of the right," McCullough recalled.
"And I was told by members of Congress, 'Be careful.
You're losing your credibility.
You need to be careful.
There are people out to get you.'"
Yet, he persisted with his investigation of the email scandal and took his findings to
the man who was his "boss," former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who
was as upset by the findings as most anybody else.
"(Clapper) said, 'This is extremely reckless,'" McCullough remembered.
However, being a dutiful politicized member of the administration, Clapper "mentioned
something about — the campaign … will have heartburn about that."
"(Clapper) was as off-put as the rest of us were," stated the former IG, who recalled
that the comments were made during an in-person meeting in either late 2015 or early 2016.
But that was nearly the end of his interactions with Clapper about the investigation.
He recalled, "I was told by senior officials to keep (Clapper) out of it," perhaps in
order to grant the director plausible deniability and a free hand in the matter, though the
IG added that he tried to keep Clapper in the loop as things progressed.
McCullough mentioned the 22 Top Secret documents he discovered on Clinton's server, which
would have caused harm to national security if ever made public, and noted how Clinton's
campaign deliberately misled the American public about the classified material that
had been found.
By March of 2016, pressure on McCullough was increased in a "coordinated strategy"
as he received a letter from seven top Democrats questioning his impartiality in the review.
Pressure was also exerted against another unnamed senior investigator that was working
on the review as well.
That pressure only intensified as Election Day drew near.
"It was told in no uncertain terms, by a source directly from the campaign, that we
would be the first two to be fired — with (Clinton's) administration.
That that was definitely going to happen," McCullough recalled.
"I was, in this context, a whistleblower," he continued.
"I was explaining to Congress — I was doing exactly what they had expected me to
Exactly what I promised them I would do during my confirmation hearing."
"This was a political matter, and all of a sudden I was the enemy," he added.
In conclusion, McCullough was asked what would have happened if he had done the same things
as Clinton with a private email server, and without hesitation he replied, "I'd be
sitting in Leavenworth right now."
As an independent "watchdog" within the federal government, McCullough was only doing
his job, and for that he faced intimidation, pressure and even threats against his life,
career and family.
Members of the Obama administration knew Clinton had done wrong — they willingly prosecuted
others for less — but let it slide either out of concern over the potential damage to
the political party, or out of fear of reprisals from the odds-on favorite to succeed former
President Barack Obama in office.
Thankfully Clinton lost the election nonetheless, and the truth is finally being told in regard
to how she violated the law and how her comrades in the administration covered for her.
OMG!! Lobatan: Banky W Exposes Adesua Etomi's Nakead Photo On Social Media|NVS News - Duration: 0:59.
OMG!! Lobatan: Banky W Exposes Adesua Etomi's Nakead Photo On Social Media
Banky W exposes Adesuas unclad as he takes a snap in their hotel room in South Africa.
Gardenscapes Level 169 - How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 4:33.
Gardenscapes Level 169 - How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 169
Gardenscapes how to complete level 169
Gardenscapes beat level 169
Mary Had a Little Lamb - GEICO - Duration: 0:31.
Mary had a little lamb
whose fleece was white as snow.
But after an electrical fire from faulty wiring,
Mary's vintage clothing
and designer shoe collection were ruined.
Luckily, the GEICO Insurance Agency
had recently helped Mary with renters insurance,
and she got a totally fab replacement wardrobe
at Bloomingdale's.
Mary was inspired to start her own fashion line,
exclusively for little lambs.
and see how affordable renters insurance can be.
Navajo Code Talker Breaks Silence With Truth About Trump's "Racial Slur" - Duration: 4:11.
President Donald Trump held a special event on Monday at the White House to pay homage
to a unique set of World War II veterans — the Navajo code talkers — and as usual, the
liberal media ignored the guests of honor and focused on a single Trump remark to use
as ammunition to attack.
But one of those guests really doesn't understand why such a big deal has been made out of the
remark, as he didn't find it to be offensive at all.
According to Newsweek, the Navajo code talkers were a special group of Native Americans recruited
by the Marine Corps to serve a specific purpose in the Pacific Theater against the Imperial
Japanese forces.
Beginning in 1942 and carrying on through the end of the war, a group of mostly Navajo
Native Americans devised an intricate code utilizing certain words from the Navajo language.
The language was virtually indecipherable to the Japanese, who were largely unfamiliar
with it.
Since it lacked a written alphabet, it was almost impossible to learn by an outsider.
It is widely agreed by military historians that the Navajo code talkers played vital
role in the American war effort to defeat Japan, a role for which the Navajo veterans
deserve great honor and respect.
But rather than focus on the guests of honor, the media keyed in on a joke Trump made in
reference to Democrat Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Trump called Warren "Pocahontas," as he has done many times before — and many in
the media are now taking it as a kind of "racial slur," according to CNN.
"I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people.
You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told his guests.
"Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time … longer than
you — they call her Pocahontas."
Trump was referring, of course, to the controversy over Warren and her history of citing "family
lore" to back up her claim to be partly Cherokee Indian.
Warren described herself as "Native American" in directories of law professors, according
to the Boston Globe.
When she was on the faculty at Harvard Law, the school even used her alleged ethnic background
to defend and Harvard even used the claim to defend itself against accusations its professors
were not "diverse" enough.
There is no evidence she actually is Native American, though.
Nonetheless, almost immediately after Trump's comment got out, Warren rushed to find the
nearest camera to cry about it, and told MSNBC how "unfortunate" it was that the president
couldn't make it through a simple ceremony without using a "racial slur."
CNN, along with the rest of the media, seemed to agree.
Many even pointed out that the ceremony was conducted beneath a portrait of former President
Andrew Jackson, who signed the 1830 Indian Removal Act that transferred tens of thousands
Indians from their ancestral lands in the Southeastern United States to reservations
west of the Mississippi, killing many in the process.
Even some Native American political organizations chimed in, expressing distaste at Trump's
joke — though they were at the same time quite pleased that he had bestowed honor upon
the deserving veterans.
Meanwhile, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump, and made
it clear the "Pocohontas" remark was not intended to demean or smear any Native Americans.
Warren's evident dishonesty regarding her heritage, Sanders said, was a greater offense
than Trump's joke.
Amid all of the uproar over Trump's joke and alleged "racial slur," one reporter
actually took the time to talk to one of the honored guests about the remark, and his reply
was most certainly not what the rest of the media would expect, according to The Daily
One of the code talkers, Thomas Begay, admitted that he was somewhat "puzzled" by Trump's
inclusion of the joke about Warren, but he was in no way offended by it.
In fact, for good measure he added, "The Marines made us yell 'Geronimo' when we
jumped out of planes and that didn't offend me either."
Touché, good sir, and thank you for your incredible service to this great country … and
for not being an easily offended snowflake.
Trump Family Christmas Card Has Conservatives Cheering, Nothing Like the Obamas' - Duration: 3:01.
When then-candidate Donald Trump was running for office, he repeatedly promised to end
the "War on Christmas" — a secular push from the left to remove "Christ" from
the Christmas season.
Now that President Trump is in the White House, it is obvious that he and his family have
brought the Christmas spirit with them, as evidenced by the gorgeous manner in which
first lady Melania Trump directed "The People's House" be decorated, according to The Washington
One small — but telling — piece of evidence signaling the return of Christmas that has
conservatives and Christians cheering is the official White House Christmas card: It contains
a rather noticeable difference from that of Trump's predecessor, former President Barack
As BizPac Review noted, the card from Trump's family wishes recipients a "Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year."
By contrast, Obama's final card in 2016 contained the generic "Happy Holidays"
How many times did Trump promise the American people that "We're going to start saying
'Merry Christmas' again!"?
Chalk this up to yet another promise kept.
Where Trump and Obama didn't differ, though, was with the inclusion of their children on
the card.
Both Sasha and Malia Obamas' signatures were included on the Obama family card, and
Barron Trump's signature is included on the Trump family card.
Speaking of the 11-year-old Barron, his inclusion on the family Christmas card isn't the only
role he has played in bringing Christmas back to the White House, according to the U.K.
Daily Mail.
Indeed, young Barron — or rather, an illustrated version of the president's youngest offspring
— is serving as a sort of virtual tour guide for visitors to the Christmas White House.
Located within the "Time-Honored Traditions" Christmas booklet that is distributed to guests,
the illustrated version of Barron leads them throughout the White House.
Decked out in slacks, a white buttoned shirt, blue blazer and red scarf, the illustrated
Barron can be seen in many of the pictures included in the booklet, from guiding visitors
past the icicle-capped branches overhanging the East Colonnade to ornaments hanging on
the main Christmas tree in the Blue Room.
That tree was decorated with special ornaments symbolizing each of the 50 states as well
as the several U.S. territories.
Of course, the illustrated Barron is seen hanging the New York state ornament, as that
was his home prior to moving into the White House.
The president has made no bones about his aversion to staunch political correctness.
Like many other Americans, he saw the increasing use of "Happy Holidays" in lieu of "Merry
Christmas" as one of the worst examples of PC culture.
In the Trump White House, generic greetings are reserved for appropriately generic instances
and the celebration of "Christmas" is once again in vogue.
For that, we here at Conservative Tribune couldn't be more grateful, and we joyfully
join with the president and his family to wish all of our readers a "Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!"
Picture Of Dino Melaye With Curvy Yoruba Actress Goes Viral On Social Media|NVS News - Duration: 1:14.
Picture Of Dino Melaye With Curvy Yoruba Actress Goes Viral On Social Media
Nollywood actress, Biodun Okeowo sure knows how to get peoples attention with curves, whenever she steps out.
Recently the curvy actress was spotted at an event and fortunately for her she met the controversial senator, Dino Melaye, who could not resist taking a picture with the beautiful woman.
Senator Melaye represents the Kogi West senatorial district at the National Assembly.
He has been severally criticized for being flamboyant.
Pennsylvania Democrat Scandal Erupts After FBI Discovers His 'Outrageous' Crime - Duration: 2:27.
When Donald Trump said was going to drain the swamp, many people scoffed.
They didn't believe this President had the ability to eradicate the many dishonest politicians
that infest Washington.
Surprise, surprise, they were wrong!
This past year has exposed many, many politicians.
Some are being taken down in ways we couldn't have possibly envisioned.
Meanwhile, Trump's DOJ and FBI are doing serious work behind the scenes.
Stuff we don't know about until it's over.
Case in point: the story of one Rep. Bob Brady from PA.
As it turns out, Trump's FBI is taking him down for the shocking crime of bribing his
From Daily Wire:
A Democratic congressman is reportedly under investigation by the FBI for allegedly paying
his competitor to drop out of a 2012 race against him and for lying to federal investigators.
The FBI is investigating Rep. Bob Brady (D-PA) for multiple crimes, according to court documents
unsealed on Monday in Pennsylvania federal court, the Daily Beast reported.
The FBI was granted access to Brady's email account and reportedly got "one CD worth
of data" from the account.
Brady's 2012 Democratic primary opponent, Jimmie Moore, ended his campaign early in
2012 after he reportedly received approximately $90,000 from Brady's campaign.
The money was allegedly funneled through Moore's aides back to Moore's campaign.
The affidavit from the FBI lists Brady and Moore, along with three others, as likely
having been "involved in the commission of several crimes, including conspiracy, false
statements, producing false records, false campaign contribution reports, and violating
limits on campaign contributions and expenditures."
We have also learned that Rep. Brady lied to investigators and tried to interfere with
the case.
Moore and Brady's aides have already been indicted and are pleading guilty.
It looks like the dominos are already falling.
How many more corrupt, dishonest, and downright evil people infest Congress?
How many more representatives and senators are going to be exposed and possibly removed?
For far too long these people have been allowed to do evil in the shadows.
But not anymore.
But sure to stay tuned.
Because I'm sure many more will be outed soon.
North Country groups eager for Giving Tuesday donations - Duration: 1:30.
Aaron Perry: The Man Who Opened A Men's Health Center In A Barbershop | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:50.
SAP HANA Academy - Getting Started with SAP HANA on Azure: Azure Marketplace [2.0 SPS 02] - Duration: 8:07.
Android TV Box 4K KODI Media Player X96 Amlogic S905X Review - Duration: 4:55.
X96 a smart Android TV box from Amlogic, a quad-core a 53 CPU or 2
gigahertz 2 gigs of RAM and 16 gigabytes of flash memory runs on the Android 6.0
one marshmallow with Kodi 16.1 pre-loaded, in terms of connectivity and
expansion it has 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi band, 1 HDMI 4K
4K true HD output, 2 USB ports, 1 for hosts and the other third device, an SD
card port up to 64 gigabytes of expandable storage, 1 AV output,
1 optical digital audio and 1 Ethernet rj45 interface, all powered with a 5 volt
2 amps adapter, and last but not least, one infrared remote controller.
For starters, we can plug a keyboard and mouse to a better user experience for
this use the USB ports like I did here with a cordless keyboard from Logitech
this one I get it from my 2001 Pentium PC but you can get one smaller nowadays
a keyboard as you know is very useful to type in or make searches on Kodi browse
the web or even to play games and of course a mouse can be useful but you may
not need because the truth is that this remote control has dedicated app buttons
making it a very user friendly controller
the AV output is a good option to connect a pair of headphones
all connect if you have a reliable or a trust desktop computer speakers this one
is from the 90s but it's in a good condition and serves as example as I
mentioned earlier we can easily navigate around the user interface from the
remote control we can navigate directly to the Android settings go to
applications page or even launch Kodi Media Center all of them and each one
with is dedicated button
from the homepage we have the most important applications in a type of tile
layout the Google Playstore aware the browser apps and settings folder a very
useful clean memory shortcut and a minibar with more apps that we can edit
as you want a TF or an SD card can be added with a maximum of 64 gigabytes as
soon you insert a card and if is in a different file system the storage and
backup settings appear go ahead and format it to be compatible with the
Android file type system this way you can't move apps files and photos to get
more storage to download and update Android apps create an account in Google
Play Store or if you simple going to use your Android TV box for Kodi here could
need to update or install some new video add-ons you can always watch some of my
videos on how to install third-party video add-ons and Kodi I leave a link
and video description and that's it since one month now that I'm using this
box what can I say for a quad-core processor at 2 gigahertz and 2 gigs of
RAM it has a low power consumption the Wi-Fi offers a stable signal the 4k
output with vp9 decoding can save up to 50% of bandwidth resource support
severity of file formats for the price it has it's no doubt a good choice I
hope this video was useful and if it was give us a thumbs up subscribe a channel
if you haven't already and I see you on the next videos Cheers
Meet Maxwell 'Bunchie' Young, Sports Illustrated Kids' Sportskid Of The Year | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:33.
WHITE MOUNTAIN - Like Above So Below (feat. Marc Warncke) - OFFICIAL VIDEO - Duration: 4:39.
Very Relaxing Zen Music - Soft Ambience Music - Serenity - Harmony And Wellness - Duration: 4:11:08.
Very Relaxing Zen Music - Soft Ambience Music - Serenity - Harmony And Wellness
Music To Stop Thinking And Calming The Mind. Relaxing Music - Duration: 1:04:52.
Music To Stop Thinking And Calming The Mind. Relaxing Music
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