6 Most Beautiful Saas-Bahu Jodis Of Bollywood
For more infomation >> 6 Most Beautiful Saas Bahu Jodis Of Bollywood - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea releases footage of latest ICBM launch - Duration: 0:40.
North Korea has now released video footage of its latest ICBM launch.
The Hwasong-15 was believed to be an upgraded version of the Hwasong-14 launched in July
-- but the footage shows its warhead is shaped differently.
The end of the Hwasong-15 is rounder and more blunt than the Hwasong-14.
Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff says the 15 appears to be a new missile,... not an upgrade.
This follows photographs released earlier in the day through the regime's state media
this morning... taken before, during and after the launch.
Some showed the North's leader Kim Jong-un overseeing the test with his close aides,...
monitoring the flight data and celebrating.
Bữa Tối Đặc Biệt tại Trung Quốc của Tổng Thống Trump | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 6:14.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
It's what's for dinner.
If you're the US president visiting Asia.
China builds a magical island maker.
No, seriously that's what they're calling it.
And finally,
you might want to stand for the Chinese national anthem.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
In our top story,
Japan and China go to war...
over who can serve the better meal
to visiting US President Donald Trump!
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
will be tough to be beat.
While the two played golf,
he served the president a $10,
100% American Angus beef patty hamburger
from a local Tokyo burger joint.
Afterwards, the burger joint
that made the President's Colby Jack Cheeseburger
sold out
as the people of Japan flocked to try the presidential meal.
But Trump is now in China,
and Xi Jinping knows just what President Trump hungers for above all else:
one-upping Obama.
Donald Trump has become the first US president ever,
since the founding of the People's Republic of China,
to dine in the Forbidden City.
Actually, the first foreign official ever.
For 500 years,
the Forbidden City was the palace of China's emperors.
Hmm, actually,
I wonder if this decision has more to do with
Xi Jinping comparing himself to China's emperors than anything else.
President Trump has congratulated Xi Jinping
on become the most powerful Chinese leader
since Mao Zedong.
Which is a weird compliment if you think about it.
I don't think Angela Merkel would like it
if you congratulated her on being
the most powerful German leader since Hitler.
But there was one important question on everyone's mind
when Trump landed in China.
With the world's most sophisticated and oppressive censorship
over the Internet and social media,
how was Trump gonna Tweet?!
Well, we didn't need to worry.
Even though Twitter is banned in China,
a White House official told reporters,
"The president will tweet whatever he wants.
That's his way of communicating directly with the American people."
I have never been more proud of Trump's tweets.
We'll have a more in-depth look at President Trump's visit
in next week's full episode.
In other news,
outspoken social commentator Katy Perry,
who apparently also sings or something,
has made no secret of her angry feelings about President Trump.
But when it comes to China,
a country where leaders
routinely kill their own citizens,
she might not be so outspoken.
China Digital Times uncovered this letter floating around on Weibo,
allegedly from Katy Perry.
It says she promises to
"observe the laws and regulations in China,
comply with the management of the regulators,"
and not to "add or change any content without authorization,"
"do or say anything religious or political,"
or "participate in any activities that jeopardize China's unity and integrity."
So I don't think she'll pull a Bjork
and start shouting "Tibet" during a concert.
Also, Bjork was talented.
Ok Katy Perry jokes aside,
this is an eye-opening look
at how the Communist Party extends its censorship
across the entertainment world.
After all,
Katy Perry is definitely not the only artist
who's been asked to sign a letter like this.
Unless the CCP was especially disturbed
by the subversiveness of Left Shark.
Meanwhile, three US college basketball players from UCLA
were detained by police in Shanghai,
for allegedly stealing from a Louis Vuitton store.
Unfortunately for them
the store was a knockoff.
What is not a knockoff, however,
is China's new magical island maker.
That's what they're calling the latest Chinese dredging vessel…
...that can dig up 6,000 cubic meters an hour of the ocean floor
and churn out brand new islands for the Chinese regime.
Just like the brand new islands the Chinese regime
already built in the South China Sea.
And they're probably never going to stop,
even though they maybe ought to.
The way Steven Tyler is probably never going to stop coming out with new albums,
even though maybe he ought to.
And while the CCP is building artificial islands
in the middle of the ocean,
they're also building artificial support for themselves
in Hong Kong.
Just a bit of background,
in Mainland China,
a new law has now upped the jail time
for disrespecting the national anthem—
from 15 days, to 3 years.
It's those kinds of laws
that Hong Kong was supposed to be exempt from
under the One Country, Two Systems policy.
Which is why Hong Kongers
have been very disrespectful of the anthem.
Well, "the People's Congress passed a decision
demanding Hong Kong adopt the National Anthem Law."
That is being met with intense protest.
Except for in the totally still independent Hong Kong government.
According to one Hong Kong official,
"Hong Kong will try to enact a law
penalizing people who boo the Chinese national anthem
'as soon as possible.'"
No decision has been made yet about jail time.
Speaking of jail time—
and Hong Kong's eroding freedoms—
Umbrella Movement leaders Joshua Wong and Nathan Law
have been given a chance to appeal their prison terms.
You know,
the ones the courts re-sentenced
after judges decided their original sentences of community service
that they'd already served
weren't harsh enough.
And also after Nathan Law had become an elected official,
but then was kicked out,
for reasons totally unrelated to the fact
that he's critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
What do you think? Leave your comments below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host, Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
You may need to travel to Japan
to get a great all-American hamburger,
but you only need to go to ChinaUncensored.tv
to get great episodes of China Uncensored.
Every Friday we upload a half hour episode for free,
that you can't see anywhere else.
So visit ChinaUncensored.tv.
Preferably with a hamburger in hand.
Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.9 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.11.30] - Duration: 33:28.
How did it go? Did you get the money?
(Episode 9)
Oh my. Oh my.
He'd just left
but must've missed us right away.
Um, Dr. Jeong, please sit down.
Thank you.
Oh. Would you like restorative herbal tea?
I'd like a warm coffee.
Warm coffee?
I'm in this neighborhood a lot,
but I've never come across
a cafe as unique yet trendy as this.
Uni... Oh, right, right.
This place really grows on you.
I bet.
I should come often whenever I have time.
Yes, you should.
I must get used to this if I'm to date Gil Eunjo.
- This way. / - Thank you.
Excuse me.
I can try this on, right?
Of course. Take your time.
What are you doing?
Thief. Thief! Thief!
Please hurry up and call the police.
He tried to snatch my purse and make a run for it.
Why aren't you calling the police?
Excuse me.
Fine. I'll do it myself.
He wasn't trying to steal the purse.
It tipped over, so he caught it.
I saw it.
Is that true?
That's absurd.
You've been hovering around me.
Do you know how expensive this purse is?
About that purse...
Be quiet, Ms. Gil.
I'll do the talking.
Oh. So you two know each other.
Hurry up and call the police.
Not a word until the police get here.
You were caught red-handed,
and you were his accomplice.
You called, right?
You need to know when not to butt in.
Look at the mess you caused.
Didn't you see the purse falling?
We shouldn't bicker among ourselves right now.
Since when?
It's turning into a real spectacle.
It wasn't just one, not two, but three?
What's with this store?
The two of you, be quiet.
This is my problem.
Let me start by apologizing,
but there's been a terrible misunderstanding.
I'm sure.
When are the police coming?
Wow. Gil Eunjo...
She's really out to do a number on me.
Your accounts of what happened are so disparate.
He's telling the truth.
I saw what happened.
These two know each other.
So you can't trust what she says.
Did you see what happened?
She's in on it too.
So all three are accomplices.
No, I'm not.
Why drag me into this as well?
Miss, you have CCTVs here, right?
You see...
They broke recently
and haven't been repaired yet.
Aren't CCTVs standard at stores?
See? See?
This place is very shady.
They just happen to be broken?
Now, now. There's no material evidence,
and fortunately, nothing's missing either,
so why don't you settle?
What happened is unfortunate...
You'll just apologize after scratching
my expensive purse?
Okay then.
Pay her the repair cost and be done with it.
She's making a real fuss over a knockoff.
You're calling my expensive purse a fake?
I know that store well.
We'll go together.
They'll fix the scratch for free.
Oh. You're scheming to get out of
paying the repair cost.
Stop butting in.
I'm not butting in...
Never mind.
I refuse to settle.
I don't want the repair cost.
Hurry up and arrest them.
This man, this woman, and this woman.
Why me? I didn't do anything.
I only saw him with the purse in his arms.
Did you see him hanging around the purse?
That I didn't see.
Anyway, keep me out of this.
I don't know anything.
I swear.
What's keeping you?
Hurry up and arrest them.
Minus this woman.
Geez. How long do we have to be here?
Hang on.
Until a settlement is reached.
Mr. Hong, are you okay...
You must be okay today.
Man... Why does he keep...
Oh, the lunch.
Counsel Byeon Busik?
Our lunch isn't the problem.
Please come here right away.
Ms. Gil, where are you right now?
The police station.
What's taking him so long?
Are you okay?
You got a scratch from the purse, right?
Good grief.
I'm fine.
"I'm fine. I'm all set. No, thanks."
You're negative about everything.
Turn your head this way.
We should put this on at least.
You really are high maintenance.
The polar opposite of...
Your ideal type.
So you know.
Of course. I'm the same way.
Oh, really,
Mr. Hong, I mean, Mr. Stone?
Do you like calling me Stone?
Why does everyone do that?
Why did you stare at her purse?
Do you have to get a gift for someone?
Is it a secret?
Never mind if you don't want to tell me.
Why'd you falter when they asked for your ID number?
Are you in trouble with the law?
I work for Genius.
Would they have hired me if I was?
The color.
The purse earlier.
The color?
I'm looking for next season's new lipstick shade.
It's another part-time gig of sorts.
I see.
Is that why you stared at my lips at the market?
Why are you so gung-ho about a part-time job?
Listen, Mr. Hong Stone.
Since I helped you,
we're doing this project together, right?
Helped me?
You got us into this mess.
You call that helping?
What happened earlier.
I saved you from having to apologize
and pay for
what you didn't do.
Oh. That's why we're at the police station.
Because I knew her purse was a knockoff.
Was it really a knockoff?
You don't know women.
She wouldn't have left it unattended were it real.
She'd have stuck it between her legs.
And I have a knack for spotting knockoffs.
Then you should've let it go.
Why embarrass her and get us into this mess?
You're so inflexible.
Wow. Inflexible?
Who's calling whom inflexible?
Did you call me inflexible?
Mr. Gil Eunjo.
What took you so long?
Ms. Gil, you can go now.
But you need to wait as we haven't been
able to verify your identity.
Just me?
Let's go.
The victim agreed to settle, so let's go.
What about him?
That's not my problem.
Will you be okay alone?
Go on.
I'm really leaving.
Counsel Choi, this is Hong Seokpyo.
You need to come to the station.
- Enjoy. / - Thank you.
Have tofu to cleanse yourself
of your criminal trespasses.
What's wrong? Don't you like tofu stew?
We'll go to that fancy place next time.
Today's lunch turned out to be very modest.
It certainly has.
Too bad you couldn't get me to treat you
to a lavish meal.
I can do that next time.
Oh? Next time then. Promise me.
Is it good?
I'm eating because I'm hungry, not because it's good.
You've never gone hungry, have you?
Do you know Counsel Noh, who used to help Ms. Kim?
Ms. Kim...
Oh, right.
She's not my mom. I just live with...
It's a long story.
It doesn't matter.
What about Counsel Noh?
He quit because he couldn't
make a dime off Ms. Kim.
Find a different client if you want to make money.
What if it's not about Ms. Kim?
Then why would you...
Don't tell me it's me.
Ms. Kim's worth over $100 million.
She has no children to pass it down to.
You're the only one around.
You get the picture.
Aren't you going to finish it?
Then I'll have it.
But I ate from it.
So what? Doesn't bother me.
You're the polar opposite of someone I know.
Listen. I tend to exaggerate.
Ms. Kim's still just a small-time moneylender.
She does well for herself,
but $100 million?
That's ludicrous.
I swear.
I'm not just talking about $100 million in cash.
Some people are just as valuable as $100 million.
What? Me?
Who knows? Anyway, I've become
very curious about who you are.
Wow. You're quite the player.
I'm very curious too about who you are.
That's great.
Let's find out more about each other then.
Our first day as a couple?
I don't think so.
Our CEO was accused of stealing at our store?
It's been resolved, right?
Where is President Hong right now?
Thank you, Counsel Choi.
He ends up at the police station?
I have something to ask him.
Why pry into an unpleasant incident?
Geez. Let go.
Once he's hooked, he works around the clock.
Tidy his room instead of babbling.
He doesn't like anyone touching his things.
I sometimes get the feeling you only say
you're worried about Seokpyo.
Excuse me?
You don't seem sincere.
Oh, wow.
That really hurts my feelings.
I came here when I was in middle school.
Seokpyo was three years old.
I raised him while his mother
was out and about working.
Did I say otherwise?
When I look at him, I feel sorry and antsy.
I pity him and feel guilty.
I'm also proud of him.
I shouldn't have brought it up.
I hope he finds love
and settles down soon.
But I can't push him.
Fine. I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry I doubted your sincerity.
So why'd you have to provoke me?
I know, so let's get out of here.
Why'd you paint me as a hypocrite?
We'll wake Seokpyo.
Let's go. Let's go.
Geez, they're loud.
Recipient unavailable...
Did the police release him or not?
He's stressing me out.
President Hong.
What happened?
President Hong left it at the police station,
so I went to retrieve it.
Shouldn't you be more careful with your phone?
It's thoroughly secured.
Of course.
His security pattern's like a complex drawing.
You're taking art lessons, right?
No, I'm not.
Good grief.
I'll wait outside.
Is Mr. Lee stupid
or pretending to be?
I just can't figure him out.
What does it matter?
Why did I get so many messages?
What's going on?
Where are you?
Still at the police station?
Why are you ignoring my texts?
Are you alive?
I got myself another nagger.
It's nothing.
What's going on?
He definitely read them.
The unread sign just disappeared.
I'm perfectly fine.
Wow. After worrying me all night,
all he sends me is "I'm perfectly fine."
What kind of a person does this?
Does what?
Go and...
No. I'll do it.
Is someone interested in buying that?
Man... The color looks different in person.
Do I have to show him the actual purse?
Why take pictures if there's no buyer?
It's just that Ms. Kim's been clamping down on you.
Do you think I'll sell this for spending money?
You're not of the rank to henpeck me.
I'm sorry.
This one's authentic.
The color's not as vibrant in the pictures.
I'll show you the actual purse if necessary.
Rehire me if you want to see the purse.
She's really pesky.
If you rehire me,
I'll buy you tofu stew for our brush with the law.
You're home late.
Were we supposed to meet today?
I don't recall.
I was on a walk and ended up here.
This late at night?
Carry on with your walk then.
Um... Make time for me on Sunday.
I do owe you lunch.
I can't stand owing anyone.
Then leave the itinerary to me.
I'll end this once and for all.
Go on in.
I'll finish my walk.
He makes me uncomfortable.
Why does he keep inching closer?
Where are you going on a Sunday?
I told you about the practical at the hospital.
I won't be home tonight.
Oh. That was this week?
You'll be up all night again.
Oh, Ms Kim. Break a leg today.
Huh? What...
Oh, no.
Geez. I'm not doing it.
Ms. Kim.
I'm not doing it no matter how much you beg me to.
And even if I audition or whatever,
they won't pick me.
Get going instead of being disappointed.
There's a special reason.
Huh? What reason?
Tell me.
You'll never pay to get made up.
They'll put makeup on you and
dress you in pretty clothes for free.
So Ms. Kim, why don't you get dolled up
for a photo of all of us?
The living room walls are empty.
Let's get a portrait taken for the wall.
Hey, Eunjo.
What portrait?
Family portrait?
Not only families get portraits taken.
People who are close can get them taken.
Right, Ms. Kim?
Fine, fine.
I was planning on doing it for Myeongjo's graduation.
We'll just do it sooner.
Don't model if you don't want to.
You can get your makeup done at a salon.
For the photo shoot to go smoothly,
you must model.
What kind of a ridiculous threat is that?
It costs around $100 at a salon, right?
What? It costs way more.
What? Over $100 for makeup...
Geez. Money doesn't grow on trees.
She's freaking out with still a long way to go.
It's clear as day that you two will fight
and call it off.
I agree.
I won't do this unless we all look perfect,
so you make the call.
I see right through you.
She knows you won't model,
so she offered to get the portrait taken.
It was such a great opportunity.
I'll get going.
Mr. Hong. Mr. Hong, where are you?
Coming, coming.
We're short on the ratings sheets.
Bring plenty.
Come, come.
I'm Gu Jonghui, the director
of Genius Beauty Center.
We will now begin the audition to select models
for the beauty makeup show to mark the launch of
next year's S/S line and the 26th anniversary
of Genius Cosmetics.
You received your call numbers, right?
We'll start with contestant number one.
You have three minutes to do whatever you'd like.
Beauty, beauty, all the way.
All the way!
I'm Kim Boknae, the vice president
of the Merchants' Association and
the owner of Mother's Rice Cakes.
♪ Southbound on the Honam train ♪
♪ On a rainy day ♪
♪ Beyond the rattling train window ♪
Scrooge. Scrooge.
This old man in a distant land is just like me.
The living room walls are empty.
Let's get a portrait taken for the wall.
So Ms. Kim, why don't you get dolled up
for a photo of all of us?
♪ Let's row the boat ♪
♪ Into the rough waves ♪
♪ To the hill across the waters ♪
♪ To where the mountains and streams are nice ♪
♪ And the breeze is cool ♪
♪ To the land of hope ♪
♪ Heave-ho ♪
♪ Heave-ho yo-heave-ho ♪
♪ They want to go boating ♪
♪ On that grassy prairie ♪
♪ I'm building a picture-perfect house ♪
♪ And with my beloved ♪
Oh, wow, everyone. Hello.
I'm Park Bogeum, the owner of this cafe.
Ms. Gil, aren't you coming to work today?
Good luck. Good luck.
I'm Jang Jeongsuk, lucky number seven.
I'm Jang Jeongsuk.
I run Suk's Salon... Suk's Salon at the corner
of the three-way.
At Suk's Salon,
we offer cuts and perms at affordable...
What will you be doing?
Oh. I'm going to sing.
A cut is $5.
We offer a 30% discount
when combined with a dye job.
Ms. Jang Jeongsuk,
please hurry.
Suk's Salon boasts a 30-year history.
I'll start now.
♪ Heartthrob ♪
♪ I met someone I really like ♪
Wait, wait, wait.
I'll start over.
♪ Heartthrob ♪
♪ I like you... ♪
♪ Heartthrob... ♪
♪ Neither of us can say... ♪
♪ I cannot forget his sultry voice ♪
Mom, get physical if things aren't going well.
Just let the music take over and go nuts, okay?
Go nuts.
Why did you want to meet here?
I thought we could go watch the audition,
but Ms. Kim didn't want to do it.
Should we go?
Let me drive.
We'll do whatever I want from now on.
Where are we going?
You'll really like it.
You're not going to be cheesy
and light candles for me at a park, right?
It sounds like that's what you want.
I'm not coy. I'm straightforward.
I'm well aware.
I'm excited since you said I'd like it,
but you're dead if you let me down.
Wow. You really are straightforward.
There must be a special event at the Center.
It was loud.
An audition for the market ladies.
Also for the neighborhood ladies.
An audition?
It's an audition to pick models.
Genius is organizing a makeup show.
I imagine they're singing and dancing.
So that's why Mom...
It's nothing.
What's this?
A present.
We thus conclude the audition.
We'll announce the results via the Association.
You must accept the results
as we will judge fairly.
Oh. Number seven Ms. Jang Jeongsuk
and number nine Ms. Dong Mi-ae,
you entered as a team, right?
No, no.
Splitting the score won't do you any good.
You'll both lose out.
Yes, we are a team.
How should we do this?
Separately or as a team?
- Separately. / - As a team.
Yes, they are the "Heartthrob" team.
Thank you for taking part in the long audition.
Wait, wait.
I'm sorry I'm late.
It's not over yet, right? Right?
The audition is over.
You did come all this way,
so you'll be the final contestant.
Introduce yourself
and do whatever you'd like.
Okay. We're here.
Be careful.
Is this really necessary?
We're almost there, so...
Where are we going?
Hang on. We're almost there.
Why is it so noisy here?
You mentioned your mom.
Is she deathly ill
and you want me to put on a show?
What's going on here?
Hello, I'm Kim Haengja.
I'm Kim Haengja, the scrooge who collects
daily interest payments at Geumdong Market.
If you pick me as a model,
I won't collect interest from market merchants
for the next two weeks.
And I'll make a small donation to the Association.
Donation? Donation?
Wait. Please be quiet.
You do know this is an audition, right?
Yes. I heard it was a talent show.
But the thing is, my talent is
to hold on fast and never let go
of the money that comes my way.
So all I can brag about is the money I saved up.
And I'm here to flaunt my dreadful money.
But I didn't enter this audition for myself.
I spent my life being hard as nails at the market.
Truth be told, I haven't spent a dime
on myself or anyone else my entire life.
So I came here today, resolved to
spend a large chunk of cash.
I made such a decision
for the first time in my life
for my children, my family.
What Eunjo most cherishes?
Eunjo's only brother and family.
Eunjo's brother?
And should I let you in on something else?
What is it?
It's what Eunjo most wants to do
but will never do.
I don't like riddles.
Seeing Myeongjo at the hospital in a doctor's gown.
That's what she most longs to see
but won't be able to.
She's lost too much at hospitals.
For Eunjo, hospitals aren't places of healing
but of death.
That's why although she probably
wants to see her precious Myeongjo
studying and working, she never goes.
Myeongjo is Eunjo's most cherished treasure.
- Gil Myeongjo, let's go. / - Coming.
I made the difficult decision
to come here today
for my precious kids Eunjo and Myeongjo.
So please pick me as a model.
Thank you.
What are you going to do?
I said we couldn't even afford a used car.
Yet not even a compact but a 3,000cc car?
Just trust me.
Should we do it here or at the shop?
- Do what? / - Checking your expense book.
No credit cards for another month.
Ms. Kim!
Is this how you're going to be?
I warned you.
I'll tender my resignation.
I can't sit back no matter what you say.
You know our Busan center opens next month.
So you'll transfer me?
I'll help you marry Busik.
Are you bored?
Let's have a drink.
Who are you?
You should get going.
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This is actually extremely important for us from many perspectives.
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