APASSIONATA is a magical place
where the whole family is getting together.
It's the most important horse show in the world.
APASSIONATA for me is showtime.
APASSIONATA truly is unique.
It's incomparable.
APASSIONATA is one big family.
We took a look at various writers who presented their stories.
And I remember when Klaus did his presentation,
I knew right away that was the one.
The original idea was to have the world's light,
a light we all feel in our hearts.
We realise we can also give this light back from our hearts.
Then I realised the very same thing happens with horses.
This phenomenon of heart-to-heart interaction,
horses can't speak our language,
but they can sense our energy, our light.
And we sense their light - that's what I wanted to write about.
I really enjoy to work with Klaus.
I can dance this year free, I can improvise,
be in contact with the moment, be in contact with the music
and with the horses.
The thing I like most about my work
is being with my horses.
I love my horses more than anything.
My horses are like part of my family,
and I know that they feel the same with me.
But they respect me and I respect them.
I'm totally connected with them.
For me it's important
to talk to the horse riders who have been with the show for a while,
because they also inspire me, and that's great.
It's a magical moment
when the director and everyone involved
are fully focused
on putting all those individual components together,
and to then say, "Wow. It's a miracle."
Olena and Joazi pounce on ideas right away.
They saw the script and were bursting with ideas.
"We can do this and that. We have eight dancers and two capoeiras.
"It'll be great. And then this..."
I give them scope to work,
the idea,
and they immediately have ideas regarding the choreography.
We have samba, we have jazz,
we have flamenco.
We always try to mix all these styles.
We're working more with the horses,
we're working more with the riders, with equipe chefs.
In this show dancers are even riding the horses. That is completely new for them.
Kristina has made some amazing costumes,
and they work really well in the overall context.
I designed and made 176 costumes.
The most interesting part of my work with the costumes
is being able to contribute to the overall story.
I know when I've made a good costume,
because the person seems larger.
They convey the story also through their demeanour.
On setup day, the lorries are unloaded at 8 am.
Then we go into the hall, install the roof to hang the lights from.
We put the sand down.
This year's show is touring with 59 horses and a donkey.
A 93-metre stable tent.
There are around 100 of us.
Ten 40-ton lorries,
45 tons of gear hanging from the roof.
104 spotlights,
36 speakers,
130 tons of sand in the riding arena.
Friday is setup day.
And the first show's on Saturday.
That feeling of being on the horse, the music starts to play,
the horse's ears prick up,
and it can't wait to get out there.
When the door opens
and I enter the stage, my heart is going...
The show is changing and growing every year.
APASSIONATA has got much bigger.
For me, it's a complete synthesis of art.
I love this show.
It's just perfect.
Different is beautiful.
And in APASSIONATA we're full of different.
The family is not only the people who are on stage
but also the audience.
We're living from the energy of the audience.
When I hear the audience going wild, I see it as an endorsement.
I hope that people, after coming to see the show,
go home with an open, glowing heart.
APASSIONATA is now in its 15th year,
and it has made quite the name for itself over those years.
More than seven million people have seen the show. That's incredible.
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy 15th birthday, APASSIONATA.
I'm delighted to be part of you.
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy 15th birthday, APASSIONATA!
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
that you all continue to show respect and have fun
in making APASSIONATA the great show it is.
For another 15 years of touching people's hearts.
Happy birthday, APASSIONATA!
For more infomation >> 15 Jahre APASSIONATA - das MakingOf - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
What is UMANG App, How to use😲🔍📝IGovernment All Services अब आपके फोन में I Full Details - Duration: 4:19.
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Winter Activities For Kindergarten - Winter Activities For Preschoolers And Parents No Small Matter - Duration: 5:08.
Winter Activities For Kindergarten.
Winter is coming! How do you prepare for this winter?
Today, I will share with you, a fun and interesting coloring activity
for you playing with your parents and friends.
This activity topic is about winter.
It will be very excited! I believe.
Winter Activities For Kindergarten.
Tere Liye Bro | Official Trailer | bindass - Duration: 1:34.
Our very own Aniket Dey
has just lost a bet to us.
Should I call for a beer?
Get a Laga Moren for me.
A whack on the head will do?
You won't have a make-up kit in the house,
would you?
So, what if she is an actress?
Can't she say I Love You to your bro?
Who the hell do you think you are?
Stay away from my sister.
Farhan is a walking talking Xerox machine!
He is a needy delusional prick. That's who he is.
After you guys are done kicking each other's ass,
come and kick mine!
Shut up! Shut up!
You and your sister are driving me crazy!
Farhan has done a lot for Aniket,
more than either of us have ever done.
Bro… This is for you!
Bé tập tô | Bé tập vẽ cô tiên Tinker Bell, bé tập vẽ cô tiên xanh - Duration: 5:24.
Four Ways the Skyrocketing Economy Is Helping All Americans Thanks to Trump - Duration: 3:56.
Liberal economists predicted that the stock market would tank after Donald Trump was elected
That didn't quite work out for them.
Now that the Dow has skyrocketed past 23,000 and is more than halfway to 24,000 as of this
writing, they seem to have two different strategies, at least to this observer: they either a)
say that it was all thanks to Barack Obama and his "long game" or b) say that it
doesn't actually benefit everyday Americans living on Main Street.
The first one is pretty easy to put the lie to.
The Dow is a measure of confidence; look where it was back before the election and where
it's gone since.
That should tell you what investors think of President Trump's economic policies,
both implemented and proposed.
However, if you're in doubt about the latter point, The Associated Press just published
an article that has four good reasons why the stock market and improving economy is
helping all Americans.
1) Stock portfolios are way, way up.
As the kids might like to say, obvious point is obvious.
That doesn't make it any less salient, though.
A report from the Federal Reserve released earlier this week revealed that the net worth
of Americans rose 1.8 percent to $96.2 trillion in the April-June period.
That meant that stock portfolios increased by a total of $1.1 trillion.
That makes Americans more confident — and, as the AP points out, consumer confidence
is key to economic growth.
Consumer spending makes up 70 percent of economic activity in the country, something that's
especially important around this time of year.
2) Home values are also up.
The report also said that home values are up by $600 billion dollars.
That's a pretty big chunk of change, especially since home values are still making their way
back up since bottoming out in 2012.
Perhaps more importantly, home ownership stakes are up to 58.4 percent, the highest average
equity stake since 2006.
3) Fewer mortgages are underwater.
Underwater mortgages — mortgages where the house was worth less than the amount remaining
on the repayment — were one of the hallmarks of the 2008 crash.
They peaked at 26 percent back in 2009.
So, where are they now?
According to new data, at only 5.4 percent, a relatively low figure when you look at what
happened right after the Great Recession started.
4) Lower- and middle-class Americans are also seeing gains.
When these sorts of reports come out, the media loves to focus on inequality numbers.
And, yes, inequality exists; it's always existed and it always will exist.
However, few decide to focus on just how the lives of everyday Americans are getting better.
For the poorest fifth of Americans, their share of American wealth is 3.1 percent, according
to a recent Census Bureau report.
That's the same as it was back in 2014.
However, since the amount of wealth has increased, so has the amount that goes to them — even
if the percentage hasn't.
And while the middle fifth had their share of the pie reduced from 14.3 percent from
14.25 percent over the same period, middle-earners also saw earnings increase for the second
year straight after seven years of stagnancy.
Also, considering that home ownership is one of the primary vehicles of wealth accumulation
for the middle class — indeed, the largest — housing price gains help too.
This is yet more proof that the Dow Jones is far from just a number.
And, with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling both houses of
Congress, it continues to go up.
If we can see both deliver on substantive tax reform, few should expect it to retreat
anytime soon, either.
Daniela Katzenberger: Dramatische Notlandung! - Duration: 11:43.
Nhũng thực phẩm tốt cho sức khỏe - Nhưng chúng ta lại thường xuyên bị vứt đi ✔ - Duration: 10:16.
আন্তর্জাতিক খবর - সৌদি-ইরান কথার লড়ায় উত্তেজনা ক্রমেই বাড়ছে। insan khan। - Duration: 10:20.
International news - Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are increasing
President Trump Slams Ungrateful UCLA Player's Father With Epic New Nickname - Duration: 3:39.
Crooked Hillary.
Little Marco.
Lyin' Ted.
And now, the Poor Man's Don King.
Yes, that last one is the latest in a line of nicknames bequeathed by President Trump
on those who irk them.
Find them childish, find them hilarious, find them both — you can't help but be engaged
by them.
And, if you're on the receiving end, you probably can't help but be enraged by them.
The latest recipient of a Trump-branded moniker is LaVar Ball, the father of Los Angeles Lakers
rookie Lonzo Ball and UCLA freshman basketball player LiAngelo Ball.
As you may have heard, LiAngelo got himself into a little jam abroad when he and three
others shoplifted some expensive sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store next to the team's
hotel in China, which team officials said was among three stores they shoplifted from.
As China is not known for its lenience toward these sorts of things, the Chicago Tribune
reports that the young men were possibly looking at one to two years in a prison system that
makes ours look like Holiday Inn.
The Trump administration lobbied the Chinese for their release, with the president saying
he personally interceded with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Once they were back on American soil, LiAngelo and his teammates thanked Trump, but LaVar
went out of his way to disparage the president's role in the matter.
This led to a much-debated tweet in which the president said he "should have left
them in jail."
There had been some silence on the great LaVar Ball/Donald Trump debate, and one might have
thought that their war of words had died down.
Alas, no.
Ball went on CNN and again questioned whether the president had anything to do with his
son's release.
"How'd he help?
If he helped, I would say thank you," the ungrateful Ball said during a wonderfully-unhinged
interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo.
In case you missed the elevated discourse on "The Most Trusted Name In News" on
Monday night, here's some highlights assembled by a YouTube user:
The interview was so ridiculous that The Washington Post actually started their story on it by
calling LaVar Ball a "one-man blaring megaphone who has become the loudest voice on the NBA
sidelines because of constant carnival-barking about his sons and the family's Big Baller
Sounds about right.
And if the WaPo is willing to do that, just imagine where the president is willing to
The good news is, it takes no imagination, since he decided to let us in on his thoughts
in:re LaVar Ball through his favorite medium:
The five-to-ten potential sentence is a bit of an exaggeration, but "Poor Man's Don
King" is pretty much spot on.
It's worth noting that King was a Trump supporter, so it's probably good he clarified
with the "poor man's" part.
You don't want to lose the Don King vote.
If you're one of those nattering nattering nabobs of negative feedback when it comes
to Trump's social media accounts and whether or not they're "presidential," I have
just one question: is the characterization accurate?
I'm not going to show you the full 23 minutes of LaVar Ball's interview with Chris Cuomo
because, well, I don't hate our readers that much.
What one can glean from the highlights is that a) he is inadvertently funny in small
doses and b) this is a loudmouth who rarely even commutes to reality, much less lives
in it.
As much as he may want to be a sports impresario, the fact remains that he's little more than
a minor celebrity: something like The Situation from "Jersey Shore", only somehow more
The Poor Man's Don King?
That's almost too kind for him.
But it's still funny.
# Cartoons My Little Pony for children. May Little Pony in Russian. - Duration: 10:59.
This Is What Doctors Will Never Tell You About The CLOVES So You Do Not Use Them AMAZING! - Duration: 2:58.
The Fourth Industrial revolution 'IF' We Survive the Future? - Duration: 12:10.
Hello welcome to if Videos on all things
History to mystery, technology and science The only rule is there must be an IF.
In this video we will look at the ages of mankind
How we have developed from stones tools to drone warfare in a relatively short time
Where this could lead us?
Will we see a fifth industrial revolution?
And IF we as a species will survive?
It is said that modern humans have walked the planet for a period of around 200, 000
years This figure based on the remains that have
been found in Ethiopia.
During this time we as a species and as societies have been through many changes
We have risen from groups of hunter gathers to living in huge urban centers
This process is broken into ages An age being a distinct period of history.
A Time when a new development in how society functioned changed mankind forever.
We now these ages well, early human history can be divided into three ages: stone, bronze,
and iron.
These three ages based on the tools that were made and used at a certain time.
The time periods between these ages are different to each society as the knowledge took time
to permeate around the globe.
However we can see a pattern forming in these dates
The longest period being the Stone Age, but once the use of metals begins we see that
the time between ages is reduced And with each new development that gap in
the timeline looks to follow a pattern of change arriving quicker and quicker.
This leading us to today and the modern era The Industrial Age or Modern era is generally
taken to refer to the time post-1800.
This is the time, the industrial revolution began in Western Europe.
We can then break the modern era down into periods
The early modern period began approximately in the early 16th century; notable historical
milestones included the European Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, and the Protestant Reformation.
The late modern period began approximately in the mid-18th century; notable historical
milestones included the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution
and the Great Divergence.
It took all of human history up to 1804 for the world's population to reach 1 billion;
the next billion came just over a century later, in 1927
Contemporary history is the span of historic events from approximately 1945 that are immediately
relevant to the present time.
This timeline was also broken down in to ages by the Hesiod a Greek author
He wrote "The Five Ages of Man", a text describing five distinct ages of man.
He puts these AGES in the order of Gold, Silver, Bronze, Hero, and Iron which would be today.
This idea of mankind now living in a fifth age is also found in other cultures, The Hopi
a Native American tribe have teachings and prophecies about this age.
Christianity teaches of the six ages of man and it is found in other religions such as
These teachings warn us that we face an apocalyptic future but how true are they?
The modern era the world post industrial revolution can be broken down into 4 parts
The first industrial age Beginning in Britain in the 18th century and
from there spreading to other parts of the world, the term Industrial Revolution was
first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe
Britain's economic development from 1760 to 1840.
The development of steam powered machinery drove the rapid expansion of the British Empire
and kick started global modernization.
Locomotives, steamboats and steamships, hot blast iron smelting and new technologies,
such as the electrical telegraph, pushing mankind quickly into the second industrial
The Second Industrial Revolution came in the early 20th century, when Henry Ford mastered
the moving assembly line and ushered in the age of mass production.
A time when these new innovations including the new steel making processes and the large-scale
manufacture of machined tools lead to increasingly more advanced machinery in factories.
The third revolution is well under way.
Manufacturing has gone digital.
Technologies are converging: software, new materials, robots, and new processes like
three-dimensional printing.
Web-based sales and services.
The factories of the past based on cranking out zillions of identical products today we
see more individualized production almost a move back to traditional crafting but using
modern methods.
The pace of development continuing to follow the ever increasing speed of change.
Some would say we are now on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution and this is when
things start to get a little crazy.
The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent.
When we compare the previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather
than a linear pace.
It is disrupting almost every industry in every country.
These changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management,
and governance even what it means to be human.
Billions of people are connected by mobile devices, these devices offer an unprecedented
amount processing power, huge storage capacity, and access to unlimited knowledge.
Emerging technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the
Internet of Things.
Autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage,
and quantum computing all are taking their first steps into real applications.
Scientist, Engineers, and architects are using computational design, additive manufacturing,
materials engineering, and synthetic biology to build a symbiosis between microorganisms,
our bodies, the products we consume, and even the spaces in which we live.
These huge developments will provide massive improvements in the quality of life to some
but maybe not to all.
Economists Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee have highlighted, the fourth revolution could
cause greater inequality, and it has the potential to disrupt labor markets.
Automation substitute's labor across the entire economy, the displacement of workers
by machines might worsen.
Organizations could be unable or unwilling to adapt to these new technologies and that
governments could fail to employ or regulate these technologies properly.
This creating new security concerns, inequalities could grow rather than shrink if things are
not managed properly.
But these social and economic threats may well be the least of our worries.
We are entering a time when we are beginning to alter the very fabric of our being.
Technology has now made the process of gene modification a fairly simple procedure and
we could see its use becoming ever more common place.
The editing of genes passed on through generation's scientist taking over from Mother Nature and
steering humanity on a path they decide!
J. Craig Venter, a bio-entrepreneur whose company helped map the genome, reached a new
He built the world's first synthetic, self-replicating chromosome.
He loaded some homemade synthetic DNA into a bacterial cell and watched it grow and divide.
By his own reckoning, he had created "life."
Biologists of the future will learn how to program viruses and bacteria and use them
to deliver custom-made cures.
This could also be used for harm, bioterrorists engineering deadly superbugs that target us
at a genetic level.
The development of robotics and AI could mean that the population they replace become surplus
to the ever more powerful economic machine, these people then pushed out of society the
world being split into a two cast just like the movie Elysium.
The internet of things could remove all privacy and control, access to homes given to those
that provide the technologies.
The food we eat, the online content we consume the personal products we use all become public
knowledge and the power to take this away from a person would almost be akin to removing
them from society.
A digital presence becoming as important as, or more important than the physical.
Cyberattacks could wipe a person from existence or even turn their home against them.
AI may grow out of the ever more sophisticated online programs this might allow machines
to take over the world "terminator style" deciding we' are irrelevant and organizing
our destruction.
Drones first built for fun now become ever more deadly, swarms of armed Nano-drones patrol
the globe, used in policing and military capacities they are source of constant threat and surveillance.
This is at our door step today, with a convention recently held in Geneva to discuss "lethal
autonomous weapons systems" The fourth industrial revolution may see us
change more than just ourselves and society.
We may alter the planet significantly.
Geoengineering may become common.
Science and technology used to "hack" the planet
Global warming continues, scientists create ways to artificially cool the atmosphere.
Blocking the sun's rays or sucking up excess CO2.
Spraying chemical aerosols like sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to bounce a fraction of
sunlight back into space Pouring iron into the ocean to spur algae
blooms that consume CO2 Spraying a mist of seawater into low-lying
clouds to make them brighter, reflecting more sunlight
Planting forests of artificial trees that use chemical reactions to absorb and store
CO2 Messing with planet could end up causing more
problems than it solves.
But as with any of the previous industrial revolutions, it will fall on us to navigate
a path that is best for all.
If we succeed the benefits could be mind-blowing we could be entering a world that has only
been imagined in the realms of Science fiction.
Maybe we will finally take to stars and populate other planets.
So IF humanity makes it through the forth revolution and the world is now a very different
place what could we see if we look at the fifth revolution?
What kind of world could that offer us?
What are your thoughts on this, do you think we will survive the fourth industrial revolution,
what do you think the fifth will offer us?
Let me know in the comments below As always please hit that like button of you
enjoyed the content maybe give it a share and If you could subscribe that would be amazing
Thanks for watching until next time
Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - SINH NHẬT CUỐI CÙNG - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 11:45.
Tragischer Todesfall: Steffi Graf in tiefer Trauer - Duration: 4:08.
Hướng Dẫn Kiếm Tiền Điện Thoại 40k Mỗi Ngày Cực Nhanh Với Licore | Kiếm Tiền Tại Nhà Trên Điện Thoại - Duration: 12:38.
How to upload photos on Instagram from PC *Easy* 2017 - Duration: 1:20.
hey guys this is Ankit from guys computer and few months ago I did
created a video on how to upload photos on Instagram from PC in 2017
but today this is a revised version of that video as the old technique is not
working as expected so this is the updated version now first of all you
have to open Instagram on your computer after it will load right click anywhere
on the window and click on inspect now click on this cell phone tablet icon and
after that you just have to reload this page and you will got the or got all the
options to upload a photograph now click on this and upload a wallpaper or
photograph and you can even close this after the conversion and still you can
use all the options so that's all new way on how to upload photographs on
Instagram from PC in 2017 thank you and goodbye
Tournament 4: TNemesis Yell Atomic VS KDeathscyther Gravity Orbit - Duration: 5:01.
yeah, its killer deathscyther
Okay, so heres the deal
Here we see two very similar but different beys against eachother
Both have attack layer
I would count both discs as stamina and both drivers are definitely stamina drivers
The thing that separetes them is this
twin nemesis is really stable as dark deathscyther is not
I would count yell to be a bit more stabler than gravity
and atomic is for a reason in seven of this tournaments beys
orbit has difficult time against it
This means that neither bey can burst eachother, even if I once showed what happens when deathscyther is launched more aggressively
but everytime deatschyther will fall over and twin nemesis will stay stabler
Against a stamina layer deathscyther would have had a really different match
Next time we have rons jail jormugand heavy atomic
against infernobladers god Valkyrie four meteor iron
it will be out in day or two. comment who do you think will win
next up is a little showcase of firefire wbo's youtube channel
the link to his channel is in description as always
Jeśli uważasz że jest słaby, po obejrzeniu tego filmu zmienisz swoje zdanie: Cristiano Ronaldo - Duration: 6:16.
USA Olympic Doctor Pleads Guilty To Running Massive Pedophile Ring - Duration: 6:50.
The doctor at the center of a child sex abuse scandal involving 125 children has pleaded
guilty to raping multiple girls from the US Olympic gymnastics program.
The huge case reveals that children were "sacrificed" for decades while their abusers "protected,"
according to one of the victims.
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: The horrid nightmare that is sexual abuse within the
US Olympic gymnastics program was brought to light last August when former gymnast Rachael
Denhollander called for a regime change within the organization.
Denhollander is one of more than 125 victims, including US Olympic champion and three-time
gold medalist, Aly Raisman, who came forward with evidence of cover-ups and abuse.
As USA Today reported, in a joint interview with USA TODAY Sports and the Associated Press
on Saturday, Raisman said revelations of widespread abuse by longtime team physician Larry Nassar
and the reaction by the governing bodies has colored how she views her sport.
"The people at the very top, that work at the office every single day at USA Gymnastics,
they need to do better," Raisman said.
"It's making me sad," she added.
"I'm here to support my teammates because we got inducted to the Hall of Fame and I'm
here to support the girls who are competing.
I love the Olympics, I love gymnastics, I love the sport.
"But I don't support how USA Gymnastics is handling everything right now."
Earlier this month, Raisman revealed that she had been molested in a CBS News 60 Minutes
She was captain of the teams that won gold medals for the United States at the London
and Rio Olympics in 2012 and 2016.
"I am angry," Raisman said.
"I'm really upset because I care a lot, when I see these young girls that come up
to me, and they ask for pictures or autographs, whatever it is, every time I look at them,
every time I see them smiling, I just think I just want to create change so that they
never, ever have to go through this."
"For me, the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old.
I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo.
He'd given me a sleeping pill for the flight, and the next thing I know, I was all alone
with him in his hotel room getting a 'treatment.'
I thought I was going to die that night," USA Gymnast McKayla Maroney wrote on Twitter
before her account was deactivated.
Nassar spent nearly 30 years as an osteopath with the USA Gymnastics program and prior
to pleading guilty to these charges he's been in prison in Michigan after pleading
guilty to possession of child pornography.
Denhollander and another former gymnast, Jamie Dantzcher, are demanding the leadership of
USA Gymnastics be removed immediately.
"The painful reality is that no one on the board of USAG can be trusted on the issue
of sexual assault," Denhollander said.
"Culture of abuse at USAG had created institutional dynamics where over and over and over again
predators were protected and the children were sacrificed."
According to ABC 7, they are asking for USAG Chairman Paul Parilla, Vice Chairman Jay Binder
and Treasurer Bitsy Kelley to be removed.
The gymnasts are not only accusing the leadership of ignoring the suspected abuse, but trying
to cover it up.
"No one from USA Gymnastics has apologized nor accepted any responsibility for Nassar's
assaults on dozens of USA gymnasts," Dantzcher said.
The board denies covering up the abuse of over 125 girls, however, the odds of that
many girls all conspiring to form a false case are fairly slim — not to mention all
the cases of abusers who've already been sentenced.
In a statement to ABC 7, the USAG said, "We are confident our board officers will continue
to lead us through the coming months while we strengthen our culture that has safe sport
as a top priority throughout our organization."
"What people don't realize is that this doctor was a doctor for 29 years," Raisman.
"Whether or not he did it to a gymnast, they still knew him.
Even if he didn't do it to you, it's still the trauma and the anxiety of wondering what
could have happened.
I think that needs to be addressed.
These girls, they should be comfortable going to USA Gymnastics and saying 'I need help,
I want therapy.
I need this.'"
As TFTP previously reported, what these former victims are exposing is also backed up by
an investigation by the IndyStar which revealed that top executives at one of America's
most prominent Olympic organizations failed to alert authorities to many allegations of
sexual abuse by coaches — relying on a policy that enabled predators to abuse gymnasts long
after USA Gymnastics had received warnings.
According to the investigation, USA Gymnastics would not disclose the total number of sexual
misconduct allegations it receives each year.
But records show the organization compiled complaint dossiers on more than 50 coaches
and filed them in a drawer in its executive office in Indianapolis.
During a 2013 lawsuit, two former USAG officials admitted under oath to routinely covering
up sexual abuse allegations.
Because of this case, the contents of all the complaint dossiers mentioned above remain
The IndyStar is seeking to make them public.
The reality is that USAG officials have been raping and abusing girls for decades and they
were allowed to do so under the cover of the organization.
Only after a handful of the predators became so active in their abuse were they caught
by law enforcement.
One such case, involving William McCabe, revealed how USAG covered for him for nearly a decade
while he preyed on young girls.
Mulitple complaints were swept under the rug as the man preyed on children — despite
one gym owner warning the USAG in 1998 that McCabe "should be locked in a cage before
someone is raped."
He wasn't arrested until the mother in the 2013 lawsuit went to the FBI with concerns
over McCabe emailing her then-11-year-old daughter.
As the IndyStar reports, McCabe was charged with molesting gymnasts, secretly videotaping
girls changing clothes and posting their naked pictures on the internet.
He pleaded guilty in 2006 in Savannah, Georgia, to federal charges of sexual exploitation
of children and making false statements.
He is serving a 30-year sentence.
The price of having one of the best gymnastics teams in the world is apparently steep.
Shelley Haymaker, an Indiana attorney who represents abuse victims in child welfare
cases, said USA Gymnastics' approach "sickens" her, according to the IndyStar.
"USAG may not have been the hand that ultimately abused these innocent children," Haymaker
said, "but it was definitely the arm."
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