- What's up, I'm Gabby Wilson for MTV news,
and I'm here with The Internet.
What's up guys?
- Hello.
- What's good.
- That's Syd, Steve Lacy, Chris Smith, Patrick Page II,
and Matt Martians.
- Ooh.
- You guys are getting back together
after Ego Death came out, what, 2015?
And you each had solo projects.
Why did you guys want to get back into the studio together
and make something new?
- Uh, we never broke up.
When we first started working on this album,
we were all on different pages musically.
So we were trying to make stuff.
We were havin' fun making stuff,
but it just wasn't it, you know what I mean?
So we realized, cause Steve was already working
on a solo album, Patrick had already put out a solo EP.
We were like, let's just, you know, let's go on
do our things, and then after that we'll get back to work.
- Yeah, and what, did you guys have a conversation
at some point when you decided to get back together?
- No, it was just like,
"Yo, I'm 'bout to get a studio for us."
No, matter fact, cause the first time we worked
I think was in London.
We had two weeks in London.
We had a show and then we did some press or something.
And during those two weeks we decided to get a studio
just to see, just to vibe out, you know?
See what happens.
And that's where we made the first few instrumentals
for the album.
- [Gabby] What was that session like?
Like how did it go?
- It was fun, it was chill.
I think I came late, 'cause I had something.
Oh yeah, I went to see my aunt or something.
But yeah, when I got there they had already started vibing
on the first track on the album, actually.
That's where we started that one.
- Is that "Roll", or no, okay.
So, album doesn't start with " Roll".
- [Syd] No, it doesn't, it doesn't.
- [Patrick] It's real early on though.
Roll is early on in there.
♪ Listen to your heart ♪
♪ Listen to your heart ♪
- Well "Roll" is the first single off this album
and it's dope.
I'm so excited.
It's just very striking, and very upbeat
versus the kind of more mellow vibe of Ego Death
the last time that you guys all got together.
Talk to me about how that song came together.
Where were you guys?
- Burbank.
- [Patrick] We were in Burbank.
- I read in the liner notes that you were in an Airbnb?
- We wrote it in an Airbnb.
- You wrote it in an Airbnb?
We wrote the lyrics in an Airbnb--
- Okay, set that scene for me.
- In Agora Hills.
Yeah, we did half studio, half Airbnb.
It was a beautiful house, oh my God.
There was a grape vineyard in the backyard.
- They had grapes and figs and stuff.
And bunnies in the backyard.
- Or bunnies.
It was amazing.
I set up, like I have a portable studio
that me and Matt invested in.
I set it up on their dining room table basically.
It's like an open concept
Very Moroccan, bohemian decor in the house.
I really love interior design.
And set it up in the dining room area
and we were just, we spent, what, like five days there?
- It was like five days.
- Yeah, about five days.
- Yeah, I think it was like the last day or something.
'Cause the first few days we didn't do anything
but play laser tag.
- Yo, the laser tag was crazy.
- Yeah, we played laser tag,
Earl came through for a couple days,
Amina came through for a day.
We were just hanging out for the most part.
And then the last two days or something
was when we really started nailing down melodies
and lyrics and stuff.
- Is that typically how your writing
and recording process goes?
You kind of like, vibe for awhile
and then the last couple of whatever segment of time
you guys have, then you like pop out?
- Yeah, we don't force anything.
- I think it all varies.
- You guys sample "Sing Sing,"
which is like a beloved hip hop sample.
How did that find its way onto the track?
- It was in a, it was like,
I have this whole folder that I got from another friend
who shall remain nameless
- And that was just one of the ones.
Like, sometimes you know you just go through different
drum loops and I was like, "Ooh, this is hard."
("Sing Sing" by Gaz)
And I started playin' bass over it
and then I was like, that was one of my main concerns,
too, from the beginning.
I was like, damn.
- Yeah, he was like, "Are we good on this?"
- I was like, "Shit, we probably not gonna clear this."
- Are we gonna be able to clear it?
- [Patrick] Yeah.
- [Syd] I was like, it'll be alright.
- Well I love the video, too.
It's really exciting.
What were initial conversations about that treatment like?
'Cause it's pretty interesting.
You start not really seeing any of you,
and then there's a reveal.
- [Syd] Did we even have a treatment?
I don't think we even had a treatment.
- [Steve] We didn't have a technical treatment.
I was inspired by the Jackson 5
"Blame it on the Boogie" video
and how simple it was,
and how it really focused just on the band
and the people in the song.
- [Syd] And "September" by Earth, Wind, and Fire.
- [Steve] Yeah, so I think, and of course Jamiroquai
is a huge influence on us
but they didn't directly influence any imagery,
but just, I just always loved how free they were
in their videos.
And how, like, it was just about the music and him
or the band, so.
A lot of the stuff, the blanked out faces,
was stuff that was added last second.
- [Syd] The director's idea.
- [Steve] Yeah.
- [Gabby] Got it, 'cause I wondered if it was intentional.
'Cause I remember, I think that like
some of the first reactions to the video were surprise
that Steve was the lead on the track
'cause it's like,
oh, the longest time since The Internet put out a track
and instead of it being a Syd led track, it's Steve.
I didn't know if that was intentional.
- It just happened.
It's just, that's just what sounded better.
He came up with that melody,
so the initial reference song version is just him going,
"Listen to your heart."
And I was like, listen to your heart.
Yeah, sing that.
- Translating.
- Right, right.
I heard you, I heard you.
- I would say I think it's cool that we can do that.
To have songs that,
You know, we could have songs
where Patrick is rapping or singing.
And I think that's the beauty of our band
is like, anybody could be that person on any given song.
Now most of the album is definitely Syd,
but there's little glimmers of, you know, you've got people.
Like I said, Patrick's rapping on the album
and he's never rapped on any album before.
- [Gabby] Yeah, does everybody get to the mic on this album?
- Matt does, everybody but Chris.
- [Gabby] Why, come on, we love Loud.
- He's doing more production on this album for sure.
He's handling a lot more production and writing
on this album than he has before.
I think we all just exploring new things
and trying to, you know, definitely doing the solo albums
is definitely giving us a lot more confidence to step out,
you know, into those realms within the band.
So, yeah.
- [Gabby] Right, since doing solo projects of your own,
how do you think the dynamic shifted
within your creative process as a band?
- People are more sure of themselves when they submit ideas
as opposed to being like,
"Ah, like, I don't know if this is gonna be good."
Cause when you put out a solo album
and you get, you know, it's scary
because you think it's gonna suck
'cause you don't have your band to back you up.
You know what I'm saying?
You don't have the excuse of, "Well it's not just me."
You know what I'm saying?
But when it's you, it's like, if it's trash, you're trash.
So it's like, you know, the fact I think we put solo albums
and they were received very well,
I think it gave us some sort of confidence to be like,
okay, maybe this idea isn't so crazy
because it's worked before, so yeah.
- What are some specific examples for you guys.
Like, Chris was there a moment that you felt like,
"Oh maybe, like, two years ago I wouldn't have spoken up
in this way but."
- Oh yeah, I didn't speak up
during the writing process of Ego Death.
I just did what I normally do,
and was like sitting back and was like,
alright, that's y'all job.
- [Gabby] And then how did that change for this one?
- Well, you know, I mean with that,
with doing the solo projects it was just like,
I didn't have, I didn't ask nobody to help me write.
So I just started just shooting off ideas,
and whatever sticks, sticks.
And you leave it at that.
And if it don't stick, it don't stick.
That's cool.
- So it sounds like the creative process
for making this album took you guys kind of like
all over the place.
It doesn't have roots in any one particular place.
Talk to me a little bit about that creative process
and how you tie all those different strings together.
- We were kind of traveling a lot
in the beginning when we were working on it,
and so, matter of fact,
we made like three new songs in Australia
our last time in Australia.
We were missing a vibe from the album.
We didn't know what, but we booked a few days
at this beautiful studio down there called Golden Retriever
and we just was kickin' it and jammin'.
Yeah, we made three new songs there.
But, you know, it was just natural.
Like, we kind of just, we were traveling,
but we had to work on the album
'cause we knew we wanted it out around the summertime.
Just 'cause it feels like that kind of vibe.
It's very like this.
- Yeah, it's very upbeat.
I've only listened to like,
"Come Over", "La Di Da", and "It Gets Better".
But what I've been able to glean from just those tracks
is that it seems like it's gonna be much more upbeat
than maybe like something that we've heard from you guys
in like the recent past.
Would you say that that's true for the rest of the album?
- We think so.
I don't know if the world will agree,
but for us, it feels more energetic.
- Definitely.
- Yeah, intentionally we tried to like,
that was Matt's main thing, was speeding up the tempo.
- Why is that?
- 'Cause I would go to festivals,
and I would notice the certain tempos that casual fans
would be more drawn to.
'Cause I don't think it's necessarily
compromising the sound.
I think it's a certain tempo that you can hit that
if somebody's walking by your stage,
they hear that tempo, and if the beat's okay
they're a little more attracted to it than the normal BPMs.
Our other songs, like you said, they're a lot more vibey,
a lot more groovy.
I say this album has a lot more attitude with tempo.
I'd say those two things mixed.
So yeah, we just wanted to speed it up
'cause we wanted our shows to have a lot more energy
than they did.
- [Gabby] Is that something that excites you about
being able to perform, too?
- I think as a performer, you have to be able to perform
as if no one's there.
'Cause it's your music.
You have to enjoy it, you know?
So we try to enjoy performing our music, regardless.
Just enjoy it with ourselves.
We be in rehearsal like, "Ah."
Eyes closed.
- How would you guys describe the sound
of this album in particular?
- First thing that comes to my mind, personally,
I say funk.
- Funk, yeah.
- Yeah.
- It is a little funkier.
It's funkier than Ego Death, for sure.
- It's more mature.
I think it's more mature than Ego Death.
I'd say this, I won't even say subject matter,
but just all around it just feels a lot more grown.
- What ways were you challenging yourselves on this album?
I know that you've talked a little bit about the funk sound
and bringing different things from the solo projects,
but what, in what ways do you feel like you grew
individually from this project?
- I'd say no features.
I think that's how we've grown.
I think, we didn't necessarily depend on features ever
but I think we would, to be safe, kind of,
sort of a safety net get people that people
are familiar from to draw to a band
that we felt like people weren't that familiar with before.
And I feel like with this album,
the challenge was doing it ourselves.
So, I think that's the biggest challenge
was really just doing it ourselves
and trusting that we didn't need extra people
to really make people pay attention.
- I mean, you have five solo artists.
- Exactly.
That's what we were going for.
- Well thank you guys so much for coming through.
I can't wait to listen to the whole album.
- Thanks for havin' us.
Appreciate it.
(vibe music)
For more infomation >> The Internet On 'Hive Mind' & Their Recording Process | MTV News - Duration: 12:00. -------------------------------------------
Wish You Could Ask For A Raise? How To Be A 'Gutsy Girl' And Get It! | TODAY - Duration: 5:59.
For more infomation >> Wish You Could Ask For A Raise? How To Be A 'Gutsy Girl' And Get It! | TODAY - Duration: 5:59. -------------------------------------------
X-Men Opening Theme (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:58.
The future.
A dark, desolate world.
A world of war, suffering, loss...
on both sides.
Mutants and the humans who dared to help them.
Fighting an enemy we cannot defeat.
Are we destined down this path?
Destined to destroy ourselves like so many species before us?
Or can we evolve fast enough to change ourselves?
Change our fate?
Is the future truly set?
For more infomation >> X-Men Opening Theme (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:58. -------------------------------------------
Xerox VersaLink Quick Tip: Using Intelligent Search - Duration: 0:36.
Here's a quick tip
for increased productivity with your Xerox Versalink Printer
or multi-function printer.
Did you know your Versalink MFP has intelligent search
just like your mobile device?
To use it, open an app like email
and begin to type an email address.
You can scroll through those to make a selection.
Here's a hint.
The more letters you type, the narrower the search becomes.
For more infomation >> Xerox VersaLink Quick Tip: Using Intelligent Search - Duration: 0:36. -------------------------------------------
The 5 Best Health Benefits Of Olive Oil You Should Now - Duration: 4:39.
The 5 Best Health Benefits Of Olive Oil You Should Now
For more infomation >> The 5 Best Health Benefits Of Olive Oil You Should Now - Duration: 4:39. -------------------------------------------
The Incredible Meryl Streep Evolution - Duration: 5:47.
For more infomation >> The Incredible Meryl Streep Evolution - Duration: 5:47. -------------------------------------------
A Bayer/Monsato Consumer Eating Monstrosity - Duration: 4:11.
Bayer was won approval for its plan to purchase agricultural giant, Monsanto, and it is a
The company agreed to sell off close to $9 billion in assets to make way for a $62.5
billion merger.
Bayer's sell off of assets will be the largest divestiture ever in the United States.
Shares in Bayer have jumped close to 3% following the announcement.
For more on this, we're joined tonight by host of America's Lawyer, Mike Papantonio.
Mike, always a pleasure.
Great to have you with us tonight.
You have done excellent documentation on Monsanto.
They have not been a good player to the environment.
What does this deal mean?
Well, actually, I've been toe-to-toe with Bayer and Monsanto with just about the same
Look, this is a disaster for consumers.
It's great for Wall Street.
They need to be having ... breaking out the champagne on Wall Street.
Together, these two companies have been sued probably more than any two other companies
with the exception of Dow and DuPont who did their merger together recently.
These two companies in the past have been charged with price fixing, negligence, environment
destruction, contamination.
In the 1980s, I handled the ... Well, I handled the case actually into the '90s where Bayer
was actually sending blood tainted with AIDS virus to African countries.
After they took it off the market in the United States, they went ahead and sent it to hemophiliacs
over in Africa, Asia, and South America knowing.
It was called Factor VIII.
But it gives you a sense of what these companies are about.
There's no question in my mind that this corporate merger is really just two massively corrupt
companies joining to rip off American consumers.
That's what's going to happen.
So, this is just a major lobbying effort to make sure it happens.
Why would the United States government allow this to go forward if they've been such bad
Well, I mean, the truth is, when it comes to decisions like this, consumer issues don't
matter anymore.
This is an extension of NAFTA and CAFTA and what would have been TPP if Hillary Clinton
had been elected.
For example, the Justice Department is making Bayer, for example, sell off their seed and
herbicide holdings.
It doesn't mean anything.
It sounds great, but it doesn't mean anything.
Both of those businesses are going to be sold to a German company called BASF, so there
isn't going to be any additional competition or variety available in the market.
The DOJ knows this.
I mean, it's not just me talking.
They have enough sense to understand this.
There's still going to be about five companies, five companies, across the globe that control
more than 90 to 95% of all the seed market.
They want to own what we eat.
They want to own every aspect of what we eat.
Just like some of the companies that are going in and buying all of our water, they're coming
in and buying all of our seeds.
This is a train wreck.
The DOJ can dress it up however they want.
Say, "You know, we really looked at this."
They didn't look at a thing.
All they looked at was is Wall Street happy about this?
We're going to see more cases come out of this and they just become such a giant that
it makes it difficult.
We've been going toe-to-toe with Monsanto and Bayer for decades, case after case.
It's not going to change what we do.
But out there, the consumers are going to be more and more of a victim as we see these
types of mergers take place like DuPont and Dow, and now Bayer and Monsanto.
Quickly, moving forward, with Bayer this powerful, do you expect their culture to change at all
or get worse?
No, it's going to get worse.
I mean, the truth is, when you look at the ... The advantage I have, Ed, is I actually
read the documents.
When I take a deposition or try a case, I actually get to see the documents.
I get to see the mindset of this culture.
I got to tell you, the mindset of this culture is frightening to begin with.
Individually, Bayer and Monsanto, it's frightening individually.
But you put those two minds together, and something ugly is going to happen to consumers
all across the globe.
Mike Papantonio with us tonight.
Thanks, Mike, host of America's Lawyer, here on RT America.
For more infomation >> A Bayer/Monsato Consumer Eating Monstrosity - Duration: 4:11. -------------------------------------------
NextCon: Attendee Testimonials - Duration: 1:00.
- Tell me,
what has the experience been so far for you at NextCon?
- It's been absolutely educational.
- My experience at NextCon so far
has been motivating and exciting.
- [Male Attendee] Our experience
at NextCon has been fantastic.
- I've been able to meet with a lot of my partners
that I've only talked to or emailed through.
- Nextiva coined the phrase Amazing,
so we'd have to move into phenomenal, now.
- Nextiva's approach to building
that relationship with their partners,
it's very thoughtful, mindful, forward-thinking.
- Norman, what were your takeaways from NextOS?
- Today, it's obvious that they've taken
the additional time, which definitely looks
like it's been worth waiting for.
- The features of NextOS are
really going to help us as partners.
I'm really excited about it, I like
the features, it's all in one place.
- Really what makes a difference is the people,
and that's definitely the thing
that stood out to me the most.
- I think Nextiva's going to be the blue ribbon
for other providers to try to be like.
For more infomation >> NextCon: Attendee Testimonials - Duration: 1:00. -------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> SORTEIO DE 30.000 XPCOIN - APROVEITE ESSA OPORTUNIDADE - Duration: 6:23. -------------------------------------------
حظك اليوم الجمعة 01-06-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 8:37.
For more infomation >> حظك اليوم الجمعة 01-06-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 8:37. -------------------------------------------
Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 5:50.
Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job.
Although Roseanne Barr apologized for her offensive tweet, the number one sitcom in
America is now off the air.
As you all know by now almost immediately after the tweet, ABC Entertainment President
Channing Dungey made the decision to pull the plug on the show, calling the tweets "abhorrent,
repugnant and inconsistent with our values."
There is clearly a double standard here.
ABC or Disney clearly has an agenda, and when Roseanne apologized this should have been
the end of it since to date no one has ever apologized to President Trump, or us, his
supporters for all the nasty and evil things that have been said about him, and us.
Since it's a known fact that you get to know a person's character best when they
are put to the test, although most of her younger costars came out immediately against
Roseanne, her most important co-star, John Goodman, who is beyond a doubt the best actor
on the show, decided to remain silent on the mess.
According to Fox News Goodman said in an interview, "I'd rather say nothing than to cause
more trouble, I don't know anything about it.
I don't read it."
This followed a very gracious tweet by Barr:
Roseanne continued by apologizing to those who had lost their jobs because of her comment.
That included John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf, as she also condemned cast members who threw
her under the bus.
Funny how the ones who condemned her, without naming names are the ones who haven't been
heard up, since the last time Roseanne was on the air back in 1997, except for Sarah
Gilbert who was last seen on a couple of episodes, on the largely popular far-left tv show "The
Big Bang Theory" years ago.
Roseanne added, "I'm not a racist, I never was & I never will be," she wrote Wednesday.
"One stupid joke in a lifetime of fighting 4 civil rights 4 all minorities, against networks,
studios, at the expense of my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER be taken from me."
This is what Hollywood agrees with, and this list is tame since it's only from the Oscars:
President Donald Trump was the primary target for leftist Hollywood celebrities during the
Oscars, as he, his family, or his administration was mentioned negatively fifteen times during
the ceremony.
Show host Jimmy Kimmel noted the Oscars broadcast was being watched "by more than 225 countries
that now hate us," thanks to Trump.
Kimmel thanked Trump for bringing Hollywood together, "Remember last year when it seemed
like the Oscars were racist?" he asked.
"That's gone, thanks to him."
Kimmel welcomed Isabelle Huppert, a French actress who was nominated for best actress:
"I'm glad Homeland Security let you in tonight.
I really am," he joked.
Kimmel referred to Trump's calling actress Meryl Streep "overrated", after her anti-Trump
speech during the Golden Globe and led the audience in a standing ovation for the actress.
"Nice dress, by the way.
Is that an Ivanka?"
Kimmel asked Streep.
Kimmel joked that Donald Trump tweets on the toilet.
"Some of you will get to come up on this stage tonight and give a speech, that the
President of the United States will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel
movement tomorrow," he told the actors.
"And I think that's pretty darn excellent, if you ask me."
Kimmel referred to Trump's repeated attacks on "fake news", and added a joke about
Trump's fake tan: "If there's anyone here from CNN, or the LA Times or New York
Times if you work for anything with the word Times" in it, even Medieval Times I'd
like to ask you to leave the building right now," he said.
"We have no tolerance for fake news.
Fake tans, we love."
"And now, for something that is very rare nowadays: a president who believes in both
arts and sciences," Kimmel joked as he introduced Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs.
Kimmel's stunts included live-tweeting to Trump twice during the Oscars."U up?"
he asked, as it was clear that Trump had not tweeted yet.
He also tweeted the hashtag "hashtag MerylSaysHi" to the president.
"We're so sorry about what happened in Sweden last week," Kimmel said, joking about
Trump's mention of attacks in the country.
Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal criticized Trump's promise to build a wall.
"As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I am against
any form of wall that wants to separate us," he said.
Kimmel joked that Dr. Strange was also nominated as secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
making fun of Trump's pick of Dr. Ben Carson to lead that agency.
Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs alluded to Trump's campaign promise to secure the
borders: "Tonight is proof that art has no borders, art has no single language, and
art does not belong to a single faith," she said.
Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi protested Donald Trump's travel ban by not attending
the Oscars.
"My absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of the other six nations,
who have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S.,"
he said in a statement that was read during the ceremony.
Barry Jenkins, the director of the film Moonlight, which won Best Picture, promised to help people
suffering during Trump's presidency: "All you people out there who feel like there's
no mirror for you, that your life is not reflected, the Academy has your back; the ACLU has your
back; we have your back; and for the next four years, we will not leave you alone.
We will not forget you," he said.
What do you think about this?
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top stories today.
For more infomation >> Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 5:50. -------------------------------------------
IT'S ON: CNN Just Declared WAR on EVERY SINGLE PERSON Who Voted For Trump - Duration: 4:27.
IT'S ON: CNN Just Declared WAR on EVERY SINGLE PERSON Who Voted For Trump
This is a new low, even for CNN, who is basically in the gutter, at this point.
After Roseanne Barr tweeted out an attack on a former Obama top aide, CNN wasted no
time attacking President Trump and all of his supporters.
Now, in order to really push home their "racism" narrative, CNN is going to war on Trump supporters,
and bringing on guests who claim that every single person who voted for President Trump
is "racist."
From News Busters
Most of the people who appear on CNN are, unsurprisingly, liberals.
However, every so often, a guest veers so far to the left that even the hosts are surprised
by what that person says.
That was the case on CNN's Wednesday morning show New Day, when Michaela Angela Davis responded
to a question posed by new co-host John Berman.
He asked if Roseanne Barr "felt empowered" by President Donald Trump to make the racist
remarks that led to the cancellation of her ABC sitcom.
"Absolutely," the culture critic responded before going so far as to claim that everyone
who voted for the Republican during the 2016 presidential campaign is a racist.
Berman's question seemed reasonable enough for someone on CNN, as he continued:
The argument that some people are making, that Roseanne Barr maybe felt empowered to
talk like this because of President Trump….I mean, look, she's got a history of saying
things like this completely on her own that have gone back before this administration.
How do you counter that with the "rapid-ish" response from ABC?
"Well," Davis replied, "they made a connection together….when Trump…touted
her ratings, almost took credit for them" as the president and the comedian "made
their relationship clear."
The guest then claimed that the Republican occupant of the White House "made it more
popular, I think, to be openly racist."
As if that wasn't liberal enough, she added: "I think it's important that we don't
make Trump seem this untouchable thing, you know, that no one gets to be Trump but Trump.
Tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards for years."
Obviously caught off guard by the comment, Berman gave the guest a chance to walk back
her remark: "But are you suggesting that they're racist?"
Davis nevertheless replied: "Absolutely, yes."
All of the people that voted for Donald Trump are racist?" the co-host asked again.
"Yes," she stated.
"They may not all be violently racist," but Trump is "very clear and strategic"
in his use of the "anti-blackness" that "has been the foundation" of his political
"We have to grapple with the idea that…you heard someone at their rallies say 'Build
the wall and kill them all.'"
"Listen," fellow co-host Alisyn Camerota interrupted, "you know that people interpret
this differently, and to paint with as broad a brush as you are, saying that everybody
who voted for him is racist, you know how people operate."
"They'll compartmentalize, and they'll say that people had compartmentalized during
Bill Clinton," Camerota added, "and you overlook the things that you're uncomfortable
with because you like the policy, so you can't paint with that broad a brush."
Davis still refused to back down, asserting: "Racism isn't broad, so what you're
not hearing is there's so many different levels of racism and how it works itself out."
As NewsBusters previously reported, this isn't the first time Davis startled her CNN hosts.
In September of 2016, the Black Lives Matter sympathizer responded on CNN to the fatal
shooting by police officers in North Carolina of an armed black man by bemoaning white "brutality"
and defending violent protesters as "burning down the plantation."
When choosing people to be guests or panelists on CNN, the network usually makes safe selections
of people who are fellow travelers on the left side of the road.
However, it is certainly refreshing when one of those visitors forces the hosts to walk
back something even they can't deny is too liberal for the viewers of that cable channel.
what do you think about this?
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For more infomation >> IT'S ON: CNN Just Declared WAR on EVERY SINGLE PERSON Who Voted For Trump - Duration: 4:27. -------------------------------------------
How to Find Industry Blogs Using Advanced Search Operators - Duration: 8:57.
- Hey, everyone.
Jason Case here with another video
and today I'm going to show you how to find industry blogs
using advanced search operators.
The purpose of doing this is to identify blogs
in your industry that are already getting a ton
of website traffic.
Most likely their audiences directly align
with your target market.
This creates great opportunity to build brand awareness,
possibly get products that you have featured
on their blogs and have them review it,
and this also will help with your overall SEO
and link building strategies so you can share content
that you posted on your website with these blogs
and build relationships with them,
possible collaboration opportunities, and so forth.
I'm going to show you directly how to do this today.
I'm going to share my screen with you right now
and show you the stuff to do so.
All right, we've got Google pulled up here
and what I'm going to do is use Google,
or a advanced search operator here to find this.
We're just going to use fitness for example.
Whatever your keyword is,
just replace that keyword or keywords
with the word fitness here and it will work the same way.
Inurl: is the advanced search operator
and then right after that, we'll put blog.
What this does, it will bring up any blog,
or any URL that has blog in the URL,
with the keyword fitness in it.
The top result here is Anytime Fitness.
Now, Anytime Fitness,
I know this is kind of a corporate brand
and it will probably be harder to get a link from it.
I'm going to skip that for now.
It might work for you,
but in my mind, probably not the best opportunity.
Let's look at Nerd Fitness here.
All right, so it seems like a legit blog.
They've got some courses, training, free resources.
It looks like they got quite a bit of blog content on here.
What I want to do is take this URL and put it in SEMrush
and do an analysis of it real quick to see a rough amount
of traffic that they're getting to this blog.
Look at this, 483,000 organic search reach, that's huge.
Now, this is a rough estimate.
It's definitely not the exact number,
but it will give us a good idea
and that's all we really care about.
What I'm going to do is add the URL
to this website right here
and then we're going to put the organic reach right here
in a Google Spreadsheet so we can document this.
Now, we'll want to find the email or contact for this blog
to do outreach to them as well.
I have another tab pulled up here that's an email hunter.
hunter.io is the web address and what you can do,
you can do so many searches per month
with this tool for free and then after that,
you have to pay a fee, I believe.
Either way, it's a great tool
and then you can just put your domain name in here.
Five email addresses.
This will pull up different emails here for the blog.
I'm going to take a look here.
Maybe I want to use Steve's email, he's the Operator,
or the Moderator.
Maybe that's the person we want to outreach to.
For this purpose,
let's just use Steve.
I'm going to add Steve's name here.
And we will put Steve's email here.
All right, and I've got a column for phone if you want
and then any notes that you want to add about this blog,
and so forth.
I suggest researching the blog,
finding out more about what they do
before you start doing the outreach,
and make sure that your pitch aligns with their content.
It's also a good idea if they have comments on the blog
to start interacting with the blog
and start building kind of an awareness of yourself
before you do outreach.
These high-traffic blogs get a lot of pitches,
a lot of times, so don't just stop at one pitch.
Keep going for multiple followups
to try to get them to respond.
Either way, what you can do is then repeat this process
and go down the board.
I'm going down a little bit here
and just take a domain
and just see if we can find one
that doesn't have much search traffic.
That's getting a decent amount.
What you're gong to want to look for is any sites
that aren't getting that much traffic.
You don't want, I mean, it's 15,000,
that's still pretty good,
but if you find any domains
that are only getting like a 100 or so organic reach
or even like maybe just 1,000,
I wouldn't really worry about adding them
to your Google Spreadsheet because this is kind
of a waste of your time.
It's not going to get much exposure, reach,
and you probably won't have much luck with it.
Go after higher traffic blogs that directly closely align
with your product or services that really don't overlap,
maybe it's a competitor.
Because if they're a direct competitor,
they're not going to probably collaborate with you necessarily.
There might be opportunity, but probably not.
Either way, that's just one advanced operator.
You can also put blogs here,
so this could bring up a whole list of people
that have already researched these top fitness blogs
or whatever your keyword is, blogs in your industry.
Then, you can go through each of these
and do that same process and see if they align with it,
and if they do and they're getting high traffic,
then add them to the Google Spreadsheet
and their contact information.
Now, once you have created a whole list of blogs here
with contact information and so forth,
then you can start your outreach efforts.
Now, that's just one example of an advanced search operator.
There's a ton of different advanced search operators
that you can use for this purpose.
I'm not going to go through all that stuff
and bore you in this video,
but I do have a list of them if you want to download this PDF
that I already have.
I'll add a link in the comment of this video post
that you can go grab it and download it.
If you have any questions about this,
please let me know,
but this is a great way to find blogs in your industry
that are not necessarily competitors,
but do a lot of content and blog about it,
about products and reviews, and so forth,
and they have a huge following that probably closely aligns
with your target market.
Again, this creates great opportunity for outreach
and to make a great impact and a big impact,
and a great way if you can get your website
or your products featured here.
Either way, that's it for today's video.
If you need help with any of this,
please feel free to reach out.
This is what we do.
We would be happy to help you do this as well
if you're too busy running your business,
that's what we can do.
We can work as an extension to your team.
That way you can stay focused on what you do best
and we can help do what we do best
and that's grow your business.
Take care, everyone, and we'll talk tomorrow.