- [Man] Hey Siri, what time is Westworld on?
- [Siri] Here are matches for Westworld.
Westworld, Westworld, Beyond Westworld,
Westworld on a Budget.
- Siri has been around for almost seven years,
but it still kinda sucks.
Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa
keep getting updated with cool new features,
but Siri feels outdated and stuck in 2013.
Here's what went wrong with Siri
and what Apple can do to fix some of the problems right now.
Siri felt revolutionary when it first came out
in 2011 on the iPhone 4S.
While it wasn't the first digital assistant ever created,
it felt almost magical to be able to talk to your iPhone
and have it respond.
But the magic didn't last very long.
Within a year,
Google had a similar answer called Google Now.
Google Now tapped into Google's vast knowledge
of the internet to get you exactly what you asked for.
You could ask things like, "How old is Tom Cruise,"
or, "show me cute pictures of corgi puppies,"
and you'd get exactly that.
Siri started to look pretty dumb by comparison
and it never caught up.
Now we have three major digital assistants
fighting for your attention.
There's Apple's Siri, Google's Assistant,
and Amazon's Alexa.
And Apple could actually look to those rivals
for inspiration to fix Siri now.
The biggest problem with Siri today
is that it doesn't integrate
with third-party services very well.
There are a few categories it does work with,
like messaging or ride-hailing,
but for the most part it's a closed-off ecosystem.
This turns out to be Alexa's greatest strength.
There are thousands of third-party skills
and apps that work with Alexa,
meaning it's a wide-open ecosystem
where anything's possible.
You can check your bank balance,
you can order a coffee from Starbucks
and have it waiting for you when you arrive,
and it works with a lot more
smart home appliances than Siri does.
And it's the same story with Google's Assistant.
Think of it like this.
How terrible would your iPhone be
if you couldn't download any third-party apps
from the App Store?
That's the state we're in with Siri today.
Another huge problem with Siri
is that there's so many fragmented versions of the service.
Siri on the HomePod is mostly
just to ask for songs from Apple Music.
It can't even do basic stuff
like checking your calendar appointments.
Siri on the iPhone is different than Siri on the Mac,
and that's different than Siri on the Apple TV
and the Apple Watch.
Apple has failed to give you one consistent version of Siri,
no matter which Apple device you're using.
If a digital assistant's going to be successful,
it needs to be the same, no matter where you are,
in the home, in the car, in the office,
and no matter what gadget you're using.
This is another area Amazon's Alexa
and Google Assistant excel.
Today, Siri is a fragmented mess
when it should be the same everywhere.
Apple should unify it so there's one version
across all of its devices.
The final major problem with Siri is updates.
While Google Assistant and Alexa
constantly get better over time,
Siri only gets significant updates
once a year with new versions of iOS on the iPhone.
Apple should really start looking at
Amazon and Google's strategy here
and update Siri throughout the year
as soon as the updates are ready.
The bottom line: Siri has a long road ahead of it,
and Amazon and Google aren't going to quit.
But there are a lotta simple things Apple could do right now
that'd make the experience a whole lot better.
It's not too late, but Apple needs to act fast.
- [Siri] Here are shows available on iTunes.
Vanderpump Rules, The Last Ship, Turn, Washing--
- Shut up.
For more infomation >> Why Siri Still Sucks - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Hernia Mesh: An Absolute Health Disaster - Duration: 7:38.
We're about to un-ring a fire on Mike Papantonio here with Robert Price.
Robert of course does, you've seen him on the show before.
He does complex litigation all over the country, mostly with medical devices.
So I want to talk to it right now.
The story about surgical mesh, this being implanted in the bodies of thousands of people
every day, is not a story that corporate media can tell you, because their advertisers won't
let them tell you this story.
In fact, they can't tell you because their advertisers, the people who make this product,
not only won't tell them, won't allow them to do it, they'll actually dry up advertising
money if they tell stories like this.
So they can't really do an investigative expose about this.
The advertising dollars are just too big.
So with me right now is Attorney Robert Price.
He's handling hernia mesh cases, and he's going to tell us the story that you won't
hear anywhere else.
Robert, first of all, has it, hernia mesh, it's been around forever, we think it's something
that's fairly innocuous they're putting in human bodies all over the country.
Give me your take on how bad this actually is, this hernia mesh story.
It's really bad, Mike, especially in the past 10 years or so, because you're right.
Surgical mesh, and polypropylene, which is a plastic based mesh, has been used for decades
in the surgical community.
But what we're seeing here is that these manufacturers are now making these, I kind of call them
these easy kits for doctors, with these different meshes with these designs.
There are experimental designs that they each use to try to jump ahead of one another in
this market share race.
In other words, somebody comes in with a hernia operation.
It used to be that you had to have a special surgeon that could do that.
And so the industry says, "Oh no, we're going to make something where any doctor can do
They don't have to have special training.
They don't have to be a special surgeon.
Just give them the kit, and let them go."
Isn't that kind of what this industry is?
Absolutely correct.
If you've got a really skilled surgeon, that surgeon doesn't necessarily need mesh.
Or if that surgeon does need to use mesh, it's a small piece of mesh, or it's a more
complex procedure.
So absolutely.
It's this sort of sales mentality, it's like, "Well, anybody can do this.
Here's this special mesh.
It's easy to use.
It's got this coding, or it's got this ring, or it's got this special feature that makes
it great."
And the special feature is completely bogus, and it's unstudied, and it's causing infections,
and all sorts of massive, massive debilitating injuries.
You saw this same thing.
You kind of led the charge on the vaginal mesh.
They were putting this mesh inside women's vaginas, and inside they're trying to hold
up the kidney, and the urinary system.
Explain that case, because this is just an extension of that, isn't it?
It's the same garbage they were putting in women's bodies.
First of all, it was nothing different than just pure fishing line, that you could buy
at a fishing store.
Isn't that kind of what this story developed into?
So some years back, you've seen the Kugel Mesh litigation.
This was years ago, where lawyers were bringing claims based on this defective ring.
Then years went by, and we did the transvaginal mesh litigation, and we started learning about
the behavior of these manufacturers, who are the same manufacturers essentially, just the
hernia mesh manufacturers.
You see a broad spectrum behavior of using mesh that's not cleared for medical grade
In fact, some of these manufacturers use polypropylene that actually says on the material sheet,
"Do not use this in the human body."
Yeah, there's a material data sheet, and the material data sheet shows how the product
can be used, or how it should be used.
The manufacturers understood because the document said, "Don't use this to put in a human body."
But they did it anyway.
And that's just one component of the story.
The other component of the story is on top of this bad mesh, you have these coatings,
these chemicals.
One company even uses fish oil.
Just all of these things.
An idea here is that they go to surgeons and they say, "Use this mesh laparoscopically.
It's real easy to do.
You can place it right up against the bowel, and this fish oil coating, or this special
chemical coating, is going to help keep it safe from the bowel."
So what's the truth of the matter?
The truth is the coating either causes infections, or it just literally just wicks right away,
and the mesh actually eats into the bowel causing bowel obstructions, massive surgeries.
People even have to live in a colostomy bag because of damages caused by this stuff.
All because of this kind of marketing transcendence that we see.
Cheap mesh, no studies, slap it out to doctors-
Point out the no studies.
How did this get on the market without them actually doing studies on the hernia mesh
How did it?
It's out there without studies.
That's what's so remarkable.
It's actually out there without studies.
... yeah.
There are two types of studies you see.
So you see the animal studies.
Probably half the animal studies I've read are the animal studies show, "Oh crap, this
stuff is killing these animals.
Put those studies aside."
And then the other studies that they think are favorable, they parse out those studies
and show those to doctors.
No human studies.
The only human studies, if you want to say, are the adverse event reports that we see
after they've been implanted in thousands of people, thanks to our FDA, who doesn't
required studies to be done in the first place, on humans.
I know you're very well familiar with the 510(k) process, right?
Well the 510(k) is where you have a company that says, "We have an item.
We have a mesh that's similar to the one that you want to put in the human body."
And so the FDA says, "Oh sure.
Go ahead and do it.
Have you done any longterm studies to figure out how humans are affected?"
"No, not really, but it's already out there, so we get to do it too."
Isn't that kind of how that works?
Absolutely, it's like you said.
A lot of these products that are on the market are based on meshes 10 years ago.
What's not funny, but what is crazy about this stuff, is that when you have these experimental
designs, the 510(k) application actually looks like this.
It says, "This mesh is just like this mesh, this mesh, this mesh, and this mesh."
Well, say have you ever studied what would happen if you put all these properties together?"
"No, it's just like these meshes."
And again, the FDA says, "Oh yeah.
That sounds like good science."
Here's the truth of the matter.
We don't spend enough time as patients asking doctors A, "Could you do this without the
Could you actually perform the surgery without the mesh?"
The doctor's going to say, "Probably not" Okay.
"So get me the guy who can do this without mesh."
That's the first thing.
The second thing we don't ask them is, "How much do you know about the studies that were
done on this product that you want to put in my body."
All the doctor's really confronted with is what we call the detail, or that's the salesperson
comes by their office, has cupcakes for them, says, "Doc, we're so glad you're buying our
They take them out to lunch.
They'll take them on these exorbitant trips, places like Hawaii, and have what they call
a seminar, where they talk about their product.
It's just the biggest scam, and unfortunately, patients are too often too afraid to confront
the doctor, and ask questions about the pill that they're taking, or about what's being
put in their body.
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100 FELIRATKOZÓS KÜLÖNKIADÁS :D | Google Fordító Montage #1 - Duration: 24:01.
This Is How Amazon's Alexa Records And Shares Private Conversations Without Your Permission - Duration: 4:16.
This Is How Amazon's Alexa Records And Shares Private Conversations Without Your Permission
by Tyler Durden
As it turns out, the scandal over Amazon's Alexa voice-controlled personal assistant
recording and sharing private conversations both with hackers and with people on the users'
contact list is much more serious than the company had feared.
As Bloomberg reported, Amazon responded to a KIRO 7 news report about a couple who received
a call from a friend saying "unplug your Alexa devices right now.
You�re being hacked" after the company's device had shared a private conversation without
explicit permission.
Amazon offered a complex, meandering "explanation" for the series of strange coincidences that
triggered Alexa to record and share a couple's private conversation.
It started with Alexa being triggered when it heard a word that sounded like "Alexa"
- the command for the technology activate.
Here are the details:
Amazon explained the series of events that triggered the episode in an emailed statement.
The Echo woke after hearing a word in the couple�s conversation that sounded like
"Alexa" -- the usual trigger to begin recording.
The speaker later heard "send message" during the conversation, at which point the device
asked, "to whom?"
The pair continued talking in the background and the Echo�s system interpreted part of
the chat to identify a name in the couple�s contact list.
Alexa then asked aloud if they wanted to send a message to that contact and heard "right"
in more background conversation.
"As unlikely as this string of events is, we are evaluating options to make this case
even less likely," the company said.
The report invigorated privacy concerns as internet-connected devices like the Amazon
Echo become ubiquitous in homes.
Amazon in 2014 introduced the new line of devices, which can also stream music and order
goods from Amazon via voice command.
It has been busy introducing updated versions and adding features to sell more devices than
rivals like Alphabet Inc. and Apple Inc., which offer their own versions.
The "explanation" suggests that consumers should be extremely careful of what they say
around their personal assistants to the point where more users should consider deactivating
the device when it's not in use.
And there's plenty: more than 60 million U.S. consumers will use a smart speaker at least
once a month this year, with more than 40 million of them using Amazon�s devices,
according to eMarketer Inc.
Ryan Calo, an associate law professor at the University of Washington who studies the intersection
of law and technology, said this incident could cause lasting damage not only to the
Alexa, and thus Amazon, brand but to voice-controlled personal assistants in general (Alphabet and
Apple make their own model).
People have been willing to overlook glitches in the Echo, like it turning on accidentally
or without the wake word being uttered, said Ryan Calo, an associate law professor at the
University of Washington who researches how law applies to technology.
This incident is more alarming since a private conversation was recorded and sent to a third
party, he said.
"Think about how uncomfortable the millions of people who own these things now feel,"
Calo said.
"The real harm is the invasion into solitude people now experience in their homes."
Not to mention the damage it could do to technology more broadly, as paranoia surrounding privacy
continues to intensify, according to Daniel Kahn Gillmor, the in-house technologist at
the American Civil Liberties Union.
Coloring Page for Kids | How to Draw Cartoon T-Rex Dinosaur Coloring Page - Duration: 3:31.
How to Draw Cartoon T-Rex Dinosaur Coloring Page
Coloring Page for Kids
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