Welcome back to Ring of Fire.
I'm Mike Papantonio here with Farron Cousins, editor of the National Trial Lawyer Magazine,
one of the biggest trial law magazines in the country.
Recently an analyst for Goldman Sachs admitted that curing diseases is actually bad for business.
He actually said that.
Tells you all you need to know about how screwed up our healthcare system is.
More importantly, it tells you how the thugs on Wall Street regard us generally when it
comes to making big profits.
I read this.
I had to read it twice because it was so callous, Farron.
This character is ... What he's talking about is if we cure cancer, we're not going to have
all that money coming in for things like chemotherapy and all this money that goes into treating
cancer victims.
He actually was very down on the idea of gene therapy to cure diseases because not because
I wasn't going to be profitable from that standpoint, but it was going to destroy all
the profits and long term care for people who are dying from things like cancer.
What's your take on this?
He says the idea of one shot cures, yeah, it's attractive, but for the love of God,
we got to take care of these poor bankers by getting people to come back every month.
Whether it's dialysis or chemotherapy or whatever it is that everybody has to keep coming back
It's funny.
Lee Camp did a phenomenal job on this story.
Yeah, Lee did a great job on this story.
Published in Truth Dig, and he also mentions there's this old comedy routine from Chris
Rock from 1999 where he said they're never going to cure diseases because there's no
money in that.
At the time it was a humorous observation.
It was funny because you didn't think it would happen.
But here, this guy from Goldman Sachs , Salveen Richter is his name.
Yeah, Salveen Richter.
Absolutely said this is bad for business.
So the whole time that we thought it was a joke, the thugs up on Wall Street, they weren't
They were worried about, "Gee.
We really might cure something like cancer.
We might cure MS and we might cure these long term diseases."
The problem is this, part of this issue is what's happened is the hospital corporations
have become so big.
You've got hospital corporations that run public health all over the country.
Add to that the monstrosity that we call the pharmaceutical industry.
Those two entities, they benefit big from long term care.
If you cure cancer, you don't have the pharmaceutical industry making a gazillion dollars selling
cancer drugs, same with hospitals.
So these hospital corporations have become this big monster that we have to keep feeding,
and that's what this guys talking about.
He's talking about, "We're making a lot of money in the healthcare industry because you've
got all the baby boomers coming through.
A lot of the money we're making is that long term care kind of issue."
Well, a lot of questions that came up from this is just the fact of why does Wall Street
even care what happens in the pharmaceutical industry?
Why do these bankers care what happens in the hospital industry?
It's because people don't understand how entwined everything has become int his society in terms
of businesses.
Wall Street banks fund these hospitals.
They fund the pharmaceutical industry.
So big pharma has to make a profit because part of its got to go back to the big bankers.
They do the same thing with the gun industry.
These big banks are entwined with them.
They're entwined with Monsanto and DuPont and Dow and everybody.
So whatever happens, and that's one of the reasons these banking lobbyists push for lax
regulations on the oil industry, something seemingly unrelated.
Well, it's because they help fund it.
They finance it.
Well, in this story though what they're actually saying, they're actually responding this freak
with Goldman Sachs that by the way, one of the freaks that probably should have been
held responsible for the 2008 burn down where Goldman Sachs start selling junk.
They start selling junk stocks to their best customers while they are getting rid of their
stock at the same time.
They know what's going on.
The inside information is everybody there with Goldman Sachs understands the burn downs
getting ready to take place, but they're telling their customers buy more, buy more because
they're still making a lot of money on this.
None of them go to prison.
Not one of these freaks went to prison.
So now the freaks are out there saying, "Gee whiz.
We hope that there's no long term, serious disease solution here because we're not going
to sell enough drugs.
We're not going to have enough hospital stays and the healthcare industry is going to suffer.
We, Goldman Sachs , are going to suffer because we're so invested in that."
What kind of freaking ghoul even says that?
What kind of even ghoul thinks that much less says it?
Well, Goldman Sachs .
Let me just tell you something, Goldman Sachs ... I just got back from Europe and I was
spending a good fair amount of time in Holland talking to the folks about their banking system.
There their big target is the Roth child, the Roth child virtually own a piece of everything
having to do with banking.
Goldman Sachs has become that Roth child in the United States where they own it all.
I mean, you might think it's a mom and pop bank you're doing business with, but the money
flows back to Goldman Sachs . It's something that we've just got to get control over.
When you look at this from the healthcare perspective too, and you wonder it seems like
we've kind of hit a stale period in time here in terms of medical advancements here in the
United States.
We haven't cured anything recently.
We haven't seen any major breakthroughs.
I mean, hell, Cuba has come very close to having a lung cancer cure.
South Korea is leading the world in stem cell therapy, regenerating organs and vital tissues.
It's going to hurt the hospital.
The hospital industries going to hurt.
The pharmaceutical industry.
They've come close to being able to regenerate human teeth using stem cells, and here in
the United States it's all about profit, not about the cure.
Goldman Sachs , just another ugly story from those freaks on Wall Street.
Republican Congressmen Mo Brooks from Alabama recently said that the rocks falling into
the ocean, not climate change, but rocks falling into the ocean is the reason for the rising
sea levels across the planet.
As I read this story, I thought most of the rocks are falling out of his head.
But, I mean, he actually made this statement.
It was adhering with a credible scientist, and the scientist is looking at him like,
This is a real scientist across from the table, and this idiot from Alabama, Mo Brooks, says,
"Well, it's not really just climate change.
It's rocks falling into the ocean."
I wish somebody in that hearing said, "Mr. Brooks, most of those rocks probably have
fallen out of your damn head."
What is your take on this story?
This is the kind of idiocy that we're up against though.
When we try to make any kind of progress on the issue of climate change, we're going to
have either an Inhofe holding a snowball saying, "Well, this can't exist if climate change
is real."
Or even worse, because this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard to argue that climate
change isn't real.
That it's rocks.
The white cliffs of Dover are falling into the ocean, and dirt ... He went on to say
there's just dirt from rivers that goes into the ocean and it's just making the sea level
rise by three or four inches across the globe.
This is a guy whose probably never traveled anywhere.
I mean, if he's been out of Birmingham, Alabama, I'd be surprised.
For more infomation >> Wall Street ADMITS That Our Healthcare System Is Totally Screwed - Duration: 7:58.-------------------------------------------
The Fascinating History Of America's Oldest Surviving Timber framed House - Duration: 6:00.
With its gabled roof, oak clapboards and vast central chimney, the Fairbanks House looks
to have come from another world.
But in reality, it's been here longer than any other building around it – almost 400
years, in fact.
According to experts, it's the oldest house of its kind in the United States, and it has
the history to prove it.
When European settlers first arrived in America in the 16th century, they encountered a wild
and inhospitable land.
In fact, many of the first colonies ended in disaster, as supplies ran out, disease
decimated their populations and clashes with Native Americans escalated into all-out wars.
However, the settlers persevered, and by the time that the Mayflower arrived with its cargo
of English Pilgrims in 1620, a number of colonies were already thriving across the modern-day
And despite difficult conditions, those passengers established the Plymouth Colony in what is
now Massachusetts.
Eight years later, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded, and settlers in their hundreds
began arriving in New England.
And even though they hoped for a fresh start on the other side of the Atlantic, many of
their practices – such as the houses they built – remained reminiscent of the world
that they had left behind.
One of these settlers was John Fairbanks, a Puritan from Yorkshire, England.
In 1633 Fairbanks arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony along with his wife, Grace, and
their six children.
And after spending three years in the settlement at Watertown, they decided to relocate.
Along with a number of other families, the Fairbankses founded the settlement of Dedham,
There, they acquired land amounting to 12 acres and set about building themselves a
But rather than rely on his own amateur building skills, John decided to employ master craftsmen
to do the work.
Beginning in 1637 the craftsmen constructed a timber-framed home for the Fairbanks family.
Originally, it was a two-story property with a gabled roof and a large chimney in the center.
Outside, the building was clad in oak and cedar clapboards, while the front door led
directly into a lobby.
Whilst the home was relatively modest to begin with, John was a man of some means.
Apparently, his trade was manufacturing spinning wheels, and these vital pieces of technology
were in high demand.
And as the Fairbanks family's fortunes grew, so too did their Dedham home.
Although the first stage of the house is thought to have been completed in 1641, the Fairbankses
continued adding to their property over the years.
At some point, extra space was created with the construction of a lean-to towards the
back of the building.
Then, a new wing was added to the eastern side of the home.
In about 1654 the Fairbankses added a west wing to their home.
However, it was to be the last addition that John himself would oversee.
Fourteen years later, the head of the family died, leaving the house at Dedham to John,
his eldest son.
A successful businessman like his father, John grew the family's fortunes and eventually
purchased another house in nearby Wrentham.
When John died in 1684 his two youngest sons – Joseph and Benjamin – inherited the
house at Dedham.
And while Benjamin took a share of the attached farmland, Joseph moved into the family home.
For two generations, the property was passed down through the Fairbanks family, until one
son decided to let his brothers buy him out.
By then it was 1755, and the house came into the ownership of Samuel, Israel, John and
Ebenezer Fairbanks.
But Ebenezer soon bought the shares held by his brothers, making him the sole owner of
the property.
And it was during this period that some of the most significant alterations took place.
Beginning towards the end of the 18th century, a series of modifications were made to the
Fairbankses' house.
First, another wing was added on the east side, followed by an extension that created
a larger parlor.
Then, a new wing was constructed on the west of the property.
Back then, the Fairbankses were prosperous, and luxurious additions such as wallpaper
adorned the house.
But as Ebenezer grew older, he handed responsibility for the house over to his son – and the
family's fortunes began to wane.
Without his forefathers' talent for business, Ebenezer Junior soon found himself in debt.
Sadly, it was around this time that the Fairbanks received another blow.
Jason, Ebenezer's younger brother, was found guilty of murdering his sweetheart Elizabeth
And when he was sent to the gallows in 1801, it caused a scandal that would haunt the family
for many years to come.
With the decline in the Fairbankses' fortunes, the elaborate additions to the family home
drew to a halt.
As time passed, in fact, the only concession made to modern living was a privy, installed
in 1881.
Aside from that, the house remained stuck in the past, without luxuries such as electricity
or running water.
By that time, the house had passed to the female line of the Fairbanks family.
After Ebenezer's wife Mary died, her three daughters inherited the home.
And when they passed on without any children, a niece, Rebecca, took over ownership of the
Eventually, in 1904 she was forced to leave for good.
That wasn't the end of the story, however.
In 1905 John's descendants formed the Fairbanks Family in America organization and purchased
the property, turning it into a museum.
Today, it is open to the public, giving visitors a taste of life in a bygone age.
And every year, members of the family return for a reunion in their ancestral home.
Over the years, many different rumors have emerged about the old house.
They included the claim that parts of it were imported from England when John and Grace
first arrived on American shores.
However, analysis of the property's wooden beams has determined that the earliest parts
date from 1637, a year after the Fairbankses arrived in Dedham.
Despite this, the Fairbanks House still enjoys a singular claim to fame.
As the oldest timber-frame home in the United States, its long and colorful history has
earned it a designation as a National Historic Landmark.
And hopefully, this status will ensure that it remains for many more generations
to come.
De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 5:53.
De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise.
Robert De Niro's hatred of President Donald Trump erupted once again as he launched a
restaurant, and hotel in Spain called "Nobu," which is part of a worldwide chain he co-owns
with famous Japanese chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.
The aging actor exploded in a tirade, banning the president from every Nobu in the world.
Now, De Niro looks like a fool as Trump gave him a nasty surprise he won't forget.
Robert De Niro was once celebrated as one of the greatest actors in the world.
All that fame and celebrity went to his head, and at 74-years-old, he is consumed with rage
over Donald Trump as our president.
Every interview he gives includes De Niro losing his cool as he obsesses over Trump.
As Kellyanne Conway says, "He should pay rent to Trump for all that space he is taking
up in his head."
That's exactly what happened while De Niro was in Marabella, Spain, opening up another
"Nobu" hotel and restaurant.
Daily Mail reported, "The Taxi Driver legend, 74, spoke exclusively to MailOnline Robert
discussed his reluctance to retire, his marriage-like relationship with Chef Nobu and his strong
feelings on President Donald Trump, who he revealed would be barred from every Nobu restaurant
if he tried to enter."
De Niro said of Trump, "I don't care what he likes.
If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I'd walk out."
The expensive Nobu chain draws the biggest celebrities, and yes, the president has dined
at Nobu in the past.
Of course, it's pretty darn arrogant of De Niro to think Trump has any inclination
to dine at his restaurant now.
But that was just the start of a big brouhaha behind the scenes with his co-owner who happens
to be the world-famous chef that the Nobu chain is named after.
Nobuyuki was quick to refute De Niro during the interview, saying, "It's my dream
for Trump to sit next to Bob.
To make them sushi!"
Yep, Nobuyuki owns the name "Nobu" and is the guy who inspired the chain of restaurants,
and he just slapped De Niro with that remark.
But that's not all.
The Raging Bull star got a nasty surprise this morning thanks to President Trump: Nobu
is a supporter of the president.
Only hours after De Niro banned Trump, his PR rep comes out and retracts the ban, and
the only person who could have instigated that move is Nobu.
The Hollywood Reporter writes, "Despite the Daily Mail saying that the president would
be 'barred from every Nobu restaurant if he tried to enter,' the actor's PR rep
says it's not true."
Referring to Nobu's comment that "It's my dream for Trump to sit next to Bob.
To make them sushi," the Hollywood Reporter added, "Looks like that could still happen,
because when THR reached out to De Niro's rep for comment, he said, 'Bob has not banned
anyone from dining at Nobu.'"
Regarding the Daily Mail's story, which has been picked up by dozens of media outlets
worldwide, he added, "I know what they wrote.
No one is banned."
Good for Chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.
He made sure his nutjob partner, De Niro, got the message that his crazed obsession
and hatred for our president isn't something he or his restaurants will endorse, and I
bet that made him furious.
We checked to see if De Niro gives Trump any credit for our booming economy with the unemployment
rate at 3.9%, the lowest level in over 20 years.
Or if De Niro sees Trump as doing anything "good" in the last 18 months.
No, De Niro just 4 weeks ago gave an interview at the screening of his Showtime documentary
series called The Fourth Estate, and his motive is to "get Trump impeached."
This film is about the New York Times that De Niro sees as the "bastion of truth,"
which is an incredibly ignorant statement.
"I'm not so much concerned about Republicans believing Trump's bellowing bullsh*t about
fake news.
They're not that stupid, most of them, but they're pretty f*cking stupid," De Niro
"I'm very concerned about Republicans' gutless acquiescence to Trump dismissing facts
and creating his own alternate reality.
This will never, never be right."
De Niro added, "That's why I'm very grateful to the [New York Times] journalists
we're about to see and legitimate journalists everywhere who devote themselves to showing
us the truth."
De Niro's ignorance of the New York Times is shocking.
For the last year, their White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, featured heavily in De Niro's
film, has been knowingly reporting fake news straight from the Deep State rats.
It was just last week that the NYT had to admit Trump was right, he was spied on by
Barack Obama's FBI and DOJ.
Of course, they are still covering for the Deep State criminals helping them create a
new false narrative that the spies were really just "informants," so it wasn't really
Yeah, they can call the spies whatever they want, they were still spies.
They use word games like reporting "no spies within the Trump campaign," because the
spies didn't get hired by the Trump campaign.
See how they twist the facts?
And these are the bald-faced liars De Niro is backing as agents of truth?
For Robert De Niro and his cohorts in the mainstream media and Hollywood, a reckoning
is coming.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall as De Niro realizes his series The Fourth Estate will
go down in the history books as an example of the scourage of fake news in America.
Poor Bobby De Niro, he won't be remembered for The Godfather, he'll be remembered as
an ignorant duped tool of the Deep State swamp rats in Washington, D.C.
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Hello Stranger: "Little Old Me" | Performance Video - Duration: 4:36.
Oh, by the way
The way they came in
With neon shirts and spray-paint grins
But I don't mind the subtlety they lack
I care more about the envy they attract
And oh
And they're lucky the old days are gone and done
Because in those days bastards were thrown in the mud
I said
Something's gone wrong, but I cannot see
They're lucky they're just dealing with little old me
Because something's gone wrong
Just listen to see
Their folded arms embrace the cold, but that's just little old me
Oh, by the way they stare at the band
You can see their applause were kept in their cans
I know our temple isn't much to behold
But take off your shoes in this holiest of holes
And oh
And they're lucky the old days are gone and done
Because in those days bastards were thrown in the mud
I said
Something's gone wrong, but I cannot see
They're lucky they're just dealing with little old me
Because something's gone wrong
Just listen to see
Their folded arms embrace the cold, but that's just little old me
There's nothing I've been looking for
There's nothing I've seen I haven't seen before
There's nothing I've been living for
There's nothing I've done I couldn't do for more
There's nothing I've been looking for
There's nothing I've seen I haven't seen before
There's nothing I've been living for
There's nothing I've done I couldn't do for more
Something's gone wrong, but I cannot see
They're lucky they're just dealing with little old me
Because something's gone wrong
Just listen to see
Their folded arms embrace the cold, but that's just little old me
Because something's gone wrong and I cannot see
They're lucky they're just dealing with little old me
Because something's gone wrong
Just listen to see
Their folded arms embrace the cold, but that's just little old me
Nolte: James Clapper Admits to 'Spying' from Inside the Trump Campaign - Duration: 3:40.
Nolte: James Clapper Admits to 'Spying' from Inside the Trump Campaign.
During a Tuesday appearance on the View, no less than the former Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper described what was done by the Obama administration
to Donald's Trump campaign as "spying."
Although Clapper said he does not like the word "spying" (considering how the disclosure
of this spying has blown up in the Obama administration's face, who can blame him?), he still used the
word twice — because there is no other word.
Sounding rattled and defensive, even though he was among friends, Clapper, a left-wing
partisan who served as DNI during the Obama administration, attempted to spin the "spying"
into something that was for Trump's own good and the good of the country.
"With the informant business, well, the point here is the Russians," Clapper volunteered.
"Not spying on the campaign but what are the Russians doing?
And in a sense, unfortunately, what they were trying to do is protect our political system
and protect the campaign."
View co-host Joy Behar asked, "Trump … claims it's spying.
Other people say it's a whistleblower or informant — he says it's spying, it's
bigger than Watergate.
So I ask you, was the FBI spying on Trump's campaign?"
Again describing what happened as "spying," Clapper said the "spying" was done on
the Russians, not on the Trump campaign (as I will explain below, this is simply not true).
"No, they were not," Clapper replied.
"They were spying on, a term I don't particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing.
Trying to understand were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage
or influence which is what they do."
It is fascinating watching the anti-Trump media attempt to hurl semantics as a means
to smear Trump as a liar for calling straight-up spying spying.
This social media back-and-forth between Aaron Blake, an anti-Trump activist for the far-left
Washington Post, and Fox News's Brit Hume, shows you just how foolish the media are willing
to look to pretend the Obama administration did not spy on the Trump campaign, even though
that is now a proven fact.
In utter desperation, and while hoping no one would notice the word "usually," Blake
foolishly tried to rescue himself with the dictionary:
What's more, Blake and Clapper attempting to spin idea that the Obama administration
was spying on the Trump campaign for "friendly" purposes is beyond laughable, and we know
this was not the case for the reasons Hume points out: the Trump campaign was never informed
of this counter-intelligence operation for the simple reason that this counter-intelligence
operation had been launched against Trump and his campaign.
Moreover, have the media and the intelligence community ever sounded more desperate and
dumb as they attempt to convince Trump he should be happy his campaign was spied on
by the Obama administration?
Obama's spying was not altruistic, it was the infamous insurance policy — there is
your motive.
Predictably, though, the establishment media and their confederates in the Deep State are
always more than willing to look stupid and petty in service to their precious Barry Obama.
But the American people are not going to buy this propaganda any more than they buy the
other nonsense sold of late by the fake news media.
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