The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind for foreign policy here in the United States.
First and foremost, Donald Trump pulls us out of the upcoming Peace Summit that he was
supposed to have with Kim Jong Un from North Korea.
I don't know what's going to happen to those 250 little summit coins they created, but
I'm willing to bet that now they're worthless.
Nonetheless, he pulls out of the summit, and there are several reasons why.
These stories started trickling out later in the day.
First and foremost, it's because he was afraid that North Korea was going to cancel the summit
first, so he decided to jump in and cancel it before they had the chance to cancel it.
It's that old, "You can't break up with me because I'm breaking up with you first.
I win."
That's the mentality that the President had when canceling this summit.
Second, after he announced the cancellation, in the same speech, he threatened military
action against North Korea saying that their language was too harsh towards the United
And it's not just that he threatened to go and start a war with them, it was what followed.
Because he told us that South Korea and Japan were going to pay for it.
Does that sound familiar?
Does that sound like something else Donald Trump said?
Maybe like with the wall in Mexico was going to pay for it.
Now he wants to go start a war and South Korea and Japan are going to pay for it.
This is not going to end well.
Donald Trump has proven that from the start because he is an incredibly incompetent President.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
He doesn't know how to make these foreign policy deals even though he says he's a great
deal maker.
He sucks.
He sucks at diplomacy.
He sucks at being President of the United States.
First and foremost, he should never have scheduled this meeting to begin with.
This is why past Presidents didn't do it because you don't legitimize a dictator.
Even in his letter to Kim Jong Un announcing that he was canceling the meeting, he called
him Supreme Leader.
Come on!
You're acknowledging the self-imposed title that this brutal dictator gave to himself.
You're legitimizing him.
And now you're showing the world that you're afraid of him.
My God!
Everything you do is wrong.
I didn't think that was possible for a human being.
You know the old saying, "That even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut," that doesn't
even apply to you because you're so incredibly incompetent here.
You're going to end up in a war with North Korea.
I think that is the end game here.
And I think John Bolton in your ear is pressing you to do that.
Because there's no other reason for you to cancel a peace summit in one sentence, and
then in the next sentence threaten to go to war with this country who is doing nothing
more, according to you, than just using harsh language against the country.
Harsh language.
That's not how diplomacy works.
That's not how the Presidency works.
But of course, you don't care because the only reason you even took this job to begin
with is because you wanted to make more money from it and you wanted to stoke you very fragile
male ego.
For more infomation >> Donald Trump REALLY Sucks At Being President - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Snoop Dogg Swapped Matthew McConaughey's Prop Weed for Real Weed - Duration: 1:09.
10 Weird Things to Do in New York City - Duration: 7:34.
Outboard Engine Maintenance Predeparture Check: Every Use | BoatUS - Duration: 2:17.
Hey there, folks.
Lenny Rudow here from BoatUS Magazine.
Today we've come to Annapolis Boat Sales, and the reason we've come here is because
we've got Benny Quinn, a master tech.
This guy knows what he's talking about when it comes to outboards, and we are going to
look at a checklist today of everything you need to do before you tow your boat to the
ramp, before you start it up and go for a run ... whatever you're doing.
In addition, of course, to what it says in your owners manual.
So, Benny, tell me.
What is the very first thing you should do?
First thing, Lenny, you do is you pull your dipstick out, wipe it off as you come out.
This is the proper way to do it.
Stick it back in and then take your reading and make sure that your level is correct.
Next thing you want to check, Lenny, is make sure that your mounting bolts are not loose,
corroded, or damaged in any way.
You also want to check back in here that the head of the bolt is not sucking into the transom
and cracking the gelcoat.
Next thing you want to check, Lenny, is you want to make sure your prop and your skeg
are in good shape.
Now, what happens if you see something like this?
Uh, chances are you have internal damage in your lower unit.
Hey, Lenny, bring me that cowling.
Why in the world do you need this?
Well, birds will come up in here and build a nest there, Lenny, and it blocks the airflow
to the engine.
So, that's actually something you want to check before every trip?
Next thing, Lenny, when you get the boat to the water, you want to make sure that your
telltale is putting out water cause it could mean that either your water pump impeller
is going bad or you have an insect that actually got up in there and made a nest.
If no water's coming out.
If no water is coming out.
And that is the last in our initial list of checks that you've gotta do each and every
time you run this boat.
Now, of course we have another checklist for 20 hours, 50 hours, and at 100 hours.
We hope you've enjoyed this video, and we hope you'll leave your comments below.
Please also don't forget if there are any other topics you would like BoatUS Magazine
to address, just say the word.
And we hope you'll subscribe to the BoatUS YouTube channel.
Mio MiVue C380 Dual video recorder with GPS and radar - review review - Duration: 20:07.
Democrats Refuse to Say This One Word, So Trump Goes Trolling on Twitter - Duration: 4:32.
Democrats Refuse to Say This One Word, So Trump Goes Trolling on Twitter.
As news breaks over Barack Obama's FBI during the 2016 election, the Democrats are reeling.
Trying to deny the facts, they refuse to use to say this one word.
However, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to roast their dishonest little shorts.
It has been an interesting week.
We are discovering just what Obama's administration was doing to undermine our democracy.
News has come out that his DOJ and FBI were abusing their power to attack the Trump campaign.
The DOJ acquired a FISA, based on shoddy information.
This is a clear violation of Trump and his team's rights.
But it only gets worse from there.
We now know that the FBI used an informant to monitor the Trump campaign.
This figure was paid by the bureau to infiltrate Trump's team.
The FBI's hope?
That they'd find dirt on Trump that would derail his chances.
The politicized FBI tried to steal our election for Hillary Clinton.
Let that sink in.
Despite this bombshell news, liberals pretend nothing happened.
They claim it was business as usual.
Of course!
Because the FBI is perfectly within its rights to violate an American's Constitutional
It was over a fake dossier to boot!
This massive scandal is bigger than Watergate.
Already, Trump's DOJ is opening up numerous investigations.
Heads are sure to roll very soon.
Yet still, the cronies in the liberal media refuse to use the one word that perfectly
sums up what the FBI was doing, and Trump knows it.
So, he took to Twitter this morning to really dig it into them.
In a series of early morning tweets on Friday, President Trump mocked the Democrats for refusing
to use the term "spy" in reference to the informant who was allegedly paid hundreds
of thousands by the federal government in part to try to "ensnare" the Trump campaign.
Trump also worked in an MS-13 reference for good measure.
Trump then tweeted a quote from Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway: "Everyone
knows there was a Spy, and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting
that there was a Spy…Widespread Spying involving multiple people."
But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story!" Trump added.
The president then pivoted to slamming the Democrats for "rooting against" the U.S.
in the negotiations with North Korea and connected it to their response to his condemnation of
the brutal MS-13 gang as "animals."
[Source: Daily Wire] It's really quite staggering to think of
what the Democrats tried to do.
They abused their power to prevent Trump from winning the election.
And they would have gotten away with it, had there been even a shred of truth to their
Russian claims.
Only because Trump is an honest man, with zero ties to Russia, did the Democrats fail.
Obama's FBI did everything in their power to stop Trump from winning.
They used every dirty trick the left could come up with.
And now, as the bones are spilling out of the closet, their goons in the media try to
cover it up.
They can't admit the FBI "spied" on Trump.
That would be admitting to a serious crime.
Our law enforcement cannot monitor American citizens without cause.
They need to acquire warrants from judges, only after proving there are crimes being
But where were the crimes within the Trump campaign?
There were none.
James Comey's FBI used a false dossier to spy on Trump's campaign.
It was a deliberate attempt at robbing us of our democracy.
But the left's stubborn dishonesty is not getting Trump down.
He thrives on this.
The more pathetic the left becomes, the more he can hold it over their head.
As we discover more about the Democratic Party's corruption, Trump is having a field day mocking
The damn has broken.
The truth is finally coming out.
The left is in full panic mode.
They will do anything to stop this tidal wave.
But it's way too late for that.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
New T-Rex Dinosaur vs Raptors 4 Untamed Raptors Unboxed! Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex Dinosaur Surprise - Duration: 19:40.
Wow keep watching to see what happens when our dinosaurs from Jurassic world
won Jurassic world - and Jurassic Park get together to play with the Raptor
fingerling Wow awesome check it out and there might be a battle
watch for haha it's like a puppet factory check this out Wow who is
knocking at the door what do you have for us scary dinosaur oh he is scary
New T-Rex Dinosaur vs Raptors 4 Untamed Raptors Unboxed! Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex Dinosaur Surprise
oh no he's gonna get us quick quick quick inside inside hurry up we're gonna
close the door he's gonna get us
wow he's went ahead and sent me these awesome dinosaur toys they are the ones
they came out with fingerlings and these are fingerlings they sent me
all four of the awesome dinosaurs to review for you guys so this one this is
their untamed series it says untamed my name is blaze careful and then this one
is my name is razor careful and then they sent me my name is fury
like I said that app for different fun this sent me this awesome box is in
danger keep patch close there's another Dino in
there his name is stealth I'll show you him in one moment and then
they also sent me one of the fingerlings to compare for you guys this is baby
monkey so all of these makes out to go on your finger and they are awesome
here it says join whoa ease and unleashing the untamed Raptors ok let's
go ahead check these out so first of all they sent me this awesome box to this
untamed ferocious your fingertips then you look at the front it's a danger keep
that closed so I will open the hatch and we have another one inside it says my
name is stealth and then they gave a bunch of like green confetti grass and a
big bag of dinosaur bones candy oh look big bag this looks like dinosaur gummy
bears Wow anything else in here ok I'm gonna have to get rid of this confetti
so we could put our dinos in here and store them okay so all our dinos are
happy now they each get a little baby Raptor here is the indominus rex is just
go ahead this guy likes that he's talking to the
Rex like it's his mother and then here is our Jurassic world
falling Kingdom t-rex he's got his own little rats are here who is hanging on
to his nose and talking to him okay then in the back there we got our Thrasher
t-rex with his blaze Raptors Oh razors so let's go ahead activate this guy Rex
has a little baby he's just carrying around a little baby Dino
that is so cool so our dinosaurs from Jurassic Park in Jurassic world one into
our happy little baby Raptors cute okay and I got our Park all
set up for our dinosaurs there we've got the chaos effect Thrasher t-rex from
Jurassic Park we got our t-rex from Jurassic world the gates of Jurassic
Park in an exploding volcano we okay so the first one I'm going to open up is
stealth this is careful I jump Raptor
fingerlings says I jump and growl I react to your touch I'm alive moving
head and eyes my name is stealth now you see me now you don't awesome let's open
it up so this is what's in the package before I take anything out okay then
once you turn him on here this guy comes alive
so he is like always moving you could see his eyes move in there too but he
does react to your touch if you touch him here you make different sounds in
different animations or if you rub him on the back of the head here you can see
his eyes move and they do actually blink you see if I can catch a plane pretty
good see that Wow okay there we go the lucky of links
blinked down like that there these guys are awesome
it's got the big Raptor claws it's got arms to hold your finger here you can
see the back of it so these are really cool I like this one this one is still
okay that our next finger link is my name is razor so these are all Raptors
is the same in the back so I'm just gonna go ahead rip this guy open and
that's what's in there before I take anything out okay and then this one is
razor you can see the other one continues to talk in the background
there so if you touch him it almost looks like he's sleeping and eyes are
closed let's see if we can wake him up
okay I was just saying his eyes aren't opening but yeah they did okay so this
one is purple and green you can see he's moving his head chomping his ball you
could also put your finger in his mouth and he actually bites you so these
things are really cool but anyways this guy is oh I guess you thought your
fingers if fall over so let's get this guy a finger to go on and maybe they'll
talk to each other I think there sounded motion activated
so it looks like they're actually talking to each other
so we'll put those two guys back there and go ahead check out the next one the
next one says my name is fury careful I chop of all so this is Yuri same back so
let's go ahead rip this guy open and check him out okay so Barry is really
cool and here we have three free from the package he's ready to go let's go
ahead hit him let me tell you one thing guys I think these are gonna be the hot
toy of this Christmas check these out it's like the fingerlings what for my
opinion way cooler so this guy's got like a
green mild blue eyes orange and gray head he's got the big Raptor claws again
you could hold your finger and like I said they could talk to each other so
oh this one farted yeah let's get them motion activated oh you guys you're
gonna have fun with these guys this year
yeah okay and then they have one more this is blaze you can see looks like a
fire if you asked me out of all of them this guy is the coolest tool okay let's
check this out guys they did a great job with these fingerlings toys they are so
if you're gonna buy any toy this year I would definitely go with these because
they are so let's go ahead turn Flay's on here and fight him to the family
let's give a good heading this guy sure like to be passed
see him blink his eyes I love his red eyes and that is blaze so
you got the same Raptor claw a different lock looks almost like he's on fire and
that is probably why he's called blaze so let's take a look at all four of
these let's see if all four of them will continue to talk haha Wow I don't know
if I have enough if I could fit all four haha it's like a puppet factory check
this out that is so cool
and precise comparison I got a regular fingerlings this is a baby monkey this
is 40 plus sounds so let's go ahead and check out size comparison to the baby
monkey Wow okay so here is the baby monkey
this one does talk open its eyes close its eyes fits nicely on your finger so
awesome and size comparison you can see the Raptors are bigger than the regular
fingerlings now I'm gonna take these guys and feed in some of the bones
candies that they gave us Wow these like they have like blood on the balls let's
see what happens oh I think he likes that one come on and
you look they like their candy I'm gonna try one myself let's see what these
tastes like
it tastes really good hi they're making like contented choices the others want
candy too oh no this one once the candy tail we're gonna have to give this one
and candy too and the fourth one wants to candy too
Wow could I fit them all in my hand let's see oh that one's got a candy too
and this one has lost his candy so let's go ahead get this guy kids in they all
four have candy oh the dinosaurs each one their own fingerling what are we
gonna do guys guys stop stop stop stop stop
there's enough fingerlings for each of you come on
each of you grab one lakh indominus rex here is going to get place to fit right
on his hand over there okay so indominus rex is happy she's
going over here to play with her new toy and then t-rex here oh he's got tiny
little hands we're we gonna put this raptor haha let's see if we could put
him right on the T Rexes nose let's see it feel thick haha he fits right there
on the T Rexes nose how cool is that okay let's see what else we got
oh no he comes the other big indominus rex in the chaos effect thresher they're
battling for more than are they gonna beat each other no stop
guys I have fingerlings for you two okay so
for the rampage indominus rex you'll get right here on his arm that should fit
yeah he's happy he gets his own little baby Raptor here he gets it right there
on his arm check that out okay so he's happy uh-oh we better make our casts
Effect one happy quick before he starts attacking everything so with this one I
think we could put one right on to his nose here gonna hang by his tail right
off the t-rex is mouth or maybe we could hang him off the T Rexes arm oh just
barely so you could hang these on your backpack - there we go
ladies is safe again so he's talking to his Raptor friend
so the Thrasher t-rex yes Raptor and then our rampaging t-rex over here yes
okay now it's time for our dinos to put their toys away in the toy box
was totally awesome if you like these Raptor fingerlings I will put a link
below the video where you could buy some for yourself yes thanks for viewing this
video if you enjoyed it please go ahead click like drop me comments also let me
know what else Godzilla Keep Calm transformers power rangers
Ninja Turtles e is a lot more keep watching
or go to my channel to check out my playlist or if you just wanna see more
fallen kingdom toys wait to this video and to check out the playlist you guys
are all stuff and I will see you tomorrow
and today's secret word is the word glad I put that in the comment section down
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Grassley Holds DAMNING Evidence That Could Link Obama Directly to #Spygate Scandal - Duration: 3:06.
Grassley Holds DAMNING Evidence That Could Link Obama
Directly to #Spygate Scandal.
Senator Chuck Grassley is getting closer to linking the #Spygate scandal directly to Obama's
Oval Office.
Grassley is continuing to put the squeeze on the DOJ to hand over unredacted evidence
and cited the Strzok text which read "White House is running this" as means for the
DOJ to release ALL the evidence.
From Fox News
A top Senate Republican is challenging the Justice Department over extensive redactions
made in files showing text messages between anti-Trump FBI officials Peter Strzok and
Lisa Page.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, drew particular attention
to one text that suggested the Obama "White House is running this," in reference to
an unspecified investigation.
But, like in so many of the files, a name was redacted and the context was unclear,
though one report suggests that was related to the Russia probe.
In a letter sent Wednesday to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Grassley called for
all redactions to be removed.
"The manner in which some redactions have been used casts doubt on whether the remaining
redactions are necessary and defensible," Grassley wrote.
He sent the letter following two sessions for committee staff to view less-redacted
versions of the texts between Strzok and now-former FBI official Page.
Both officials previously worked on Robert Mueller's Russia probe and ran into trouble
when their anti-Trump messages were revealed.
In his letter, Grassley said that, "When viewing the still redacted portions in context
with the unredacted material, it appeared that the redacted portions may contain relevant
information relating to the Committee's ongoing investigation into the matter in which
the Department of Justice and FBI handled the Clinton and Russia investigations."
As two examples of texts with unexplained redactions, he mentioned a text that had redacted
the price of former deputy director Andrew McCabe's "$70,000 conference table"
as well as the "text about the Obama White House 'running' an investigation, although
it is unclear to which investigation they were referring."
Grassley added: "I am unaware of any legitimate basis on which the cost of a conference table
should be redacted.
Embarrassment is not a good enough reason."
Fox News has viewed the less-redacted text message Grassley referred to regarding the
White House's supposed involvement in an investigation.
"Went well, best we could have expected.
Other than [REDACTED] quote, 'the White House is running this.'," Strzok wrote
to Page on Aug. 5, 2016.
"My answer, 'well, maybe for you they are.'"
Page replied: "Yeah, whatever (re WH comment).
We've got emails that say otherwise."
What do you think about this?
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Trump Has HAD IT! - Duration: 15:58.
Trump Has HAD IT!
Sarah Sanders Announces They're ALL Banned From WH Effective NOW!
The White House has now decided that staffers and guests will no longer be able to use personal
cell phones in the West Wing.
The announcement came right after a book came out against the Trump Administration in January
which was rumored to be a tell-all book of the inner-workings of the Trump Administration.
One that prompted President Donald Trump to threaten Steve Bannon with legal action since
the book is full of quotes from him.
NBC News reported the White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as saying:
"The security and integrity of the technology systems at the White House is a top priority
for the Trump administration.
Therefore, starting next week the use of all personal devices for both guests and staff
will no longer be allowed in the West Wing," she said.
"Staff will be able to conduct business on their government-issued devices and continue
working hard on behalf of the American people."
But what Press Secretary Sanders declined to answer was whether the White House personal
cell phone ban will also apply to the President's devices.
Instead, she answered "As always we do not discuss specific security measures around
the president,"
This is a measure which has been in talks since early November of last year when the
media started to suffer from leaks which no one other than White House staff could have
been responsible for.
This ban announcement followed the release of the now mostly discredited book "Fire
and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," by Michael Wolff, which went on to reveal
widespread dysfunction and infighting inside the administration.
Perhaps one of the most damaging parts in the book is where Steve Bannon referred to
a meeting of Trump campaign officials with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower during the
presidential campaign "treasonous" and "unpatriotic."
Which prompted an attorney for the President to threaten him with legal action since he
violated a written confidentiality and nondisparagement agreement the moment he spoke to Wolff.
Funny how after Bannon was fired the leaks from the White House stopped cold.
Never again did we hear about any other problem within the White House, either with the president
or-or staff.
Here is more on this mess via Bloomberg:
"The White House may ban its employees from using personal mobile phones while at work,
raising concerns among some staffers including that they'll be cut off from family and
friends, according to seven administration officials.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly complained about press leaks since taking office, but
one official said the potential change isn't connected to concerns about unauthorized disclosures
to news organizations.
The proposed ban is instead driven by cybersecurity concerns, the officials said.
One official said that there are too many devices connected to the campus wireless network
and that personal phones aren't as secure as those issued by the federal government.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly — whose personal phone was found to be compromised
by hackers earlier this year — is leading the push for a ban, another official said.
The officials requested anonymity to discuss the proposal because it's not final.
The White House already takes precautions with personal wireless devices, including
by requiring officials to leave phones in cubbies outside of meeting rooms where sensitive
or classified information is discussed.
Top officials haven't yet decided whether or when to impose the ban, and if it would
apply to all staff in the executive office of the president.
While some lower-level officials support a ban, others worry it could result in a series
of disruptive unintended consequences.
Mobile devices issued by the White House aren't able to send text messages, creating a hardship
for staff who say texting is often the easiest way for their families to reach them in the
middle of a busy day of meetings.
Other staff are concerned that they could be accused of wasting government resources
if they use White House-issued phones to place personal calls.
The White House computer network already blocks employees from accessing certain websites,
including Gmail and Google Hangouts, meaning that without personal devices officials could
be cut off from their personal email accounts throughout the work day.
People opposed to the idea also note that government record-keeping requirements mean
that records of personal calls placed to and from a government mobile phone would be archived
and eventually made public.
Security priorities may override those concerns.
Mobile phone security has been a persistent issue for the White House, and at times some
top officials have also worried about staff using their personal devices to communicate
with news reporters.
In October, Politico reported that White House officials believed Kelly's personal mobile
phone had been compromised for months, raising the prospect that foreign adversaries may
have gained access to data on the device.
Staffers were also instructed not to use their personal or regular work mobile phones during
Trump's trip to China earlier this month.
Instead, they were assigned "burner" phones in case they became compromised by a cyber
In the early months of the administration, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer
demanded members of his staff turn over their mobile phones for random checks to see if
they had leaked damaging information to the media.
Spicer warned his staff that using encrypted messaging apps like Signal and Confide were
violations of the Presidential Records Act.
Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus proposed a ban on personal mobile phones before
he left his post in July, a person familiar with the matter said.
His aim was to crack down on use of personal phones to conduct official business, the person
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*barking in distance*
"You hear birds?"
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