A lot of foods - generally considered healthy - can present hidden dangers.
Here are the worst foods for your health (and your kidneys) you wouldn't suspect.
Hello and welcome, this is Katherine from 00Kidney!
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If you care about your health you may already know that there are a lot of different ways
to damage it without even noticing.
I'm talking about Genetically Modified Organism foods.
You know what is the worst part about GMO foods?
That nobody really knows they're eating them.
And probably, you're eating them too.
On a daily basis.
In the US, only 26% of the population believe that they ever came in contact with GMOs,
according to a recent study.
But, if we go shopping for groceries, almost anything we're going to buy contains GMOs.
This is what the Grocery Manufacturers Association states.
According to their estimates 70 to 80% of "all" the food we eat in the US contains GMOs.
This is shocking.
Ok, not so shocking if you think about how good looking fruits and vegetable on the shelves
are compared to those you grow in your garden.
And, while in Europe GMOs are regulated and labeled, in the US it is really hard to distinguish
between organic and modified fruits and vegetables.
Yes, GMO foods have been around for decades, but almost nobody knows enough about them.
And for decades, this was even true for the food industry.
They're basically experimenting on an unaware population.
Nowadays, there is a lot more info about GMOs, and not everything is bad.
still, there are a lot of concerns.
Especially for people suffering from kidney disease and other chronic diseases.
For example: the process of altering the genomes in the plant's DNA can increase the presence
of toxins, allergens and anti-nutrients.
GMO soybeans have been observed with sky high levels of soy allergens, up to seven times
more than organic soybeans.
Another concern regards the increasing GMO contamination of organic crops.
This is especially relevant for corn cultivation, since it is cross-pollinated, meaning that
the pollen is transferred by wind or insects.
Preventing the stronger GMO pollen from contaminating organic crops seems almost impossible.
And, even when everything else goes fine, one of the declared main goals of the GMO
industry is to make plants more resistant to herbicides and pesticides.
So they can use more of those in the crops.
And guess what, most herbicides and pesticides are classified as carcinogenic, probably carcinogenic
or tumor promoters by the World Health Organization.
And still, Genetically Modified Organisms have some advantages.
They are cheaper to farm and, in some cases, have better nutritional value.
They also look better on the shelves.
I know all this information can look confusing and scary, especially when you realize that
all the healthy food you're eating is genetically modified.
My personal opinion?
Until we get more significant tests and studies on the safety of GMOs, I'll just keep buying
certified organic foods.
This is all for today!
If you liked this video, please like and subscribe!
Feel free to ask any question in comment section or in our blog newhopeforkidneypatients.com.
Thank you for watching!
For more infomation >> The MOST DANGEROUS Foods You Eat EVERY DAY - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:52.
Our starting point is once again Pyongyang and Washington's multi-pronged diplomatic
All possibly designed to assist with preparations for the summit between their leaders, originally
set to be held on June 12 in Singapore.
Moments ago, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted North Korea's former intel chief Kim Yong-chol
... is heading to New York Lee Ji-won updates us on the rapid developments.
North Korea and the United States seem to be getting closer to finally announcing that
the first ever Pyongyang-Washington summit *will in fact be held.
The Vice Chairman of the North's Workers' Party, Kim Yong-chol , who is also in charge
of the regime's United Front Department, arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning to fly to the U.S.
According to South Korea's Yonhap News, citing sources in China, Kim's name is on the list
of people taking a flight to New York on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Sources in China say Kim will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
This would be the third time for the two diplomats to meet.
Also in Beijing with Kim was the official in charge of North American affairs at Pyongyang's
foreign ministry, Choe Kang-il.
The two initially booked a New York-bound flight leaving Tuesday afternoon but postponed
it to the next day.
The change in schedule was likely because of a meeting arranged between Kim and Chinese
officials at the airport on Tuesday.
The same sources say Kim and Pompeo are expected to put together the final pieces for the summit,...
and reaffirm the North's efforts to denuclearize and the States' effort to guarantee Pyongyang's
Meanwhile late Monday, an eight-member delegation from the North is said to have landed in Singapore,
according sources there, to meet their U.S. counterparts.
The North Koreans are led by the Secretariat of the regime's State Affairs Commission,
Kim Chang-son, a top logistics and protocol official.
The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,
led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, arrived in the Southeast Asian city-state
earlier that day.
Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected
to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocol and specific venues and itineraries
for Kim Jong-un and President Trump.
Representatives of the U.S. and North Korea are also to resume their meeting at the inter-Korean
border village of Panmunjom on Wednesday.
Those delegations are led respectively by former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and
former nuclear negotiator Sung Kim,... and North Korea's Choe Son-hui, who serves as
the regime's vice foreign minister and is a former director of her ministry's North
American department.
The talks began on Sunday but, according to diplomatic sources, they did not convene on
Monday and Tuesday.
The same sources say the two are expected to have worked on the summit's agenda and
other details.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Nach Abstieg: Fußballer (23) wird erstochen! - Duration: 2:26.
Scientists Confirmed This Is The World's #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack and Stroke - Duration: 4:14.
99gpslogin registration for free | Settings and ST-901 Secret Commands - Duration: 26:56.
GOODBYE TODOIST?!? My Switch... - Duration: 12:51.
Hello and welcome back to the Keep Productive YouTube channel
Today's video. I wanted to share with you guys a little bit more about myself to do this usage
It's changed pretty dramatically over the last
Three or four months and and what I wouldn't do today is maybe give you a sort of taster
Into how I sort of have been exploring it just before we dive in I wanted to answer
Some YouTube comments so you can always skip ahead to the today's part if you want because stick around for these comments
The dunno whether I'm gonna get any glare on with glasses here, I'm just going to grab a few comments
I had a comment from Miguel in the comments. I'm not gonna try and pronounce his last name because it would go hideously wrong
But he asked and I did put a full response back. If you do want to check. It's on the LD calendar video
He but I'm back on Google Calendar any suggestions on a calendar with
Tasks that works with iPhone iPad and has a web version
Or am I asking too much? That's a great question and there were a lot of calendar applications out there
A lot of them don't necessarily have the task function
Some of them don't have the web function and some of them aren't solely iOS
So it's hard when it comes to calendar apps, of course, we all love sunrise and that was a great application
My recommendation to you would probably be calendars five
And using Google Calendar, that's personally what I use so you can use calendars five on your iPhone or iPad
and you can use the task function they have there and also use Google Calendar for web which is a really great calendar and will
Sync if that is your native calendar application or calendar experience via Google Fire
They have calendars five on your phone. What a quite lucky about calendars five is the viewing options and it just looks very great
But there are a few other alternatives if you wanted to just focus solely on web stuff then son
sama is pretty good when it comes to
visually planning stuff or you could go for some of the default ones like Google calendars and use Google to
Google Tasks to plot out your tasks. That's just another option
Let's find another comet. Okay, so Daniel hurt snow
asks on the Google Tasks video
Can I share one of my Google Tasks list with another person whereby each person will be able to review and edit the same list
Not right now. I haven't seen this function available in the application. They don't even have a web version yet
So they've almost soft launched this quite heavily
So I would just wait around for this function and sure Microsoft to do has this function yet
But there it's on the horizon for that application. So do stick around
I had a comment
From swag antic and Allah man doubt. I'm gonna ruin names here
So they asked does evident plus option still exist
That was a good question
Because I actually didn't never know if this notion video and actually saw while I was doing the pricing in it
Maybe like a week off that a plus pricing is now gone
You've only got your basic which is free and you got premium and business
So they've eliminated that one and they've made the disconnect between those two different
I don't know whether those users who have it still are still running
But to be honest if you want to get my opinion on it now looking back. I think the Plus version was pretty
Much of a waste of time. It was more to capture people there were
like not willing to pay the
Almost 50 pound a year price and to sort of go in the middle ground. So as you can imagine a thing that's changed
So now we've got through the comments. Maybe we can dive into the the good to do this stuff
Francesco needs their it knows how to keep
Here we are with the dis part you're probably wondering because it's quite a catchy title goodbye todoist
And I've have tried to hit this over the last couple of weeks
But for a total of almost three months I did leave todoist now
I'm I'm gonna have to take you back to maybe when I left University at this time last year
and moved into freelancing and during that period of time I
had of course a new mission to some extent I was doing freelancing during university, but
when it came to like my projects in my tasks they were
I guess
Changed because I was able to do freelancing a lot more can able to get my hands stuck in if you know what I mean
And go a bit further. So as you can imagine
My sort of role change to some extent in making it a bit more serious towards that role
So during this period of time I think it was maybe January this year
2018 I actually decided I was like, okay. I'm actually going to look at
experimenting with the - this application
for a total of three months and my goal with that move would essentially be to
try and take myself out of the
to-do list todoist routine in terms of my setup and also try and
Understand how my workflow works now. I'm working freelance full-time if that makes sense
So I and let's be I've been using to do this for four or five years now
I've not been someone that's not been, you know switching between applications
It definitely has taken me a lot of time to get this to get to this point
So I basically if January was like, okay, I need to move
I spent a couple of months working out what that application would be and also working out
What's a timing I would do and I decided that from sort of March time to ran about now would be a good time to
experiment with that application
terms of giving myself a two to three months runway with the application where I would fully dedicate my time now then
Application was things three
And that was things through for Mac and iOS
Now I obviously narrowed it down
I looked at like two tick tick a couple of other applications like to do only focus and things like that
But they really didn't fit my sort of setup. Tick. Ding was very much a bit, too
Fixed I would say to some extent and also I don't think it's there just yet. I think
Hey, that's another conversation
But OmniFocus and to do with definitely on the sort of radar but things three sort of met the balance between todoist
but also
the likes of more advanced applications that I only focus in terms of its so the vibe not rigid structure, but
Due to the elements and also sort of visual appeal
So inside of things sorry
ok would give this one a three month hit and I I made the jump and after maybe
three months I
Have to make the decision. Am I going to continue this application? Of course, I had plenty of time to work that out and
I've now come to a decision for the suspense back
They're gonna make myself a cup of tea because I heard it click and I was like, I need a cup of tea
Sorry for that
so intensive actual applications it I am now currently using I am back the todoist and
the main reason I
did go
Banquet to do it is because over that period of time I felt that things sorry actually didn't work for my sort of workflow
and I feel it worked for me in terms of like when I was doing freelance projects or work and I was like
Mmm, actually this application doesn't do this for me right now
maybe that was a combination of my
Long experience with todoist and things like that but over over this period of time. Oh this 3 to 3 months
I've been using things free I decided no, it's not suitable for me. So I just - just some clarity here
I think it is important to always evaluate the tools you use to some extent
It's almost like you know, you write down some - dues on a notepad and then after months you like go
Okay, you know do I like the spirals on my notepad?
Do I like?
The start of my notepad and you can get critical of course, but of course
It's working out the the best the best process for you over this time and what the one thing I am very happy for
during that experiment a period of time is that I have learned things about myself and
tasks and process and
general productivity to some extent about myself that I
have now applied to my now routine and it's
Unbelievable how that's changed my own day-to-day work over the last two weeks where I now being back onto duyst
It's actually become so much better
To some extent I would say that I'm glad that I did this experiment
because it's taking me out of an environment put me back into an environment and I've sort of have a feeling of
Learning and a good amount of knowledge. Now. What I want to do with you guys is
From my experience of this. I've got a few videos planned
What I have planned is I have to do this. I'm gonna do my to-do list
Set up video just to give you an idea of how a my setup has been I do these routine ones anyway
And it you know, it's at almost like my fourth or fifth year that I've been using it
So it's been a fair while I'm gonna explain my two months width in three
That's gonna be a separate video. I did like a lot of stuff in things free. I really did honestly
And I didn't like some stuff so I'm gonna go over all of that stuff. I'm gonna do to do this versus things through video
Hopefully that will be very useful especially because now I've actually used them in practice
For work and I wasn't even during that thing for a period of time to do this to paused
Literally, I obviously went through the correct procedure in taking out stuff and putting it back in
But I paused it. I'm also gonna do one
Specifically about things things that sucked in things through from your worthy video
And then I'm actually looking about a video that might help you all with the process of actually
Switching to new application and experimenting with that. So guys
Hopefully that was a interesting overview technically. Although this was a click Beatty. It was right
I did leave to do it for three months in an experimental move. That's the first time I've left it since
2012 or 13? I can't think but it's been a long time. So
Yeah, five years ish
So that that's one saying I think it's positive sometimes and I have felt the benefits of it. So hopefully these videos
Want to get back from honeymoon?
wedding on set on this coming Saturday not this Saturday next Saturday, then I actually am going to be
Giving you a full rundown and it will give me a lot of time to focus
Anyway, guys, I hope you enjoyed this video. Give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it
Let me know if you were liking this format of video
Let me know in the comments what you think about to do some things really great here, but without further ado
Thank you very much. I'll probably catch you very very soon
If you get a bit of outage from me, it's because I'm getting married. I don't know. How do you mean so?
You might not get the fastest responses, but always leave your comments. I try and get back to them as fast like anyway guys
Thanks so much for stopping by and make sure have a great week. Keep it active and I'll see you guys very very
Did You Know Why Bottled Water Bad For Health | Plastic is Dangerous to Your Health for many Reasons - Duration: 4:53.
why bottled water bad for health plastic is dangerous to your health for
many reasons BPA a component often found in plastic is a hormone disruptor that
can have a wide range of impacts on the human body including hardman imbalance
toxicity inflammation and even cancer here are 5 top most health problems
which attack by using plastic water bottles one hormone disruption and
fertility harness of the most critical component infertility in both men and
women while anatomical problems can also lead to infertility hormone problems and
other related conditions like endometriosis or most commonly
implicated in impaired fertility plastics are known hormone disruptors
that can send mixed signals causing some reproductive hormones to be
produced excessively and leading to deficiencies in others women and men
both are suspect able to this and in both cases excess estrogens can be the
culprit in reducing ability to conceive to placental and prepubescent
development while endocrine disruptors can significantly alter the ability to
consume many are able to get pregnant and have children in spite of the
presence of these chemical hormones the impact does not end there hvala fertile
development in utero along with the critical early years of a child's life
along with the critical early years of the child's life can be dramatically
altered by the communication from these hormone messengers voices seem to be the
most at risk for severe alternations before entering puberty and while
testicular development itself does not rely on hormones every other aspect of
male puberty and subsequent fertility and reproductive ability does three
cancer cancer impacts to any gender at any age and various organs tissues and
cells but researchers continue to report that the increase in estrogen II
chemicals like BPA and other plastic materials has contributed not only to
breast cancer but also testicular cancer and prostate cancer for toxicity burden
BPA and other plastic toxins have been found in blood and urine widely so
relating throughout the body the toxicity burden that accumulates over
years of exposure can impact all organs and body systems but the liver is the
primary detox organ that filters the blood and the kidneys filter the urine
when you drink a beverage that is housed in a plastic bottle you are also
drinking what the bottle is made of even water can leach particles from the
bottles especially if it has been exposed to heat or stored for a longer
amount of time reusable plastic bottles are subject to the same problems if they
are washed or dried in hot temperatures fiber weight gain and fatty tissue
storage obesity has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades and why
the definition of obesity might seem narrow
greater than 25 percent body fat in men or 30 percent in women the reality is
that many adults weigh more than they should with over 30 percent of adults in
the u.s. categorized as a base even the obesity rate in children and the 19 has
tripled in the last 50 years healthier alternatives to bottled water glass
water bottles glass water bottles tend to be the most inexpensive non plastic
alternative but they are also the easiest to break many companies sell
silicone sleeves for glass bottles that help to prevent breakage and as someone
who has personally used them that he's drop with them they are quite effective
the bonus of glass bottle is that they are easy to clean and certain eyes and
don't retain flavors of beverages the downside is that they tend to be a
little heavier and for that reason or not super child friendly to strangers
steel water bottles stainless steel water bottles are also quite popular
plastic alternatives and in contrast to glass or not breakable they come in
different shapes and sizes on door easily the most trail friendly option
unless your child is prone to throwing their bottles strainer steal bottles are
also better for keeping beverages cool or hot they are typically dishwasher
friendly although painted stainless steel may chip if exposed to repeated
washings in a dishwasher bottles are typically labeled if they
are safe or dishwasher you Strahler steel also does not retain
flavors of beverages like a plastic can thank you for watching this video like
and subscribe for more videos
Kaya Yanar: Schlimmer Schicksalsschlag wirft ihn aus der Bahn - Duration: 10:54.
New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 52 - Duration: 10:45.
Thank you for watching!
Hope you have a great time!
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After Hospitalization, Melania Surfaces On Memorial Day To Deliver Special Message - Duration: 6:00.
After Hospitalization, Melania Surfaces On Memorial Day To Deliver Special Message.
First Lady Melania Trump surfaced on Memorial Day, after taking a couple of weeks away to
recover following her recent hospitalization.
She had a special message that you won't want to miss.
After eight years of suffering through Michelle Obama, American patriots now have a First
Lady they can be proud of.
Although she's been laying low, recovering after her recent hospitalization, Melania
Trump surfaced on social media on Memorial Day.
According to Daily Caller, the First Lady sent out a special message that has millions
Melania took to Instagram to express her tremendous gratitude for those, who have made the ultimate
sacrifice for our country.
Melania honored the men and women in uniform, who have selflessly given their lives to preserve
our freedom, and her message was pure class.
"On #MemorialDay we honor the many Americans who laid down their lives for our great country.
As one nation under God, we come together to remember that freedom isn't free.
Thank you to all the service members & their families who sacrifice so much to keep us
safe," the First Lady wrote.
At a time that is so politically divisive, the First Lady's remarks transcend the noise
and speak a simple truth that all Americans should realize regardless of their political
"Freedom isn't free," she emphasized.
Those three words encompass a tremendous meaning that gathers up the immeasurable sacrifice,
made by those who truly deserve to be called heroes in our country.
On Memorial Day, we pause in solemn gratitude to pay tribute to the brave patriots, who
laid down their lives defending peace and freedom while in military service to our great
We set aside this day to honor their sacrifice, and to remind all Americans of the tremendous
price of our precious liberty.
Throughout the history of our Republic, courageous Americans have purchased our cherished freedom
with their lives.
Our 151 national cemeteries serve as the final resting place for millions of people, including
veterans from every war and conflict, many of whom died while serving our country.
We remain duty bound to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, and
to remember them with thankfulness and unwavering pride.
The fallen our treasured loved ones, friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens deserve nothing
less from a grateful Nation.
We must safeguard the legacies of our service members so that our children, and our grandchildren
will understand the sacrifices of our Armed Forces.
As a part of this effort, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is working to keep the
memories of our fallen heroes from ever fading away.
The National Cemetery Administration's Veterans Legacy Program challenges our youth, from
elementary school through college, to research and share the stories and sacrifice of their
hometown veterans, who are forever honored at VA National, State, and tribal veterans
To further ensure that our veterans' legacies are remembered and celebrated, this program
is developing an online memorialization platform that will amplify the voices of families,
survivors, and Gold Star parents and spouses as they honor our beloved veterans and fallen
service members.
Today, and every day, we revere those who have died in noble service to our country.
I call upon all Americans to remember the selfless service members who have been laid
to rest in flag-draped coffins and their families who have suffered the greatest loss.
The sacrifices of our hallowed dead demand our Nation's highest honor and deepest gratitude.
On this day, let us also unite in prayer for lasting peace in our troubled world so that
future generations will enjoy the blessings of liberty and independence.
In honor and recognition of all of our fallen heroes, the Congress, by a joint resolution
approved May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116), has requested the President issue a
proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day
as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the
people of the United States might unite in prayer.
The Congress, by Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day
as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of Remembrance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby
proclaim Memorial Day, May 28, 2018, as a day of prayer for permanent peace, and I designate
the hour beginning in each locality at 11:00 a.m. of that day as a time when people might
unite in prayer.
I further ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at
3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day.
I also request the Governors of the United States and its Territories, and the appropriate
officials of all units of government, to direct the flag be flown at half-staff until noon
on this Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the United States
and in all areas under its jurisdiction and control.
I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their
homes for the customary forenoon period.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of May, in the
year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and forty-second.
It's good to have honorable and patriotic people in the White House.
Thank God we have the chance to turn the country around under what many would consider being
the providential leadership of Donald Trump.
As the President continues to battle it out with the left, remember, we didn't ask for
an angel, just someone to slay the demons who have turned our government into a corrupt
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
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Jon Hamm & Ed Helms Think 'TAG' Can Unite the Country 🇺🇸 | CinemaCon | MTV News - Duration: 1:13.
- So here you guys are
with another piece of Oscar Bates.
I mean you guys are always cording Oscar
like there's no tonight.
- We love to be taken seriously.
(elevator bell)
- Please tell me what's going on here.
- Our group of friends has been playing
the same game of tag for thirty years.
- What?
- [Josh] Finally a movie about competitive tag.
It feels like this is long overdue.
Is this a game that has a special place in your heart?
- Uh, it does now.
- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah. (group laughing)
Is that clear?
- Yeah, we were hoping that we were
gonna do a tie in with the Olympics
and just make it an Olympic sport. That would be really fun.
- [Ed] Yeah.
- [Jon] Let's take the US men's and women's track teams.
Set 'em up. Two captains, you get to pick your team,
and then open up a stadium. Let's go!
- [Ed] And it's not even nationalities.
Like you could pick anyone
off of any team you want.
- [Josh] It kind of brings the world
together in that way.
- Exactly. Yeah, I hope that after this
movie comes out, Liberals are playing tag-
- They could tag it out.
- with Conservatives and Democrats
are playing tag with Republicans.
Everybody's playing tag together
and before they know it they're like
"Hey we're not so different after all."
- We just solved
- Everything.
- Everything. Yeah.
The Sheep of His Pasture by Apostle Grace Lubega - Duration: 7:25.
Previously in Phaneroo the Bible says that we are the Sheep of his pasture and
pasture here means message we're not just the sheep of Almighty God but we're
the Sheep of a particular kind of message. His teaching his instruction in
other words God owns his message.
The Bible says in the last days the Spirit speaks
expressly that men shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils
and they shall present them even as the doctrine of Jesus Christ so not
everything that stands on the altar is truth of course many of us weigh truth
against logic and reason but the Word of God is deeper than reason. The Bible
says and he said lo if it is yet high day neither is it time that the cattle
should be gathered together water ye the Sheep and go and feed them and they
said we cannot until all the flocks be gathered together until they roll the
stone from the well's mouth then we water the Sheep. Sheep cannot be fed, they cannot
be watered until all of them are gathered. When you read the translation
of the word gathered there it's the word "asaph", it also means to recover one from
Miriam becomes leprous one time because yes there is a rule that you shall not
marry outside your own what kinfolk and Moses goes and gets a kushite woman you
and he loved the woman and then Aaron and Miriam
the Bible says spake against Moses and they said; "Is it only through Moses that
God speaks! Doesn't he also speak through us!" They were overtaken by the
pride of hearing God too, they exalted themselves in their own works, they
established themselves in the righteousness of the fact that the Lord
spoke to them and they felt that they were qualified enough to judge another
man and that's the part where the church has
to cleanse the lepers in Matthew chapter 10 he tells us that when you go
preaching this gospel you heal the sick you cleanse the lepers you raise the
dead you cast out devils and he says freely you have been what given and
freely shall ye give. Now sheep have to be cleansed of leprosy
it cannot be cleansed under a Levitical like it can be cleansed under the Melchidezek
That is why the story gives us of the ten lepers you remember
and the Bible says Jesus tells them go to the priests that they may pronounce
you clean and what happened all of them went to the Levitical except when mother
turns back and comes back to the Melchidezek order and the nine were
healed the one was made whole
the answers of healing of the leper according to Levitical cleansing was the
pronunciation of checking a man and he is found without, it was not the
wonder-working power of taking away.
The taking away can only be done by Jesus
that's the one that makes whole
the man of rest which is Noah the Bible says he found Grace as a
result of power and Bible says in Hebrews chapter 4 we which have believed do
enter into rest as he has said I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter
into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the
world he says we which have believed do enter into rest so when a man believes
he enters into rest that is why when they put you in hospital and you're sick
they say this is a patient, they cause you to become patient to rest
I cannot be sick why because I'm a man of rest
that's why He calls it the peace that
passes all... all ... [tongues]
when they look at you they don't see why you have peace because everything around
you seems so messed up but you have peace
and when a man enters into rest, he ceases from his works
ceasing from works doesn't mean you don't work
ceasing from works means that the power and the spirit of Grace starts to work through you
it is the power of God that saves you you're not saved by what you did last week
you're not even better to them because of what you did yesterday ah you're
better today because of what He did in you
He says for by grace are ye saved through faith and not by yourselves it
is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and He says how did
your new life begin was it by working your heads off to please God or was it
by responding to God's message it's not what I do to please God no it's what
he does through me we simply responded to his love simply
it was a response that powers the other side it was calling us it was attracting
us it was irresistible it wasn't in our power to go it was in his love to draw
us for they cannot come the Bible says except he draw them. He didn't see me through
the lens of my works he sees me through the lens of Jesus Christ hallelujah
every time he looks at you he sees Jesus so he says are you going to continue
this craziness for only crazy people think they could complete by their own
efforts what was begun by God if you weren't smart enough or strong enough to
begin it how do you suppose you could perfect it how do you suppose you could
perfect it answer this question he's asking does the God who lavishly
provides you with his presence his holy spirit working things in your lives you
could never do for yourself does it do these things because of your strenuous
moral striving or because you trust Him to do them in you
when God tells Noah pitch an Ark and Noah pitches an Ark, everything outside was
going to be destroyed like we know it God gives know a vision
the man who found grace and is in rest of building this Ark and he builds it
and when it is done God enters the ark he was inside there
in that situation he's in with you come on he's not watching it from afar no he's in there
with you enjoying it all
he said whether it's Paul or Apolos, whether things present or
things to come he says for all are yours and you are Christ's
We are in the labors of a finished one all the member of gone ahead of us have
planted the seed and pasture of this message that God has already finished
concerning his works he has finished he does not desire anything from you only
to believe because there is nothing I know I can ever do enough to please a
God who is already pleased with me without faith it is impossible to please
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Should You Start Youtube in 2018? - Duration: 7:44.
Hello this is Zdenka and today's video will be all about my adventure here on Youtube.
Should you start a youtube channel in 2018?
About a year and a half ago, I signed up for figure skating lessons.
Now you might be thinking, what does it have to do with her photography channel and topic
of today's video?
Well, hold on… let me finish..
So when I started, I didn't know how to skate.
Well I knew tiny bit.
I knew how to go forward and stop.
You know going around just like on a regular public skating session.
I wanted to see my progress so I started doing these very basic videos with my phone.
I edited them on my phone and I was uploading them to youtube.
I wanted to share some of those videos with my friends, and my family and so on…
I named the video "adult figure skating" because I am not 10 anymore, I didn't do
any of the keywords, I didn't do the video description, or any of the search engine optimization stuff.
I was surprised I was getting subscribers right away to my channel.
Actually, at home we were laughing about it you know... who the hell is watching 40 years old woman
learning how to figure skate…
And because it is such a narrow niche, adult figure skating, there are not too many videos like that
of other adults learning how to skate.
learning how to figure skate. So kept posting these progress videos every single month.
After a year, when I learned lots, I created one big video called
1 year progress of adult figure skating. Now I did already SEO there and I did SEO on other videos as well.
I got lots of views, lots of subscribers out of it, lot of comments.
And I realized that it is actually highly motivating for people.
It shows that you can learn something like that in any age possible.
Some people might have hard time getting out of their couches and start being active.
And I guess when they see something like this, it gets them going. It gets them motivated and they want to try it as well.
BUT… even though the figure skating channel could do really well, if I was going to be
uploading on weekly basis, 2 or 3x a week and do all kinds of stuff there... but I really want to keep my figure skating as a hobby.
So naturally I created another channel which could act as my job channel.
I am a photographer. I do this for a very long time. I have lots of experience, I can teach, I can motivate, I can hopefully entertain as well.. perfect
match for me. Now we are getting to the
question though... is it worth starting youtube channel in 2018?
Is it too late to do this?
Did I missed the train ride?
And I've heard it all.
There are too many youtubers already doing it, there are too many photographers already on the youtube,
Everybody is joining youtube. It doesn't make sense to join anymore.
My answer is, yeah but there are also other photographers out there and it didn't stopped me
from become one, there are tons of stock photographers ou there and it didn't stop me and now I am making money…
when I was younger there were tons of other Czech really pretty girls trying to win beauty contest title.
It didn't stop me from winning it… and I have few titles...
You can succeed in youtube, you can succeed in any field outside of youtube.
All you have to do is, stay focused, educate yourself, learn how to do it, and always improve.
When it comes to youtube and my own personal experience. Only few weeks ago, I had 16 subscribers.
And yesterday, I reached my first 100 subscribers. I was wondering the whole day, how am I going to know who is the 100th subscriber?
And it is "I am Shanwein". I think I am reading it right. I am Shanwein ...
And actually that user made a little comment on one of my videos. " I am the 100th subscriber" I was very pleased. I was very happy..
thanks for subscribing to my channel. And it means lot to me that you guys are so thankful for all those videos.
When I started this channel, I had trouble speaking on camera, I just simply couldn't deliver it.
I almost had to read every single line.
My biggest challenge is English because you know it is my second language.
I had big problems with editing videos.
My skating videos were mostly edited on my phone and later in Windows Movie Maker.
but because I am a photographer, I am kind of expecting certain quality, with my photography channel.
so that software just didn't do it for me, so I pushed myself to learn new one, I am using now Hit Film Express
where I am editing all my videos past 2 weeks.
And it completely changed everything for me.
I watched tons of tutorials on how to market videos, how to get them in a better search
engine positions.
I am slowly applying it all.
I am not interested in subs for subs or buying subscribers.
I want the quality organic subscribers which truly enjoy what I am doing here.
Few weeks ago, I had only 16 subscribers…
The channel grew and it is growing…
All these obstacles I had so far only made my production, better, faster and higher quality.
So my message to you today is if you have a certain niche, like cooking for example..
you love cooking… weather you want to teach, motivate or entertain or the best combine
it all, you can find your audience here on this platform.
Just like me, you have to treat it as full time job.
Watch tons of other tutorials, learn how to do it, get better and better skills until
you reach the quality that will make you stand out from the crowd. It is not going to happen over night.
You have to be patient. Make sure you are consistent with your videos, upload them regularly.
Right now, I am doing 1 video a week for now, as it is a bit overwhelming with my other thing going
on, I am shooting weddings and other stuff on, one day I might do 2 or 3 videos a week.
Who knows? Hopefully I'll get there so let's keep the fingers crossed.
This is my message to you. Don't you give up in anything you are doing.
Youtube, photography, stock photography any other career.
Work as hard as you can…
Yes, you can start youtube channel in 2018.
So that is it for today's video.
I hope I motivated you and you are now pumped up, you are now ready to get going... to start that youtube channel or any other thing you are trying to do.
Let me know in comments below what you are pursuing.
If you are opening a youtube channel, what is your niche?
What is it going to be all about? I'd love to find out.
Feel free to share this video, give it thumps up, don't forget to subscribe for more videos
on photography tips and tutorials. I am going to be starting Vlog as well.
If you would like to request a video on a certain topic do so by commenting below as
Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time.
Cau... Ahoj…
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