hello MiciGatti and MiceGatte! this is a video a little particular because I would like
that we knew each other better here on the Miciogatto community, in fact there
I invite you to comment below this video, telling me a bit about yours
cats, when you have adopted them, as you do they call and even some anecdote about
they, and I in this video I speak to you one po of Lady and Oscar, which are my two
kittens, and I want to tell you a bit about them. She is
the Lady and he is Oscar, I am a brother and sister and this year in July 2018
they turn 8! they are two foundlings, one my friend sent me the pictures of the
litter of a stray catia close up at his house
and so I became their mother. From little ones were cute and naughty,
they destroyed the whole house for me luck then you are a bit
Even if I'm brother and sister I'm very different, both of appearance and of
character, Oscar and a mussel cat, always stuck to me, is lazy, sleepy and
awkward, the maximum of his game e lean on the top while new
the game.
He is fat and eaten and likes to do spite and his sister. You leave
cuddle in every way, the maximum of life for him are the grated crumbs
vigorous on your back, it's a cowardly cat, here you see him as he just goes to hide
he feels it's going to rain, and of course like all cats loves boxes! Ah ehmmmm
it's also a fetishist who loves feet! The Lady and more minute, it has a bit 'the character, that is
wants to cuddle only when you like it, and if you exaggerate, worse for you! The Lady loves
looking at the world from above, is agile and naughty and always needs to
interact with the game, otherwise yes bored!
Lady and Oscar among them have a relationship a little bit particular,
sometimes they hate each other, and sometimes they do by hand! My day with them begins
opening the door of my room, when they come in and give me a good morning. There
I used to sleep outside the room otherwise who slept with le
raids that they do at dawn! After pampering the pappa is awakening
of obligation, they are very hungry! as if not they had the croquettes available
all night long!
after the baby food the Lady sits down for the her nappy of beauty, while Oscar
It keeps me company while I do it Breakfast.
Also in the bathroom and you will know it well, with two cats are never alone!
But now you have to get to work for to be able to live and buy the croquettes,
but obviously always in the company of the Lady! But some break is necessary, not yes
he can work all day! Then I have them play with numerous e
fantastic games that I buy for them ....
and as you see, I am not at all interested! Even in the moment of yoga
the help of Lady and Oscar is absolutely necessary to take positions
And after so much effort during the day it's time for evening cuddles and then
everyone on the sofa to live exciting moments of intimacy!
Needless to say, I adore them are mine family!
MiciGatti, I hope he did pleasure to know a little better Lady and
Oscar and I hope this video will you we even did a little 'smile!
put a like if you liked it and subscribe to the youtube channel of MicioGatto!
See you next time hello micigatti and micegatte!
For more infomation >> Ti presento i miei gatti: ❤ Lady e Oscar ❤ e la mia vita con loro - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Popular Animated Kids Series | LA TEE DAH - Big Block - Episode 41 | Shemaroo Kids Hindi - Duration: 2:19.
Standing at attention
La tee doo, La tee dah, La tee doo, La tee dah
We're called the lovely bunch
The happy lovely bunch
from the land of La tee dah
Not much gets done
We just have fun in the land of La tee dah
We can't complain about gum drop rain
and the geese lay scrambled eggs
The flowers all around make a musical sound
and you can't help but move your legs
La tee doo
La tee dah
La tee doo
La tee dah
In the land of La tee dah the lovely land of La tee dah
We all get along just fine
Every eyeball here is googley
and our breath smells just like pine
With such polite trees saying
Thank you
And every pond having purple fish
There's a wishing well but no one wants to change a thing
So no one dares make a wish
We've climbed the mountains of far off lands
We've sailed all the seas, every one
What a beautiful world we're lucky to have
But we never forget we're from
La tee doo
La tee dah
La tee doo
La tee dah
La tee doo
La tee dah
La tee doo
La tee dah
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The Challenges of Hiring a Staff - House Cleaning - Duration: 5:43.
The challenges of hiring employees, ooh, we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by MyCleaningConnection.com
which is a resource hub for a whole bunch
of information that you need as a small business owner so that you can hire and recruit and
interview and motivate and inspire your employees so that you can grow your business.
All right, so there are some challenges when you try to hire staff for your house cleaning business.
Now, one of the reasons that it becomes a challenge is because we as house cleaners
have become so skilled at house cleaning that we've built up referrals and people are calling
us and we have more business than we possibly know what to do with.
We decide, "Hey, it's time for us to grow."
We have a completely different set of skills from house cleaning
to managing and hiring employees.
It's like being a basketball player and a football player.
They're two different sports.
They're two different sets of skills.
In house cleaning, although you might be an excellent house cleaner, you might be really
horrible at being a manager of people.
If you decide your business is of that ilk and you're about to grow and expand and you're
going to do this big thing like grow your business, what you're going to have to do
is make a commitment that you're going to buckle down and you're going to learn the
management skills of people.
When you hire people, there's a lot of management that goes on.
Instead of just cleaning and being in the field and doing what you love, now you have
to have a whole new set of skills.
You need a new set of people skills, you need a new set of interview skills.
You need another sense, which is about to understand people when they lie to you,
when they call in sick, when they have problems, when they can't get a job done.
When they said the customer said something and really the customer didn't say that.
When a customer calls you back because the work wasn't done properly, you got to know
where the truth lies and you got to know where you need to retrain.
There is a lot that's involved in managing a staff.
In order for that to become lucrative, you have to budget in your own time.
A lot of times as house cleaners we don't pay ourselves for the extra things we do
like managing people.
If you were to hire a manager off the street to come in and manage the team that you hire,
you would have to pay them a salary.
You're going to need to take some time out of your cleaning schedule to read books and
to go to classes and to train yourself to become an astute business person that's in
a position to manage the people that you hire.
If you ask the wrong questions in the hiring process, you're going to hire the wrong person.
Then two days, a week, three weeks down the road it's going to smack upside the head that
you have hired the wrong person and you're going to have all kinds of headaches and challenges
and you'll have taken on new clients that now, you cannot sustain because you don't
have the help that you thought you hired.
Does that make sense?
It's convoluted, but the reality is you're going to need the time for yourself and you're
going to need the budget for yourself because when you take time away from the cleaning,
that's your regular income that comes in.
You're going to need to take that time away so that you can now manage these people.
In order to do that, you have to pay yourself a salary, which means you need to be able
to factor in how much you're paying your staff, and then you have to pay yourself as well
so that you can afford to take the time away from the field and still pay your bills.
As the business owner, often we're the last to pay ourselves, and you need to get paid
to pay your bills to stay in business.
There's no incentive whatsoever for you to hire people off the street and to put food
on their tables and you can't put food on your own.
One of the biggest problems with growth is growing without a plan.
If you're in growth mode, if you have a lot of business coming in, now is the time to
stop and to learn, even before you hire new people, learn about the business side of hiring a staff.
It's two completely different sets of skills, and if you don't learn the employee/staff
part of the business, you won't have a business.
What will happen is you will go to a customer's house and the customer will say, "We don't
want the new person, we just want you," because you haven't had time to properly train them.
You haven't managed them.
You haven't motivated them.
If you can't do that part of it, this part is going to fall apart because the customers
that loved you are now not going to love you.
They're going to be really disenchanted with the fact that you're scattered and spread so thin.
It's really important that you focus on doing both sides of the business if that's what
you're going to do.
If you're not good with this side of the business, then you might want to consider building into
your budget over here hiring someone who is.
Then hire someone who can come in and hire the people and train them and motivate them
and inspire them and fire them and all of those things.
Quite frankly, that is another full time job.
If you're going to sandwich that under the existing full time job that you have as house
cleaner, it's really tough to do.
You're going to have to either take a step back and get out of the field so that you
can do this full time, or you're going to have to hire somebody that can do this so
you can still pay your bills and you can still grow your company.
Those are the challenges of hiring a staff.
Alrighty, that's my two cents for today.
Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Cutest Moments of Baby and Dogs - Funny Baby and Dog Vine - Duration: 4:38.
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The Silk Residences - Data Land in Sta Mesa, Manila
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