Just Showed Up Trying To Be President With Massive Motorcade – Steps Out And Makes
Shocking Admission.
Judging by the way he left the world and our economy in turmoil it's incredible to believe
that anyone would be treating former President Barak Hussein Obama like a rock star.
But then comes San Francisco.
Thursday a crowd of up to 100 cheering people gathered outside to catch glimpse of the former
U.S. president as he was leaving the Airbnb offices.
Airbnb confirms that Obama visited the offices Thursday and said in a statement he was invited
by the CEO Brian Chesky to participate in a discussion.
President Obama and Chesky have a close relationship going back to 2015 when Chesky was named a
Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship.
But what was perhaps the most unbelievable part of the appearance was when the "seals"
in San Francisco cheered as the former president stepped out of his motorcade.
Obama seemed like he was taken aback by the display and said, "Aren't you all supposed
to be at work right now?'"
Although the people there almost fainted by the comment in the same way pre-teen girls
faint at the sight of Justine Bieber, or whoever is considered "hot" these days.
The question is very ironic considering how this President left the American Economy in
shambles and the unemployment numbers at the highest level they have been in decades.
No, Mr. President, most in San Francisco don't have jobs to go to.
Didn't your motorcade drive by the thousands of tent cities all over the city?
Or the human feces all over the streets who were both caused by the same ideology which
a community organizer like yourself wanted to bring to the whole nation?
Here is more on Obama's jobs numbers via CNSNews:
"Excluding January 2009, the month when Barack Obama was inaugurated, unemployment
has stayed above 8 percent, which is longer than under any other administration since
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) started measuring the monthly jobless rate: Over 8
percent for 43 months during Obama compared to a total of 39 months above 8 percent between
1948 and 2008.
Over the course of 50 years, the unemployment rate in the United States was above 8 percent
for a total of 3 years and 3 months; under Obama alone, the rate has been above 8 percent
for 3 years and 7 months.
Also, no other president presided over three consecutive years of average annual unemployment
of more than 8 percent before Obama, according to the BLS data.
The rate was above 8 percent throughout 1975, under President Gerald Ford, and throughout
1982 and 1983, under President Reagan.
However, the rate went to 7.8 percent in February 1984 and continued to fall steadily under
Reagan – at the end of his second term in 1988, unemployment was down to 5.3 percent.
According to the BLS, starting in 1948, unemployment in the United States never surpassed 8 percent
until January 1975, when it hit 8.1 percent.
In the Carter years, it fluctuated between 7.5 percent and 5.6 percent.
And from February 1984 to January 2009, the rate fluctuated from a high of 7.8 percent
to a low of 3.9 percent.
When President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, unemployment was 7.8 percent.
The next month, it climbed to 8.3 percent and peaked at 10 percent in October 2009.
It remained above 9 percent for all of 2010, before falling to 8.9 percent in May 2011,
rising again to 9 percent in April, and dropping again to 8.9 percent in November 2011.
For all of 2012, the rate has been above 8 percent.
Prior to Obama, no president presided over three years of average annual unemployment
of 8 percent.
The average annual unemployment for 2009 was 9.3 percent, in 2010 it was 9.6 percent and
was 8.9 percent in 2011.
In 1975, during the Ford administration, the annual average unemployment rate was 8.5 percent.
For two years during Reagan's first term, unemployment surpassed 9 percent: in 1982
at 9.7 percent and 1983 and 9.6 percent.
Unemployment peaked under Ford in May 1975 at 9 percent.
Unemployment peaked under Reagan in November and December of 1982 at 10.8 percent for both
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, unemployment was the highest in the 20th century
under the administrations of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, particularly the years
1933 through 1941.
The unemployment rate was 24.7 percent in 1933 and declined to 14.18 percent in 1937.
It then went up to 18.91 percent in 1938 and was still at 9.66 percent in 1941, when the
United States entered World War II."
So you see, most of those people there who were cheering are probably happy with Obama's
performance on jobs considering they probably didn't want any.
Instead, they were happy getting the multiple unemployment benefits extensions they received
under Obama.
Like Nancy Pelosi said in the early months of the Obama Regime, people don't have to
worry about jobs and they are now free to pursue hobbies.
Sounds, great, but I don't know of many hobbies that will put food on the table, do
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For more infomation >> Obama Just Showed Up Trying To Be President With Massive Motorcade – Steps Out And Makes Shocking... - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
DNC Chair Just Accused Hillary Of Stealing Money To Fund Her Campaign – They Found It All - Duration: 7:21.
DNC Chair
woman Just Accused Hillary Of Stealing Money To Fund Her Campaign – They Found
It All.
As more time passes since the 2016 Presidential election, the more shenanigans are revealed
on the part of the Democratic National Committee in an effort to rig the election in favor
of Hillary Clinton.
Former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile continues to drop bombshells in an effort
to put as much distance between herself and the Clintons as possible.
Perhaps it is merely an "insurance policy" of sorts to prevent herself from being added
to the Clinton body count or perhaps she has finally had an attack of conscience.
Maybe she is attempting to deflect blame from herself for her own poor decisions, either
way, the revelations are truly astounding!
Brazile began sounding the alarm last year on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's
2016 presidential campaign, claiming Hillary took money from state parties to fund her
second failed presidential campaign.
Brazile revealed in an op-ed published in Politico Magazine that the DNC was broke and
in serious debt all courtesy of former President Barack Obama.
Brazile wrote in her op-ed – "Obama left the party $24 million in debt — $15 million
in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign — and
had been paying that off very slowly."
Brazile then revealed that Hillary's campaign fund known as Hillary for America, as well
as the Hillary Victory Fund, a fundraising organization that worked hand in hand with
the DNC had "taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about $10 million,
and had placed the party on an allowance."
According to Brazile's own testimony, she states – "The Saturday morning after the
convention in July, I called Gary Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary's
He wasted no words.
He told me the Democratic Party was broke and $2 million in debt.
I screamed.
"I am an officer of the party and they've been telling us everything is fine and they
were raising money with no problems."
That wasn't true, he said.
Officials from Hillary's campaign had taken a look at the DNC's books.
Obama left the party $24 million in debt—$15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million
owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly.
Obama's campaign was not scheduled to pay it off until 2016.
Hillary for America (the campaign) and the Hillary Victory Fund (its joint fundraising
vehicle with the DNC) had taken care of 80 percent of the remaining debt in 2016, about
$10 million, and had placed the party on an allowance.
If I didn't know about this, I assumed that none of the other officers knew about it,
That was just Debbie's way.
In my experience, she didn't come to the officers of the DNC for advice and counsel.
She seemed to make decisions on her own and let us know at the last minute what she had
decided, as she had done when she told us about the hacking only minutes before the
Washington Post broke the news.
On the phone, Gary told me the DNC had needed a $2 million loan, which the campaign had
That can't be true!"
I said.
"The party cannot take out a loan without the unanimous agreement of all of the officers."
"Gary, how did they do this without me knowing?"
I asked.
"I don't know how Debbie relates to the officers," Gary said.
He described the party as fully under the control of Hillary's campaign, which seemed
to confirm the suspicions of the Bernie camp.
The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic
expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearinghouse.
Under FEC law, an individual can contribute a maximum of $2,700 directly to a presidential
But the limits are much higher for contributions to state parties and a party's national
Individuals who had maxed out their $2,700 contribution limit to the campaign could write
an additional check for $353,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund—that figure represented $10,000
to each of the thirty-two states' parties who were part of the Victory Fund agreement—$320,000—and
$33,400 to the DNC.
The money would be deposited in the states first, and transferred to the DNC shortly
after that.
Money in the battleground states usually stayed in that state, but all the other states funneled
that money directly to the DNC, which quickly transferred the money to Brooklyn.
"Wait," I said.
"That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the state party
You're telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got the nomination?"
Gary said the campaign had to do it or the party would collapse.
"That was the deal that Robby struck with Debbie," he explained, referring to campaign
manager Robby Mook.
"It was to sustain the DNC.
We sent the party nearly $20 million from September until the convention, and more to
prepare for the election."
"What's the burn rate, Gary?"
I asked.
"How much money do we need every month to fund the party?"
The burn rate was $3.5 million to $4 million a month, he said.
I gasped.
I had a pretty good sense of the DNC's operations after having served as interim chair five
years earlier.
Back then the monthly expenses were half that.
What had happened?
The party chair usually shrinks the staff between presidential election campaigns, but
Debbie had chosen not to do that.
She had stuck lots of consultants on the DNC payroll, and Obama's consultants were being
financed by the DNC, too.
When we hung up, I was livid.
Not at Gary, but at this mess, I had inherited.
I knew that Debbie had outsourced a lot of the management of the party and had not been
the greatest at fundraising.
I would not be that kind of chair, even if I was only an interim chair.
Did they think I would just be a surrogate for them, get on the road and rouse up the
I was going to manage this party the best I could and try to make it better, even if
Brooklyn did not like this.
It would be weeks before I would fully understand the financial shenanigans that were keeping
the party on life support."
Brazile went on to reveal her belief that the Democratic party establishment installed
her has the head of the DNC with the expectation she would simply be an obedient stooge who
would turn a blind eye to the endemic corruption and mismanagement inside the DNC.
Yet, she states she had no intention of keeping quiet when she discovered that Obama's negligence
had left the party in debt, effectively allowing Hillary to play a deciding role in doling
out resources, setting strategy, and effectively allowing Hillary a foothold in her attempts
to rig the 2016 presidential election.
Yet she still lost to current President Donald Trump and nearly two years later, she's
STILL not over it.
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Painting SOFT FUR | PROCESS | Medibang Paint Pro - Duration: 7:27.
hey what's up guys welcome to my channel. my name is Jax and today I'll be talking
through my process of painting this recent piece. this of course is a
commission where I'll be drawing this delightful little deer fellow. so going
into this piece I had two main ideas. firstly I wanted a character to be
turned away and having their upper back kind of facing the big one to show off
these interesting branch spines coming off their design. the second thing I
wanted to include was some sort of hanging foilage coming down from the top
of the painting. whether these were going to be leaves or flowers I hadn't decided
at this point but those are the two main things I wanted to include for this
piece going in. the sketch process was pretty straightforward but what I wasn't
too sure about was the lighting and colour situation. I rarely do thumbnails
but since I was struggling a bit at this point I thought it would be helpful to
just quickly render a few different value studies before I started. I didn't
record the first two but here you can see me going through the third one I
really like the sharp contrast between the light background and the character's
shadowed head in the second thumbnail but I thought it looked a bit too flat so I
thought I would introduce a bit of a light source coming somewhere from the
bottom right to light up the character's right side and give everything a bit
more depth. you can see I also tried to do this with the lighting in the first
thumbnail but coming from the left side and lighting up the character's face but
this concept didn't quite click with me and would have also made it really hard
to introduce the hanging foliage on top. so I decided in the end to kind of meet
halfway between the first two and we get the third and final thumbnail. which I
then copied and pasted into the original full-size sketched and resized it to fit.
and there we have our starting values so now onto the painting! alright so at this
point I still wasn't too sure about the colours I wanted. since the character
isn't too colorful I wanted to keep the overall palette pretty subdued so this
was a good opportunity to just start the painting process in grayscale. I also
wanted to test out some new techniques for painting fur. well I guess it really
isn't new, I'm still using the same light colour on dark blending in process
that I've been using all along. but I've been inspired recently by some new
artists. shout out right now to REYKAT and Minor-Capricorn. I'll link their dA
URLs in the description below. I absolutely adore the way these
guys paint and render fur in their art. I love just how soft and organic
they make it look. and I've been a little dissatisfied with my usual technique for
painting fur. it works fine for the most part but animals all kind of had these
different fur textures and lengths and whatever. and I found that the pointy
watercolour brush to create the fur tips just wasn't cutting it in some
situations. like I never really aim for realism but I do want the fur textures
I'm using my paintings to look as correct for the situation as possible.
and so what I did in this piece was instead of using the sharp watercolour
brush to create the tufts of fur I used a square watercolour brush and
this is actually one of the medibang brushes you can download directly within
the program by going to the cloud. you do this by clicking the little cloud option
on the bottom left of the box containing all the brushes. and basically using my
usual process for painting fur I started on a darker base and with the brush on
the lighter color I stroked in clumps of fur and then either with the same brush
or switching to a regular flat watercolour brush I will just blend that
clump of fur in with the rest of the neck. and using this square brush you can
basically create these sections of fur with much wider ends. the tufts of fur
don't end on a point rather they kind of stay spread out and end on this flat
edge and I thought has achieved a much softer look to the fur. of course I would
then go in with a sharper watercolor brush and kind of stroke in these
smaller strands of fur at the edges of these square Tufts but still ensuring I
kind of maintained that overall shape of the flat end. I repeated this process all
around the neck and down the back. and I wanted the curvature of the back spine
to be quite obvious. sometimes when you have characters with a lot of fluff on
their neck it can be difficult to communicate where their head is turning
in relation to their body. I know I've definitely made this mistake
before in the past and you kind of end up with this what looks like a
disembodied head sitting on a tube wrapped in fur lining and you don't want
that. so having these clear anatomical cues kind of showing where the fur parts
on the body is super helpful for kind of avoiding this ambiguity. oh and another
mistake to avoid is to have the character on the same layer as a
background. I think this is pretty obvious but clearly not for me I tend to
be overly enthusiastic when working with as few layers as possible and
sometimes that's just impractical and you realize halfway through that you
need to take the lasso tool and kind of separate the character from the
the coloring process was pretty straightforward I created layers on top
of each of the base elements and just took the gradient tool and started
pushing in and fiddling around with the different color combinations. I thought
maybe some subdued purples and greens would be a good match for the gray color
of the character and I just wanted to keep the whole thing super soft and a
little dreamlike
to fit with the feel I decided to go for some wisteria like flowers hanging from
the top and these were created super quickly using the lasso tool to whip up
the silhouettes. I made a few kind of unique bunches and then just kind of
duplicated them and flipped the duplications, resized them and kind of
recoloured them to make them look a bit different from each other. and you can
just do this a few times I kind of create this nice layered depth effect. I
also just kind of blurred all of that just to keep the focus of the eye on the
and yeah that's pretty much it! this is the final finished piece and I really
love how the fur turned out it's really not too different of a technique to how
I usually paint fur. it's just really changing the small sharp watercolour
brush or a flatter, squarer brush to create the tufts of different shapes and
it will just kind of give your fur a more organic and soft look. and I'm
really pleased with how it ended up turning out! let me know what you think
and if you give this method a try let me know how it turns out. in the meantime
thank you so much for watching. like and subscribe for more videos and speedpaints
and i'll catch you all next time. bye~
Drake Responds to Pusha-T With Invoice: 'Re: Promotional Assistance and Career Reviving' - Duration: 1:09.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch, on Thursday night, Pusha unleashed his highly anticipated
third studio album DAYTONA, which included a number of shots at some of hip-hop's biggest
As most of you know, Drake was targeted in the album's closing track "Infrared,"
as it included an obvious reference to Drizzy's alleged ghostwriter Quentin Miller
"It was written like Nas but it came from Quentin."
Just a day after DAYTONA hit and Aubrey responded with a scathing track called "Duppy Freestyle."
Drake went in on King Push; he questioned the rapper's street cred and relevance,
while also taking a few digs at Kanye West.
QUOTE: "Duppy Freestyle" closed with: "It's
gonna be a cruel summer for you/I told Weezy and Baby 'I'ma done him for you'/Tell
'Ye we gotta invoice coming to you/Considering that we just sold another 20 for you."
Push then responded on Twitter: Send the invoice for the extra 20.
Well, Drake actually sent that invoice via Instagram.
And he tagged Pusha.
As you can see, the invoice lists a $100K fee for "Promotional assistance and career
That''s all for now, We'll have more on this story as it continues to develop, for everything
else subscribe to Complex on Youtube, for Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
RUDY GOES TO WAR: What He Just Announced Will Have The Swamp Terrified - Duration: 1:51.
RUDY GOES TO WAR: What He Just Announced Will Have The Swamp Terrified.
In a late breaking Friday night freedom fight, Rudy Giuliani, requests a legal team briefing
on the alleged campaign spy!
Furthermore, wouldn't YOU like to be briefed on it as an American citizen?
AP reports, "Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump's attorneys, told The Associated Press on Friday
that the White House hopes to get a readout of the information next week, particularly
about the use of a longtime government informant who approached members of Trump's campaign
in a possible bid to glean intelligence on Russian efforts to sway the election."
Lou Dobbs confirmed the news in a tweet: #BREAKING: Presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani
says @POTUS legal team wants briefing on @realDonaldTrump campaign spy.
#MAGA #TrumpTrain #Dobbs
Rudy Giuliani also told the AP:
"If the spying was inappropriate.
That means we may have an entirely illegitimate investigation," Giuliani said of special
counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
He then invoked the material compiled by former FBI Director James Comey before he was fired.
"Coupled with Comey's illegally leaked memos.
This means the whole thing was a mistake and should never have happened," Giuliani said.
"We'd urge the Justice Department to re-evaluate, to acknowledge they made a mistake.
It's a waste of $20 million of the taxpayers' money.
The whole thing is already a waste of money."
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USA facts today
Mystery Show "Conditional Free Will" LIVE 10pmUK 26th May - Duration: 1:32:46.
This Is How Amazon's Alexa Records And Shares Private Conversations Without Your Permission - Duration: 4:04.
This Is How Amazon's Alexa Records And Shares Private Conversations Without Your Permission
by Tyler Durden
As it turns out, the scandal over Amazon's Alexa voice-controlled personal assistant
recording and sharing private conversations both with hackers and with people on the users'
contact list is much more serious than the company had feared.
As Bloomberg reported, Amazon responded to a KIRO 7 news report about a couple who received
a call from a friend saying "unplug your Alexa devices right now.
You�re being hacked" after the company's device had shared a private conversation without
explicit permission.
Amazon offered a complex, meandering "explanation" for the series of strange coincidences that
triggered Alexa to record and share a couple's private conversation.
It started with Alexa being triggered when it heard a word that sounded like "Alexa"
- the command for the technology activate.
Here are the details:
Amazon explained the series of events that triggered the episode in an emailed statement.
The Echo woke after hearing a word in the couple�s conversation that sounded like
"Alexa" -- the usual trigger to begin recording.
The speaker later heard "send message" during the conversation, at which point the device
asked, "to whom?"
The pair continued talking in the background and the Echo�s system interpreted part of
the chat to identify a name in the couple�s contact list.
Alexa then asked aloud if they wanted to send a message to that contact and heard "right"
in more background conversation.
"As unlikely as this string of events is, we are evaluating options to make this case
even less likely," the company said.
The report invigorated privacy concerns as internet-connected devices like the Amazon
Echo become ubiquitous in homes.
Amazon in 2014 introduced the new line of devices, which can also stream music and order
goods from Amazon via voice command.
It has been busy introducing updated versions and adding features to sell more devices than
rivals like Alphabet Inc. and Apple Inc., which offer their own versions.
The "explanation" suggests that consumers should be extremely careful of what they say
around their personal assistants to the point where more users should consider deactivating
the device when it's not in use.
And there's plenty: more than 60 million U.S. consumers will use a smart speaker at least
once a month this year, with more than 40 million of them using Amazon�s devices,
according to eMarketer Inc.
Ryan Calo, an associate law professor at the University of Washington who studies the intersection
of law and technology, said this incident could cause lasting damage not only to the
Alexa, and thus Amazon, brand but to voice-controlled personal assistants in general (Alphabet and
Apple make their own model).
People have been willing to overlook glitches in the Echo, like it turning on accidentally
or without the wake word being uttered, said Ryan Calo, an associate law professor at the
University of Washington who researches how law applies to technology.
This incident is more alarming since a private conversation was recorded and sent to a third
party, he said.
"Think about how uncomfortable the millions of people who own these things now feel,"
Calo said.
"The real harm is the invasion into solitude people now experience in their homes."
Not to mention the damage it could do to technology more broadly, as paranoia surrounding privacy
continues to intensify, according to Daniel Kahn Gillmor, the in-house technologist at
the American Civil Liberties Union.
How to make Knit Crochet Bootie Slippers for Hot Russian 2 year old - Duration: 20:41.
this is going to be a child-size slipper the slipper is approximately five and a
half inches from heel to toe and approximately three inches across we
will be using a couple of yarn markers for this project and that can just be
any scrap of yarn it doesn't have to be anything store-bought just any type of
scrap that you have laying around the house it can be a rubber band a
paperclip old tails cut from yarn they're perfect for marking Y I'm using
red heart four ply worsted weight yarn an H crochet hook I'm going to do four
of the foundation single crochet there's one
for round one we'll be a chain one three single
crochet in this end stitch one single crochet in each of the next two stitches
three single crochet in the next end stitch now down the opposite side we
will do one single crochet in each of the next two stitches and then join with
the beginning single crochet and you can see right here I like to go through so
there's two loops on top of my hook and then wrap the yarn over and pull through
now for round two we chain one two single crochet in the first stitch and
we're increasing one single crochet in the next stitch two single crochet in
the last stitch which is an increase one single crochet in each of the next two
stitches now we're doing an increase again of two single crochet from the
next stitch one single crochet two single crochet in the next stitch for an
increase one single crochet in each of the next two stitches and we have
fourteen single crochet on round two and now we join
now I'm around three we chain one two single crochet in the same stitch one
single crochet in each of the next three stitches two single crochet in the next
stitch one single crochet in each of the next two stitches two single crochet in
the next stitch one single crochet in each of the next three stitches two
single crochet in the next stitch one single crochet in each of the next two
stitches and that will give us 18 single crochet on round three now we won't be
joining at the end of round three we're going to continue on working in a
continual round so we'll get our first yarn marker here and we just want to
mark this first stitch so we have an idea for our beginning stitches we'll be
taking it out later and moving it now we'll just do one single crochet in each
of the next 18 stitches
there's four five six seven eight nine
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and so we have 18 single crochet on round for the
next four rounds rounds five through eight will be one single crochet in each
of the next 18 and we'll end right here at the beginning with four more rounds
so continue on for four more rounds eighteen single crochet now I've
completed round eight and in this section right here in these rounds you
can add additional rounds if you need to make it longer or less rounds if you
need to make it shorter now this next section round nine is
going to be the top part of the slipper I'm going to attach my first yarn marker
in the next stitch and I'm going to count over nine stitches one two three
four five six seven eight nine and I'm going to attach another yarn marker we
will be increasing five stitches across the top part of the foot in these nine
stitches right here every other stitch will be an increase of two single
crochet in each stitch which will give us 23 single crochet on round nine so
this first one is our increase to single crochet in the same stitch one single
crochet two single crochet in the same stitch one single crochet two single
crochet in the same stitch one single crochet two single crochet in the same
stitch one single crochet two single crochet in the last stitch now we
continue on around on what will be the bottom part of the slipper in nine more
single crochet one single crochet in each stitch
now rounds 10 through 14 will be one single crochet in each stitch for a
total of 23 stitches and this is another part of the slipper where you can make
it longer or shorter
now I've completed round 14 round 15 I'm going to single crochet in two stitches
to get up here to the center and now I'm going to be changing the yarn markers
and I'll mark this first stitch here we will be leaving the top eight stitches
open and working in rows from now on now I've counted over eight stitches
here and marking the eighth stitch over and now with Row 15 we chain one one
single crochet in each of the next 15 stitches
now rows 16 through 20 will be a chain one and one single crochet in each of
the next 15 single crochet this is the third place where you can make the
slipper longer or shorter adjusting the size and this is the section that I'm
working on right now now row 20 and 21 are both going to be
decreases to shape the heel and this is the heel part right here and we'll be
doing a little bit of decreasing now row 21 we chain 1 1 single crochet in each
of the next 4 now we're going to be making 4 single crochet decreases each
stitch will be worked over two stitches so we'll be working over eight all
together and taking the eight and reducing them down to 4 so what I do
with my first single crochet decrease is put my hook through the stitch like this
pull the yarn through leave the two loops on the hook put it through the
next stitch like that wrap the yarn over the hook pull it through there are three
loops on the hook wrap the yarn over and pull through all three loops and that is
the first single crochet decrease and you do the same thing with the next one
you put the hook through the first stitch pull the yarn through put it
through the next stitch pull the yarn through I have three loops on my hook
wrap the yarn over the hook pull it through and that completes the second
single crochet decrease put the hook through the next stitch pull the yarn
through put the hook through the next stitch
after that pull the yarn through wrap the yarn over the hook pull through all
three loops on the hook now we have one more to do
and we've completed all four single crochet decreases and you can see how
it's shaping the heel right here now one single crochet in each of the next three
and that completes row 21 now we chain one and turn one single crochet in each
of the next two stitches this time we'll be doing three single crochet decreases
now the first and we'll do them the same way put the hook through the next stitch
pull the yarn through put the hook through the stitch after pull it through
we have three loops on the hook wrap the yarn over and pull through all three
loops on the hook and we'll do the next stitch the same way put the hook into
the stitch after that one now we have one more to complete
now we've completed our last single crochet decrease now do one single
crochet in each of the next three
and now we want to slip stitch this opening shut and just kind of turn it
inside out a little bit like this
and we're just slip stitching the two edges together
it'll take about four slip stitches you can sew it if you prefer sewing it
now we can go ahead and sew in the tail
we can take the yarn markers out no now we'll turn the store inside out and saw
the tail in at the beginning
and cut the yarn now trying to slip a right side out now we've completed the
slipper now we are going to be making the cup I'll join the yarn in the back
of the heel chain one and we want to evenly stitch 23 single crochet around
the cuff now if you find that you have extra stitches that's alright
what you can do is a little single crochet decrease like we did at the heel
here and you can join them together so there's not any extra gaps or holes but
that's a way that you can fill in if you have extra stitches which may happen it
may not happen sometimes it's all in how you crochet and put it together
okay now I have my 23 and I did about I did three joint single crochet and now
we won't join here at the end we'll just go ahead and do a single crochet in each
single crochet around for seven more rounds
now back around here and I just keep on going because we're working in a
continual round I have six more rounds to go now I've completed the eight
rounds for the cuff and since we're working with the continual round I want
to even it out so we'll skip this single crochet and do a slip stitch in the next
one you can see how that evens it out
and cut the yarn then we'll just sew in the tail leave it between the stitches
this is the child's slipper complete
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