Stormy Daniels In Serious Trouble After Her Own Lawyer Betrays Her.
The media circus surrounding adult film star Stormy Daniels shows, just how far our country's
journalists have fallen.
The hate-filled liberal media is consumed with taking the President down, even if it
means reporting lies instead of facts, and gossip instead of truth.
Now that the Russia collusion story isn't panning out, the media have inexplicably placed
all of their hopes on a porn star's shaky tale of a decade old affair.
Her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, has gotten billions of dollars worth of airtime on mainstream
media, obviously taking advantage of the situation.
He clearly craves the spotlight just as much as Daniels does, and now it is turning into
their downfall and Trump's victory.
Those endless interviews are costing Avenatti his claim to fame, and are costing Daniels
her attorney.
From The Hill:
Michael Avenatti has withdrawn his request to represent adult-film star Stormy Daniels
in the case centered, on the FBI raid of President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen.
Shortly after a conference hearing Wednesday in a federal district court in Manhattan,
Avenatti withdrew his request to weigh in on the case.
Avenatti reportedly faced tough questions during the hearing from federal District Judge
Kimba Wood, who told him in court on Wednesday he would have to stop his "publicity tour"
if he wanted to participate in the case.
Judge Wood cited a particularly damning moment in one of Avenatti's many interviews.
The New York lawyer illegally released alleged financial records of Michael Cohen's, on
national television and implied that Cohen was somehow receiving payments through inactive
"You cannot declare your opinion as to Mr. Cohen's guilt, which you did.
You would not be able to give publicity to documents.
You're entitled to publicity.
I can't stop you unless you're participating in a matter before me.," Judge Wood stated.
Just last week, we questioned Avenatti's credibility after it was uncovered that his
firm was hit with a $10 million injunction, from Bankruptcy Court over its failure to
pay a lawyer for his services.
It seems this was the beginning of the end for the ill-fated attorney.
But now that Avenatti's off the case, he can devote all of his energy to getting on
television, which is what he really wanted all along.
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For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels In Serious Trouble After Her Own Lawyer Betrays Her - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Liberals Freak As Rudy Giuliani Humiliates Maxine Waters With Embarrassing Secret - Duration: 4:20.
Liberals Freak As Rudy Giuliani Humiliates Maxine Waters With Embarrassing Secret.
Liberals are freaking out after President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped
a nasty truth bomb, on California Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
You won't want to miss this.
Maxine Waters (D-CA) is one of the biggest scam artists in Congress, and yet she continues
to be re-elected by the constituents in her voting district.
Waters is usually known best for embarrassing the Democratic Party with her imbecilic behavior
and most notably her calls for the impeachment of our President without cause.
During a recent interview with Fox News' talk show host Sean Hannity, Trump attorney
Rudy Giuliani had some brutal words for the California Democrat that are too good not
to share.
Giuliani talked first about why some people have attacked him and the way in which he's
going about defending our President.
"Some people have criticized my strategy, which is the President's, of to some extent
playing to the American people.
If this were a regular case, I wouldn't be doing it.
But the people who will decide this are the people of the United States in the 2018 election,"
Giuliani said.
I could not agree more with Trump's attorney.
The midterm elections will likely control the outcome of the Democrats' scheme to
commence impeachment proceedings despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever
to support or warrant such action by Congress.
Giuliani nailed Democrats for their wishy-washy tactics and pointed out that while many of
them called for Trump's impeachment early on, they have backed off of this tactic because
they realize how much harm it has done to their party's midterm campaigns.
"They are switching fast, and the Democrats are running for cover.
You don't hear them say the word impeachment anymore," Giuliani said.
Then Giuliani went after Waters who is known for her hysterical behavior and calls for
"I challenge Maxine Waters to say impeachment.
Say it.
Say impeachment, sweetheart.
Just say it.
And you know what's going to happen?
You're going to go down.
Not maybe you because they vote for you.
I don't know why, but they vote for you," he continued.
I could not agree more with Rudy Giuliani.
Maxine Waters has done nothing but embarrass and damage her party's cause with her obsessive
calls for impeachment.
Slimy politicians like Waters only further ruin the character of our government, and
it's good to see Giuliani calling her out for what has been months of incessant whining.
There's no question that most Americans see Waters the way that Giuliani does — as
a spectacle and a fool.
The truth of the matter is that Waters is a relic of the Democratic Party.
In my opinion, her attempt to stay relevant by demanding President Donald Trump's impeachment
only drives more people to reconsider the agenda being peddled by the left.
Giuliani continued to hammer the Democrats with the ugly truth and then hit adult film
star Stormy Daniel's attorney Michael Avenatti.
"But, your colleagues are going to go down and this is the change we brought about by
engaging and not letting them get away with the unethical behavior that has now outraged
Judge Ellis, Judge Wood — you know what she did?
She threw Avenatti, the television star of the leftwing CNN and MSNBC, she threw him
out of court.
He doesn't belong in a New York court.
He's not ethical enough.
You know why?
He's a big liar and he wanted to debate me.
Like heck, he's going to debate me," Giuliani added.
In regard to Giuliani's strategy, it's spot on.
Notably, Giuliani stated that Trump shares his strategy in appealing to the American
people because they know that the true power rests in the hands of the voters.
In my opinion, that is the true value of having a government run by Trump.
Instead of constantly scheming to undermine the will of the American people as Barack
Obama did, Trump gets his support from delivering results and relying on those results to grow
his voting base and the strength of his party.
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IT'S OFFICIAL: Stormy Daniels Just Lost Her Lawyer - Duration: 2:48.
IT'S OFFICIAL: Stormy Daniels Just Lost Her Lawyer.
Pornstar Stormy Daniels just suffered another HUGE BLOW in her case against President Trump
and his attorney Micheal Cohen.
Her sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti just took a huge beating in court yesterday and has
now withdrawn from representing Stormy in the case against Michael Cohen.
From The Hill
Michael Avenatti has withdrawn his request to represent adult-film star Stormy Daniels
in the case centered on the FBI raid of President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen.
Shortly after a conference hearing Wednesday in a federal district court in Manhattan,
Avenatti withdrew his request to weigh in on the case.
Cohen is reportedly being investigated, among other things, for the $130,000 he paid Daniels
ahead of the 2016 presidential election to keep quiet about the affair she says she had
with Trump.
Avenatti reportedly faced tough questions during the hearing from federal District Judge
Kimba Wood, who told him in court on Wednesday he would have to stop his "publicity tour"
if he wanted to participate in the case.
Cohen's attorneys fought hard to keep Avenatti from joining the case, arguing in court filings
that he's has created a "carnival atmosphere" by making public statements and doing national
TV appearances in which he's shared nonpublic information and made misrepresentations about
Earlier this month, Avenatti released bank records leaked to him that showed several
companies had paid Cohen through a shell company for consulting services.
Wood reprimanded Avenatti in court, according to multiple media reports.
"You cannot declare your opinion as to Mr. Cohen's guilt, which you did.
You would not be able to give publicity to documents," Wood said, according to the
New York Daily News.
"You're entitled to publicity.
I can't stop you — unless you're participating in a matter before me."
Wednesday's court conference was scheduled, in part, to discuss the issue of what materials
seized from Cohen are protected under attorney–client privilege.
Wood has assigned a special master in the case to review the documents that were seized
to determine what's privileged.
The judge said in court Wednesday that the review must be completed by June 15 and any
remaining material would be turned over to a government "taint-team," the New York
Daily News reported.
In the document Avenatti filed in court Wednesday, he said he is withdrawing his request to intervene
and will re-file it, if necessary, at a later time.
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Mayeli Rivera habla sobre artículo y supuesta infidelidad | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:37.
Ricky Martin quiere agrandar su familia | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:34.
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Good Luck !
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Meghan Markle une la familia real pero desquebraja la suya | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:38.
Turkish Airlines: Love Is The Greatest Journey - Duration: 0:16.
Darwinian Evolution Junk Science (#1) - Duration: 4:12.
[Translated by Google Translate]
[Tsiyon Truth Point]
[Narrator]: Darwinian Evolution
Junk Science
[Introduction to Darwinian Evolution, Evil Relic of Elitist Folly]
[A Humane Perspective]
[A Humane Perspective by: Eliyahu ben David]
[Eliyahu]: What I understand about evolution is that it is so
fundamental, in the time in which we live.
It is part of the worldview to such an extent
that it really is an everyday part of our lives, sometimes in ways that we do not even know about.
So, I thought I would go into this more deeply, about evolution.
I want to look at it as to where it really came from, what it's origin is
I think when you see where it really came from
you are going to see why we are completely justified to totally
just flush this whole evolution idea down the toilet.
It is not a scientific idea, it is really a very evil idea.
Now, I do want to tell you that when I talk about
where this came from,
I am going to have to talk about some really ugly things,
and some ugly comments and statements that have been made by so-called scientist.
I think you will find some of these statements shocking
and racist and elitist.
These are not our opinions.
So as I am reading this, I do not want you to get the thought,
"Well, he is reading that because that is what he thinks." No, it is not what I think.
I think very different than that but you know, people can always take out a snippet of something
you said or re-edit it, you know like they do on the news with Donal Trump.
That kind of thing.
So I just want to make this statement up front.
Because we want to make the case about this so that we can really understand what evolution is all about.
You know, usually when people talk about evolution they talk about the scientific claims of evolution.
If they are against evolution, they want to disprove those scientific claims.
That is not my main interest tonight.
I am interested in where
did evolution come from and what is it really all about?
Only secondarily interested in scientific claims about it.
[You have been watching Introduction to Darwinian Evolution Evil Relic of Elitist Folly]
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[Has science overstepped its bounds?]
[Does some science seem]
[Unscientific perhaps?]
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[Science as Religion]
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Turkish Airlines: Love Is The Greatest Journey - Duration: 0:16.
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Así se enfrentó Chyno al mundo solitario de la música | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:47.
'키스 먼저 할까요' 김선아, 전 남편 오지호 정체? "성형전 얼굴 헤어스타일 실제 나이"|K-News - Duration: 10:44.
This Democrat Prefers Osama Bin Laden Over President Trump - Duration: 2:04.
This Democrat Prefers Osama Bin Laden Over President Trump.
Democrats are so overcome with "Trump Derangement Syndrome" that they've lost all ability
to speak rationally or use common sense.
They feel compelled to say the most outrageous and outlandish things, like calling President
Trump "literally Hitler," and saying his presidency is akin to the Holocaust.
It's just nonsense, and proves how sheltered these loons are, and is so disrespectful to
people who have really suffered throughout history.
That's precisely what Democrat candidate Dan Helmer, who is running for Congress, did
when he issued an ad stating President Trump is more "threatening" than Osama Bin Laden
who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans and other people worldwide.
That's how vile and disrespectful these progressives are.
From Daily Caller
Democratic congressional candidate Dan Helmer compared President Donald Trump to Osama bin
Laden in an ad released Wednesday.
"After 9/11, the greatest threat to our democracy lived in a cave.
Today, he lives in the White House," Helmer said in the ad posted to YouTube.
Pictures of deceased al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Trump flashed across the screen
during the voiceover.
"No one, even the president is above the law," Helmer continued.
This isn't the first time Helmer has run into controversy.
The candidate posted a video of himself buying an assault rifle at a gun show "to find
out how easy it is to buy" in April.
Helmer is running against incumbent Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock in Virginia's 10th
Comstock "is a rubber stamp for the racist, sexist and xenophobic agenda" of Trump and
House Speaker Paul Ryan, Helmer tweeted in February.
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