For the last several weeks, we know that Donald Trump has been furious with staffers inside
the White House, trying to figure out who the leaker is.
Well, as it turns out, the leaker is most likely Donald Trump.
Last week, at a fundraising dinner in Manhattan, Donald Trump actually leaked classified information
to his donors.
Here's what happened.
Donald Trump gets up onstage to talk to about 100 people who paid at least $50,000 apiece
to go to this little Donald Trump fundraising dinner, and he told them about a military
excursion from back in February, where U.S. troops went in and killed anywhere between
two and four hundred Syrian rebels and Russian mercenaries.
This operation was highly classified.
The reason it was classified is because national security experts did not want Russia to know
that we went out there and killed Russians.
They didn't want to create any bad will between the two countries, who were already on a very
rocky footing at this point, and it was classified.
Donald Trump went out there to his wealthy donors and leaked that classified information.
Here's how secret that information actually is.
When a White House spokesperson, Raj Shah, was asked about Donald Trump's comments at
this fundraiser, Shah had to admit that he is not allowed to talk about it because that
information is classified.
Even he admits that, "Yes, this was classified, and even though the president said it publicly,
I can't go out there and even comment on it because of how secret it actually is."
Leaking classified info is a crime.
That is something that people go to jail for.
We know that, and yet Donald Trump just did it openly during a fundraiser in Manhattan,
and nothing is going to happen to him.
His supporters are not even going to think that this is an important story that anybody
should be talking about.
To be honest, maybe it's not, but maybe it is.
Because if you have a president who cannot stop himself from going out there and leaking
classified information, what can you trust him with?
There are all kinds of secrets that the federal government has, and some of them, they should
rightfully keep secret.
Now that we have an imbecile like Donald Trump in the Oval Office with access to every secret
the United States has ever had, and he can't even keep his mouth closed long enough to
keep those secrets, that creates a very real national security problem here in the United
Trump wanted to use that opportunity in Manhattan last week to brag about how strong his military
Instead, he leaked classified information to roughly 100 people, any one of whom could
have told someone else, and so on and so forth.
It's like that old World War Two poster.
You know, "Loose lips sink ships"?
Donald Trump doesn't seem to have any problem with going out there and telling state secrets
to people if he thinks it's going to make him look a little bit better.
For more infomation >> Trump BUSTED Leaking Classified Info During New York Fundraiser - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Not Going Quietly, Roseanne Takes Aim At Enemies, Including Co Star Sara Gilbert - Duration: 4:20.
Not Going Quietly, Roseanne Takes Aim At Enemies, Including Co Star Sara Gilbert.
If you thought that Roseanne Barr was going to remain silent after being fired, then you
don't know Roseanne.
A day after being unceremoniously given the boot from her hit ABC show, the 65-year-old
comedian came out firing with both barrels, taking on her enemies with expert precision.
Barr took responsibility for her tweet to Valerie Jarrett, who served as an aide to
former President Barack Obama, that likened her to a mix between the Muslim Brotherhood,
and someone from the movie "Planet of the Apes."
But she did blame her use of the sleep aid Ambien for her tweet.
"Guys I did something unforgivable so do not defend me," she wrote in a since-deleted
tweet on Wednesday.
"It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting it was memorial day too, i went 2
far & do not want it defended it was egregious Indefensible.
I made a mistake I wish I hadn't but don't defend it please."
"I think Joe Rogan is right about Ambien," she said.
"Not giving excuses for what I did (tweeted) but I've done weird stuff while on Ambien:
cracked eggs on the wall at 2 am etc." Barr is set to appear on Rogan's podcast, "The
Joe Rogan Experience" on Friday.
Barr also took on her "Roseanne" costars as they threw her under the bus in the blink
of an eye.
"Roseanne's recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and
do not reflect the beliefs of our cast, and crew or anyone associated with our show.
I am disappointed in her actions to say the least," Sara Gilbert, who played Darlene
Conner on the show, wrote.
"This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created a show that
we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love one that is separate and apart from the
opinions and words of one cast member."
Unreal," Barr responded as she watched a woman whose career she made take her apart.
She was equally stunned by a statement from Michael Fishman, who played DJ Conner, who
wrote "Today is one of the hardest days of my life.
I feel devastated, not for the end of the Roseanne show, but for all those who poured
their hearts and souls into our jobs, and the audience that welcomed us into their home,"
he wrote.
"My character was designed to represent the inclusive nature of my views.
To represent potions of society often marginalized In this moment it is important to be clear.
We must stand up against bias, hatred, bigotry, and ignorance to make society a better place
for all."
Barr was unimpressed with the words of the actor who, like Gilbert, was catapulted to
superstardom by the show she created.
"I created the platform for that inclusivity and you know it.
And you throw me under the bus.
Nice!" she wrote.
The actress and comedian was also incensed by the fact that there are two sets of rules
in Hollywood.
One for conservatives and those who support President Trump and another for those who
toe the liberal line.
"I'm sorry 4 my tweet, AND I will also defend myself as well as talk to my followers.
so, go away if u don't like it.
I will handle my sadness the way I want to.
I'm tired of being attacked & belittled more than other comedians who have said worse,"
she wrote in one, since deleted, tweet.
"hey guys, don't defend me, it's sweet of you 2 try, but losing my show is 0 compared
2 being labelled a racist over one tweet-that I regret even more," she wrote in another.
The comedian also shared the tweets of others who highlighted things other famous people
have said.
People whose careers have not been destroyed for what they did.
It is understandable that many people found Barr's tweet offensive.
Whether she meant it as a race quip or not, only she knows, but one thing is certain.
The amount of forgiveness Hollywood gives someone for saying something offensive depends,
on how far on the progressive scale their politics are.
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US Prison Ship Simulator 2018 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 3:46.
US Prison Ship Simulator 2018 New Android Game 2018
Wingsuit Stunt Simulator Sky Diving Challenge 2018 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 2:24.
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Absolute WORST foods that clog your blood and lead to Alzheimer's disease, dementia and strokes - Duration: 7:10.
Absolute WORST foods that clog your blood and lead to Alzheimer�s disease, dementia
and strokes
by: S.D.
Check every single food item in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer for the following
ingredients and toss them in the trash can before you can�t remember what you just
read: High fat meats, canola oil, margarine, ice cream, whole milk and vegetable shortening.
Don�t stop to Google for research because it�s all defended by fake science and the
corporations that manufacture, market and stock it for you.
Have your grandparents forgotten who you are?
What about your parents?
It�s nothing to joke about � dementia that is, so we won�t.
What�s worse than suffering dementia?
� Having a stroke and suffering from memory loss.
A stroke can leave parts of your body paralyzed, including your face and limbs.
Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke and every four minutes a stroke ends
someone�s life.
That means by the time you�re done reading the next paragraph, an American had a stroke,
and by the time you�re done reading this article, an American died of a stroke.
Did you know that a stroke is basically like your brain having its own �heart attack?�
A stroke can occur due to a blocked artery or even the bursting of a blood vessel.
A stroke can also be the result of a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain.
Let�s explain this living nightmare by defining what coagulation means, in laymen�s terms:
Coagulation is the process of a liquid, including blood, changing to a semi-solid or solid state.
A spinal stroke can occur when the blood supply to the spinal cord is cut off.
Both the spinal cord and the brain are part of the central nervous system and both need
oxygen and nutrients.
Are all the wrong foods preventing nerve impulses from functioning properly and allowing your
organs to fire on all cylinders?
This requires very careful consideration.
Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance: The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency
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High-fat meats raise the risk of blood clots Researchers investigated and reported on a
dramatic rise in the �blood coagulation factor� for people consuming mainly meat
and dairy products.
Huge surprise?
Fatty buildup called plaque was observed in the blood vessels, and this plaque can become
such an obstruction, also termed an �acute clot formation,� that it literally blocks
blood flow and can trigger a stroke.
No, the study wasn�t conducted on obese smokers who eat fast food every day.
The research involved 18 healthy young men and was carried out over 9 months.
They were fed rapeseed oil (canola oil), palm oil and butter with high-fat meals, including
All of the high-fat meals caused �significant increases� in the coagulation factor.
You may be thinking right now that there�s no way you�re cutting out all meat and oil
from your daily intake.
Maybe you should just cut way back.
Even vegetarians and vegans can die or be maimed by strokes and dementia from consuming
too many processed foods, mainly oils, regularly.
Yes, we�re also throwing processed olive oil and coconut oil under the bus here.
Watch Mic the Vegan explain why in the short and educational video below.
The 6 absolute WORST foods that clog your blood and lead to dementia, strokes and early
death #1.
High Fat Meats (like sausage, deli meats, turkey and chicken skin)
Canola Oil
Ice Cream
Whole Milk
Vegetable shortening
Picture this: Every single day, an adult�s heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood through
60,000 miles of veins, capillaries and arteries.
Stretch all that out and that�s almost 5 times around the earth.
Now picture traffic jams, road blocks, and broken stop lights on those roads � and
that�s animal fat, margarine, vegetable shortening and canola oil jamming up the �highways
and by-ways� of your blood, causing clots.
Atherosclerosis is the medical term for clogged arteries, and medical doctors are infamous
for blaming your parents and �hereditary� genes for the problem.
That�s so you�ll believe chemical prescription medications and expensively redundant diagnostic
testing is the only way to constantly �monitor� and �treat� your problem, instead of just
correcting your staple diet.
How do you spot the �sat fat� (saturated fat) before you consume it?
Most sat fats are solid at room temperature.
Watch out for those �partially hydrogenated� oils too.
Food manufacturers love to use deadly oils to �preserve� the �shelf life� of
foods, but they all shorten human life in the �process� (pardon the pun).
Check those food labels for saturated fat and trans fat.
Canola oil affects the way blood coagulates, increasing how fragile red blood cells become
The number one complaint about eating organic food regularly is the cost.
That includes meat for sure.
So we ask all of you now, what�s the difference in cost for taking care of an adult suffering
from dementia or a stroke, or both?
The difference in cost between organic and conventional foods is negligible when you
consider spending upwards of a hundred thousand dollars a year to care for someone who can�t
feed themselves and who doesn�t even recognize their own loved ones.
Still want to �save money� by eating cheap canola?
Research has proven that elevated consumption of canola oil shortens life spans by creating
hypertension and high blood pressure.
Rats fed canola oil as their sole source of fat become more prone to strokes.
Fragile red blood cells can lead to stroke-related death.
Though there are many oils that exist naturally and contain healthy fats, canola is not one
of them � not even the certified organic kind.
Not even close.
Stick to an organic, plant-based diet as often as possible and consult a naturopathic physician
about your cholesterol levels.
There are practical and affordable solutions to avoiding dementia and strokes.
Publix Puts Its Foot Down, Refuses to Cave to Hogg's Million-Dollar SHAKEDOWN - Duration: 4:53.
Publix Puts Its Foot Down, Refuses to Cave to Hogg's Million-Dollar SHAKEDOWN.
Publix supermarket is learning the hard way, that if you give a liberal an inch, they'll
take 200 miles.
That's precisely what has happened after radical teen activist staged a "die-in"
at a Florida Publix store, in protest of corporate political donations to pro-NRA candidates.
After Hogg successfully got Publix to promise no more "corporate" political donations
(to any candidate or cause), Hogg took it a step further and demanded a million bucks
in "shakedown" money from Publix.
Publix has finally decided "enough is enough" and vows not to cave further to Hogg's extortion.
Having succeeded in bullying the Publix supermarket chain into suspending making political contributions,
Parkland, Florida, student David Hogg was looking to use his media-infused star power
to continue shaking down the company down for money.
It would appear that Hogg doesn't mind if Publix makes political donations, as long
as the money goes to causes he approves of, but the Florida-based grocer that came under
intense fire last week for not having a backbone ,in the face of the student's campaign of
intimidation appears to have finally stiffened it's resolve.
Hogg demanded $1 million from Publix in the early going last week to support the Stoneman
Douglas Victims fund.
I call on Publix to donate double the money they gave to Putman to the Stoneman Douglas
Victims fund, $1,000,000.
And never support an A rated NRA politician again.
He revisited that demand Tuesday, although he discounted the shake down fee to $670,000
— in relation to how much money Publix contributed to NRA-supporting hometown candidate for governor
Adam Putnam.
Best thing for me to see on graduation is $670,000 out of adamputnam campaign and into
the MSD victims fund.
Earlier in the day, the 18-year-old high school student — he does still attend school, right?
— requested a meeting via Twitter with the head of the employee-owned $34 billion enterprise.
To Todd Jones, CEO of Publix Thank you for hearing the voices of young ppl working to
end gun violence.
We have one request: A face-to-face meeting.
We need business leadership to join the effort to end the carnage.
Let's lead by example together.
Of course, this reasoned request came after Hogg taunted the company last week.
Publix I'm shaking in my boots awaiting your DM.
The request to meet prompted a reply from Fred Guttenberg, the father of Parkland shooting
victim Jaime Guttenberg, who had some bad news.
(Guttenberg dismissed the fact that Hogg's antics were the cause of his discontent.)
Black Mirror Season 4 2k19, In a series of tweets, the father explained
that he spoke with Publix CEO Todd Jones, only to come away "extremely annoyed."
"He had the gall to say to me that because the die in made this so political that he
would not be able to come down here to meet with the Parkland kids ,and families and that
Publix would not be making any donation to the victims fund," he tweeted.
was first breaking.
I never heard back.
Last week on Thursday morning, the day of the die in, I left another message and this
time I did hear back.
I explained to him how unfortunate it was that he did not call back the week before
as he had the chance to do something proactive.
explain that in person and to hear from us why we are concerned about the donations to
I also let him know that most other large Florida based companies had donated to the
victims fund but Publix had not ,and perhaps Publix could make a donation to offset what
they gave to families, as a reminder we are customers,
and that Publix would not be making any donation to the victims fund.
That is the right of Publix to make a decision like that, but I also have the right to call
it out.
To be clear, this became political because of the donation to.
Putnam and the lack of response from Publix until there was an outcry.
The victims in Parkland did not make this political.
While Hogg's attack on the Publix brand stopped the company from making political
donations, the misguided "protest" may have have done more harm than good for the
true victims of the school shooting.
But Hogg managed to elevate his public profile — see celebrity status — that much more,
so all is not lost.
what do you think about this?
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USA facts today.
It Was OK For This Comedian To Call Trump A 'Cheap Cracker' And 'B*tch,' We Found Out Why - Duration: 5:07.
I remember when comedy was actually funny and not profane and offensive. Give me Benny
Hill, The Bean, Tim Conway, Carol Burnett, Red Skelton, Bob Hope, Johnny Carson… Those
days don't come back. Now things are just crass. For instance, remember the time when
Saturday Night Live's Michael Che slammed President Trump as a "cheap cracker" and
"bitch?" Odd, that didn't get him fired like ABC fired Roseanne even though that joke
was also blatantly racist. Go figure. It's okay to call President Trump those names because
he's white and on the right. Yeah, I went there.
Che laid into President Trump during Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" segment
on Sept. 30th because of anger he felt over Trump rightly defending himself from Carmen
Yulín Cruz. If you don't remember who that is, Cruz is the mayor of San Juan who used
her office and stature to advance her career after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico
by finding fault with Trump for his administration's otherwise successful relief efforts. She even
printed t-shirts to promote herself. It was so self-serving, it was nauseating.
There are tons of examples of white people being trashed by comedians, Hollywood and
the left, but nary a peep over them doing so. It's okay to be abusive to white people,
but not other races. And evidently it's okay to bash the right, but don't you dare
attack the left or… consequences. Wanda Sykes who got on her high horse and quit Roseanne's
show before ABC canceled it, has her own racist ax to grind. ""White people don't steal
wallets." They steal countries." And she has the nerve to slam Roseanne? That's hypocrisy
on a whole new level.
Why do so many Americans give comedians a free pass when it comes to racist and misogynistic
remarks? Political correctness is the culprit here. We shouldn't tolerate nasty, vile,
racist comments from black comedians. Their race does not give them sanction to persecute
others for the color of their skin. Comedian Chris Rock is one of the worst out there and
he's never been called on the carpet for it. Chris Rock: "I want to live in a world
where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month." He continued, "I want to
see white mothers on TV crying." Talk like that isn't funny and should, in fact, cause
someone like Rock to be shunned. Instead, it makes him millions. That's just messed
up. How is this not hate speech? This is over the top even for Chris Rock.
Chris Rock is a black comedian with a net worth of over $70 million. America, the first
country to outlaw slavery, has made him a very rich man. Before Obama, racism was on
its way to being all but non-existent in this country. But the left and comedians like Rock
are intent on bringing racial divisiveness back via Black Power or some such nonsense.
He's a millionaire and declares himself some kind of victim. That's ridiculous and
pathetic. has even more examples of Rock's violent, hateful humor:
"My dad used to say: 'You can't beat white people at anything…nothing. But you
can knock 'em out.'"
"'In my neighborhood, there's like 3- 4 black people in my neighborhood in Alpine.
It's me, Gary Sheffield, Mary Jane Blige, Patrick Ewing. Hall of Famer, Hall of Famer,
greatest R & B singer of our time. Who lives next to me? What's the white man next to
me? He's a dentist. He didn't invent anything, he's just a dentist. That's what America
Let me get this straight, going to college and working your tail off to become a successful
dentist is something that was not earned? Just a dentist? How do you get there from
here? Maybe it's because Chris Rock doesn't know what true hard work is. He may have gotten
wealthy off of comedy, but the way he does it, I don't consider it a real vocation
that contributes to society. Just my two cents. Rock might want to take a long hard look at
a third generation white coal miner and ask him about his 'white privilege'. But Rock
won't, because if the truth be known, he's a racist and if you aren't black, you are
less than human to him.
One of the videos below shows Rock going on about the Confederate flag three years ago.
In it, he tries to mock every white person (or "cracker" as he calls them). The best
line is when he calls Al Sharpton "Martin Luther King with a perm." However, I personally
just don't find the guy funny. I find him and other black comedians that riff on white
people offensive. Dave Chappelle on Walk-Off: "I Wanted to Call 'White,' 'Alcoholic'
Audience 'Crackers'." Really? And he's supposed to be one of the best comedians out
there. No thanks.
When I interact with people, I don't ever notice their race or even if they are physically
challenged. My best friend for years was a quadriplegic SEAL. But these guys make you
notice and rub your face in it when it just should not matter. It's despicable.
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:30.
Tesla Rebuilder Discovers Model S Still Functional After Being Underwater - Duration: 4:14.
A Tesla Model S P85D with salvage title was able to miraculously power on, despite being
submerged underwater for 10 days when catastrophic Hurricane Harvey swept through Houston, Texas
last year.
The discovery comes by way of hobbyist Tesla rebuilder Rich, who shares his story in his
popular Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel about purchasing a severely flood-damaged Model
S for $20,000 and attempting to restore it.
In the video, Rich could be seen powerwashing the vehicle's internals and interior, including
the entire instrument cluster and 17-inch center touchscreen.
The car enthusiast also powerwashed the mold off the vehicle's interior panels.
After washing out the interior, Rich hooked up an external power source to the Model S'
front-mounted 12V battery in an attempt to "jumpstart" the vehicle and see if anything
would be functional.
This was when things started becoming very, very interesting.
Immediately after getting jumpstarted, the vehicle's instrument cluster and infotainment
console started booting up.
Its hazard lights turned on as well.
Rich and his team then attempted to unlock the vehicle, and sure enough, after a couple
of tries, it did.
Once unlocked, the Model S' door handles, fog lights, and interior dome lights were
Despite the numerous onscreen warnings, the vehicle's infotainment system was still
operational, showing no moisture despite getting powerwashed just half an hour before the vehicle
was jumpstarted.
Even more amazing, the Model S showed that it was still connected to the internet through
Rich and his team tried accessing Google through the media control unit, and much to their
amazement, the electric car's browser worked just fine.
Overall, Rich and his team's reactions to the vehicle were summed up in the auto enthusiast's
statement when it was evident that the Model S was still very much alive.
"You can't kill a Tesla.
You can't.
You just can't kill it."
Rich's findings in his latest project seem to be a direct confirmation of Tesla CEO Elon
Musk's statement back in June 2016, when he commented on a video of a Model S owner
using the car as a makeshift boat while wading through a flooded tunnel in Kazakhstan.
According to Musk then, the luxury all-electric sedan could indeed float without damaging
its internals, since its battery and drivetrain are sealed.
Tesla's electric cars command a high price even as salvaged vehicles.
Rich paid $20,000 for the electric car, and this price is actually on the average side
of salvaged Tesla prices.
As could be seen in E-Repairables, a website dedicated to listings of damaged electric
vehicles, a salvaged Tesla Model S could easily fetch $30,000 and above, close to the prices
of a CPO Model S.
The Tesla Model S is among the vehicles on the market with a high resale value.
Last year, Autolist conducted a survey which concluded that the luxury electric sedan depreciates
less than cars from competing manufacturers.
The same poll revealed that second-hand Teslas sell much faster than their ICE counterparts
as well.
Watch Rich's video featuring the reactivation of his flooded Model S in the video below.
Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #152 with Mark Sanborn: The Biggest Fear When Moderating a Panel - Duration: 1:45.
Mark, what's your biggest fear when you're moderating a panel?
Well there are several, one is just an overall lack of energy.
I think energy is so important to any presentation.
It doesn't mean silly motivational hyperbole jump up and down.
But just an intellectual energy or vigor that comes from people who are truly engaged.
And a more practical level I think any moderator fears the one word answer where you ask an
open ended question and you don't get yes or no but you get you know just very brief
answers that you then have to try to extract.
And if that happens too much you've got a real problem because you know one or two
short answers is fine but if you get to three or four you then have to move onto a different
I would also think that if I am filling in the blanks and this is what you do it's
kind of a Hail Mary when you're desperate and you're just not getting anything from
the panelist or you're not getting anything that's really particularly insightful.
As you actually in an effort to help them make, in an effort to help make them look
good you start filling in the blanks for them with more interesting answers than they are
Again it can help save the panel or at least it can make it less painful, but it is something
I don't like to do as a moderator.
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