It has, at this moment, been a little over two weeks since Melanie Trump was seen in
So we're talking about a little over, I believe, 18 days, as of right now, since anyone in
this country really has seen Melania Trump.
And as a result of Melania's alleged disappearance, conspiracy theories online and social media
are going absolutely nuts.
Some people are suggesting that Melania Trump may have actually had plastic surgery and
she needs time to recover.
So the cover story that they're saying was that, when she went in for that benign kidney
infection, as the White House said, it was actually plastic surgery, which would explain
why she was there for five days instead of a procedure that would've allowed her to actually
leave that same day if not the following morning.
That is, at most, a one day procedure, but she ended up staying there for five days.
Another conspiracy theory floating around out there is that she's actually cooperating
with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Another is that she's moved back to New York because she doesn't want to be around Trump
Some people have suggested that perhaps she used that sinkhole to escape from the White
House, or that she was actually rounded up by ICE because Donald Trump is just that hard
against immigrants in the United States.
So let's get something out of the way.
None of this is true.
I don't think any of these things happened.
I think Melania's disappearance is completely innocuous.
She doesn't like her new job.
She didn't want to be a part of it.
She doesn't like going out and being seen by the media.
She is a private person, so she's just not going out and doing things.
She wasn't present at the Memorial Day wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery, which
is something that past first ladies do attend with the President of the United States.
She did not go to that, which, again, that is a little suspicious, but she doesn't like
her job, and I think that's the simplest explanation here.
She didn't ever want to be a part of this.
We know that, and now she has no choice but to be this very public person.
So, I don't think any of these conspiracy theories are true.
I don't think anything has happened to Melania.
I don't think she's escaped.
I don't think she's working with Mueller, and I certainly don't think she was rounded
up by ICE, or that she had plastic surgery.
I think what's happening is that Melania Trump is growing sick and tired of the media looking
at her, wanting her to do great things, when all she wants to do is basically nothing.
And to be honest, there's nothing wrong with that.
She has a horrible husband, who is constantly out there undermining her entire Be Best campaign,
so she probably does feel a little useless.
She probably does feel a little trapped, because there is nothing that this woman can do at
this point to basically show the world that she is not as horrible as her husband, or
that she takes the issue of cyber bullying seriously.
So, she retreats.
She stays in the White House.
She doesn't talk to people; she doesn't talk to the press.
She's not making any public appearances because the best thing she thinks she can do at this
point is distance herself from her disgusting husband, and, to be honest, I can't disagree
with her on that.
For more infomation >> Melania Trump's Sudden Disappearance Sparks Wild Conspiracy Theories - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
B*D News For Wanda Sykes Who Quit 'Roseanne' Right Before Cancellation – She Knew! - Duration: 6:03.
BAD News For Racist Wanda Sykes Who Quit 'Roseanne' Right Before Cancellation – She Knew!
Wanda Sykes is getting really bad news after she quit working on the Roseanne show.
There are a few things she's said that finally come back to haunt her as the general public
use what she previously said against her.
There's a wicked double standard running rampant in the entertainment industry ,and
we all need to put our foot down on it before it gets out of hand.
There are a few things that Sykes said that many people consider racist ,and much worse
than what Roseanne Tweeted about Valerie Jarret – a name many people didn't really know
until Roseanne just made her famous with a single Tweet.
Sykes is known for using racially charged content in her attempts at jokes, often failing
to gather a gasping belly laugh from her audience who gives a chuckle, but doesn't seem to
really be into her using the Hollywood double standard to push her fledgling comedy act.
She may have gotten lucky with a few of her standup jokes, but a lot of people seem to
be turned off by her using racism in her act.
Mostly, her jokes are subjectively not that funny, but to each their own.
The bad news is that Wanda's basic schoolyard jokes are now causing her to feel the wrath
of the public.
She knew what she said in the past ,and for her to quit the Roseanne show over a misinterpreted
Tweet that people called racist after remembering what she said herself about white people is
just oblivious.
Sykes comments about white people were rather offensive, although most people didn't care
what she said.
Intelligent people don't get offended when a comedian says something offensive.
Lots of comedians have entire acts where almost everything is offensive and that's what
makes them funny.
Offensive jokes and content are well liked by most people and anyone who claims to not
like it, while saying things like what Sykes said, is clearly hiding something about themselves.
Sykes probably should have remembered that she too made racially charged comments before
quitting the Roseanne show ,and acting like she was making a moral statement.
People who like Wanda Sykes laughed at her jokes.
People who like Roseanne laugh at hers.
There shouldn't be anyone getting offended or reporting things.
If people don't like something, then they can simply skip over it and find something
they like.
At one point Sykes said something about white people not stealing wallets, but stealing
entire countries.
Some might suggest that the Europeans "conquered upon discovery" – not stole.
Sykes also commented during one of her live stand-up shows that Americans voted for an
orangutan as ,she talked about Donald Trump and the fact that he looks like a weird shade
of orange from his tanning products.
Sure, it's obvious that the Trump uses a spray tan or tanning booth and everyone knows
he looks a little orange, and that's fine.
Sykes went for a joke by comparing the color of an orangutan and the color of President
Some laughed, most didn't care because the joke was rather lame.
Here is a video of Wanda Sykes trashing Trump and essentially getting booed.
She would also give the crowd the middle finger.
It seems like her jokes failed, but that's mostly because people are tired of their entertainment
being ruined by politics and failure comedians going after them with racism ,and other nonsensical
verbal abuse.
Sykes allegedly made this comment on Twitter as well, which was called out immediately
for being inappropriate.
Roseanne did basically the same thing as Wanda Sykes, yet Roseanne just got fired from her
show over it (her show is canceled).
Meanwhile, Wanda just faces a little bit of social media outrage.
Roseanne compared white-looking Valerie Jarrett to someone from the Planet of the Apes movies
and this was probably because of her facial structure and haircut.
To be fair, just like Trump looks a little orange, it's a fair assumption to suggest
that Jarrett does slightly resemble Helena Bonham Carter's character.
Carter, by the way, is a stunningly beautiful woman (great in The Fight Club), but she had
a similar short hairdo (or don't) with bangs in the movie and that's probably the basis
of Roseanne's joke.
They both had very lame jokes, but should either of them be fired for their poor taste
in humor?
If a comedian tells a bad joke and people complain, then shouldn't it be "oh well"
for the people who don't like their sense of humor?
Humor is subjective, so some people might like Wanda, some might like Roseanne, some
may like both, and others may not like them at all.
Shouldn't that be how it is?
Right now it seems like if someone doesn't like a joke or finds something subjectively
offensive, then their first reaction is to boycott or get someone fired.
Doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous for everyone?
Maybe everyone should calm down, focus on what makes them happy, and stop worrying about
what the others are doing.
People who are mad at Roseanne weren't watching her show anyway, so there's no point to
cancel it.
People who don't like what Wanda said don't watch her act either.
Everything works out fine when people focus on the things they enjoy instead of being
mad about someone they don't watch in the first place.
It's all fake outrage and double standards.
Is the big problem the huge double standard?
Why can one person crack jokes about someone's appearance and another person cannot?
Do you think everyone needs to stop complaining about offensive jokes?
Would classic comedians like George Carlin and Richard Pryor be disappointed with society
Should Roseanne get her show back?
Should Wanda Sykes face the same backlash from her comments (which were much worse)?
What is your opinion on this "everyone is offended by everything" disaster and obvious
mainstream media industry double standard?
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Zucchini Garlic Rose Bread Recipe - Duration: 5:08.
250g (2 cups) all purpose flour/plain flour (per cup = 125g). 1 tsp salt.
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp oil
125ml+2 tbsp warm water (1/2 cup+2 tbsp)
Knead on a floured surface. If you find it too dry, add little water to adjust.
Knead about 5 minutes or until smooth
Form a ball
Put dough in a large bowl. drop some oil into the dough and coat evenly.
Cover for an hour or more depends on your room temperature
Double in size after an hour proofing
On work surface. the dough is smooth 6 elastic As you see here, no an extra flour to handle the dough.
The dough is ready
Divide into 16 pieces
We have 16 small dough
Flatten lengthwise
4 slices of zucchini for each piece of dough
Garlic butter spread
Spread garlic butter on the dough
Put sliced zucchini on the dough
Fold the dough exposing 1/2 part of the zucchini slices. Press on both ends to secure the zucchini.
Spread garlic butter and roll to make a rose shape
I use a round baking dish, we can use any pan.
Cover for 30 minutes
Egg wash
Bake at 200°C (400°F) for 20 - 25 minutes, preheated oven. An oven may vary.
Eat warm...
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who is Mueller's 'KEY WITNESS' - Duration: 2:34.
Many Trump supporters are frustrated with Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
They feel that he has not done enough to protect the president from fake scandals, and is not
going after the people like Hillary, Loretta Lynch, and the slews of other Obama Deep State
Sessions has an excuse for not being involved in the Russia witch-hunt since he recused
himself – an act President Trump was not happy about – and has said that if he knew
Sessions would do that, he'd have picked someone else for the job.
Now, a new report is stating that AG Sessions is actually, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
"KEY" witness.
Perhaps that could explain a lot.
From Breitbart
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly a key witness in Robert Mueller's inquiry
into whether President Donald J. Trump obstructed the Russia investigation.
During a March 2017 meeting at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump asked Sessions to unrecuse
himself from the collusion probe — a request the Attorney General declined.
"The confrontation, which has not been previously reported, is being investigated by the special
counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as are the president's public and private attacks on
Mr. Sessions and efforts to get him to resign.
Mr. Trump dwelled on the recusal for months, according to confidants and current and former
administration officials who described his behavior toward the attorney general," reports
the New York Times.
Special counsel lawyers have grilled White House aides about the President's relationship
with Sessions in an effort to learn whether the Attorney General acted in any way to influence
the investigation.
Eight questions that the special counsel would like President Trump to answer focus on his
relationship with Sessions.
The Justice Department would not respond to the New York Times for comment.
In April, President Donald Trump criticized Sessions — once again — for recusing himself
from the Mueller probe.
"The Attorney General made a terrible mistake when he did this and when he recused himself
– or he should have certainly let us know if he was going to recuse himself, and we
would have put a different attorney general in," said Trump.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Mujer de exgobernador mexicano vive a todo tren en Londres | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:43.
Actriz se disculpa por su comentario racista | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:50.
Peña Nieto dice que México no pagará por el muro | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.
Secrets to quickly inflate the chest muscle with this wonderful program - Duration: 13:08.
You need to watch this video
Welcome to the new video
Snara exercises inflate the chest
How well-known muscles on the chest of the most beautiful muscle in the human body
Before you start exercises come on to know the larger breast muscle
Chest muscles consist of 3 muscles (upper-middle-lower
And we'll even have internal and external muscles
Enlargement of the chest muscles should focus on all these tratus muscles
We will see every exercise and any muscle targeted
Before any share in the gym is necessary for drowsiness exercises
Well, let's look at the most important exercises to get started
Well, did you do these exercises?
Note I am fasting now, however, I will picture you the episode that you asked me to tell you that I love you
Let's start the first exercise
I will give you the important points for this exercise
The first point of the correct position should be such a form
Another point is how to hold the bar (depends on the type of your deletion
For example, if you want to expand the chest, you must keep the bar and the receptacle
If you want the middle line of the chest you must drink the bar from inside
If you want to inflate a chest hold the bar in this way
The most important thing to breathe inspiration and exhalation
Number of occurrences according to the target you want
The fifth point is an exercise aimed at the middle muscle and the auxiliary muscles, triceps and shoulders
The second exercise rate is like the first exercise, but it targets the upper muscle
The ratio of the number of repetitions such as the first exercise
Points of interest for an exercise
Will come in such a chair and act like this
Take the dumbbells and act like this form of exercise that makes your chest perfect and sexy
With a ratio of external muscles you can do this exercise well
God willing, when this video reaches 10,000 like and the largest number of comments I will download the episode
Leave and comment the name of the muscle you want in the next episode
If you like the video, share it with all your friends on Facebook, you can help me
By clicking on your account, you will find it in the video description
I will tell you thank you for watching
Offroad Car Driving 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 4:22.
Offroad Car Driving New Android Game 2018
Asesinan a otro periodista mexicano | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.
Se ganó la lotería pero aún no ha reclamado su premio | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.
Nueva cifra de muertos en Puerto Rico genera indignación | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:01.
Un arquitecto mexicano que nos ayuda a ser más felices | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 3:00.
Megan from Impact — R-Factoring© - Duration: 2:43.
I had an opportunity from a
coach of mine. He asked me
if I wanted to apply to be in
this movie because they
would help me with coaches
to bring it out into the open.
To give me the help that I
knew I needed.
So I was in reactive mode
to life. I was in pure survival
mode - financially, spiritually,
emotionally, mentally...
every sort of way. I was
really grasping at "oh my God"
just to survive and the
creativity, almost it's just
stifled. It was like a flower
and it's just doooooo,,,
went away.
As that reawakening and
that remembering comes
in it is the experience of that
truth that you will have that
will shift everything in your
life and it's all in here.
You have been taught for
so long to seek your
empowerment outside of
yourself or from someone
else which is the best way
to keep you off track and
keep you away from the
treasure map is to tell you
the treasure is over here.
Keep going here. No, no, it's
over here. No, no, it's over
here and then to find out
you've been carrying it
around all along. [sigh], ok,
but how do I get it out?
We're gonna teach you
how to unlock, open it up
and waaam! It's like an
illuminated light state that
floods you. When that
happens, the emotional
impact of it is really
indescribable. Like you said,
the joy, the bliss, the peace
the calm
compassion, love
the knowing, the empowerment
that takes place.
This is amazing. This is
exactly what I had been
seeking even though I
did not know I was seeking.
I was not consciously
knowing I was seeking.
I was consciously knowing
I wanted to work on my
subconscious but I had
never been given the
tools to go as deep as
I've gone with Julius ever
in my life and I just feel
so blessed.
I feel like I've got the
tools to finally take it to
the next level.
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