Watch me as I am
My mothers always taught me
That when you meet someone just say:
"Hi, I'm Niki, and my moms are lesbians.
Nice to meet you."
Watch me tell
it's one of the worst fears,
feeling alone in the world,
Watch me get emotional
Oh my! It hurts!
Watch me open up
When I was 15.5 years old
I didn't even talk to my friends
Watch me proud
Why do you have to define?
Today I'm with a woman,
does it mean I only have to be with women?
Watch me then
In the past I was stoned,
because of my gender.
the police chased us
Just for fun,
like hunting rabbits.
Watch me now
me and the entire community in Israel
owes a huge thank
to people like you.
I think what you do
is so important,
because we always hear the parents,
Thanks to people like you
I... am living
live my life
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For more infomation >> תראו אותי עכשיו. סדרת מפגשים על אומץ, אהבה וגאווה. - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
House Cleaning - Where Does Stuff Go? - Duration: 6:04.
How do you know where stuff goes?
Oh, that's an excellent question, and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask A House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now today's show is brought to us by
which is a 360-view of the perfect home.
Now summer is coming and everybody wants to be outside, but there are bugs outside.
Ugh, and they're going to bite us and sting us an all these things.
Did you know that on there are people that do mosquito and pest
control for the great outdoors?
So you can spend time outside playing Frisbee and ball with your kids, you can be having
barbecues and cookouts, and not worry about being eaten alive by those little critters that live outside.
Now on to today's show, which is from a house cleaner who has this question.
John: Hi, Angela.
My name's John, and I recently had the idea of starting a cleaning business.
I've never actually cleaned houses really before, but one of the things that I've been
looking into that I've been a little confused is, when I go into a customer's house,
how do I know where certain things go?
If I were to go into a kitchen and there's something there that may be out of place,
how do I know where to put it or do I just clean around it?
Just anything that they could ever know, how do you know, basically, where to put things
or to leave things that may be in random spots around the house, or whatever, how to organize
and things like that? Thank you.
Angela Brown: All right, John, that is a great question.
Where does stuff go?
I got good news for you.
You already know.
You're a grown man and you already know where stuff goes.
Bathroom stuff goes in the bathroom, kitchen stuff goes in the kitchen.
Now if you go into somebody's kitchen and you're cleaning and you find silverware,
what do you do with it?
Wait, wait, I'm going to tell you.
It goes in the silverware drawer.
Yes, you win.
And if you have dishes, where do the dishes go?
Yes, they go in the cupboard.
See, this is so easy.
You already know.
If you have towels, where do the towels go?
In the linen closet?
Yes, you're correct.
See, you already know.
If you've lived in a domesticated house, you already have a pretty good feel for where
this stuff goes.
Now, as you do a walkthrough with the customer, if there's something unusual, like maybe they
have a bunch of Legos on the living room table, you may ask,
"Is this table dedicated to the Legos, and do they live on this table or
is this just something you see for today?"
They might say, "No, my kid was playing.
He meant to put those away."
That's a great time to segue into the conversation, "Are they going to be picked up when I come
to clean your house?
Because if they're not, I run the risk of running over them with my vacuum, and ah,
your son would kill me if I ate up all of his Legos with my vacuum."
They will tell you what you need to touch and what you need to leave alone.
There may be collections of stuff that they're like, "Don't even bother touching those because
I don't want you to bump them or drop them or break them or whatever."
If there's something that's off-limits, they will tell you that.
But for the majority of things you just going to be cleaning it and dusting it
and leaving it where it is.
Now if you go inside someone's bathroom and there are all kinds of shampoos and creams
and potions and makeup, what you're going to do is dust it, wipe the counters down and
organize everything and put it right back.
You're not going to move it too far and you're not going to take it and put it in containers
and hide it in a closet.
You don't do that.
But you've lived in a house and you have a pretty good idea that bedroom stuff goes in
the bedroom, clothes go in the closets.
They should have everything picked up for you when you get there.
You're going to be doing maintenance cleaning if that's your agreement.
My suggestion to you is, if you're really worried about where stuff goes, ask the customers
to pick up all their stuff and put it away.
Mark Twain once said that if a woman can't get what she wants by being smart,
she can get it by playing dumb.
I'll give you a secret: so can men.
So you can say, "Look, I'm not very good at knowing where stuff goes and I would hate
to put something of yours in a closet or a drawer where you may never find it again.
So if you'll put all that stuff away before I get here, I'll just come and clean and I'll
just do what I do best."
Most people will go, "Oh, okay, that sounds like a deal."
The good news is you're off the hook.
You don't have to worry about where everything goes because you already have a pretty good
instinct of nature about that.
You kind of know, right?
If you're not sure, you can always ask the client.
If there's something peculiar, if you're cleaning and they're gone, you can send them a text
and say, "Hey, I see something on your kitchen counter I've never seen before.
Am I supposed to clean around this or do you want me to move it and put it away?
If so, where would you like me to put it?"
Oh my goodness, isn't that easy?
We can ask question.
We don't have to know all the answers.
We just have to know that we are capable as cleaners.
As things arise, there will be questions.
As long as I've been cleaning houses, there are questions.
Then I just go back to the customer and I'm like, "Oh hey, what about this?"
It's not like I'm less of a house cleaner because I asked a question.
It's just the opposite.
"Hey, I'm more of a house cleaner because I paid attention, and I have a question so
that I can do my job better to serve you better."
Oh, I love this.
See, you're going to be just a great house cleaner, John.
I am so confident you're going to be just fine.
That's where stuff goes.
It goes where it goes.
If you're not sure, ask.
That's my two cents for today.
Until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Đại ca Châu chửi Sơn Mặt Quỷ phông bạt rách mầy diễn hơi sâu |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 13:08.
లలితా సహస్రనామాల ప్రత్యేకత | Lalita Sahasranamalu | Lalita Sahasranama Bhashyam | Sri Matre Namaha - Duration: 24:52.
Nike is releasing possibly the most practical shoe ever made - Duration: 1:52.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate - Fuel Injection Conversion - Duration: 1:06.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate - Fuel Injection Conversion
《結愛》趙松正式黑化,全劇最慘的不是女主關皮皮,而是涂山千花 - Duration: 7:47.
Popular Animated Kids Series | EAT (சாப்பிட ) – Big Block – Episode 22 | Shemaroo Kids Tamil - Duration: 2:18.
Eat Eat Eat!
Hungry! Hungry
When I'm growly in my belly
That's my tummy trying to tell me
I've got a job to do
I've got a job to do
I'm so hungry
Do you know how I feel
I've got to get back my energy
make me a meal
I've got to fill me up
And make the growling stop
Eat eat eat! I know I've got to eat I've got to crunch, chew
That's what I like to do to make my brain grow big
My body grow strong
I've got to eat eat eat to feel good all day long
In my tummy, tummy, tummy
It's a party
Party Party
I can feel it
Feel it, Feel it
The fun is starting
Starting, Starting
The carrots and asparagus are swimming in the juice
It's always a good party when there's broccoli on the loose
We've got some crackers
Crackers Crackers
dancing with potatoes
laughing with tomatoes
Everybody seems to be in such a great mood
It's always a relief when you get along with food
Eat eat eat
I know I've got to eat I've got to crunch, chew
That's what I like to do to make my brain grow big
My body grow strong
I've got to eat eat eat to feel good all day long
CAT TOM RUNNING FOR SWEETS #6 cartoon game for kids TOM and his FRIENDS video for kids - Duration: 10:08.
「鬼怪新娘」金高銀爆肥16斤撞臉PSY?好演員懂得如何為戲犧牲 - Duration: 2:57.
SJ崔始源、彭于晏首爾重聚,比比誰的牙更白... XD - Duration: 3:50.
ユーチューバー向け肩と頭を即スッキリさせる方法 大宮 整体 method that become lighter head and neck for youtuber. - Duration: 11:42.
Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This video talk about method that become lighter head and neck for youtuber.
At first,I tell point that accumulate stiff muscle. This is skull. Many stiff muscle accumulate into joint part of skull.
It is image of sea cove. It is inside sandy beach. That place is wave movement is so few.
I am not sea professional. At basically is maybe wave movement is few.
Something that entered into cave beach is hardly moves. In muscle is also apply. Once hardened place or narrow place is don't soften the stiff muscle.
For example,if move shoulder or neck,muscle is extension and contraction. But there is place that easy to move or hard to move. If think with only muscle,that place is muscle edge.
Muscle edge is attached bone. That place is almost can't move with joint movement.
Because there is stiff muscle from long time ago. As it is leaved alone until now.
Case of head part,some trouble happen. It is headache,persistent stiff neck.
Almost people is thinking "state that don't feel painful is healthy". But it is different.The painful don't come out.
Almost people sense became insensitivity more than past time. It don't notice to self body condition change bad.
I recommend to do soften self body before feel painful. Your worry will cancellation with this method.
The method is so easy. Please put self elbow into desk or chair. Please make fist with self hand. It use third joint of finger.
Touch with self fist in skull bone gap. Please move neck with that state.
Point is to don't move hand and do move neck. Movement is front,back,right,left,something is also OK.
Maybe you feel so painful. Because your head muscle don't have flexibility. This stiff muscle do cause headache,neck pain,etc.
I gave many treatment for many customer. I know cause of headache or neck pain. It do cause from many factor.
But person that have headache is almost case,have stiff head muscle. Headache cause into almost case is stiff head muscle.
There is also other influence but influence into stiff head muscle is so big. Because almost people don't soften head muscle.
Do nothing as stiff head muscle until long years ago. Neck pain is also same.
Reason that I said for youtuber is many video creator use head often too much. I don't know person that don't have stiff head muscle in other than children. Insomia by stiff muscle is so bad.
Please do this self care before that. I tell to how to find bone gap. Please move 3 fingers heading for back of ear.
The direction is head top. Please move that like draw circle with your fist. Maybe there is point that fist fit.
Or you feel step. Please rub that place. Rub that place and move little by little. Maybe there is indent in around step.
I recommend to don't confirm limitlessly place. Please rub many place. If you feel painful,that place is correct.
Please put elbow on desk or chair. So touch fist in back head and rub it. And move neck in keep state.
I will say it over and over. If you feel strong pain,please move fist little by little.
Even I do explain method so many in my video,this is tell to hard. At reality,case of I do massage for new customer,new customer feel surprise.
「It is so stimulation!」 My customer said those. I want to leave from fixed concept for you.
After few minutes,please compare right shoulder stiffness and left. Maybe side that did self care is became soft more than opposite.
Your neck and shoulder become like sport man. You will get so soft muscle. If you keep that condition,your headache,etc is become lost.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
Humidity in Float Rooms - DSP 185 - Duration: 15:18.
>>Ashkahn: This is Ashkahn.
>>Graham: In case you're wondering.
I mean, Graham.
>>Ashkahn: Welcome.
>>Graham: We are doing the Daily Solutions Podcast.
>>Ashkahn: Just read the question, buddy.
You've got one job.
>>Graham: Today's question is, why did you team up with such a jerk for your co-host?
>>Ashkahn: Thank-you.
Great question.
>>Graham: Today's question is, "I wanted to ask about pod room humidity and how you control
Do you have the pod lid open when the pods are not in use?
Do you have a dehumidifier in each room?"
>>Ashkahn: This is a big question.
It's an important question.
>>Graham: Yeah, so thank-you for bringing this to everyone's attention.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
Humidity's a big, it's a big deal.
It has a lot of effects in the float tank.
Temperatures is greatly reliant on humidity.
Our perception of temperature in the heat.
These sort of humidity questions range a lot from people's comfort, to condensation,
to all sorts of different things that can happen in the float room.
>>Graham: Yeah.
There's kind of a few different categories almost.
Maybe we can breeze through some and then delve into others.
But there's humidity just in your overall float room, ignoring the pod itself.
>>Ashkahn: Right.
>>Graham: That can cause damage to the building and stuff if you're not dealing with humidity
and controlling it within the room itself.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah, so mold and mildew, destroying your drywall.
All that sort of stuff.
You hopefully have a room that's setup to handle a lot of moisture.
>>Graham: Because then you have a giant humidity generation machine there.
>>Ashkahn: It's not just the float tanks.
It's in large part actually the showers.
>>Graham: Yeah.
>>Ashkahn: The fact that people are taking two showers for every float.
That's at the end of the day probably causing more humidity than your float tank is.
>>Graham: There's humidity in the room.
Then there's humidity in the tank when someone's floating.
>>Ashkahn: Yep.
>>Graham: Then there's humidity in the tank when someone's not floating.
>>Ashkahn: Then there's humidity when someone's just stepping in.
That kind of in between floating and not floating.
>>Graham: Yeah, or stepping out too.
>>Ashkahn: Or stepping out, yeah.
Or when you're looking in the float tank but you haven't gotten into it yet.
>>Graham: Yeah.
That moment.
Critical moment right beforehand.
>>Ashkahn: We'll discuss all those in detail here.
>>Graham: I guess there is also just humidity for your HVAC and the rest of your building
Which, if we have time and the inclination, we can go into.
>>Ashkahn: You do need something to control for humidity in your float rooms.
A dehumidifier, while the name of the device sounds like exactly what you're looking for,
the main problem with having a dehumidifier in your room is just noise.
They're pretty loud.
>>Graham: Even the quiet, well like we've gotten the whisper quiet.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
>>Graham: Or as quiet as you can get with dehumidifiers.
>>Ashkahn: They often beep to let you know when they're full, very annoyingly.
>>Graham: Which, you can get in there and cut the speaker wires, but then you're doing
a little modification on them.
>>Ashkahn: Or you could have a dehumidifier that actually has a tube that drains out by
itself, so it doesn't have a basin.
But at that point you're doing some pretty sophisticated stuff with dehumidifiers.
Really, the real solution is to have something like this built into the ventilation of your
>>Graham: Yeah.
An HVAC system, especially one that has an air conditioner built in, really handles humidity
and dehumidification.
That's kind of built into -
>>Ashkahn: Yeah, you're probably going to have a condenser somewhere along your system
that's actually taking humidity out of the air as it's going through your ventilation
>>Graham: Yeah.
That's really common.
If you've actually done a setup that has a legit HVAC and you're heating and cooling
your rooms, then humidity control for the rooms is probably built into that, and the
load's been all balanced with air going in and out and stuff like that.
That'll just kind of handle it for you.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
That's really the level you should be looking at in terms of properly controlling this stuff.
The other thing to note here is that you can actually remove too much humidity from the
You can make them not humid enough.
The amount of humidity you want in there I think is actually a little bit more than you
typically want in just a normal room temperature room, like your lobby.
The main issue is that if you take too much humidity out of the air, the salt water that's
on the top half of your body while you're floating in the float tank will actually start
to evaporate pretty quickly, and leave the salt crystals behind on your body.
It's just uncomfortable.
It's just unpleasant.
You'll be floating and you get in there, and there's salt all over your stomach and stuff
like that.
After about 15 minutes that just turns into salt crystals, and every time you move you
just feel like a bunch of little stabby crystals stabbing at you with their stabby hands.
>>Graham: This is, everything that we're saying is just even more true if you're in an open
float pool too.
When you have a float tank, then at the very least if it's closed, if the lid's closed
or the door's shut, then it's kind of turning into its own humidity generated moist world
in there, you know?
The humidity on the outside can still affect that, but not nearly as much as if you have
no cover on the tank.
Then getting the humidity correct for the entire room just becomes 10 times as important,
I'll say, just off the top of my head as a random multiplier.
>>Ashkahn: 17 and a half times more.
So yeah, humidity's important because it can damage your room if you have too much of it.
It can make salt crystals form on the top of people's bodies if you don't have enough
of it.
Also, the humidity level in your room will affect the temperature that people feel like
it is.
The air temperature that people feel.
It ranges huge amounts, from zero to 100 percent humidity will change your perceived temperate
like 40 degrees Fahrenheit, or something like that.
>>Graham: Sometimes more depending on, the temperature we keep ours too gets up pretty
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
We're talking about pretty serious, you could leave the temperature exactly the same, and
all of a sudden you have more humidity.
People will start saying that it feels hot in your float tanks.
Part of your general temperature control is knowing and hopefully maintaining your humidity
Often what I find is, people just do the best dehumidifying they can at the right level,
and then base their temperature off of that.
Rather than necessarily controlling their humidity.
That seems to be more difficult for people than controlling the temperature.
>>Graham: Yeah.
I don't know any centers who have a humidifier in their rooms.
If that makes sense.
Most often you're controlling humidity by controlling the amount that you're dehumidifying.
>>Ashkahn: Right.
>>Graham: Not by actually injecting moisture into the rooms themselves.
>>Ashkahn: You can.
I think Justin Feinstein's tanks in his research center have a little humidifier.
>>Graham: The closed tank has one for inside the tank.
But I don't know any rooms, like built into the room itself.
>>Ashkahn: Open?
Like an open room?
>>Graham: Yeah.
Just built into the float tank room in general, it has a humidifier.
>>Ashkahn: Right.
Because almost always the problem is the opposite.
It's very rare that you're too low in humidity and the solution is not just notching your
dehumidifying abilities down a little bit.
>>Graham: Yeah.
Usually what we're talking about is level of dehumidification that you're doing here.
There's also, I guess the, for when someone, let's say it's a pod because that was the
Someone hops in a pod.
They close the door.
You have some level of dehumidification going on in the room.
We also didn't talk about, it could just be a fan.
A vent fan up above the shower, is kind of the simple man's version of getting the humidity,
at least from the showers out.
>>Ashkahn: They make really quiet vent fans too, which is nice.
>>Graham: Yeah.
If you do have a vent fan, or even a dehumidifier somewhere in your building, and it starts
making noise?
Just go in there and clean it.
Those things build up a lot of dust, and there's a regular task where we actually have to take
down our built in vent fans in each room to clean them.
Otherwise they just progressively rattle more and more.
I got lost.
I lost track of what I was saying because of the vent fan thing.
The vent fan distracted me.
>>Ashkahn: We still need to talk about what you do in terms of leaving your tanks or pods
>>Graham: Okay.
Let's say you're in a pod.
Let's say you're in a pod.
You hop in there.
You're doing your dehumidification outside.
>>Ashkahn: Mm-hmm.
>>Graham: They shut the lid to the pod when they're floating.
I kind of feel like that if the tank is built correctly, or even if you've just modified
it and put some active airflow on there, just closing the lid and being inside the tank
almost takes care of the humidity when you're floating in a closed environment for the most
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
It's pretty, I've never been in a pod tank style thing and felt there was too little
The only times I've experienced too little humidity is in those open float tanks.
>>Graham: Then if you do go in, and even as a business owner you're running test floats.
You figure out that when you're floating it feels too humid in there.
What do you do to correct that?
>>Ashkahn: Well, there's, I mean a few float tank manufacturers have some sort of active
ventilation system.
>>Graham: Yeah.
>>Ashkahn: There's also a few aftermarket ventilation systems people have made to connect
to your float tanks.
>>Graham: Yeah, and that's, I guess, just making sure there's good airflow deals with
much more than humidity as well.
It makes the float just that much more enjoyable.
It kind of stops things from feeling stale on the inside.
There is a certain amount of air exchange that legally you kind of need to accomplish
to have a human being in that space.
Making sure that that's covered.
Again, hopefully the manufacturers have done that.
But even if just for your personal preference, it's already handled by your tank.
But you do want to get more airflow.
Looking into getting some active ventilation.
Usually some kind of sped down computer fan that's made to be really quiet, or modded
specifically for float tanks, is kind of the type of solution that I see being used for
those fans.
What about when there's no one in the tank?
>>Ashkahn: You have a few different solutions here.
One is, they make these, we call them bubble wrap.
But they're really pool covers.
>>Graham: What's the problem that we're trying to avoid here?
>>Ashkahn: The problem is that -
>>Graham: If leave a tank open it's a humidity generating machine.
>>Ashkahn: If you leave a tank, yeah.
If you leave a tank open you can just be losing a lot of water to evaporation.
>>Graham: Yeah.
>>Ashkahn: If you leave a tank closed, sometimes for long periods of time, that evaporation
will build up on the ceiling of the float tank as condensation, which gets kind of annoying.
You'll have to wipe it off.
There's a nice middle ground of being able to leave your tank open, but not having to
worry about having a lot of the water evaporate out.
Which, you can just get these pool covers.
>>Graham: Bubble wrap.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
They basically look like really nice bubble wrap.
Thick plastic bubble wrap.
>>Graham: You have to try really hard, don't pop them.
Because if you start popping those bubbles, it really ruins the whole system.
>>Ashkahn: They've very hard to pop.
It would be impressive to even pop one.
But you know, you cut it to the shape of your float tank and you basically just roll it
It kind of makes a, basically just like a little cover over the top of the water, and
tries to reduce the amount of surface area that's exposed to the air.
>>Graham: That has its own set of issues that comes along with it.
Mainly it's just a hassle to deal with this thing that you have to roll up and put away.
>>Ashkahn: It's all salty.
>>Graham: Disinfect.
I know people who do kind of all three different solutions for managing humidity in the tank.
It's like, pod lid shut, and then they go in whenever they have a new client coming
They make sure to wipe down the ceiling, because there are droplets up there.
>>Ashkahn: You've got to let it breathe a little bit too.
Open the door for at least five minutes.
Get some cooler fresh air in there.
>>Graham: Then people who just leave the pod door open, and then deal with the fact that
water's evaporating, and deal with humidity going into the room.
Or people who leave the door open, bubble wrap in, but then have to deal with cleaning
up the bubble wrap afterwards.
That's actually what we do at Float On for almost all of our tanks, except our big open
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
For long periods of time.
It's like, if there's a couple appointments that are not there in the schedule, we'd throw
some bubble wrap on.
But we're not doing it in the time between customers, or if someone's running 10 minutes
late, or any of that sort of thing.
>>Graham: Yeah.
So yeah.
That's the kind of humidity solutions.
I definitely don't -
>>Ashkahn: I've got one more.
>>Graham: Oh, you've got- Yeah.
Just winding things down here.
>>Ashkahn: You can measure your humidity levels very easily, and the device you get is something
called a hygrometer.
Not to be confused with a hydrometer, which you use to measure your specific gravity levels.
But hygrometers are pretty cheap.
You can get a set of four or five sensors and a little wireless brain that gets recordings
from them for like $40 on Amazon.
>>Graham: Yeah.
>>Ashkahn: That would literally be enough for your entire float center.
Put a sensor into each float tank.
You just stick it on the wall somewhere inside your float tank.
It would wirelessly send back the humidity levels to the device in your lobby.
You'll just be able to know what the humidity levels inside your float tanks are.
It's really simple if you want to actually look at the levels and see what you're doing
when you're adding fans, or leaving your tank open or closed or whatever.
>>Graham: As to what they should be once you start measuring them, that's an area I'm not
sure that I have as much advice for.
>>Ashkahn: They almost certainly should, I think probably lower than what almost everyone's
float tanks are.
That's my guess.
>>Graham: Ours, when we put those in, almost every one just went up to 99 percent humidity.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
The ones, except for our open float rooms.
Those weren't 99.
>>Graham: Yeah.
>>Ashkahn: But the manufactured pods and tanks and cabins and stuff like that.
>>Graham: Anything that closed, yeah.
>>Ashkahn: 98, 99 percent.
>>Graham: Keep in mind too, we had them mounted towards the top because we just got afraid
of the -
>>Ashkahn: One was even right maybe six inches off the water.
>>Graham: Okay.
That one went up to 99 too?
>>Ashkahn: Still also read -
>>Graham: Yeah.
I mean I'd be shocked if you get different readings than that.
You're probably nearing 100 percent humidity.
>>Ashkahn: Lower than that I think is probably, I think this can contribute a lot towards
that stuffy feeling people have when they're inside the float tank.
It's something you'll hear all the time.
People will crack the lid or crack the door a little bit to get rid of that stuffy feeling.
It's probably just really high levels of humidity.
>>Graham: Yeah.
Exceptionally high humidity, plus the temperature.
For sure.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
Having some sort of, being able to track that.
Adding ventilation.
If you can do something that's actually quiet, being able to get some sort of airflow.
As long as you can't feel it on your body.
It would be nice to have those humidity levels lower than that.
>>Graham: But how much lower?
I don't know.
>>Ashkahn: How much lower?
>>Graham: We don't have that.
I don't -
>>Ashkahn: What's room temperature?
It's supposed to be 60 percent relative humidity?
>>Graham: Yeah.
40 to 60.
>>Ashkahn: My guess is you probably want something somewhere between 60 and 99.
>>Graham: Okay.
This is one of those cases where you just need to stop listening to our advice right
Again, we don't know.
I do think that some of the comfort that comes from people being in a float tank might also
be the fact that the humidity levels are so high in there.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
It's nice.
>>Graham: It kind of equalizes that feeling between above the water and below the water.
I don't know.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah.
Probably something like 75, 80 percent.
That's right.
>>Graham: Get out of here.
That's not, we don't do that.
>>Ashkahn: You heard it here.
>>Graham: We do not do this in our float tanks.
>>Ashkahn: 80 percent humidity is the ideal.
>>Graham: This is not actually anything that we know about or do ourselves, just so you
>>Ashkahn: It's not going to stop me from giving advice about it.
>>Graham: Never has in the past.
>>Ashkahn: Alright.
>>Graham: What's your, you've got one last thing?
>>Ashkahn: No.
That's it.
Well if you guys have other questions.
>>Graham: Don't send them to us.
That's for sure.
>>Ashkahn: Yeah, there's got to be another podcast out there that has better information
than this.
>>Graham: Find someone else who knows what they're doing.
Or just go to and roll the dice.
>>Ashkahn: Alright.
Well, we'll talk to you guys later.
>>Graham: Yeah.
Thanks for listening, everyone.
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