What's happening YouTube, Josh Teder here for 6 Months Later and today
we'll be taking a look at the Google Home Mini. Now we've already done a first
impressions video of the Google Home Mini six months ago, so this video will
focus on the device after six months of use. Google first unveiled the Google
Home Mini in the fall of 2017 to compete head-to-head with the Amazon Echo Dot, a
$40.00 mini speaker that allows you to interact with Alexa, Amazon's smart
assistant. The Echo Dot was a game changer because of its price point, it
allowed people to have multiple Alexa enabled devices and place them in all
different types of rooms in their homes. This as well as the fact that Amazon was
first to market with their original Echo device, helped Amazon just dominate the
smart speaker space for years. Even today, they still hold a 52% market share,
according to estimates by the Loup Group, while Google currently holds a 32%
market share, which is thanks in part to this little guy, the Google Home Mini. The
Google Home Mini is a small and mighty speaker that is powered by the Google
Assistant. The Google Assistant is the entire reason why this device is so
great, as with all other Google Home devices. Now here at 6 Months Later we
do these product reviews after six months because you really can't tell
just within a few weeks of using a device if it is going to significantly
impact your day-to-day living or routines, and when it comes to the Google
Home Mini, I can say without a doubt it has significantly impacted my day-to-day
routines after six months of use and it's impacted them for the better.
Setting up the Google Home Mini is a breeze as with every other Google home
device. You simply set up the device using the Google Home app, which is
available to download for iOS or Android. The app will take you step-by-step
through the setup process which takes less than five minutes and then you are
good to go and you can start using your Google Home
Mini. There is just so much you can do with a Google Home Mini as well as with
other Google Home devices thanks to the Google Assistant. You can ask your Google
Home Mini all sorts of questions like who is Elon Musk. Me: "Who is Elon Musk?" Google Home Mini "According
to Wikipedia, Elon Reeve musk is a South African born, American business magnate
investor and engineer." Or tell it phrases like these violent delights have violent
ends. Google Home Mini: "The maze wasn't meant for you. Just kidding,
mazes are fun for everyone." You can use your Google Home Mini to set alarms and
reminders, get the news, ask about your commute to work, make phone calls, control
your smart home devices, like your lights or your thermostat. Google Home Mini: "You got it, turning
off four lights." and if you have a Chromecast TV and a newer TV that
supports hdmi cec you can even have your Google home Mini turn on and off your
television turn on the TV play Google home six months later review on YouTube
on chromecast TV now my personal favorite feature of the Google home
devices including the Google home Mini is music and media playback you can hook
up a lot of your streaming service accounts to your Google home Mini such
as Spotify google play music Netflix Pandora and of course YouTube and many
other services now I actually went with Google Play
Music for my music subscription service with all of my google home devices
simply because Google bundled the music surface with no ads on YouTube I
actually really liked that service because you're paying the $9.99 you
would for something like Spotify but then you're also getting no ads on
YouTube which if you're watching this you're obviously watching it on YouTube
and if you don't want ads on YouTube that's a pretty great bundle of services
right there so I really enjoy using that if you don't have any
streaming service typically when you buy a lot of these devices there's a free
trial that comes with it especially if you buy a Google home device during the
holidays Google has run a lot of different promotions when you buy this
device so even Spotify I think had a promotion last Christmas so I do
recommend checking out a music streaming service if you don't already subscribe
to one and you bought one of these devices because it just makes listening
to music so much better on these devices I've used the Google Play Music service
so much that what will happen now is it already learned like all of my habits
I'll tell it to play one song and then when it's almost finished playing that
song I'll think of another song in my head I want it to play and before I can
even ask it to play the song I'm thinking of it'll already just start
playing it it's weird it's like it read my mind and the reason for that is if
you use the service enough the algorithms are going to start figuring
out the patterns of music that you like to listen to depending on time of day
what day it is what season it is and then it can already kind of determine
what type of music you're going to want to listen to next based on what you've
asked it to play and the amount of times it's actually done this and played the
song I was thinking of in my head is crazy these algorithms that companies
like Spotify and Google used for their music streaming services make using the
Google home devices just so much better for music streaming the speaker itself
is decent for its price range but don't buy this and expect great sound to come
out of it podcast sound decent but actual music can be hit or miss
depending on how the song was mixed and how much bass there is unfortunately you
just don't get that much bass coming out of the Google home Mini the microphone
on the Mini is quite good and can pick up your voice over ambient sounds like
rain a shower running etc the design of the Google home Mini is also pretty nice
aesthetically I think it looks better than the Amazon echo dot Google's
devices overall just look more inviting than Amazon
Amazon's look a little to space-age for my taste I also love that the Google
home mini comes in three colors chalked charcoal and coral so no matter what
room you plan to put it in there should be a Google home any color that matches
now unfortunately for some out there Google decided not to put a 3.5
audio-out jack on the Google home Mini like Amazon did with the echo dot now
this doesn't mean that you can't listen to music through the Google assistant on
speakers you already own that have an audio input jack all you have to do is
just simply get a Google chromecast audio plug it into the speaker's you
already own and then cast music to it from your Google home Mini you can also
pair the Google home mini to another speaker via Bluetooth for more
information on how to do that check out the quick tutorial we did in the video
description below or just click on the card in the video now the way you
interact with the Google home Mini is mainly with your voice though there are
a few physical controls with the mini you can tap each side of the device to
increase or decrease the volume tap and hold to play or pause media and there is
also a mute switch on the back of the device and a USBC cable you can use for
power Google added some nice clips along with the power cable for cable
management and they work great now I know a lot of people stick their Google
home minis and all sorts of different types of rooms around their house and
for me one of my favorite features of the Google home devices is music
playback so I own a lot more Google homes and Google home maxes than I do
Google home minis so I was kind of at a loss when I got my Google home in need
to figure out exactly where I was going to put it I ended up putting mine in the
bathroom so I could listen to music in the shower and play the news when I'm
getting ready in the morning I was a bit worried with how the humidity would
affect the performance of the speaker but I'm happy to say that I haven't had
any issues with it at all and I use my Google home Mini in the bathroom all the
time now overall after six months of use I haven't had any issues with my Google
many speaker it's just been this little great small and mighty speaker as
advertised and it's a great speaker if you just want the Google assistant
somewhere in your home and you don't care about the music quality for music
playback now if you're going to listen to a lot of music on a Google home
device and of course steer you towards the Google home max if you want to spend
$400 for great sounding music or I'd steer you towards the Google home if you
can't quite swing the Max's price we have videos on both of these devices if
you would like to learn more about them but if you don't care about the lower
performance in audio quality of the Google home many that I think the
meaning is a great buy that you can't go wrong with well that's it for our six
months later review of the Google home Mini if you like this video please give
us a thumbs up on the video and subscribe to the channel if you'd like
to see more Google home videos like this one if you're new to the Google home
family or want to brush up on all of the features the Google assistant now
supports be sure and check out our google home features update videos
playlist here in this video and as well in the description below well until next
time thanks again so much for watching I'm Josh Tedder for six months later
For more infomation >> Google Home Mini Review - 6 Months Later - Duration: 10:21.-------------------------------------------
Puede GOOGLE DUPLEX pasar el Test de TURING? - Duration: 9:38.
Sunday Shout-Out and Mail Call, Episode 5 - Duration: 4:37.
hey everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and it's Sunday shout out and
mail call time
alright guys we'll go ahead and get into the coin karma package first this is not
the big coin karma package that I am supposed to get in on Tuesday this is
the for one of the livestreams so there shouldn't be very much in here ooh they
gave me a sticker shouldn't be very much in here but I love paul and snacks at coin
karma half dolla make you holla I always try to get on at least one or two
livestreams a week they're on six days a week as you guys know and then I always
try to do a little donation just for fun let's see what we got in this package
first thing we got this must be for one of the coin rolls that I donated for oh
yeah 1969 d 40% silver always a good find and
for my silverlicious pull I got a couple of coins here it looks like we
got a walker here 1942 Walker is that a San Francisco mint it is 1942 San
Francisco mint Walker alright what we got here Ben Franklin 1963 Philadelphia
Mint it's actually in great shape I'll take a 63 Ben Franklin in a condition
that looks like this so that was a fun hunt I'll go and put their link to their
channel below I'm sure you guys know who they are
they're pretty popular on in the coin community but still as always I'll go
ahead and link their channel below we got a second package here and it says
from Christophe and Julie Caltagirone we'll take a look at this I already got
it open cuz I wanted to make sure it was easy for the vid keep this video under
three minutes if possible alright looks like looks like we got some points
alright put those aside for now what does this say hi Rob my name is mark I
live in Austin Texas I watch every one of your videos they make my day that's
very nice of you mark I appreciate you watching my videos I'm glad I can make
your day a little better you are the one who inspired me to coin roll hunt the
best find I found was a very good condition 1925 wheat penny just like
your 1919 wheat pennies that's awesome 1925 is a good year thank sincerely mark
my youtube channel marque alright guys you know what to do let's
blow it up for Marky Mouse take a look at his channel let's see if we can give
him some subs help him out a little bit I have a few coin world videos then I do
other random stuff on my YouTube channel that's pretty cool
have to check you out Marky Mark are Marky Marky Mark he's the Funky Bunch
just kidding I'll have to check your channel out Marky Mouse and see what
kind of coin roll videos you have and what other random stuff you do I'll make
sure I sub as well I hope you like my coins that I gave to you thanks again
look behind note to rob from mark gotta love it alright let's see what let's see
what Marky Mouse gave us oh I like the hand made I guess three by three yeah
that's pretty cool 19:46 playing day tweet penny that's
cool a 1953 D we penny I'll take that for sure
2017 P penny you know I collect those so thank you very much 2018 d penny yep I
collect those as well and then a 2009 penny which I always pull side Wow Marky
Mouse thank you very much for throw me some penny especially a couple of wheats
I really loved those guys once again please sure to check out Marky Mouse's
youtube channel mark thanks again and then of course you guys know give
another shout or another stop in or join the live stream of half dollar make you
holler coin karma paul and snax guys short Sunday shout out and mail call
this week only two pieces of mail no worries like I said if I get mail we'll
do it, if I don't we can't do it at the end of the day I had fun opening this
man with you guys if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up and as always
everyone thanks for watching
Love these
U.S. Border Patrol Agent Shoots and Kills 20-Year-Old Immigrant Woman in Texas - Duration: 1:41.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch
A U.S. Border Patrol agent shot and killed a 20-year-old unarmed Guatemalan woman in
Rio Bravo, Texas on Wednesday.
Her name was Claudia Patricia Gómez González.
According to CNN, agents responded to reports of illegal activity when they discovered a
group of undocumented immigrants.
When the man failed to properly apprehend the group, who allegedly attempted to fight
him, he fired a round into González's head and killed her.
Rio Bravo Fire & Rescue Fire Chief Juan C. Gonzalez claimed she still had a pulse when
his team arrived on site, but it ceased before they could gather the necessary supplies.
They performed CPR for eight minutes before EMTs arrived, who then pronounced her dead.
A Facebook video shows a bystander screaming at the agent in question, demanding to know
why the agent resorted to such violent, lethal force.
QUOTE "Why are you mistreating them?
Why are you mistreating them?
Why did you [shoot] at the girl?
You killed her.
He killed the girl.
She's laying there and she's dead."
At this time, the agent's identity is yet to be disclosed, but the FBI and Texas Rangers
are investigating the incident.
The FBI will be interviewing the three undocumented persons taken into custody on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the Texan ACLU branch is calling for mandatory body cameras to be implemented
on all border agents.
Astrid Dominguez, ACLU director of the branch's Border Rights Center said
QUOTE: "While we do not yet have all the facts
in this case, Border Patrol's history of violence against immigrants requires us to
scrutinize every incident involving lethal force closely.
We call on the Texas Rangers and the FBI to conduct their investigation thoroughly and
transparently, and we demand that Border Patrol expand its use of body cameras to include
each and every one of its agents in the field,"
We'll have more on this story as it continues to develop, for everything else subscribe
to Complex on Youtube, for Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
Adventure Escape Haunted Hunt Chapter 5 walkthrough. - Duration: 7:25.
Senator Hatch Faced President Trump, And What He Just Said Made Reporters Gasp - Duration: 1:34.
Senator Hatch Faced President Trump, And What He Just Said Made Reporters Gasp.
Moments ago, President Trump welcomed home Joshua Holt, the American jailed in Venezuela
for two years.
During the emotional meeting, which took place at the White House, Senator Orrin Hatch faced
the President and took the media by surprise by what he said.
Hatch is heard telling the President, "This couldn't have happened without you.
And he continued:
"When you look back over your tenure in the presidency, this is just one of the many
great things you're doing."
"And to know that we can rely on you, and count on you, and talk to you, and meet with
you…these are all very important things.
We love you, boy, and we want to support you every way we can."
That was truly incredible to hear out of a senior member of Congress like Orrin Hatch
who has served for over 40 years ,and witnessed several presidencies.
This isn't the first time Hatch has voiced his admiration of President Trump.
Right after Trump's tax plan was signed into law, Hatch said Trump could go down as
the best President ever.
Do you think all members of Congress should take note of what Orrin Hatch said to President
Trump ,and consider working with him more closely?
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today
Melania Took Michelle's Nasty Bloated Stash She Left Behind, And Just Threw It All Into The Dumpster - Duration: 5:18.
PRICELESS: Melania Took Michelle's Nasty Bloated Stash She Left Behind, And Just Threw
It All Into The Dumpster!
There is a stark contrast between former First Lady Michelle Obama, and the current First
Lady Melania Trump.
Something that is glaringly obvious in their work.
The American people have fallen in love with Melania and that is not going to stop.
One of those reasons is embodied in one of her recent actions.
She's a conservative, through and through who's fiscally responsible.
And her most recent actions show that.
Fox News reported,
"Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule, as first lady but she
still runs one of the leanest East Wing operations in recent history.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has
significantly reduced the number of aides, on the first lady's office payroll in comparison
to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.
During then-President Barack Obama's first year in office, 16 people were listed working
for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.
This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June.
Their salaries totaled $486,700.
The details are contained in an annual report the White House sends to Congress showing
the names, positions and salaries of all its personnel.
Both the Obama and Trump administrations acknowledged several additional staffers beyond, those
listed in the report with the term "first lady" in their titles.
But even counting all those employees 24 for Michelle Obama, and nine for the current first
lady Melania Trump's office is relatively small.
It's an approach her spokeswoman says is intentional.
"As with all things that she does, she is being very deliberate in her hiring, focusing
on quality over quantity," communications director Stephanie Grisham said in an email.
"It is important to her that the team is a good fit for what she wants to accomplish
as first lady, and that everyone works well together.
She also wants to be mindful, and responsible when it comes to taxpayer money."
While the 2009 annual report listed 16 staffers for Michelle Obama, her press secretary said
at the time the staff actually included 24 people.
A 2009 FactCheck.org story said Obama's 24 aides might have broken records.
"That may indeed be the largest of any first lady, but Hillary Clinton, with 19 staffers,
and Laura Bush with at least 18 and perhaps more, weren't far behind," FactCheck.org
Grisham told Fox News this week there are nine people working in the East Wing under
Melania Trump, a few more than listed in the annual report.
According to those personnel reports, Melania Trump's staffers include a chief of staff,
a communications director, a deputy chief of staff and a deputy director of advance.
Michelle Obama's staff included those same positions and a slew of others: additional
press aides, a director of policy and projects, a personal aide, a traveling aide and a director
of correspondence.
Michelle Obama's office did not return a request for comment.
But the larger staff is likely due in part to Michelle Obama entering the East Wing with
a more aggressive agenda, and embracing initiatives like her Let's Move! child obesity campaign.
During the first few months of the Trump presidency, Melania Trump and son, Barron, remained in
New York as he finished the school year.
But she has noticeably ramped up public activity in recent weeks, including hosting a roundtable
discussion on the opioid crisis, and traveling with her husband to tour the destruction of
hurricanes, and meet with the victims of the Las Vegas murder.
"She is more like a Pat Nixon or a Bess Truman than a Hillary Clinton or a Michelle
Obama," Andrew Och, a first lady historian who was a producer for the C-SPAN "First
Ladies: Influence and Image" series, said of Melania Trump.
Och noted that there is no formal job description for a first lady and each one defines their
Melania Trump, he said, does not come from the world of politics and "clearly does
not feel the need for the larger staffs that her predecessors have had."
The first lady's office isn't the only place in the White House, where the Trump
administration has trimmed staff positions.
When the White House personnel report was released in June, Forbes reported 110 fewer
employees under Donald Trump than Barack Obama, and said the projected four-year savings resulting
from the cuts could be more than $22 million."
This is a perfect example of productivity.
Melania Trump can be just as effective if not more than the former First Lady, and still
spend less money.
Something that Democrats have never understood.
Because spending more money correlates with them to being more efficient.
Which is not the case.
It is a drain on the budget.
The President no doubt had an influence, however small, on this decision.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Slenderina Loves Slenderman 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 5:21.
Slenderina Loves Slenderman New Android Game 2018
10 modern names for baby girls - the best baby names - www.namesoftheworld.net - Duration: 1:15.
10 modern baby names for girls
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
Sanders Just Sent Out Urgent Morning Message After What She Caught At WH – 'I Was One Of The Lucky O - Duration: 5:45.
Tuyên bố xử Trường Con và Sơn Mặt Quỷ của tiểu giang hồ Bình Phước |tin tức giang hồ| - Duration: 2:12.
10 nombres de bebés modernos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - www.nombresparamibebe.com - Duration: 1:15.
10 modern baby names for girls
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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