Trump Just Made Sudden Unexpected Stop And Brought Huge Crew Back To The White House
First lady Melania Trump had emergency kidney surgery at The Walter Reed National Military
Medical Center.
President Trump visited her multiple times after the surgery which is said to have been
because of benign embolism in the first lady's kidney.
While everyone was paying attention to Melania to hear about how her procedure went, it was
Donald Trump who unexpectedly had a group visit him at the White House.
No one expected this, but President Trump had people turning their heads in astonishment
after they learned what happened.
During President Trump's multiple visits to the military hospital to visit Melania
as she recovers, Trump also took time out of his very busy schedule to visit other people
there who didn't know he was going to do that.
Trump visited many wounded warrior veterans and even asked a few to go visit him at the
White House anytime.
Several of the wounded veterans immediately took him up on the offer and met with President
Trump in the Oval Office.
Here are several photographs of President Trump and his big crew of personal visitors
receiving the royal treatment and a friendly time in the White House.
The fine photographs were provided by Dan Scavino, Director of Social Media, on Twitter.
Scavino wrote: "Last week after visiting FLOTUS Melania, POTUS Trump went to visit
wounded HEROES at Walter Reed Medical Center.
He told them that when they got out, to come visit him at the @WhiteHouse anytime.
Yesterday, prior to departing for NY, he welcomed and met with them in the Oval…"
Meanwhile, Melania's surgery was a success and she took the time to thank the whole staff
at the Walter Reed Medical Unit.
She was then released from Walter Reed Medical Unit and welcomed home by President Trump.
WTKR reported on the release of Melania Trump: "The first lady returned home to the White
House this morning.
She is resting comfortably and remains in high spirits," said Stephanie Grisham, the
first lady's communications director.
"Our office has received thousands of calls and emails wishing Mrs. Trump well, and we
thank everyone who has taken the time to reach out."
Trump has been recuperating at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center since she
underwent a kidney embolization procedure on Monday.
Grisham said Monday that the first lady was expected to stay in the hospital for the duration
of the week.
Pressed for more information about the first lady's condition and why she stayed in the
hospital five nights after what was possibly a routine kidney procedure, Grisham pushed
back on reports speculating about Trump's health.
"Every patient is different," she told CNN.
"The medical professionals who have been giving opinions to the media based on one
statement are uninformed.
Mrs. Trump has a medical team that is comfortable with her care, which is all that matters.
Her recovery and privacy are paramount and I will have no further comment beyond this.
Anyone else who chooses to speak with the media will only be speculating."
He visited his wife multiple times following the procedure.
"She's doing great.
Doing great," he told a reporter after delivering remarks at a prison reform event Friday at
the White House."
Melania was very thankful for the wonderful treatment and shared her gratitude on Twitter.
Donald and Melania Trump continue showing their class by the way they're treating
the general public.
Inviting wounded veterans back to the White House for a friendly visit and publically
thanking the staff at a medical center for their loving treatment are two very basic
ways that the Trump family shows the American people that they care and they're thankful.
People who cared for Melania must have enjoyed the mention on her Twitter account.
The crew who visited the White House to spend time with President Trump were probably very
excited to be invited.
In fact, they might have been so excited that they arrived much faster than Trump expected.
This type of human interaction and consideration for other people is what helps remind people
that Donald and Melania are just like everyone else and they appreciate kindness from medical
staff and honor those who serve the country.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama brought Al Sharpton to the White House around 80 times – and
it's fact-checked by Politifact
Who would you rather have visited the White House: wounded military veterans or Al Sharpton?
Do you think the medical staff did a great job for Melania?
Do you think Donald did a great job by inviting people back to the White House to spend time
with him?
what do you think about this?
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For more infomation >> Trump Just Made Sudden Unexpected Stop And Brought Huge Crew Back To The White House - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
'13 Reasons Why' Cast Discuss Season 2 & Exploring Their Characters | MTV News - Duration: 15:54.
♪ How far does the dark go? ♪
- What are you gonna do about that?
(upbeat music)
- [Crystal Bell] Talk to me a little bit,
what was it like going into season two
knowing that season one was such a hit?
I could imagine that it made going out
as a cast really hard.
- It had me in the... - For a bit.
- Yeah, for me, I think that was part of the beauty
of making season one is that we had absolutely no idea
if anyone was going to watch it,
if anyone was going to care about it,
if anyone was going to talk about it,
so we were just kind of making the story for ourselves,
and trying to make the best thing possible,
and that's all that mattered, so going into season two,
I was hoping that on everyone's part
it was the same feeling that we were just going into it
trying to make something great again,
not even thinking about the outside world
or what people should expect or nothing,
but how many eyes are going to be on it,
which is easy to think about while you're making it,
but just trying to put that aside
and just focus on making a great story again,
so that's what I think honestly, but...
- Yes. - Yeah.
- A lot more people cared though.
- Well, again, when people see going out as a cast, though,
must have been really hard,
'cause when people see you together
they'll probably immediately freak out.
- Yeah, a little bit.
There were a couple of times where we'd just be
grocery shopping at Costco or Target
or Wal-Mart or something and we would just
have people recognize us and it was a weird thing, too,
as someone who's never had to go through that,
'cause it's like, "I'm just getting some cheese.
You don't need to get a picture, it's not that special."
But then it's also very sweet the things that people
will say to you and how the story has impacted their lives,
so yeah, it's great, too.
- On the flip side of that, I went to a Green Day concert,
by myself, but I thought I was so famous, and I was like,
"Oh my God, this is gonna be so bad,
everyone's gonna recognize me."
And I did take a few photos after the concert was done,
but then this couple turned to me and was like,
"Can I get a photo?"
And I'm like no (laughing), and then they were like,
"You're not gonna take a photo of me?
I just want to get a photo
with me and my husband." (laughing)
My friends started laughing at me,
so that was big reality check.
- Yeah, I remember right after the show came out,
Tim and I saw Chance the Rapper in San Diego,
and right after the concert ended,
we got mobbed with people to the point
where stadium security had to pull us aside
and take us to a VIP room to make sure that we were okay.
It was so weird. - Damn, Alicia.
- You're saying you're more popular than your co-star?
- Oh yeah, oh yeah. - Okay.
- Look, Alicia, I'm just saying.
- One more story, please. (laughing)
- I don't go out.
- I think for you guys, the challenge must have been,
'cause you went through season one,
you feel like you know your character, you're like,
"Okay, I'm building this character,
I know exactly who Zach is, I know exactly who Jessica is."
And you're getting these scripts for season two
and you're like, "Whoa, I didn't know anything at all,
'cause everything's turning on me."
What was that like?
- I think that's kind of the beauty of it, honestly,
is that we have this ability to explore these characters
and to build more of them.
- It's exciting as an actor.
You wanna be surprised and you
wanna be inspired by the scripts,
and we have a great writing staff.
Do one of you guys wanna say something?
- Dylan's a diva, he's making me hold the microphone
as answers the question, sorry.
- I've answered already. - His hands are insured.
- Nope. (laughing)
- Nope.
Okay, yeah. (laughing)
What is the question? (laughing)
- Why doesn't Ross? - I did.
Okay, alright. (laughing)
- Can I get some professional help, please?
- What was the question? (laughing)
Oh, characters and knowing. - Not knowing.
- Not knowing. - Yeah.
Thinking that you know your character,
but not really knowing them. - Right, okay.
So I knew what was gonna happen with my character,
but I didn't know when and how and so then,
I also didn't wanna tell anybody else
so that when we went to the table read,
we'd all experience it together and yeah, that was fun.
At the table reads we'd be like (gasps), "What?"
And then that was great. - Yeah.
- That was a great recreation of our expressions.
- You already knew about Zach and Hannah.
- Yes. - But these guys didn't.
So who was the most surprised by that development?
- I knew early on, I knew early on.
Thanks guys, that was the one secret
that Brian told me early on and I was just
immediately super intrigued and also nervous
about how, thank you, Clay would react to that,
and I think the reaction that he gives
when he goes and confronts Zach about it
is... (laughing)
I think you'd expect from Clay,
but is also really out of line.
Hannah was her own person and can make her own decisions.
Clay just couldn't handle that truth,
and all those elements of truth definitely
take a toll on Clay to the point that he doesn't even
think he knows what the truth is anymore,
but yeah, I know a lot of it was really surprising.
A lot of it was surprising for Clay, for me as well.
I mean, I knew Clay was gonna go on
some sort of downward spiral, but I didn't think he'd be
ending up outside of Bryce's house with a gun to his head.
And that was definitely difficult to shoot,
but I think it made sense for Clay.
I mean, he's got a lot of inner demons, but yeah, anyway.
- I have to say though, Ross, episode six
was one of my favorites, because it also totally felt
a little different than the rest of the season.
I kind of made a comment today that it's
literally the teen rom-com that we deserve.
I need an entire season dedicated
to the Zach and Hannah year, the summer of Zach and Hannah.
What was that like working with Catherine on that,
'cause you guys had such a great dynamic,
and it did feel a little bit more jovial than maybe
the rest of the season. - Yeah.
- It was a nice little intermission
in the middle of the season.
It was great, 'cause Cat and I,
just like with everyone else,
we bonded over the last two years of knowing each other,
and we kind of have similar senses of humor,
so it made shooting awkward sex scenes a lot more fun
and not as awkward, so yeah,
it was just an all around good time.
We got to eat ice cream and walk
and hold hands and fun stuff.
(laughing) - Fun stuff.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- That's so cute.
- Had your Dawson's Creek moment by the pier,
it was great. - Yeah.
- Cool. - Dawson's Creek.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- Dating ourselves. - Never watched it.
(laughing) - Sorry, I'm old.
- There's a creek involved, then I'm sure there's a dock.
- Love Dawson. - Dawson and her creek.
- Similarly, though, Dylan, Clay's relationship with Hannah
really changes this season, because obviously,
he sees her as an apparition, as this figure.
Finding that dynamic, so you and Catherine had built up
such a great relationship in that first season,
and then I think it changed in the second season.
What was it like, the changing nature of their relationship?
- Yeah, it was definitely a task in terms of
just figuring out what's the best way
to play the dynamic between Clay and Hannah this season
when Hannah's purely in Clay's mind,
'cause in season one, you're not just telling the story
of Clay in the present day listening to the tapes,
you're also telling the story for Clay and Hannah,
showing how their relationship evolved and how it fell apart
in its own kind of separate story,
its own show in its own right.
This season didn't really have any guidelines.
Hannah was a reflection of Clay's thoughts
and it was his conscience and it was like,
how do you navigate that?
It was a big team effort with Brian, the showrunner,
and Michael Morris in particular,
one of the directors who came and sort of
shot all those scenes with us.
It was a lot of work, but Catherine's so great
and talented and makes it really easy
to play off of her at those scenes, but it's tricky.
You don't want it to play too much like she's a ghost
and you don't want it to play too somber,
because then it just feels extremely melodramatic,
and it's kind of hard for it not to feel
a little melodramatic, but we wanted it
to feel real for the most part.
You wanted it to feel like how Clay and Hannah
would actually be conversing in these situations
to make her really feel like who Clay remembers her as.
And that's why it makes it so much harder
to live with her there, especially when she starts
just reciting Bryce to him later on,
it's just spiraling out of control,
and it's just all a reflection of how tortured Clay is,
what a tortured soul he is.
But by the end of the season, I think Clay is
finally on some sort of path to recovery
and maybe he will find peace one day, but I'm not sure.
We'll see.
- Yeah, he has a brother now, very excited about that.
- Exactly, yeah, crazy.
- I especially love that development.
Devon though, again, your performance this season,
truly incredible. - Thank you.
- I know you've all individually talked about
how Brian would talk to you about your storylines
and your character arcs, so when Brian told you
what a real tragic turn Tyler would take this season,
what were your initial reactions?
What went through your head?
- I remember the first time Brian had talked to me
about Tyler's storyline and it was actually last year,
when we were doing season one.
I remember specifically, we had just gotten the script
for I think 11 and 12, so we were
shooting nine and 10, I believe,
and I got the scripts for 11 and 12,
and as soon as I'm reading in 12,
there's a scene where Tyler buys the handgun,
and I was kind of immediately shocked.
And at the same time, I was like,
"Why does this make so much sense for this character
for this to be the route that he's going down?"
And so Brian asked if he could speak with me
and we talked and he was basically like,
"So, if we get a season two, we're thinking that
maybe Tyler's storyline would devolve into
a storyline regarding gun violence
and the sort of implications of that."
And Brian was always really interested
in the mental health and the psychology
behind a young man who's thinking about
committing such a tragic thing,
and making such a dangerous choice,
rather than the worst possible way it could turn out.
And I think he'd even told me
that the writer's room was working on this in April
before we'd even started season one,
so that's like April of 2016 this idea has been in place,
so getting to season two, it's very intimidating
to have to embody such an unfortunately common issue,
especially for young people these days.
But you also have to think about the fact that
these tragedies are happening so frequently,
yet for some reason, they're talked about
for two, three weeks and then the flame kind of burns out
and no one seems to care anymore.
So, us as a show, from season one,
I can't speak for my friends here,
but when I started season one,
I didn't really realize how much
of a social impact it was gonna be.
For me, I thought that we were just doing
a young adult series that was going to be
an adaptation of a book, but as an actor, it fulfilled me,
because I did have an emotional connection with it,
and that's what you want as a performer.
You wanna make something that people
can connect to emotionally, but I don't think it was until
after this show came out that I realized
the impact that it actually had
and how it was actually helping people.
So then, going into season two,
especially with this story line,
I was like, "This is a topical thing."
And hopefully this can, again, be a platform
for engaging that conversation with young people
and for the conversation that's happening right now
to hopefully keep it going and keep it relevant
so that it doesn't die out so that we can
hopefully work towards a solution for it.
- And then, finally, and this is for all of you,
'cause you're all in one of my favorite
scenes of the season. - I'm not.
- You're not, that's true, I apologize.
It's the dance.
It's the scene that happens at the dance.
I think fans have really... - It's a beautiful scene.
I was on set for it and I think we had the tent outside
with the TV on it with a live feed
and I was watching it and his performance
and the looks on their faces,
especially as soon as Tony realizes what song is on,
and that level of empathy and care for your friends
is something that I think really shines in this season
as characters learn how to be there for each other
and have that sense of community.
And watching it happen, even knowing these guys
as being actors and my friends,
watching them as their characters be there for someone else,
it was really heartwarming.
It made me tear up a little bit just watching.
- It's a funny thing, though, because
I know when you're filming it,
and I've been on set, they're not playing any music,
but you're so clearly emoting
to the emotions of that song.
- They played that song.
- That was actually the one time they did
play the song in full.
- There was no dialogue. - 'Cause there's no dialogue.
So we actually were listening to the song in that moment,
but you're right, normally it's very awkward,
there's no music playing for the rest of the dance.
There was really no music playing,
we're just yelling all of these lines
in front of all of these people and you're just like,
"God, I'm being so judged right now."
- They did do that very well.
The shooting of that moment, they handled that very well.
They handled that very well.
The shooting of that scene, they were very diligent
about taking care of all of us
and even the extras that we had, the 200 plus extras,
they were very dedicated to that moment,
and they know the import of that song, too,
so I think everyone was in the same space for that.
- Yeah, Courtney, or Michelle who plays Courtney, and I,
we were talking about it and we were like,
for us to cry, we just looked at Tony,
'cause when you broke into the circle and you hugged Clay,
we're just like, "Oh, man, the tough guy is breaking."
- There were lots of Tony tears on my jacket.
- I'm about to tear up just thinking about it.
- My jacket was stained a little.
- Look at that, what a friendship.
Well, this is awkward.
- You all love each other, I love it.
- Our jackets are stained with each other's tears.
- I feel like that's very appropriate for 13 Reasons Why.
Well, it was a beautiful scene.
Dylan, you did a great job. - Thanks.
- Looking for Justin. - Thanks, everybody was great.
Everybody's great this season.
Surely, now that's something I'll add.
What my favorite thing of this entire season is
all the performance from everyone here
and everyone else in the cast.
I just think everyone completely brought it this year
and I'm proud to be working alongside these folks so much.
- I didn't really realize how much more talented
a group of people could be, it's insane.
- The Beatles...
- Except you. - I know.
- Wow. - I'm sorry, I'm trying.
It's really hard.
I'm really young and I'm trying my best and I'm sorry.
(laughing) I sounded really country.
- Thank you guys.
- That was the most sarcastic sorry I've ever heard.
(laughing) - Thank you guys so much.
Rutabaga for Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe - Duration: 5:55.
Chef buck here and today we're gonna take this rutabaga and make a very easy
simple vegetable soup... you can use a potato for this but I'm not using a
potato I'm using rutabaga because you can use a rutabaga just like you can use
a potato this is like three potatoes look how big this is it's like that's
like twice as big as my brain maybe three times don't be afraid about how
big this is don't be scared of the rutabaga look at
that no arms no teeth completely helpless ....why?.... because that's what
happened to me in school ...first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna cut off
the ends of our rutabaga cuz it's kind of ugly see how ugly that is so we'll
cut off a little knobby end there we'll cut off the other little end and
when you're buying a rutabaga you want to make sure there aren't any big
blemishes nothing unsightly or untoward with your rutabaga you want to make sure
it's nice and heavy for its size because that means it has a lot of moisture in
there now I'm gonna go ahead and cut this into a manageable size so
that then I can cube it up now let me go ahead and take the skin off cuz we don't
want to use the skin because sometimes there'll be a waxy coating to help
preserve the moisture to keep it from drying out and I found the easiest way
to peel it is just to take a knife and go around the edges and just slice it
off so I've got all the skin off my rutabaga so now I'm just gonna cut it up
into some soupy size chunks I want to have some nice hearty big pieces of
rutabagas so we got it all chopped up and you can cut them smaller than this
if you like but it's gonna cook for a while and it's really gonna soften up
and I don't want it to fall completely apart because I want it to be a very
rustic soup chunky monkey soup so I want some nice big pieces we're gonna heat up
some oil in a pot now this is gonna be like a vegetable soup but we're gonna
call it a rutabaga suit because it's gonna be defined by the rutabaga you
know I could put less rutabaga in here just make it a vegetable soup I could
not put any of this other stuff I could just put some onion and root a bit big
in here and almost like make it like a potato leek but it's gonna be a kind of
a gray Bagon you clean out your fridge needs
whatever you like but I got my all heated up and the first thing I'm going
to throw in here are some seeds cuz seeds had a lot of flavor you know so if
you if you're not used to cooking with seeds give them a go I got some fennel
seeds and a little cumin seeds in here and your seed should start cooking
straight away we're just gonna give these here a moment by themselves then
I'm gonna add in some garlic I got a lot of garlic but we're gonna add a lot of
flavor to this dish because it's soup you know you want your soup to have a
lot of flavor and I got a lot of jalapeno here it's not gonna put any
dried hot peppers in here so I'll just have some fresh pepper and that's
probably too much I'm probably gonna get in trouble for that lots of onions so
we're gonna go ahead and give our peppers a few minutes here let them
saute about stir them up occasionally go for about five minutes all right so
we've had our onions sautéing up here for a few minutes and they're starting
to soften up so I'm gonna go ahead and throw a lot of seasoning in here a lot
of flavor now you could put whatever seasoning you like in here but I've got
a potpourri of flavors and I'm using a whole bunch of them I'm gonna go ahead
and throw in some carrot boom and you can vary the amount of ingredients you
put in here you know the ratio whatever you like a little bit of celery I got
this pot already filled up almost a third of the way for now I'm gonna go
ahead and add my rutabaga in here and this is an awful lot so that's why we're
calling it rutabagas look at all that now if I had to
describe this soup in one word I would call it rutabaga all right so I'm gonna
fill up my pot with a bunch of water I'm gonna cover it up and bring it up to a
boil alrighty so our pot has come up to a boil I'm gonna go ahead and give it a
little bit of a stir here I'm gonna reduce the temperature down to the low
and I'm just gonna let it simmer away ....we'll cover it
up leave it alone that's it we got other things to do
soup! when you got other things to do!
alrighty so it's only been simmering for about 45 minutes
not long at all and as you can see it's a very light simmer and I didn't even
add any water to it it hasn't even cooked off a lot of water and you don't
want your rutabaga to fall apart or at least I don't which is why I like these
nice big chunks but as you can see how easily the fork passes through this
piece right here but it's not mushy at all and I don't want to cook it until it
gets mushy but the fork goes through there quite easily boom that's it
turned off the heat and I'm just gonna cover it up you know let it cool off
that's all there is to it we're gonna eat this tomorrow or maybe
the next day but as soon as it cools down I'll jar it up and throw it in
the fridge and it'll be ready whenever we want it ....I just added water and seasoning
it's gonna make its own broth it'll be the broth it'll be the broth
there you have it a nice rustic delicioso rutabaga soup
got a little left over egg bread and salad go ahead and give it a super try
camera around yeah we can use your mouth yeah for sure... is that gonna do the trick
a little soup and salad on a nice sunny wintery day anything you can do with a
potato you can do with the rutabaga and if you want to print this rutabaga
recipe got a link down below you can go over to MyfoodChannel dot com
subscribe get on our mailing list and never miss one
of our recipe videos we appreciate you watching and we'll see in the future!
Acer Chromebook Spin 13: A Chromebook aimed at business users - Duration: 1:19.
hi I'm here at the Acer event in New York City showing off the new Acer
Chromebook spin 13 this is not the little 11 inch plastic Chromebook that
you might remember this Chromebook has an all-metal chassis it has a 360-degree
hinge so you can use it like a tablet so as you might know it does have a
touchscreen and this is a really nice touchscreen it has a three-to-two aspect
ratio and a resolution of about 20 205 by 1504 it also has an integrated pen
which fits in right there and it also has a touchpad made with Corning Gorilla
Glass and it is as smooth as butter this is also the first Chromebook to have an
Intel Core i5 processor which is a lot of power for a system like this it does
not have discrete graphics it just has an Intel UHD 620 but still this is going
to be able to handle a bit more than your typical Chromebook it also comes
with the usual emmc memory I think it starts at 16 gigabytes and goes up from
there so again with this Chromebook you're getting a lot more power and some
other features that you don't see in a lot of other Chromebooks we don't know
the price yet that it was just announced today
New Yamaha MC16 Superbike Concept 2019 - Yamaha Superbike 1600cc | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:13.
Breaking News Today⚠️ WW3 North Korea BLASTS Mike Pence as a 'political DUMMY' and warns war - Duration: 4:41.
breaking news today
welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification
box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today North Korea blasts
Mike Pence's apolitical dummy and warns of nuclear showdown north korea has
blasted US vice president Mike Pence as a political dummy and warned of a
possible nuclear - nuclear showdown between Pyongyang and Washington Co son
Hawaii the Hermit kingdoms Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs insisted if talks
between despot leader Kim jong-un and Donald Trump were called off On June
12th the two nations could engage in a nuclear - nuclear showdown
she also attacked the vice president for being a political dummy and lamb basted
his ignorant and stupid remarks in a statement issued by North Korea media it
read the u.s. vice president pence has made unbridled and impudent remarks that
North Korea might end like Libya military option for North Korea never
came off the table the US needs complete verifiable and irreversible
denuclearization and so on as a person involved in the u.s. affairs
I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out
from the mouth of the u.s. vice president . if he is vice president of
single superpower as is a name it will be proper for him to know even a little
bit about the current state of global affairs into sense to a certain degree
the trends in dialogue in the climate of date haunt we could surmise more than
enough what a political dummy he is as he is trying to compare the DPRK a
nuclear weapons state to Libya that had simply installed a few items of
equipment and fiddled around with them the Pyongyang official was referring to
mr. Pence's comments on Monday where he said the Hermit Kingdom could end up
like Libya if it fails to make a nuclear deal with the president he stated there
was some talk about the Libyan model last week and you know as the president
made clear this will only end like the Libyan model ended if Kim jong-un
doesn't make a deal when the Vice President was asked if his comments
could be perceived as a threat by North Korea he brushed off his remarks as a
fact he went on well I think it's more of a
fact previous references to Libya were made by the US national security adviser
John Bolton who insisted the Trump administration was looking at Libya as
an example North Korea could follow Muammar Gaddafi the former leader of the
North African nation previously agreed to end his quest for a nuclear arsenal
before he was ousted and killed by rebels dot in a clear threat ms Cho's
statement warned Mike Pence of the potential consequences of his rhetoric
she said before making such reckless threatening remarks without knowing
exactly who he is facing pence should have seriously considered the terrible
consequences of his words whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or
encounter us at nuclear two nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the
decision and behavior of the United States mr. Bolton was also blasted in
the statement by Co son away for making reckless remarks the statement went on
soon after the White House national security adviser Bolton made the
reckless remarks vice president pence has again spat out nonsense that the
DPRK would follow in Libya's footstep it is to be underlined however that in
order not to follow in Libya's footstep we paid a heavy price to build up our
powerful and reliable strength that can defend ourselves and safeguard peace and
security in the Korean Peninsula in the region in view of the remarks of the
u.s. high-ranking politicians who have not yet woken up to the stark reality
and compared the DPRK to Libya that met a tragic fate I come to think that they
know too little about us to borrow their words we can also make the u.s. taste an
appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined up to now
Misco continued her lambasting of the US and starkly warned she will make a
suggestion the scheduled summit between the u.s. and North Korea is reconsidered
she noted it is the u.s. who has asked for dialogue but now it is misleading
the public opinion as if we have invited them to sit with us I only wonder what
is the ulterior motive behind its move and what is it the US has calculated to
gain from that we will neither beg the u.s. for dialogue nor take the trouble
to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us in case the u.s.
offends against our goodwill and clings to unlawful and outrageous acts I will
put forward a suggestion to our supreme leadership for reconsidering the DPRK a
summit doc thanks for watch please share like comment this video and subscribe
channel for latest news
New Jurassic World Off Road Rescue Rig TRex Vs Indoraptor Fallen Kingdom Dinosaur Toys Unboxing - Duration: 13:08.
okay keep watching to see what happens when the mercenaries come face to face
with the interrupter and the chaos effect t-rex from Jurassic Park as we
open this off-road rescue ring from Jurassic world fallen Kingdom keep
New Jurassic World Off Road Rescue Rig TRex Vs Indoraptor Fallen Kingdom Dinosaur Toys Unboxing
okay man as that volcano explodes dinos are gonna come running out dinky we're
gonna make sure we wipe on every one of them just for the fun of it what in the
world Dennis we all have super weapons and you
have a shovel what are you gonna do with that well Bob won the titles come out
I'm gonna whack them all you're definitely gonna be the first one eaten
Dennis get ready men here they come
look at the stinging Millar stinky mo dad is more like it a tracer tops fire
man fire aah another one bites today it's a Pachycephalosaurus fired yeah hey
okay man follow me we're gonna go search the compound okay man there is a
compound in the jungle temple everyone split up and search along that's the
safest way
just something like something running through the jungle I better be careful
wow this place sure is creepy
guys I've not seen anything here at the temple there's nothing here
what's going on here Jim Jim are you Jim lead command there's nothing here
you must be playing a practical joke on us nothing at all
I got them yeah what the shovel is only good for man you guys are totally
worthless bunch of cowards they have no idea
there's nothing around here nothing at all no way I refuse to believe
what something behind me I'm not gonna fall for that trick
where's everybody guys come you're not answering you comes what nobody here huh
you must all be playing a joke on me ha ha ha the joke's on you guys I'm
leaving you here ha ha I found the treasure I'm out of here nothing's gonna
get me I'm Way too smart for anything to give me
she can't man and that goes to show you life will find the way life always finds
a way ah yeah like I always say
oh it's great to see you again today I got another awesome
Jurassic world fallen Kingdom toy this is the off-road rescue rig it transports
dinosaurs and it makes sound and works with action figures the dinosaurs if you
keep pressing the button they'll make different sounds
oh it has working lights so this truck is really awesome so here this says
press so you press and hold for sound the lights light up transports dinosaurs
and it works with figures okay then you just go ahead simply there's two pegs on
the bottom you turn pop the truck off and you're good to go and you can see in
the background there they have an awesome exploding volcano t-rex
park bull Anita's I hope not I hope I wait till I finish this review so guys
this truck is made by matchbox witch Mattel owns matchbox so that is really
cool but it looks like a matchbox truck it's made out of plastic but guys this
thing is nice and solid I really like it
also has more advanced sounds when it actually turned the switch there the
dinosaur roaring I just running push it lights flicker up
front I love this truck guys I mean this one is really awesome another cool thing
about this one is the doors swing open and it's made to fit the characters that
come with the set so here you've got one
which Clare is going to join him here and they will both fit did this truck
fit so perfectly that is very rare to find vehicles that are in perfect scale
to the dinosaurs and the characters so anyways from the back to the front
this has Jurassic world here like I showed you the door is open a little
weird they open up front here rather than most vehicles would open here and
swing toward the windshield so it opens opposite you got the big mirrors here
this is 21 we've got a bunch of like tools and
gauges along the side here hob plastic tires but guys this is a really solid
vehicle it's not like I bought any Animal Planet sets I mean those things
are pretty much made to break this is definitely not so good look at the back
the other side is pretty much identical and here is a good look at the front
I love the working lights I mean they are
Danny how they flicker and everything I love this house so this truck really
does have matchbox quality to it and then these gates in the back flip open
we've got plenty of room there and it's in scale with the dinosaurs so here
you've got Lassa raptor blue it will fit right over him and is captured and you
also have room for other dinos in the back so I could put a Velociraptor and a
Dilophosaurus back there so you could transport three dinosaurs if you keep
the cage down if you open this cage you could transport probably close to six
dinosaurs so that is cool here's the button that actually runs the sound
let's take a look at this thing from the back so like I said this does look like
a matchbox vehicle plot and supersize so here is where you get your sound from
the bottom batteries it comes up batteries so I believe it uses double-a
batteries let's take a look at the inside compartment
so inside here you have okay you got a steering wheel and everything but
nothing does anything while the scale is steel
Wow guys that was totally awesome if you guys enjoyed that video please go ahead
click like drop me comments also let me know what else you want to see because I
do got over a thousand videos the majority are Jurassic world Jurassic
Park Godzilla King Kong transformers power
rain Ninja Turtles and a lot more keep watching you guys are awesome and I will
see you tomorrow in today's secret word is the word go ahead and put that in the
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Hi....Look at that Spider
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Hahaa is he funny..
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