For more infomation >> Per Episode Salary Of Dance Deewane Judges and Host | Madhuri Dixit | Arjun Bijlani - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
How to make aubergine kebab in a PATTERN CHICKEN - Duration: 11:46.
crispy flavors
eggplant kebab in the oven
【MUKBANG】 United Kingdom Cookies..etc!! [10 Items] [CARAMELWAFER TEACAKES..etc] 7423kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:36.
Real Estate Business Law Article 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 || LAW OF VIETNAM - Duration: 5:10.
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 1 Level Convertors - Duration: 6:10.
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 1 Level Convertors
【Kman】是技術台還是彈跳台?小海螺也會翻跟斗...#335 - Duration: 1:20.
What Kind of Property Can Be Bought With a Bridging Loan? - Duration: 2:29.
How To Customize Your Youtube Channel - Duration: 9:22.
Hey Everyone! Real Here From TheDIamondSword!!😃😃
Today! I'm gonna Show Ya'll How TO Customize Your Youtube Channel to Look like Mine And Other Youtuber's
this video was made to help out AlienShooter765
it'll show these Home,Videos,Playlist,etc..
the normal one should just look like this
Yes, We Are Neck And Neck with Eachother for the Subscribers
before we hop into it
be Sure to Hit That Like Button And Subscribe If You're New!😃😃
We're Trying to Hit 22 Subscribers We're 1 Sub Away Subscribe To Help Us Reach our Goal!😃😃
without Further-Ado Let's Hop Into it!😃
if you guys have any question be sure to Comment it Down Below In The Comments
opps wrong channel :p
that phone number is my friends phone number
here is the regular one when u make a channel in idk what year 2016?
click customize channel
you can put whatever you want
like this
theres no vid here so imma go to the other channel
when you customized your channel the Home,Videos,Playlist,etc... will appear at your channel
see the difference
you can edit your Featured Channel
you can change to these
and add a vid
for people that comes to your channel to watch
and add these
and how you want it to be layed out
vertically Or Horrizontaly
you can add A Video as your Channel Tralier
* Crickets Sound In The Background *
2 times in a row Fabian WOW xD
he said something heres what he said
Fabian :
thats it guys
Thank You For Watching! I'll See Ya'll In The Next Video!
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate – How To Build Digital Servos With Sensors - Duration: 28:59.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate – How To Build Digital Servos With Sensors
Scientists Achieve 'Memory Transplant' In Snails - Duration: 2:17.
a potentially groundbreaking experiment, memories were successfully transferred from one snail
to another.
The study, which was published recently in the journal eNeuro, involved transferring
a form of genetic information known as RNA (ribonucleic acid) from the nervous system
of one snail to that of another.
The experiment sought to learn more about how memory exists within living organisms.
Before the transfer took place, the first group of snails were sensitized using electric
shocks to exhibit a certain defensive reaction.
After the transfer, the recipient snails began to exhibit the same defensive reaction as
though it was them that had been trained in the first place.
"These are marine snails and when they are alarmed they release a beautiful purple ink
to hide themselves from predators," said study co-author Prof David Glanzman.
"So these snails are alarmed and release ink, but they aren't physically damaged by the
Previous studies had suggested that long-term memories are stored in the brain's synapses,
however the results of this experiment seem to have called this idea in to question.
"If memories were stored at synapses, there is no way our experiment would have worked,"
said Glanzman.
Honoring those who gave all, WWII soldier makes pilgrimage to war museum - Duration: 1:33.
during those who gave all World War 2 soldier makes pilgrimage to War Museum
Burton Madison as far as I'm concerned I'm not a hero I'm a survivor for nearly
3/4 of a century Burton Madison has spent Memorial Day at
his hometown Kansas City's monument to American
soldiers in World War I this year mr. Madison's daughter Deborah Sims thought
it was past time her father saw one of his nation's major monuments to him and
the others who fought in World War III so it was that mr. Madison who turns 95
years old on June 15th and earned both enter medal and a Distinguished Flying
Cross during 30 bombing missions over Germany spent Miss holiday weekend at
the National World War two Museum here every Memorial Day I recognize how lucky
I was and what I think of is all my buddies who didn't make it back he said
an estimated five hundred seventy six thousand five hundred seven American
soldiers have fallen in battle since the American Revolution according to the
Department of Veterans Affairs when Confederate Army figures are
included the total rises to 650 1,031 and tens of thousands more fell victim
to disease and other factors while serving in combat theaters
"Hier kommt nicht mal ein Gummiboot unentdeckt durch" - Russische Marine bewacht Krimbrücke - Duration: 2:03.
방탄소년단 진 "빌보드200 1위, 신기하고 얼떨떨" 소감 - Duration: 4:38.
Anticipazioni U & D: la scelta di Sara Affi Fella, indiscrezioni | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:00.
Barbara D'Urso, è scontro con Fabrizio Corona | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.
Cómo cambiar pastillas de freno RENAULT SCENIC RX4 [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:04.
Use a socket №13 and an open-end wrench №16
Using a special tool press in the brake caliper piston
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