This week the US Supreme Court ruled that workers cannot filed lawsuits against employers
for stealing their wages and instead they have to go in front of a panel of corporate
friendly arbitrators that are always hand picked by the corporation.
This story's been kicking out there for a long time, I mean you've got a labor policy
that makes it virtually impossible for individuals to sue their employers, in other words an
employer literally steals money from them.
They do it all kinds of ways.
They make them work during break times.
They don't pay them for overtime.
They've got all kinds of scams.
We've seen very iteration you could imagine from this.
So no question that the Supreme Court knows that goes on, because they've seen these cases.
They've seen the facts straight up.
They know the facts of Mcdonalds, they know the facts of ... I mean I could go on forever,
these industries that ... Walmart, all of the companies that have these scams where
they virtually steal money from employees.
No difference than going into their locker and taking money right out of their locker.
But we have a Supreme Court that says, "well gee wiz, we should be able to allow them to
go in force in a class action mode and say you've stolen from us.
We want our money back."
What is your take on this case?
What's interesting about this case is that it really does bring to light two important
issues that people often gloss over.
One is the wage theft issue, and the other is the forced arbitration, both of which are
huge problems for consumers that honestly until the Supreme Court case came out, I don't
think I've heard anybody in the corporate media ever talk about this.
We have talked about wage theft, you and I for years now, and we know how it works as
you've said.
They don't pay them overtime, they make them work off the clock.
They reclassify them is one of the big things they do.
They'll say, "Well you're actually, even though you work and you do the same job as somebody
else, you're a manager, even though you have no authority, so therefor you are not entitled
to any overtime pay whatsoever."
Just weird little tricks like that.
Well let's talk about why the corporate networks, MSNBC for example, they got caught.
I mean they got caught.
They had people working for nothing.
"Oh come work with Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough and we're not gonna pay you, which really
not gonna benefit your career, but come work with us."
And they had these kids working crazy hours for nothing, and so that would be an issue
that they certainly wouldn't do a story on it, and they certainly did no stories on that
type of thing.
So there's that part of it, and as you point out, this arbitration black hole that's developing
across the board.
First of all, explain arbitration a little bit.
I know you've written a couple stories on it.
It is just nothing but a black hole for consumers.
What it means is you know whether it's with an employment contract or a cell phone or
credit card, home loan, you agree to go instead of being able to sue, you're giving away your
constitutional rights, you have to go in front of this arbitrator who is the sole decider
of this case.
Whatever that person says, and this arbitrator in almost every instance when you sign the
clause is picked by the company.
Yeah, statistically, more than 70% of the time, the consumer's gonna lose.
Well 90% now, the latest numbers are out and it's 90.
Yeah well when you just looked at across the board, consumer issues, it was 70%, now it's
moved to 90%.
It's gonna get worse.
But what needs up happening is they find these trolls.
They find these characters that come out of industry that maybe worked for them in the
past or they go to universities and they get these professors that are making a $150,000
a year and they want to make $400,000 a year so they get on the arbitration train.
It's nothing but a food train for these bottom feeders.
They truly are bottom feeders.
If you take a look at most of their careers, their career is over.
They have no other options except to be an arbitrator, and so the industry ends up paying
them a lot of money, and of course they're gonna rule for the industry every time.
In this case the point is this: an individual cannot go toe to toe with a corporation by
themselves in a case like wage theft.
If they've only had $20,000 stolen from them, it's gonna cost them $200,000 to go to war.
So what was in place was class action where you could have 20 of them get together, 30
of them, 100 of them get together and all say, "We're gonna do this together.
We're gonna bring a class action against you."
That the economy of scale made sense then.
It actually worked.
And so the Supreme Court did the bidding of corporations again, the same folks that you'd
imagined would make a decision like this.
I mean there's never any surprise, is it?
You can take a look at who wrote the majority opinions on this.
It's Roberts, it's Anthony's ... It's Kennedy, it's Thomas, it's Alito.
There are no surprises here.
They come from corporations.
Kennedy, who cares if the guy retires or not?
We have this notion that Kennedy's this great swing vote for liberals.
That is ridiculous.
Kennedy has been nothing but a punk for industry since he's been on the court.
But he's nothing more than another one of those socially liberal, fiscally conservative
types who's gonna go with corporations all the time, but you know what, let's add a little
point here, because again, we've researched this to hell and back.
There was one arbitrator from a story that we've covered in California.
She was hearing over 60 different cases per day, so on average, she spent about six minutes
with each employee trying to arbitrate.
94% of her rulings went back to the company.
So you get six minutes.
You have to hire a lawyer, you know and if we're only talking about $1000 or $5000 stolen
from you here, you're losing money on this even if you get your money back from the company.
Here's what the industry understands.
Their risk is zero.
If they steal $50 every day from 100 employees, their risk is zero, because the one employee
that lost $50 is not gonna sue them, because if they do they're gonna go after that employee,
they're gonna lose their job.
They're gonna be isolated as far as being able to move up in the company, but more importantly,
that employee can't afford to do that.
There's no way an attorney can even spend the time taking that to court for $50 lost
in that hour, even if it's 500 or 5000, the numbers don't work.
So here you've got the industry realizes this is a ticket to steal.
The US Supreme Court has now said to us, this punk majority that we have that are nothing
but an extension of corporate America, they have now decided that yeah, we're gonna give
you that ticket.
Go ahead and steal, because the chances of you really having to face any problem are
almost nonexistent.
For more infomation >> SCOTUS Sends Middle Finger to Workers, Gives Corporations A Win - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Moon Tripping - Duration: 13:50.
6 Bollywood Star Kids Who Born Artificially 2018 - Duration: 3:58.
6 Bollywood Star Kids Who Born Artificially 2018
A Woman Rescued This Fox From A Fur Farm – Then Got Her A Buddy To Stop Her Feeling Alone - Duration: 4:42.
for one lucky fox in Poland life wouldn't begin and end on a fur farm
instead she'd be adopted by Polly Luce Josiah who didn't stop her efforts at
bringing the pup home she also paired her new pet with an unexpected companion
to ease the Foxes loneliness Polly a software QA engineer calls Krakow Poland
home she admitted to the Irish independent in 2017 that she and her
husband panic as lenka have a soft spot for unconventional pets but when they
adopted their pet fox named Jay they had more reason to take her in than just her
unusualness Polly said that she'd saved the fox cub from a fur farm where she
would have likely been subjected to cruel treatment in Polly's country of
residence Poland fur farming is legal expose pieces have shown the harsh
treatment that the mammals receive on these properties some are kept in cages
with wire mesh floors for example which can lead them to develop twisted feet
other foxes have gnawed their tails off because the environment is so stressful
and some animal rights groups claim that these ailments were left untreated - as
farm owners opted to collect their fur and breed the creatures instead
but at Polly in cos Lanka's house Jay found herself in a life far from the fur
farm from which she was rescued she became our best friend Polly wrote in a
board panda page as the trio bonded Jay had the full attention of both her
adoptive parents Polly wrote I've been working from home that's why I was
always nearby my husband loves Jay too and they spend a lot of time together
they soon learned that their Fox had a unique porky personality Jay is very
friendly playful and curious Polly wrote in that way she her husband got lucky
many foxes are coy in new situations and around new people with her curious
fearless personality in mind it's not hard to believe that Jay had an
interesting hobby she always tries to steal things
Polly wrote she shared photo evidence - of her pet Fox eating a broken egg
nibbling a croissant and even biting the camp of a beer bottle but the Fox had
many sweet moments - Polly her husband and their pet shared a bed and they
often woke up to Jay in a cosy curled up position they even celebrated
holidays together including birthdays but their round-the-clock time together
would eventually come to an end this year I've changed from remote work to
the office I was very afraid that Jay would miss us as she'd always be alone
Polly wrote but the family came up with a solution to keep their pet Fox as
sociable as she had been we decided that Jane needed a friend who'd be her age
and size Polly wrote the choice of companion was clear considering Jays
affinity for one animal in particular Jay is very friendly Polly told the
Irish independent when we go for a walk she always tries to play with other dogs
so Polly and cos lenka headed to a shelter and adopted a friend for Jay his
name was Simon a two-year-old dog that was roughly the same size as his new Fox
sister what remained to be seen was how well the two animals would get along but
the family wouldn't have to wait long to figure that out within two days Jay and
Simon were already getting along famously
they're best friends always spending time together Polly wrote on board Vanda
the duo quickly began playing games together at home and the reason that
Polly wanted an animal who was similar in size to Jay became apparent
she told the irish independent that they ruff housed one another and made lots of
noise other times it seemed as though the fox
didn't quite understand the dogs idea of a game Polly said Simon always takes a
ball and tries to give it to Jay and looks like he thinks that Jay should
throw it but Jay just steals it hides it in fact sometimes Jay and Simon enjoy
each other's company so much that it was to their owners detriment unfortunately
we have to walk them separately Polly said because they can't concentrate when
they're together but Simon and Jays strong friendship achieved exactly what
Polly hoped it would when she adopted the dog remember she wanted a companion
at home for the Fox since she had to go to an office job Polly said they spent
all day together and just over six months after she spoke to the Irish
independent she shared on her Instagram page that the dog and Fox had continued
to strengthen their bond about a year ago we took Simon from Shelter Polly
wrote on February 10th 2018 it was very exciting to observe how
P&J discovered their friendship she continued and by the looks of her photo
sharing page full of images of the dog and Fox the duo continues to enjoy life
side by side I hope you liked this video if so please hit the subscribe button
and click on the bell icon to make sure you never miss a video from our Channel
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These men did not die in vain.
I swear to God...
...their deaths will not go unanswered.
Now let's get to Chapman and those munitions.
You ever heard the story of the mouse, the lion, and the thorn?
- Yeah. - There you go then.
In case we ever see that primate again.
You do know that story is about a mouse becoming friends with the lion...
...after taking the thorn out of his paw though, right?
No, it's not. The mouse kills the lion with the thorn.
Who told you that, Cole?
My mother.
That actually explains a lot.
Look out! Oh, shit!
- Watch out! - What is it?
- Watch your six! - Up above!
- Up in the trees! - Guns up!
- No, no! - Mills!
We got you!
I can't get a shot!
Cut the legs! Cut it off at the legs!
I got you! Go!
Shake it off, guys! Let's move out.
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Playmobil The Explorers New Android Game 2018
Pokemon Theory: What is the Smartest Pokemon? w/Monkiez! - Duration: 6:02.
Pokemon Theory: What is the Smartest Pokemon
*clip (narutopie says quote: I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant.
It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.)*
Wait.., that doesnt sound like Mewtwo at all, I thought he was supposed to sound, uh, smart.
Why does he sound like-
NarutoPie: Like me right
Monkiez: Aren't you that dude from Eryizos video
Narutopie: Yeah I get around a lot
Monkiez: Well uh…
How did you get on here?
Narutopie: Thats because im smarter than you, i'm smarter than Eryizo, im smarter than mewtwo
and everyone watching this video, BITCH.
Monkiez: *click edits* Alright thats enough of you
But speaking of smart Pokemon, I've never really thought about what could be the smartest
Of course we've seen lots of smart Pokemon in the series shown on many different occasions,
and there has to be one that stands out from all the rest… right?
Well that's why I'm here today to talk about what I think could be the smartest Pokemon
in the series.
In this video I'll be talking about a few Pokemon that could possibly be a candidate
for the smartest Pokemon ever.
And at the end of the video if you did enjoy make sure to leave a like, comment and maybe
even subscribe if youre new, but with that being said let's get started.
So first off let's take a look at one of the obvious ones, Alakazam.
Alakazam of course is revered as one of the smartest Pokemon due to his extremely strong
psychic powers.
Its Pokedex entry from Pokemon "It is said to have an IQ of approximately 5,000.
Its overflowing psychokinetic powers cause headaches to anyone nearby."
For one the highest ever recorded IQ was a 198.4, which means on paper Alakazam is nearly
25 times smarter than that of a human.
And of course he has Psychic powers, so him being smarter than the average human should
be obvious, but 25 times is a huge amount.
Now another candidate for the smartest Pokemon, would be Slowking.
Slowking in many instances in the Pokemon world has been looked at as one of the smartest
Pokemon in the series on several occassions.
*Pokemon Movie 2000 plays*.
And his Pokedex entry from Pokemon Moon states "This Pokémon is so famed for its intellect
that a proverb still persists in some regions: "When in doubt, ask Slowking."
This is one of the many examples of how we can see slowpoke's intelligence being praised
in the Pokemon World, he can have answers to practically anything.
Not only is that true but a Dex entry from Pokemon Silver says "Every time it yawns,
Shellder injects more poison into it.
The poison makes it more intelligent."
So while one could argue that Shellder could give Slowking infinite intelligence, it is
constantly being poisoned, and while this is the Pokemon world and you could just get
healed I feel as though he would eventually uh… die..
Another Pokemon that many people would consider to be one of the smartest Pokemon out there,
is Metagross.
Metagross' Pokedex entry from Pokemon Ruby says "Metagross has four brains in total.
Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer.
This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs."
This is very hard to make an estimation of, however, we can use it with comparison to
alakazams Pokedex entry from Pokemon Red "Its brain can outperform a super-computer.
Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000."
So while this may be a stretch if I'm wrong, however, I feel as though we can gauge the
level of intelligence for Metagross at around the sames as Alakazam.
However, when Metagross mega evolves, this changes, as its dex entry from Pokemon Ultra
Sun says "Its intellect surpasses its previous level, resulting in battles so cruel, they'll
make you want to cover your eyes."
Another Pokemon that many people consider to be the smartest Pokemon, is Arceus… yeah…
apparently people feel as though Arceus qualifies as one of the smartest Pokemon since he is
considered the God of the Pokemon world, so for that reason I guess I'll count him…
On the other hand though, another Pokemon to consider for one of the smartest Pokemon,
is actually oranguru.
Yes, while it doesn't seem like it, Oranguru is just as smart as one of the other Pokemon
on this list.
It's dex entry from Pokemon Moon says "Deep in the jungle, high in the lofty canopy, this
Pokémon abides.
On rare occasions, it shows up at the beach to match wits with Slowking."
So this shows Oranguru can match the level of intelligence to that of Slowking, and as
said earlier, Slowing is said to have the answers to so many different things, and potentially
to have "unlimited intelligence", and to be at that level is pretty impressive.
So there we have it, I've talked about 5 different Pokemon, and I came to a decision,
the smartest Pokemon has to be…
None of them…
You're probably thinking right now, what Pokemon could be smarter than a Pokemon that
knows all the answers to the universe, or a Pokemon smarter than a supercomputer, or
a Pokemon with 5,000 IQ… well… how about the being of knowledge itself.
That's right, I believe the smartest Pokemon is Uxie.
First of all, several Pokedex entries for uxie state "When Uxie flew, people gained
the ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
So this shows that uxie was the one who gave everyone the gift of knowledge in the first
Another entry says "Known as "The Being of Knowledge."
It is said that it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes."
If being called the Being of Knowledge isn't enough to be considered the smartest Pokemon,
I don't know what is.
Uxie has the power to know anything and everything going on in the world, hence which is why
I put him as the smartest Pokemon
So there we have it, I talked about some of the smartest Pokemon out there and ultimately
came to a decision to which one was the smartest, if you guys enjoy todays video make sure to
leave a like comment and maybe even subscribe if youre new, and if you disagree with my
opinion be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below.
But with that being said I'll see you guys later, peace.
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(intro) [There is no way to stop me]
[I go through the world as I like]
[I'm ready for whatever comes]
[because I am a backpacker]
Secrets and hidden treasures. Objects of immeasurable artistic value.
Archaeological pieces brought from around the world as well as invaluable documents,
Jewelry and richness are found inside of the Palacios Rolli, in Genoa.
Who would imagine that the third part of the fortune of the planet
was once in this city. Or that the banking and everything
everything related to the financial market that we know today was invented here.
Picturesque streets, delicious food, beaches and historic ports.
Join me in this video to explore a little of what we can find
in this splendid destination.
Welcome to Genoa.
Genoa was founded as a maritime gateway to Europe.
Many cultures enriched it through conquests and reconquests of several empires.
Also known as the cradle of the explorer Christopher Columbus,
today it houses one of the most important ports of all Italy.
In its most glorious era it was an opulent city that received kings, princes, popes
and many others of remarkable personalities.
For them, a particular system of hospitality was developed.
If hospitality as an institution has an origin it was possibly here, in Genoa.
The different families had great palaces that were prepared to receive
to these noble personalities.
The guests usually did not come alone
but with a retinue of companions. For them,
they had to organize welcomes, dances, buffets, music,
and other preparations that represented a big job
and millionaire expenses.
Here in the "Arhives of state" were just revealed the documents
which serve as evidence of what were the palaces and who were the guests
of this system.
Hosting someone became something special and expensive
that's why the nobles were rotating turns among them to host the guests
The "roll" - or list - was divided in three "bussoli" or urns
in which they placed the palaces according to their size and beauty.
The mansion was assigned by lottery according to the importance of the guest.
In the first "bussolo" were cardinals, princes and viceroys,
in the second bussolo feudatories and governors; and in the third onem
princes of second rank and ambassadors.
The Rolli palaces were these centers of hospitality and welcome that nobles
offered rotating by turns.
These places were only accessible for the nobility and the aristocracy.
Today 42 of the 120 palaces
are a UNESCO World Heritage Site so we can access to see the gigantic
artistic and historical value of their constructions and interiors.
To access you can do it during the Rolli Days of Genoa when they open this palaces to the public.
It is really necessary to pay a visit to this place to be able to admire the palaces at first
person and appreciate them in all their glory.
How to get to Genoa:
Arriving in Genoa is very easy.
In my case I did it landing at the airport of Bergamo.
Leaving that airport, in the very same door there are buses that can take you
to different destinations such as the Milán Central Station of trains,
which is one hour by bus.
From there are dozens of connections to many destinations in Italy and Europe.
It was there that a train of 1.45 hrs left me directly at the train station of Genoa.
You can find the mos convenient air connections at
What you can't miss in Genoa:
The historic center of the city is one of the widest in Europe.
Full of intricate alleys like a Labyrinth is a place full of curiosities:
historical workshops, typical restaurants, or small flea markets.
What definitely will attracts your attention are all the little historical details
that one can find by just looking above.
The center of Genoa has constructions that go to the heights,
it's curious thae even elevators are part of public transport.
It's there in the historic center where you'll find the Strade Nuove and the Rolli Palaces.
These stately mansions of noble genovese families are at your fingertips
on the Via Garibaldi.
Like I said, you can appreciate the palaces
outside throughout the year, but only in very specific opportunities
as the Rolli Days you can enter inside.
These days arouse the curiosity of many locals and foreigners
to be able to enter and explore these heritages of UNESCO.
The artistic beauty of its architecture, the frescoes, the paintings, the murals and columns
will be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for your travel.
For more information about the Rolli Days visit the official website.
A visit to the port of Genoa is unmissable.
Here is the famous Aquarium of Genoa which is one of the largest
and most visited in Europe.
There you will find a great variety of inhabitants of the marine world.
You can take a boat in this port to be able relive the welcome excursion
that was offered to many nobles visiting this place.
It is definitely an interesting perspective from the water.
You can admire the buildings, churches, the old town, the forts, the airport
and the Lanterna lighthouse.
There are daily departures that you can take from the old port, near the aquarium.
The PIAZZA DE FERRARI is the main square of Genoa.
Unmistakable by a large monumental fountain of 1936; this square delimited by several
Palaces is located in the heart of the old town.
It will serve you as a point of orientation and departure towards the alleys, the port, the main avenues
and other attractions.
I recommend you leave from here to the Via Garibaldi
to appreciate the palaces and then take a long walk to discover the alleys
and end up watching the sunset on a walk by the port.
Another recommendation without a doubt is to go up to one of the most beautiful panoramic points of
the city: The esplanade of Castelletto. It is accessed with the Liberty elevator that
leaves from Piazza del Portello.
From there you can see the roofs of the
old town, harbor and lighthouse La Lanterna together with the mountains and the great blue horizon
that draws the Mediterranean.
Not far from Genoa is the residential neighborhood of Nervi.
You have to visit this place because it was the summer destination of the aristocratic families
in the Europe of the 19th and 20th century. It has a great seaside walk bordering
a cliff called Anita Garibaldi. The city is beautiful in its own style.
You will find parks, restaurants and specially some of the most prominent museums
such as the modern art gallery, the Frugone collections,
the Wolfsonian and the Luxoro museum among others.
There is a lot to see in Genoa: In addition to everything mentioned you can visit
the old cemeteries, the beautiful cathedrals, the biosphere or
the Ludic interactive museum if you go with children.
What to eat in Genoa.
In Genoa you can eat delicious.
You can taste the typical Italian dishes but also things very typical of the town
as for example the famous Pesto which they point is Genoa's own invention as well as the
Focaccia, a delicious little bread ideal to accompany
..everything Gastronomy is also nourished by marine dishes
fish, pizzas and a great variety of pasta so I really recommend you
to come hungry.
Among the curiosities of Genoa is the great brotherhood with the neighborhood of La Boca in
Argentina because many Genoese left to this port giving it its shape and current physiognomy
That's why the fans of the Boca Juniors club
identify with this word (xeneize) which means "Genoese" in their own dialect.
The traffic in Genoa is quite dense and complicated
so for many the best alternative is to mobilize on foot
or in one of these small bikes.
In conclusion Genoa is a destination that is worth visiting.
Although its presence has been overshadowed by the
touristic fame of neighbor cities, this represents an opportunity to visit
and discover on your own a beautiful heritage that will leave you wanting to come back for more.
Thank you very much for watching this video,
I'm Nelson "Mochilero" (backpacker).
See you in a next episode.
Kiểm tra spam kênh youtube - Có nên sub chéo không ? - Duration: 1:51.
Simontive 6 Episode 25 - Duration: 2:42.
Title: Simontive 6 Episode 25 Security
Airport Rabbit: Good thing I did not made the announcement since I would I supported this monster.
Kimon: Here is my passport. Why didn't you make the announcement for Dogland?
Airport Rabbit: I was doing other stuff. That's right.
Kimon: Well, this is the wrong airport. I have to go to Appleland's Airport for my quick flight to the United States including New York.
Airport Rabbit: Next! Do you have your passports?
Truck Woman (New Jersey accent): Yeah, I am boarding to Newark, New Jersey, USA. Here are the passports.
Truck Man (Texan accent): I'm also going there to visit some people! Here is some money for the flight.
Title: Bank of Dogland
Airport Rabbit: I'm obviously not a flight attendant, but I know this money is valid and is from Dogland.
Governor FBI: Where is the restroom, and does the restroom have extraterritoriality?
Airport Rabbit: Over there, and what is extraterritoriality?
Mr. Dinosaur: I have a feeling the monster can be threatening to Dogland. We have to protect our holy picture of you. The picture hides a trigger that lowers our defenses and for a chance for an attack.
Kimon: Since I'm relativity new to Dogland, what else can the button do?
Simon: That picture has made Dogland a country, and it shows the unity of Dogland. Without my picture, the button makes Dogland ununited and chaotic which means the original enemies in Yoshi's Island can attack such as Zanna.
Mr. Dinosaur: Ok. The picture is moved and will be protected by our military. Do we need marshal law here?
Kimon: No, marshal law will cause more chaos, but we need Simon's Island to have heightened security including passport checks upon entry. I will tell Airport Rabbit, but I have to go now.
Airport Rabbit: I wonder what the passport requirement is for anyways. Whatever.
*Morse code*
Airport Rabbit: President Simon has just announced heightened security upon entry to Simon's Island to require passport checks. Airport services will not be affected, but all forms of transport into Simon's Island will also require passports such as trains, paws, foot, and plane.
ASMR Unboxing & Eating Sound - OREO (tapping & whispering) - Duration: 16:41.
we gonna unboxing this okay
i bought this at superindo (supermarket)
you can get this 3 mugs
but i chose OREO with blue mug
this time for unboxing :)
this mug so cute for cookies or anything else
or you can use this mug for spice :p
from inside i got this two
OREO chocolate & vanilla flavor
with milk for OREO too
this mug i will save it for later
so im not gonna eat this all but just a few from chocolate & vanilla flavor
so the rest of this OREO i will save it for later, for my snack tomorrow
6 OREO chocolate & 6 OREO vanilla
this chocolate flavor
did you know OREO has style to eat this ?
twist it
i lick the cream and then...
dip into milk
this milk make OREO textur become soft & nice
i think i need more
i will drink mineral water to flush the chocolate from the teeth
only this milk
so im done with eating & then story time
there comment from my subcriber who like me to tell story time (curhat)
and this for you who like me to tell you story & for my new subscriber too, i hope you like it
the story not that long just short story
at night i finished from the gym & start the journey to my home
so before im going back home, i bought food for my parents & my doggy
im using motorcycle
and then when im gonna close to my house
so the street is so quiet at night, sometime just few people who walking or motorcycle passing by, but this time is none
so when i passing this quiet street like small street...
suddenly i smell jasmine parfume (wangi bunga melati) and OMG so this smell so nice (jasmine smell indentic with something horror in Indonesia)
yes the smell is so nice but give me creeps as well because this street is so quiet
so when you walking or using motorcycle at night alone on the quiet street & you smell this jasmine flower parfume so give you creeps right ?
yup my story end here, just short story
thanks God there's nothing behind my back (you know ghost)
i like jasmine smell but at night give me the creeps
Hey guys, it's me Quick Richard Laverne aka Richard FireMancer!
Today, I'm going to tell you a secret way for low levels to get Potent Trap & Sharpened Blade!
Well, you can't train Potent Trap & Sharpened Blade until you're level 86, but there is a secret way!
First, you have to go to Castle Tours.
Second, you go to either Castaway's Bungalow, Battlemage Keep, or Nomad's Camp.
Let's go to Castaway's Bungalow if we can.
And if you're in Castaway's Bungalow, you interact with the Lost and Found thing, and if you're in Nomad's Camp, you interact with the Dromel Merchant.
And if you're in... oh yeah... Battlemage Keep, you interact with the Cauldron.
You can get either Potent Trap or Sharpened Blade, but if you're in Battlemage Keep, you don't get Sharpened Blade, you just get Potent Trap.
Let's try it out on one of our characters.
I tried it out on Richard FireMancer today & Richard StormMancer so I'm going to try it out on Richard IceMancer.
If we don't get them, we'll just keep using and using more characters.
Ok, let's just use some other characters.
Let's make a new one.
Let's go to Castaway's Bungalow.
That's good it's not full.
I'll just ignore that.
Ok, never mind.
I'll just watch the logs.
There's the Lost & Found.
We just got a snack.
Let's go back to Castle Tours.
We go to Nomad's Camp and Battlemage Keep.
We're going to the Cauldron and let's see if we can get Potent Trap.
It's going to be a really smart way for low levels to get potent trap & sharpened blade TCs, and they can use them for PvP.
I mean like any player who's below level 86.
This should be the way to the Cauldron.
We'll have to go the the opposite end.
And there's the Cauldron.
Let's see what we get.
Woah! Fire trap!
They give like all types of trap and prism and shield cards.
Let's go to Nomad's Camp.
...and see if we can get sharpened blade or potent trap.
Let's just create a new character.
Guys, I will keep making new and new wizards until we get either potent trap or sharpened blade TCs.
Guys, I have tried to get Potent Trap and Sharpened Blade TCs, but I didn't get them yet, but it's still possible, I'll show you proof now!
See guys, Dromel Merchant, Lost and Found, let's scroll back up, sharpened blade, it's possible, and let's see if we can get potent trap!
Yep, here it is, cauldron, dromel merchant, lost and found, you can get potent trap, it's possible for low level to get potent trap and sharpened blade, and use it in PvP!
I think we'll rap this up!
Too bad... even though we didn't get any TCs today.
So guys this was me Quick Richard Laverne aka Richard FireMancer!
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