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Jeep Wrangler Select Increments Neo-Pod (2007-2018 JK 4 Door) Review & Install - Duration: 31:18.
This Select Increments Neo-Pod is for those of you that have a 2007 to 2018 four-Door
JK, that are looking for a way to have a subwoofer if you don't have one from the factory.
And you want something that is going to be a little bit stealthy, and not take a lot
of your cargo space up in your Jeep because let's face it, even the four-doors don't have
that much room inside.
This system is going to be a two out of three wrench installation even though it does come
with everything, there's going to be a little bit of wiring, some of it is just plug-and-play,
others you do have to tap into some wires.
That is a little bit going to depend on your existing system as well.
So there's going to be a little bit of work here.
We're going to show you how to get this installed in just a minute.
This system is going to come with everything you need, all the wiring, all of the instructions
to get a 8-inch sub mounted in this box, specifically formed to fit underneath the passenger seat
of your JK, so self-contained, very, very nice unit that comes with everything that
you need perfectly matched.
And that's what's really important about a system like this.
You can buy just the box, so you can buy just the box and the sub.
But this system, box, sub, amp, and all the wiring, and everything, everything is matched
by a professional.
So, if you're somebody who doesn't really have a full firm grasp of the car audio and
exactly what you need to consider when bringing different components together, all of that
work is already done for you.
This is going to be a very simple system because you don't have to do all of that research.
Again, if you are into that, you can buy just this box if you want something that's a little
bit stealthy, stuff your components in there, and make that work.
So a system like this, because all of the legwork has been done, because all of the
research has been done, everything is matched together and paired perfectly, and you're
getting a box that is designed specifically for your vehicle, a nice stealthy style mounting
box, this is going to be a little bit more expensive than if you were to just purchase
individual components.
Again, a lot of what you're paying for is this box, but you're also getting some very
high-quality speaker components, so this is going to be a little bit on the pricey side.
If you are looking for a stealthy box, you want high quality components, you don't want
to have to piece something together yourself.
This is going to be a great choice.
So, I already talked about a couple of the components that are included in this kit.
The big one is right here, you have your sealed sub box, and that is molded and designed to
fit directly underneath the passenger seat of your four-door JK.
But what's very important is how this sub and this box were designed to work together.
Again, this is a sealed box.
The volume of the box is matched for the recommended volume of this 8-inch trigger sub so they're
going to work really well together and that is one of the things that you need to consider
when you're doing a car audio installation.
And again, that legwork is done for you also.
The 8-inchtrigger sub is matched to this 300-watt amp.
So you don't have to worry about resistance, ohms, you don't have to worry about voltage
outputs, all of that research, all that matching is taken care of for you.
Speaking of which, this is going to be a 2-ohm sub.
And as I said over here, you have a 300-watt amplifier to power that.
So, you have all of the components that are necessary.
And all of them are matched very well to give you a very high quality of sound output.
You're also going to have all of your wiring that is going to be necessary.
So depending on whether you have an aftermarket system in your Jeep, you have a factory system,
you have a factory system with an existing sub, you're going to have to wire this up
a little bit differently, but you are going to have everything you need.
So, even if you don't have a sub, you just need to tap into a existing channel, and have
that be the output that goes into the amp, and then into the sub, that give you the vampire,
plus they give you the RCAMs.
They give you everything that you're going to need to get everything hooked up in your
And again, I keep saying it, but all of the legwork, all the research is done to make
sure all the stuff matches, and you're not just spending money on something that's not
going to sound good, because this doesn't match up with that.
All of that is already done for you and that's part of what you're paying for in it get like
This system comes in at just shy of $500 dollars.
Now, you could buy an amp, a sub, the wiring harness, and a box that isn't designed to
fit specifically underneath the passenger seat of your Jeep for less than that.
But then you're taking up room in that cargo area for a stealthy box that is designed specifically
for your JK that is stuffed with perfectly matched high-quality components, I don't think
$500 dollars is that bad of a price.
Again, if you are really into car audio, you could piece something together, you could
make something work for less money, and the fact that money even sounds better.
But if you don't have a firm grasp of a car audio, you don't want to spend the hours researching
what works well together, and you want a box that's going to be nice and stealthy.
This is a self-contained kit that's priced pretty fairly for everything that you're going
to get.
Now, I'll have a member of the install team show you how you get this installed in your
Now, this installation does not require you to remove your seat, however, we did remove
them just so you can get a better idea of how it looks underneath there.
First thing we're going to do is, we're going to move this panel and these two pushpins
so we can get our speaker wires.
So now, that we've removed this panel, we've exposed the wires, we're going to tap into
the wires for the sound bar.
Now, we have two green wires, and we have two grey wires.
Those are the left and the rear.
So, we are going to take our supplied wire, we going to wind up tapping into those wires.
So now, grey is placed into these sound bar wires, so we are going to use our supplied
length of wire, we're going to cut that in half, and then we'll use our provided blue
locking tabs just place into that.
So, we're going to go ahead, take this piece, cut that in half, pin these wires back.
We're going to separate these wire sum.
We're going to start with the grey wires.
The grey wires are for the left rear sound bar speaker.
Now, we have a light green stripe which is the positive, and we have a dark green stripe
which is the negative.
So, we're going to wire them accordingly.
So, we're going to take our little vampire blue clips, then we'll get those installed.
So we're going to go ahead and slide our wire into the back until it stops at the end, and
then we're going to wrap it around our wire like this, and then we'll push that pin down,
and that I'll splice in the both wires.
Then you can take this, wrap that around, and that will clamp that shut.
Next, we're going to need the negative side which has the dark green stripe on it.
Same thing goes for that.
So now that we have this side done, we're ready to splice into these two green wires.
Same thing goes, the light stripe is for the positive, the dark stripe is for the negative.
So next, we're going to wire up for the right rear speaker.
Now, these are the two green wires, the light green stripe is going to be for the positive.
So we're going to start with that, and we'll attach that to our blue wire.
So, we're going to insert our wire into the clip, we're going to slide it into our clip
until the bottom's out, then we'll clamp it over our wire, then will squeeze the tab down.
Then we can flip the lock, and lock it in place.
So, now the other green wire has a gray stripe on it, that's for the negative.
So, we're going to do the same thing, we're going to slide our lock on until our bottom
is out, and then we're going to tap into that wire.
So, now that we have our new wires tapped into our sound bar wires, we're going to label
which side they are, since there is a left and right, then we're going to run them under
the carpet over the driver's side seat where we're going to attach them to our amp.
You want to take a piece of tape.
We're just going to take a piece of tape, touch it like that, and then we'll just write
which side it's for.
So we have this one hooked up to the gray wires, which is the left side rear speaker.
So, we're going to begin by pulling our carpet back.
So we can clear a path for these wires to run.
We're going to swing our wires around and just run this all the way across.
And then we can pop these out right here, and then get ready to wire them up to the
So, the next step is to attach the ground wire from the body to the amp.
So we have our Phillips head screwdriver, 10-millimeter socket, and our wiring tool.
So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to strip the end of this wire, and we're
going to attach an end, so we can attach that to the box, then we'll cut our wire to the
length, and attach it to the body.
So we're going to take our end.
Try to get all of the copper inside of there, then we're going to crimp our end on.
So on the backside of here, we have a terminal that says, "ground."
So we're going to go ahead and use a Phillips head to unscrew that, then we can insert our
new end in there, and then tighten that back up.
So two things to note since we are installing this under the seat, we wanted to phase so
you can access then just the settings while it's under there.
Also you want to make sure that we have our ground wire hooked up before you apply any
power to it.
So since we're in the process of doing this ground wire, we want to make this as short
as possible, so we're going to go ahead and, kind of, eye that up.
And then we'll cut this to a length, attach an islet on the end of it, and then get that
mounted underneath that mount.
So the next step, we're going to pop this panel off from the passenger side, so we can
pass a wire through this section.
So, we're going to use a flat head screwdriver and just push it in there, pop this panel
And once we have this panel off, we're going to poke a hole through this foam in here,
so we can send our power wire through.
So now that we have that cover off, we're going to poke a hole through this foam.
And send our power wires through.
Next, we're going to open our hood, so we can accept the power wire through the firewall.
So now that we've poked a hole through the foam out the other side, we're going to go
ahead and fish our wire through.
So now that we have our power wire pulled through, we're going to cut it, put it in
our fuse holder, and then we're going to put a terminal in the end.
So first, you want to measure from the battery, get a good idea of the length that you want,
and then we're going to cut that.
So, we're going to need to strip both ends of the short wire that we cut off.
It's still good.
So on the one end we're going to attach a terminal ring.
This is going to attach to the battery side.
On the other side, we're going to unscrew this here, and we're going to feed our wire
So slide that whole section down, and put this little rubber grommet on there.
And you want to use a 3-millimeter Allen key, we're going to unscrew this set screw.
That way we can place our wire inside of there.
And then we're going to tighten that back up to secure it.
Once that's secured, you can go ahead and slide that little collar all the way back
up, and then screw that end back on.
Now, we're going to do the same thing for the other side.
Shave some of the sheathing off.
We're going to unscrew this end, slide on, slide that little grommet on.
Once that's set, we can slide this back up, and close that, and then you can attach that
right there.
Now at this point in time, I'm not going to hook it up to the battery because we still
have to run the wire all the way to the vehicle.
So now this is all assembled, we can mount this here, you can mount it right next to
the battery, there's a little spot for it.
I'm not going to hook the end up to the battery yet, just because we have to run the wire
all the way through the Jeep.
This eventual will feed over to there.
So next step, we have to get this wire over to the amp.
So we're going to go down through the dash, over the center console, and over to that.
So we're going to start off by pushing this back through here.
And we're just going to feed this down.
It's going to come out somewhere, at some point.
Oh, yeah.
So next step, we're going to have to peel back the carpet, so we can send it to the
footwell in the center console.
So, we're going to need to remove these nuts down here.
That's usually just spin off by hand.
And then once you get those out, you can peel the carpet back, just enough that we can feed
this wire behind it.
So we're going to take the end of our wire, we're going to go all the way under the center
console, right back here, and it should drop off the other side.
So now, we're going to go ahead and just tuck our wire back here, underneath this carpet,
and then we'll put the carpet back.
Put our nuts back on.
So, we're just going to peel this section back here.
You can go ahead just feed our wire underneath there.
So next, you're going to choose a location to mount your base level controller.
You can mount this anywhere in the Jeep.
However, we're going to mount it right on the dash.
So, we're going to have to take the dash apart, so we can access the 12-Volt on the cigarette
So to begin removing the center of dash, we're going to pull out on this, and then we're
going to unplug this.
So there's a red lock on the back, that you're going to want to release, then we get to push
down on this clip, and disconnect that.
That's the red lock right there.
And then the tab is right here that you're going to press down on.
Once we have that off, there's a screw in here that we're going to remove, so we can
take this vent section off.
That's going to be a 7-millimeter socket.
Pull that screw out, save that for later.
After you get this section pulled up a little bit, we can go and detach this lower section.
Then once we get this off, then we can disconnect everything from behind.
So now that we have the panel off, we're ready to tap into the cigarette lighter wire.
So we're going to tap into the hot wire, which is a blue wire with a pink trace, then we're
going to run that down to the amp through the dash.
So we're going to use one of those blue clips again.
And we're just going to tap into this.
So we're going to go around the wire, feed our amp wire into that.
And you want to make sure that both wires are in there correctly.
And then we're going to go ahead and splice that, and close our connection.
So now we're going to fish our amp wire down through the dash, hopefully out of the bottom,
so we can go under the carpet with it.
And here she is.
Then we're going to feed our wire all the way through, and we're going to do the same
thing we did with our power wire.
We're just going to go under the carpet here.
We're probably going to have a lot of slack, you can cut that short, or you can bundle
it up and zip tie it.
Anyway, we're just going to tuck this back in there.
Move on to our next step.
So while this panel's out, we're going to mount our base level controller to it.
So we're just going to make some marks, and then we'll drill some holes, and install the
provided screws.
So, now that you have your holes pre-drilled, you're ready to put your dash back together.
So we're going to reconnect all our connections.
We will need to get this panel underneath of the vent section.
We can get it up, push it back in, then we can push our vent back in, and then reinstall
our 7-millimeter screw.
After that, we can put our window switch back in.
And then we can attach our base level controller.
So now that we have our controller mounted, we're going to run our wire down through here,
and through the carpet.
So we're going to go ahead pop this piece off here, then we're going to use the supplied
AUX cable.
So after you've pulled your wire through, you can go ahead and bundle up the excess.
So we're going to go ahead and put that wire tie back on there.
Now, you can leave this rest just right down here, you can tuck it up in there, there's
a couple options.
And then we're just going to run this along with all the other wires right down around
here, and run it to our amp.
So now we're ready to wire our box up.
First we're going to start with our speaker wires.
So, we're going to take our little terminals, we're going to cut these to the length that
we need, then we're going to strip the ends, and then we'll get those attached.
So we're going to start with our left side.
Now, we're going to split our wires in two.
So now that we have our wire in stripped, we're ready to install them in this plug.
Now, you can see on this plug, there's a negative side and a positive side.
So we made the blue our positive.
So we're going to start with that first.
We're just going to insert that into there, and then we're going to use a tiny Philips
head screwdriver to tighten that up.
Same thing with the other side, we're going to insert our wire under there.
Once they're both tight and secure, we can go ahead and plug that into our box.
Now, since this is left side, we're going to go and plug it into the top on, that's
for the left.
Now we're ready to do the other side.
Same thing, we're going to cut our excess off, then we'll split our wires.
I'm going to start with that positive side.
Go ahead and insert that.
Tighten that up.
Then once we have that on, we are going to plug that back into our box.
We can take our AUX cable from our remote base, we can plug that in, and then we can
get started on the backside.
So we're ready to wire up the battery wire, and the amp remote wire.
So we are going to go ahead and do the same thing, we're going to cut these to the length
that we need them.
Get rid of the excess.
And we're going to go ahead and strip the end.
Once we have that off, go ahead and attach our speed terminal.
Once that connection is secure, we can go ahead and loosen up our center pen, and then
we can insert the remote wire into there, and then take that terminal back up.
Now we can do the same thing for our battery wire.
So now that we have our amp all wired up, we're ready to mount it to the floor of the
Now, you're most likely going to do this with a seat in the vehicle.
So you want to make sure that you're sliding it back and forth, and it's not contacting
the amp at all.
So now, we're going to take our four screws, and you can actually just screw these straight
to the floor through the carpet.
So we're almost ready to install our Neo-Pod, we still have to install our speaker, of course.
However, we're going to check under the seat to make sure there's nothing that's going
to come in contact with this Pod.
So we have our seat out here, we're going to disconnect this harness over here, and
basically remove this bracket, so we can clear over the Neo-Pod.
Now, you can do this with the seat in the vehicle.
However, we took it out just to make it a little easier.
So, we're going to go ahead and pinch this right here, wiggle that out.
So we're going to use a T30 Torx to take these two screws out of here.
So with that bracket removed, you should have plenty of clearance underneath the seat.
If you do need to remove any of these, you can always just zip tie them out of the way.
We're going to zip tie this up and out of the way, and then get started on the box.
So now we have our Neo-Pod on the table, we're ready to start assembling it.
The first step, we're going to take our grommet and insert it through the hole in the side.
So next, we're going to take our thick speaker wire that came with our kicker subwoofer,
and we're going to install that through the grommet, and pull that through.
So, now that we have our wires pulled through, we're going to separate these.
And then we're going to go ahead and strip the ends off.
So now, we're ready to wire up our subwoofer, and mount it in the box.
The first thing, we're going to take it, flip it upside down.
Now, this is recommended to wire for four ohms, so what we're going to do is, we're
going to take a small piece of wire, and we're going to go ahead and connect from the positive
to the negative on the opposite side.
Then we're going to do the same thing for this.
We're going to go positive, and then we'll go to our negative side.
So now we're ready to take our subwoofer.
We're going to flip it upside down.
Make sure it fits nicely in this box.
Get all of our wires to tuck in there.
And then next, we want to center this in the box, sort of, line that up pretty even.
And then we'll get our screws, screw that in.
So we have our 8th Phillips head screws.
We're going to use our drill to screw them in.
So now that that's mounted in there, go ahead and install it in the Jeep.
So now that our box is fully assembled, we're ready to install it on the floor.
At this point in time, it's a good idea to check for leaks.
So with everything plugged in, you can go ahead and fire this thing up, check for any
air leaks.
If you do have any leaks around here, you can tighten the screws up.
If you feel any air coming out of there, you can apply some hot glue or wax.
However, we feel pretty confident that our box is good to go, so we're going to go ahead
and get started.
So now are you ready to install your Neo-Pod.
If you decided to keep your seat in, you're going to slide it in through the back, making
sure that all of your wiring harnesses are free and clear.
If you need to move them, zip tie them out of the way.
This is a good time.
I'm going to slide it in through here, wiggle it on through, and then we're going to set
it in place.
This wire is going to wrap around, eventually, we're going to send that under the carpet,
over to the amp.
So, to mount our box to the floor, we're going to slide it up and over towards the driver's
seat as much as we can.
We're going to use our screws that are provided, they're self-tapping.
You need a 3/8th socket.
So with the front screw in, we're going to center the back in between the two legs, and
then we're going to get our screws started.
You want to make sure that there's no wiring underneath when we install our screws.
So now that we have a box mounted, we're ready to run our wiring over to the amps.
So it's pretty simple, you can just tuck it up and around the center console, and kind
of just bring that around.
We can go all the way up here.
And then send that over to our amp.
Now that our wiring is by our amp, we're going to go ahead and split these, pull this apart,
and we're going to strip the ends off, and we're going attach these terminal ends on
So now that both of those are tight, we're ready to attach them to the amp.
First, we're going to undo our screws, go ahead and insert our terminals, and then we'll
tighten them up.
Now, you can just take this wire, and just hide the excess.
And last but not least, before we get ready to fire this system up, we're going to connect
our battery cable to our batteries.
So, we're going to use a 10-millimeter socket to remove one of these nuts and get it connected.
So now that the whole system's wired up, you're just about ready to turn it on.
One thing I'd recommend is to turn all of these settings down to zero, that way you
can fine tune it as you go.
However, that wraps up our Review and Install.
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Fold the slimes edges in toward the center to blend the Model Magic into the slime
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Pronouncing the Past "ed" Correctly - Duration: 5:15.
Hello, everyone! - My name is Ana.
My name is Cris and this is Great Ideas for Teachers and Students
Subtitles are available in English and Portuguese
On today's video we're gonna teach you how to pronounce the past ED
Pronouncing ED can be difficult because we write ED but sometimes we pronounce it T
It's very important not to mispronounce the final ED because if we do
native speakers might hear the pronoun it
Like, I like chocolate. I like it. I like it
Instead of I liked.
We only add an extra syllable when verbs end in T or D
So let's practice
Repeat after me
list - listed
print - printed
want - wanted
need - needed
add - added
fade - faded
Very good. Now
When verbs end in P
SH, S and TCH the final ED sounds like T
Listen and repeat, please.
crash - crashed
wash - washed
fish - fished
stuff - stuffed
laugh - laughed
cough - coughed
kiss - kissed
pass - passed
dance - danced
wipe - wiped
type - typed
stop - stopped
pick - picked
like - liked
talk - talked
fetch - fetched
match - matched
watch - watched
Very good
When verbs have all the other endings the ED
Sounds like D
Make sure not to add an extra syllable
Listen and repeat
call - called
kill - killed
use - used
raise - raised
love - loved
serve - served
jog - jogged
bag - bagged
name - named
seem - seemed
grab - grabbed
rob - robbed
judge - judged
merge - merged
breathe - breathed
bathe - bathed
bang - banged
long - longed
score - scored
care - cared
rain - rained
turn - turned
sigh - sighed
cry - cried
show - showed
bow - bowed
die - died
play - played
Very good.
We have prepared these cards for you and they are available in the description
Well, now you can tell your stories in the past pronouncing the regular verbs correctly
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Bye. Bye
What Causes Kidney Stones ? - Duration: 12:47.
Five main cause of kidney stones
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys
Kidney stones have many causes and can affect any part of urinary tract from your kidneys to your bladder
often stones form when the urine becomes concentrated allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together as
Kidney stones can be hard to discover from a lack of symptoms. It is important to recognize the cause of kidney stones
so you can minimize and prevent the appearance of kidney stones if
You believe you are at risk for kidney stones. Talk to your doctor about being tested here
Are the common cause of kidney stones
below your in volume a
Major risk factor for kidney stones is constant low urine volume
Below your in volume may come from dehydration from hard exercise
Working or living in a hot place or not drinking enough fluids
When you're in volume is low urine is concentrated and dark in color
Concentrated urine means there is less fluid to keep salts dissolved
Increasing fluid intake will dilute the salts in your urine
By doing this you may reduce your risk of stones forming
Adults who form stones should drink enough fluid to make at least 2.5 liters of urine every day on average
This will take about three liters or 100 ounces of fluid intake per day
While water is likely the best fluid to drink what matters most is getting enough fluid
heredity or family history
the chance of having kidney stones is much higher if you have a family history of stones such as a parent or sibling and
If you've already had one or more kidney stones you're at increased risk of developing another
Some people are more susceptible to forming kidney stones and heredity may play a role
the majority of kidney stones are made of calcium and
Hypercalcemia high levels of calcium in the urine is one risk factor
The predisposition to high levels of calcium in a year and may be passed on from generation to generation
Geographical location
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
There may be a geographic predisposition to forming kidney stones
So where a person lives may make it more likely for them to form kidney stones
There are regional stone belts with people living in the southern United States having an increased risk of stone formation
The hull climate in this region combined with inadequate fluid intake may cause people to be relatively
Dehydrated with their urine becoming more concentrated and allowing chemicals to come in closer contact to form the nightís or beginning of a stone
Diet can also affect the chance of forming a stone
one of the more common causes of calcium kidney stones is high levels of calcium in the urine a
Diet high in animal protein such as beef fish chicken and pork can raise the acid levels in the body and in the urine
High acid levels make it easier for calcium oxalate and Durak acid stones to form
the breakdown of meat into uric acid also raises the chance that both calcium and uric acid stones will form
Because obsolete is a component of the most common type of kidney stone
Calcium oxalate eating foods rich in oxalate can raise your risk of forming these stones
Some medications and calcium and vitamin C supplements may increase your risk of forming stones
people taking diuretics or water pills and those who consume excess calcium
Containing antacids can increase the amount of calcium in their urine and potentially increase their risk of forming stones
Taking excess amounts of vitamins AMD are also associated with higher levels of calcium in the urine
Patients with HIV who take the medication in denavir Crixivan may form Andina via stones
other commonly prescribed medications associated with stone formation include phenytoin the Landin and
antibiotics like ceftriaxone
Rocephin and super flock Sisson cipro
Be sure to tell your health care provider all the medications and supplements you take as these could affect your risk of stone formation
Do not stop taking any of these unless your healthcare provider tells you to do so
lack of exercise
Although nobody claims that a lack of exercise can directly lead to kidney stones
There does appear to be a clear connection between people with sedentary lifestyles and the incidence of kidney stones
In some cases people have little choice in the matter
For example consider the case of one who has to spend an extended period confined to bed due to an accident or illness
However, if it is possible to follow a regular exercise routine
Please do. So in addition to avoiding kidney stones. There are many other health benefits
Hi, I'm Julie on this occasion I will talk about the signs and symptoms of kidney disease
Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional?
medical or nutritional advice
Kidney disease is one of the most deadly silent killers
People often are not aware. They have a problem until it becomes critical
according to the National Kidney Foundation
More than 26 million people in America suffer from some kind of kidney disease
The kidneys are important for overall health
performing many vital functions in the body
they also help maintain a balance of water and
concentration of minerals such as sodium potassium and phosphorus in the blood
kidney function declines with age
However, certain factors put you at higher risk of kidney disease
These include family history
diabetes high blood pressure smoking and obesity
Here are the top 10 symptoms of kidney disease that you must know
The 1 changes in urinary function
The first symptom of kidney disease is a change in your urinary function
The change may be in the amount and frequency of the year a new pass
Other changes may include 1 getting up at night a few times to urinate
To urge to urinate more often but not able to do so when using the restroom
3 your that is darker than usual
For urine that is foamy or bubbly five urine that contains blood
six cleaning pressure or having difficulty urinating
Seven Bing or a burning sensation during urination
- swelling in the body
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos
It's the kidneys job to remove waste and extra liquid from the body
When this does not happen the extra fluid and water buildup causes swelling
This can be in the hands feet ankle joints face and under the eyes
You may also notice dimpling on the skin after being pressed for a few seconds
Three severe fatigue and weakness
When the kidneys do not function properly
There is a high chance of feeling fatigued most of the time
You may feel tired exhausted or generally lack energy without any known reason
Two common causes of these symptoms are NEMA an accumulation of waste products in the body
Healthy kidneys make a hormone called a report in med AIDS production as oxygen carrying red blood cells
Damaged kidney make less of this hormone
eventually leading to a decreased red blood cell count
Also when the kidneys do not function properly it's harder for your body to get rid of harmful toxins and substances
This can lead to loss of appetite
Excess toxins in the body and loss of appetite make you less energetic
For dizziness if
Kidney disease causes anemia you may suffer from frequent dizziness, which is a feeling of lightheadedness
unsteadiness or loss of balance
This happens because anemia can prevent you brain from getting enough oxygen
it can further cause memory problems trouble concentrating and difficulty sleeping if
You are suffering from sudden dizziness and poor concentration. Take it seriously and get a medical check-up
unexplained popping
Unexplained aches and pains in the back as well as sides of your abdomen can be symptoms of undiagnosed kidney disease or kidney infections
When kidneys do not function properly you may experience pain stiffness and fluid in the joints
Pain in the lower back and groin can also be caused by kidney stones in the urethra
Polycystic renal disease and inherited kidney disorder which causes fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys can cause pain in the lower back
Sod or abdomen
If you experience severe cramping that spreads from the lower back into the groin consult your doctor immediately
Six skin breakouts and itching
Sudden skin breakouts rashes irritation and excessive itching are also symptoms of some types of kidney conditions
Improper kidney function and contributes to buildup of waste products and toxins in the body leading to many skin problems
another effect of poor
kidney functioning is an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood which can lead to excessive itching if
You're otherwise healthy skin suddenly shows signs of breakouts rashes and intense itching see your doctor
Seven ammonia breath
kidney disease can also cause a metallic taste in the mouth or ammonia breath
This happens because poor kidney functioning leads to an increase in the level of urea in the blood
IRRI is broken down to ammonia in the saliva that's causing urine like bad breath known as ammonia breath
It can also cause an undesirable metallic taste in the mouth which can make food taste different
Eight nausea or vomiting
Vomiting and poor appetite very common gastrointestinal symptoms among people suffering from kidney disease
nausea and vomiting most often occur when you get up in the morning as
The kidneys are not able to filter harmful toxins out of the blood
It leads to an accumulation of excessive urine it region in the bloodstream
this stimulates the gastro intestinal
mucosa and causes nausea and vomiting if
You are still experiencing nausea and vomiting after taking medicines and necessary preventive measures
Consult a doctor before the condition becomes worse
9 feeling cold most of the time
This is another symptom of anemia, which could be caused by kidney disease
you may feel cold without any known reason even when in a warm environment at
Times you may even have a fever with chills. If you feel cold much of the time along with dizziness and weakness
Consult your doctor
10 shortness of breath
shortness of breath can also be a sign of kidney disease
improper kidney functioning leads to extra fluid buildup in the lungs
Shortness of breath can also be due to anemia caused by kidney problems
In addition a buildup of potassium in the blood that is not filtered out by the kidneys may cause abnormal heart rhythms
Catalina Saison 2 Épisode 9 - Duration: 20:44.
When Should You Celebrate Success - Duration: 4:55.
When Should You Celebrate Success?
I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk about success
and when you should celebrate success.
Success is different for everyone and that's why I want to talk about it today.
Do you celebrate it when you get to a certain point?
Success is not a destination; it's actually a journey.
I want to talk about how do you celebrate and when do you celebrate today because I
think that there are a lot of times when we're in business as business owners, we're not
celebrating our successes.
You do one year, two years, five years, and ten years and then you're going, "What's
What's next?
What's next?"
but really not taking the time out to have a look at what you've actually achieved.
I hear it in highly motivated business people all of the time and I'm known to do this
as well and you go, "I haven't done too much" and people go, "Oh my God, you've
done amazing things!"
You are your harshest critic on yourself.
The things I want to talk about today is when do you celebrate success?
Firstly, it should be the small steps.
Every small step you take, you should take time to take that breath and go, "Hey, this
is a great thing."
It's very small but those small steps build up to be massive growth in your business and
growth in yourself, so make sure that even the smallest thing, you are celebrating with
If you have a business coach or a life coach, they are the ones that know what goes into
achieving all of those little steps, so find someone you can call up and go, "Hey!
Guess what just happened to me?
I've got this client I've been working on now for months and I persevered, I was
consistent and now I've got this client."
They really know the importance of getting that client for you.
The other thing is it should be often and regularly.
Make sure that at the end of the week you set some time aside and go, "What did I
achieve this week?"
"What can I be grateful for?"
"What can I be joyous about?" and really reflect on the things that you did do instead
of the things that you didn't do because it's really easy at the end of the week
to go, "I didn't get this done" "I didn't get that done".
Why don't you go, "But look at all the amazing things that I did do.
I connected with this person, I cleared my inbox, I shuffled some paper around on my
desk and got rid of some crap that was happening there."
Think about the things that you did get done.
Make some time, whether it's every day before you go home or if it's at the end of the
week, make sure you are reflecting on all those positive things.
The third thing is, reward yourself.
I like to eat sweet things.
I would normally reward myself with a dessert but not all of us are like that, but make
sure you are giving yourself a pat on the back after you get to certain goals or achieve
certain things.
Make them small; you don't have to earn a million dollars before you pat yourself
on the back.
Getting your first client if you're starting out and then reward yourself in some way.
It might be that you go out for dinner or you buy a special bottle of wine or you have
the dessert like I do.
You don't have to buy anything.
You might go, "I'm just going to take a couple of hours off and dip my toes in the
seawater or in the sand" depending on where you live.
Your reward doesn't have to be costly to you but it can be significant.
I think that we need to reward ourselves.
So many times when we're in business, particularly when we're on our own when we haven't
got a team around us, you're the only one who can reward yourself and I think it's
really, really important that you do that.
So there are my tips today.
One, celebrate all the small steps.
I don't care how small they are, you make sure you celebrate them.
Celebrate often and regularly.
Make sure you are setting a time aside to reflect on how great the week has been or
the day has been.
And thirdly, make sure you reward yourself in some way that makes you feel wonderful.
I'm Sharon Jurd.
I hope this video has been of value to you.
If you think this would be of value to your friends, family or colleagues, please share
my video because I want to help as many people as I can and I need your help to do that.
Talk soon.
First Lady Melania Grabs America's Hearts With A Message That Proves Great Pride For USA - Duration: 1:47.
How to Build Swimming Pool Water Park 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 4:26.
How to Build Swimming Pool New Android Game 2018
Making ghost soldiers: camouflage of the future - Duration: 1:33.
In human history we can imagine that the first camouflage was not about the colour but about
the smell.
To cover yourself with mud to reach some prey in the nature.
And since this time let's say, the camouflage issue is quite important to protect yourself,
to hide yourself, in the nature, in the cities, in the urban environment, everywhere.
To be not detected.
Because if you are not detected, you cannot be hit by weapons.
It's like you have seen in the movies, sci-fi movies, that someone comes to earth and sees
Actually that happens today.
We can see everything.
Every detail, so they can detect, is that the tree?
Or behind that tree is something that is made of plastic or something like that?
Our job is of course to try to create the next generation of the camouflage systems,
which mimics totally the nature as it is and in this group we combine two things.
Investigate the nature and provide some new materials.
Leaders Of North And South Korea Meet In Surprise Summit | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:11.
Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 Full Review - Duration: 12:34.
Hey guys its Sagar for Tecworkz.
I have been using the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 for the past 2 weeks.
And in this video, I want to let you guys know what I think about it, and weather you
should choose it over the competition or not.
I never got a chance to publish the unboxing video, when I got this phone, but you might
have caught a glimpse of it, in the background of some of my recent videos.
With the Zenfone Max Pro, Asus is trying to make a comeback in the budget smartphone market,
which is currently dominated by Xiaomi.
Right now, this phone is available in two variants.
3GB RAM and 32GB Storage variant is available at 10,999Rs, while the 4GB RAM and 64GB Storage
variant retails at 12,999Rs.
Its a really good price for all the features that this phone has to offer.
I have got the Black one here, but if you look at it under bright light, it is actually
deep blue, and not black.
Like most of the phones in its price range, Max Pro also comes with a metal back, with
Plastic at the top which goes along both the sides and all the way to the bottom of the
This helps with better antenna reception.
This metal back is rounded towards the edges, so you won't feel too uncomfortable if you
use it for long time.
But this design choice, also makes it very slippery.
The back also catches a lot of fingerprints, which are difficult to wipe off.
We have seen a similar kind of design on many of the smartphones in this price range.
And for some reason to me, the Zenfone Max pro doesn't feel as good or as premium as
the Note 5 Pro does.
Unlike most of the other phones, you don't get a case with this one in the box.
I had to order this case from Amazon.
It protects the phone, adds a lot of grip, and a small lip at the front, to help protect
the display.
If you want to get it, I will leave a link to it in the description section, and while
ur at it, also make sure you order a screen protector to for the display.
Speaking of the display, we get a huge 5.99 inch display at the front.
But before we take a detailed look at it, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so
you don't miss out on any of the amazing videos coming up on this channel.
Coming back to the screen, its a 5.99 inch IPS LCD panel, with a resolution of 2160 x
1080 pixels.
It is nice and beautiful for consuming media, and the display calibration is pretty accurate
as well.
It gets bright enough to be visible outside, and i think it is the brightest if you compare
it with the Honor 7x and the Redmi Note 5 pro, so thats good.
I wish Asus should have added some sort of gorilla glass protection to the glass, which
would have made it more resistant to scratches and cracks.
Above the display, we get an ear piece, which gets loud enough for audio calls, LED notification
light, an 8 megapixel camera with a front facing flash, Proximity and ambient light
There are no capacitive navigation buttons or fingerprint sensor on the lower bezel.
Fingerprint sensor is placed at the back.
While the sensor is accurate, it is not the fastest by any means.
Sometimes it might even take a full second to unlock the phone.
I know 1 second doesn't feel too slow, but considering how fast these sensors are, on
some of its competing devices, it feels slow in comparison.
You also get face unlock on this phone, and while its not as fast as it is on OnePlus
smartphone, or as accurate or secure as on the iPhone 10, it is still nice to have it
in a phone, which costs just above 10,000rs.
Now one of the most important features of any smartphone, and this is the one that gets
least about of attention in any of our reviews is the actual call quality.
So lets talk about that before we get into the specs.
Cellular reception and the call quality on this Asus Zenfone max pro is excellent.
The Earpiece speaker is pretty loud and clear.
I took a few calls in very crowded area, but I had no issues hearing what the other person
was saying.
Unlike many other phones in its price range, this one supports dual 4G or dual VOLTE.
So if you have 2 SIM cards with support for 4G or VOLTE, you wont have any problem, using
both of them at the same.
It takes 2 Nano SIM cards, and the SIM tray has a dedicated slot for a Micro SD card.
So now, you wont have to worry about replacing one of the sim cards with a Micro SD card,
if the internal memory gets full.
Since we are on the topic of storage, 3GB RAM variant with 32GB of storage at 11,000Rs,
sounds fantastic, and you might even be tempted to get a 32GB or 64GB Micro SD card to expand
the storage, which will cost you another 800-1500rs depending on the storage capacity.
If you are planning to do this, I would suggest you to just spend 2000Rs, extra and get the
64GB variant.
Because then, you get double the amount on internal storage and an extra Gig of Ram,
which will come in handy in making sure, that you get better performance for a longer time.
Asus has also made sure, to include all the necessary sensors like accelerometer, compass,
gyroscope and so on.
Which means you wont have any issues navigating through maps, or other applications like that.
You get a 5 magnet single bottom firing speaker inside this phone.
The sound output is clearer and louder than some of the other phones in this price range,
but it is not groundbreakingly different or anything like that.
It comes with a max box, which is supposed to amplify and enhance the sound from this
It works to some extent, but its just one of those accessories that you will end up
trying once, and then throw it away, or even forget that it exists.
Audio via the headphone jack is good and deep.
I also tried it with my ATH M50X studio headphones, and the phone could power them without any
Overall day to day performance of this phone is really fantastic.
It just fly's through anything that I thought at it.
I am amazed to see, how good these budget devices have got in terms of their general
day to day performance.
And it seriously makes me wonder, if one should really spend upwards of 35,000rs for getting
a flagship smartphone.
It is powered by Snapdragon 636 processor and Adreno 509 GPU.
These are same set of chips, which power the 4000Rs costlier Redmi Note 5 Pro.
This new processor is very powerful and efficient at the same time.
The 3GB RAM variant might not be the best option for optimal multitasking.
For the best experience, I suggest that you guys go with the 4GB RAM variant, It costs
2000Rs more, but you also get twice the amount of internal storage, with that one.
Part of the credit for this smooth performance, goes to the Android Oreo 8.1, that Asus is
running on this device.
They still call it customised Zen UI since there are a few pre installed apps, but they
could have very well called it a pure android device.
Now with a skin or customised UI, you definitely get a few new features and more customisation
But I much rather appreciate the simplicity, speed and faster software updates that this
almost Pure Android operating system brings along.
The dual camera setup at the back, houses a 13 megapixel primary camera, with F/2.2
aperture and a 5 megapixel secondary camera with F/2.4 aperture, for depth sensing.
At the front you get an 8 megapixel sensor with F/2.2 aperture and a led flash.
These camera specifications are for the 3 and 4GB RAM variant.
The 6 GB RAM variant which is launching later, will be having slightly different cameras.
Asus is using Qualcom's Snapdragon camera app.
You get a lot of modes to choose from, and there are beauty and portrait mode on both
the rear and front facing cameras.
I feel that the camera app is a bit cluttered, and some of the basic toggles to turn flash
on or off are buried in the secondary menu.
You can shoot 4k videos at 30fps and there is also an option to shoot 4K DCI videos.
You don't get options like tap to focus while shooting video, so you have to rely
on phones ability to focus accurately on a particular object.
You also don't get any kind of stabilisation, so unless ur hands are stable like a rock,
you are going to get shaky video.
Here are few of the images from this phone.
There is fair amount of detail, in these outdoor daylight shots.
There is an extra bit of saturation in all of these images, and depending on your colour
preferences, you may or may not like it.
Most of the average users should be happy with the daylight performance of this camera.
Portrait images are surprisingly good from this phone.
Considering the price point, I did not expect it to be so accurate at detecting the edges,
and making the overall images look so good.
In low or artificial light, there is a lot of noise and the images are not as sharp or
It does a decent job at best in these situations, and you will have to be very still and patient,
to get usable shots in lower light.
I think it is OK for the price, and if you want a phone with better low light camera
performance, then you should get the Redmi Note 5 pro.
The 8 megapixel front facing camera does the job, both in normal and portrait mode, but
it is not sharpest or the best selfie camera on a budget device.
Some images might turn out good when the light is right, but don't expect it to outperform
the Redmi Note 5 pro.
Speaking of the Redmi Note 5 Pro, I will be comparing the cameras on both these devices
in a dedicated video and I will also be making a complete comparison video of these phones,
so make sure you are subscribed to the channel, and hit the notification bell, so you are
notified, as soon as those videos go live.
Coming to the battery life.
This phone manages to packs in a massive 5000mAh battery, in a 8.5mm thin body.
You can easily get close to 7- 7 and half hours of screen on time.
This can go well above 8 hours if you are connected wifi instead of using cellular data
most of the time.
So this phone can easily take you through a day and half or sometimes even 2 days on
a single charge.
It still uses a Micro USB cable for charging and not the new reversible USB type C one.
It does support fast charging, but only when its being charged with the 10 watt charger,
which is included in the box.
Now I know that 10 watt is not fast charging by todays standards, but I have tried using
it with various other fast chargers, and it draws even less power from those.
It seems to be charging the fastest only with the included 10 watt Asus charger.
It takes about 2 and half hours to go from 5-100%, but considering that it has a mammoth
5000mAh battery, this seems like a good time.
So to sum up, you get a 5.99 inch FullHD Plus display with a modern looking 18:9 aspect
ratio, metal back, Snapdragon 636 Processor, Dual VOLTE support, dedicated Micro SD card
slot, 5000mAh battery, good if not the best set of cameras, Almost stock like Pure Android
Experience, Face unlock along with somewhat slowish fingerprint sensor, and all the other
necessary sensors.
With all of this going on, it is hard to find any compromises with the Zenfone Max Pro.
No gorilla glass protection to the display, slightly slow fingerprint reader, and cameras
are the only things that might not be up to the mark.
But considering you are getting all of the above mentioned things at a starting price
of 10,999Rs, I would have to say I am impressed with this phone.
Asus hasn't been making a mark in the smartphone industry for the past year or two, but with
the launch of this new Zenfone Max Pro at such a competitive price, I think they are
definitely going to create some buzz.
What do you think about this Asus Zenfone Max Pro?
Would you consider buying this over the Redmi Note 5, Note 5 pro, or the recently launched
Realme 1, let me know in the comments section.
If you are going to purchase this phone, I will appreciate if you get it from the affiliate
link in the description section.
It helps the channel out at no extra cost to you.
That is it for this video guys.
Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and subscribe to the channel for
more quality tech videos like this.
You can also check out some of the other videos from this channel.
This has been Sagar, and I'll catch you guys in the next video.
Take care.
Annemarie & Wayne Carpendale: Traurige Baby-News nach der Geburt! - Duration: 7:35.
Simple & Easy Tuna Sandwiches (Recipe) || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 2:36.
Simple & Easy Tuna Sandwiches
All ingredients & quantitative data are liste & linked in the infobox below.
Welcome to a new video... I wanna show you a super simple & easy recipe for Tuna Sandwiches...
...for that we need a tuna cream first... finely chop ½ red onion & 1 handful fresh parsley... a mixing bowl combine parsley & onion...
...along with 1 can drained tuna...
...a tablespoon each of yogurt & creme frauliche...
...½ teaspoon mustard, 1 small pressed close garlic...
...the juice of ¼ lemon, a dash olive oil...
...& a good pinch of salt & pepper...
...stir together everything...
...until all ingredients are well combined...
...& set aside until serving..., we only have to thinly slice up a tomato & a gherkin...
...and now we are ready to dish up...
...for that roast 2 slices white bread in a grill pan, toaster or panini grill...
...spread it with 1 heaping tablespoon tuna cream...
...a bit lettuce next... you can use what you want or rather like...
...a few tomato & gherkin slices...
...and finally spread another heaping tablespoon tuna cream on a second slice roasted white bread...
...then serve...
...I hope you liked the video...
...I wish you lots of fun cooking & see you next video!
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