Recently, CNN ran an op-ed titled Men With Fragile Egos Should Not Have the World's Faith
Placed in Them.
You can actually find the link in the description of this video if you want to go read it yourself.
The article mostly deals with nuclear weapons, and how men like Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un
should never have their hands on nuclear weapons because of their fragile egos.
Now, this is something ... It's been a long time since reporters, or journalists, or articles
were talking about Donald Trump's mental health, but it's time to go back to that, because
what we've seen in the last few months from the president shows that this man is growing
increasingly unstable, and with the addition of John Bolton as his national security advisor,
he's now invited another unstable person to advise him, and things are getting so much
Donald Trump's ego is too fragile for him to serve as president of the United States,
and if you don't believe me, take a look at all of the conspiracy theories that this man
has been pushing since day one of his presidency, that his inauguration crowd size was larger
than Obama's, even though you can put the pictures side by side and see that it's a
lie, that Obama had his wires tapped.
That lie came out around the same time as we found out there was an investigation into
his campaign.
All of the lies have been lies of vanity, not to protect to the country, not to further
any interests that the United States has, but to protect himself, his own ego.
The fighting with North Korea on Twitter, the insults, the attacks, it's because they're
doing the same to him, and he has to fire back.
The other people that he attacks on Twitter, the media, lawmakers, celebrities, people
who've gone after him, his ego is so fragile that he can't let anything go ever.
He holds grudges for all of eternity.
He will go to his grave one day still hating people like Rosie O'Donnell for the spat that
they had back in 2006, or Adam Schiff, and Chuck Todd, and Maxine Waters.
He is going to hate those people forever because his ego is so fragile that he can't let it
go, and the CNN article, though not mentioning those things, talks about the fact that this
man has access to nuclear weapons.
At any given point, without any oversight, without any approval from anyone else, this
man can launch a nuclear weapon, and there is nothing we can do about it, nothing.
Think about that for a second.
We have a man in the White House with probably the IQ and mindset of a young child, and certainly
the behavior patterns of a young child, who has access to the most devastating weapons
in the world, and not a single soul on this planet can stop him from launching those,
so yeah, Trump's fragile ego, his mental instability that we see every day on Twitter, his constant
pushing of conspiracy theories that he believes are the truth, those prove beyond a doubt
that Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States.
For more infomation >> Trump's Ego Is Too Fragile For Him To Be President - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Sanders Sent Out Urgent Morning Message After What She Caught At WH, I Was One Of The Lucky Ones - Duration: 5:53.
Sanders Just Sent Out Urgent Morning Message After What She Caught At White House, I Was
One Of The Lucky Ones.
The Trump administration is known for appealing to every American.
Ready, willing, and able to do the hard work needed to bring this country back together
and do right by the American people.
Whether it is through policy or small acts of kindness.
Which is why Secretary of Defense James Mattis's recent actions won't surprise you, and in
fact warm your heart.
The Daily Caller reported,
"Department of Defense assistant Dana White tweeted Saturday that her boss, Defense Secretary
James Mattis, had "joined staff in serving breakfast" at the White House on Friday
The tweet included a picture of Mattis wearing a suit and tie standing in the "back of
the house" with kitchen staff.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders retweeted White's tweet with the
caption that she was one of the "lucky ones" to see Mattis helping out, adding that the
defense secretary had "assured me they hadn't let him help cook."
"Such a great surprise to start the morning with Sec.
Mattis," Sanders wrote."
This is a perfect example of how the Secretary is a symbol of humility and empathy.
Something the former administration has sorely lacked.
He has cooked with the White House staff, done his laundry in the basement of the Pentagon,
foregone cable news, and even praised servicemembers beneath him at every rank at any chance he
Secretary Mattis's actions came shortly after he spoke at the service academy graduations
this past month.
Where he had the opportunity to wish the graduating classes good luck in their endeavors as they
prepare to enter the Armed Forces and work on behalf of our country.
KKTV reported,
"The 984 graduates at the Air Force Academy Wednesday got an unedited introduction to
the difficult world they now face as new officers.
The graduation's keynote speaker, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, told the group they
will see battle soon.
And they will be expected to win every fight.
"Your primary weapons system now is your attitude," Mattis said.
That's no surprise to the class of 2018, all of whom have spent the majority of their
lives in a nation at war.
But having war as a daily backdrop isn't enough to condition troops for how tough those
fights can be when you're in the middle of them, Mattis said.
"Always be ready to fight and win," Mattis said.
"There is no room for complacency."
The class of 2018 had to fight just to make it through four tough years at the academy.
When they arrived for basic training, the class was more than 1,200 strong.
Over the years, 222 of them dropped out.
They're one of the smartest groups ever seen at the academy, making it through one
of America's toughest colleges with an average GPA of 3.07.
Of the graduates, more than 500 are headed to aircrew jobs, with 417 set to pilot planes
and 69 headed for drones.
They're the 60th academy graduating class and join what graduates call the "long blue
line" of 50,689 graduates.
Proud parents packed the stands to cheer for the graduates.
Sue and Greg Pike were all smiles Wednesday as their son Ethan Pike left Falcon Stadium
as one of the Air Force's newest second lieutenants.
"He has always wanted to fly, and he has always wanted to serve his country," Sue
Pike said.
The parents echoed Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson's assertion during the ceremony that
no cadet graduates on their own.
"He is a very independent young man, but we are his support system," Mrs. Pike said.
But the parents shied away from taking any credit.
"He wants to serve his country and make the world a safer place," Mrs. Pike said
"He cares about other people."
Academy superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria also gave the newest graduates a vote of confidence,
saying they'll "be ready to lead on day one."
The Air Force's top general, Gen. David Goldfein, told the cadets they'll have to
hit the ground running.
America has stepped up air campaigns in Syria and Afghanistan in a bid to bomb Islamic State
and Taliban insurgents into remission.
"Many of you will face the ultimate test in war," Goldfein told the class.
But the specter of war didn't dim the day for the new lieutenants.
"It is completely unreal," said 2nd Lt. Alicia Neuman, who will tackle space operations
as her first Air Force job.
"It feels like a dream," she said as the Air Force Thunderbirds flying team screamed
"My heart is pounding."
Most past speakers have used their academy addresses to focus on wider national policies.
Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush used the academy podium to roll out foreign
policy proposals.
Past defense secretaries have used the graduation speech to call for bigger budgets and new
Not Mattis.
He focused firmly on the cadets in front of him.
"Make the Air Force better every day you serve," he told them.
That focus got the attention of the graduates.
2nd Lt. Brandy Oliver said she was inspired by the defense secretary's speech.
"He definitely loves America, and he was the perfect speaker."
Oliver and her classmates eagerly embraced their new roles after the ceremony, quickly
replacing their cadet rank with second lieutenant's bars before they left Falcon Stadium."
Mattis has always been a class act, whether in the kitchen, in the Pentagon, or at a graduation
The United States is lucky to have him in service to our country and on behalf of the
American people.
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Chelsea Clinton Interferes in Trump's Foreign Policy With OUTRAGEOUS Call to Action - Duration: 4:26.
Chelsea Clinton Interferes in Trump's Foreign Policy With OUTRAGEOUS Call to Action।
A bitter and clueless Chelsea Clinton is behaving a lot like her angry, envious mother these
While promoting yet another book, the privileged daughter of Bill Clinton and Hillary trashed
President Trump, claiming he "DEGRADES" what it is to be American.
I guess being "American" is selling Uranium to the Russians and taking advantage of 20-something
interns in the Oval Office, and then lying about it?
But Chelsea didn't leave it at that, she pushed further, and wound up interfering in
President Trump's foreign policy, by urging everyone to PROTEST his upcoming trip to the
United Kingdom.
From Fox News During a wide-ranging interview to promote
her latest book, Chelsea Clinton said that President Trump "degrades what it means
to be an American" and said she would protest his planned July visit to the U.K. if she
was British.
The former first daughter, who just published "She Persisted Around the World," blamed
the Trump administration for having "mainlined hate" and cited reports of a rise in hate
crimes — as documented by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the
"Not just the hundreds, but now thousands of instances in schools across America, where
children are citing the president as they're demeaning a little girl, or they're chanting
'Build a wall' in an attempt to demean and degrade brown children," she told the
Trump made building a wall at America's southern border a cornerstone of his 2016
presidential campaign, and, despite the fact that it has become comedic fodder for late-night
talk show hosts —the wall is being built.
"I think those of us who have platforms to do that have to say this is wrong and unacceptable,
so we don't normalize it but try to detoxify what has been unleashed.
Because if we don't, we leave a vacuum.
And I think the darkness fills that vacuum," she added.
When asked by the Guardian how British people should respond to Trump's planned visit
in July, Clinton referenced her children, saying:
"Well, I've been to multiple protests since the election.
Charlotte's been to at least three, maybe four.
Aidan's been to one.
If I lived in Britain I would show up to protest, because I don't agree with what he's doing
to degrade what it means to be an American."
Of her reported friendship with Ivanka Trump, current first daughter and assistant to the
president, Clinton said the two haven't spoken "in a long time" and implied that
Ivanka is fair game in terms of her advocacy for her father's policies.
"She's an adult.
She can make the choices for herself.
I mean, she's 36.
We are responsible for our choices.
In 2008, I was really proud to support my mom — but I disagreed with her fundamentally
on a few things, particularly her then opposition to equal marriage rights for LGBTQ Americans,"
she explained.
"I never defended that position, because it wasn't what I believed was the right
thing to do."
Clinton said that liberals have been too focused on "tolerance" when it comes to different
minority groups.
In her view, that's not enough.
"People tolerated casual misogyny, but casual misogyny is maybe the gateway drug.
We have freedom of speech, which I do think is hugely important — and yet people thought
you couldn't dispute hateful things, because they're like — well, it's freedom of
Well, freedom of speech doesn't mean there is freedom of consequences."
The 38-year-old, who serves as vice chair of the Clinton Foundation and has two children
with her husband Mark Mezvinsky, remains focused on electing Democrats but said the country
will have a long way to go to repair the damage that's been done.
"I think the wreckage that we're seeing at this moment is one that will, I hope, be
repaired on the policy standpoint when we elect Democrats," Clinton said.
"But I think we will still then have work to do on repairing the tone in our country,
the exposure of the real racist and sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic
feeling which is on the rise in our country – a rot that has been exposed."
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Can you stop calling me please I don't want to receive more calls anymore
yeah this happens to everyone but it's time to stop them
and I'm gonna show you out and we're going to start right now
how are you doing? My name is Claudio Varela, and welcome to Phonelife TV
This is the episode number six of the series make it simple and today we're going to
talk about an app called mr. number, if you are new on this channel don't forget
to subscribe so you can watch more videos like this in the future, you will
have the links below in the description
Mr. number is the most powerful call
Blocker on the market, it can block calls and SMS text from a person, a business
either numbers or even the world! This app can pick up and hang up on
callers or send them to voicemail, you are the one to decide that. you have the
you have the option to keep the content of blocked text or even trash them, Another of the
mr. number functions is that you can browse comments from other users when
you get the spam call or text
once you open the app you can see that I already
have two numbers that are potential fraud or even premium rates.
I'm gonna give you an example of what happens when I use them and you get the same
information when you get incoming calls
And the next option is the block list in as you can see I already have one of the
numbers blocked on the bottom right you have a Add button so when you press you
have a few options that you can use
in the call settings tab you can select which action you want on the different
types of calls from Block which is sent to voicemail or show a warning
which I'm going to activate block on all and show caller ID on the last two
on the outgoing calls I select show a caller ID as well and
then you can get the show details about the call after a call and you can
identify text message on the text message settings
Also if you have any questions or comments about this video please leave them down below and I will
help if I can and have a question for you how did you block your calls before?
Don't forget to give a like share this video with your friends and family and
if you can don't forget to subscribe thank you so much for watching thank you
for your support and see you soon on our next video
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