there are many ways to get the things
that we want for ourselves in our lives
but basically it all begins with how we
choose to think if you really want to
get lasting change real results that
stick around what do you got to do if
you want lasting change you've got to
give up this idea of trying something
you get aside you're gonna commit to
mastery most people dabble they they
talk about what I'd like to change my
body I'd like to change make my
relationship better I'd like to have
more passion there but they don't know
what to do and even if they did they
don't have enough detail to be able to
follow through if we want to achieve
another result that we've never achieved
before then we have to become somebody
different we have to upgrade our skills
we have to upgrade our behaviors we have
to master our emotions better self-made
millionaires have been studied
exhaustively they've been analyzed
they've been interviewed by the hundreds
of thousands and millions and what we
know is exactly who they are and what
they do and how they think and the
wonderful thing is is that you do what
other successful people do you
eventually get the same result that they
do Walt Disney said if you can dream it
you can do it which means that you're
never given a dream that comes out of
your own desire place that isn't
something you have the capacity to
you may have to learn some new skills
you may have to partner up with some
people you may need to learn some you
know how to access some new resources
along the way but all of that is
possible if you'll simply dream the big
dream have a mind that is open to
everything and attached to nothing one
of the central principles of my life is
that no one knows enough to be a
pessimist about anything and that each
and every one of us when we close our
mind to what is possible for us or what
is possible for Humanity closes off the
genius that resides and lives in each
and every one of us
decide what you want you can't get from
here to there unless you know where here
is and there is so if you're gonna
decide what you want go for what you
want not what you think is possible
most people hone down their dream
because I can't see how they can do it
and I'm saying to you dream as big as
you want in fact big dreams are exciting
big dreams attract big people I had a
teacher named Jim Rohn he was a personal
development speaker and I remember I was
really frustrated and I've been working
my guts out 12 14 hour days nothing was
working and I was pissed off that's
frustrating he said Tony said you're so
focused on expecting things to happen so
fast and he said you know if you really
focus instead on building your skills
your gifts will make room for you today
people have no patience we all want it
right now
and people don't only not commit to
mastery they think you have all the
answers they try a few things it doesn't
work they run to something else if you
want a great jump in the quality of your
life an extraordinary jump of the
quality of your life you got to set
yourself up to win you got to set
yourself up with a process that allows
you to consistently grow consistently
enjoy your life and consistently produce
the results that you're really after
extensive is is very simple if you have
a clear goal make a plan to achieve
and then do something at least one thing
each day lose you one step closer to
your most important goal progress equals
happiness if you're growing in anything
financially spiritually emotionally in
your relationship your body you're gonna
feel better in your life that's what
we're made for and I think we're meant
to grow so we have something to give you
know you can't give something a little
half form good habits and make them your
masters most people are interested
they're not committed and the difference
is when you're interested you do what's
convenient and that's easy when you're
committed you do whatever it takes when
you're interested you do what's easy and
what's convenient but when you're
committed I'm gonna get that result you
put everything into it until you get the
results you got to get going you got to
take action the disciplines is the
miracle process and here's how to get
the miracle of your future going as far
as disciplines are concerned number one
do what you can
learning is the beginning of well
learning is the beginning of life change
don't be lazy and learning don't be lazy
and picking up the ideas don't be lazy
and learning from your own experience
how many times have you had a great idea
didn't do anything about it and I'm here
later someone did something about it
made a lot of money got the promotion
etc so when you have the idea the
inspiration to act it's time that you
don't have to know it perfectly if you
decide you're going to do something do
it you know they've done dozens and
dozens of studies over the years they
find that there's one major difference
between successful people and
unsuccessful people as successful people
launch they start they get on with it
they just do it unsuccessful people get
the same ideas in the same information
but they've always got an excuse for not
starting if you have a big enough ELISA
why you want to achieve something you do
whatever it takes but if your reason
isn't big enough your excuses will be
and one of the things that we kind of
believe and hang on to and and live with
is this whole idea that all of the
things that happen to me in my past are
what are keeping me from doing what I'd
like to do today so we hang on to these
things and we fill ourselves with blame
cuz life is not so simple and black and
white my mother beat the shit out of me
she loved me
she was freaked out I was gonna leave I
was a source of everything I blamed her
for all the beauty of my life I blame
her that I have the woman have in my
life because I cherished my life cuz I
know what the opposite is I blame her
for the capacity of feel and care
I blame her for my insatiable hunger to
end suffering for any human I can cuz I
suffered the ton get emotionally fit by
learning to trade what upset you which
is your expectations that aren't being
met trade your expectations for
appreciation for what you do have your
whole life changes in a moment cuz our
expectations make us pissed off or
frustrated or worried or sad and we all
have them and I have them too but when
they come up I just remind myself this
is just my mind
I'm more than this mind I got a heart
and soul what can I appreciate how can I
use this challenge to go to a deeper
level and that's the only way we get
free the only way to have a great life
is decide I'm gonna find beauty and
anything that happens in my life I'm
sure if you look back on your life most
of us have had experiences where you
know something horrible happened
something you never want to go through
again in your lifetime but at the same
time you know that five 10 years later
you look back and go I would never want
to go through that I've never won
anybody I care about to go through that
but I'm glad I did because it made me so
strong to deal with that
when you change the way you look at
things the things you look at change
what makes us sufferers are thoughts
right we're the only creatures on earth
that can have thoughts and then make
ourself feel like shit I have thought to
make yourself feel good and most people
don't master their minds and so their
minds go crazy and we believe our
thoughts we believe that if this doesn't
happen our lives are gonna be so
stressed or over and most of it is just
the mind is looking for what's wrong
your heart can change all that if you
decide today this is all I got a
crossing this piece and I actually
reached it is for you to decide that I'm
a hundred percent responsible for the
experience in my life and that anything
can happen I am bigger than the moment I
am more than anything it happened to me
and I can find a way to find something
beautiful something helpful something
you know enjoyable change your thoughts
and you change your world change your
expectations and you change around what
you begin to manifest and see showing up
in your life I'm not asking you to stop
if they bleed elegantly when
intelligently blend effectively claim at
the level of your soul not the level of
your head no more blame I'm just not
going to assign responsibility to other
people for where I am because now I have
an opportunity to get rid of it if I
think someone else caused it and I've
got to wait for somebody else to change
in order for me to get rid of it and you
might wait forever for that but if I
take responsibility for it I can do
For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: You BECOME What You BELIEVE ( ft. Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer) - Duration: 10:27.-------------------------------------------
Jeep Wrangler KC HiLiTES 3" C-Series C3 LED Cube (1987-2018 YJ, TJ, JK & JL) Review & Install - Duration: 5:23.
The KC HiLiTES 3-inch C Series C3 spot LED lights, are for those of you that have a 1987
all the way up to the most current year Wrangler and are looking for an auxiliary light, for
those off-road situations and those dark back roads.
This is not going to be a fog beam, this is not going to be a driving beam, this is not
going to be something that you can use on your Jeep when there's oncoming traffic, but
again those dark back roads, those trails.
This is going to be a very high quality light that's going to last a good long time.
This is going to install very easily onto your Jeep.
I'm gonna give it a one out of three wrenches.
It has a completely plug and play wiring harness.
All you have to do is pick up power at the battery and run the wire harness then everything
else pretty much just plugs into everything else.
So it does make this install very easy and we'll talk more about that in just a second.
So there are lights that are all over the spectrum on the quality and price range.
You can find lights where you can get a package of five lights for what these two lights will
cost you.
And there are also lights that are much more expensive than these ones.
So what you're really looking at in the difference between the more expensive and the less expensive
lights is the quality of the diodes, how long they're actually going to last, how much light
output you're going to get, the optics, how far that light is going to be thrown and how
it's going to be controlled.
You're also going to have different housings, what they're made out of and how well they
keep moisture out.
And finally the wiring harness that is included or sometimes not included at all.
So I think this is going to be a very nice option from KC HiLiTES.
It's not going to be the top of the line, most expensive light that you can get from
KC HiLiTES or from some of the other brands out there.
It's gonna be a little bit more affordable.
It's going to be a pretty traditional housing size style.
It's going to go on a lot of these bolt on mounts.
It does come with a very high quality, completely plug and play wiring harness.
And you are going to get a lot of life and a lot of brightness out of these lights, without
completely breaking the bank.
So these are going to be a pretty traditional three-inch square light.
These are going to have a total of four LEDs on the inside of them.
These are going to be at a spot pattern, so this is a 12 degree spread.
Not a pencil spot but a pretty focused spot beam.
Again not for use on the road when there's oncoming traffic.
More for use on the trail and when you're on those dark back roads.
This's going to be a pretty standard square aluminum housing.
Most of the housing actually ends up being cooling fins, the LEDs can put off a little
bit of heat.
So those cooling fins help to give the diode itself a nice long life, that heat is the
enemy of those lights.
These are going to be able to be mounted on any traditional single post light mount bracket.
So there are a ton of them for the A-pillars of your Jeep, up on the bumper, reverse light,
you can mount these in a lot of different locations, maybe up on a roof rack.
If you are willing to drill a hole and you don't have a bracket, again you can really
mount these anywhere you decide you want them.
These are going to come with a weather tight connector on the end of the light.
And that's something that is going to vary from some of the less expensive lights that
are out there, some of them just have a two wire pigtail.
You have to do some splicing and some soldering.
This is going to have that plug connector and that's going to plug directly into this
harness here.
That harness is going to also include a relay, a fuse and a switch.
So pick up power at the battery, plug them into the lights, route your wiring into the
dash, so you can easily access that switch and you're good to go.
This kits gonna run you about $135.
I do think you're getting a pretty good deal from KC HiLiTES on this kit.
This is going to be something that lasts a long time, puts out a bunch of light and also
comes with a very easy to use wiring harness.
If you want a light that isn't going to really be a functional light, if you just want something
to bolt onto your Jeep that looks cool, save some money, go with one of the less expensive
If you want something that's gonna hold up well and produce a lot of light, I think you're
looking in the right spot.
Now a member of the install team will show you how to get these bolted up to your Jeep.
Insert the bolt through the light cubes bracket and place onto the desired bracket location.
Place a flat washer, lock washer and nut onto the bolt sticking through the bracket.
Using a 13-millimeter socket, tighten up the nut to secure the light.
Angle the light and using the supplied Allen key, tighten the cube to its bracket.
KC provides you with a harness and a switch to wire these lights up.
You will have to run the wiring to the battery and inside the cab to the supplied switch.
So if you're looking for a high-quality three inch square LED light, I definitely recommend
the C Series from KC HiLiTES, and you can find it right here at extremeterrain.com.
X-Men vs Apocalypse | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) IMAX Movie CLIP 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:58.
Let's jump.
Cover me.
I got you.
Come on!
They lack strength, Charles.
Come here.
Stay here.
They can't stop him.
Help me!
It's over, Charles. You're finished.
You're mine now.
You will never win.
And why is that?
Because you are alone.
And I am not!
Plenty to be discussed by two Koreas at high-level talks - Duration: 2:10.
After an abrupt cancellation and weeks of delay, finally the first round of high-level
talks between Seoul and Pyongyang since the latest inter-Korean summit will be held.
There's plenty for both sides to cover, but the main focus will be on following through
with the agreements reached on April 27th.
Oh Jung-hee provides a glimpse of what to expect during that session.
At the April inter-Korean summit, the leaders of Seoul and Pyongyang agreed to hold military
talks before the end of May with the aim of lowering tensions.
They also agreed to hold Red Cross talks as soon as possible on resuming family reunions
for families separated by the Korean War.
But the schedules of both these talks have already been delayed.
And that's why it's expected... that setting the dates of these talks will come above anything
else at Friday's high-level talks.
The date for the family reunions has already been fixed for August 15th... but it takes
two to three months to identify and register people wishing to meet their family members
from the other side of the border.
Also believed to be on the agenda is the two Koreas holding a joint event on major shared
dates -- the first date set is June 15th.
And as stipulated in the Panmunjom Declaration,...
Seoul and Pyongyang may also touch upon establishing a joint liaison office in the North Korean
city of Kaesong -- where officials from both South and North Korea will be stationed.
Meanwhile, with Seoul's vice minister of transport and Pyongyang's vice minister of railways
attending the meeting,... it's expected that they will discuss linking the existing railways
between the two Koreas.
In the Panmunjom Declaration, the two Koreas have agreed to connect and modernize railways
along the east coast as well as between Seoul and the North Korean city of Sinuiju.
The forming of joint teams for the Asian Games, held in Indonesia this August, seems to also
be on the table,... with the vice ministers of sports from South and North Korea both
taking part in Friday's talks.
And there's the possibility of forestation projects being brought up, as Seoul says the
vice minister of its Forest Service may also be at the meeting.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Will Congress regulate social media over conservative censorship? - Duration: 3:17.
URGENT BREAKING News Out Of The FBI... - Duration: 5:04.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation says that over a half a million home routers have already
been affected by what they are calling "Russian-linked malware."
They also claim that Russia intends to target even more devices over the next few weeks.
To solve the problem, the FBI wants you to reboot your router.
According to NBCNews, as millions of Americans unplugged for the Memorial Day Weekend, the
FBI issued an urgent bulletin (see below) for anyone with a home or small office internet
router to immediately turn it off and then turn it on again as a way to temporarily thwart
the spread of foreign malware linked to Russia.
The title of the public service announcement was: FOREIGN CYBER ACTORS TARGET HOME AND
The threat, according to the FBI, is VPNFilter is able to render small office and home office
routers inoperable.
The malware can potentially also collect information passing through the router.
Detection and analysis of the malware's network activity is complicated by its use
of encryption and misattributable networks.
"More than half a million routers have been identified already as being compromised, so
I think there are a significant number of devices that have been affected and it is
difficult to estimate how many devices could be affected in the coming days or week,"
Shuman Ghosemajumder, chief technology officer at Shape Security told NBC News.
Although Russia is not specifically mentioned in the FBI's public service alert, Ghosemajumder
mentioned that the 500.000 devices compromised come from an analysis performed by Talos,
the security arm of Cisco.
The company also found the attack present in at least 54 countries.
Authorities and security researchers have both said there are many unknown questions
when it comes to VPNFilter, including the intentions of the Russia-linked group believed
to be perpetrating the attack.
Devices manufactured by Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear and TP-Link were among those found
to have been affected, according to the Talos report.
While the initial point of infection is unknown for VPNFilter, it has been quietly spreading
since at least 2016, according to researchers.
Many of the infected devices have known public exploits and use default credentials, meaning
that if someone were to set up their home router out of the box and they never changed
the password or updated the firmware, they could be at a higher risk.
"If you have an older router, the odds are greater it may have shipped with a standard
password which is the same across all types of the device.
Change the router password, make sure the firmware is updated and in some cases, even
replace the router," Ghosemajumder said.
But there's no way to know if your device has been affected.
"If this is addressed broadly, it will cause the malware campaign to lose a lot of its
access and reduce the broader risk on a macro level," said Guy Caspi, the CEO and founder
of security company Deep Instinct.
There could be broader implications as well, assuming this malware could potentially be
used for much largest attacks.
SUMMARY The FBI recommends any owner of small office
and home office routers power cycle (reboot) the devices.
Foreign cyber actors have compromised hundreds of thousands of home and office routers and
other networked devices worldwide.
The actors used VPNFilter malware to target small office and home office routers.
The malware is able to perform multiple functions, including possible information collection,
device exploitation, and blocking network traffic.
TECHNICAL DETAILS The size and scope of the infrastructure impacted
by VPNFilter malware is significant.
The malware targets routers produced by several manufacturers and network-attached storage
devices by at least one manufacturer.
The initial infection vector for this malware is currently unknown.
THREAT VPNFilter is able to render small office and
home office routers inoperable.
The malware can potentially also collect information passing through the router.
Detection and analysis of the malware's network activity is complicated by its use
of encryption and misattributable networks.
DEFENSE The FBI recommends any owner of small office
and home office routers reboot the devices to temporarily disrupt the malware and aid
the potential identification of infected devices.
Owners are advised to consider disabling remote management settings on devices and secure
with strong passwords and encryption when enabled.
Network devices should be upgraded to the latest available versions of firmware.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Asking Porsche Owner What he does for a Living (Poor vs Rich) - Social Experiment | TamashaBera - Duration: 3:13.
hello i want to ask you a few questions for my youtube channel
thank you for your time sir to talk to us hello i am
a youtuber i noticed you that you are in a porsche
you are the one who drives the car is it possible for everyone to afford this
starts laughing yeah sure! why not
do you know the price of this Porche car? the price of this Porche car is ~3,50,00,000
INR i noticed you that you are in a porche
its ~3.5 Crore is it possible to afford this car from a 9-5
its difficult in that way what does it take to earn this car ?
being the owner of a big Business you need to have a good business to earn this
it is difficult by doing a normal job we are told that good education can you get
you this car.
Then why don't we see many porche's around us?
education is important but you need to reach that level to earn it
do you have any advice for the people watching this video?
you need to work hard and keep moving forward
you need to work hard to achieve your dreams my name is Karan Yadav
i can never become that big as of now do you have a family of your own sir ?
but you are always making sure your family gets the best and do well for your kid
we always ensure our kids don't face the problems we had and hope that they reach great heights
you just said a wrong thing sir the right thing to say is that you are working
hard and you are in this car doing your job
whatever work you do make sure you put your heart into it and you will reach your
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Tips for Job Searching - 5 mins! - Duration: 5:18.
Hey guys! How are you? Happy Friday!
so I just wanted to talk to you today a little bit about
How are you looking for jobs? And How are you going to find one?
I have a bunch of friends that are right now looking and
it seems like it's getting harder and harder and harder and I hear a lot of
their complaints and a lot of them are really similar!
so obviously what's the first thing that you do when you're looking for a job?
I'm gonna just preface with looking for a job IS a full-time job
It IS hard work
It takes a lot of time!
So yes that's why I haven't already started looking, Mom, kind of thing, but all that aside
You do your resume right? You do your resume, you do your LinkedIn profile, you google
yourself to make sure nothing funny comes up from college, you do a peer
review, and you make sure you check in with all of your trusted recruiter
friends and people that you know that you can lean on and trust and say
take a look at my stuff make sure it all looks good before I start like going out there
and really looking for that next professional home and then
What's the next thing that you do?
A bunch of people that I'm talking to are like "I've been
applying on LinkedIn and on indeed and I've been applying and applying and
applying and I am like I barely get a call back, I'm lucky if anybody even like
pays attention to my resume - do they even look at those things??"
and the answer is
No. Often they don't. Those job buckets are kind of like the black hole of
recruiting, it's technically, I know speaking from experience as a recruiter
and my recruiter friends feel free to tell me differently - I look at my job
application bucket probably last, when I'm really desperate.
and I don't have any candidates.
And I've been passively looking and I've completely tapped my
network and I can't find anybody, then I go to that job bucket just to have some
candidates to muster up, that I know are at least interested in the position.
and that's just reality.
A lot of the times when you're looking for somebody, I mean
think about it when you're looking to hire a contractor, you want to know
somebody that knows somebody, you want to have that ability to get a review, a
trusted review on that person. So, everybody wants to like "know a guy".
So, I'm not just here to tell you how NOT to try and find a job but doing a whole
little apply on LinkedIn thing is lazy.
You can do that in your pajamas and people do.
and do it to a hundred different jobs all at once
you don't even know what job you apply to half the time.
so instead of just doing that, use that as an opportunity.
when you go and you see on LinkedIn jobs that there's a
job posted that somebody posted.
Connect with that person, reach out to them - they
might be a recruiter so they might have a bunch of things going on and they
might not get back to you right away
but use that person to see who they're connected to,
be a reverse recruiter and try and find people at the company that are
doing YOUR role and some opportunities for you to connect with people and kind
of get an inside view of what it's like to work at the company, what it's like to
do that job, and that person has incentive probably already to make you
their "referral" so if you can find somebody internal at the company that
has some time to talk to you, make a friend and see if they won't toss your
resume in as a referral, they'll probably get three grand and you'll get a really
good inside view as to how that company really works.
outside of that, what should you be doing?
You should be networking!
Networking until your mouth falls off and your eyeballs fall out and you don't have ears left
like literally just networking the heck out of your network
and when you're done networking YOUR network.
Network their networks!
I want you to take that networking offline too.
so connect with people on LinkedIn and if they're people that you really want to talk to
Get them on the phone, do a zoom call, meet them for coffee.
Meet somebody in person and bring that relationship into real life,
And get them to really know who you are, what you're
going after, and what you're capable of doing.
And they will help you.
especially if they're in the industry that you want to be in.
Go to as many networking events as possible!
I know that I'm the LinkedIn Local host here in Atlanta, so I'm a big
proponent of LinkedIn Local, but any local networking event that you could go to!
We also have Circle of Firms here, there's a Women in Networking event.
You can go to specialty industry related events, like NACE, ILEA, and TAG - depending on
what group that you're in, but go to as many places as possible where you can
get some FACE time and meet people in the industry and
so they see that you're a normal, awesome, and totally cool person.
Finally, make some content.
and I mean I'm not just saying
to make content saying like
"hey, I'm looking for a job, hire me"
make some white papers, make some experience
related content, that's gonna help people within your industry.
make something that would have helped you in the industry
when you were super busy and super employee
Just try and start to like branch out, and increase your network in
the industry or in the area that you want to be in.
Engage on other people's content and further your network as much as you can!
and I hope that helps!
Those are just like some small tips to help hopefully in your job search
if there's anything you want me to elaborate on, please ask.
I will tell!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope this helps!
Have a great great day!
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