Let's lose the beauty of the Mayur for some time
Peacock is a very handsome species of birds
The female bird is known as 'Mayuri'
do you know?
Although male peacock is very beautiful to watch
Their voices are cracked down
Elegance of color, style and beauty prevents it from everyone
Peacock is painted in canvas
It is written in poetry
Beautiful feathers are in the collection of hobbies
But all of the peacock finishes his voice
Let's learn more about this peacock
Beautiful and attractive color birds of the Peacock Fajianidae tribe
It is the world's oldest ornamental bird
National peasants of India but this peacock
Only male peacock is said in English, 'peak'
Their English name 'Puffal'
Female Peacock Name 'Pyehen'
And peacock chants are called 'p-chicks'
The peacock family is called 'Bevi'
Peacock is not born with this beautiful puckham
Men do not grow up to 3 years of age
Even for a long time their wives and men can not be understood separately
Mayur and Mayuri are very similar to see
From the age of 6 months the peacock began to change colors
Generally, white peacocks often get people's attention even when they are not seen
Due to a breeding error called leucism
Genetic mutation occurs
And due to this, peacock skin loses normal colors
The result was born with white color
Peacock changes pectime after their breeding period every year
The wings fall away from the body
They can be collected and sold easily
So doing business with peacock feathers does not need to kill the peacock
Peacock lives on an average of 20 years in its wildlife
Peacock could fly but
They could fly very well despite the huge peak
Peacock peetle can be up to 6 feet long
60 percent of their body is pekham
Peacock was an aristocrat food in the medieval period
They were roasted and feathers were arranged
And served on the table of food
No matter how good the bird is, see
Taste but shocking
Peacock feathers covered with small crystals
Because of this crystal lining, a peacock is reflected in the flock so much color
For more infomation >> চলুন ময়ূরের সৌন্দর্যে হারিয়ে যাই কিছু সময়ের জন্য | Amazing Peacock - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
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Its is enough bro
He wants girls love
We are at sanjay van
Chatora zone
We are going to sanjay van lake
Sanjay van is a jungle New Delhi
Nature ki beauty
I forgot my dialogue
Must visit place
Never go behind the bushes with your girlfriend
Neelgai has attacked us
Picnic hut is good place aswell
Beautiful trees
Mid way lake
We are heading towards big lake
Look at this helmet
Beautiful lake
Why you hit my cow
What was that
Cock a doodle doo
Now we are going to gaffar market
Momo time
Akshay kumar
Making of market vlogs
Weather is very hot
Lets go out
So serious
ELEctricity thief
No respect in gaffar market
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Wheat flour.
ah ah ah
ka ka ka
Who is this footprint?
how to step
enjoy, like
abdominal pain too.
Take the toilet paper roll
put some black powder on
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Please watch full video to understand full recipe
सबस्क्राइब करें और घंटी के आइकॉन पर क्लिक करें ताकि आप नए रेसिपी विडियो अपलोड की जानकारी बिना मिस किए सबसे पहले पाइए
See below for full description
BLOG : ब्लॉग हिंदी में रेसिपी विडियो के साथ जरूर पढ़े( लिंक के लिए नीचे देखिए )
See below for full description
BLOG : ब्लॉग हिंदी में रेसिपी विडियो के साथ जरूर पढ़े( लिंक के लिए नीचे देखिए )
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Hello viewers, in this video I will show you how to cook Pea Cress Fry with Lentil Dumpling
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Ingredients will need for cooking
Pea Cress 250 Grams
Cut into small pieces
Rice Flour 1.5 tablespoon
Lentil dumpling 2
Bay Leaf 1
Turmeric powder to taste
Salt to taste
Cumin Paste 1/2 teaspoon
Ginger Paste 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin 1/4 teaspoon
Green Chilli 2
First, I will heat soybean oil in a pan and will fry the Lentil dumpling well
Lentil dumpling are broken by small pieces so that it is well fried
You do not need to break if you are using small Lentil dumpling
In the rest of oil, I will add bay leaf, green chilli, cumin and will fry for 30-40 seconds in low flame
After 30-40 seconds, when the cumin will become little dark then I will add Pea Cress
After that I will add Turmeric powder to taste, Salt to taste, cumin pastes and ginger paste and will mix them with Pea Cress
To boil the well Pea Cress, I will add 1/4 cup water and will cook them in low flame for 5-6 minutes with cover
After 5-6 minutes I will add fried Lentil dumpling and will cook them for 4-5 minutes with cover
The water of the Pea Cress has dried up. Now I will fry for 2-3 minutes
Pea Cress is almost cooked, now I will mix 1.5 tablespoon of rice flour and 4 tablespoons of water together and will add it with pea cress
I will fry pea cress one minute more to finished the cooking
Pea Cress Fry with Lentil Dumpling is ready to be served
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Benefits of kale for health - Duration: 5:19.
Health Network, For Public Health
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Benefits of kale for health
Currants are one of the healthiest foods.
Because it contains many vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients, this green leafy vegetables should be included in your diet.
Here's what you need to know about kale.
1. Nutritional substances in kale.
1. Rich in antioxidants.
Currants are rich in sulfur, which helps produce glutathione, one of the body's most important antioxidants.
Currants also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidants in the body, and improve vision.
This antioxidant combination works together to increase the amount of pigmentation on the skin, which helps to protect the skin, against the sun, and reduces the risk of skin degeneration.
2. Contains high fiber.
A cup of kale, which contains about 10% of the daily fiber you need, will not only help you last longer, but can also control your diabetes.
3. More vitamin A than any other green leafy vegetables.
Curd over spinach for vitamin A, an important vitamin, for immune function and healthy eyesight.
Currants satisfy about 133% of the daily amount of vitamin A you need.
4. More vitamin C than oranges.
If you do not like citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruit, take vitamin C from kale.
While, oranges meet 113% of daily vitamin C requirements, kale is up to 134%.
Compare 67g curly compared with 131g orange, kale is more vitamin C than double.
2. The effect of kale.
1. Prevention of cancer.
A paper published in Cancer Prevention Research notes that kale has high anti-cancer properties, such as glucosinolate.
This may, in turn, help to avoid the development of tumors, as well as stop the enzymes involved in cancer.
2. Good for the eyes.
Currants really are a good source of nutrition for the eyes, as they contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, natural antioxidants in the eye, and need regular replenishment, keeping the eyes healthy.
3. Good for bones.
Milk is not the only source of calcium for healthy bones.
According to research by the National Osteoporosis Society, kale contains calcium, which helps prevent bone loss.
You will get calcium, from a cup of kale, the equivalent of a cup of milk.
4. Good for the brain.
When it comes to a healthy brain, kale is rich in flavonoids and iron, which helps reduce the risk of stroke, and transports calcium to all cells in the body.
University of Maryland Medical Center said the omega-3 fats in the kale, can improve memory, function and brain activity.
5. Weight control.
Currants are low in calories and contain more fiber, which helps to keep you hydrated longer.
Currants also contain magnesium, which helps the body to digest well and control stress.
All these things, help you control weight.
3. Note when in use.
1. There are many kinds of kale.
Depending on the type of curly you choose, you will get different benefits.
Try lacianto, the green leafy vegetables, sweeter than the curly red currants, red currants, dark red, also used as decorations.
2. Eat with other foods to increase the benefits.
Kale itself has many benefits, these benefits will multiply, if you use it along with other healthy foods.
Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado or almond butter can be combined with kale, to create more carotenoids, fat-soluble in the body.
3. Easy to process.
You can combine kale and egg omelettes for breakfast, salad for lunch, with fish or chicken for dinner, and you can use the kale in a light meal.
4. Rinse.
Broccoli is listed on the list, the most contaminated food group.
This means that you should choose organic kale, and always remember to wash it before processing.
Doctor:Tuyet Mai, According to MSN Univadis.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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