I wear a hat every day. A hat gives you a great deal of confidence.
Hats stand for the empowerment of women.
And when a women is about to take care of business...
she puts on her hat.
I'm Reverend Georgiette Morgan-Thomas, and I'm the proud owner of American Hats.
I grew up during the Civil Rights Movement...
and so all the women that I knew when they marched...
they put on their hats.
During the Women's Suffrage Movement, women wore hats.
For many, many, years I've worked as a social worker, a pastor and a community leader.
Two years ago, I was thinking about retirement.
I learned that the legendary S&S Hats factory in Philadelphia was closing.
People were going to lose their jobs and the art form of hat making was going to be jeopardized.
So, I bought the factory.
This was something way outside of the things that I've usually done.
But I felt that I can do the impossible.
In the beginning the transition was really tough.
I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning and get on the train and go to Philadelphia.
I knew nothing about manufacturing,
so that was extremely risky.
The factory had a customer base that was strictly dress hats.
And so what we had to do survive, was to develop hats that were more casual...
and that would be more appealing to a younger and broader base.
I began to understand that there was this tool that can be used on the computer to boost our sales.
Now we're finding that we're doing about 45 percent of our business online.
We have a lot of new customers who are finding us.
The struggle is starting to be joy because the company is seeing a profit.
One of my ambitions for this place in my life...
is to become the most outstanding manufacturer of hats in the world.
What's most important is that we have left our impact upon others...
and especially those who love us.
Because, that's how our story continues on.
For more infomation >> Rev. Morgan-Thomas: Preserving an artform - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
The Move That BROKE Pokemon! | The SCIENCE... of Pokemon Pay Day - Duration: 18:42.
Dear Nintendo, hi, it's me, Austin
And I'm here once again to take your cute lovin franchise adored by millions
And twist it until it's barely
Recognizable for both my own amusement and for the amusement of other cynical jerks out there like me
Recently matpat deduced that being a pokemon trainer
Was the worst career move you could possibly make and you know, what?
He's totally right the boring old workaday trainer job is not only grueling
It's just not freakin worth it
amazingly though in my own journey into the Pokemon universe
I discovered something that Matt missed something that honestly
I think we all missed I didn't see a single comment in that video about this
There is a secret
Loophole that if you're willing to forego the normal path of wearing holes in the bottom of your shoes walking miles
Down routes 1 through 17 in your quest to become the literal best
Pokemon trainer in the universe only to be rewarded with enough
Change to buy yourself a victory dinner and a cheap hotel room for the night
you can become the richest person in the entire world in practically no time at all and
destroy entire
Nations in the process and in order to do that. You're gonna have to do one
Simple thing get yourself a pokemon that knows the move payday
Matt gets a pass from missing this move because well for one thing it kind of misses the spirit of the Pokemon games
and the anime which is to go on an adventure and
Enslave sentient creatures and force them to fight each other to the death for your amusement and profit but I actually discovered this
Completely by accident. You see my original goal. The original video I was going to do was to figure out of all
728 Pokemon moves which was the most dangerous and
Damaging of them and I got all the way down the list to move
to the six move six six entries in and I'm already
Distracted I'm trying to figure things out give the people the blood gore and horror that they want out of the game meant for children
And Here I am
distracted by the jingling car keys of boy
I just gotta know how much money you can make from payday for the purposes of this video
We're gonna use the figure Matt Pat uses
We're a hundred poka dollars is thirty nine cents in US currency
Which I did double check and seems to be on the level anyway on with the show. How much money can you make?
using the move
For those of you who don't know payday is a move learned almost
exclusively by the Pokemon Meowth or their evolutionary forms
It's a physical normal type move where your Pokemon attacks your opponent's by
Throwing money at them as a nice bonus at the end of the battle you get to pick up all the money from the ground
And keep it providing you wipe the blood and fur of the murder victim off of it first
The way the amount is calculated is pretty simple
It's the level of your Pokemon times five per use if you use it, three times the level five Meowth
That's 75 smackers use it once with the level 100 Meowth the boom five hundo right in the pocket all for the low low price
of a little bit of Pokemon PTSD
So basically on that little bit of information right there
you can see that the goal to making a buck would be to simply have the highest level Pokemon use payday the most in a
short amount of time right and for the sake of simplicity and to save room for later because I have a lot of info to
Get through today. Let's run through it like this
You take a level 100 Meowth through a high level like Pony gauntlet and start running in circles
Let's say that you have the ability
illuminate active which doubles your encounter rate and let's say you were even smarter and equipped an amulet coin to double the money you earn
At the end of the battle take it into account that each step takes exactly a fifth of a second
That means it'll be approximately one point zero seven seven seconds on average until you encounter a wild Pokemon
Which will be around level 1555
Boom you to shot at using payday the Pokemon dies bug getting a chance to ride home to his family since your level 100 you
use payday twice that's two thousand big ones right there or
$7.80 and then you rinse and repeat this over and over and over again given that the average battle would last
Approximately forty two point eight three seconds plus the average of one point zero seven seven seconds in between battles
This means that you're earning a cool forty five point five four polka dollars or eighteen cents per second
That is a whopping ten dollars and sixty six cents per minutes or six hundred and thirty nine
Dollars and forty nine cents per hour that is over twenty eight times
The average hourly wage in the United States according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
That means if you work 8 hours a day
Nine-to-five murder Jenna citing helpless Pokemon five days a week for a whole year. You'll make a salary of get this over
1.3 million
dollars a year boom
Suck on that elite floor instead of being the very best that no one ever was it's gonna sit around in luxurious
Capitalist fashion and reap the fruits of my cute little cats labor every day before going home to my glorious
McMansion like between being a nomad with aching feet and being a millionaire entrepreneur
no, which I would pick but it doesn't stop there because
A business is not a business if it cannot be scaled up. So how do we scale this up?
well for that we're gonna have to turn to youtuber verily verily
Very very lucify ver lucify ver Lisi feeis the third I don't see it
anyway, you forget away to twist and exploit the world of Pokemon for his own personal gain in a
Truly magnificent fashion using a combination of the pokemons near goal who can learn a move called sketch which allows him to copy any move
he wants in the SOS mechanic from ultra Sun and ultra moon allows you to build a pokemon with the moveset roost paid a
Happy hour and false swipe happy hour doubles the amount of reward money that you receive from a battle which combined with the amulet coin
Leads to a four times money payout now we're cooking with gas. Whereas these combined skills
Allow you to maximize your payouts roost and fall swipe allow you to essentially prolong a battle for an eternity
Forcing your opponent to call for help every turn while you mercilessly Pelt them with money turning the game from acute
visualization of cartoonish dogfighting into a sort of meat grinder simulator you drop Pokemon in one end and pick
blood-soaked money out the other
You reach a maximum payout of a hundred thousand polka dollars or three hundred ninety bucks and the battle collector winnings and start the process
all over again
Now we know that these battles happen in real time because time in the Pokemon world
Progresses at the exact same rate as our world and amazingly this
Streamlined process bumps your salary from a still pretty impressive six hundred and thirty nine dollars and forty nine cents per hour to one
thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars and 64 cents per hour or
2.4 million dollars a year, that is quite the freaking stack of cash a
Suspiciously high stack of cash which brings us back to what I mentioned earlier
and destroy entire
nations in the process those of you who know a thing or two about
Economics know that money doesn't come from nowhere
As far as I see it the move payday a move that remember involves throwing a literal ballad
Spendable currency at your opponent acquires its money in one of two ways
Either a it's a glorified printing press where whoever uses it is essentially pooping out fresh money on the fly
Which means you're really gonna have to invest in some
money laundering
Or be it's teleporting valid currency from somewhere in the world into your pokemons hands essentially
Glorified theft which hikes now
I'm gonna be honest
According to my calculations one person doing this would not negatively impact the economy one way or the other by all that much
Oh, no, I'm sure you would definitely raise some eyebrows over at the IRS
But if the chaotic windfall of bitcoins has taught us anything
Where there's easy money to be made short-sighted people will come rushing from all corners of the globe
There's a
100% chance if this money-making scheme were discovered. It would not remain a secret and in order to figure out the
economic impact of this move
We're gonna have to figure out how many people are using it across the entire world of Pokemon
Now it's hard to tell exactly how many people would catch wise
But we can build an approximation from the very video that outlines this method as of this moment the money making guide Biver
Lucify has 19 hundred likes on it, which is probably the closest estimate
We'll get for folk who are playing Ultra Sun and Moon that are using this method now
Hold on to your butts because we're gonna use this one number
1900 and music to blow your electrode
So considering that at least 1900 people are presumably using this method to get rich in ultra Sun and Moon
We need to figure out a few things the population of the various Pokemon regions their gross domestic product or GDP
Which is economic shorthand for how much money this country is worth
Although that's a bit reductive and it's incredibly difficult to know for certain how much money is in the world?
This is the closest thing to a real number we can use to estimate how big the giant pool of Boka dollars is the pokemon
Cannon is comprised of seven major regions Kanto Johto
Hoenn Sinnoh Innova que lo santa lola all of which are based off of real world locations almost the exact layout
Kanto is the Kanto region of Japan Toto's Kansai region Hoenn is the Kyushu
Encino is the Hokkaido region while Innova is New York and New Jersey and Kalos France and Aloha, of course is Iceland
I mean white using the maps we have available. I overlaid them with the various regions in a real world
They're based on the get estimates of their area, which we can use in conjunction with population densities to get an estimated population
Nova was the most difficult since the Hudson hack and saw and the East aren't perfectly aligned with a Nova while Lola was the easiest
In second dose copy and paste everything given the approximate population densities of each region
The Pokemon ones are based on and their square miles and kilometers
I determined that Kanto has a population of seven hundred and thirty eight thousand roto eight hundred ninety four thousand Hoenn nine hundred and eighty
seven thousand Sinnoh 1.3 million, Innova
8.7 million Kalos five hundred forty-seven thousand and Aloha eight hundred ninety seven thousand or a total population of fourteen point one seven million in
all the mainstay Pokemon games since nineteen hundred people is exactly
0.21% of the population of Lola and I'm presuming for the sake of simplicity that this percentage of users remains consistent across region means that
In total, there's approximately twenty nine thousand nine hundred ninety, three people using the paid a happy hour amulet Pokemon genocide method of money-making
But we're somewhat done yet because while this is incredibly helpful in figuring out how much money is being created
It doesn't give us a sense for what the economic impact would be for that
We need to multiply that GDP per capita out of the gross domestic product per person for each person in each region
According to the GDP of the respective countries with the United States having the highest GDP PC of fifty seven thousand fifteen dollars and sixty
Six cents followed by Japan with thirty eight thousand eight hundred eighty nine dollars and seventy six cents and finally France at thirty six thousand
Eight hundred forty six dollars and four cents, which would multiply propria
Give us a total Pokemon GDP of one point eight trillion poka dollars or seven hundred twenty four billion real-world dollars
Okay, got all that
Need a glass of water. I'm sure as L do all right
Our giant pool of money for the sake of this video is seven hundred and twenty four billion dollars
But we've got almost thirty thousand people or 0.2 one percent of the population
Working eight hours a day five days a week to make the most money. They possibly can which interestingly if estimated that approximately
0.33 percent of the population is chasing bitcoins. So this number holds up. So let me kick you a scenario
You're the first person to discover this polka dollar printing, press method. You start making your thousands every day in one day
Someone is like hey, you seem so rich all of a sudden and you know, she's your best friend
So you decide what's the harm and telling one person?
So you give her the details and keep on going with your business effectively
Printing your own money and all the while the online forums dedicated to polka dollar mining are starting to stir creepy
Scammy companies are starting to form
Suddenly one year later
Everyone's joining the Hodel gang your secret is out
And now thirty thousand people are murdering sai ducks on the daily to increase their Pokemon bank account size so they can creep ever
Closer to that elusive polka lambo presuming that this method prints money instead of say stealing it from all ladies allah
Teleportation but this is me
Inflation with this many people printing this much money
You've grown from infusing the market with a mere two million four hundred and thirty five
thousand two hundred and seventy one dollars and ninety cents a year to a
terrifyingly high
Seventy five billion nine hundred and sixty four million one hundred and eighty five thousand
And eight dollars and 20 cents per year creating
Get this an annual inflation rate of ten point four eight percent
which is not
great a little inflation is a good thing the United States Federal Reserve tries to keep it hovering at about three percent each year because
It encourages spending and growth ten point four eight percent though would have a pretty negative impact on the economy
People would want to save money or even borrow money because a hundred dollars that they have in
January would be worth eighty nine dollars and fifty cents in December
We know for a fact that inflation like this is bad because it's the rate that our country hovered at during several bad
Economic crisis --is in the past fifty years while it likely wouldn't kill people unemployment rates would rise and the government would start
investigating why inflation had creeped so high without their input what markets are unmonitored and unregulated, they'd be asking
And boom suddenly you and your firm of 30,000 people are before a congressional
Ethics Board sanctions are being imposed and blam payday grinding is outlawed
not the greatest outcome, but it's also by far not the worst the worst thing that happens here is you
Yourself become the Bernie Madoff or Martin shkreli of the Pokemon world
They'd write about you in textbooks for business 101 courses about the dangers of arbitrage chasing. It's not great
but at least you're still alive and maybe if you get a killer book deal out of it the same, however
Cannot be said if payday instead of acting as a printing press straight-up
steals money from somewhere and honestly knowing the way the Pokemon world works this seems far more likely I mean
How is a cat or whatever the hell smear coal is a bob. Rossi and dog
How are they capable of straight-up making money out of nowhere the logistics alone of keeping that much metal stored in their bodies for spontaneous
Synthesis is troubling whereas pokeballs and other Pokemon like abracadabra
alakazam have proven that
Teleportation and casual quantum entanglement abuse is a regular thing in this universe
it makes much more sense that those pokémon are teleporting money out of local cash registers saves banks and
Mattresses into their hands to throw at their enemies and holy crap. If this is the case the whole freaking world is screwed
Sure at first
Everything's hunky-dory
But after a few weeks of 30 thousand people effectively stealing money from others the world economy would start to collapse
I mean just for a reference the top point to 1% of the wealthy in America
control a little over 11 percent of the wealth in the country and
Conservatively it took them like at least some years to get that wealth probably decades
It would take the point to 1 percent of Pokemon trainers using these moves
282 days just 10 months to be at the same level and it would just go up from there
I mean, whatever your political leanings look out your window look on Twitter things are you know?
Not great right now people are angry
Some people want to protect their wealth other people want to redistribute the wealth and we're just here you're right here
We're the top point to 1% controls 11.37 percent of the wealth
Can you imagine what it would be like if the 0.21% controlled? I don't know a quarter of the wealth
Well less than two years into our scenario
That's where we are the Pokemon universe
half the wealth less than three and a half years by the end of a five year period of this pattern
Continued to the top point to 1% of the wealthy in the Pokemon world would control almost
3/4 of all the money in existence there would be an
uprising probably long before
This point political inclination would hardly matter because everyone's on the same page when you're starving left wing right wing
They'd all unite under the banner of cutting your freaking head off so they can afford to eat
Redistribution of wealth wouldn't even be a political policy issue and be the meaning between life and death for ninety
Nine point seven nine percent of the world population and what's thirty thousand heads rolled third?
Undoubtedly be bloody civil Wars as masses of hungry desperate people with different life
Experiences and ideologies fought over how to distribute this money back to the people
It would be a war with death unlike we've ever
seen it would be devastating spent entire continents and cost the lives of millions of innocents all because you
didn't want to work for an honest living so
maybe Pokemon training isn't the best living but it's a hell of a lot better than
Spending your life in prison or millions of people cheering as your head is chopped off. Be safe be responsible
do not use payday and
apparently don't be a pokemon trainer either just like
Be one of those dudes who owns a shop selling pokeballs to ten-year-olds. It's so much safer
sincerely, Austin
Trump Is STILL Whining That ABC President Hasn't Apologized To Him - Duration: 2:58.
Donald Trump is too immature to be the president of the United States.
For at least the last 24 hours, he has been nonstop tweeting, whining tweeting about the
fact that Bob Iger, the president of ABC, has not yet called him to apologize for, I
guess, the network's negative coverage of him.
As most people know, Bob Iger did call Valerie Jarrett, the woman who was made fun of with
that horrible comment by Roseanne Barr.
He called her and apologized to her, said, "That doesn't represent what this network
stands for.
I'm very sorry.
We got rid of Roseanne."
Donald Trump, as he does with every other issue there is, made it all about him and
wanted to know why Iger is not calling him, blowing his phone up, giving him an apology
for god knows what because that's the thing.
There is no instance whatsoever of anyone on ABC using any kind of racial slur to attack
the president of the United States, which is what Roseanne did to attack Valerie Jarrett.
What is Trump wanting an apology for?
Is he wanting an apology for the network talking about some of the horrible things he's done,
for talking about the Michael Cohen-Stormy Daniels scandal or the Robert Mueller investigation
or his low approval ratings or the constant lies that come out of his mouth?
What does Trump want an apology for?
Here's the answer to that question because it's pretty obvious.
He knows that Iger has nothing to apologize to him for, but he feels like he should be
apologized to.
Because it hurts his ego when they go out there and say this negative but true things
about him.
When they point out the fact that he's lost the support of the majority of the public,
when they point out the fact that these investigations are getting closer to home for him and could
eventually insnare him personally, when they talk about how crazy and stupid Rudy Giuliani
is every time he gives an interview.
That's not slander.
That's just telling people what happened that particular day and it hurts your ego.
It may even hurt your feelings.
I don't know if you have those but that's what you want an apology for, not because
they've done anything to damage your reputation, but because they hurt your fragile, little
Trump is going to continue to whine about it.
He's going to stay on Twitter and demand apologies for his imagined slights because he lives
in his own reality.
In his own personal world, anytime you say something that's true about him but also negative,
that's a personal attack.
It's fake news.
It's not real but to the rest of us in this real world of America, we understand that
these things are true, they are real and nobody needs to apologize for holding the president
accountable for some of the crazy things he says and some of the horrible policies that
he enacts.
Mitosis vs. Meiosis: Side by Side Comparison - Duration: 6:35.
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In biology, there are often vocabulary terms that sound pretty similar.
Chromosome. Chromatid. Chromatin.
Transcription. Translation.
Mitosis. Meiosis.
You probably have encountered this.
When I was first learning about mitosis and meiosis, I learned them both separately first.
And then I tried to figure out what was the same about them, what was different, why did
they both matter?
I would try to compare the stages by flipping through images.
You know what would have helped me?
A side by side comparison.
And that's what this video is.
We assume you already have a background of mitosis and meiosis---if not take a look at
our videos on them---but this video is a side by side comparison.
Presented in a split screen.
Mitosis on the left.
Meiosis on the right.
Both of these processes, along with the cytokinesis that follows them to split the cytoplasm,
are involved in making new cells.
Mitosis results in body cells.
Meiosis results in sperm and egg cells, otherwise knows as the fancy term, gametes.
Before we start mitosis and meiosis, let's look at what you start with.
Your starting cell in both mitosis and meiosis is diploid, written here as 2n.
That means it has 2 sets of chromosomes---in humans, that's including one set of 23 chromosomes
from mom and one set of 23 chromosomes from dad.
46 chromosomes total in humans.
During interphase, the cell duplicates the chromosomes.
When you duplicate 46 chromosomes, you still say there are 46 chromosomes as the newly
duplicated portion is still attached at the centromere region---but there are actually
92 chromatids.
Interphase isn't part of mitosis or meiosis, but it's a really important phase because
it duplicates chromosomes before we get started.
Just to point out, it's really hard to draw 46 chromosomes which is how many humans have.
We're going to use 6 chromosomes in our diagrams when we illustrate what's happening
because it's much easier to draw and visualize.
Oh and just a fun fact: some insects have 6 chromosomes.
Like mosquitoes.
Unfortunately, I am not a fan of mosquitoes.
But mosquitoes do mitosis and meiosis too.
When learning the stages, we give the acronym PMAT which is helpful for understanding the
Both mitosis and meiosis go through these stages, but meiosis goes through them twice
and therefore has a number next to each PMAT stage.
We're going to show some basic events for each PMAT stage, but please know there is
way more detail to explore than what we can include in this quick video.
Prophase in mitosis.
Remember that "pro" can mean "before" and this stage comes before the others.
The chromosomes are visible; in fact, we say they're condensing which means they are
Prophase I in meiosis.
Happening here too, but the chromosomes are actually going to match up with their homologous
The word homologous means that the chromosomes are approximately the same size and that they
contain the same types of genes in the same locations.
With each pair, one came from mom and one came from dad.
In this formation, chromosomes can transfer their genetic information and exchange it
between each other.
It's called crossing over!
It can make for what we call recombinant chromosomes.
Metaphase in mitosis.
The nuclear envelope which had surrounded the nucleus was already disassembled before
metaphase started.
For metaphase, I like to remember the M for middle because in this stage the chromosomes
line up in the middle of the cell in a single file line.
Metaphase I in meiosis.
The chromosomes are in the middle as well, but they're still going to be in pairs in
the middle of the cell so it's not a single file line.
Anaphase in mitosis.
I like to think as the A is for "away."
The chromatids are pulled away by the work of the spindles.
They are moving to the opposite sides of the cell.
Anaphase I in meiosis.
Same thing but in this case, it's the chromosomes- not chromatids- being pulled away to opposite
sides of the cell.
Telophase in mitosis and telophase I in meiosis.
The chromosomes are at the complete opposite ends and new nuclei are forming on each side
to make these two new cells.
And they are starting to surround the chromosomes on both sides as this will eventually form
2 cells.
Cytokinesis follows to split the cytoplasm to complete the actual dividing
of the cell.
So at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis, we end with two identical, diploid cells.
In humans, they would both have 46 chromosomes.
This is great for organism growth---growing requires making more cells after all---or
replacing damaged cells.
After completing meiosis I and cytokinesis, we have two haploid cells, and they're not
identical because of that crossing over during prophase I. Meiosis is also not done.
Meiosis must go on.
On to meiosis II!
Prophase II.
Chromosomes condensing in both cells.
It's not going to be as eventful as it was in prophase I because they are not going to
have homologous pairs and crossing over.
Metaphase II.
M for middle, but this time, the chromosomes are in a single file line.
Similar to how metaphase looked in mitosis.
Anaphase II.
Think A for away.
This time, though, it's actually the chromatids that are getting pulled away.
Telophase II.
Chromosomes are at the complete opposite ends and new nuclei are forming on each side to
make new cells.
Cytokinesis will follow meiosis II to completely split the cytoplasm.
We are now finished with meiosis: and we end with four non-identical cells.
Males makes sperm cells in meiosis and females make egg cells in meiosis.
These gametes are haploid, meaning they have half the number of chromosomes as the original
starting cell.
In the case of humans, the resulting cells would each have 23 chromosomes.
By the way, when a sperm and egg cell combine, it results into a diploid cell, a fertilized
egg otherwise known as a zygote, which will then start a series of divisions using mitosis
to give rise to a brand new organism.
Well, that's it for the Amoeba Sisters, and we remind you to stay curious!
Melania Just Made First Appearance in 2 Weeks, And Got Brutally Attacked For What She Said To Her H. - Duration: 4:39.
Melania Just Made First Appearance in 2 Weeks, And Got Brutally Attacked For What She Said
To Her Haters.
Melania Trump has been recovering from a surgical procedure, she received at the Walter Reed
Medical Center to help her with a kidney issue.
President Donald Trump spent many days visiting his wife.
She finally returned home to the White House, and her critics and fans alike have wondered
where she's been.
Since she just had a surgical procedure, it's likely that she was simply resting and having
some downtime.
Perhaps she's uncomfortable and relaxing.
Perhaps she's busy working on something important.
Regardless, the critics have gone after her from the moment she returned from the medical
center, and they keep going after her now.
People want to know why they haven't seen Melania Trump in a few weeks.
Those same people probably have friends or family who they haven't seen in weeks either.
However, since the first lady hasn't felt like spending every moment in front of the
mainstream media, the media now assume there's something going on, and they begin speculating
all sorts of weird conspiracies.
While some people craft their story about where Melania has been, there are others who
have broken down her Tweets and now believe Donald was Tweeting for her.
Either people have absolutely nothing better to do, or they were just mad about what Melania
Perhaps people were so bothered, and bitter over Melania's Tweet that they wish Donald
had said it.
Not so fast.
A simple Tweet was sent after Melania caught wind of the mainstream media's obsession
with where she was, and this Tweet caused the southern side of the afterlife to freeze
over faster than a freeze-pop in Antartica.
This Tweet sent the critics into an uproar accusing Melania of letting Donald post on
her account.
People were losing their minds over one single Tweet, because she used the word "overtime"
just like Donald once used.
There's a lot of words we all use, but that doesn't mean we're all the same person.
Either way, the social media critics would have their fun and criticize her.
They soon received a bit of payback though, it seems like Melania didn't care what they
She posted a nice update to let people know she's well and working, but of course, that's
not ever good enough for the people who simply hate her existence in the White House.
You know what they say about haters, right?
Mirror wrote this: "Melania Trump has finally acknowledged her 'disappearance', after
weeks out of the public eye with a tweet, but questions are already being asked over
who actually wrote it.
The First Lady was last seen 21 days ago, when she joined her husband to meet American
hostages coming home from North Korea.
Since then she's been treated at a medical centre for a kidney condition, with the president
tweeting his heartfelt congratulations to his wife on her recovery on May 19.
Although he managed to call her Melanie instead of Melania, it was at least an acknowledgment
she appeared to be on the mend.
Yesterday, some eleven days later, a message was posted on Mrs Trump's Twitter profile.
Although in recent days she had also posted messages about Memorial Day and America's
military, this was the first time she appeared to directly address the speculation on her
However, the tone and phrasing of the message seemed out of character with many questioning
whether she actually wrote it.
A number of the phrases in the tweet not only sound like the sort of thing her husband would
say, they actually appeared in previous tweets of his.
"Working overtime" is a common Trump phrase, as is his endless obsession with how the media
reports on him and his family.
It didn't take long for people on social media to turn the post into a running joke,
with many referencing the fact the message was put up, on the same day Kim Kardashian
turned up at the White House."
Can't they all find something better to do?
Does every Tweet by the President and his wife need to be analyzed, and turned into
conspiracy theories?
Wasn't it enough to take the message at face value, be happy she's doing well, and
hope that she's working on something amazing?
Social media has turned our world into a babbling brigade of blithering critics, just spending
way too much time overanalyzing things and looking for trash to throw on the Trump family.
What do you think about this?
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Donald Trump to Pardon Conservative Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza - Duration: 1:56.
Donald Trump to Pardon Conservative Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.
President Donald J. Trump announced Thursday he will pardon conservative author and filmmaker
Dinesh D'Souza, who was convicted of breaking campaign finance laws in 2014.
"Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D'Souza today.
He was treated very unfairly by our government!"
President Trump tweeted: In 2014, D'Souza pleaded guilty after reimbursing
two straw donors who contributed to Wendy Long's 2012 campaign for the U.S. Senate.
Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney of the Southern District of New York who was fired by President
Trump, released a statement of the conviction.
"Dinesh D'Souza attempted to illegally contribute over $10,000 to a Senate campaign,
wilfully undermining the integrity of the campaign finance process," Bharara wrote.
"Like many others before him, of all political stripes, he has had to answer for this crime
– here with a felony conviction."
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) welcomed the news, tweeting "Bravo! @realDonaldTrump Dinesh was the
subject of a political prosecution, brazenly targeted by the Obama administration bc of
his political views.
And he's a powerful voice for freedom, systematically dismantling the lies of the Left—which is
why they hate him."
"This is Justice," Cruz declared:
An official petition for the White House to pardon D'Souza was launched April 14 and
garnered 12,145 signatures:
The conservative pundit's pardon is the fifth of Donald Trump's presidency.
what do you think about this?
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USA facts today.
Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 31 de mayo de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:36.
How To Claim Your Business On Facebook (2018) - Duration: 5:32.
Wondering how to claim your Facebook business page or claim your business on
Facebook? This is so easy to do but so important for the reputation of your
business. Let me show you how right now
What's up busy people - welcome to Five Minute Social Media. If you are a
business owner who has had "figure out my social media" on your to do list for who
knows how long but you just keep shoving it down because you're busy or because
you're overwhelmed and you don't know where to start, you're in a great place
right now because every week we put out a quick video showing you how to master
a different piece of your digital marketing. So if that sounds like
something you could use take a second hit subscribe. My name is Jerry Potter -
you can connect with me online @mrjerrypotter, and today I'm gonna show
you how to claim your business on Facebook. Frst of all I want to tell you
how important this is - even if you already have a Facebook page you may
have another Facebook page for your business that you don't know about! And
it's sitting out there unclaimed. I see this with clients at the agency I work
for all the time. Basically if somebody tries to check in to your business and
they don't see an official page, Facebook will just create one for them. Some of
these have been sitting there for years getting reviews and complaints and all
sorts of stuff and they all go unanswered
So if you haven't done this in the last six months, go onto Facebook, search for
your business name and see if any other pages come up just to be sure. If they do
come up though I'll show you how you can claim them right now. So the first thing
we're gonna do is find a page that needs to be claimed on Facebook. So just pull
up Facebook and then type in the name of your business. Now I'm gonna put one in
that I know is already has an unclaimed page because whenever I try to show
somebody, "Oh, can you show me an example of an unclaimed page?", sometimes it takes
a long time. So I pre-searched this one. But on the flip side I see unclaimed pages
all the time, especially when I'm onboarding a new client. So I happen to know
this restaurant chain has this single page here that is unclaimed. As you will
see it's says "unofficial page - is this your business?" Now if you look here you will
see that they have all of these reviews and recommendations that people have
left and even if they're negatives like this is a one-star review, this is a
two-star review, and I bet they would like to address
these customers and see if they could make it right, but because they haven't
claimed this page they don't even know they're there nor do they have the
ability to reply as their brand. This page has 415 ratings and it's an
unclaimed page, so, whether you have a page or not, search and make sure there aren't
any unclaimed pages out there. So you're going to want to click here on "Is this
your business?", and it'll bring up a couple of different options here. "Do you
already have a verified page for this business? You can merge this unofficial
page into it. If you don't have a verified page, you can claim this one and
verify it." So those are your two choices. We'll go through each one here. If you
already have a page and you want to merge this one into it you're gonna
click the merge button, hit continue, then from this drop-down you're gonna find
the page that you already own, and then go to submit it. If the two pages have
the same or a similar name, same address, phone number, website listed, all of that,
in that case you should have no problem just merging these - shouldn't take long
to approve at all If they're different you might have to go through a few extra
steps with Facebook to verify that you do indeed own that business. Now the
other option is to say, "Claim and verify with a phone call or documents. "So if I
click that one, click continue, the first option here is they will call you with
an automated call and give you a four digit verification code. So I click call
now the phone call would come in. Hopefully this is your business number
that you have access to - and then they give you the four digit code, you put it
in. That's pretty much the end of the process. Now if you can't do it over the
phone or that's inconvenient, down here at the bottom you can click, "Verify this
page with documents instead," and then it will give you a bunch of different
options. You can basically upload this to Facebook - a utility bill, phone bill,
business license, some official document that has the address on it or the name
of the business, something legit looking, and then they'll go
through. I've seen this take as little as a day and I've seen it take a couple of
weeks. I think it just depends on how backed up Facebook is. So do that, hit
submit and then you should have no problem getting it verified that way. If
there is any issue Facebook will contact you to let you know what's going
on. Now a third option if you don't have the ability to claim this page in any
way whatsoever, you can click "Suggest Edits" right here and go through and add
certain things, including down here at the bottom. If there is another page you
can click "Add Duplicate URL." Click on that and then put the other Facebook
page that this is affiliated with in here. Then you select it and it will go
ahead. Like I don't own this page at all but I can go ahead and suggest that they
should merge it with this other page. Now if there are no Facebook pages out there
and you want to know how to build one, I've got a video for that and you can
get that down in the description of this video - it'll take you through all the steps on
how to build a Facebook business page. Takes less than five minutes for the
initial setup. If you got some value out of this video take a second give it a
like and then hit subscribe - Would love to have you back for more videos
and we'll have a new one next week. Thank you for watching Five Minute Social Media
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Assault on Swietajano (Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades) - Duration: 25:55.
Hello everybody, n welcome back to Real Warfare 2 northern Crusades. Today we
are going to see 17th battle in the campaign mode of this game. Do you remember
the movie kingdom of heaven? when in the last siege Saladin attacks the
Jerusalem; something like that happened here. The only difference is, in that
movie weaker troops civilians, irregulars, they were inside the castle;
defending it from the Saladin. This time the weaker troops that means
player troops, they are outside the castle and we are assaulting it. So let's
see what we have! We have almost twenty troops starting from mounted sergeants
{sergeants, foot sergeants}
archers {marksman Crossbowman Crossbowman} pikemen, then{ pikemen} yes, we have
two companies of pikemen {Horseman} Horseman and our Commander {Commanding Officer} and we are still using or
using our irregular archers, but one of the team {archers}
we are using second tire Archer. They are probably Russian. Along with the siege
we have got four free trebuchets, maybe they are from our allied factions and we
also bought one mangonel. This Mangonel looks better like ballista. Every siege
unit in this game is carried by nine footmen, Be it Tower or Trebuchet or it can
be a catapult or anything. let's see what we have in enemy here. All
our troops, half our troops are irregulars, first rank that is lowest rank and
other 10 troops are mix. We are having almost 20 troops and the enemy is having
young retinue's swordsman, that is third tire infantry. They are having three
units of third our infantry and many units of second tire infantry swordsman.
and one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten, they're having ten units of second tire
archers. These archers are enough to wipe out our entire army. Then at the rear gate
we are having one, third tire cavalry, mounted pikemen, and third tire cavalry archers.
And at the front gate
we are having one cavalry archer unit and two mounted pikemen, that is third
tier cavalry. So let's begin the game {to combat}
The hardest part of this game is first five minutes.
Cavalry at the gate, they are having some purpose, lets see.
The left flank is under attack by this cavalry and the right flank,
Cavalry from the rear gate, they are moving to engage us. So we have to
divide our army between two flanks. you have to use archers, one pikemen on
left flank, one pikemen & archers and some other infantry on right flank. and
in-between some archers and our trebuchets and our mangonel.
I tried many times, but whenever I missed something, these cavalry always maneuvered
around my troops and try to get behind them. sometimes I used my cavalry my
Knights to encounter them but when they attack each other front to front these
Lancers the give us huge damage. 50% of our Cavalry can die in one stroke. So
this time I used the archers to lure this cavalry towards my pike man.
I kept the archers in front of them.
and this time they came straight towards my pikemen
and m using my other infantry units to support these pikemen.
and the archers behind them. They will fire on this cavalry..
but to cavalry archers.., m engaging them only with archers.
Similarly on right flank you can see this in detail.
the cavalry archer and the cavalry both are coming.
Archers are in the front, pikemen behind, Two-Handed Axeman, 2nd tier infantry, they
are behind Pikemen to support them.
The archers will take first fire from the cavalry archers and also they will lure
the cavalry to attack them. my cavalry from left flank is now here to support
right flank.
if this cavalry tries to maneuver against me, around me
I'll use these militiamen to block their path. Every time I try that still some of the cavalry manages
to sleep away that's why I'm keeping my other cavalry Knights on the right side
They will take care of those loose cavalry..
then there are these cavalry archers, just in time
You can use the trebuchets and mangonel to attack these cavalry units.
But beware, do not destroy or open these walls until this cavalry is dealt with.
because you will have to fight both armies. the infantry, archers
and this cavalry units otherwise...
Do not rush towards the cavalry archers to..., they are the worst
enemy of your cavalry or units, even your knights. Engage them only with archers
Cavalry archers are one of the most expensive and most dangerous units in this game.
So we are using three archers on right flank to attack the cavalry Archers and
four archers on left flank to attack this cavalry archers.
Also out of my 2...4 trebuchets, I'm keeping 2 of them reserved & 2 of
them to attack these cavalry archers. They are not very accurate but we will try some of them.
Mangonel still reserved.
whatever they try; they try to pass your troops, or come near them..
but do not engage with your infantry. But remember in first video I said, this is the
game of human soldiers. when your soldiers see the enemy dying, they get inspired,
they get excited and they attack on their own. That's what happened here.
two handed pikemen, they saw it that {Cavalry} archers are taking damage
and they raced towards them in happiness. and
in the meantime, they lost 15 soldiers just by reaching them, when reaching them.
so I had to send my sergeants, to help them.
some times while evading, the cavalry archers get stuck. then they can be easily
killed, but that happens rarely.
or by some glitch.
now it is time
to attack these walls. let's move our army our infantry our archers in position.
the siege units, they all can move, they all got wheels & 9 drivers.
but they can not run. Their speed will be normal.
in the meantime, I don't know why these archers are on the ground not on
the walls, that's a good benefit to us. But AI must have some other plan for them.
see the infantry, archers, the overall infantry units
they all are very stronger than our current army.
what AI is doing for them? or planning for them?
lets see how they look like..
3rd tier...
young retinue's swordsman.
They all are moving towards the wall.
and they are all gathering at one place. Watch their flags.
they kept some units here,
then they are gathering towards something.
Hmm.. they see we are damaging their wall.
right now we are planning to destroy wall near this tower. I will put our,
mount our archers on these walls. but let's see
if everything goes like our plan or something different.
also we are talking about the 'kingdom of Heaven'. In that movie when the wall was breached
by trebuchets,
the defensive units inside, citizens they hold that hole for long time.
Now the enemy inside is overconfident. Let's see what they do..
if they hold that wall, then we are in danger. If they sally out,
we might get them trapped
we might create a Trap for them.
the T rebuchets are moving in place. We are taking forth Mangonel...
{militiamen marksman crossbowman}
{militiamen, foot Knights} when I click troops from Polish or Teutonic faction
they give me some confirmation message {foot sergeants} When I click units from Russian
or Prussian they may or may not give the message. Like see I have this Russian pikemen.
before Russia became our enemy I use.., I got anyhow their pikes, some of their
footmen, then I upgraded them into pikemen.
We are moving our units near the wall, so as soon as its breached
We'll try to scale these walls.
but wait, whats happening here? the wall is breached...
the enemy units they are very close to that hole.
the archers are moving forward.
if we try to rush our infantry now...
these archers are very close
they can kill us, wipe us even before we scale these walls. So we have to go for a new plan.
what do we have here?
See whats in these trebuchets..
second this one has lost all of its ammo
whiling firing at the cavalry archers. Good thing we reserved ammo of 2 trebuchets.
they still firing at the enemy, the broken enemy. We'll try to attack these
archers with our trebuchets and mangonel if our arrows and our stones can
parabolically go beyond these walls then we can use this crowd and kill many of
them in few shots. That will be going to panic them for sure.
sometimes in Replay, your units do not behave as they should or
as they actually behave in battle. especially the siege units. Sometimes might behave
if things are going slow let's accelerate the game time
Acceleration started.
lets change deployment.
Whenever siege units move, they push aside units.
They need more space to move.
Now we are trying to use our mangonel to attack these archers.
lets try to get it in position.
acceleration stopped. Our trebuchet is also in position.
In actual game they attack these
walls and the units and that.., the units beyond it because of that,
so all these archers will be damaged and these are archers behind they also got damaged.
what I did was to use trebuchets, see their limit, the range is
use different trebuchet. See the range. and ask it to fire
at the longest range. so the stones will not hit the wall; it will go beyond them
and for once it did. Otherwise the rush.., many stones
They all were just crushed on this wall, smashed! we can say.
after that what we did, we also attacked this wall again to make this passage little
larger. So mangonel can shoot some arrows here. but in Replay it may not be
showing. Since the wall passage was cut in two sections at least here it's only
in one section
we can see the 5 archers, 15 archers..., 5 archers they have lost.
And these units, swordsman, they have also lost few soldiers.
that because of that stone & Mangonel Damage. See the dead bodies here.
that's a mangonel arrow.
This time they really lost 15 archers.
that is surely going to panic them. Because of
that they may try to charge out, Sally out, and that will be benefit for us. If they do
that then instead of moving in, we will create a trap for them
we're still trying to get our some of our infantry..., trebuchets....
and mangonel... let's accelerate again
acceleration stopped.
See even small hills can block your arrows.
that's happened with.. that's what happened with my mangonel
So instead of that, I will move this mangonel forward, This wall section was not there.
It was already removed.
And Now our Mangonel was actually firing on these archers.
that's why they are panicked.
they have lost more than half of them.
And as expected,
the swordsman and archers, they are ready to sally out.
archers are holding here
swordsman trying to come out.
We also have to move our archers and army, prepare for the reaction.
see they are flashing green. it means they are seeing the dying enemy and they are excited.
I don't like this at first. but they're human soldiers.
see the arrows are focusing at one passage that's good for us.
one of the enemy archers moving forward.
swordsman they are trying to charge here
I moved my, some of my infantry to left flank, trying to create a semi-circle around this passage
{marksman crossbowman} See my archers are moving, {foot Knights}
foot knights, "what are you doing there?" there position was actually here.
See these swordsman, when they were coming out, all of our archers attacked them, and they started evading like
a broken troop, but our militia, we were hiding them from archer fire, they got in their way.
so we are trying to move our infantry little aside so that running enemy will have some space to run.
Otherwise they will fight to death. and that is not good for us.
See our troops are flashing green, that means they are exciting.. they are getting
When they are excited or when they are scared, in both conditions they fail to
obey orders properly. Oops, most of the infantry was o n left flank,
we are going to engage them there.
right flank... ooh
enemy have 4th tier infantry, old retinue's two handed axeman,
On our right flank our archers are in evasion mode, they ran back
And we have kept two infantry units to give them support here.
they are engaging melee units
also cavalry, we are using on right flank to support
this 3rd tier infantry tried to attack our archers
but they got hit by arrows
and our cavalry & infantry braked them.
see this, this is interesting.
they were evading, they were not retreating, and they were no t broken.
so when they got out of the damage area they came back,
& they are again trying to get our archers. while our most of the troops are engaged on left flank
& on this passage. The passage we are keeping under constant fire.
because of that, anything that tries to come out of that passage..gets obliterated.
Now enemy infantry is totally obliterated.
so we are sending in our cavalry to take out these 7... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 archers
It is very difficult job for them but they must do it.
we are also trying to send our infantry units inside but they are currently engaged on
keep this infantry units under fire or they will come back. Even while running
them, if some of our archers get in their path, they will be damaged,
both our archers and the enemy infantry.
I sent my sergeants towards right, and {mounted swordsman} swordsman to left
and m using my Knights to alterntely attack both sides.
see these archers and the trees
This is not a good spot for cavalry.
Always remember to engage every archer
otherwise they will fire over knights.
Check these sergeants. mounted sergeants {mounted sergeants} We had 50 mounted sergeants.
we lost more than 20, just in attacking these archers.
so u can imagine how dangerous these archer are.
sergeants are 3rd tier cavalry, and these archers are 2nd tier archers.
still they killed so many of sergeants.
so remember, engage every archer in melee with your cavalry.
when u switch attacking units, some of the cavalry will keep engaging the first unit
and others will go to second unit.
This is the castle of Swietajano (Prussia)
and with overconfidence they sallied out, and gave us our victory.
That's all for today friends. This is how you win the first siege
in Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades.
Enjoy the game, it is available on Steam & Gamersgate.
Thank you for today.
{foot pikemen}
Trebuchets bye-bye!
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