The White House says the U.S. will be ready.... if a summit happens in Singapore on June 12th.
Take a look at what White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to say on Friday:
"Certainly we'd like to have a meeting but the president is not just looking to have
a meeting.
He's not looking for just a cheap political stunt, he wants to get something that's a
long lasting and actual real solutions and if they're ready to do that then the United
States, as we've said before."
Sanders added that having talks would be good for the world, but even better for North Korea.
For more infomation >> U.S. will be ready if North Korea summit takes place June 12: White House - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Trump says North Korea-U.S. summit could still happen on June 12th - Duration: 2:13.
Our top story this afternoon...
A summit between North Korea and the United States could be back on.
U.S. President Donald Trump says it could even happen as previously planned -- on June
12th in Singapore.
Park Ji-won starts us off.
In his latest tweet on North Korea on Friday evening, U.S. time, President Trump said (quote)
"North Korea and the U.S. are having productive talks about reinstating the summit",... and
(quote) "if it does happen, it will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June
12th, and, if necessary, will be extended beyond that date."
Speaking to reporters at the White House earlier on Friday,... Trump also suggested the summit
could still happen on the previously-set date,... as discussions are ongoing.
"We'll see what happens.
It could even be the 12th.
We are talking to them now.
They very much want to do it.
We'd like to do it.
We'll see what happens."
Regarding a question on whether the U.S. is concerned North Korea is playing games,...
President Trump said Pyongyang is not the only one to do so.
"Everybody plays games.
You know that.
You know that better than anybody."
Senior U.S. officials are backing up the possibility that the summit could still happen on June
U.S. State Department Spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Friday that (quote) "there are
always high points and low points in diplomacy,"... and said the State Department is working on
plans going forward.
U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis also said the summit could still take place,... if diplomats
can pull it off.
In a surprise move on Thursday,...
President Trump announced that the summit was off,... citing North Korea's "tremendous
anger and open hostility" against the U.S..
Some eight hours after Trump's announcement,... North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan
released a statement,... urging the U.S. to give more thought to cancelling the June 12th
It also said Kim Jong-un has poured his efforts into summit preparations,... adding the North
is willing to sit down face-to-face with Washington at any time, and in any format.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
Что посмотреть на выходных – Хан Соло: Звёздные Войны. Истории. #ЧПНВ №16 - Duration: 4:03.
【MUKBANG】 Using Firefly Squid & Salted White Fish With 9 Rice Cups!!! [About 5Kg] 6000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:46.
hello its kinoshita yuka
Jaaan !
i want to eat this with 9 cups of rice
in reality i went to Shizuoka recently to change the atmosphere with my friends
and at that time i found this at the station, i though that is looks so tasty, and it will be good idea for a video
i put it in the fridge and forgot it
and for today...
Salted Firefly Squid
Salted White Fish
salted fugu sashi
fugu sashi with Yuzu pepper
fugu sashi Sea urchin
fugu sashi wasabi
it's so rare isn't that ?
i wanted to know its taste, that's why i bought it
and wich one going to eat with the 9 cups of rice
and this is the 9 cups of rice that i made
aaah ! the steam
Hay, the rice looks so tasty
let's start eating
let's put the rice
this is a normal size
i don't have a lot of this in my home at all
i bought it a long time ago but it still okay, i always break my dishes so quickly
but this endured me for so long
hay, looks tasty
the rice is the best
the bottle looks like the sake bottle
like a liquor bottle
this is so hard
so hard ! !
hard ! !
"hold it upside down and shake it if you please"
ah, i did it in a wrong way
we need to shake it upside down
let's try now
this does not work ! !
aaah, this hurt
why i can't open it
what we should do ?
we just don't eat it ?
maybe i forgot to remove the tape for one place
in anytime you face difficulties , just reverse what you do
this hurt
aaaah, i did it
aah amazing, its aroma is amazing
ah, the color is like the wine
it has really good color
a purple color
it's like the color of the experiments
hay this is how it looks like
its aroma is so amazing
the aroma of salted fish
hay, this is how it looks like
Firefly Squid
mmm ! it taste like any ordinary salted fish
ah, this is so tasty
but it's much more crunchy
and its salted taste is strong, and i like it
so easy to eat it
the rice is so tasty
you can see the Firefly Squid here well
because its taste is so strong, it goes so well with the rice
this looks like a squid a specially the feet
this is so delicious
goes so well with rice
it's definitely good with seaweed as well
topping the seaweed with the rice
and Firefly Squid
hay, looks so tasty
the seaweed goes so well with the rice
the crunchy texture of the seaweed is the best
i'm so happy
this is really the best
eating plenty of rice, makes you so happy
it's simple but so tasty
and i forgot to say that i made 1Kg of miso soup as well
there is no better choice than miso soup with seaweed and rice
the 3rd cup
this is so fast, ii'm wondering if this amount is enough to eat it with all that
the 4th one
ah, there is something here
a long time ago fishermen fished this Firefly Squid and salted and put it in a bottle of sake
ah, that's why it looks like a bottle of sake
it's a bottle of sake
there is plenty of people like to drink sake from the bottle
and if they do that directly mistakenly, it will be so salt
so the salted fish need a long time
i can make story about this
a salted fish documentary
the 5th cup, i think
the 4th or the 5th ?
maybe it's the 5th
let's try the white fish now
aah, this is so easy to open
waaa, plenty of white fish
this is a little bit weird
a White Fish in a bottle
hay! can you see this ? the white fish
and because it's tasty with soy sauce, i'm going to bring it
there are plenty of white fishes here
let's try it alone first
this is much more salty
it's my first time to taste something like that
and it's so soft
its taste is so strong
let's try to add soy sauce now
i think i like it more like this
mmmm, tasty
this goes so well with the rice
the 6th one
the white fish is crunchy and this is irresistible
the 7th ?
i'm wondering
maybe it's the 7th
we are going to eat all thie amount with just these 2 bottles
i don't think i can eat the fugu sashi
i have here more of seaweed
the 8th one ?
i don't know anymore, i will just say "maybe"
- no, it's the 9th - maybe the 8th
and now the 8th ?
9 ? or 8 ? 9 ?
doesn't matter
let's just say it's the 8th
or maybe 9th ?
or maybe it's the 8th? okay it's the 8th
hay, we done with this
and this is the 9th one...
no no no, not yet, still have some rice here
what i'm doing
and now let's make the porridge
hay, i putted all the amount in the bowl
and add the salted fish
and add the seaweed as well to not waste it
it's just 2 pieces
and i'm going to add this seasoning that i found it looks so tasty
with shrimp flavor
and add now the dashi
let's sink the salted fish
hay, looks so tasty
i like it like this more
i appreciate the Whitebait fish now more
mmmm, tasty
you can see the fish here
ahh, tasty
the seasoning is so crispy and this is so good
this is what left
we did it
Firefly Squid and Salted White Fish was so tasty
it goes so well with the rice
i ate with it 9 cups of rice
and what left from fugu sashi i'll eat it in another time
aah, still a little bit of miso
and the porridge in the end was so tasty with a salty taste
this made the texture different, and this is good
and because this was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?
And as always thank you for watching
if there is anything you want me to do or eat
please tell me in the comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
©2018 all right reserved to kinoshita yuka
ASMR Eating Ice - SOFT Ice Eating / Chewing (Frozen Milk) - Duration: 3:01.
ASMR Eating Ice - SOFT Ice Eating / Chewing (Frozen Milk)
How to hide your Friends list on Facebook - Tutorial (2018) - Duration: 1:14.
First, login to your Facebook account
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On the right, press Manage, Edit privacy
On the top, press Public, then Only me
Let's view it as a stranger
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Польша.Вроцлав.Тумский остров -You Tube. Poland.Wroclaw - Duration: 12:50.
學財經的她卻走上演繹道路,一路高歌!最近一部溫暖的弦撩動人心 - Duration: 5:24.
언론의 탈을 쓴 범죄 조폭 집단, 조선일보 그리고 거짓왜곡보도. - Duration: 5:33.
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లలితా సహస్రనామాల ప్రత్యేకత | Lalita Sahasranamalu | Lalita Sahasranama Bhashyam | Sri Matre Namaha - Duration: 24:58.
Coordinated Motion Planning: The Video - Duration: 9:49.
Simultaneously steering a large number of agents to goal positions is a common challenge,
whether you are:
an ant army trying to defend your home,
just trying to get home after work,
a densely-packed warehouse of robots delivering products to be packed and shipped,
or a marching band demonstrating your skills.
There are many approaches, ranging from fully distributed solutions
to fully centralized methods such as warehouse robotics, air-traffic control,
and packet routing
In this work we present a number of breakthroughs for coordinated motion planning.
Our goal is to reconfigure a swarm of labeled convex objects
by a combination of parallel, continuous, collision-free translations
into a given target arrangement.
Problems of this type
can be traced back to the classic work
of Schwartz and Sharir,
who gave a method for deciding the existence of a coordinated motion
for a set of disks between obstacles.
Their approach is polynomial in the complexity of the obstacles,
but exponential in the number of disks.
Previous work has largely focused on pipelined sequential schedules, in which only robots
on the perimeter move with objectives such as
minimizing the number of moves.
This differs from our objective, which is to minimize the overall time by exploiting
parallel motion of many robots.
A natural lower bound for the necessary time is given by
the maximum distance from a start
to a target location.
The ratio between the achieved overall time
and this maximum distance is called the STRETCH of a schedule.
When is it possible to limit the stretch and achieve good schedules?
That is the focus of this work.
First of all, finding a reconfiguration plan with minimal execution
is NP-hard, even for a grid arrangement without any stationary obstacles.
Here are various parts of the construction.
See our full paper for details.
Before we start with our algorithm, let us take a closer look at possible
ways of rearranging robots.
Because robot collisions are not allowed, direct swaps of adjacent robots are impossible.
However, we can rearrange whole cycles of robots by moving them simultaneously.
Combining several cyclic one-step moves within a six-pack substructure, we can achieve a
swap of neighboring robots.
These swaps can be performed in parallel for disjoint six-packs.
There is a total of twelve different classes of six-packs, so
a set of disjoint swap operations can be realized by a constant
number of parallel rotation steps.
Now let's consider
a starting configuration that we want to rearrange into
this target arrangement.
Making use of the parallel local swaps, we can apply
the parallel rotatesort algorithm of Marberg and Gafni from 1988.
Rotate sort achieves a runtime that is linear in the size of the perimeter of
the bounding box.
However, this does not achieve constant stretch if the maximum distance
is small compared to the perimeter.
So we need more refined algorithmic ideas.
An idea is to subdivide the grid arrangement
into d-sized "tiles".
Then we proceed in two phases: In Phase I
we move each robot to the tile containing its target position.
That is the tricky part.
In Phase II,
we use rotatesort in parallel on all tiles to reach those final
positions in O(d).
Moving the robots to their respective tiles in Phase I proceeds
in four steps.
First, we compute a flow that represents the number of robots moving between tiles.
Note that the flow graph has a limited degree of eight due to the maximum
travel distance of d.
Second, these flows are preprocessed to remove intersecting and bidirectional edges.
In a third step, the cleaned up flow is decomposed into a number of simpler pieces
which are then realized by parallel sets of cyclic moves in the
fourth and final step of Phase I.
As the first step, we take stock
of robots switching tiles.
As no robots get created or destroyed, the result
is a cyclic flow.
There are configurations resulting in flows with crossing edges,
as illustrated here.
In the second step,
the flow is simplified.
If there are crossing edges in the flow graph
we use local modifications to uncross them.
Bidirectional edges
are removed in a similar manner.
For the third step
consider a cyclic flow after preprocessing.
We decompose it into a set of cycles with a flow value of one.
We remove self-intersections and partition
the resulting set of cycles into clockwise and counterclockwise ordered cycles that are
processed separately.
We identify the union of the areas bounded by all cycles and remove the outer boundary
component of the covered area.
We repeat this peeling process until the entire flow graph is removed.
This yields
a tree-like structure
of nested cycles,
allowing us to compute a partitioning of the entire flow graph into subflows of value O(d).
In the fourth and final step of Phase I,
we realize a single subflow
by computing a crossing-free matching between incoming and outgoing robots for each tile.
By applying this technique iteratively, we realize a sequence of subflows as cyclic permutations of robots.
In the end, all robots are in their target tiles, after a total of O(d) steps.
Now we can proceed to Phase II:
In another O(d) moves, rotatesort delivers all robots to their target locations,
and we have achieved constant stretch.
The preceding description applies to robots at given grid positions.
What happens in more general configurations?
That depends on the proximity of robots.
If the robots are not too densely packed
here is what we can do.
There will be at most one robot per cell in an appropriate grid.
We move them
to appropriate grid positions, then apply the grid algorithm,
then move them to their target positions.
This achieves constant stretch.
For very densely packed disks
that cannot be well separated, no method can achieve
a stretch factor better than O of N to the 1/4th.
The proof considers the area of Voronoi cells during the
reconfiguration, showing that they must grow by a certain amount.
On the positive side, we establish a
stretch factor of O of square root of N even in this case.
The intricate difficulties of computing precise optimal solutions are demonstrated by the
seemingly simple case of just two disks, which is shown to be excruciatingly
difficult to solve to optimality.
These parallel motion schedules can be applied to real robots.
Here you see a number of examples.
Finally, here is a simulation of a bigger instance.
And with that, we are done!
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