Spotify is the world leader of music streaming, but you can also listen to audiobooks or even podcasts on it.
We operate in over sixty markets. We have seventy-one-million subscribers through Spotify Premium.
Our goal is basically to improve conversion rates from free to Premium.
It's very important first to understand what our users are looking for
One of the challenges is localization. At Spotify we have loads of local knowledge, we have great teams, they want to do a lot of localization for their specific markets.
In Germany it's quite surprising that the most streamed content is not music but is an audiobook.
We decided to launch a test with Optimize 360.
We wanted our users searching for audiobooks on Google to see a very dedicated landing page to audiobooks.
So in this case with the direct integration with Adwords and Optimize 360, when people have searched on Adwords for audiobooks only then showed them this page.
We did fifty percent of all traffic, we sent them on to the normal Premium page,
and then the other fifty percent of the traffic, we'd send them to a rebranded Premium page with a lot of audiobooks on there.
Optimize 360 made the process very easy. If we had wanted to run this audiobooks experiment without Optimize 360,
it would've taken a couple of months, but it took a couple of days.
The results were far above our expectations. The audiobook landing page had generated
an increase of twenty-four percent of Premium subscriptions.
Before Optimize 360 we weren't even testing anything. It has changed the way Spotify
is trying to be more and more locally relevant across all of it's markets.
A/B testing is about learning about your customer.
It's still important that we learn our lesson from it and that's why we want to do as much testing as possible.
For more infomation >> Spotify Uses Google Optimize 360 to Increase Premium Subscriptions - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Get Paid to Search Google: Flexible, Non-Phone Work at Home - Duration: 7:28.
- Hey, Angie Nelson from
Today we're going to be talking about
one of the most favorite work at home jobs
among the members of my community,
and that is search engine evaluation.
Now, many of my followers have told me
just how much they love these positions,
and how it meets the requirements
that many of them are looking for.
And that is what we're going to be
talking about in today's video.
Make sure you stay to the end of the video
to find out how you can learn more about
the companies that we're speaking about today,
in addition to some others.
Now, your first question may obviously be
what is a search engine evaluator and what do they do?
Well, if you've done any kind of
extensive research on the internet,
you have probably found out
that Google doesn't always get it right.
Usually, when you do some kind of a search online
the results that you're given are going to be determined
by a computer, by what Google calls an algorithm.
But what's missing there is the human aspect.
Robots aren't always so good at interpreting
or determining what we're actually looking for.
And that's where these
search engine evaluators come into play.
They can actually tell Google, Google will give them a list
of the searches that they want to know about,
and these evaluators can go in
and actually tell them whether
the results that they're being provided are relevant
and whether they're quality results.
Now, there are quite a few things
that the people within my community love about these jobs.
The first one is going to be that it's really flexible.
In most cases, you are going to be able
to do the work whenever and wherever you want.
You don't need to be tied down to any specific schedule.
So this can be a great one for those of you
that need to, kind of, pick up work on the go
or as you can around your kids' schedules
or another work at home opportunity
that you already have in place.
It's also going to be non-phone work.
For most of these positions,
you are simply going to be doing the work online.
You aren't going to need any special equipment,
and you're not going to need to be on the phone
in order to complete your jobs.
So no customer service involved here.
These jobs also don't pay too bad, either.
In most cases, the reported earnings
are around $12 to $15 per hour.
Now, with all these pros,
there're obviously going to be some cons as well.
In most cases, these are going to be project-based jobs,
which means that, sooner or later,
they're going to come to an end.
You may also find, with some projects,
that your hours are limited.
We have heard stories of some projects
only allowing the evaluators to work one hour per day.
And when that contract comes to an end,
you may have a wait time until the next project starts up.
Therefore, this is not going to be one
that you can necessarily depend on for a steady paycheck
or even to pay your bills,
but it is nice side gig to have in place.
Now, another thing you are going to have to be aware of
is that most of these companies
have a non-compete clause in place.
Now, that means that you can't be working for more than
one of these search evaluation companies at one time.
And they are going to know it
because most of them are using the same software,
so they are going to be able to find out
pretty quickly if you're working for more than one of them.
And that's not something that you want to jeopardize
because once you get fired from one,
you're probably not going to be
hired by any of the others, either.
So make sure you're reading your contract
and you're following the rules.
Now, there are a handful of companies
that hire at-home workers to check search engine results.
Now, Appen usually requires a commitment
of four to five days per week,
and usually Monday through Friday.
And there's usually a lot of flexibility
in the times that are available.
Now, Leapforce and Lionbridge
are two others in this industry
that you'll want to check out to see
if any job listings are available for any of these.
As I said before, there may be
a non-compete clause in place,
so you're only going to able
to get hired for one of them at a time,
and most of these are going to pay only once a month.
So that's another thing to keep in mind
if you are someone who needs a regular, steady paycheck.
This one is going to be a little drawn than most,
so you will want to have something in between
to kind of get you through the month
if you can't really go 30 days between paychecks.
Now, iSoftStone is another one that hires
at-home evaluators, though they aren't quite hiring
as frequently as some of the others that we do see.
With this one, they are longer term positions,
and this company usually works
with Bing as opposed to Google.
Now, several of these companies do hire internationally
if you are viewing this video
and you're not based in the US,
this may still be an opportunity that's available to you.
But as for the purposes of my videos,
I'm based in the US, so most of the job positions
that I am talking about in my videos
are going to be available to US residents as well.
Now, while we are talking about
search engine evaluation in this video,
these companies usually hire
for some other positions as well.
You may be finding some positions
for ad evaluation, social media evaluation.
A couple of these may also hire
for things like transcription,
so, even if you aren't finding
the search engine positions available,
you may find some other great positions
that are available to you at the time that you're looking.
And as I said at the beginning of the video,
most of the members of my community
that are offering feedback on these positions
is that they really enjoy them.
A lot of my readers have said
that they are been with these companies
for several years now,
and they've never had any problems with pay
or with any of their work.
It's really a good gig to have in place,
even if it's not steady and available year round.
But that brings us back to one of
the most important roles in working from home,
and that's never put all of your eggs in one basket.
It is always a good idea to have
a lot of little flexible gigs in place
that can fill in the blanks when
one of your bigger gigs does go offline
or maybe work isn't available.
That is something that we run into
a lot in the work at home world.
You may run into a lot of feast
and famine cycles in your workload,
so it is good to always have
a couple of these little flexible gigs in place.
Now, I'm going to leave you a link
in the description below to a blog post
that's going to talk more about these positions,
and also some links to the gigs
that we talked about today.
And while you're over there,
feel free to sign up for my weekly newsletter
which always includes new work at home job leads
in addition to some great opportunities
that you won't find over here on our videos.
Now, if you liked today's video,
please give it a like and a share,
and make sure you're subscribed
so you'll get notification of my next video.
Until then, I wish you best of luck
in your work at home job search.
Google Cloud - The Biography of Tomorrow - Duration: 2:11.
Common English Mistakes | Comparatives and Superlatives - Duration: 3:36.
This is the bestest English video to watch.
I'm sure you'll understand better as I explained the most commonist
English mistakes when using superlatives and comparatives.
There's something wrong.
You don't know?
Well, if you don't, keep watching.
Hello, guys.
My name is fanny.
And in this video, I'm going to talk to you about huge mistakes that my students
keep making when using superlatives and comparatives in English.
And it drives me crazy!
So I want you to fix them if you keep making them.
So let's and take a few examples.
For example, "I am more taller than my sister."
This is absolutely incorrect.
I hope you know this.
The comparative form of 'tall' is 'taller'.
You don't need more.
Okay. 'more' is a double comparison.
It's grammatically incorrect.
So you just say, "I am taller than my sister."
Second example.
"His house is the beautifulest in town."
You have to say, "This house is the most beautiful in town."
As you know, when it's a long word, the superlative is 'most' plus the adjective.
And then we have, "His older son is badder at math than her."
This is also incorrect because as you know,
'bad', is an exception.
The comparative form of 'bad' is 'worse'.
So you should say, "His older son is worse at math than her."
"I'm tireder than yesterday."
Again this is incorrect.
Because the comparison for 'tired' is "I'm more tired than yesterday."
With two syllable adjectives, it's a little bit tricky.
Most of the time when they end in 'y', you just add 'er'.
When they don't, you use 'more'.
So in this case, we say, "I'm more tired than yesterday."
And finally, "This is my most happiest day."
Again, double superlative.
This is incorrect.
You can just say, "This is my happiest day."
I know you know the rules, but please stop making these mistakes.
If you do, that would be really nice.
Thank you for watching.
Thank you for watching my video guys.
I really want to carry on telling you about your English mistakes
so please show me your support by liking this video
by subscribing to our channel by putting your comments below
and by sharing the video.
Thank you very much.
See you.
Pokémon GO in 2018 ??! - Duration: 5:36.
I know... who even plays this game anymore right? It's so 2016...
Well. Millenials like me who grew up watching Pokémon and always dreamed of a game like this.
So adults
When i first heard about this game my mind was blown. like.. I thought it was going to be like an mmorpg but in the real world
But when the game was finally available i was welcomed with this... for like a week. and so as every player back then
But that didn't stop most people from going out and playing it
Even though, it took like 30 minutes to log in and then you had to wait under a Pokéstop or a gym-
For the gps to display a location and not the empty middle of nowhere eight miles away.
While your ritch friend, with his fancy flagship phone with 4G connection!!
Only had to wait 20 minutes.
It was amazing seeing so many people outside and if someone was on their phone, they were surely playing pokemon go it was like a
Friend's party, like you could go up to anyone or anyone could go up to you and you already
Had something in common to talk about
Hey. Are you playing Pokémon GO?
Why am I seeing this? Is it my phone a piece of trash or the servers are down again!?
And then i kinda got bored of it but then occasionally i picked it up, again and it got seriously better with
Each update. I'm gonna list, my favorite changes, if you haven't played, this game since 2016 i'm going to blow
your mind okay the first biggest, change the game
Works! I know right?! if you couldn't play it back then chances are it wasn't your phone's problem and
Chances are you have a much better phone now, than back then
Also remember seeing only Pidgeys, Weedles, Zubats and Ratatas. now the pokemons
you see are much more varied!
Not only because there are three generations now in-game and they all have their most common ones but you really see a lot more
Uncommon and rare that used to be very very rare before so basically anything beside this four.
but because of these Pokéxplosions... Pokéxplosions
They aren't a bunch of disappointment now and you can catch the continent exclusives a lot more commonly
Like look at me i have this many Mr. Mimes and even transferred, like seven!
We also have weather effects now!
Which make certain types of pokemons appear
More often so when it's raining outside and you don't want to go out
It is the best time to go out
And hunt for Squirtles!
The next big thing is the buddy system, which means if you really like a pokemon and you need
Candy for it, you can make one your buddy and you get candy for just walking
some, such as Pikachu or Magicarp only needs one kilometer for one candy and
Something like a Lapras needs five kilometer for a single candy
Gyms have changed! Now anytime you beat a pokemon that's defending it, you lower it's cp!
Until it's knocked out and if they are all out, the gym is free to capture
Also, you can now level up your reputation at each gym, with fighting for it, placing a defender or
Healing, it's cp back with berries which is a waste of berries to be honest but at least
You get some stardust
The higher your level with the gym is, the more items it gives you then you spin it. Yes you can
Now spin gyms like a Pokéstop
It also gives you extra items when the gym is your team's plus if you max one out and it's
also yours, I think one spin gives you as many items as three Pokéstops would
So it's pretty amazing for players like me, because i live in a town and we don't have that many stops at all
Also there are no more cheaters yeah if you win over a
Gym, then, someone from another continent, won't take it before you.
There are now raids, which you can't
Do much with, unless you have, active high-level people in that area. Or friends. You can probably, guess, why i never won a raid yet
We also have quests now
There's this story based campaign thing and a stamp map. You can get a stamp for completing one of the field research quests
They are quite easy but if you, don't like it you can
Skip it and get a new one from spinning a stop once you got all these stamps you get a
Box and you get to catch a rare pokemon like i got a Moltres from my first
box this one resets after you complete it but the campaign doesn't
But i heard you get new camping quests occasionally there are
Also events now like at Halloween you could catch Pikachus with a witch hat! Which is adorable!
Plus, there are parties so you can make a team you want to fight with defaultly, so you
Don't have to always pick six pokemons, each time you fight a
Gym or a raid and the game is still doing surprisingly, amazing it's currently
Still one of the top grossing games on google play so there really are way more people playing it than i thought
By, the, way this video is not sponsored i just genuinely like this game
and if you used to like it but you couldn't log in or you got bored of seeing only the same four pokemons
Maybe you're, going to like it again, also see that generator thing back there? I made that a printable paper craft if you
Feel like you have a spare hour or two to make one in real life
You, can! I'm going to make one print for each big video i make so basically as a free merch!
Well the cost of printing two pages. Thanks to Anticx Animation for giving the idea for this paper craft project if you like
This video i have a lot more thanks for watching, and Have an easy day!
Esto es lo que sucede cuando le haces bullying a una planta por 30 días - Duration: 2:29.
"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" Ellie Kemper And Jane Krakowski Are Hoda Kotb's Co-Hosts | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.
Trent Alexander-Arnold, Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappe tell us why they love the World Cup! - Duration: 2:00.
Ellen Burstyn: From 'Alice Doesn't Live Here' To MeToo Movement | TODAY - Duration: 4:39.
PRÉPARATIONS AU FIGHT | Phobia UHC S12E4 - Duration: 8:02.
10 usos alternativos que le puedes dar al alcohol - Duration: 6:20.
Como deveria ser a matriz de custo da Petrobras? - Duration: 1:22.
#JEffect: International | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:11.
- I Vernice Downer.
I'm from Jamaica.
- My name's Josh.
I'm from Melbourne, Australia.
- Antella Moore from Italy.
- We traveled all the way from Israel.
- We came here to the United States about 20 years ago.
And we've been watching Jeopardy ever since.
(upbeat music)
- Originally, my family came from Caracas, Venezuela.
My dad made a very, very big point
that we watch good American television when we got here.
And Jeopardy was the clear answer.
- I have been watching Jeopardy for over 23 years.
- Whenever people come over
and come for Mom's cooking or whatever,
we always try and lure them in to become Jeopardy fans.
- We came originally from Ukraine.
- And we've been watching Jeopardy
since we were little kids.
- We remember learning English
watching Jeopardy since we were really little.
- [All] Israel loves Jeopardy.
- I joined the service kind of following
in my great-grandfather's footsteps.
And that's where I met my wife in Italy.
- We were dating.
And he was in the dorms.
And I remember he was watching Jeopardy on the American TV.
(foreign language)
(upbeat music)
Exploring the beauty of New Zealand with Traillite and Mercedes-Benz Vans - Duration: 2:49.
The landscape in New Zealand can be breath-taking. It's a country of extremes.
Within an hour's drive you can be on top of a snow-capped mountain
and on a white sandy beach and enjoying that as well.
I am Shaun Newman, General Manager of TrailLite, 43 years old.
We use the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter primarily for our 500 series that we built ourselves.
It's built for the luxury end of the market.
We are very much focused on giving people a really great fit and finish in their motorhomes.
It's the cabinetmaker's touch, the fit and the finish – it's so important to us.
Our customers are predominantly baby-boomers,
but they are definitely getting younger:
more adventurous type of people, more aware of their leisure time.
They really want to get out and see it.
I think travelling is about adventure,
it's about exploring, it's about getting back to nature.
Motorhoming is part of the identity in New Zealand.
We have this real need and desire to travel across our country.
In New Zealand, freedom camping or self-contained camping is actually protected by law.
It's something that is very important to New Zealanders.
In most parts of the country you can simply just park your motorhome where you find a great spot
and you can spend the night there.
A lot of the scenes from "The Lord of the Rings" were filmed on the South Island.
A lot of tourists travel all the way to New Zealand to see it.
Before one of the first times I travelled on the South Island,
I had seen the pictures and the postcards,
but I didn't realize that that was around every corner.
You go around a new corner and that there is a lake and a mountain.
And than you go around another corner and there is another lake and another mountain.
It really is stunning!
You can travel huge distances – no big cities, small communities
and breath-taking scenery around every corner.
Our customers love the Mercedes-Benz.
They love the driveability and the performance of the vehicle
and they also love the prestige that comes from the Mercedes-Benz badge.
Soft Relax: Musica Rilassante Con I Suoni Della Natura Nel Bosco - Duration: 1:02:50.
Soft Relax: Relaxing Music With The Sounds Of Nature In The Woods
¡ABC cancela su súper éxito por comentarios racistas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:09.
Nirankari Vichar | V D Nagpal SNM General Secretary Vichar | Powerful Vichar | New Nirankari Vichar - Duration: 22:33.
Homescapes Level 659 - How to complete Level 659 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:46.
"Homescapes how to complete level 659"
"Homescapes gameplay"
¡Un Nuevo Día visita la casa del alcalde de Nueva York! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.
Study estimates death toll to be 4,600 higher in Puerto Rico post Maria - Duration: 4:15.
Study estimates death toll to be 4,600 higher in Puerto Rico post-Maria
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) A new study contends that many more deaths than normal occurred
in Puerto Rico in the three months after Hurricane Maria devastated the island, mostly because
of problems getting medicines or medical care.
Researchers surveyed a small sample of neighborhoods and from that estimated that up to 4,600 more
deaths than usual occurred, far more than earlier studies have suggested.
At least one independent expert questioned the methods and the number in the new study.
"This estimate could be off by thousands.
Easily," Donald Berry, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, told The Associated Press in an email.
The research was published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
It's the latest study to analyze how many people died during or after the Category 4
storm that hit the U.S. territory in September 2017, causing more than an estimated $100
billion in damage.
Researchers led by Harvard University called the official toll of 64 deaths a "substantial
Maria caused the longest blackout in U.S. history, leaving the entire island of 3.3
million people without power, including those in hospitals and nursing homes who relied
on respirators.
Researchers surveyed 3,299 households earlier this year and used the findings to extrapolate
to the whole island.
They found that 31 percent reported disruptions in medical services, and more than 14 percent
said they were unable to access medications.
"Indirect deaths resulting from worsening of chronic conditions or from delayed medical
treatments may not be captured on death certificates," researchers said in the study.
They calculated 4,645 more people died in the three months after Maria compared with
the same period in 2016.
One of the researchers, Rafael Irizarry of Harvard University, told the AP that the estimate
is uncertain because of its limited size, but that the study still provides valuable
information, including how some people died.
Previous studies have found that the number of direct and indirect hurricane-related deaths
in Puerto Rico is higher than the official toll, including a 2017 report that there were
nearly 500 more deaths than usual on the island in September.
In late February, Puerto Rico's governor announced that a team of experts at George Washington
University would lead an independent review to determine the number of deaths caused by
Hurricane Maria amid ongoing accusations that the government undercounted the toll.
A preliminary report was due in May, but Puerto Rico officials announced last week that the
team requested and was granted more time.
The director of that study did not return messages for comment.
The government of Puerto Rico issued a statement Tuesday in response to the study saying that
it welcomed the research and would analyze it.
"As the world knows, the magnitude of this tragic disaster caused by Hurricane Maria
resulted in many fatalities.
We have always expected the number to be higher than what was previously reported," said Carlos
Mercader, executive director of Puerto Rico's Federal Affairs Administration.
Meanwhile, a couple of media organizations have gone to court to obtain more details
on the deaths reported in Puerto Rico last year.
Demographers have said that Puerto Rico recorded an official average of 82 deaths a day in
the two weeks before Maria hit.
The number increased to 117 a day after the storm pummeled the island in mid-September
and then fell below usual in October.
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