Speaker 1: On Monday, Rudy Giuliani celebrated his 74th
birthday, and he decided to celebrate his birthday by going back to the Bronx in New
York and attending a New York Yankees game.
Unfortunately, for Giuliani it didn't go exactly as he expected.
Take a look.
Speaker 2: [crosstalk 00:00:16]
Speaker 1: Here's what's remarkable about that crowd
of New Yorkers booing, very loudly, and sustainably, Rudy Giuliani for his birthday at Yankee Stadium.
Giuliani, as we all know, was the mayor of New York City on September 11th, 2001.
He gained a lot of nationwide attention for how he handled that.
He became known as America's mayor.
Everybody loved him.
They were willing to overlook all of the horrible things that this guy had done in his past
as mayor of New York because of how he handled that situation.
He was basically a national hero at that point, and wow, how far he has fallen from grace.
Just because he decided to hitch his wagon to Donal Trump.
This is what happens when you associate yourself with a member of the Trump family.
They bring you down to their level.
Giuliani could have retired after he ended his mayoral term.
He didn't have to run for president but he chose to.
He didn't have to become a part of the Trump campaign, but he chose to, he didn't have
to become Donald Trump's lawyer, but he chose to.
He could have retired with that good will that he had received.
People wouldn't necessarily go digging back through his history to find all the horrible
things that he's done, and that could have been the end of it.
He could have been going to Yankees games all the time where they would give him a standing
ovation when they announced it was his birthday, but instead he chose to ruin his reputation,
force all his demons from the past to resurface and be forever known as the idiot representing
Donald Trump in the Muller investigation.
For more infomation >> Rudy Giuliani BOOED At Yankees Game On His Birthday - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
50 Cent Parties With Rick Ross' Ex Who Once Sued 50 for Sex Tape Leak - Duration: 1:20.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier,
and while we didn't think we'd still be talking about 50 Cent and Rick Ross' decade-long
beef, here we are. That's right, for a beef that kicked off around the BET Awards in 2008,
it's astonishing that there are new ways to further their friction.
For those who don't recall, the beef between 50 and Ross came to a head in March of 2009,
when 50 posted a 13-minute sex tape featuring the mother of Rick Ross' child, Latsonia
Leviston, and some random guy on This Is 50 dot com. 50 even added his own audio to the
tape, which featured him commenting on the tape as well as throwing shots at Ross and
Latsonia. 50 ended up being sued for $7 million for leaking the tape and causing Latsonia
emotional distress, and the fed continued on-and-off for another nine years, commencing
with some nonsense going down during Memorial Day Weekend.
While there's no word on why or how this came to be, 50 Cent posted a photo of himself
with Latsonia partying in Miami over the weekend. There was also some video that ended up hitting
Instagram with the caption "all love" on it while 50, Latsonia, and assorted crew
members shared a toast.
There's no real backstory as to why they linked up, or even if it was just a coincidence
or if 50 planned it out. Either way, if you know 50 Cent, you know he's not someone
who will give up an opportunity to throw shade at Ross.
As of the time of this posting, Ross hasn't said anything about the images and video,
so either he hasn't seen it at all, or he did and doesn't give a f*ck. Time will tell.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier. For more stories like these, keep it locked right here
to Complex on YouTube.
We Were Super Wrong About Mental Illness: The DSM's Origin Story - Duration: 6:26.
It's hard to talk about psychology for very long without mentioning the DSM—
Also known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
It's sometimes called the 'Psychiatry Bible,' and for good reason:
it's how most mental health professionals
figure out if you have something they should be treating.
But mental health professionals are just people.
Regular, fallible people who have made mistakes—
especially in the early days of the field, when psychology was
often based more on what sounded good than on empirical evidence.
And the origin story of the DSM reveals one of the biggest ones.
For a while, psychologists had a pretty limited definition of mental illness—
they thought mental disorders were mostly
physiological problems you were born with.
And it took a couple of world wars for them to realize just how wrong they were.
One of the first times anyone tried to identify people with mental illness,
at least in the US, was in 1840.
The census that year had a question about whether people had
what it called "insane" or "idiotic" dependents.
Yeah, language has … changed a bit since then.
The problem was, the question didn't include any definitions of mental illness.
So census takers kind of had to wing it.
And without specific sets of symptoms to use when they were diagnosing people,
doctors also had to wing it!
It took until 1918 for the American Medico-Psychological Association
to write "The Statistical Manual for the Use of Institutions for the Insane,"
which had some of the first standardized descriptions of what counted as a disorder.
It included things like "manic-depressive psychosis" or "dementia praecox"—
which today we would call bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, respectively.
Since these disorders were really poorly understood at the time,
and there weren't great treatments for them,
they were common among people who'd been institutionalized.
But the manual's whole approach to mental illness was really narrow.
Doctors thought these disorders came entirely from physical problems,
the same way a hard knock to the head can cause the symptoms of a concussion.
Today, we know bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are some of
the most highly heritable mental disorders,
so it makes sense that they'd think of disorders as being physical—maybe even hereditary.
And it's true that mental illness can come with changes in brain chemistry.
But it is not at all like a concussion!
Environmental factors are incredibly important when it comes to mental health,
and not considering those factors meant that doctors missed a lot.
Still, the system worked okay for a while ... until there was a problem.
A pretty big problem, in fact—kind of a worldwide problem: World War II.
Suddenly, there were millions of soldiers returning from a war where
they'd seen their friends die and witnessed some of the
cruelest possible treatment of others.
Meanwhile, families were split, communities were torn apart,
and there was a lot of anxiety about the future of civilization in general.
Many of these problems had come up in the aftermath of World War I, too,
but they were generally diagnosed as shell shock.
Today, we call shell shock post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD,
but back then, doctors didn't really think of it as a mental illness.
They thought it was caused by the physical effects
of artillery shells on nerves—hence the name.
So doctors treated it like a neurological problem, not a psychological one.
It wasn't until World War II that psychologists began to realize
what had once been known as shell shock might be a mental illness.
They started calling it combat stress reaction,
and treating it as a psychological thing.
The thing was, all these people had previously been pretty healthy,
so the manuals weren't much help.
All disorders were considered biological and lifelong;
there were no categories describing problems that
developed in response to some life event.
So the American Psychological Association, or APA,
decided to write a new guide.
But first they went looking for some help understanding what was happening to people.
What they found was detailed in the inauspiciously titled
"War Department Technical Bulletin, Medical 203,"
a document published in 1943 that tried to
explain how disorders could emerge from stressful life events.
It was written by a committee chaired by a military psychiatrist,
but it relied a whole lot on the theories of Sigmund Freud.
And I don't know if you've heard of the guy,
but there are some things he kinda didn't get right about how people work.
Like … almost everything.
But he saw patients after World War I,
and he had an explanation for why they experienced shell shock—
and why not everyone did.
The symptoms of shell shock were very similar to symptoms
of what Freud called a neurosis, which he thought was caused by
childhood trauma and the repressed emotions or complexes that came from it.
The idea was that if something that was too stressful to think about,
it would be pushed into your unconscious mind,
and then show itself through other anxieties or troubling behaviors.
It was also hard to tell if trauma was the real reason for the symptoms of neurosis,
since by definition the memories might be repressed.
But in the case of shell shock, it was obvious what the trauma was.
So this War Department memo used Freud's ideas
to explain how life circumstance could lead to a combat stress reaction
in someone who didn't have a history of mental illness.
There were so many patients who fit the description that
when the APA started to write the first edition of the DSM,
which was published in 1952, these ideas became a major theme.
They copied several passages verbatim from the War Department memo,
including some about how disorders could be reactions to social factors or the environment.
Also like the memo, the first edition of the DSM divided disorders into
neurotic, psychotic, and character disorders—
in addition to disorders that had a known physiological cause.
The DSM has been through a lot since.
Removing some of Freud's theories for how disorders developed was
one of the first orders of business, and today's DSM 5 focuses much more on
just describing and categorizing symptoms.
But we've kept some of the key lessons from the DSM's origin story:
that disorders can have environmental and social causes—
not just biological ones—and that mental illnesses can be
much broader than what you'd find in an early 20th century mental hospital.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!
For more on the strange—and sometimes awful— history of psychology,
along with all kinds of other videos about our weird human brains,
you can go to youtube.com/scishowpsych to subscribe.
I Survived The War But We Lost My Sister - Duration: 3:13.
Hi my name is Zara. My Dad is from England and my Mom's from Iraq and I was
born in England. When I was about 7 years old, my Mum was like, "Hey maybe we should
go to Iraq, I've not seen my family in so long. So, maybe we should pay them a visit.
And maybe we could stay there for a while." My Dad was like, " no are you out of your your mind?"
"Like that's where the war is going on." My Mom was like, "Yeah, well that's where I
was born that's where I was raised." So my Dad finally agrees and me, my Mom my Dad
and my sisters and brothers went there. Everything was fine until I was
about nine years old. I remember it was about 4 a.m. and then I was woken up to
the sound of screams and crying. And I was like "what what's going on? This isn't
right." So I decided to look out my window and I
see fire. I see a building on fire. I rushed to my Mom's room and I grabbed
her by the hand I rushed back to my room and I show her the fire. She screamed and
she woke everyone up and she was having a panic attack.
Soon enough we realized that our city has been attacked.
About a few weeks later, we were running low and supplies because we'd been in
the house the whole time trying to avoid the war. And then my Dad was like, "okay we
are low on food we can't live like this we are gonna die in here if we don't get
anymore." My dad and my sister go out and they go and get food. It was about four
days since they'd went out to get some food. And my Mum and I and my brothers
started panicking. Drew was just like "something has happened they are not okay!"
I just lost all my hope and I was like, "well there's nothing to do now let's
just pray to God and see what happens."
But then a miracle happened. My Dad came back from the house and without my
sister. He was just crying and he was really injured...
...without my sister... I've realized why God has taken it up
and I realized that she'll be by my side no matter what.
Soon after that we move back to England and now I'm 13 years old and I live a
happy life. Life is good and just know if you're
going through warring thing it will get better...
10 Things You Didn't Know About Solo: A Star Wars Story! - Duration: 4:15.
Trump Announces $60M Cut To Democrat Holy Grail—They'll Never Recover - Duration: 6:23.
Trump Announces $60M Cut To Democrat Holy Grail—They'll Never Recover.
Recently, President Trump announced that he plans to cut taxpayer funding from Planned
Parenthood and other abortion facilities.
Americans are thrilled over the prospect.
Instead of abortions, the money could be used for so many good, life-affirming things.
Last week, the proposal became official.
The Trump administration released a statement that explains the proposed rule that will
go into effect after a 60-day waiting period, as is standard.
Democrats better tighten their belts, because here comes a one-two to their Holy Grail of
The proposal will strip Planned Parenthood of approximately $60 million in annual Title
X taxpayer dollars.
Title X was enacted by Congress in 1970 to provide federal tax dollars for family planning,
but banned funding for abortion.
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of leftist teeth already.
"None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion
is a method of family planning," the law states.
Under the new rules, Title X projects will no longer be allowed to refer women for abortions.
If an organization receives family planning funding, they will also be required to keep
facilities where abortions are committed separate from facilities where family planning care
is provided.
This is something that Planned Parenthood has refused to do in the past.
That's because they want to keep the funding fungible.
That means that government funds can float between departments and Planned Parenthood
can claim they are not used for abortions, even when they are.
The Supreme Court upheld the Reagan regulations in 1991 in Rust v. Sullivan, but when pro-abortion
President Bill Clinton took office, he reversed them.
Recently, almost 200 lawmakers sent a letter to Alex Azar, the Secretary of Health and
Human Services, urging that the Reagan regulations be put back into place, albeit without prohibiting
counseling for abortion.
Live Action had this to say about the new regulations:
""Unlike the Reagan regulation, the proposal will not prohibit counseling for clients about
abortion, but neither will it include the current, potentially illegal mandate that
projects must counsel and refer for abortion," a Trump administration official said.
"This proposal does not necessarily defund Planned Parenthood, as long as they're willing
to disentangle taxpayer funds from abortion as a method of family planning, which is required
by the Title X law.
Any grantees that perform, support, or refer for abortion have a choice – disentangle
themselves from abortion or fund their activities with privately raised funds.""
"The proposal will also mandate Title X recipients to follow state and local laws
on sexual abuse reporting — something that is a critical issue for Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood has repeatedly been caught covering up child r**e and s*x trafficking,
systematically breaking the law by refusing to notify authorities of statutory r**e and
suspected human trafficking.
Time after time, Planned Parenthood behaves as if it is above the law, even at the expense
of children who have been r***d and trafficked.
Now, in order to receive Title X funds, organizations will have to prove that they are complying
with laws regarding child abuse."
""Title X projects shall comply with all State and local laws requiring notification
or reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, r**e, incest, intimate partner
violence, or human trafficking (collectively 'State notification laws')," the proposal
It also mandates that organizations receiving funds will have to provide stringent documentation
in multiple areas to prove that they are not breaking any laws."
The Susan B. Anthony List noted in a press release: "The 'Protect Life Rule' will
fulfill a campaign promise made by President Trump to stop taxpayer funding of abortion
businesses like Planned Parenthood… [and] will direct tax dollars to Title X centers
that do not promote or perform abortions….
Similar regulations were upheld by the Supreme Court in 1991 in Rust v. Sullivan (500 U.S.
SBA List president Marjorie Dannenfelser noted that Planned Parenthood "is responsible
for more than 300,000 abortions a year and has been receiving $50-60 million in Title
X taxpayer funds annually."
153 members of the House of Representatives put the new proposal in place.
They sent a letter in April that requested new regulations be implemented regarding Title
You can bet the majority of them were not Democrats.
Since Planned Parenthood and abortion are such a staple of the Democratic platform,
they may never recover from this.
But they will try and get their hands on it should another Democrat come into power, trust
Right now, Planned Parenthood receives half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding every
That's obscene.
They carry out more than 300,000 abortions a year, which in my book, constitutes genocide
of the unborn.
The approximately $60 million in annual Title X funding that Planned Parenthood stands to
lose will be redirected to comprehensive healthcare clinics.
These are legitimate healthcare providers that do not conduct abortions.
They vastly outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics.
The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funded abortions.
They view them as immoral.
I certainly do and none of us approves of having our hard-earned money used to slaughter
the unborn and the newly born.
This proposal from the Trump administration, despite shrieking and snarling from the abortion
industry, is giving the American people exactly what they want.
It helps redirect money towards legitimate healthcare providers as opposed to abortion
It at least puts a dent into the left's culture of d***h.
what do you think about this?
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April Ryan Pulls 'VICTIM CARD' Blames Melania For Her Latest SCANDAL - Duration: 2:33.
April Ryan Pulls 'VICTIM CARD' Blames Melania For Her Latest SCANDAL.
Unprofessional, anti-Trump CNN analyst April Ryan has landed herself in more hot water.
She's on the receiving end of major backlash, after she retweeted a fake news story, suggesting
President Trump is running a "child trafficking ring."
Ryan, who is no stranger to fake news or stirring up trouble, is now blaming FLOTUS office,
for her own mistake.
She's claiming that being called out for spreading fake news is "HATEFUL" towards
These liberals are insane.
From Town Hall.
White House correspondent and CNN contributor April Ryan is no stranger to controversy in
the Trump era.
She has sparred with both Press Secretary Sean Spicer (remember the "stop shaking
your head" moment?) and Sarah Huckabee Sanders during several entertaining press briefings.
Now, that press room drama has made its way to the First Lady's office.
On Saturday, Ryan tweeted out an article entitled, "Is the Trump Administration Running a Child-Trafficking
Ring or Nah?
Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole."
It's a piece from The Root criticizing Trump for peddling conspiracy theories.
Melania Trump's communications director Stephanie Grisham didn't take kindly to
Ryan's tweet, asking why reporters like her can get away with sharing fake news.
If you're a journalist w many followers & a @CNNPolitics contributor…is it ok to
retweet any headline you want, regardless of if it's true?
Remember: "The core purpose of a journalist is to research, document, write, & present
the news in an honest, ethical, & unbiased way."
Ryan told Grisham to actually read the story and not just the headline, before accusing
her – and Fox News – of fueling hate.
That fake news story from FOX and your not reading the story just a headline creates
an atmosphere of hate against me that leads to ugliness.
It has to stop!
Some outlets like Splinter came to Ryan's defense, accusing the White House of "cyberbullying"
the press corps.
How dare the First Lady's team try and lecture anyone on honesty and integrity, when her
husband is "one of the most prolific liars on the planet."
What do you think about this?
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Attend Analytics Experience 2018 - Duration: 1:09.
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Best Whisk - Duration: 2:47.
If you love to cook a whisk is a true staple for your kitchen.
BEST WHISKS are picked up in this video considering performance vs price.
The links to the WHISKS mentioned in this video is in the description below.
Check out the description below for up to date price, customer reviews & more information
of the WHISKS.
First up, Oxo Good Grips Whisk is the best whisk for most people for its lightweight
and versatility.
These oxo whisks feature comfortable soft rubbery handles that will not slip even if
your hands are wet or oily.
The handle is bulb-shaped that is easy to grab on.
The stainless steel wires flex while you whisk.
These oxo whisks are available in 3 sizes.
9 inch is nice for small jobs, 11 inch is for larger batches, the balloon whisk incorpotates
more air for fluffier omelettes or whipping up cream or stirring a pot of sauce.
If you want the best cheap whisk Winco Stainless Steel Piano Wire Whip is about at the half
price of Oxo good grips whisk.
It's only downside is stainless steel handle that is less comfortable than the OXO�s
rubber handle and can get slippery.
On the other hand Winco�s metal handle won�t melt even if it get too hot.
Next up, Amazon Basics Stainless Steel Wire Whisk Set 3 pieces is very good whisks at
the same price of Oxo.
Next up, Vollrath 12-Inch Piano Whip features a contoured nylon handle with a rough grippy
surface that will not melt like handle of Oxo.
Next up, Best French whisk is Best Manufacturers 12-inch Standard French Wire Whisk.
Cook�s Illustrated picked it as a favorite all-purpose whisk.
Next up, Kuhn Rikon 12-Inch Balloon Wire Whisk is a very popular whisk with heavy-duty stainless
steel and sealed waterproof barrel handle having has hanging loop.
It's uncomfortably heavy and most expensive among the whisks we tested.
Last but not least, best nonstick whisk is OXO Good Grips 11-Inch Silicone Balloon Whisk.
This silicone coated whisks are safe to use on nonstick cookware, whereas stainless whisks
can scratch the coating off a pan.
But nonstick whisks are not as durable as have steel ones, because the thin silicone
coating can tear easily.
We hope you liked these BEST WHISKS, If you did please give this video a like and consider
subscribing this channel to get notified our upcoming videos.
Please feel free to share your own review as well as comments, questions, or disagreements.
Check out description below for price and more information of these BEST WHISKS.
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