For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
The #MuteRKelly campaign is in full swing, which included R. Kelly's music being removed
from Spotify's editorial playlists and their Discover section.
It was a controversial, polarizing move, but one interesting stat came out this week regarding
R. Kelly's streaming numbers: they weren't actually affected.
Prior to Spotify's announcement, Kelly's music reportedly had 6,584,000 weekly streams
for the year.
From the timeframe of May 10 through May 16, Nielsen Music reports that Kelly grabbed 6,676,000
Keep in mind, these stats come from streaming services that include Spotify, Apple Music,
and Pandora, among others, but it was enough to prompt R. Kelly to gloat.
"It's too late, they should have did this sh*t 30 years ago.
I've got a million motherfuckers hating me, and 40 billion motherf**kers loving me."
Now R. Kelly isn't wrong in the sense that he's still got fans; but as writer Michael
Arceneaux pointed out in a recent article on Complex, that's primarily because R.
Kelly's been a veritable hit factory since the early '90s.
It's also one of the reasons why the #MuteRKelly campaign won't totally wipe him out of the
industry: Kelly has too much cache as the quote King of R&B built up to be effectively
wiped out, like a number of stars before him.
That said, as Arceneaux points out, #MuteRKelly won't totally wipe him out of the scene,
nor does it strive to do so.
"[I]t's not about forcibly making everyone permanently tune out R. Kelly.
What is possible, though, is turning a man long accused of being a predator into a public
pariah, effectively stripping him of the institutional support he should have stopped enjoying long
As for those who continue listening to R. Kelly's music no matter what, at the very
least, they can be called out for any public display of support of him and what that signifies."
R. Kelly is right in another sense: the public, music critics, and the industry at large should
have done something when the first allegations of him having sex with underage women came
to light.
From the Village Voice to Vibe magazine, these allegations and stories of holding women in
sex cults have hit the news cycle over the years, on multiple occasions.
The question is, what will it take for some fans or outlets to start pushing back, and
demanding more from the people that make music?
Time will tell, and from what it seens, the #MuteRKelly campaign is a marathon, not a
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
For more stories like these, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.
For more infomation >> Why R. Kelly's Streaming Numbers Aren't a Real Win for His Career - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Volcanic Lightning: Because Exploding Mountains Aren't Bad Enough - Duration: 4:17.
"On the landward side, a fearful black cloud was rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame,
and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size."
That's what Pliny the Younger, nephew of the naturalist Pliny the Elder, wrote
after watching Mount Vesuvius erupt and cover the city of Pompeii with ash in 79 CE.
And that line ends with the first known report of a phenomenon called volcanic lightning,
where lightning streaks across the black clouds of ash and smoke above an explosive eruption,
even without a thunderstorm in sight.
But despite centuries of scientific study, and millennia of first-hand observations,
we still don't fully understand why volcanic lightning happens in the first place.
Though it probably has something to do with all that ash moving through the air.
Volcanic lightning generally happens during explosive eruptions that release
huge ash clouds high into the atmosphere,
so the most popular explanation is that all that ash somehow causes the lightning.
Like we've talked about before here on SciShow, lightning in a regular thunderstorm happens
when water vapor, dust, and ice crystals rub against each other.
Electric charges jump to some molecules more easily than others,
so all that rubbing creates a huge charge imbalance,
which eventually gets evened out by a sudden burst of moving charge in the form a lightning bolt.
Scientists still disagree on some of the details, though,
since lightning can be hard to study directly.
But studying regular lightning is a piece of cake compared to studying volcanic lightning.
The explosive eruptions that cause it also tend to come with
noxious fumes, earthquakes, and clouds of super-hot ash.
But scientists, and photographers, are persistent.
And most of those scientists studying volcanic lightning think that it happens
directly because of those huge clouds of ash.
The idea is that the ash rubs together in the air just like water does in a normal thundercloud,
creating a similar sort of charge imbalance.
And once the imbalance is big enough, you get a bolt of lightning.
Laboratory experiments have reproduced the effect on a small scale,
and scientists have even been able to track ash mixing as the
charge builds up around it above an eruption.
Which seems like a pretty conclusive case that ash causes volcanic lightning,
but some researchers have said that we shouldn't be so quick to jump on the ashy bandwagon.
Since water causes regular lightning,
they think we should take another look at the water involved in an eruption.
The idea of water in a volcano might seem kind of weird at first, but enormous volumes
of water can be dissolved in the molten rock that bubbles to the surface during an eruption.
That water boils in the heat of the eruption, which could lead to water molecules rubbing
together in volcanic clouds just like they do in normal thunderstorms.
Or all that water could coat the ashy particles flying around,
changing how the clouds charge up.
And a growing group of scientists think that this is the primary source of volcanic lightning.
Now, claiming that water causes volcanic lightning isn't new; it goes back at least to the
late 1700s, when scientists knew far less about volcanoes than they do now.
But research in the last couple decades has breathed new life into the idea.
Many clouds leading to volcanic lightning seem to balloon out at similar altitudes
as normal, water-based clouds, which means that water is likely an important component
of them, and helps determine their behavior.
On top of that, charges tend to be distributed in those clouds
just like they are in normal thunderclouds.
So based on the evidence we have right now,
it seems like ash is the primary cause of most volcanic lightning,
with water and other conditions of the atmosphere playing something of a supporting role.
But like anything in science, that might change as we continue to learn more.
And if you were ever to find yourself in Pliny's position, near an eruption that seems
big enough to end the world, and then lightning starts flashing around you,
you should probably not stop to wonder if it's ash or steam to blame.
Just, you know, get out of there!
Because there have been some cases of volcanic lightning causing destruction
down here on the ground,
like the strikes during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 that caused forest fires.
There are even a few very rare cases of volcanic lightning killing people.
But even though some volcanic lightning can strike about a hundred kilometers
from the eruption, it usually stays much closer.
So if you're close enough to a volcano that you might be hit by lightning coming straight
down from the ash cloud, you probably have bigger concerns, anyway.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you like learning about weird weather phenomena,
check out our episode on how animals can rain down from the sky.
White Customers Forced To Pay Reparations, At Bar In Liberal Oregon After Nasty New Rule Enforced - Duration: 6:05.
White Customers Forced To Pay Reparations, At Bar In Liberal Oregon After Nasty New Rule
Portland, Oregon's motto is "Keep Portland Weird."
Looks like they've got that covered.
Cameron Whitten, 27, who is an activist there for slavery reparations, has created and in
fact, has tried to mandate a Reparations Happy Hour.
Get this white people are asked to give $10 to people of color at the bar so they can
drink at the event.
Those same white people are not invited to attend, because they want it to be a safe
space for black, brown and indigenous people.
They are claiming it's a symbolic gesture.
Many think it is insulting and just plain stupid.
The event was on May 21st at a local bar called Backyard Social.
It is now an inaugural event.
The event was promoted on social media where it stipulated the new rule: "Reparations
for black, brown and indigenous people.
Paid for by whites folks."
Let's just say that people on Twitter were not enthused by any of this.
The event description reads:
"This event is for white people, too.
"White people can show up and support by GIVING reparations.
Instead of physically attending, your presence will be felt through your active financial
support for healing, leadership, and community building within Portland's black, brown,
and indigenous community."
"Our first business sponsor, Backyard Social, has generously offered to host a 10 percent
day on May 21st, donating a percentage of their total sales to Brown Hope.
We encourage EVERYONE to show up and buy something you can come any time during business hours."
"$10 will support reparations for one community member, and you are strongly encouraged to
donate for more than one participant.
Monthly donations are very much needed to sustain the Reparations Happy Hours, and the
programs of Brown Hope.
You can make a one-time donation, or recurring contributions here:"
Fox News described the reparations effort:
"The notion of full-scale reparations sought by some as compensation for the horrors of
slavery, Jim Crow and the large wealth gap between white and black U.S. households, was
supported by 58 percent of black people and 46 percent of Hispanic people in a 2016 poll."
"However, 68 percent of white Americans do not support reparations; when the topic
was brought up during the 2016 presidential campaign, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said
it was "divisive" and unlikely to get through Congress."
"The economist Robert Browne once estimated a fair value for reparations of $1.4 trillion
to $4.7 trillion, and wrote that reparations should restore the black community to the
economic position, it would have had if it had not been subjected to slavery and discrimination."
Frankly, I don't feel I owe anyone anything having to do with slavery.
It was an awful practice, but the US was the first country to outlaw it.
Giving money to people who had nothing to do with slavery when you never had a part
in it is ludicrous.
This white guilt thing makes no sense to me and seems mentally imbalanced, just as having
a safe place for people to hide does.
I am not redistributing what wealth I have to those who have not earned it and have no
claim to it.
"White people can show up and support by GIVING reparations.
Instead of physically attending, your presence will be felt through your active financial
support for healing, leadership, and community building within Portland's black, brown,
and indigenous community," the event's listing proclaimed.
"It was only $10, but when I saw them I saw their eyes light up," Whitten told the
New York Times.
"What I saw there was that people felt like they were finally seen."
I think what she sees is the prospect of free drinks and attention by playing the victim
Approximately 40 people attended the happy hour, while over 100 mostly white liberals
paid for it.
The shindig was thrown by local activist group, Brown Hope, according to The Oregonian.
Whitten also had seven white people come on board to help defend the group from any potential
interference from alt-right groups in the area.
"We do a lot of talking.
We do a lot of making excuses," Whitten told The Oregonian.
"But how often do we actually recognize and acknowledge someone's suffering?
We're so used to being denied any sort of justice that $10 is a respite," Whitten
Free drinks because of your skin color?
I call that racism.
Bonus it not only upset white people, it offended people of color who are seriously going after
reparations for slavery.
It ticked everyone off.
"This belittles the whole argument for reparations.
It's not a joke or a happy hour.
It's a legitimate demand of an oppressed people who were ENSLAVED," wrote Chauncey
K. Robinson on Twitter.
"What in special hell," wrote twitter Kendra Jones.
"Reparations Happy Hour?
How about addressing inequalities in pay, housing and education?
You know, something that'll make a meaningful difference.
How about stop shooting or arresting us for just going about our business trying to live
our best life?"
There goes the Black Lives Matter crowd.
A second happy hour is being planned for June 20th at Portland bakery Back to Eden, where,
in early May, a black woman was apparently denied service after closing time, even though
bakery employees continued to serve several white people, who also entered the establishment
after closing.
The two employees have been fired.
I'm sure there is more to that story that you aren't hearing.
Chicks on the Right said, "You are not oppressed.
You are not a victim.
At least be honest about it and just admit you want free stuff."
I could not agree more.
What do you think about this?
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