- I'm anticipating the cheese ball.
(upbeat swing music)
Am I hired?
- Maybe.
- Okay I'm done. - We'll see.
- You guys, we are right outside of Flex Mussels
in the West, are we in the West Village?
They're obviously known for their mussels,
but I have to tell you a little secret.
They also have an amazing brunch menu,
and we're gonna try their bacon, egg, and cheese fries.
You wanna see it?
Do you wanna eat them?
Do you wanna go?
Let's go.
- [Chef] So here we are.
- Warming up.
We are making bacon, egg, and cheese fries,
which just sounds like the perfect hangover cure.
- So first we're gonna fry the french fries.
- Okay.
- [Chef] Kennebec potatoes.
- [Sarah] Kennebec potatoes.
- A lot of places use Idaho.
After lots of research, we have settled
on Kennebec as our number one choice.
Now we're gonna take a step back,
move over here, and heat up the gravy
and melt those cheese curds.
You're a sous chef.
Take a towel.
And we're taking cheese curds from Beecher's,
and we are just going to throw them
in there like that to melt them a little bit.
Canadians really don't melt the cheese curds.
- [Sarah] But we're doin' it.
- We've kind of settled on an in-between,
which is kind of melted, kind of not.
- [Sarah] I didn't do it enough!
- [Chef] You're not ready for the restaurant business yet.
- [Sara] I'm not.
- [Chef] That was good, that was good.
Oh, we're doing two.
I wouldn't have done it right in the middle.
- [Chef] You have a second chance.
- That was better.
Let me get my towel.
- You see?
This is why you have it. - Okay, so useful.
- Always season your eggs, - Always.
- 'cause you have to.
- Every time my dad cooks in the kitchen,
he always takes a dish towel
and throws it over his shoulder,
so I did learn that trick from him.
Hi, dad.
- It's very chef.
He's gonna really like that.
Eggs are cooking.
- [Sarah] Eggs are cooking.
- [Chef] Curds are meltin'.
- [Sarah] Curds are melting.
- This is very heavy.
- Oh my god.
Thank goodness I was not,
I was going to volunteer that job.
It's a good thing I didn't.
- No, I'm very strong.
It's all in the wrist.
It's a flip of the wrist.
A flick.
- Just a one-handed operation.
- Yep, just flick your wrist.
- Am I hired?
- Maybe.
We'll see. - Okay, I'm done.
- [Chef] Now, we're gonna pour these fries into here.
You can do this.
- We're still cookin'.
[Chef] We have our hot, gravy melty cheese.
We have these--
- What is this?
- Bacon lardon, try one.
- Okay.
- Just like...
- So fatty and good and amazing, but a little crispy.
- [Chef] A little extra bacon fat in there.
(Sarah groans)
- [Sarah] That is a perfect, sunny-side up egg.
- [Chef] You made them.
- Look at that jiggle.
I made them.
- That's all you, girl. - I did this.
I cracked it.
- You did this.
- [Sarah] This is just going right on top?
- [Chef] Right on top.
- Final step.
- If you would do the honors.
- Oh god, I would love nothing more.
Let me get my towel back in place.
- Yeah, just.
- [Chef] These are scallions,
some sliced scallions.
- All right, I'm just gonna dunk a little.
How do you feel about people requesting
special changes on these kinds of dishes?
Are you like shut up and eat my perfect meal, or?
- No, I don't care.
I get grossed out when people
wanna add calamari to cream mussels,
that makes me sick,
but I'll still do it.
Our baby's done.
- [Sarah] Yeah!
- Yes!
(upbeat swing music)
- I don't even know what to say
because I'm anticipating the cheese ball.
I'm wondering if we can get it up to here.
I'm gonna go for it.
(Sarah vocalizing)
Uh oh, we're breaking.
We're not gonna get up to the ceiling.
Can we, can we, can we?
Oh my god, it's over!
These fries are perfectly coated
with the cheese and the gravy,
and I'm gonna get a little bit of egg on this.
Okay, this is gonna be messy.
Let me really get this on there.
I'm scared.
Mm, boy that towel comes in handy.
Fact, I've never been to Canada.
I've never had real Poutine.
Poutine, Poutine, Poutine?
I don't know, however you say it,
if it tastes anything like this,
I might be moving there.
Goodbye America.
The taste is so good.
This is incredible.
You have to come here for brunch.
- To my new sous chef.
(both laughing)
- You'd think this glass would be a lot
more empty the way that I'm acting right now,
but that's just catch up to my personality.
Remember to like and subscribe to Delish
and I will see you next time!
For more infomation >> Best Bacon, Egg, And Cheese Fries In NYC | Delish Does - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Wolverine Wakes Up In 1973 (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:50.
The first time
Ever I saw your face
I thought the sun
Rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars
Were the gifts you gave
Holy shit.
It worked.
Hey, what's going on?
Gwen, get dressed. Who the hell are you?
Hey, I don't know what's going on.
You're supposed to be
guarding the boss's daughter, not screwing her.
Well, I didn't sleep with her.
No? No.
I mean, yes, I slept with her many times.
That wasn't me. That was the old me.
I just got here 20 seconds ago.
Then what happened to your clothes?
My-- Oh.
Would you believe me if I told you
I was sent here from the future?
Get out of here, sweetheart. Yeah.
We're gonna take care of this comedian. No, you're not.
You're gonna give me the keys to your car and some money for gas...
or you're gonna wake up in the hospital.
Trust me, I know how these things play out.
Oh. Because you're from the future?
Because of these.
What the hell?
God damn it!
Peaceful thoughts.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Nearly Cries After Question From Student Reporter - Duration: 3:12.
On Wednesday during the White House press briefing Sarah Huckabee Sanders actually had
a very rare moment, probably the first we've seen from her, since becoming the press secretary
for the White House where she actually responded as a normal human being would respond in a
given situation.
Take a look at what happened and watch how emotional Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets when
asked by a 13 year old junior reporter what her administration is doing about the issue
of violence in our schools.
The young colleague in the back.
Thanks for the compliment.
Hopefully these aren't as tough as bring your kids to work day questions.
At my school we recently had a lockdown drill.
One thing that affects my other students mental health is to worry about the fact that we
or our friends could get shot at school.
Specifically, can you tell me what the administration has done and will do to prevent these senseless
I think that as a kid and certainly as a parent there is nothing that could be more terrifying
for a kid to go to school and not feel safe.
I'm sorry that you feel that way.
This administration takes it seriously and the school safety commission that the president
convened is meeting this week again in an official meeting to discuss the best ways
forward and how we can do every single thing within our power to protect kids in our schools
and to make them feel safe and make their parents feel good about dropping them off.
She came very close right there, very close, to actually acting like a normal, rational,
emotional human being.
But then immediately choked back those tears, gave up on that human response and gave this
13 year old reporter a nonsensical dancing around the issue actual answer.
Said, "Oh, the administration, yeah, we're going to meet later this week and talk about
it," and, "We want you to feel safe.
We want your parents to feel safe for you."
Guess what Sarah?
That's not working.
This kid understands it, as do millions of kids in public schools all across this country,
and private schools too.
They have to go through these lockdown drills.
They have to be taught what to do in the event of somebody coming in that school with the
intent to murder them.
I have had to talk with my own kids who were in elementary school about what to do in those
That's not a conversation that we should have to have with our children, and yet we do because
of the horrible policies of people in Washington D.C.
The president could do something about this.
The republicans in charge of the house and the senate could do something about this.
The republican controlled Supreme Court could do something about this, but none of them
Yes, I say republicans because they control all three branches of government right now.
This issue, the problem of these violent school massacres rests on their shoulders because
they're the ones in charge and they're the ones doing absolutely nothing about this problem.
RT entrevista al 'youtuber' Fran MG a pocos días del Mundial de Rusia 2018 - Duration: 3:51.
Stuffed Peppers with Ground Beef & Feta || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 4:36.
Stuffed Peppers with Ground Beef & Feta Cheese
All ingredients & quantitative data are listed & linked in the infobox below.
Welcome to a new video...
...today I show you a simple & delicious recipe for stuffed bell peppers...
...with an oriental spiced beef filling & feta cheese...
...first for the beef mixture finely chop a large handful fresh parsley...
...give parsley along with 500 grams ground beef into a mixing bowl...
...also add 1 egg, 1 heaping tablespoon ajvar...
...a teaspoon each of cumin, ground coriander, sumac & turmeric...
...season well with a good pinch off salt & pepper...
...& finally add 150 grams crumbled feta cheese...
...mix everything together using your hands...
...until all ingredients are well combined..
...then briefly set aside...
...next, halve bell peppers with a knife...
...deseed them...
...but do not remove the stem base...
...now the peppers are ready to stuff...
...for that press about 2 - 3 tablespoons beef mixture into the peppers using a spoon...
...smooth down a bit...
...and set aside...
...if that's done we can prepare the tomato sauce...
...for that peel off an onion & clove of garlic & chop finely...
...then heat up a pan adding a dash oil...
...add onions & garlic to the pan...
...& sweat over medium heat for about 2 - 3 minutes until glassy, stirring occasionally...
...next, add a can chopped tomatoes...
...also season well with a pinch salt, sugar & pepper...
...give everything a good stir...
...allow the sauce to simmer slightly for 1 - 2 minutes...
...then remove from heat...
...pour the sauce into a baking dish & spread evenly on the bottom...
...now place the stuffed peppers side by side into the dish...
...& bake in the preheated oven at 200°C (top/bottom heat) for about 25 - 30 minutes...
...then get the done peppers out of the oven...
...& serve immediately...
...for that give a few tablespoons rice onto a plate...
...arrange the stuffed peppers onto the rice...
...some tomato sauce around...
...& finally garnish with finely chopped parsley...
...I hope you liked the video...
...I wish you a good appetite...
...have fun cooking & see you next video!
Roseanne Barr's Show Could Continue Without Her: "Is It Worth It For ABC?" | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 14:50.
This Woman Thought Her Nose Was Running – Actually It Was Brain Fluid | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:54.
Handwriting expert Tracey Trussell has observed a distinct change in Meghan Markle's writing - Duration: 6:17.
Meet A Man Who Broke His Neck, Then Became A Rhodes Scholar | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:28.
2 Friends Who Survived Cancer Get Glamorous Ambush Makeovers | TODAY - Duration: 5:46.
Wolverine & Beast vs Magneto (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.
Do what you were made for.
Where are you?
I got this! Go!
Oh, dear God, no.
So much for being a survivor.
One of them is in here.
No, no, no! Don't kill it!
I need it alive.
What the hell has happened?
The best natural remedies to reduce triglycerides | Natural Health - Duration: 5:30.
35 Balcony Designs and Beautiful Ideas for Decorating Outdoor Seating Areas - Duration: 3:10.
How to create custom Light Flares | HitFilm Express - Duration: 9:07.
Hey guys, welcome back to another HitFilm tutorial.
Today we're going to be taking a look at one of HitFilm's most popular built-in effects,
the light flares effect.
And we're going to be taking it to the next level by combining different types to create
our own customized anamorphic lens flare.
This techniques works in both HitFilm Pro and Express.
Later in the video we'll take a look at some effects that can enhance your light flares.
Some of these effects may require Express add-on packs.
Let's go ahead and get started.
Let's create a new black Plane and drop the Light Flares effect onto it.
Create a new Point as well- since we'll be using several effects, I want to be able to
move them all at once.
In the Hotspot Position properties, zero out the Center and select the Point under Use
One of the first things I recommend you do is go into the Flare Type list and look at
every flare that is available.
If you want to start building your own flares, you have to know what tools you have at your
Once you change the Type, you can use the down arrow key to quickly go through them
Take note of features you like, whether it's the shape of the hotspot, the rays, or any
other element of each flare.
If you're not sure what kind of lens flare you'd like to build, try Googling real picture
and go off of those.
For this tutorial I'll use this picture as inspiration.
The idea is to break the flare you want to recreate into smaller parts, and focus on
replicating them one at a time.
So we'll start with the hotspot, which is the name I use for the core circular light.
Now luckily, the default light flare has a hotspot that is pretty similar to what we're
going for.
Let's tweak a few settings to get it the rest of way there.
First, we have these circles coming off the flare that we don't need.
These artifacts are usually classified as Other Elements.
So I'll open that property list and turn the Brightness down to 0.
We're left with just the hotspot.
The reference image doesn't have as many of these sharp rays coming out of the center.
Under Rays, I'll decrease the Quantity Scale a bit to lower the amount.
In addition to how many rays are visible, you have control over their rotation, length,
and width.
There are several settings that can change the color of the flare, but I typically like
to use the Global controls.
In this case I'll actually just decrease the Saturation to 0; we'll be adding color back
in later.
When you're building light flares, be sure to name each layer appropriately.
It's very easy to become confused about which part of the flare you're adjusting.
Let's move on to the next part- this horizontal line that is common in anamorphic lens flares.
Duplicate and reset the first effect.
Remember to parent the position back to the Point layer.
The flare type that will work perfectly for this next piece is Digital Stripe.
I'll just decrease the Scale a bit.
Moving right along to the bigger light rays that come off of most lens flares- these are
usually more subtle but help enhance the glow.
I'll add another piece onto our light flares puzzle, and again parent it to the point.
For this I'll use the Sun Glare type, which is a simple flare with a nice circle of rays
coming out from the center.
I don't want the Hotspot to affect the rest of the flare too much, so I'll decrease the
Brightness of that, while at the same time increasing the Brightness in the Rays dropdown.
Remember that you can increase or decrease the Quantity Scale for more or less light
Next up is this chromatic hoop coming off of the center of the flare, and we have a
type that is perfect for just that.
It's called Chromatic Hoop.
This flare type has its own Hotspot, I'll turn it down to make it a bit more subtle.
The hoop itself is considered to be Rays, so you can adjust the look under that dropdown.
By decreasing the Quantity Scale to almost 0, you'll have the hoop be a solid piece of
If you like the look of the rainbow flare but don't want it to connect to the center,
try the Chromatic Arc type instead.
Before we move on to the next piece I want to colorize the flare we have so far.
If you're using Pro or have the Color: Looks pack for Express, I recommend using the Color
Vibrance effect.
Otherwise, you can use Hue Colorize.
I'll add this effect after my hotspot and ray flares but before the chromatic hoop.
I want the hoop to maintain its rainbow color.
Drop down the settings and increase the Saturation.
Adjust the Hue to your liking.
Now I'm going to to add some circles to our flare.
I'll choose the Anamorphic Enterprise type and completely turn down the Hotspot Brightness.
All we're left with is this artifact coming off the center.
Adjust its brightness as needed.
Alright, one more piece and then I'll move on to showing you some other effects that
can enhance your light flares.
I'm just going to add some big circles with the third type in the list: 50-300mm zoom.
The hotspot is definitely not needed at this point, so I'll turn that off.
The circles are considered Other Elements.
You can change the Brightness, Color, or Scale in that dropdown.
But there we go, we've built a unique lens flare that is not available in base Pro or
Let's take a look at a few other effects that can add more realism to your flares.
I'll start with effects available in base Express, then move on to some that require
add-on packs or Pro.
The first, as you've seen, is Hue Colorize.
This allows you to add a strong color over all the elements in your flare.
Remember that you don't have to put it on top and have it affect every part of the flare.
In this example I put the colorize about halfway through my effects chain.
Next up is Radial Blur.
If I add this onto my flare and go into the settings, I can set the Center to be on the
same Point as the flare itself.
This means that the middle of the flare will be sharp, and will gradually get blurrier
as it goes out.
This effect can be useful earlier on to soften some of those light rays.
And finally we have the standard Glow effect.
This can be used to increase the intensity of the whole flare, or if you just want to
add some more color and light falloff.
Use the Add or Screen blend mode for best results.
Moving on to the effects that require add-on packs or Pro to use.
By far my favorite effect to use with light flares is Gleam.
I'll add it on top of the flare elements here, and set the Position to use the Point layer
as well.
Then change the Blend to Screen.
You can see that the Gleam really helps soften the whole flare, and blend all of the elements
If you're planning to use Gleam, keep in mind that it does make the whole light flare appear
to be bigger, so you might want to make each piece smaller than normal when putting it
Gleam is available in the VFX: Lighting pack.
If you notice color banding in the Viewer, make sure you're working in a 16 bit color
This can be set in the Project tab at the top.
This gives HitFilm more colors to work with, and will result in smoother gradients.
16 bit color can be found in 4 different add-on packs: 3D Model Render, Color: Correction,
Color: Scopes, and Color: Starter.
The Anamorphic Lens Flare effect can add vertical or horizontal streaks.
The two Pivot properties determine whether the anamorphic flare sits directly on top
of the original flare, or on the opposite side.
This effect is also in the VFX: Lighting pack.
And of course, what lighting effect would be complete without Lens Dirt?
The Threshold setting determines how much of the flare is affected.
I recommend keeping this effect subtle.
If you have them available, you can use your own lens dirt pictures for more realistic
and varied results.
This effect can be found in the VFX: Retro Pack 2.
To save out your light flare to use in another project, right-click the composite shot in
the Media panel and select Save As.
This will export the composite shot as its own file.
In another project, go to Import, Composite Shot, then select the light flare file.
That's it for today.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.
Don't forget to subscribe, hit the bell icon, and I'll see you all in the next video.
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