- Hey guys, it's Amanda, MTV's resident makeup lover.
And today I am here to bring you a look
inspired by Katherine Langford,
aka the star of 13 Reasons Why.
So if you want to see how to get a blue eyeliner look,
just keep on watching.
(upbeat music)
So to start off this look, I am taking a warm brown shade
and I'm gonna pop that into the crease
just so we have a little bit of dimension there,
and we don't leave the entire eyelid bare.
So the star of this look is a blue eyeliner.
Now I don't actually have a blue eyeliner,
so today I'm gonna teach you my trick,
which is to improvise with eyeshadow.
So I'm taking a very deep royal blue eyeshadow,
and I'm gonna map out a winged liner with that,
which you can do dry, wet, however you want,
but it's a really great trick
if you don't actually have a certain product.
Just use an eyeshadow, it'll work exactly the same.
So Katherine's eyeliner actually starts
on her lower lash line, and it drags out towards her brow.
So I'm starting at the bottom of my lashes,
and then I'm bringing the line outwards.
That way the top of the liner
connects to our lower lash line.
So we have the blue on.
It's really cool, it's a really fun pop of color for Spring.
And you actually could do this with any color
and just follow the same technique.
But I love that Katherine was wearing this kind of blue,
because not a lot of people are doing that these days,
and hers is a little more indigo than this
kind of royal blue situation we have going on,
but any color is gonna look really special,
and I feel like I would wear this to a party,
or if there was some sort of festival.
I feel like this is a really cool makeup look to do.
So the next step is to curl our lashes
and pop on some mascara.
'Cause this could look a little frightening the way
it is now, so we need something to ground the look,
and that's gonna be a little bit of blackness up there.
(upbeat music)
I literally feel naked without mascara,
so I like to put a lot on,
and I just think it really grounds this look.
Now we already have that blue on our
outer corner of our lower lash line,
so I'm actually not gonna add anything else,
except a little bit of mascara down there.
I can't really tell if Katherine was rocking
a lot of mascara on her lower lash line,
but it's something that I'm comfortable doing,
so I'm gonna do it.
So our eyes are done, I'm gonna
move on to the rest of the face.
And because this is a springtime look, I'm gonna bronze,
I'm gonna add a little bit of color on the cheeks.
We're gonna highlight, we're gonna do the whole thing.
So let's start with bronzer.
So I'm taking a big stippling brush,
and I'm just swirling this color on the backs of the cheeks.
And I'm also gonna take it on
the forehead and down the neck.
Contouring is one of my favorite things about makeup.
I love that you can change your face,
change anything you have to so you feel good about yourself.
So this is the palette I'm gonna be using,
and I'm gonna be taking this ashy brown color right here
and we're gonna use that all over our face.
With this kind of brush, you're definitely
getting more of an even blend,
because you're placing the product on, but it's kind of
doing the work for you and blending upwards.
And a fish face, like this, is not required.
But sometimes it helps to find your
cheekbones a little easier that way.
I always put this on my jawline too,
get rid of any potential double chin.
So now we've contoured, I'm moving on to blush,
and with a blue eyeshadow, I don't want to go too crazy,
so I think a really cool peachy toned blush
is gonna look great with this look.
So with an angled brush and this color right here,
we're gonna pop that onto the cheeks,
get some warmth back into our face.
I always start my blush at the back of my face,
just in case I have too much on the brush.
It'll come off there instead of right in the middle
of the face, where it'll be super noticeable.
To follow up with the warm blush on the cheeks,
I'm actually taking a tangerine color highlighter,
which sounds scary, but it's not.
And a fan brush, and we're gonna place that on the tops of
the cheeks, tops of our eyebrows, tip of the nose, all the
places you want to bring forward, you want to look glowing.
That's what this is for.
This kind of brush really distributes the product
perfectly on the top of your cheek.
And I always connect it into my eyebrow like this.
Right at that brow bone, just in a C shape.
I'm then switching over to a smaller brush,
just so I can get a little closer on the tip of the nose,
the Cupid's bow, and in the inner corner of my eyes.
So next I'm gonna move on to lips,
and I'm following this theme of peach.
So we're gonna use a peachy nude lipstick,
and we're gonna pop that all over the lips.
I always start with a lip primer.
It's like a clear lip gloss that you just put all over your
mouth and I swear your lip products will stay on all day,
through eating, drinking, talking, whatever you're doing.
It will not move if you use a primer.
I'm then gonna follow up with a lip liner.
This is optional, but it just helps me,
acts as a guide for my lipstick.
So I'm taking a really deep brown neutral shade.
Just gonna line my lips with that,
and then put the lipstick right on top.
And now I'm following up with
this neutral lipstick right here.
It has a peach undertone, it matches
everything else we've got going on.
So that is the perfect thing to complete this look with.
Now if you know me, you know there is one more step,
and that is to set our face.
So I'm putting a setting spray, putting that all over,
and then I'm gonna follow up with a sponge
to matte everything down and keep it
all in place for the rest of the day.
(upbeat music)
So that my friends is my completed
Katherine Langford inspired look.
I love this blue eyeliner, or eye shadow, as I used today.
I want you guys to continue to tell me who you're
into these days, whose makeup your loving,
because I want to know, I want to see it,
and I want to do it for you.
So than you so much for watching and I'll see you next time.
For more infomation >> How to Get Katherine Langford's Blue Eyeliner Look 💙 | DIY Beauty Breakdown | MTV - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
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Apply Vaseline On Breast Daily - Amazing 5 Vaseline Beauty Hacks - Duration: 10:17.
She applied Vaseline on her breasts daily and after 30 days the results are more than amazing
Vaseline is a brand of petroleum jelly based products which includes skin creams lotions
cleansers and deodorants
However, these products may also help in many other ways
You can use them for lip care to soften the skin on your elbows and ankles and hydrate your cuticles
Some women claim that rubbing Vaseline on your breasts will increase their size
It may sound unbelievable, but many women swear in this method and there's no harm in trying it
All you have to do rub Vaseline on your breasts then put a dab of toothpaste on the nipple
Repeat the process every night before going to bed and believe us that you'll be amazed by the results
Besides this Vaseline can also help you in the following cases
Makes your eyelashes grow apply a bit of vaseline on your eyelashes overnight and they will quickly start growing
softens dry and cracked elbows
To hydrate your dry and cracked elbows rub some Vaseline on the area every day until you notice results
makes your lips luscious the fall and winter can easily make your lips dry and
Unattractive, but applying some Vaseline on them can make them more kissable and luscious again
Mix it with some kool-aid powder and you'll get a great colored lip gloss
Treats dry cuticles apply some vaseline on dry cuticles to hydrate them and improve their appearance
Helps the perfume last longer put some vaseline on your perfume points to intensify and prolong the scent
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5 home remedies to lift sagging breasts without exercises
sagging breasts without
Exercises there is not a solitary lady who wouldn't have any desire to have her bosoms idealized for the duration of her life
Lamentably drooping is unavoidable and it will happen to every single one of us
Be that as it may there are still approaches to battle it on the off chance that it happens too soon
It is felt that your bosoms begin to droop when you get more established
However, there are different variables that can impact this procedure as well
For instance fast weight reduction or pickup pregnancy and even wrongly pick works out. So what would you be able to do?
Above all else you should work out in any case as it has been specified
Above on the off chance that you pick the wrong method for practicing. It can likewise exacerbate the procedure
Along these lines. It is smarter to counsel with an accomplished mentor before you begin doing anything
giving your bosoms a back rub is
Dependably a pleasant thing yet in the event that you do it in the correct way. It can likewise battle the hanging
Have a go at giving yourself a nice rub and appreciate the solidness of your bosoms a while. Later
This sort of back rub has a lifting capacity. So you will see the outcomes in a matter of moments
Another extraordinary choice of back rub is the one utilizing olive oil
Due to the various advantages of olive oil. It is utilized for various purposes in the firming impact. It's one of them
Rehash this back rub up to five times each week and appreciate the outcomes
Another fine cure against bosom hanging is a blend of yolk and cucumber
Make a glue out of these items and apply it to your bosoms for 30 minutes once per week and the outcomes will be beguiling
Try not to discard the egg whites since they are extraordinary for this reason as well
Each and every one of the items said above can be found in any kitchen and the procedure is not under any condition
troublesome or tedious
All you require is a tiny bit of one to take care of the issue
Try not to disregard the arrangement that is lying before you
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The reason why many women put cabbage leaves on their breasts will amaze you
many American and European women use this strange yet extremely helpful method of putting cabbage leaves on their breasts for
various purposes
the reason they do this is that cabbage can soothe the stress and pain from wearing an
Uncomfortable bra as well as relieve swelling pain and discomfort caused by breastfeeding
Cabbage leaves act as magnets pulling out any ailment and disease from our body
According to a 2008 study. They can effectively decrease breast engorgement and pain in breastfeeding mothers
So placing cold cabbage leaves on your breasts as soothing and helps reduce breast swelling and pain
how to use cabbage leaves for breasts
Take one head of cabbage and refrigerate it for an hour
It's better. If you use green cabbage as the red one will probably leave stains on your bra and clothes
once cold enough feel off its outer leaves as you don't need them you
Need two inner cabbage leaves. So return the rest of the cabbage in the fridge to have it cold for the next time
Wash the leaves well under cold running water to make sure there are no dirt
Residue or pesticides left on them?
Remove the stems from the center of the clean cabbage leaves and they will fit nicely over your breasts
However, make sure they don't cover your nipples to keep the skin around them dry and intact
once you've wrapped the clean cold cabbage leaves around your breasts without covering the nipples let them stay for 20 minutes you
Can even put on a bra to keep them in place
Remove after this period as the leaves will be warm and repeat whenever necessary
Note breastfeeding mothers who use this method to relieve breast engorgement and reduce breast swelling
Should stop this treatment when the swelling is gone into their breasts in a much better condition
This method might decrease breast engorgement and swelling but it can also reduce the breast milk supply
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7 home remedies to lift sagging breasts without exercises
every woman dreams of perfect breasts and while we are young
There is not much to worry about but when we get older the way our breasts look leaves much to be desired
The thing is that as we get older our breasts tend to lose their elasticity in shape, but apart from each
There are a number of other things that make our breasts sag, too
Breastfeeding pregnancy smoking and heavy drinking are among them yet. If there is a cause there is bound to be a remedy
That is why today we are going to bring your attention to a list of seven home remedies that will help you get rid of
That sagginess and get your breasts back into the perfect shape
Number one exercise, of course. There are no breast muscles
But it does not mean that working on muscles around your breasts won't help
Target your pectoral muscles while hitting the gym and you will see an improvement in no time
number two ice massage ice massage is proven to be very effective too when you decide to get your
breasts back to their perfect shape
Just make sure that you do not expose your breasts too cold for longer than one minute at a time
Number 3 olive oil olive oil is helpful for many reasons
Apart from it being very nutritious. It helps to firm your breasts as well
Just a regular 15-minute massage will prove to be effective in no time
Number four cucumber mask to get this mask ready. You are going to need one cucumber and one egg yolk
Mash the cucumber and mix it well with egg yolk and some butter then apply it to your breasts
Leave it on for about 30 minutes to rinse it off and enjoy the result
Number five egg white egg white is proven to be effective against many things and breast sagginess is surely one of them
Beat some egg whites and apply them onto your breasts for about 30 minutes
Then wash them off and observe the results
Number 6 fenugreek, if you follow this fenugreek treatment at least once a week
You will be amazed with the result
All you need to do is to combine some fenugreek powder with water and create a thick paste out of it
Once you are done, you should apply it to your breasts and leave it on for 10 minutes
number 7 aloe vera the pow'rs aloe vera has are great if you massage some aloe vera gel into your breasts at
Least five times a week you will see perfect results in no time
We want you in those close to you to live a healthy happy life
Your health is a valuable thing. Look after your body and your mind so that you can live your life to the fullest
Remember you only get one please share this with your friends and family and let us know what you think in the comments below
Thank you for watching if you want more recipes and tips subscribe to the channel now
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Staffers Say Trump Is OBSESSED With Deporting Immigrants - Duration: 3:51.
According to Donald Trump administration staffers, both current and former, who recently spoke
to the Washington Post, Donald Trump doesn't understand anything about immigration policy
here in the United States and more importantly, according to these staffers, he doesn't even
understand where and what the border between the United States and Mexico actually is.
Now keep in mind, this is the guy who's built his entire campaign and his administration
on sending people back over the border, and according to these staffers, he doesn't know
where it is.
He doesn't know what it is.
He just knows that he wants a wall along it so we can start throwing people back into
Mexico, over that wall.
Furthermore, Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen, they've said that she is not a fan
of Donald Trump's wall idea.
She doesn't like it and her job has become basically impossible because she's trying
to teach Donald Trump what immigration policy is in the United States because staffers say
he doesn't even know what that is, and he's just getting mad at her because he wants her
to deport more people faster.
They have described Donald Trump as being obsessed with immigration here in the United
States, and, as if this story couldn't get any worse, here it goes getting worse.
Back in 2017, when Donald Trump was about to give his first joint, speech to a joint
session of Congress, excuse me.
He met in the Oval Office before the speech with Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller and
there were a few staffers present as well.
Miller and Kushner actually managed to get Donald Trump to soften his rhetoric a little
bit about immigrants before he gave this speech.
Apparently, he wanted to go in there and according to the staffers who were present, he wanted
to make up Hispanic sounding names, then associate them with some made up crime, and then say
that they had been deported because he thought the crowd would cheer wildly.
Donald Trump had proposed to Kushner and Miller, who for some reason had a stroke of lucidity
for a moment, decided tot alk him out of it, but the President wanted to lie to Congress,
make up fake people, fake crimes and a fake deportation just to see if they would give
him cheers like he gets at his rally.
Everything the president says is a lie.
I don't believe a word that comes out of this man's mouth, and neither should you.
Neither should anybody in this country.
Next time he gives a rally and says that oh yeah, we deported some guy who killed this
person and he was Hispanic, don't believe it.
We have evidence now, we have witnesses that he literally makes this stuff up, and he runs
it by his staff to see if they like it.
Apparently, according to the people in that room, Kushner and Miller both laughed at the
possibility of him doing this, but they ultimately stopped him.
I know a lot of think pieces have come out since the election, saying Donald Trump won
because of economic anxiety of Midwestern voters.
That's not what it was, ladies and gentlemen.
We know what Donald Trump is all about.
We know why he is obsessed with deporting dark-skinned people.
We don't even have to say it because we all know exactly what it is.
That is what Donald Trump built his campaign on.
That is what energized the alt right, and that is why the alt right feels so powerful
Because they know that they've got a guy in the White House who thinks the same way they
do and hates the same kind of people that they hate.
Vietnam Vets Are Cleaning Their Memorial—An Important Guest Shows Up And Grabs A Sponge - Duration: 3:15.
Vietnam Vets Are Cleaning Their Memorial—An Important Guest Shows Up And Grabs A Sponge.
Serving in the military teaches you more about yourself than it does about warfare (although
our training is second to none in the U.S.).
One of the more important lessons we learn is perseverance.
President Donald Trump understands this—and further understands the necessity of saluting
and honoring the American flag.
Honor is a big part of the military, remember.
But perhaps perseverance reigns supreme in the armed forces.
No matter the situation, United States soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen (or dogs, squids,
jarheads, and flyboys/girls) have a very difficult time not finishing a job, especially when
they are ordered to stand down or retreat.
Persevering means continuing to perform your duties up to the highest standards without
It means to keep moving forward, inch by inch, until the objective is achieved.
From Independent Journal Review:
"The Vietnam War Memorial is hallowed ground.
In a city of gleaming white marble monuments and pink cherry blossoms, the black, sunken
façade etched with the 58,307 names of the fallen, stands out as a haunting tribute to
the sacrifice of a generation.
The wall itself is open to the public 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
It is our nation's most embraceable monument.
You can touch it, rest your head against it and cry on it.
No one will stop you."
Because of these liberal rules regarding a national monument, it requires extensive maintenance
in the form of scrubbing and cleaning on a weekly basis.
Veteran's groups and others volunteer each weekend to perform these chores with love
and respect.
And this week, a true leader joined the Rolling Thunder motorcycle organization (most of whom
are vets themselves) for their turn in serving their fallen brothers-in-arms.
And it's a very big name:
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke grabbed sponges and soapy water to do his part in helping
Rolling Thunder members clean the memorial.
And Zinke has made a habit of honoring this nation's landmarks:
"Zinke has taken an immersive approach to his new job, which happens to include oversight
of America's national parks and monuments.
The Secretary rode a horse into the office on his first day, shoveled snow off the Lincoln
Memorial steps after a snowstorm, gave stunned tourists a personal tour of the cavernous
cathedral beneath the Lincoln Memorial, and has engaged in international sock diplomacy.
Secretary Zinke is one of only a handful of government workers who has truly earned the
title of 'leader.'"
We salute you, Secretary Zinke!
Our soldiers today take enough crap from liberal anti-American types (like elitist, entitled
professors); it's nice to see a politician step up and honor America, isn't it?
What do you think about this?
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Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Iran gives EU leaders 60 day nuclear ultimatum as Trump_Latest News - Duration: 3:21.
breaking news today
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USA withdrawal Iran gives EU leaders 60-day nuclear ultimatum as Trump quits
deal Iran has issued the European Union with a 60-day ultimatum after Donald
Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal the u.s. withdrew
from the nuclear accord last week after saying the defective agreement would not
stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb Iran on Sunday gave the European
signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal 60 days to provide guarantees to safeguard
Iran's interests in light of the US controversial decision to unilaterally
pull out of the historic deal to Iran's Parliament's website said quoting an
Iranian official I can ADATA are reported the Europeans have between 45
and 60 days to give the necessary guarantees to safeguard Iranian
interests and compensate the damages caused by the u.s. pullout the spokesman
of Parliament's Foreign Affairs Commission side Jose Naga Vee later
attributed the comments to Abbas Eric Shi Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister dot
according to him mr. Eric she warned the commission that Iranian officials would
have to take the necessary decisions if they did not receive such guarantees
from France Germany and Britain the deals three European signatories this is
the first time that Iran has issued an ultimatum since u.s. President Donald
Trump announced last week that Washington was withdrawing from the
nuclear pact and reimposing crippling sanctions on Tehran sparking worldwide
concern and outrage under the 2015 agreement with France
Germany Britain Russia China and the u.s. Iran agreed to put curbs on its
nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of some sanctions but mr. Trump
who slammed the deal as decaying and rotten argued that the agreement did not
include Iran's ballistic missile program its nuclear activities beyond 2025 when
the provisions of the deal expire in its regional interference Iranian Foreign
Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif for his part embarked on a diplomatic tour on
Sunday in an effort to save the deal mr. Zarif said shortly arriving in Beijing
he was hopeful of forging a clear future design for the nuclear deal in the wake
of Washington's withdrawal adding that the interests of the people of Iran must
be assured for the deal to survive France Britain and Germany for their
part jointly condemned mr. Trump's decision to quit the deal and pledged to
uphold the agreement without the u.s. french foreign minister jean-yves le
drian said on sunday the deal known as the joint comprehensive plan of action
Jake Poe could still prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons mr. le drian
told reporters in Dublin we think that the fight against nuclear
non-proliferation is important in this agreement means that nuclear
non-proliferation is possible because Iran will not go all the way to build
nuclear weapons we are stakeholders in the Vienna agreement and we are going to
stay stakeholders dot thanks for watch please share like comment this video and
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