Welcome back to China Uncensored.
I'm Chris Chappell.
Remember when laser weapons were the domain
of stormtroopers and Death Stars?
Well, the future of military-grade lasers has arrived
and it's...a little scary.
In a test,
this laser weapon developed for the US military
shot down five drones.
And check out this one:
a Tactical High Energy Laser code named THEL.
It can track, lock onto, and fire a laser
at an incoming missile or artillery shell
and shoot it down mid-flight.
In fact, some laser weapons are so dangerous
they've been banned.
Both the US and China signed
the Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons.
It bans the use of lasers
that can cause permanent blindness.
But... it seems that the Chinese military
just used a laser weapon on American pilots.
I mean, it's been 20 years since China signed that treaty.
Maybe they forgot.
And to be fair,
1998 was a long time ago.
I mean, back in 1998,
we were watching Young Hercules,
while playing Pokemon and listening to Britney Spears
and...oh my God I'm so old.
What's that, Shelley?
Oh right, lasers.
There have been about ten recent incidents
where Chinese military personnel
allegedly pointed high-powered lasers at US planes
flying near a US military base.
It's been happening in the African nation of Djibouti—
where both the US and China have military bases
within a few miles of each other.
A DOD spokesperson said that in a recent incident,
two American cargo plane pilots
were injured by the Chinese lasers.
They are very serious incidents.
There have been two minor injuries.
This activity poses a threat to our airmen.
We have formally demarched the Chinese government
and we have requested the Chinese investigate these incidents.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry—
surprise, surprise—
denies everything.
Their spokesperson also demanded that reporters
"remind relevant people in the US
to pay attention to facts."
Well the fact is that last year
China opened its first ever foreign military base
about a mile away from the US base in Djibouti,
on the horn of Africa.
And, according to the American general
that oversees US operations in Africa,
there goes the neighborhood.
U.S. Marine Corps General Thomas Waldhauser
diplomatically said there's a lot of "learning" and "growing"
going on because this is the first time ever
a "peer competitor" opened up shop
so close to an American base.
And that this poses some
"very significant operational security concerns."
But whoever's tagging planes with lasers
on the Horn of Africa is also putting pilots at risk.
The Federal Aviation Administration last month published
a warning to pilots to use extreme caution in the area.
"There have been multiple lazing events
involving a high-power laser in the vicinity."
"Lazing events"?
I thought lazing events looked more like this.
But according to the South China Morning Post,
"Chinese military observers say the lasers
may have been used to scare away birds."
Oh, yeah.
I can see how a C-130 Hercules cargo plane
that weighs 30 tons and has a wingspan of 120 feet
could be mistaken for a flock of seagulls.
And of course there's no way the Chinese military
could be getting freakishly possessive
about the air space around their naval base in Djibouti.
At least until the Chinese government
issues a statement calling the airspace
around their naval base in Djibouti
part of Chinese territory since ancient times.
For now, though,
it seems the Pentagon is leaving open
the possibility that some overzealous Chinese personnel
might have been acting on their own—
and that it's not actually a top-level policy-driven territorial dispute.
But just in case,
learning to deflect laser blasts
might not be a bad idea.
So what do you think about allegations
of Chinese personnel shooting lasers at US planes?
Leave your comments below.
Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Stay where you are!
Because I'm going to answer another fan question.
This one comes from David Michael White.
He asks:
"Chris, what is your favorite piece of literature from China?"
I actually love Chinese literature, so I'm a bit torn on what answer to give.
I'd say my favorite of the Four Classics is Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
But if you'd like something a little more modern,
I'd say The Three-Body Problem trilogy by Liu Cixin.
Some of the best science fiction I've ever read.
It ranks right up there with Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
Thanks for the question.
As I mentioned on Wednesday,
at the end of each episode
I'm going to answer a question from a member
of our China Uncensored 50-Cent Army.
You can join, too!
Click this orange button and pledge
a dollar or more per episode.
We're independent media,
so your financial support is what keeps China Uncensored going.
For more infomation >> Trung Quốc Bắn Laser Vào Phi Công Mỹ Ở Djibouti? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Team X 'Let's Go To War' Scene | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Movie CLIP 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:00.
Hey, Hank, do you think you can fly this thing?
Yeah, I can figure it out.
Hey, guys.
Flight suits.
You got your warplane.
Let's go to war.
A gift...
from the past you left behind...
and the future that lies ahead.
You will reach down, my son.
Deep into the earth.
Rip everything they've built from the ground.
Wipe clean this world.
And we will lead those that survive...
into a better one.
And me?
Am I to play a role in this madness?
You have the most important role of all.
Were you scared?
That day in D.C., were you scared?
But I was scared on my first mission.
I was on a plane like this with my friends.
About your age.
We called ourselves the X-Men.
Your brother was there.
We used to call him Havok.
He was a real handful...
but when it came down to it, he was very brave.
What happened to the rest of the kids who went with you?
The X-Men?
Hank and I are the only ones left.
I couldn't save the rest of them.
I told you, I'm not a hero.
Well, you're a hero to us.
Seeing you that day on
changed my life.
Mine, too.
Mine, too.
I still live in my mom's basement but, you know...
everything else is...
It's pretty much the same.
I'm a total loser.
How to draw PACMAN for kids - Duration: 1:36.
How to draw PACMAN for kids
Gardening Fun with Friends | Borage, Peas, Roses | Vlog - Duration: 11:09.
I just got back from the airport dropping off my old friend Dotty who
was down to see me in the play this past weekend in Sierra Madre and yesterday we
got our hands in the dirt and did some clearing out. Dottie is a master gardener.
She knows a lot about bulbs, which I know next to nothing about, she knows a lot
about roses and flowers, so I learned a lot, and we had a lot of fun. Check it out!
Yeah, then you could leave it alone but, you're so cramped for space Kaye that I would
take it out. And the thing is at this point it's probably already dropped seeds. And see now
in order to grow more, Kaye, you need to get rid of this borage, because it's
either just taking over you know and shading out everything. I like this
netting. It's just specifically for gardening? Yeah, it's a garden trellis.
This was this great structure that we built in one video and and then it never
really got used cuz the peas didn't materialize. Oh shoot. This is why it
helps to have space for the roots. Yeah, Wow!
Is that deep enough? Yeah. Oh, okay, that's easy.
So you leave it a little bit, of it exposed. Yeah, okay. And you don't think
we need any compost or plant food or anything? Oh, this is exciting.
I've had these in my windowsill for two years. You're kidding! No, I'm not kidding.
Oh no, I take it back. I think two of them were were dried and in my cabinet. Oh
yeah. Something like that. Oh this is gonna be so beautiful when
they bloom. You're doing all the work, but it's actually not that much work. No, it's not.
And that's not too close to the fence because if it grows up, it'll just fall
against the fence anyway. That'll be good.
Yes, of course.
They'll bloom in the spring? they could bloom in the winter for
you, because your, your climate down here is a little bit
different than Salinas, so they might bloom a little earlier.
We decided to take out this three year old orange thai, because it just doesn't
look like it's gonna make it but I do have some new growth on the second year
plant. So I'm gonna preserve that for now, maybe prune it back a little, see what
happens. Wow, you've got it out already! Dottie doesn't mess around. So what
Dottie's doing now is we decided that we would take off the blooms of the borage
and then preserve the leaves and the stems for compost teas, but they're
probably already a lot of seeds in the flowers and if I make compost tea with
flowers, then I'm just going to be watering borage seeds all over my garden
and I already have so much.
it's a good idea to wear gloves when you're working with borage because it's
very prickly. We're just cutting the flowers off so the seeds don't get into
the compost tea, keeping the leaves and the stems.
I try to have mine resharpened. Professionally? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did that once.
Composted? Or, just dumped? Green bin. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna take out
the lobelia because something hit it and it looks awful, so she, you pulled it out
with one handful. Well, we still have to dig out the roots. Yeah, you know what, we
may do that tomorrow. Now, we've revealed this garlic bed which
probably there's not much down there, but we're gonna need to prop up the cilantro,
which was being propped up by the porridge, and the lemon verbena which has
gone haywire, and we have a ladybug larva.
You want me hold something while you tie it? You got it? You got the clips? Yeah.
You know I'm gonna have Eric do this one tomorrow, yeah. Yes. There's plenty of
stuff for the bees to go around they don't have to go for the thing I'm
working on.
You can see the size of these peas.
So, I think we should shell those and put them in our salad tonight. Oh yeah, yeah.
It's just, it's this constant battle with the raccoons, so I thought you know what?
If I find that they don't like the, to go on those rocks in the back, yes, I might
take the woodchips out. And put those rocks, put the rock in.
so I thought we would just, maybe we'll take out all the onions except, I don't
know when onions are ready, but I was thinking you might leave the onions except
for maybe two or three, and let them go to seed, go to bloom, because the bees, it will
kind of help replace some of the borage.
Okay. And one of these looks good, the one beside it I think is bigger. Yep,
it's longer. Nice! Beauties! Very nice. Is that all you want? Yeah.
This is called a Fourth of July rose. Ever since I came back from England, I
wanted to have a climbing rose going up the side of my house. So I don't know
much about roses, my friend Dottie knows a lot about roses, so we went and bought
one when she was visiting. It took a bit of a beating getting it into my Prius and
out and then tomorrow when Eric comes it'll get planted in the ground.
Nothing is more fun than gardening with a friend who shares your passion, and
next weekend I get to do it again with a brand-new friend, a Late Bloomer fan
who's driving down from Las Vegas with her daughter to see me in the play,
Patti Hayden. You've heard about her before. And after the play we're going to
get into the garden and get our hands dirty, so look forward to that. In the
meantime, please give me a like on this video, and share this channel with your
friends and help it grow, and I'll see you in the next one.
Look at the size of that. Wow!
Toy Gun NERF Gun Toy Guns Minecraft Sword Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:13.
Toy Gun NERF Gun Toy Guns Minecraft Sword
Java or Kotlin for Android Development - Duration: 6:17.
Hey, this is the Daily Overpass, my name is Eric and I make apps!
Now today, let's talk about Java or Kotlin for Android development!
Ok, so a couple of days ago on episode 351 we got a question from Abhi Bhardwaj who says
"Hey Eric, next video topic - kotlin vs java for people new to android development.
Cheers man!"
Abhi, I hate to say this but I am not a real developer because I don't know kotlin, I've
never bothered to learn it!
I know when it came out, I remember seeing it at the Google IO a couple of years ago
saying this new language kotlin is so much better, and I just thought I didn't really
have a java problem.
I'm comfortable with java.
I mean, java is not my first language.
I think if I have to choose my favourite language it would be javascript or C sharp.
C sharp was something I just loved coding in.
So then we started doing web stuff and I moved into jQuery, and started doing a lot more
client stuff I really loved using javascript, and I still do and if I have to do any kind
of programming, especially little tools and stuff like that, like a process that does
some uploads or something like that, I'll write it in node because I really like using
that and I love the fact that the language is portable.
But I've also been reading a lot lately on Dart, which again, I don't know much about
yet, but every time I start looking at it I think...am I getting too old to learn a
new language?
I think that's what I'm thinking about!
But one of the things that Dart has over javascript is that it's compiled and there's all these
reasons why dart is better than javascript for certain things, like for using flutter
and everything like that.
So the reason I've never learnt Kotlin is because I don't really have a need to learn
I'm cool with Java!
Java to me, unless somebody tells me a reason why Kotlin is better, I'm sticking with Java,
just because I know there's more Java opportunities out there.
I know if a client comes to me with an Android project, it's probably gonna be in Java.
It's much more similar to javascript, the way the syntax looks and everything.
The same way when Swift came out, then I was like totally on board with Swift because I
hate using Objective C. I think I'm just too stupid for Objective C. Every time I look
at it I just feel like I'm in way over my head!
So if I have to do anything on iOS native, then I prefer to do it in Swift if I can.
But I would love to hear from anybody out there who's using Kotlin and what are the
benefits and how you're finding using it, because one of the things is - languages do
get older.
Like, some things stick around for ages like C++ and everything like that, but you don't
find that many C++ developers...I suppose they work a lot on hardware and stuff like
that, but not too much.
But PHP, PHP is a language that is old old, Java's a language that is old!
There's new things that have come on and if you're looking at getting jobs in software
and everything, I'd be looking at which one of these do you think is gonna catch on the
And sometimes I will learn a language just because of the framework it's in.
So, Lua was a language that a prefer not to use Lua, I would never use it for anything
outside of Corona sdk, but because I was learning Corona, I learnt all the Lua functions and
everything like that too.
But I'm not one of these people who says "oh, Lua is such a good language, it's so beautiful!",
I hate using it.
Sometimes other frameworks like, i wasn't big on Angular on the web, but with the ionic
framework that's when I started learning how Angular works and really started getting into
all that kind of stuff, because the framework was so good that it lured me in!
Another one is ruby on rails.
Ruby is a language that...and it's all personal preference, so when I say I prefer the curly
brackets, I prefer semi-colons at the end of every line, that kind of stuff, that's
just me because it's easier to jump from one language to another but with Ruby, I didn't
like the way the indentions were used, I didn't like all that kind of stuff.
But some people just love using it.
You've got something like CoffeeScript which looks a lot more like Ruby.
And you've got things like typescript which takes JavaScript to the next level and it
also does transpiling and everything like that.
Transplicing...yes transpiling...I can't remember the term.
But you know, where it takes the typescript and converts it into JavaScript, blah blah
There's lots of different language versions out there.
I think if you're starting out, I would say look into Kotlin.
There's so many Java developers out there that if you get really good at Kotlin and
there were job opportunities that came up, then you might have a niche there, where you
wouldn't be competing with somebody who's like 55 who's been using Java for the last
30 years.
You would be new to Kotlin.
That might be something that you could use.
That's just me.
I think that if it's new, there's a reason they come out with a new language is because
there's something wrong with the old one, or they're easier, or you can do more with
them and as more APIs and stuff come out, using languages like - and it seems like Google
comes out with a lot of them - using things like Go or Dart or Kotlin, all of them I've
never bothered to learn.
I look at them thinking "yeah, those are more for young people, I'm getting too long...".
Maybe it's just, I'm not.
So anyway I know I'm rambling on a little bit today Abhi, i don't really know.
I would say if you were gonna start out, start off with Kotlin.
There's a reason that Google wants to push you in that direction and you might as well
get really really good at it, because you could probably fall back to java pretty easily
I'd imagine.
That's just my opinion.
What do you guys think?
If you're starting out an android development, for those of you seasoned developers out there
who have been doing this for a while, if you were just starting off, would you invite somebody
to go with Java or with Kotlin?
So anyway those are my thoughts for today!
That's it for today, I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow!
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Breaking News Today⚠️ WW3 Russia hacks THOUSANDS of devices with researchers warning 'MAJOR attack - Duration: 3:47.
breaking news today
welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification
box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today Russia hacks
thousands of devices with researchers warning major cyber attacks expected
cyber security researchers have warned Russian hackers have infected at least
500,000 Reuters and storage devices in 54 countries with malicious malware and
planned to launch further attacks in the future dot s searchers at Cisco talos
said they had high confidence the Russian government was behind the
malicious software known as VPN filter as the software shares code similarities
with other Russian spy tools previously used to attack Ukraine the experts said
the software tricks users into downloading security updates and is most
probably designed to target industrial systems in electrical grids the
researchers said we have not completed our research but recent events have
convinced us that the correct way forward is to now share our findings so
that affected parties can take the appropriate action to defend themselves
both the scale and the capability of this operation are concerning dot
working with our partners we estimate the number of infected devices to be at
least 500,000 in at least 54 countries lastly the malware has a destructive
capability that can render an infected device unusable which can be triggered
on individual victim machines or an masse and has the potential of cutting
off Internet access for hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide martin
lee technical lead for security research at cisco talos also expressed his
concerns stating what is also worrying is that this malware has a module which
targets Modbus a protocol used to operate industrial control systems which
may be found in power stations or railway track point controls he also
drew parallels between VPN filter in a software used to target Ukraine's power
grid in 2015 . he said there are also similarities between this malware in the
black energy attacks that previously affected electricity supply in Ukraine
it is vital that organizations which protect industrial systems such as the
water and electricity supply take the necessary steps to protect against
attacks such as these the cybersecurity company said further attacks on Ukraine
are likely as the country has been in a long-term conflict with Russia over the
annexation of Crimea and Russian backed separatists in the country the company
reported a sudden increase in VPN filter infections in Ukraine from May 8th
onwards and Ukraine's SBU Security Service has already expressed concern
Russia will conduct a cyber attack ahead of the Champions League final match
taking place in Kiev this weekend . researchers also commented on the
complexity of the threat posed stating defending against this threat is
extremely difficult due to the nature of the affected devices the majority of
them are connected directly to the internet with no security devices or
services between them and the potential attackers this challenge is augmented by
the fact that most of the affected devices have publicly known
vulnerabilities which are not convenient for the average user to patch a national
cyber security centre spokesman commented on the findings stating this
research is a timely reminder for organizations and home users to get the
basics right to help protect their systems against cyber threats we
actively encourage everyone to follow their manufacturers advice and ensure
they are installing patches and using up-to-date antivirus software . thanks
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An American killed in Silay City Philippines
Hello my friends, and welcome back. And for those of you that are here for the first time I'm going to invite you to click on the subscribe button and the notification icon,
So you can be notified and continue to get fresh new Philippines videos and motivational videos.
Now today I'm going to talk to you about An American killed in Silay City, Phillipines, An American killed in Silay City, Philippines.
This is a continuation of our series on Crime in the Philippines So today we're talking about the case of Eric Hendrickson.
Eric was a 57 year old American. He was born and raised in the midwest.Eric grew up and had a successful career in bussiness.He married a filipina.
His wife name was Vicky and they've been married over 20 years. They had no children and Vicky was from Silay City Negros Occidental area.
Eric and Vicky went home one time. For a visit and they met a young boy. They fell in love with him. His name was Jeremiah.
So their goal that point forward was to adopt Jeremih and bring him back to the United States to live.
Eric was so excited he left his job and went to the Philippines to begin paperwork to bring Jeremiah back to the United States.
Vicky stayed behind in Iowa. And it was a very peaceful and happy time for the family.So as time went on Eric got news from the adoption authorities.
That he would be able to bring Jeremiah home in March.Because paperwork was a little bit delayed but he was happy about it,
Call his wife and told her so Vicky was elated so one day, Eric went out to a bar, a local bar in Silay City.
Now he had just gotten through, Paying and filling out paperwork for Jeremiah to be brought back to the U.S..
After a long day you went to a bar and ordered a beer. He that down was enjoying his beer and all of a sudden, two guys, two Filipinos come in.
And they interrupted him and said hey, buy us a beer.. Eric was taken aback. He was like wait a minute guys, I don't know you and you want me to buy you a beer? No I'm not going to do it.
I'm sorry I'm not. I don't know you guys.
So the Filipinos became very irate and disgruntled about it. And so they started talking and cussing Eric out in their native tongue. And Eric knew the language. His wife had taught him the language.
So he knew exactly what they were saying. And he knew exactly what they were talking about.They were calling him all sorts of names, all sorts of names under the sun.
So Eric retaliated with some words of his own. And they had a very heated discussion,
So Eric began to leave, he got up and left. As Eric went outside, outside two men approached him He was fatally wounded several times on the left side of the head.
Eric was rushed to the hospital immediately and was pronounced dead on arrival. And so a tragic story we have an American expat coming to bring home an adopted son.
Shotdown outside of a bar. So his wife vicki heard the news and she was upset, took it very very hard. But she still wants to procede with the adoption of Jeremiah.
So Eric's niece Ms. Nemec, started a GOFUNDME account. They need about $15,000 dollars, to bring Jeremiah to Vicky in the United States. And also to bring the body of Eric back to Iowa to be buried,.and proceed with the adoption of Jeremiah as well.
I'm going to leave a link in the description of this video to the GOFUNDME account. So for those of you that are interested in donating, that would be a good thing to do.
So the moral of this story, what can we learn from it? Basically as I've repeated over and over in many of these crime videos.
When we cause a Filipino to lose face, The situation can become very volatile. Anything can happen.
Now the two men were a 40 year old Filipino and his 18 year old nephew and they were apprehended very very quickly.
They're in jail. They're in custody and they're going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. So bottom line.
We must be able to discern when to speak and when not to speak. In this case, It would have been better for Eric not to have known the language so he would not have known he was being berated.
But that does not help him. Eric is gone and he's not coming back. It's up to us the living to let the public know what happened. So we can try and prevent these things from happening to us.
As we live here in the Philippines. Question of the day. What are your thoughts on this story as it relates to violence.? What kind of violence have you seen in the Philippines?
I want to know your thoughts. Put them in the comments section of this video. And remember to like share and subscribe.
This is BobbieD saying take care, God Bless, and Peace!
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