all right everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and we have our second box from
Wells Fargo to hunt with Penny's this week if you watched my last video we got
11 wheat cents so double digits that was fun and we also got a lot of nice coins
a couple of 1990 ones that were really great shape
some sixties coins in really great shape and I'm still thinking about that 72
double die obverse large date s the San Francisco mint penny but now I'm excited
so we're gonna get into this box just like the last one I went ahead and
checked I don't see any wheat cent enders but we had over three pounds of copper
in the last box so that's great looks like there's a lot more copper in this
one as well you'll find some cool finds as always we'll start cracking rules and
if I find something along the way I'll be sure to loop you in third roll
in got our first fine of the box 1956 Philadelphia wheat cent we'll take it
we're on the board very next roll guys and it's facing me and it's a 41 1946
wheat cent Philadelphia that's two in the Box let's hope there's a lot more
roll number 17 guys and as I'm searching I'm looking fell down this is gonna be
another King George penny 1940 back looks in really good shape and the
fronts in really good shape too that's a beautiful King George 1940
Canadian coin here yeah really nice well take those all day long beautiful also
wanted to show you take a look at this 1970s man if that had been the small
date or the s double diverse holy cow we looked at at under the microscope
it's neither of those but it's definitely gonna go into a penny book
roll number 20 got a wheatie
1944 Philadelphia will take it oldest of the box third wheat cent roll
24 guys got a wheat cent could tell from the back thought it was just a toasty
one looks like it's a 1942 Philadelphia 1942 Philadelphia pretty toasty but
guess what it's our third from the 40s out of the
four that we have found and it's our oldest one so we'll take it
okay guys roll 25 I'm super excited look at this look at this oh my goodness so I
had five in my first five boxes like I said many times and I've gone a hundred
boxes without any Indian Head pennies and then I got one us and Endor just a
couple of weeks ago from a Chase Bank this is Wells Fargo and we've got an
Indian Head Penny right there unbelievable I'm not gonna
do a live stream I'm not gonna name crazy I'm just gonna open this up or
just gonna flip it around and see what it is and I know I'm touching it
barehanded guys but I don't feel like putting on gloves just yet it's got
pretty decent detail it's probably gonna be the 1900s it's another 1907
unbelievable so the last two Indian Head pennies I have found were both 1907
don't get me wrong I'll take it all day
it's a beautiful cent
beautiful beautiful beautiful unbelievable I have now gotten to
Internet pennies in my last I guess six boxes maybe they come in droves I had
those five earlier on when I end my hunts and we had none forever now we've
got to bummer that it's another 1907 I now have three 1907 Indian Head Penny so
it looks like I'll have some of these things for forgive aways but
unbelievable holy cow awesome what's this one right here I knew it was only
ten I could tell by how old it looked that's got a pretty good detail but it
is a 37 philadelphia that's now our oldest wheat cent and that's five of the
box in the first 25 rolls and that's exciting because those are pretty old
pennies I just pulled let me just take a quick look while I have you here in case
there's something else we've got another one right here yeah it looks pretty good
too but it's a 41 philadelphia as well so that roll had a 37 philadelphia a 41
philadelphia and a 1907 Indian Head Penny and we're gonna look a little bit
more just to make sure okay that's it for wheat pennies and Indian Head
pennies unbelievable guys that's why you keep hunting and we're only halfway
through the box so we could have more in here very next roll guys roll 26 we've
got another wheat cent here
it's not that bad a shape 56 D but you know what we'll take it that is now
seven wheat cents and an Indian Head Penny oh and a King George I forgot I
even got that box of shade up too beautiful
well twenty-nine guys and look at this one it's another wheat cent and it
looks really old but it's only a forty seventy I'll still take it though it is
now our eighth wheat cent six are pre-1950s ones pre 40s of course we also
the Indian headed into King George penny as well role 32 guys got another wheat
cent here 1956 D we'll take it so a third from the 50s and now our ninth in
the box roll thirty four guys laid them out and
we've got a wheat cent could be older
it's a nice 47s though another one from the 40s wheat cent number ten roll
37 pulling him down found another wheat cent 1949 Philadelphia another from the
40s and it's wheat cent number 11 roll 42 it was almost an Ender second from
the last coin of the roll in 1956 D that is now wheat cent number 12 and only for
the 12 are from the 50s plus move an Indian Head roll 45 guys excuse me boom
another wheat cent
19:47 philadelphia will take it and it's another from the 40s and that's a dozen
Wheaties well 47 guys splayed them out and this
one caught my eye it's another wheat cent 1949 d will take
it wheat cent number 13 okay another box of pennies hundred
another three pounds of copper and twelve 2009's King George 1940 Canadian
beautiful penny to 1959 s 13 wheat cents we got 56 56 D 56 D and 56 d 37 Philly
41 Philly 42 Philly 44 Philly 46 Philly 47 D 47 s 49 Philadelphia 49
Philadelphia and 49 Denver I also got a 1907 Indian Head Penny
unbelievable look at all these good coins in this box guys you got a nice 68
D in Nice 69 d couple of nice 70 asses 74 deep 75d 75d 70 70 and in 1980 d all
in great shape and in that box we only got to inspect one 1969's but i'll take
it every time what an epic box unbelievable I hope you guys enjoyed the
home with me this was one of my most fun hunts love seeing that mini weed scents
along with a King George and an Indian Head Penny if you enjoyed the hunt
please give the video a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
For more infomation >> Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Indian Head, Wheaties, and a King George Canadian - Duration: 10:25.-------------------------------------------
Obama Laughed In America's Face Bragging About Disgusting Deal, That Will Effect Next Generation - Duration: 4:52.
Obama Just Laughed In America's Face Bragging About Disgusting Deal, That Will Effect Next
Former President Barack Obama inked the deal.
You probably heard about it by now.
Many people have already canceled.
Some people could not care less.
And Obama's supporters were probably rallying around it.
If you aren't sure about what the 'deal' is, and missed out on some of the big headlines
this week, then don't worry about it.
We've got you covered.
It was just recently that Barack and Michelle Obama signed a multi-year deal with Netflix
to produce a show of some sort and the results have been absolutely mixed.
As previously mentioned, some people have stated they canceled their Netflix subscription,
some people simply won't watch it, and Obama's supporters are likely cheering before the
show even starts – a premature celebration to say the least.
It's not the fact that the Obama's have signed a deal with Netflix that's the bad
Any former president can get a show on any channel or streaming service and people really
shouldn't care as long as the show is simply about their life, a biography, or something
light and entertaining.
However, it appears that the Obama's might have a different agenda for their show.
It seems like, from what sources are saying, that Barack might want to utilize (abuse)
the Netflix platform to push his agenda as a means of training viewers to vote for Democrats
in the upcoming election.
Ironically, the 2020 election is not so far away and the Netflix/Obama deal is reportedly
multi-year, which could be just long enough to get beyond the election.
What we might be seeing is a politician abusing an entertainment platform in hopes to train
young viewers, more or less a video version of indoctrinating the hip tech-savvy audience
into voting for whomever the Democrats roll out in 2020.
Could this be considered abusing a platform just like the way athletes abuse their privilege
as a performer when they protest during sports?
Many believe it is.
An article from Business Insider stated this from Obama:
"Obama was speaking at a tech conference in Las Vegas hosted by identity security company
Okta when he was asked about the deal.
Obama explained that the Netflix deal was going to be focused on telling people's
He said he hopes these stories will help people see and better understand one another and
ultimately help us move past the divisive political discourse that has mired Washington
for so long.
"I would not have been president had I not learned very early on in my professional career
the importance of stories," Obama told a standing-room-only crowd of thousands of people."
What's very strange about that quote from Obama is that he was very responsible for
causing a bit of divide himself.
Many people consider Obama to be the president who set Democrats against the police, painting
police as the bad guys.
The article continued: "The Obamas used that lesson on the importance of listening
when the future president campaigned for the Senate and presidency.
"We want to tell stories," he said, "This [Netflix deal] becomes a platform.
We are interested in lifting people up and identifying people doing amazing work."
"We did this in the White House," he said."
That's the problem right there.
The Netflix deal should not be a platform for a political agenda.
It should be a platform of people being entertained.
We have reached a very troubling time where some people continue mixing entertainment
and politics and it just doesn't work.
Netflix now has a major problem on their hands because the backlash on social media is roaring
with so many agitated people saying they will cancel their subscription.
Here's where it gets tricky for Netflix.
The people who consider canceling are likely right-wing aligned conservatives and Republicans
who are known for being more fiscally responsible.
Would it be wise for Netflix to allow Obama to forge a path with an agenda that targets
Or should the keep the show as far from indoctrination as possible?
For example, if the show was about Barack Obama going on fishing trips, then would anyone
The problem is that Obama has stated he wants to use the Netflix deal as a platform and
that's what has people upset.
Not everyone wants their entertainment poorly mixed with a shot of politics.
On a side note, it would be nice if the Obama show explained how they managed to spend $114
million on family vacations and campaigning and if the plan to pay the taxpayers back
for those expensive trips.
Are you a Netflix customer?
Will you stay with Netflix and not watch the show?
Will you cancel Netflix?
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Obama Brags About Being The Perfect President In Speech And Mocks Trump, Immediately Regrets It - Duration: 6:50.
Obama Brags About Being The Perfect President In Speech And Mocks Trump, Immediately Regrets
Former President Barack Obama appears to be bragging about being the perfect president
as a way to mock Trump and he might be immediately regretting that decision after social media
had their way with it.
It was Obama himself who made the audacious claim, boastfully proclaiming to one and all
about his "scandal-free administration."
While speaking at a technology conference in Las Vegas, Obama made the claim regarding
his eight years in office, Newsweek reports.
He states: "I didn't have scandals, which seems like it shouldn't be something you
brag about.
But actually, if you look at the history of the modern presidency, coming out of the modern
presidency without anybody going to jail is really good.
It's a big deal."
Obama then went on to suggest there were fewer scandals within his administration because
he was lenient with anyone who messed up but did not do so out of "malicious intent."
"No one in my White House ever got in trouble for screwing up as long there wasn't malicious
intent behind it," Obama said.
The mocking in response to Obama's ridiculous and easily disprovable claims has been swift
with people taking to social media in droves to list his scandals by the dozens.
There are many to choose from.
David Limbaugh chronicles just a short list of examples and the list is by no means exhaustive
by any stretch chronicles some of the highlights of Obama's two disgraceful terms in office:
Benghazi: In addition to the scandalous betrayal and d***h of our people, Obama and his cohorts
concocted and disseminated the lie that the attack on our consulate was caused by an anti-Muslim
Later, Judicial Watch obtained a smoking-g*n email from top-level Obama aid Ben Rhodes,
sent to a dozen members of Obama's inner circle, that contained talking points to prepare
then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for the Sunday talk shows.
Three of the four main bullet points Rhodes was advising Rice to convey were patently
false, including the lie about the video.
They knew, because the CIA made it clear, that the attack was not the result of a spontaneous
protest to an anti-Muslim video but preplanned by al-Qaida.
The Obama administration manufactured this canard to insulate Obama from criticism two
months before the November 2012 election, as he had boasted that he had al-Qaida on
the run.
Obama's IRS conspired to target conservative and pro-Israel groups for discriminatory treatment
in acquiring tax exemptions.
Obama and then-Attorney general Eric Holder's Justice Department was never held to account
for its actions on the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, in which
an American was murdered with weapons this administration deliberately put into the hands
of Mexican cartels.
This same Justice Department was also under a cloud due to scandals involving its massive
culling of Associated Press reporters' phone records concerning a leak investigation, slandering
Fox News reporter James Rosen over classified information, and monitoring Rosen's phone
calls and emails.
Obama's lies on Obamacare were legion and scandalous: He knew from the jump we couldn't
keep our plans or our doctors, and that Obamacare would reduce rather than increase people's
access to care.
He knew it wouldn't reduce premiums by $2,500 for the average family of four.
He deceived us when he said no federal dollars would be used to fund abortions.
He grossly distorted the picture of the true number of uninsured.
His goal, proved on videotape, was always single-payer.
He used budgetary accounting gimmicks to grease Obamacare by the CBO, including the double
counting on Medicare.
After Obama's failure to pass cap-and-trade legislation through Congress to purportedly
reduce the global temperature by suppressing traditional energy production and consumption,
his Environmental Protection Agency unilaterally and unconstitutionally issued a decree to
accomplish his goal administratively.
Some called this one of the biggest power grabs in American history, as the EPA had
positioned itself to regulate fuel economy, set climate policy for the nation and amend
the Clean Air Act — powers never delegated to it by Congress.
The Obama administration flagrantly defied a federal court order on his moratorium on
offshore drilling when his interior secretary, Ken Salazar, said he would just reimpose the
moratorium based on information that wasn't fully developed earlier.
Obama rigged the playing field to secure for his labor-union friends a bigger stake in
his new General Motors than was warranted by their actual ownership interest.
He robbed secured creditors of their preferred-creditor status and the value of their investment by
using the power of his office to strong-arm a restructuring of the company.
When Democratic Party donor and super-lawyer Tom Lauria opposed this plan on behalf of
his client, according to Lauria, the White House threatened to destroy his client's
The Obama-Hillary Clinton FISA scandal, the egregiousness of which is being casually dismissed
by many, will someday be fully exposed.
Then, there's the Iran nuclear deal, Obama's unprecedented federal land grabs; his dismissal
of a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party that had already been
won; his bullying of doctors and insurance companies when it served his purposes; his
endless stirring of the racial pot; his bullying and fact-starved attack on BP that culminated
in his authoritarian command, "Just plug the damn hole"; his stable of unaccountable
"czars"; his war on Fox News, which preceded Trump's battles with the press that Democrats
find so horrifying; the Department of Veterans Affairs scandal; the Solyndra scandal; the
deliberate targeting of the coal industry; the shakedown of banks; the massive redistribution
scheme disguised as an economic stimulus program; the federal commandeering of the student loan
program; his public dressing down of the Supreme Court; his whispered hot-mic pledge to Russia
to be more flexible on missile defense; his cavalier treatment of Arizona and its immigration
laws; and gobs more.
The Wall Street Journal decried this myth of the so-called "scandal-free administration"
and spoke up against Obama's claims stating that it is worthy to note "all of these
scandals were accompanied by a lack of transparency so severe that 47 of Mr. Obama's 73 inspectors
general signed an open letter in 2014 decrying the administration's stonewalling of their
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Democrats Just Passed Bill To Give Illegal Aliens EVERYTHING Free – Americans SUFFERING! - Duration: 5:56.
Democrats Just Passed Bill To Give Illegal Aliens EVERYTHING Free – Americans SUFFERING!
Tax paying Californians are once again being exploited and abused by the state of California
after Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens presents a bill proposing to give health care to illegal
Lara's Senate Bill 974 passed the Senate health committee and its companion Assembly
Bill 2965 – being presented by Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula, D-Fresno, is set to clear
the Assembly's health committee this week.
Buried in the heated statewide debate over sanctuary protections for illegal aliens and
single-payer health care, a pair of health care bills advancing again in the Legislature
would grant health care to more than a million illegals living in California illegally.
This comes on the tail of House Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), blocked the Caring
for our Veterans Act, which would have provided funding for the VA.
Those people that have sacrificed much for this nation and her people, defended her against
all enemies, both foreign and domestic, now must suffer without basic care and desperately
needed reforms so the leftist progressives can provide taxpayer-funded health care to
illegal aliens whose very presence in this country breaks our laws.
Yet many of California's leadership are defending this decision.
Lara wrote the bill states "California has never waited for the federal government … to
be able to take leadership on a whole host of issues."
The bill proposes to expand Medicaid and cover all adults and children regardless of immigration
The bill would expand Medicaid, which covers children regardless of immigration status,
to cover adult illegal immigrants as well.
It proposes to increase Medi-Cal costs to the state of $500 million to $900 million
a year in a state that has already seen significant and burdensome tax increases and the taxpaying
populace is fleeing in droves.
Meanwhile, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) remains the highest paid governor in the nation.
Republican congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr. is expressing his extreme displeasure
at the way Brown is running the state of California, stating Brown is running the state "into
the sewer."
Sabato states – "I completely disagree with the way Jerry Brown has been running
this state.
He's running it into the water, into the sewer."
Sabato states the bill is "completely unconstitutional" and said California "will look like Venezuela"
if it passes.
He calls Brown a socialist and implores Californians to think of the future of California, rather
than continue to vote for "free stuff."
Sabato is challenging U.S. Rep. Julia Brownley (D) in Ventura County in the current upcoming
Sabato is a former soap opera star and a native of Rome and he expresses his worry over the
continued socialization of the state of California and its future sustainability.
He states – "We can't keep socializing the state.
We've got to help the American people.
We've got to put them first, not illegals who are coming here and using our country."
He contends that the state already pays for health care for illegal aliens through emergency
room visits by uninsured individuals which is far more expensive.
Politico reports of the bill:
"California is poised to become the first state in the nation to offer full health coverage
to undocumented adults even as the Trump administration intensifies its crackdown by separating families
at the border.
The proposal — which would build on Gov. Jerry Brown's 2015 decision to extend health
coverage to all children, regardless of immigration status — is one of the most daring examples
yet of blue-state Democrats thumbing their nose at President Donald Trump as they pursue
diametrically opposed policies, whether on immigration, climate change, legalized marijuana
or health care.
But at a time when Trump is already attempting to re-energize state Republican voters — he
met with California conservatives at the White House last week to strategize against the
state's sanctuary policies — the initiative might be risky.
For starters, it will be costly: The annual price tag to expand Medicaid benefits to poor
adult immigrants without legal status is projected at $3 billion annually.
Some also worry that extending health coverage could make California a magnet for undocumented
immigrants from other states.
'It would give Republicans relevance in California they would never have before,'
said David McCuan, a political analyst and political science professor at Sonoma State
He suggested the proposal would energize Republican voters, who make up a quarter of the electorate,
as well as conservative-leaning unaffiliated voters.
Any meaningful opposition could slow the plan's progress through the state Legislature despite
its strong backing from Democrats, providers, and advocates for the poor."
Meanwhile, our veterans struggle to get even the most basic of care.
The VA Choice Program would allow eligible veterans to seek medical services from community
health providers rather than the waiting for a VA appointment to become available or having
to travel long distances to seek the attention they need.
Except Democrats believe there is a problem with taxpayer dollars going to private medical
facilities who treat VA Choice members.
Yet they would rather give those tax dollars to illegals for their care instead?
It is currently estimated that roughly 2.8 million Californians remain uninsured, and
more than half – 1.8 million people – are illegal aliens.
Of that population, up to 1.3 million are believed to have incomes low enough to qualify
for Medi-Cal.
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the drama
Got two seasons right here as you can see the season one and the season chill
So you got everything that is on the premium account on Netflix here is for free
You guys got system if you want to change something or customize anything on this great bill you guys got power
That's it. If we want to turn off Colony and
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So this is the Ultima 17 cody bill from the you Cody one wizard
Enjoy watching this great movie or this great tutorial guys
And don't forget to subscribe to my channel and put your comment in the comment section and thanks for your support
Like the video and share it with your friends. Thanks for watching me. This is Cody best-built and see you tomorrow
Royal wedding news: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry delay honeymoon to go straight back to work - Duration: 3:30.
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Enhancement shammy owning in gilneas high dps! - Duration: 16:16.
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Enhancement shammy owning in gilneas high dps!
hey welcome back and in today's video short announcement I'm gonna take a
couple days off I probably posted it on my social medias this is because I have
a lot of things I got to do for you guys I got to finish the website where I'm
going to show all the people that sponsor the channel we're going to do it
like an archive thing for for putting informations on all the things that we
follow different things like that also I got to work on some
collaborations with other youtubers that's exciting and I'm still gonna be
doing I'm still gonna be very active in the episode of Twitter or other social
media so you better make sure that you're following the written so Twitter
to keep up with the news because we're still waiting on updates from the Mars
Argo lawsuit we're still watching aliceandmac a lawsuit called lawsuit and
things like that and if things if something happens and those I will have
to upload but I'm really trying to take just a couple days off this weekend to
get some things done we got emotes rolling out for live streaming I will be
doing IRL live streams even though I won't be doing my normal videos so
definitely have the notifications turned on so you can be there you don't want to
miss it I've owed my graphs today and today is
my grandfather's 74th birthday can we get a happy birthday for grandpa Zilla
and that's pretty much it but I just wanted to let you guys know that this
weekend I will not be making normal videos but I will be doing our live
streams and things like that love you and leave your interesting or creative
responses in the comment box below thumbs up those likes there's always
brothers and sisters I will see you in the next video is why because these
Doña Pancha, Canción Infantil - Canticuentos - Duration: 1:28.
2018 Oceania Cup, Liu Shiwen Wins Thailand Open | Table Tennis News Weekly - Duration: 2:04.
This week on TT News Weekly: Australians Secure Oceania Cup titles,
Liu Shiwen tops 2018 Thailand Open, and Egyptian legend retires.
There were scenes of celebration for Australian athletes in Port Vila where the 2018 Oceania
Cup was held.
Competing at the event for the first time, Heming Hu put in an impressive performance
to lift the Men's Singles trophy following his victory over New Zealand's Dean Shu
in the final.
Over in the Women's Singles draw it was Jian Fang Lay who once again came away with
the title, defeating Melissa Tapper across six games to reach the top step of the podium
for the fourth occasion.
Success for the Heming Hu and Jian Fang Lay means that both players have qualified for
the respective Men's and Women's World Cups.
Liu Shiwen was the star of the show in Bangkok with the Chinese competitor emerging successful
at the 2018 Thailand Open.
In the final of the Women's Singles draw, Liu Shiwen met Japan's Honoka Hashimoto,
who proved unable to stop Liu Shiwen in her tracks.
China also secured the Men's Singles gold medal in Thailand with qualifier Xu Ruifeng
upstaging third seed Masataka Morizono.
Regarded as one of Egypt's finest table tennis players, El-Sayed Lashin has decided
to draw his career to a close at the age of 38.
Making his international debut in 1996, Lashin represented Egypt at continental championships,
All African Games and the Olympic Games and was a key figure in his country's bronze
medal win at the 2013 Team World Cup.
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