Recently Jake Tapper, on CNN, on a show The Lead, was talking about Donald Trump's insistence
that there was a spy within his campaign, put there by the FBI under the orders of the
Obama administration to spy on the campaign for political purposes to help Hilary Clinton.
That is the narrative that Donald Trump is continuing to push today, and as Jake Tapper
pointed out, there is no evidence whatsoever to support any of those claims.
In fact, we know exactly what happened.
This professor, helper from Cambridge University, who had worked with Republicans in the past,
was asked to make some calls, meet with people from the Trump campaign just to kind of feel
out whether or not they had been compromised by foreign officials.
That was it, he wasn't a part of the campaign, he wasn't embedded there, we don't even have
any evidence that he ever was near Donald Trump.
Nonetheless, Trump's pushing this conspiracy theory so Jake Tapper decided to fire back.
Not only calling that a conspiracy theory, but listing many, many other conspiracy theories
that Donald Trump has been pushing over the years.
Take a look.
While we await the investigation into this matter by journalists, and by the Justice
Department Inspector General, it's worth remembering that while we're sticking to the facts and
telling you just what we know, President Trump apparently has no such constraints, since
he simply makes stuff up.
He frequently lies and has a long and well documented career engaging in conspiracy theories
about all manner of subjects, with no concrete evidence ever provided.
Just a small sampling, for years he perpetuated the myth that President Obama wasn't born
in the United States.
He's claimed with no evidence he saw thousands of Muslims on TV celebrating 9/11 on rooftops
in New Jersey, no evidence of that.
He bizarrely suggested Ted Cruz's father might've been involved in the assassination of JFK,
Explained to his popular vote by blaming three to five illegal votes, again zero evidence
for this.
He pushed a conspiracy theory that MSNBC Host, Joe Scarborough, was somehow involved in the
tragic death of one of his staff members, again, zero evidence.
He said that former President Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower, no evidence of
that either.
I could go on but this is just an hour show.
That right there, what Jake Tapper just did, is what every journalist in this country needs
to do every single day.
A pattern of behavior has developed amongst Donald Trump.
He just makes things up, doesn't worry if there's facts to back it up or not.
He makes it up, throws it out there, and then he moves onto the next conspiracy theory,
and that's what Jake Tapper was pointing out.
He's also saying, "Why should we believe anything this man tells us?"
He is a habitual liar, he has been doing it for decades, and yet Republicans still can't
seem to open to their eyes and realize that they're getting played.
Plenty Americans in this country don't understand that there's nothing to Spygate, there's nothing
to any of these other conspiracy theories Trump has been pushing, he's just doing it
to distract everyone from the fact that his administration is going down and there is
nothing he can do to stop it.
I hope every journalist in this country watches that clip from Jake Tapper.
I have lots of beef with CNN, I'm not a huge fan of them, they are the ones who pushed
us into unlimited war with Iraq.
They've got many, many problems, they really do, just like other members of the corporate
But on this particular issue, Jake Tapper, right here, in that segment, he was 100% correct,
and he laid the framework down for other journalists to follow to start holding Donald Trump accountable
for his non-stop lies to the American public.
For more infomation >> CNN's Jake Tapper NAILS Trump For Pushing Idiotic Conspiracy Theories - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
$530 Android Phone Is Half The Price Of An iPhone X — And Just As Good - Duration: 3:21.
- This is one of the best phones
that you've probably haven't heard of
and it's called the OnePlus 6.
The first thing that makes this phone so great
is the price tag.
This thing, for $530 is comparable
to the Samsung Galaxy S9,
even the Apple iPhone X and iPhone 8.
It's comparable to the LG G7.
It's comparable to all the top phones
that you can buy right now.
To begin with, this phone is fast.
It is super fast.
It's running the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor
and you might have heard that name before in the Galaxy S9.
So those are the same chips.
It comes with 6 gigabytes of RAM.
Now this is huge.
Most phones come with 4.
Your laptop at home or work probably has 8 gigabytes of RAM.
That's how much power this thing has inside.
Design, this is a beautiful phone.
New to the OnePlus 6 is a glass back.
It is also very, very fingerprint hungry.
The glass back let OnePlus
boost the data speed you can get up to 1 gigabit.
One of the cool things that comes with OnePlus phones
is the company's Dash charger.
The brick holds all the parts that create the heat.
It means that your phone could be charging
at full speed, no matter what you're doing
and it doesn't even get hot.
Let's talk about something that could divide a few people.
Especially some people who don't like the notch.
So, yeah, the OnePlus 6 has a notch.
It's the first model from OnePlus to have a notch.
Now of course that makes you think, maybe,
of the iPhone X.
But on Android phones, what you can do and on the OnePlus 6,
I'm gonna turn off the notch.
Go into Settings.
I go to Display and then I go to Notch display,
and I click Hide the notch area.
The notch looks like it's gone, right?
Except you get the Android notification bar at the top
around the edges on the sides of the notch.
This is a really good place
to put the Android notification bar.
This makes it a lot cleaner to look at.
You also get a lot more space
for your apps, your videos, your content.
So, let's move on to the camera.
Yes, dual-lens camera system.
We've seen this before on OnePlus phones.
I've only taken a few shots with this, the OnePlus 6.
It's always been kind of a weak point maybe
compared to some other phones
and I gotta say, this actually did really well.
Now a few little features that I really like
about the OnePlus 6 is it has facial recognition.
It works really well and super fast
and without fail too.
It's not designed for security intensive stuff
like Android Pay or Google Pay.
It's just meant to get you into the phone fast.
So, one of the reasons why you may not have heard
about this phone is you won't find it at your carrier store.
Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, whatever.
They don't have this phone.
You gotta buy it directly from OnePlus
but if you do buy the phone from the website
it is super easy to hook up with your carrier.
Except for one.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work on Verizon.
This phone is super fast.
It's super cheap.
It looks great.
It has a headphone jack.
It has one of the best fast chargers in the business.
The camera is good.
This is a phone that you should all be buying
to be honest.
If you're conscious about your money
you should be buying this phone.
When I talk to the camera,
I speak with a slightly elevated volume of voice.
And with exaggerated movements.
Corrupt Bernie Sanders Found GUILTY- Hillary Is Next! - Duration: 4:47.
Corrupt Bernie Sanders Found GUILTY- Hillary Is Next!
Bernie Sanders has received some very bad news after what the Federal Election Commission
has discovered.
It may have taken some time to determine the ruling or unearth the evidence, but they found
it and it's going to cost Bernie Sanders quite a few dollars since he was found guilty.
The FEC has fined 2016 Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders $14,000, for illegally accepting
in-kind contributions from a foreign entity.
This particular ruling stems from a February 2016 conservative activist group Project Veritas
video, where it should Australian nationals forking for the Sanders campaign while at
the same time being paid, by the Australian taxpayer funded ALP.
Shortly after the release of this video Republican, and former New Hampshire House speaker William
O'Brien filed a complaint with the FEC.
This complaint alleged that the ALP had made "prohibited foreign contributions" to
the Sanders 2016 presidential campaign.
The fines were levied in February 2016.
According to the FEC, the Austrailian Volunteers engaged in political activities included encouraging
voter attendance at campaign events, canvassing, planning events and recruitment of volunteers.
"The Sanders campaign "treated the ALP delegates no differently from any other campaign
out-of-town volunteers, and was aware that they were receiving a stipend from the ALP,"
the FEC added."
Here is more on this via Western Journal:
"While volunteering with the Sanders campaign, the Australians engaged in political activities
"including encouraging voter attendance at campaign events, recruiting volunteers,
canvassing with volunteers, and planning events," according to the FEC.
The Sanders campaign "treated the ALP delegates no differently from any other campaign out-of-town
volunteers and was aware that they were receiving a stipend from the ALP," the FEC added.
The ALP spent $16,140 for the Australians' flights to the United States and $8,282 for
their daily stipends.
The FEC determined that amounted to a $24,422 "prohibited in-kind foreign contribution"
the Sanders campaign accepted from the ALP.
A Sanders spokesperson said in a statement to WMUR that the campaign doesn't think
it broke any rules.
"During the course of the campaign, thousands and thousands of young people from every state
and many other countries volunteered.
Among them were seven Australian young people who were receiving a modest stipend and airfare
from the Australian Labor Party so they could learn about American politics," the spokesperson
"The folks on the campaign managing volunteers did not believe the stipend disqualified them
from being volunteers."
"In order to avoid a long and expensive fight with the FEC over the technical status
of these young people, the campaign agreed to pay the FEC a small settlement but did
not agree that it broke any rules," the Sanders spokesperson added.
O'Brien told WMUR Tuesday he was "disappointed" the FEC did not make a connection between
ALP and the Australian government.
"I'm disappointed that it's not comprehensive," O'Brien said of the FEC's ruling.
"It doesn't go into the Australian government funding.
And I'm disappointed that it doesn't go with greater specificity into the actual things
that they were doing.
I'm disappointed that they didn't go to what was the effect on the campaign."
"It's basically the Australian government using the conduit of a socialist party to
assist the socialist candidate in the United States," O'Brien said.
The FEC's ruling against the Sanders campaign follows the Feb. 16 indictment of 13 Russian
nationals who interfered in the 2016 election in support of Sanders and then-candidate Donald
Sanders denied his campaign received support from Russians during an interview last week
with Vermont Public Radio.
"They were supporting my campaign, no.
They were attacking Hillary Clinton's campaign and using my supporters against Hillary Clinton,"
Sanders said."
This information about Bernie Sanders might give those who are investigating others for
similar illegal activities.
Some believe Hillary Clinton might be targeted next for her possible involvement in an assortment
of incidents that people might be looking into.
Will the FEC find Hillary Clinton guilty of anything similar to what Bernie Sanders was
caught doing?
Will an organization be strong enough to hold Hillary accountable for anything she might
be involved in?
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
12 MOST ANNOYING NPC OF VIDEO GAMES | Los 12 Mas - Duration: 11:07.
48RE/A618 Automatic Transmission Differences Between Neutral Safety Switch - Duration: 1:58.
I welcome lots of transmission in Kurt's corner we've got another tech tip we
have questions about the neutral safety switch on the different dodge
transmissions specifically the 48 re or to dodge a 618 this transmission from 98
to 2003 they changed the design of the neutral switch normally has a three-pin
plug in switch on the earlier units and in the later units let's say 2000 and
newer they went to a 5 pin neutral switch so this is a location of where
the switches are this is where your mechanical linkage will go on the
transmission so right below the linkage is where the neutral switch is located
so this neutral safety switch this one here happens to being a three-pin plug
in neutral safety switch the later units widows gas or diesel they would have the
neutral switch same location and simp it's a much larger switch so it's quite
obvious that this between two switches this one has 5 pins again that's a plug
in the harness snaps in right here and it go has a mounting bracket on the case
to hold such a large switch so this one's screwed in and to the threading of
the case and this one actually is bolted on with two screws onto a support
bracket on the case so this is the 510 and the later 48 already units and this
is the 3 pin and the earlier units let's say 98 99 and maybe even 2000 you'll
find this switch so those are the differences of the neutral switches on
the 48 re transmission again if you have any further questions callers our tech
support line and it's one eight hundred seven oh eight zero zero eight seven
we'll talk to you then
ZTE has been a criminial company for many years: Gasparino - Duration: 8:08.
TULE - Together (Versión: "En Busca De La Felicidad") | Música Para Entrenar by Diego Montoya - Duration: 3:06.
Super Reviews #32: Alone Together [Ben 10: Alien Force] - Duration: 10:56.
Hey ladies and jellyfish, wumbos of all sizes, welcome back to A.S.K.
Air's videos!
If you're new here, I do cartoon reviews and give my opinions and if you enjoy that
kinda stuff, consider subscribing.
So today, we are finally reviewing an episode of Ben 10: Alien Force.
I won't go on my usual intro spiel, but let me just say, this is my second favorite
Ben 10 series after Ultimate Alien and although I've already reviewed an Ultimate Alien
episode before, time to go to the other side of the stick, so to speak.
Today we are talking about one of my favorite character development episodes in animation:
Alone Together.
And this is a season 2 episode!
So anyway, don't forget to like and subscribe and comment down below any future episodes
you would like me to review, and I'll make sure to get to you!
Be sure to check out my website and second channel in the description below and card
above for spoilers and other videos!
And you're viewer enjoyment matters to me, so make sure to turn up the quality to the
highest, and turn on captions if you like!
And, as always in these new Super Reviews, link to the best footage of this episode on
YouTube in the description below, so check it out now if you haven't seen this yet
or kinda forgot what happened.
If you somehow find that the video has been taken down or something, please make sure
to let me know.
Anyways, let's start!
This episode starts off with Ben, Gwen and Kevin fighting a Highbreed in some old warehouse
somewhere, the most cliché setting, am I right?
Ben transforms into Echo Echo and fights the Highbreed, as Kevin throws a piece of the
ground at it, accidentally hitting a trans-planetary transporter, sucking Ben and the Highbreed
into it.
Although there is the nitpick that it pulled those two in but not Gwen or Kevin, this is
the main problem in the episode, and if pulling the other two in interferes with the main
problem of the episode, which it does, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and say that
they were too far away to be sucked in.
Anyway, Ben and Reiny, as Ben later calls him get transported to another World, a desert
Apparently, the impact Kevin did on the transporter caused it to change its aim, making them fall
not near the other transporter on the other World, but far away.
There are also killer creatures on the planet that will slow them down.
This forces them to work together to try and get to the transporter which Echo Echo tracks
with his sonic screams.
Pretty solid plot, right?
It leaves a lot of room for character development and is so simple it can stretch and be easier
to follow and consume.
It also leaves room for some comedy between the bickering and language barrier between
the two characters and a lot of space for action and overall a lot of fun.
So let's continue with the episode scene by scene.
So Ben and Reiny, as I'll be calling him now come across a big worm like creature that
tries to eat them, as Ben as Echo Echo scares the thing off.
Yeah, you heard me.
He scares that large frickin' Sandworm from the Beetlejuice cartoon!
Then, Reiny agrees to work with Ben to get to the transporter as, like I said, neither
of them can survive alone.
But there's one condition, he tells Ben to follow him from 10 steps behind.
As they go, they do a lot of jokes about Reiny not understanding Ben's puns and expressions.
And Reiny falls to the ground because of the heat their species isn't used to.
Ben turns to Big Chill and cools Reiny.
He sees some water, on another planet, not to mention a desert world, where the last
thing they have is water.
He goes to drink, where he realizes it was a trap made by another creature.
They fight the creature together, which again, causes them to bond a little.
Reiny gets some water with his plant like powers and they drink.
So, they keep walking and Reiny says this line: Haha, that's actually pretty good.
They keep going until they get faced with another problem: some alien bugs.
They go all over them, until Ben turns to Swampfire and beats them, not to mention saves
When Reiny is unappreciative, Ben gets mad, but they keep walking.
When it's night, they argue over if they should walk or camp for
the night.
After a few lines of arguing, and Reiny almost leaving Ben completely, they hear a loud noise
and decide to camp, which made for a good joke, by the way.
Then we get this exchange.
I like how he calls Ben "Ben Ben Tennyson" since that's how humans formally say their
And how Ben just simplifies Reiny's name.
It is funny and doesn't feel like filler because this episode doesn't have to be
super rushed or all over the place.
They're building a connection, to build character development, which I think is more
important than any action scenes out there.
Ben tries to connect with Reiny yet Reiny backs away less and less each time.
Firstly, before I get into the scene as a scene, what is up with the animation in this
They play the voice over a looped shadowy face for like a few seconds, I mean, I like
the animation and art style in Alien Force.
I think it looks nice, flows nicely etc.
But just looping two shots for like 6 seconds?
Also, Reiny saying this really adds to the plot, because now Ben knows where to go from
to befriend Reiny more and understands his point of view.
And remember when I said this line: "They're building a connection, to build character
development, which I think is more important than any action scenes out there.
Ben tries to connect with Reiny yet Reiny backs away less and less each time."
Well, in this scene, while Reiny is keeping first watch as Ben sleeps, it looks like Reiny
is gonna kill Ben.
But no, there was a creature about to hurt Ben and Reiny kills the creature, right after
the thing bites off Reiny's hand.
Wait, wait.
Replay that line.
"But no, there was a creature about to hurt Ben and Reiny kills the creature, right after
the thing bites off Reiny's hand."
So yeah, apparently physics don't apply in this world or the creature was stronger
than the "First Species in the Universe".
Anyway, Ben turns to Swampfire and connects Reiny's hand.
And oh does he take his darn longest to do it.
They bond a little more as they reflect on how they both just saved each other.
Immediately after, another worm like creature jumps out of the ground and Reiny jumps on
Before it presumably eats Reiny whole, Ben throws a torch in its mouth, talk about dark,
as it retreats into the ground.
So as such, Ben and Reiny keep walking again.
And here they finally reach the transporter and well, I would show you the full scene,
but it's so long it'll get copyrighted, so I'll trim
it down.
Oh man, what a climax indeed.
Instead of the obvious happy ending, this is what they go with, and honestly good on
them for that.
Ben returns and the episode ends with Reiny walking to live his life making the World
a better place.
Even though, you know, he almost died like 4 times without Ben's help, but whatever.
So that was Alone Together.
Was it good, was it bad?
What in the frick was it?
Well, I would give it an 8.5, hey what do ya know?
IMDb agreed with me again!
It was pretty funny and slow which made space for tons of amazing character development.
Some cons where some of the chances they took, like how many times some things contributed
to the plot by not being there, even though them being there would've made much more
I would say it is one of the best character development episodes in animation, and its
strong suit is its characters.
It was one of the few episodes to be written by Man of Action themselves, so maybe that
played a big role in its success.
Anyways, don't forget to leave your thoughts on the episode in the comments down below,
like the video if you enjoyed, and subscribe if you like what you see.
If you're new, feel free to check out my YouTube homepage for more videos, and check
out my website for links and tons of spoilers!
Links as always in the description and card up above!
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next time!
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Enhancement shaman OWNAGE in Gilneas top dps! - Duration: 12:52.
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 - Enhancement shaman OWNAGE in Gilneas top dps!
Let's Explore! 🚴🏼♀️🌄Biking Vlog - Duration: 14:57.
Good morning! Today I'm gonna take you with me on a bike ride,
because I'm checking out a completely new trail where I haven't been before.
So I'm kind of nervous!
But first I thought I'd just show you on the map where I'm going.
So right now I've traced with a red marker where my normal biking route is.
So I'll zoom in a bit.
This is where I live. This is kind of the town area.
When you get here there's basically nothing.
This is the highway. The biking trail kind of goes on the opposite side.
And then it goes right next to the highway at this middle part.
Then you get to this other kind of "urban"-ish area-
where there's a lot of houses and a few shops.
This is also where I used to work,
and they also have the gas station where I sometimes pick up packages.
So this whole route is a pavement/asphalt kind of road.
When I bike this whole route I usually spend about 50 minutes.
But as I've been biking I have noticed two spots-
where it seems to go onto a different trail.
And that is at this spot, right here. You can see that it kind of connects into a different route. Right here.
And then also down here, next to the highway.
I've also seen it branch out down here.
I've always wondered if those two were connected.
So I just looked on google maps and found this map.
And as you can see it goes down here, and then you have to go back up-
and it goes around this huge water.
And then it does connect to this other part.
I've already marked this other map to show where I'm going today.
So the red marker is my old route,
while the blue one is the one that I'm gonna check out today.
I also did a pink line-
just because I might look into that later.
I don't think I want to check that out today because I feel like I could get lost in these parts.
Because it does branch out to a lot of different roads,
so I think I'm just sticking to the blue line today.
But maybe later I can check out this pink line because it does go down to this small water down here,
and then it also goes to this big water, right here.
I'm not sure, because the white line doesn't go from the small water to the bigger water,
It just looks like it's the highway, and I'm not sure if I'm able to go there by bike.
So I might not be able to go to this big water,
but I think I can at least check out this smaller water...but I'm gonna leave that for later.
So today I'm just gonna check out this blue line.
And what I like about it is that it seems like a more...kind of nature trail.
I mean, it goes into this kind of mountain or forest area.
instead of next to the highway and into these urban kind of areas that I've usually been biking to.
So I think it's gonna be really nice, and also-
at both these points that I've noticed that it branches out to, it's not asphalt or pavement-
it's like a dirt or gravel road.
So I'm also curious to see if that continues the whole way through.
And I'm also curious to see if biking on that kind of road is better or worse than pavement.
I know when jogging it's better to run on dirt roads instead of pavement because it's less pressure on your joints.
But I'm not sure if that applies to biking, because I feel like when biking on dirt or gravel roads-
it's just gonna be a lot more bumpy.
But I don't know. Maybe I'll like it.
I haven't checked out the distance, but it kind of seems like it would be a bit further than my old trail.
Just because it goes around this huge water, and it curves around it in a big circle.
So maybe it takes the same amount of time, or maybe it's slightly longer.
I also don't know if it's flat or if there's a lot of uphills or downhills or-
yeah, basically anything. I have never been there before, so I'm not sure what the roads are like.
So I'm definitely bringing something to drink, and maybe also something to eat, just in case it takes a lot of time.
And I think, today, I'm gonna start with my regular route, down here, first.
And then I'll go counter-clockwise.
Just because I think it's easier to find this point when I'm going from the left-
because there's no other roads here, so I can just take the first left that I see.
Instead of...when I'm going here, I might get lost here, or maybe even get down here. I don't know.
It just seems easier, so I'm gonna start counter-clockwise today.
So yeah, I'm gonna try to vlog a bit when I'm out and about.
And show you a few different places that I see, and yeah...
Let's just get started!
There's a lot of wind, but I hope you can hear me ok.
All the way up here is just a long, long, long uphill, so I'm already out of breath!
But here I am at the crossroad.
This is where I usually bike, but now that I'm gonna check out the new trail, hopefully I will come back here-
when I'm on my way back home.
It's about 6:30 and it's a Christian holiday so I might actually meet people. I'm not sure.
I just wanted to show you this. We call it a "gamme".
Not sure what the English word is.
And I already saw two wild hares.
The moment they hear a noise they run away, so they're really hard to catch on camera.
But maybe I'll see some more, and hopefully I can catch a clip of them.
So now I'm almost halfway.
This is where I usually bike. Over this road and behind there.
But now we're gonna check out this trail, which goes into the nature more.
And there is this map kind of thing over there that we're gonna check out real soon.
I just have to show you how much of a dork I look like.
It's only 10 or 12 degrees.
But the wind is really strong and freezing cold, so I should have put on a hat or a headband...
But I didn't think of that so I'm really glad I have this hood. It keeps me really nice and warm.
So here is the map. At first I was looking at this small map...
But there's so many different things, and I couldn't figure out what looked like the blue line that I made on my own map.
Like, according to google maps. It seems really confusing...
So according to the map this should be a ski trail in the winter.
So if I guessed it right these light poles should be on the same track that I'm following,
so if I just stick to those I should be fine.
And I love birch trees.
Even though it's fuck ugly out here right now,
it still smells amazing.
Ok, light poles are there...
But...I think I should go here?!
Since it's the first crossroad... I think.
I'm not sure...
I guess I'll take this one.
Oh my gosh!
There were so many steep uphills on that road!
Omg. My thighs are dead.
There were a lot of joggers.
And I thought one of them was like...
sneaking up on me. Or like, catching up on me. On my bike!
And I was like "I'm having none of this!" So I pushed and pushed and pushed even though I was SO tired.
But then I needed to stop here to take a drink- wasn't a jogger, it was a girl on a bike..!
I was thinking since I'm so tired- I really wanted to take my normal route back-
in case this one has a lot of uphills as well,
but I'm gonna continue on this one, and see how it is.
I made it!
Something just hit my bike!
It felt like someone was throwing a huge rock between my back wheel...
I don't know. It was weird.
So let's pretend that I'm back now - from my bike ride.
It took me 1hour and 15minutes to complete it-
and I think that was really decent, considering I stopped a lot to vlog and take some pictures and stuff like that.
If we say that I did about 15 minutes of vlogging-
this trail only took me about 10 minutes more than my usual route.
So I'm really surprised by that, because I thought it would take a lot longer time. Maybe like 1,5 hour.
Biking on a gravel road was kind of tough.
But it wasn't as bumpy as I thought it would be.
I did kind of have to bike slower, just so that I wouldn't slide and fall off my bike,
because there were a lot of places with really huge rocks on the ground...
But for the most part it was fine.
It also felt a lot nicer just biking in a more kind of "nature area" than right next to the highway.
It was however a lot more tiring than my usual route because my old route is for the most part flat-
while this nature trail was a lot of uphills and downhills.
Especially since I did a counter-clockwise direction-
there was a lot of really steep but short hills that I had to climb,
Which was really hard.
While the downhills were not that steep, and kind of sloped down really far.
So I am gonna admit that I've already done this route a second time,
and it was a lot better going clockwise, because now I could just-
ride down the really steep hills and then-
when I had to go uphill, it was really short slope-y kind of upwards going...
Not sure how to explain that, but I hope you get what I mean.
So it felt like a really good exercise this time.
So the second time I did this trail I (of course) managed to get a more precise time-
since I didn't stop to vlog or record videos.
I only spent maybe 2 minutes to stop and take a few snapchats.
So the second time I only spent 49 minutes.
Which I think was pretty amazing since that's the time that I spent on my previous trail.
And also this second time there was a lot of wind going against me,
and so I had to compensate while having a really low gear on my bike-
so it felt like I was going really slow.
And also because it's a gravel road I feel like I have to bike a bit slower,
so I don't really know how I managed to do this trail in 49 minutes, but-
maybe it's about the same distance as my previous trail... I don't even know.
I'm gonna have to look that up, and maybe I'll write it down in the description box when I find out the distance.
So I hope you liked exploring this new trail with me!
I didn't get as much footage as I wanted because I did meet a lot of joggers,
and I don't feel comfortable stopping and recording when I meet people.
But I hope you enjoyed this video anyways.
And the second time I went, there was a lot better weather so I stopped to take a lot of snaps-
so I'm gonna add those photos at the end of this video.
I might take you with me a second time on this same trail-
just because I kind of want to show you how it looks in summer.
Leave me a like if you liked this kind of video,
and leave me a comment if there's anything you want to know.
And then I hope to see you in my next video.
"Vi sees!"
How To Get Pregnant With a Girl Best Position For Pregnancy - Duration: 2:46.
How To Get Pregnant With a Girl Best Position For Pregnancy
Animated Explainer Video - Advertising Optimization by Digital Avengers - Duration: 0:31.
Have you tried advertising your business online with poor results?
Gain peace of mind by contacting DIGITAL AVENGERS!
Our experienced Google AdWords Certified specialists will consult with you on your goals -- then use machine learning to optimize your campaign's performance!
Smart people PLUS smart machines = A strong return on investment.
We will drive clients to your website or to call your business at the moment they are searching for your services!!
Latest & Stylish Designer Party Wear Dresses 2018 - Duration: 1:11.
Latest & Stylish Designer Party Wear Dresses 2018
Los lectores dejan para el arrastre a El País por su miserable ataque a Periodista Digital - Duration: 3:01.
New party wear dress designs collections for 2018 - Duration: 3:40.
New party wear dress designs collections for 2018
20 girl names ending in E - the best baby names - - Duration: 1:28.
20 baby girl names ending in E
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
HP Z VR Backpack - Untethered VR with a high price tag - Duration: 2:10.
[Jazzy trumpet noise]
The HP Z VR Backpack Workstation: It claims to provide "the freedom to move and maintain
total immersion with... docking capabilities that transform [the computer] into a manageable,
powerful desktop PC..."
It comes with Intel's Core i7 processor, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, a 256GB SSD, and packs an
NVIDIA Quadro P5200 GPU.
When you purchase the computer, it includes the dock, a backpack with carbon fiber mounting
brackets, 4 batteries, and cables for connecting the VR headset.
When in backpack mode, the computer feels lightweight and durable.
It's around 10lbs, and the weight of the backpack feels well distributed.
The carbon fiber mounting brackets allow for a sufficient amount of airflow between the
mesh backing and the backpack, so overheating wasn't an issue.
Regardless of which mode you use the PC in, there are a plethora of ports at your disposal.
The backpack itself has plenty of USB 3.0 ports as well as ports to connect a VR headset
like the HTC Vive we used in testing.
And in docking mode, you have all the ports you'd expect on a workstation computer.
The bottom of the computer also has 2 ports to connect batteries when in backpack mode,
and these are hot-swappable, meaning you can swap out batteries without interrupting play.
In our testing, we got between 2 and 2 and a half hours of VR playtime before having
to swap out the batteries, but that was enough time for the other two batteries to charge fully
The biggest drawback to the HP Z is the setup.
Since current VR headsets lack a dedicated UI during startup, setting up this computer
for VR requires you to connect it to a monitor before being able to enter VR mode.
The specs on the HP Z were good enough that it could handle any VR game we threw at it,
but the NVIDIA Quadro P5200 GPU is optimized for commercial situations like employee training
and product development, so it might not be the best option to replace your gaming rig.
HP does sell a similar computer under it's Omen line marketed at gamers, but it's much
pricier than similarly specced gaming PC's.
Though the chance to encounter an untethered VR experience may seem appealing to most VR-goers
at the moment, the expensive computer and complicated setup process seems a high price
to pay for what may become outdated with the introduction of future wireless adapters for
VR headsets.
Our verdict?:
Don't get it.
Thank you for watching and don't forget to like, comment, and-
Shut up and cut-
Hey hey, wait, hold on a second!
We want to get some input from you on how to make Cut to the Tech the best it can be.
You can click the link in the description to take a really short survey and share your
thoughts with us.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Tim Allen Just Gave Big Middle Finger To Libs With His Huge Plan For New Show - Duration: 5:29.
Call for Obedience (05.20.18 PART 3) * - Duration: 23:39.
You have to go to work you have to put on your suit put your tie and you're
ready and if you're Rambo you just need to put that thing on your head and
you're ready to fight right you put on something you get ready you get pumped
up but it's prayer there's no required nothing required other than you willing
to give up the time to speak to God all right
there's no location prescribed you can pray anywhere no particular clothing no
title you don't need to be the priest to be prayerful or something another title
or an office to hold you can pray yet you'd think we're wrestling with the
greased pig I saw this before Sesame Street and I always wanted to do it
until I really saw a pig I'm like never mind
you know when they wrestled those greased pigs and their games they
release it somebody tries to tackle it but it's so greasy you can't take it you
can't grab it it's so greasy speaking of pigs Satan seeks to
interrupt our prayers our battle with prayer is not entirely our fault the
devil knows the devil knows the power of prayer the devil knows the stories he
knows the stories when when dough and he witness when the angel was the age of
release Peter in jail he knows about the revival that happened in Jerusalem after
all the disciples pray the earth shook because their prayer was so powerful he
knows what happens when we pray he knows it Satan is not troubled when you read
books okay not even trouble when I'm preparing my sermons I get my allergies
just troubled me but his knobby knees tremble when I pray when you pray
because there's power in prayer there's a there's power in the prayerful Chris
amen but that's what we lack we lacked prayer a sincere and devoted prayer time
we are no longer prayerful Christians the church now is no longer a prayerful
Christian and we wonder why we're attacked and we wonder why we fail and
we wonder why everybody else fails because we fail to get down on our knees
because we can't stand the trials anymore we need to get down on our knees
demons are not flustered when you read a book even if it's a Christian book but
the walls of Hell shake when one person with an honest heart and faithful
confession says oh God How Great Thou art
how can use not pray knowing that you how can you be not prayerful if you're
going through troubles at home and you know that Satan is behind it you're
experiencing problems with heaven we're aware the powers of within the heavenly
realms and the only way that you can protect yourself is from God all right
God is the one that is the only one that can protect you and get you out of that
trouble it should lead you to prayer it should lead you to prayer if you've done
all the things you need to do to teach your child not to live the way they're
living but they still do it it should drive you to prayer how can
you not be prayerful after knowing this truth Satan keeps you and me from prayer
inefficiency said pray for all the saints because all of us we get attacked
we all get attacked different ways in different times
so why be prayerful pastor I pray okay good
keep praying if you're not praying enough I I submit to you the need for it
we need to be prayerful we need to be prayerful Satan tries to position
himself self between us and God but he scampers like a spook dog when we move
forward let's move forward let's be powerful going back to Paul we demolish
arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ and we will
be ready to punish every act of a disobedience
once your obedience is complete have it here not by human wisdom but by the
it says here taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Paul
speaks a great deal about training the mind to think in a way that honors God
because the mind is the primary battlefield for spiritual warfare
remember what you focus your mind on has lasting ramifications this is because a
thought reaps an action do we agree once you put your mind into it
you're gonna take action some of you are just lazy you think and you're like
never minds too tired but some when they think about they doing because the
thought reaps an action and action reaps a habit a habit reaps your character and
your character reaps your destiny therefore we must reject anything that
does not honor Christ in our thinking do we agree it somebody said that you can
have all the laws in the country just give me the music and I will influence
the culture the music that you listen to influences your thinking the movies that
you watch influence your thinking the books that you read influences your
thinking and then what we said character habit everything else Philippians 4:8 9
and now dear brothers and sisters one final thing fix your thoughts on what is
true and honorable and right and pure and lovely in admirable think about
things that are excellent and worthy of praise keep putting into practice all
you learned and received from me everything you heard from me and saw me
doing then the God of peace will be with you I think Philippians 4:8 9
Colossians 3 to think about the things of heaven not the things of Earth think
about the things of heaven not the things of Earth my filipino brothers and
sisters here we always think of the Philippines if you grew up there right
we always fantasize about going back to the Philippines and retire there and
live happily ever after and we agree but then I'm gonna say there's nothing wrong
with that but it becomes wrong it if it becomes more important than your
relationship with God and when I say that relationship with God means is
there anything that God has been telling you to do for him or give up for him
that you haven't done or still doing but because of your goal to go back to the
Philippines and retire a happy life you forget anything that's when it becomes
wrong for those of us who are still raising children if if if their success
is more important to us than than what God is telling us to do for him for his
kingdom and for his people then it becomes wrong because our mindset needs
to be to heaven about heaven and that goes for our pockets to where your heart
is there where your treasure is there your heart will be also look at your
bank account and you will see what meat or to you for me it's eating out
Tennessee well this is we ate a lot we out a lot this month you know it you'll
see it there you will see what means more to you think about the things of
heaven not the things of Earth verse 6 his approach to this particular
confrontation in Corinth was twofold first it was necessary that the current
Church express their subjection to Christ by demonstrating loyalty to Paul
all wanted them to say that all wanted them to express that Paul wanted them to
show a loyalty to Christ and to him because the false teachers were very
aggressive in discrediting Paul and his teachings it's the same thing with us we
need to know now tonight at least to whom our loyalty belongs to are you
living for the world or are you living for God I'm I spoke to this young man
this this week he has full of potential full of potential both for the world and
for God he's very young 21 good-looking guy I told him you have a choice he can
spend your life for the world and be great at it and you can spend your life
for God and be great at it too our lives are full of choices amen but those these
are the choice this is the one choice for us believers that we need to answer
every day and when we answer it with the loyalty for God hopefully and we will
follow with an action not just an idea that's the difference between successful
people and they're not so successful people they're not so successful people
have a lot of ideas but no actions the successful people has an idea and they
take action and then enough successful people a lot of comments whoa here we go
again right they throw rocks that somebody's
trying to go up you get those haters right we have to have the idea we have
to have the idea and then move forward but you know what Christian life is not
an idea okay obedience to God is not an idea
it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle we need to be obedient to God because it's
our love relationship with it we love it we love to obey Him there's a difference
if we have to obey because we're told to obey and we have to obey and there's
consequences but we don't really want to compare do I want to obey because I love
God so the loyalty here has again Paul telling them they need to show their
loyalty to Christ and to him in this way their obedience would be complete
because if we're obedient to Christ were complete second when Paul was sure that
they had abandoned his opponents the false prophets he could then directly
deal with the false prophets knowing that the church supported him it's hard
for me to really minister to people if I know that they're not completely in love
with God what do I mean if somebody approaches me with their issue or their
problem and I know that they're not completely in love with the Lord I tread
that water very so lightly but if I know that they love God and they just made a
blunder I give it to them hard as God wants it I give it to them as God says
it some people just can you can only handle milk and they're wondering why
they're not growing sometimes I go hard a little bit a
little bit of meat a little bit maybe the truth sometimes a little bit more
than usual sometimes they submit most of the time
they don't but here once Paul once Paul has the security the church is with him
then he will address the false prophets that's why that's what he says here
about the punishment the punishment will go to the false
prophets the same thing with God God will punish the false prophets those who
have misled many people punishment goes to them punishment goes to them I'm on
my 45-minute mark here I still have another hour ok he could directly deal
with the false apostles knowing that the church supported him he was ready to
punish their acts of disobedience to Christ the word punish could be more
translated to avenge and closing we're gonna go with this not by human wisdom
but by the spirit we're gonna go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 to 14
when we tell you these things we do not use words that come from you and wisdom
instead we speak words given to us by the spirit using the spirit's words to
explain spiritual truths but people who aren't spiritual can't receive these
truths from God's Spirit it all sounds foolish to them and they can't
understand it for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit
means if you can all please turn your Bibles to the book of John chapter 14
we started with this and we're gonna we're gonna end with this verse 15 if
you love me you will obey what I command I don't know if your Bible is in red ink
has a red egg but that is Jesus speaking so I'm making you read it from the Bible
so that you know it's just not on your computer on your phone it's true and I
will ask the Father and He will give you another counselor to be with you forever
for us believers when we accepted Christ the Spirit the Holy Spirit now in to us
in us the Spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because it neither
sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you
I will not leave you as orphans I will not come to you I will come to you
before long the world would not see me anymore but you will see me because I
live you will also live on that day you will realize that I am in my father and
you are in me and I am in you whoever has my commands and obeys them he is the
one who loves me he who loves me will be loved by my father and I too I love him
and show myself to him verse 25 verse 23 jesus replied if anyone loves
me he will obey my teaching my father will love him and we will come to him
and make our home with him he who does not love me will not obey my
teaching these words here are not my own they belong to the father who sent me
all the all this I have spoken what still with you but the counselor know
whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will
remind you of everything I have said to you amen everyone if you have accepted
Christ as your Lord you have the Holy Spirit
you have the power to resist temptation you have the power to obey you have the
power to serve God as God wants you to serve him you have it you just have to
be willing the unfortunate thing is we are not willing for those of us they
have not accepted for those of you have not accepted Christ a lot of these
things are not making sense to you because the Holy Spirit is the one that
gives you the truth but if something is all of a sudden making sense to you
tonight that's the Holy Spirit clarifying it for you
clearing it for you and speaking to you the Spirit of God has just opened your
eyes in your minds I submit you finally surrender your life to him tonight the
object of pause warfare was to make people obedient
that was his warfare to make the corinthians obedient said they will grow
so that they will be profitable for the lord so there will be great witnesses
for the lord to bring more people to the Lord it's the same thing for us we are
to be obedient Paul was not interested in making them subject to him to himself
or any other man for that matter or for the matter of the world but Paul wanted
us them and us to submit to God's will to be obedient to God's will for us to
grow and glorify Him amen 2nd Corinthians 1:2 for 1:24 but that
does not mean we want to dominate you by telling you how to put your faith into
practice we want to work together with you so you will be full of joy for it is
by your own faith that you for it is by your own faith that you
stand firm if you are not obedient to God you will struggle if you are
struggling all the more we need to surrender to God all the more you need
to be prayerful if there are problems coming it could be it could be a test
from the Lord it could be a consequences from our sins
but at the end of the day we need to be obedient believers
amen amen please join me in the word of Prayer father we thank you for your word
tonight we thank you for your truth father father we ask for forgiveness for
all of our sins them many times that we have failed you know many times that we
have given given into our fleshly desires father help us story god help us
grow father help us to see why we need to be willing to be obedient to you
father help us to get down on our knees there God and be prayerful to you father
help us to take our walk with you more seriously guide us father and be
glorified in our lives Lord father I pray for blessings for everyone here
tonight and you guide them father guide them to the truth and help them Lord God
set their minds on you and fall more in love with you so that we can be or beat
into you in Jesus name we pray
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