Google has a savage easter egg for flat earthers that will no doubt make you say OHHHHHH shit.
Welcome back to inform overload, where we overload you with information, and occasionally
make fun of the phenomenon known as the flat earth theory.
My name is charlotte and I'm the main host on this channel.
If you believe the earth is round, smash the thumbs up.
I'm judging.
There needs to be an equal number of smashes to views, and if you don't smash I will
assume you are a flat earther.
There are still a lot of people who believe in the flat earth theory, in fact, the more
you try to tell a flat earther that they are wrong, the more they will resist you.
Well one of the biggest companies on earth, google, has thrown in a savage easter egg
that trolls flat earthers when they translate "im a flat earther" to French.
If you've never used google translate before, you can essentially use it to translate anything
you want into any language one earth.
Picture this, a flat earther has a hot date with a French girl, and he wants to drop the
flat earth bomb.
So he puts in im a flat earther in google translate, and he gets Je Suis un Fou, which
if you don't speak French, means I am a crazy person.
You can guess how that date will turn out.
Well played google, well played.
That was mmmnomnomnom.
I wonder who was behind this excellent troll.
So far it seems that French is the only language that this works for.
Google has responded to this, and denied that they did this on purpose.
They simply said, translate works by learning patterns from many millions of examples of
translations seen out the web.
Unfortunately some of those patterns can lead to incorrect translations.
This error has been reported and we are working on a fix.
Noooo don't fix it.
its not broken.
Carmen Guy – you are amazing, hilarious, entertaining and succinct.
Thank you for talking to us and not at us.
Wow succinct I haven't heard that word in a while.
Thank you for the amazing complement.
Wallax Pro – This girl is flat as hell dislike Well, I can always get a push up bra.
Ya'll cant do nothing about what you're lacking in the pants department AMIRITE.
OHHHHHH On that note, I am here to tell you guys the
If you wanna see boobs, go on p, I'm sure you're very familiar with it.
Alright im done being a savage.
The video is over, thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe to IO for all your news.
Do you wanna stay on this channel, of course you do, check out this playlist over here.
By the way we are on social media, make sure you check out the description for all our
links, that's it for me and I'll see you in the next video.
For more infomation >> Google Trolls Flat Earth Believers In SAVAGE Way - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Deputies: Nassau County woman shoots husband over Google search - Duration: 2:24.
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This video include lyrics on screen
Unhinged Meathead Issues Absurd DEMAND to Trump After ABC Canceled 'Roseanne' - Duration: 3:07.
Unhinged Meathead Issues Absurd DEMAND to Trump After ABC Canceled 'Roseanne'.
Rob "Meathead" Reiner is using Roseanne's show cancellation, as a means to attack President
The unhinged liberal is now demadning that President Trump come out and APPLAUD ABC for
canceling the popular reboot show, after Roseanne called former Obama top aide Valerie Jarrett
an "ape" in a tweet, that she later apologized for.
ABC was quick to react, by canceling the show, and liberals feigned plenty of dramatic outrage.
However, there's a few very very big problems with their so-called "outrage."
Celebrities all over Tinsel Town have been calling President Trump an "ape" or an
"orangutan" for going on 2 years now, and nobody seems to care.
From The Blaze
Liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner demanded Tuesday on Twitter and on MSNBC that President Trump
come out and applaud ABC for cancelling Roseanne Barr's show after a racist tweet about a
former Obama aide
Reiner on social media said that ABC did "the right thing," but said that Trump was "stoking"
the evil fire that inspired Barr's tweet.
He added that Trump would be continuing to "stoke evil" if he didn't applaud ABC.
ABC has done the right thing.
They've stood up against racism.
It is our country's original sin.
But this is 2018 and it has no place in the hearts of decent people.
Unfortunately our president has stoked these evil fires.
If he doesn't applaud ABC, he will continue to stoke evil.
"ABC has done the right thing.
They've stood up against racism," he tweeted.
"It is our country's original sin.
But this is 2018 and it has no place in the hearts of decent people."
Unfortunately our president has stoked these evil fires," he added.
"If he doesn't applaud ABC, he will continue to stoke evil."
"He's appealing to is a racist base"
Reiner didn't talk about stoking "evil" during his appearance on MSNBC that evening,
but continued to demand that Trump celebrate ABC's decision to cancel Roseanne's show.
"Now the question is does the commander-in-chief," he told Chris Hayes on his show, "does the
president of the United States come out and say that ABC, in no uncertain terms, ABC did
the right thing.
And that's what we're gonna have to see."
"No more 'there's good people on both sides,' no more uh, you know dog whistles,
and 'here's my African-American over here,'" he added, referring to comments made by the
president about the lethal attack in Charlottesville and a comment he made during a rally about
a supporter.
"We'll have to see a president come out and say that and if he doesn't, then it's
gonna tell us that who, who he's appealing to is a racist base," he concluded.
what do you think about this?
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USA facts today.
15 Interesting Facts About Germany - Duration: 7:02.
15 Interesting Facts About Germany
Germany, a Western European country has been one of the top in the list of tourist destination for a very long period. Germany has about 2 millennia of history since it has been amidst many ups and downs. Apart from the historical anecdotes, Germany has been famous for a variety of things like Sausages, Cars (Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, eh?) and who can be unaware of Oktoberfest??
1.Consuming Beer
Germany is the second biggest consumer of beer after the Czech Republic (bonus fact 1: so that you know, in Bavaria beer is considered food!)
2. Ockotoberfest (Festival of Beer!)
Not actually celebrated in October but in last two weeks of September, this is one of the most popular (and awaited) festivals in the world. Also, the first Oktoberfest was actually a wedding celebration for Prince Ludwig of Bavaria in 1810.
3. Berlin
Berlin is about nine times bigger than Paris and has bridges more than Venice.
4. Break Free
From Germany prison, there is no punishment for escaping since the need to be free is a natural human instinct.
5. Shortage of Men
After WW I, there was a much shortage of men, that only one in three woman could find a groom for herself.
6. Longest Name
Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft is the longest word to be published. It is 79 letters long which translates to "Danube steamboat shipping electricity main engine facility building sub clerk association"
7. Diversity of (Some) Foods
There are about 300 kinds of bread and more than a 1,000 kinds of sausages in Germany.(Bonus fact 2: There's a bread museum!)
8. Lost in Translation
When JFK visited Berlin, he (might have been pranked!) said "Ich bin ein Berliner," which translates to "I am a jelly donut." Though that's not what was interpreted. Berliners knew he meant he was one of them.
9. Tannenbaum
Or the Christmas tree tradition came from Germany. Three cheers to that one!
10. Another Long Name Fact
The word Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz (law delegating beef label monitoring) was removed from the German language in 2014.
11. Fake Bus Stops
Supposedly, Germany has fake bus stops for Alzheimer's patients, who escape from nursing homes because they tend to wander to the nearest bus stop so they can go home. When nurses find them, they let them know the bus will be late and have them sit inside.
12. Branded Country
Adidas was founded by Adolf "Adi"Dassler, a Bavarian and the company owns 10% of Bayern's shares. (Bonus fact 3: Adolf's other brother, Rudolf Dassler founded Puma.)
13. World's Narrowest
The world's narrowest street is called Spreuerhofstrasse in Reutlingen and is 31 cm (one foot) wide at its narrowest point.
14. German Determination Test
In the 4th grade, German kids are placed into Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium, which pretty much determines if you will go to university or straight to the work force (Gymnasium is the highest level).
15. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, the most recognised scientist in the world, was German and born in Ulm. (Bonus fact 4: Einstein married his cousin.)
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AK Computer Network
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Gabriel habla sobre el acuerdo de divorcio que firmó con Geraldine Bazán - Duration: 0:28.
Rashel Díaz celebra una portada más en su carrera | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:33.
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Faltan pocos días para que Shakira empiece la gira que había cancelado - Duration: 0:33.
DIY Wine Bottle Craft | Moroccan Glam | Decoupage - Duration: 12:17.
Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse
Hi, my crafty fam, today I'm bringing you this fun and beautiful Moroccan inspired glam
bottle that was requested.
I made this using the decoupage technique with paper cutouts.
Moroccan glam a DIY wine bottle craft, requested
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Now Let's get started.
As usual, we will start by painting the whole bottle with matte white acrylic paint and
a pouncer brush.
Give it two coats and make sure to let it fully dry before giving it the second one.
I like to put mine in front of a small fan to help it dry faster.
While that's drying you can prepare the paper cutouts we will be decoupaging.
I found this pattern online and thought it was perfect for what I wanted.
I printed two copies.
You want to cut each side with the points evenly across.
Then cut out each individual strip as you see here.
I used two copies for my bottle… eight strips in total.
Depending on the size of your bottle, you might need more or less.
On the ones with the two half designs, I cut off each of the top halves.
I'll be replacing it with a full one.
and then add four more to the other strips as well.
The next part is optional, I like to establish a pattern of color before starting a project.
Using markers the same colors as the paint I will be using, I created a color pattern
to my liking.
I used blue, purple and orange.
Before painting them, I numbered each row so I could put it back in the same order.
Next, we're going to paint them in.
Make sure to place them on a silicone craft mat or on glass because they will stick to
the surface otherwise when adding the paint.
I set up my paint and three medium-sized pouncer brushes, one for each color.
Matching all of the dots I painted each section.
Be gentle and take your time.
I let them dry and gave them another coat.
Once they're dry, you have to peel them up.
Be careful when doing this that you don't rip them.
You might want to run the scissors around the edge to separate
the paint from the paper before lifting.
They should look something like this when you're done.
Before gluing them onto the bottle…
I'm going to seal it with Mod Podge Gloss first.
This is so the white paint doesn't get damaged when I glue the paper cutouts down.
Make sure the glue is completely dry before moving on to the next step.
If you want to make sure you space then even all the way around, use some painters or masking
tape to place them how you want them before gluing them down.
Now it's time to decoupage the paper cutouts onto the bottle.
Place some mod podge on the bottle and don't be shy with it.
This isn't thin like paper napkins and will need more glue to stick it down.
Just make sure to spread the glue evenly so it doesn't dry with lumps.
Now place the paper cutouts, if you have them taped… lift one off glue it down and keep
going until you're done.
I just eyeballed mine as you see here.
Place the cutout but don't press it all the way down until you have it where you want
Once it's where you want it, glue the whole thing down.
On the bottom and top of the bottle where the glass has a curve, I use my fingers to
press the paper down.
I could've just misted the back side of the cutouts with water and it would have made
it a lot easier to glue down… totally forgot.
Make sure to smooth out all the glue and continue doing this until they are all glued down.
Glue down all the last cutouts and like I said before if you mist the backside with
water before gluing it down it'll be a lot easier to manage.
Now I'm going to paint the bottom halves so it looks better.
Using your favorite sealer, seal the whole bottle.
I gave mine 3 coats, letting dry between each one.
and now for the fun part! adding all the details.
Pour some clear glue, any clear glue will do, and add glitter to it.
I added purple,
dark blue,
and a lighter blue glitter and mixed it all together.
I randomly glittered several of the blue and purple ones with the mixture.
I then added orange glitter paint to all the orange spots
and blue glitter paint to some of the blue ones.
You want to do thin layers and build up to get the best results with the glitter paints
so that means letting it dry before adding another coat.
I gave them around 4 coats each.
I then decided to add a very light outline to some of the purple spots with the blue
glitter glue as you see here.
Let all that dry and then it's time to add all the rhinestones and fallback gold pearls.
I used clear nail polish and the back of the paintbrush.
I use a tiny bit of nail polish on the back of the brush to pick up the rhinestones.
I outlined all of the shapes using the gold flat back pearls... purple and blue rhinestones.
I decided to add some color to the neck of the bottle because it was to plain.
Using the same color paints I gave it a blue, purple and orange strip as you see here.
Then added all the bling.
Paint the cap white and let it dry.
Give it a coat of the orange and let that dry.
Rhinestone it up with all the different colors, let it dry and screw the cap back on.
And here it is all done!
This bottle was a lot of work because of all the rhinestones but I love, love love how
it came out.
It was so worth it and I totally nailed my vision with this Moroccan inspired glam bottle.
Thank you for this request!
I really enjoyed making it and I hope you guys do too.
There are so many different ways you can decorate this bottle.
Like using puffy gold paint to outline them instead of the rhinestones… use, yarn, bling
wrap or trim… and if you don't have regular glitter use glittered nail polish.
You could also use fabric instead of paper cutouts for your design.
If you have a stencil, trace it onto the fabric, cut them out and glue it down the same way
as I did with the cutouts.
You can change the colors to match your decor or event.
You can also put fake flowers in it an turn into a vase.
Use your imagination and as always, have fun be creative and make a mess.
Thanks for watching!
If you like this video, please don't forget to thumbs it up as it helps the growth of
the channel and to show your support!
If you're new here, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future video's
and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry.
Niurka responde a los cuestionamientos de su ausencia | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:16.
Angélica Vale desmiente rumores de separación | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:38.
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Flipping the Bird of Victory | Brockmire | Season 2 - Duration: 1:51.
[Door creaks] Hey.
There he is. -Hey! Jim!
Congrats on Atlanta. -Thank you, Raj.
You know, boy, you're a very talented young man.
You put up quite a fight.
I have a little something for you. No, Jim, come on.
Where is that thing? Where is it?
Here it is. -I'm excited.
Psych! Fuck you!
I win.
I am a major-league broadcaster!
Aaron Thomas in his iTunes review says
that "Jim Brockmire is a boring and rambling drunk.
One star." [Jeering]
No, no. Thank you for the feedback, Aaron.
And here is my response.
I don't know if you remember me,
but you would not let me eat out your ass.
I just want you to know that the joke is on you,
because I'm a major-league broadcaster now.
You lose! [Grunts]
Can you see these babies through your mouth hole,
you -- you piece of shit?!
[Cheering] Major-league broadcaster, baby!
You lose, I win!
[Laughs maniacally]
Because I am a major-league broadcaster, baby!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
That don't impress me, bitch.
And you still can't eat this ass.
See, I -- Are you sure, though?
You know, 'cause the butthole and the vagina,
they're connected in pleasure.
That's why they're so close together.
It's like yin and yang, ass and tang.
No, g-- Unh!
I win. Major-league broadcaster.
[Bell dings]
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