To be completely honest with you, I don't think I enjoyed the previous Dillon games.
Now don't me wrong, I am not going to sit here and say the games are bad, but the original
games left me feeling flat.
The tower defense action in Dillon's Rolling Western wasn't too hot, and the variety present
felt a bit depressing.
The sequel, The Last Western, didn't enough to win me back over and I ended up not even
finishing it.
So... why oh why would I even be discussing Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers?
Because it is good, darn good in fact.
It still suffers from a slow pace, but this armadillo gets moving before you know it.What
immediately stood out to me was the change in tone.
While I was not against exploring the wild west, the threat never felt truly there.
In Dead-Heat Breakers, the whole game is dipped in a Mad Max mentality.
Dillon stands out a silent hero that fights against the interests of an authority as well
as the outlandish Grocks.
Sure, the Grocks were in the previous games, but they never felt like something malicious.
The rock monsters attacked to feed themselves on delicous Scrogs, hidden within the bases.
While that part of it is still there, you would hard pressed to find a moment in previous
entries where it really matters.
Dead-Heat Breakers introduces characters and shows why you are exactly fighting.
The feeling of stopping the threat and saving a town simply feels good.Dillon, the silent
protagonist that it is, brings a rag tag team together to keeps these towns at large safe.
The team and their friendship is being created within the walls of the city.
Some familiar characters make a return including Sal the Arms Dealer and Russ the squirrel
sidekick among others.
The new key players in the story are you and your friends.
Well, their Mii characters.
Miis will be transformed into recruitable animal troopers that will help you out in
This makes for some hilarious results as Reggie Fils-Aime turned into a giant bull, and Bill
Trinen turned into a goat in my game.
Their reactions and how they interact with the world surrounding them is truly hilarious,
and gives hiring gunners such a treasured feel of charm.
Your Mii animal is the most important one here mind, as you will be controlling him
or her between missions and other activities.Before we get into those, let's discuss the classic
tower defense action.
Many things are improved compared to the last two entries.
You start by setting up the recuited gunners and exploring the map, all of which can be
done with buttons now.
As Dillon, you will need to charge up the towers and ensure that have enough boost to
fly across the map.
After a while, or you press START, the evil Grocks will start dropping like wild fire.
With button controls at hand, you control Dillon towards the rock monsters and start
taking them down.
If you don't, they will start attacking towers and bring your mission to an almost immediate
You will engage in arena style battles where dashing, avoiding and striking are enough
to take most down.
The frantic sequences are way better represented than in the previous entries, ensuring that
every takedown is quite satisfying.
When you get to a certain amount, the action of the defense missions starts to drastically
Insteadof usual dashing, Dillon changes into a racing machine that needs take down vehicle
shaped Grocks.
Withthe right slamming and ramming moves, you will destroy them within required time
These sections require a lot of care from the player as you don't have the room to mess
it up.
You will find yourself braking carefully, drifting to maintain a certain speed or do
a Supercharged Dash to close gaps.
They are an utter brilliant finale to the protect towns missions, and feel right at
home with the feeling I am describing.
Cruising around, finding the Grocks and destroying the threat in front of your eyes is entertaining
beyond belief.
While it may seem that you just hop from mission to mission, that isn't exactly the case.
Like I mentioned before, there is a city where you partake in so much more.
For starters, maybe you want to replay a mission or two?
The Replay Machine allows you to go back and replay defense missions that you finished.This
can net you a better score, and imagery in the game's Gallery Mode.
Next to this, your Mii can do handy work to earn money for your gunner hiring schemes.
There are three distinct minigames where you work in the Recycle Center, Zzz Mart or Hyper
Arcade for cash based on your performance.
While these are fun, they do make the game drag as you basically do the same things over
and over.
My favoriteactivity, without a doubt, is the Stadium.
It is here that you put Dillon's racing abilities to the test in a time trial styled race.
The initial one starts easy enough, but later ones throw you for a constant loop.
So much so that I made hefty use of the practice option in the game's main menu screen.Dillon's
Dead-Heat Breakers is a beaut of a Nintendo 3DS game.
It runs really smooth with beautifully rendered characters and environments to boot.
The developers took time to give the world a gritty look that I can get behind.
More impressive is the fact that 3D effects are still present in this video game.
I thought that this something Nintendo almost fully got rid of, but it is here in full force.
The backgrounds really pop and make the world stand out even a bit more.
It is well tailored for the system in every way possible.
At the end of the day, Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers is one of the fully new and original
titles to be on Nintendo 3DS this year.
The game feels made and suited to be on Nintendo 3DS, while delivering on fun gameplay and
cool mechanics.
What truly sells the experience here are Mii animal gunners, and some of extra activities
that keep you glued for hours on end.
The only disappointing thing really is that the pace crawls now and again.
It feels rather off in an otherwise really well put together product.
Well, what can I say more?
I am giving the game a Loved It.
Thank you for watching and be sure to stay subscribed to GameXplain for more on Dillon
and other things gaming.
For more infomation >> Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers - REVIEW (3DS) - Duration: 5:45.-------------------------------------------
Creepy Trump Once Rated Ivanka's Looks As A Perfect Ten - Duration: 3:02.
According to a recent interview between Howard Stern and David Letterman for Letterman's
Netflix program, Howard Stern recounted a conversation that he had with Donald Trump
where he asked Donald Trump to rate some of the best looking women in the world or at
least tell him who some of the best looking women on this planet are.
You know, according to Howard Stern he didn't talk about Angelina Jolie, but instead he
wanted to talk about his own daughter, Ivanka, whom he called a 10.
A perfect 10 is how he described his own daughter when talking about some of the most beautiful
women in the world.
Now listen, as a father I have a very young daughter.
She's beautiful.
She's great and she's wonderful.
If somebody asked me to list the hottest women in the world, yeah, I'm not going to say my
own daughter ever.
Because that's creepy as hell.
I don't understand why conservatives are so okay with this, because this isn't the first
Donald Trump has sexualized his own daughter repeatedly over the course of that woman's
I mean this goes back several decades of Donald Trump when his daughter was a teenager posing
in poses that were sexually suggestive and inappropriate for a father-daughter relationship,
repeatedly making comments about what a great body she has.
If you are looking at your daughter and saying, "She has got a great body," there is something
wrong with you.
That's let's call the authorities level of creepy.
Normal fathers or mothers or whatever don't look at their children and think that they're
That is indicative of some kind of problem, and again, conservatives seem perfectly fine
with this.
They have no problem with Donald Trump sexualizing his daughter.
They get on Twitter and they're like, "Well, she is beautiful."
She's attractive, yeah, but that's not okay for a daughter to go out, for a father to
go out there and say, "She's a perfect 10," or, "Damn, she's got a good body.
Look how hot she is."
That's inappropriate behavior and it all, all of it just points back to the fact that
there is something mentally wrong with the President of the United States.
Again, this isn't a one off thing.
Trump has been doing this to Ivanka Trump for decades.
Something needs to be done here, whether it's a full psychological evaluation of the President,
maybe an MRI or a CAT scan to see if there's some kind of growth in his brain that needs
to be taken out, but either way, everything this man has done points to the fact that
his brain is not working properly.
BREAKING Giuliani Released New Info That Will End Investigation Against Trump, They Made a HUGE Mist - Duration: 5:12.
BREAKING: Giuliani Released New Info That Will End Investigation Against Trump, They
Made a HUGE Mistake.
Since President Trump has taken office he has been targeted by the mainstream liberal
media, and Congressional Democrats who want to do anything to stand in between President
Trump, and success.
Which is why they started the Robert Mueller investigation with the Department of Justice.
Yet, thus far nothing has materialized from the investigation and the President has been
found to be innocent.
Now new developments have been announced by none other than former New York Governor Rudy
The Great American Republic reported the following,
"Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani feels that new information, that would be
revealed in a Department of Justice review would tank the Mueller investigation.
Acting as President Trump's lawyer in the Special Counsel Robert Mueller probe, Mr.
Guiliani has taken the approach that the whole investigation is based on fake reports, and
is not even legal using the Department of Justice's own guidelines.
A strong look at possible uses of the FISA court by the Obama administration should also
get a close look.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Friday that he will make a request, that will
lead to the end of the Mueller investigation into Russian election interference, and alleged
collusion with the Trump campaign.
Here's what he's planning:
Giulani is calling for a review from the Department of Justice of the documents, that led to the
opening of Mueller's investigation, and believes that this will reinvigorate the accusation
that the probe was illegitimate and should be ended.
Giuliani, who is one of Trump's defense lawyers, spoke to the Associated Press about
his claim that accusations of "spying" on the Trump campaign may delegitimize Mueller's
"If the spying was inappropriate," he said.
that means we may have an entirely illegitimate investigation."
"Coupled with Comey's illegally leaked memos," Giuliani explained, "this means
the whole thing was a mistake and should never have happened."
"We'd urge the Justice Department to re-evaluate, to acknowledge they made a mistake," he
"It's a waste of $20 million of the taxpayers money.
The whole thing is already a waste of money."
Via the Blaze:
"The president and his allies have repeated the claim that former officials in the Obama
administration, authorized a "spy" to infiltrated the Trump campaign and gather
information for illegal political purposes."
"Clapper has now admitted that there was Spying in my campaign," tweeted Trump of
the former Director of National Intelligence.
"Large dollars were paid to the Spy, far beyond normal."
Now Democrats in the Senate and Congress are being pressured from every angle, to defend
the legitimacy of the investigation mainly because there is none.
To that effect SF Gate reported,
"President Donald Trump and his allies on Wednesday ramped up their attacks, on the
investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, as Democratic leaders faced
growing pressure to defend the legitimacy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
The president said at the White House that "a lot of bad things have happened", during
the investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Moscow, and "we now call
it Spygate.
You're calling it Spygate.
Some Democrats are alarmed their party is not doing more to counter Trump's relentless,
attempts undermine the probe by branding it a political attack on his presidency.
They worry about paying a price at the ballot box in November, if the public is not better
educated about the investigation, which has resulted in charges against 19 people and
five guilty pleas.
These Democrats are pressuring party leaders, who have mostly preferred to see their candidates
talk about "kitchen table" issues, to be more aggressive in countering Trump's
messaging, warning they are letting the president define the issue for voters.
President Donald Trump says it's disgraceful, that a list of proposed questions from special
counsel Robert Mueller was leaked to the news media.
Jesse Ferguson, an aide in Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, said Democrats
should lead with the charges filed in the Mueller investigation to show that crimes
have been committed, despite Trump's protestations."
Instead of focusing on this nonsense investigation, which is proven to provide nothing other than
conjecture people in Washington D.C. should be focusing on the issues, that most affect
the American people.
Taxes, healthcare, education, teachers, law enforcement, etc.
They deserve the attention of our elected officials and they have not been getting it.
They deserve so much more than a government, that wastes millions upon millions upon millions
of dollars on a silly investigation.
Especially given the astronomical rate at which our deficit is bloating out of control.
Enough is enough and the American people need to tell our politicians in the epicenter of
our country this very fact.
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5 Star Wars MOVIE MISTAKES FIXED by Solo A Star Wars Story - Duration: 7:02.
With over four decades of Star Wars movies, books and TV shows to pore over, fans have
uncovered a myriad of mistakes and inconsistencies in the universe over the years.
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan here and in this video, I'll be explaining how
the new Solo film addresses or fixes five intriguing Star Wars movie mistakes, contradictions
and unanswered questions.
If you're new here, I do regular movie breakdowns, so subscribe to get all my new Star Wars videos
and leave a comment as well for a chance to win a Star Wars Funko Pop!
Spoilers ahead for the Solo movie, so take care if you haven't seen it yet.
Something that's puzzled die-hard Star Wars fans for a while is how the Millennium Falcon
can have a conversation with droids like C3PO and R2-D2?
"Sir, I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar
"I believe, sir, it says that the power coupling on the negative axis has been polarized."
And the Solo movie finally reveals that it's Lando's cranky droid L3 who's behind the Millennium
Falcon's rather quirky personality.
After L3 kicks off a droid rebellion on Kessel, she gets blasted and her system starts failing.
Lando manages to save part of her and takes her onto the Millennium Falcon.
During their escape, the crew have to take a shortcut through the Maelstrom which is
extremely dangerous, but Han points out that L3 has "the best navigational database in
the galaxy" and suggests downloading her brain into the Falcon's computer.
L3 then maps the area and finds the best way out.
So in the words of Lando, she's "a part of the ship now."
This also fits something revealed in The Last Jedi novelisation where it's said that "the
Falcon has always been cantankerous" and that one of its brains "had a fondness for both
romantic gossip and dirty jokes" which fits in well with L3's personality as we saw it
in the Solo movie.
It might also explain why Lando is still protective of the ship when we meet him in The Empire
Strikes Back as it still houses the consciousness so to speak of his old friend.
By the way, L3's brain module originated as an R3 astromech brain which also ties in neatly
with the specs for the Millennium Falcon which state the ship's computer is made up of 3
droid brains one of which is an R3 astromech.
When we first meet Han Solo in A New Hope, he boasts about how the Millennium Falcon
made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs.
Since then though canon stories have thrown doubt on whether Han's achievement is actually
In the canon novel "A New Hope: The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy", it's revealed
that when Han makes his boast in the Mos Eisley cantina, it's actually a lie and that Obi-Wan
probably knew better.
And amusingly, by the time of The Force Awakens, it seems that Rey's heard stories that it
actually took around 14 parsecs.
"This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs?"
"(SCOFFS) Fourteen."
The Solo movie weighs in on the confusion when, after completing the run, Han boasts
to the guy handling the fuel cells that he just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.
Then Chewie seems to object to this claim, and Han replies, "not if you round down, buddy".
Now, exactly how much rounding-down is going on here isn't revealed, but it sounds like
those 14 parsecs mentioned in The Force Awakens might be closer to the truth than fans thought
when we first saw that scene.
If you watch or more accurately listen to a Star Wars movie, you'll start to notice
that names are often pronounced inconsistently, something due in part to the mix of American
and British actors and their differing accents.
And there's one major character in particular whose name's been said inconsistently throughout
the movies.
"Han Solo."
"Well, take care of yourself Han."
"It sounds like Han."
"There's still a chance to save Han..."
"Oh, it's Han." "you think that after what you did to Han"
"Han, we need you."
"nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter!"
"What about Han?"
"Han, get up here!"
"We're trying to save Han from the bounty hunter!"
"Princess, we'll find Han."
"We're short one Han Solo."
"You're Han Solo?"
Han Solo!"
"You are the Han Solo that fought with the Rebellion."
"Han Solo!"
"Han Solo!"
In the original trilogy, many American actors say "Hon", while British actors pronounce
it "Han", Carrie Fisher's Leia switches between "Hon" and "Han", George Lucas himself says
"Han" and Lando repeatedly pronounces it "Han" despite Billy Dee Williams being American.
The Solo movie decides to acknowledge this inconsistency, explaining it in the scene
where Han meets Lando for the first time.
"Han Solo."
"Can I ask you a question Captain Calrissian?"
"Anything Han."
"It's Han.
But that's OK."
Perhaps Lando was just trying to put Han off his game, but it seems like the pronunciation
stuck and we now have an explanation for the way Lando says it.
Rogue One already gave us a little theory about why Stormtroopers so often miss their
targets when it comes to Force users, but the Solo movie takes the explanation a stage
further and answers the perennial question of how imperial troops can be so generally
incompetent when shooting even people who aren't Force sensitive.
In a bit of meta-commentary, after removing a Mudtrooper uniform, Jon Favreau's alien
character Rio says, "How do they breathe in these suits?
It's so stuffy.
No wonder they're such lousy pilots.
You can't turn your head, you can't breathe, you can't hear each other."
Obviously, he's not directly addressing Stormtrooper incompetence rather Mudtroopers, but it seems
reasonable to assume that Stormtroopers also suffer from having to wear clunky, stuffy
suits as well, hence the reason for their infamous inability to shoot accurately.
At the end of Solo, the movie tackles the controversial change that George Lucas made
when he re-edited the original Star Wars for the 1997 Special Edition re-release.
Lucas altered the scenes in the cantina where bounty hunter Greedo corners Han about the
money he owes Jabba.
Originally, after Han said "over my dead body", Greedo bragged that he "looking forward to
this", prompting Han to shoot him dead.
George Lucas was unhappy with this portrayal of Han saying it showed him to be a "cold-blooded
killer", so for the 1997 release he added frames showing Greedo shooting Han first but
Curiously, the 2004 DVD release edited the scene again having Greedo and Han shoot at
each other around the same time.
The Solo movie heavily implies that Han most probably did shoot first in the cantina, because
he does the same to Beckett, shooting him dead as he's talking and readying his own
Solo sets Han's character up as someone operating in a morally-grey area, both willing to help
out the good guys like Enfys Nest and also work for people like Jabba the Hut.
And it's Han's transition from rogue to hero in A New Hope that many fans love about the
character which is why it feels important that Solo finally establishes that Han did
shoot first.
Solo was absolutely packed with Star Wars easter eggs and connections, so were there
any other issues you spotted that the movie fixed or answered?
And did you notice any new plot holes in the movie?
Let me know in the comments and make sure you're subscribed to enter my Star Wars Funko
Pop giveaway.
If you enjoyed this, I really appreciate a thumbs-up and you sharing the video, plus
you can tap left for my breakdown of what Darth Maul's reveal means for an Obi-Wan movie
or tap right for my full Star Wars playlist.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers.
The basis for Stork Part 1 / Marina Klyatskaya - Duration: 14:08.
Trump Just Issued Unexpected Statement On Melania After She's Been 'Missing' For 2 Weeks - Duration: 3:50.
Trump Just Issued Unexpected Statement On Melania After She's Been 'Missing' For
2 Weeks.
First Lady Melania Trump has been home from the hospital for exactly a week now, but it's
been a whopping 15 days since she's been seen publicly.
After spending five days in the hospital after a sudden kidney surgery, Americans assumed
she was doing better and ready to get back to work in White House role.
So it came as a shock when there's continually been no sight or sound from her.
Now, President Trump has just released an unexpected statement about his wife who everyone
is wondering about and concerned about her condition.
The last time the country was graced with our first lady's presence was on May 10,
when she welcomed home three American hostages from North Korea at Joint Base Andrews, with
the president, according to the Washington Post.
Just four days later, she was rushed to Walter Reed to undergo what's typically an outpatient
kidney procedure but stayed under the hospital's care for almost a week.
Although she returned to the White House on May 19, as of the 26th, she hasn't been
Trump had assured the country that her surgery was successful and she's doing well.
He was even quoted saying she's "right there," and pointed to a window in the White
House when asked by prodding reporters why she's so-called "missing" and how she's
She's certainly allowed privacy while she's recuperating, even if her detractors don't
want to accept that and start conspiracies about her instead.
Since speculations are running amok, President Trump has had enough and is addressing the
concerns about his wife.
Independent Journal Review reports:
"She's doing great," the president told reporters before climbing aboard Marine One
and heading to the Naval Academy commencement ceremony on Friday.
"She's looking at us right there."
According to the Washington Post, President Trump then pointed to a window in the White
House, but reporters who turned to look failed to catch a glimpse of the first lady.
A spokesperson from the first lady's office addressed the public about her plan to resume
her regular scheduled.
IJR continued:
This week, the first lady's office did not indicate when she's expected to resume public
events but did reveal she has been holding meetings with her staff in the meantime.
"We've had several internal staff meetings in the past week around a variety of topics,
including her initiatives," her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told the Post in an email.
Melania's longtime friend Paolo Zampolli added that he has communicated with her via
text message since her release from the hospital and that she "seems to be recovering well."
Melania isn't just the first lady, she's also a mother to a young son who, like many
children in the country, is finishing up his school year.
The last week or two can be busy and Melania is a mother who has regularly been described
as "very hands on."
That's what makes her even more incredible as a person and example to others.
It's a reasonable assumption at this point that she's been busy with their son Barron,
at least as a possible purpose for her absence from the public.
Considering the immense amount of unwanted and unwarranted negative attacks on the youngest
Trump son, it's also understandable that the first family would want to keep his name
out of addressing concerns of where Melania is, and attention off this child.
Since a statement hasn't been made on where Melania has been, it's only speculation.
However, logical conclusions are better than conspiracy theories that liberals love to
create to make this family and the Trump's marriage look bad.
what do you think about this?
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Mister Saxophone | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.
Mister Saxophone
Ooh Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone plays a swingin' horn
like a one man band
Mister Saxophone
hey Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
ooh Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone with your swingin' tone
he plays the best he can
he can run his fingers over all of the keys
he can play and swing bending both of his knees
Saxophone blow that horn
in your one man band
(saxophone solo)
he can run his fingers over all of the keys
he can play and swing bending both of his knees
yeah, saxophone
blow that horn
in your one man band
Mister Saxophone
hey Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
hey Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone
whoa Mister Saxophone
yeah Mister Saxophone
Mister Saxophone with his swingin' tone
he plays the best he can
hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed our video
and for more Lah-Lah musical fun
don't forget to click on the next video
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see you soon!
Best Sex Positions To Get Pregnant How To Get Pregnant Naturally - Duration: 2:50.
Best Sex Positions To Get Pregnant How To Get Pregnant Naturally
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