In this video, I will talk about. How to make face me person, or tree from photo in google sketch up.
Download a photo that you will use, check the image size and its square ratio.
Use rectangular tool to draw square 2m, 2m
Be sure to Import the photo and use image as texture is selected.
Use move tool to get the image down to the ground.
Select all and make component. Be sure that always face camera and shadows face sun options are selected.
Set component axes. Then click create.
Go to view and select shadow.
Cut white color space surround the photo to prevent its shadows. Before using freehand tool lift click 3 times onthe component to select it.
Highlight the outside area and delete it.
Still you have white area to get rid of this. You have to change the type of image in Photoshop to support transparent.
Go to Photoshop and remove the white color and save the image in PNG format instead of JPG format.
In Sketch Up go to material windows.
Edit and in model material change the photo with the PNG format.
For more infomation >> FN Kuinka tehdä kasvot minulle henkilö kuva Google google sketchup - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Smoked Pork BBQ Ribs VS. Boiled Pork Ribs - Weber Kettle Grill - Duration: 16:44.
everybody this is Lyle with no hippie BBQ what we doing today is I'm gonna be doing a
comparison between boiled and then grilled ribs and then just regular
traditionally smoked barbecue ribs the reason that I am doing this is you know
I blonde a few these barbecue forums and somebody posted a picture of some ribs
that they did and they happen to be ribs that they boiled and Grill and he was
pretty much massacred for that and a while back probably three years ago I
did a boiled rib video and I thought they came out great if you guys know
James and a man claims smokers he was actually in that video he was actually
at the very beginning of that video with a pretty funny interlude anyway after
watching my man get massacred on this BBQ site I started thinking you know
what would people not necessarily myself but the people I work with which would
they choose we're gonna keep this is a pretty basic cook I'm gonna be just
going salt and pepper on the ones that were smoking and on both of them I'm
going to be using some of this you know you won it barbecue sauce by ill
rabbit's BBQ I'll leave a link to where you can get some of this my card a book
or not nothing I card above but in the description below really like the
consistency of this barbecue sauce we'll get into that down the road anyway as
far as the boiled ribs go we're gonna be boiling with just some random I think I
have a barbecue rub that I had leftover we're gonna season the water with that
we're gonna get a little old-school on it and I'll rock it with a little bit of
Old English as well and we're gonna boil those for between 30 to 45 minutes until
they are tender anyway let's get working on these ribs I have my grill getting
set up we're gonna be using my 26 inch weber kettle grill to knock out these
ribs so these are gonna be the ribs that i'm actually gonna go ahead and cook
their traditional way i'm gonna leave one for my family i'm gonna take one
into work for the taste test like I said our rub is gonna be simple and I think I
mentioned salt and pepper earlier I have a hint of go
like powder in here as well and we're just going to go ahead and get a nice
coating on both sides now I'm not using any binder on this these are gonna have
a chance to sit for about 45 minutes and have that seasoning soaked into it I'm
gonna be running my grill today at about 300 degrees we're going to be going a
little bit hotter than typical on it I'm getting kind of a late start alright
guys so that is a wrap right there I'm gonna go ahead and throw something on
this and get in the refrigerator for the next 30 minutes now let's get onto these
boiled ribs and how we're gonna be doing those these boiled ribs go I'm just
gonna go ahead and throw some seasoning into the end of this pot and I'm just
using whatever I have left over like I just poured in the leftover salt pepper
garlic from the ribs we just did and this is kind of a Memphis style homemade
rub that I have leftover it's gonna go ahead and throw that in as well I could
just use the water but I only prefer to boil my ribs in the premium Old English
800 we got here and I'm gonna be going about 50/50 water to Old English and
what I'm gonna do once I get all this in I'm gonna go ahead and bring it to a
boil just to kind of get those seasonings infused and you know if I
have some garlic or some something like that I'd go ahead and throw that in as
well but I just don't have any right now you need garlic cloves alright I'm gonna
go ahead throw this on to the stove and bring it to a boil these ribs are gonna
be cooked down the line they're only gonna need to boil for like I said about
3045 minutes and then grilling them you know maybe at our max depending on what
we're looking for anyway we'll pick this up outside so let's go
ahead and get these ribs on I'm out here at my 26 inch weber kettle grill and i'm
telling you i still surprised how much food this thing
holds anyway we're going to go ahead and throw them on and we're going to be
cooking these closer to like I said that 300 degree range it might be initially a
bit hotter than that just because I've had this lit up in the flames have kind
of caught on a little bit but we're going to go ahead and regulate that
temperature down the road we've had those other ribs on the grill for about
an hour I'm just going to go ahead and throw these ribs into the pot that we're
going to be boiling and I'm just going to let them sit here for a while it does
look like I need to add a little bit more liquid to it so I'm going to have
another 50/50 ratio of Old English and water and we're just going to kind of
let this sit here for about another hour hour and a half before we actually start
boiling we are about three hours in on these ribs I'm not sure if I mentioned
it earlier or not but we have been running regular Kingsford Charcoal with
some hickory wood chunks in there my temperature has been anywhere between
315 to 320 degrees these should only take a couple more hours so what I am
going to do is I'm going to go ahead and turn on my ribs inside that we're going
to boil one of my boil those for about 35 45 minutes so these ribs just came
out of the pot and I had these on a low simmer for about 45 minutes I'm going to
go ahead and let these dry off then we're gonna hit it with some olive oil
and then some of that salt pepper garlic and it's gonna be on to the grill after
that let's go ahead and season up these ribs they've had a chance to sit out for
about five minutes I'm just throwing some olive oil on here
and they hit it with that salt pepper garlic and the ribs are just to the
point where they're starting to pull away from the bone alright this is done
deal let's go check on the ribs that are out on the kettle right now so here's
what these ribs look like after being on for about four hours
still look like they need a little bit longer to go so we're gonna go ahead and
throw these boiled ones on right now at the same time though and I'm gonna check
on these in about thirty minutes see where we're at I'm gonna speculate that
these are gonna be ready to sauce at that point these may not be so these
boiled ribs look like we're ready to apply the sauce to them and like I said
the sauce that I'm using is L rabbits barbecue sauce the thing I like about
this barbecue sauce is this a thinner barbecue sauce so when you're applying
this barbecue sauce you're not gonna have those streaks that you might get
with a thicker barbecue sauce like maybe like a sweet baby Ray's might be a
little too thick for me anyway I'm gonna go ahead and turn these over and I'm
gonna go ahead and should have cut that top a little bit more I'm gonna go ahead
and apply that sauce
and then just brush it on
now I'm gonna let this sit on this backside for about 20-25 minutes then
I'm gonna flip it over and we can get the other side so this sauce is set
enough for me right here I'm going to go ahead and flip this and sauce other side
and I'm going to go ahead and sauce these two as well since we are losing a
little bit of daylight all right I'm gonna let these go for about another 25
minutes right here let that sauce sit a little bit and then we're gonna go ahead
and flip them and get the other side of those that a chance to sit for about 25
minutes I'm gonna go ahead and flip him over and get the other side
all right asks for these other ribs over here I'm gonna go ahead and throw these
directly over this flame for about 3 4 minutes just to get a little bit of that
char flavor on it I'm gonna let it go for well actually it's gonna be about 4
minutes I'm gonna keep it on this side for 2 minutes flip it and then do 2 more
minutes and I'm gonna move it back in direct let's go ahead and flip it
all right that's fine go ahead and move that back over here get a little bit
more sauce on the back press that in and I'm going to get the other side in about
another 25 minutes and we are losing daylight so I may not be showing all
this like I said next time you see me I may be at work with these and it looks
like it's starting to rain
alright guys so we're here with the left leave Miranda she's gonna go ahead and
take one rib off of each plate she's driving rib number a right now now she's
going to go ahead and grab one of B oh yeah do you know you're gonna eat the
whole rib she's over here acting like she's about to have a meal walk straight
and she's eating ribs with the fork so we're I'm not so much waking up enough
all right so anyway hmm get into a girl fight into that thing I'm not messy ear
Lyle all right repeat
hmm I gotta say I like the sweetness of a but the savory of B to go with beef
well the funny thing about it is those things are seasoned exactly the same but
we will go ahead and mark Miranda down for a B be appreciated Miranda let's get
somebody else in here thanks Lyle all right we are up here with Suzy she's
already drowned one of the rib B go ahead and grab one of the rib aids now I
have some people over here acting like they're trying to you know get a little
too dainty with these ribs and trust me I've seen these guys when they're not on
camera they go all in so anyway just take a bite of each and let you know
what you think
trust me guys she is not like this any other day of the week
I can already tell which one was it okay some hits already now that's just how I
like it
all right so we got one another one for Rigby hmm we're up here with Tim he's
already grabbing for rib Hey grab one from be all you gotta do is get
in it and tell us which one you like so that was a
I would say it's close to both great I can go through babe all right there's
one for ribbing okay we are up here with Kimberly some
of you guys might have seen her in my pastrami sandwich video somehow effect
I'm go ahead and leave a link to that video on iCard above description below
run by there take a look at that all right Kimble you all you got to do
is grab one rib off each plate so she's got rid of a right now she's going on
red bean out Kimberly's all into playing football and
stuff like that so she's not gonna be going in at all
dainty like the other two right all right so that's a blank that one kind of
it looks good
hmm I think I'm like a bear they're both really good though all right so there's
one for me yeah we are up here with Ryan all right Ryan all you gotta do is take
one off each plate take a bite out each one and let me know what you think
so that's written a that is a tasty rib
yeah be right there both excellent go with B though name singular reason just
more of a sassy type of a flavor to it all right
anyway that's one for B results are in on the boiled ribs versus smoked ribs
like I said we were featuring ill rabbits barbecue sauce in this video I'm
gonna leave a link to where you can buy this stuff in the description go pick
you up five or six bottles of this anyway results were a little surprising
you guys saw a few people on camera so let's just kind of go back over what
they chose so we had Miranda she chose the smoked ribs
we have Suzy and she chose the smoked ribs as well we have Tim that chose the
boiled ribs we have one of our - Kimberly's chose the boiled ribs and
then we had Ryan that chose these smoked ribs now people that did it off camera
well yeah the second Kim chose the boiled ribs mark and this is the one
that surprised me mark is like kind of one of those you know weekend barbecue
guys you can kind of throw down kind of surprised me that he chose the
boiled ribs and then we had dawn she chose the smoked ribs and then we had
Kyle chose the boiled ribs so tallied all that up we have five for the boiled
ribs and four for the smoked ribs so very interesting the only thing I could
speculate is that the boiled ribs were probably a little bit closer to that you
know fall off the bone thing which I think a lot of average people prefer
that fall off the bone type rib as opposed to you know something closer to
kind of those competition type ribs not that these were competition ribs but
very surprised by this because the seasoning was virtually the same on both
of these even though you've heard people in the video mentioned that one hand was
seasoned more than the other a different flavor so I don't know how they account
for that anyway it's a nice experiment thanks for stopping by no hippie BBQ I
appreciate it comment subscribe I'm out
Fall Off The Bone BBQ Ribs. BBQ Pork Ribs. Best BBQ Ribs Recipe
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Breaking News Today⚠️ WORLD WAR 3_ F 35 stealth fighter STRIKES in first combat Israeli operation - Duration: 3:28.
Breaking News Today welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification
box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today World War 3 f-35
stealth fighter strikes in first combat Israeli operation the u.s. f-35 stealth
fighter has soared into Israelis skies performing its first ever combat mission
for the Israeli Air Force despite Donald Trump's criticism against
its effectiveness Israel's Air Force chief showed an image
of the f-35 stealth fighter jets flying over Beirut Lebanon saying the planes
had already attacked twice on two different fronts Israel has declared the
Lockheed Martin f-35 as a game-changer for warfare however the f-35 has been
critiqued for its extortionate cost and effectiveness in combat missions last
year US President Donald Trump lashed out at the planes extensive price tag
with each plane costing 74 million pounds in which James mattis US Defense
Secretary stepped in to declare the f-35 was in fact a useful combat tool .
despite this America has given Israel the most military aid than any other
country in the world the US government issues around dollar for BN a year to
Israel with laws that the country must always maintain supreme military
superiority in the Middle East Maj Gen hammock M Norton Israeli Air
Force general told 20 foreign Air Force leaders at a conference in Israel of
f-35s superior warfare capabilities describing it as not a toy he said we
are flying the f-35 all over the Middle East and have already attacked twice on
two different fronts you know that we just won the Eurovision with the song
toy well the f-35 is not a toy Israel is the
only country to have ever flown the f-35 stealth jet apart from the US and has
commissioned nine of the 50 f-35 acid has ordered with plans to bring in up to
75 planes referred to by its Hebrew name a dir mighty the planes are believed to
be f-35 a models BBC Middle East correspondent Tom Bateman said Israel
has made claims to have used f-35 stealth fighter jets before the
Americans did in a bid to prove its military strength after threats from
Iranian forces in Syria Israel said they performed strikes at Iranian military
infrastructure after Iranian forces fired missiles at Israeli military bases
in Golan Heights dot hundreds of Iranian military personnel are stationed in
Syria advising its military as well as deploying thousands of volunteers to
fight for the Syrian army Israel is usually secreted in regards to its
military plans after reports show that the f-35 stealth fighter was in
operation in January last year with high hopes the US has put dollar 1.5 BN in
Israelis military program which is expected to run until 2070 critiques of
the single-seat fighter f-35 say that the jet lacks maneuverability as well as
having visibility problems for pilots stationed in the planes cockpit analysts
also say the planes ability to remain surreptitious while in combat
compromises its general effectiveness doc thanks for watch please share like
comment this video and subscribe channel for latest news
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how to get rid of hyperpigmentation
hyperpigmentation describes a common usually harmless condition in which
patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin this
darkening occurs when an excess of melanin in the skin hyperpigmentation
can be caused by sun damage inflammation or other skin injuries including those
related to acne vulgaris home remedies for hyperpigmentation tomato is natural
bleach yogurt is also natural bleach with skin tightening properties while
oatmeal offers scrubbing effects these three when mixed together are considered
a great remedy to get rid of pigmentation follow the steps extract
tomato juice add 2tsp oatmeal and 1/2 teaspoon yogurt to tomato juice mix all
three well together apply this to the problem areas and let
it dry completely finally wash it off with lukewarm water note make sure you
don't leave it on for more than 20 minutes and then ensure you try this
remedy every day to see desired results fast
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