Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
We all have those days at work where we're feeling a little lackluster about what we
have to do that day, but when it comes to people in uniform it's expected that they
stay on their game at all times.
Two officers in Toronto got caught slipping on the job when they decided to take two edibles
and started tripping so bad that one of them got stuck in a tree.
Back in late January, Vittorio Dominelli and Jamie Young allegedly took edibles after a
marijuana dispensary Community Cannabis Clinic was raided.
It's not clear if the two officers where a part of the raid or if they copped the edibles
from someone else.
Either way, the officers were busted when they called for emergency assistance at 1
a.m., complaining about hallucinations, and as mentioned, for one of them getting stuck
in a tree.
Complex's own Jose Martinez put it perfectly, it's a buddy cop movie gone terribly wrong.
Apparently the officers were unaware that the effects of ingesting marijuana takes way
longer to kick in than smoking it.
So after not feeling anything, they made the rookie mistake of continuing to eat.
According to CBC when back up came one of the officers took off running but they were
later put in a police car and taken to the hospital.
Both officers have been charged with attempting to obstruct justice and breach of trust.
The police report alleges that the officers "attempted to obstruct, pervert or defeat
the course of justice, by destroying or converting to their own use, evidence."
Dominelli and Young were suspended with pay and their court appearance is scheduled for
June 7.
//// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
For more infomation >> Two Toronto Officers Charged After Allegedly Taking Edibles On Duty - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Magneto Betrays Apocalypse (Scene) | X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Movie CLIP 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 3:00.
Thank you for letting me in.
You want what I have?
You want to feel what I feel?
Welcome to my world!
You're in my house now!
You'll need a bigger house.
You betray me?
I betrayed them.
Let's jump.
Cover me.
I got you.
JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order Overnight - Duration: 6:44.
JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order
Overnight – He's Had It!
President Trump has just issued a series of executive orders that potentially gut federal
employee unions' ability to negotiate with agency leaders and represent workers, as well
as reducing the time it takes for an agency to fire people for poor performance or misconduct.
I view this as a very good thing.
For far too long, government employees have felt safe from repercussions for not working
or for misbehaving.
This puts an end to that.
It looks like President Trump has had it with slackers in the federal government and he's
fixing that.
Shape up or ship out.
Trump is billing this as the first step toward broad civil service reform.
Three executive orders were issued that are aimed at making it easier to fire poor performers
and it orders harsher treatment of union representatives.
This step is long overdue and it will go a long way to eradicating corruption in the
government ranks.
It also sets the powerful unions back on their heels.
They will no longer operate like the mafia within our government.
"Today, the President is fulfilling his promise to promote a more efficient government
by reforming civil service rules," said Andrew Bremberg, director of the President's
Domestic Policy Council.
"Every year, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows that less than one-third of federal
employees believe poor performers are adequately addressed by their agency.
These executive orders make it easier to remove poor performing employees, and ensure that
taxpayer dollars are more efficiently used."
The first thing on the agenda is reducing the time it takes to fire poor performers
and employees suspected of misconduct by standardizing the length of Performance Improvement Plans
to 30 days across the federal government.
Right now it varies agency to agency and takes somewhere between 60 and 120 days usually.
"A GAO report shows that it takes six months to a year to remove someone from government,
and can often take another nine months on appeal," an official said.
"[This] also encourages agencies to fire someone for misconduct when they've been
engaged in behavior that warrants it, instead of just suspending them."
Talk about cleaning house.
The official said the administration would also make performance a more important factor
than seniority when agencies undertake layoffs.
According to DML News:
"The second executive order directs federal agencies to renegotiate contracts with unions
representing government employees so as to reduce waste.
The anonymous administration official expressed hope that, for example, agencies could stop
having to pay expenses on both sides when unions undertake appeals on behalf of fired
"The third order aims to cut down on "official time," in which government workers who have
roles in the union, like helping colleagues file grievances, are allowed to perform those
roles during normal working hours for which they draw their usual salary.
(An analogous concept exists for private-sector unions.)
The order limits official time to 25 percent of their hours during the year."
Administration officials said they estimate the changes to labor relations policies could
save "at least" $100 million in taxpayer money.
That's very good news.
When asked about potential increased costs as a result of the decrease in official time,
which is often used to mitigate disputes before a grievance or civil litigation is filed,
an official claimed such actions would actually decrease.
Again… winning.
"Litigations and grievances, we expect those to be reduced quite substantially, although
our cost savings estimate doesn't factor that in," the official said.
"Once those are factored in, the savings would only be increased, not decreased."
And boy howdy, the unions are ticked over this.
American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox said in a
statement that the executive orders are a "direct assault" on union members' legal
"This is more than union busting—it's democracy busting," he said.
"President Trump's executive orders do nothing to help federal workers do their jobs
In fact, they do the opposite by depriving workers of their rights to address and resolve
workplace issues such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination, retaliation against
whistleblowers, improving workplace health and safety, enforcing reasonable accommodations
for workers with disabilities, and so much more."
Someone get that guy a tissue.
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) praised the move in a statement, calling it an important step
toward a more effective federal government."The hallmark of the American civil service is
our commitment to hire the best and the brightest to serve our fellow Americans," he said.
"These executive orders strive to make the federal government more efficient, not only
for the taxpayer, but for our great federal workers.
We have thousands of federal employees who work very hard for the nation; it's important
that their work is not frustrated by the poor performance of a small few."
That's exactly right.
Hire the best and fire those who do not do their jobs.
In a call with the media, AFGE officials said the union will consider all possible actions
to fight the executive orders, including litigation.
"My lawyers are already looking at what possible violations of the law are contained
within the executive orders, and we will take action accordingly," said AFGE General Counsel
David Borer.
"We haven't seen the final version yet, but we're preparing our analysis and we
will respond aggressively."
Tony Reardon, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, said in a statement
said the executive order is not only an assault on unions but on "the nation's civil service
Rather than promote efficiency in the federal sector, the administration is demanding federal
workers lose their ability to challenge unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory firings and other
This would begin the process of dismantling the merit system that governs our civil service."
No sir, this begins a system that requires government employees to be responsible not
only for their work but their actions.
It's part of the Trump Doctrine and a welcome change.
what do you think about this?
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Wolf and what have not learned before - Duration: 2:34.
Our theme today about the wolf wolf is one of the fiercest and most beautiful animals And the most subtle
Did you know that the wolf is the only animal that eats jinn ?!
Did you know that the wolf is the only animal feared by the jinn ?!
Did you know that the wolf smells human blood a mile away in the desert
And that if a man was wounded and blood out of the desert becomes a target for the wolf can not be easily saved
Did you know that the wolf does not eat the dead no matter how hungry
Did you know that the wolf animal does not become adulterated and does not become like any other predatory animals Kalnmor and others
Did you know that the wolf when attacking a flock of sheep or other livestock choose the best existing and still searching among them until he finds the best
Did you know that the wolf has the intelligence of what makes him know whether the cattle shepherd carries a weapon or does not carry and similarly decides to attack or not
It is known whether the shepherd is male or female and therefore decides whether or not to attack
Did you know that the wolf is a lot of movement does not settle in a certain place
Did you know that the wolf when preyed on the victim is extracting the viscera first or what is called in the desert
They are the soft organs within the body such as the liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines, which are then destroyed by the body
Did you know that female lupus is more ferocious than male, especially when she has young children?
Did you know that wolf is a social animal of the first class and depends on his life and hunting and everything on the herd as an integrated and divided group Maham
Did you know that the wolf is the safest and most satisfying animal for his partner
Did you know that the wolf in the saddle grieves the death of the partner and for months or years weeping on his parting and crying and howling sad
You are the best fishing enthusiast
5 cosas que NO NECESITAS para ser una BRUJA 🔮🌿🙏 - Duration: 19:15.
Shadowlands My Buddy recording with Charlie David, Marc Devigne & Michael Daniel Murphy - Duration: 7:08.
(slow jazz)
- The mating season episode of Shadowlands
takes place right after the second World War,
so I was looking for music that really evoked that era.
So we have some kind of "Teen Angel" type of stuff,
some early Rockabilly, but when I came
across this song called "My Buddy," I was really excited.
"My Buddy" was originally written in 1922,
and it's been covered by many, many famous artists,
from Frank Sinatra, his daughter, Nancy Sinatra,
Doris Day, Chet Baker, Bobby Darin, et cetera.
And it's a very unique song because it's a love song
and yet the term of endearment is "my buddy,"
which is kind of a unique term to use
from a man to a woman or a woman to a man,
so to me there was an immediate gay undertone to it.
- It's actually pretty special.
This song is quite special due to the history that it has.
I think it kind of had a resurgence in the '50s
but actually was written quite some time before that.
And now to be bringing it back today,
it's kind of interesting, and that's why we wanted
to take this song and, yes, kind of pay homage
to the time period when it was first written
and when it was relevant, but bring it back,
still paying homage to that, but with a bit of a twist
and our own maybe current take on it.
- When we arrived in the studio, I knew we were going
to do the piano and the bass together at the same time
because they play well together and we thought
it would save time, and especially if there's
no metronome or a drum, it's just nicer
to have that kind of feel as a rhythm session
of piano and base together, but to have the vocals
at the same time today, and together,
was a really nice surprise.
I was actually ... I thought it would be more complicated
to organize, but actually, Fred said it was actually
really simple.
But I'm glad to have done it because I think
it's going to be hard to go back now
and record in other ways because it's so real.
I miss that aspect, actually.
That's what I love about old recordings.
There's life to them, you know.
- Michael Daniel Murphy is the music director
for the song, and so he's really pulled together
this team of artists and musicians and the engineer
to create the song today.
To me, it's so exciting to come into the studio
and record music live.
Generally, for music in film and television,
we often license tracks from musicians
because that's just a more inexpensive way to do it,
but there's something that's very magical
about bring artists together and creating something live.
- I listened to a lot of versions, first of all,
and the approach to arranging song is Charlie also
sent us an idea of what the scene was about,
so that was really important to me,
and yeah, I just thought simplicity just in terms
of even our scheduling, our time.
So we were like, "Okay, let's simplify."
I play the piano.
So let's do piano.
We'll figure out the arrangement with the voices.
But I also ... the first time I actually heard this song
was Chet Baker playing the trumpet,
and I just felt like I wanted that kind of like ...
Especially with the possible war themes,
or the whole theme in writing letters,
or this whole duet aspect, I thought it would be nice
to bring a trumpet into it, because I think it really
creates kind of a classic vintage feel,
but also that era, and it's a beautiful instrument.
So we actually used the flugelhorn, piano,
and upright bass to just kind of ...
Without having a full percussion ensemble
or little drum kit, we'd have a bass
to give it some life there,
because I think there's a slow dance that happens
at this moment, so yeah.
- In terms of the lyrics of the song, they are unique
in that this was written in 1922, and we have lines
like, "The touch of your hand, the sound of your voice."
"I'm missing you, my buddy."
To me, hearing those words today, it's hard to imagine them
as not being some type of relationship.
Certainly a very special friendship.
- Well, strangely enough for me,
I had never heard this song,
so when I first heard it when Charlie gave me
the song to listen to, I thought it was quite clear ...
I mean possibly, because today listening to these lyrics
of a man saying "my buddy," it came off a bit strange.
I remember even getting on the phone with him,
and being like, "Was this clear to everyone else?"
It really does sound, again, taking it in our modern day,
that it's words of affection towards someone else.
Now, there are a lot of artists that have covered it.
Doris Day has covered it.
And coming from a woman, it was just a different feel.
So it is interesting.
I don't quite know the answer to that,
whether some people sang it ...
Millions and millions of people have heard this song,
and whatever way they interpreted it ...
I'm curious, actually, whether their interpretation
was back then as it is now, because I played this song
for quite a few people and they were like,
"Well, sounds pretty clear to me what it means now."
But again, back then where possibly being gay
and stuff like that was very taboo,
and not something you would hear on radio and media
and stuff like that, so whether there was an undercurrent
of that or whether it just went right over people's heads
and it wasn't even the message, I'm not quite sure.
But the relevance of today I think, for me,
when it first hit me, it really sounded quite clear,
especially when a man sang it, so, yeah.
- "My Buddy" was originally written in 1922,
which is almost 100 years ago, so I think it's pretty cool
what we're doing today, to be in Montreal,
in a recording studio, a bunch of artists
coming together to bring this story back to life,
one more time.
I mean, it's been recorded over and over
because it is a classic.
There's something special about this song
that rings true for people, that touches people,
and so I can only imagine what the original writers
would think if they knew that a century later,
in Montreal, a bunch of Canadians have gotten together
to record this song for a TV show.
I think it's pretty exciting.
(slow piano music)
James Woods Launches Fresh Attack, Exposes Side Of Oprah The Media Is Hiding - Duration: 2:36.
James Woods Launches Fresh Attack, Exposes Side Of Oprah The Media Is Hiding.
Just months ago, the media and other forces of the left rejoiced the idea of Oprah Winfrey
becoming the next President of the Unites States all over a speech she gave at the Golden
And as America waits to see if the famous former talk show host plans to make a run
against Trump in 2020, conservative actor James Woods is being pro-active and planning
for the worst.
On Friday night, Woods unleashed a fresh attack on Oprah and slammed her where it hurts.
Woods, being the Californian resident that he is, has watched the Golden State slowly
transform to ruins as a result of failed liberal policy.
And although Democrats and liberal celebrities talk so much about how we should care for
those in need, Woods completely exposed just how hypocritical they can be and put his main
focus on Oprah with a viral video.
Woods included a 15 second video that shows several homeless people camping out along
a street and he stated:
"This is the sidewalk next to Oprah Winfrey's studio in West Hollywood.
She has done extensive, and truly beautiful renovations to The Lot.
Brand new apartments were built across the street.
The new resident families cannot walk their children on the sidewalk to the local school."
Watch the Video :
With a bitter reality bomb like the one James Woods just dropped, it will be tough for Oprah
to issue a rebuttal that would work in her favor.
Afterall, the party that wants her to represent them in the 2020 election (Democrats) are
primarily responsible for the policy that is causing damage to California citizens,
like the ones shown in the video, at the expense of taking care of immigrants who are coming
to America illegally.
And even worse than that, Oprah, who is worth multi-millions can gladly prance in her studio,
while hundreds of people suffer outside.
Why isn't she trying to do something about the problem and helping the needy?
Hats off to James Woods for exposing more hypocrisy of the left.
What do you think about this?
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